– What is Future Responsibilities and why did they give $10k to Tim Eyman’s latest initiative?
– Endorsements from Geov Parrish
– Endorsement from Seattle Transit Blog for Seattle and the suburbs.
by Carl Ballard — ,
– What is Future Responsibilities and why did they give $10k to Tim Eyman’s latest initiative?
– Endorsements from Geov Parrish
– Endorsement from Seattle Transit Blog for Seattle and the suburbs.
Car trouble while black…in Florida, that’s not a good thing.
“Florida cops kill black man who pulled over with car trouble — and then refuse to tell family why”
I seriously doubt that this guy wants to face Hillary on Thursday.
“Rep Trey Gowdy admits he altered the documents that he used to make false claims against Hillary Clinton in a response to a letter from Rep Elijah Cummings.”
The loon’s head will explode when he sees that this thread has started with links to both Raw Story and Crooks & Liars. Apparently those sites are to a wingnut as what sunlight is to a vampire – heads explode.
@2 So Republicans are tampering with evidence to frame Hillary? Who would’ve guessed? Sounds like the local police station.
I tend to agree with Geov regarding the assessor’s race. Wilson’s campaign rhetoric sounds all to much like deja Harley Hoppe all over again.
from previous thread
“@55 If puddy hates abortion so much, why doesn’t he advocate for birth control, sex ed and the empowerment of women. All have been proven to dramatically reduce the number of abortions. Yet he never explains why he doesn’t, in a meaningful way.”
Maybe he doesn’t hate abortion….maybe he likes using it as a political wedge issue. Or maybe he just hates people enjoying sex for recreation or for just a display of love and affection. Sex is carnival like for him.
I don’t see how they can say Hillary “won” the debate when Bernie’s poll numbers are moving up and hers aren’t.
Eyman’s latest tax gambit may not be a slam-dunk after all.
“A new poll finds that support for Tim Eyman’s Initiative 1366 has slipped as voters start to mail in ballots in the Nov. 3 election. The Elway Poll released Monday finds the I-1366 contest dead even, with 42 percent of those polled in favor and 42 percent opposed to Eyman’s latest proposal. That’s down from the 13-point lead I-1366 had in a July Elway Poll, when 49 percent were in favor and 36 percent opposed.”
That is an interesting discussion point:
“if bush and his administration bear no responsibility for 9/11 at all, how do you then make the jump that President Obama and Secretary Clinton are responsible for what happened at Benghazi?”
The republican argument seems to be it’s only wrong if it happens to a Democrat. Seems hypocritical to me, but then, I’m a Democrat.
Now for some good news: The GOP is doomed.
“Millennials, the most socially liberal generation ever, are increasing their share of the electorate as more conservative cohorts die off. And every year, the racial minority share of the population rises by 0.4 percent. The net result is simple: Every four years, roughly 2 percent of the population leans further left. …
“There are no obvious solutions. If Republicans move to the center—as Democrats did in the ’80s—they risk losing the support of their base. If they move to the right, they lose moderates and independents. …
” … Republicans literally couldn’t find a single plausible candidate willing to be Speaker of the House. No one wanted to deal with the bomb-throwing antics of the reactionary wing of their own party. …
“It’s hard to see any way out of this. If Republican candidates appeal to nativism, they lose the Hispanic vote. If they appeal to social conservatives, they lose the millennial vote. If they appeal to older white voters, they energize black voters and do the Democrats’ grassroots organizing for them. And if they throw up their hands and rely on endless hysteria about Benghazi and Hillary Clinton’s email server, the tea partiers will turn out in droves but they lose everyone else. …
“Increasingly, this is the GOP’s true dilemma. It’s not the party of no ideas; it’s the party of no escape.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The bad news is that a cornered animal becomes even more dangerous. The GOP is successful at only one thing: Appealing to every banal human instinct there is. They’re now a party of racists, bigots, haters of all stripes, warmongers and torturers, and suckups to Wall Street kleptomaniacs. How can reasonable people (and rabbits) not find them repulsive? Their future, if they have one, lies in subverting democracy with voter suppression, gerrymandering, smear campaigns, etc. They can take a sort of comfort from the fact that Hitler didn’t need majorities to sustain his power. Their tactics take pages from his book; Republicans are openly stocking up on guns, verbalizing about overthrowing our elected government, and threatening to kill their political opponents. The question is, has the world learned how to defeat the forces of evil before they can get entrenched in illegitimately-seized power?
Well, waddya know, despite the best efforts of the Benghazi witch hunters, Sidney Blumenthal comes off as clean as a whistle.
What Do Employers Want?
A lot. They want you to be educated, fully trained, and job-ready; to show up on time and every day; to be willing to work odd hours and perform variegated tasks; and to go out in weather and/or perform dangerous work. According to the AARP Foundation, they want you to have all of the following skills:
Oral Communication
Thinking Creatively
Decision Making
Problem Solving
… and they want the following personal qualities:
Self Confidence
Self Control
Social Skills
Adaptable and Flexible
Team Spirit
Punctual and Efficient
Self Directed
Good Work Attitude
Well Groomed
Self Motivated
The funny thing is, many employers believe that while their own “entrepreneurial skills” deserve millions in compensation, workers with all of the above skills are worth only $7.25 to $10.00 an hour. Is it possible that employers are overpaid, and workers are underpaid?
Working sucks, and not just because work sucks. It also sucks because workers are overworked, underpaid, disrespected, mistreated, bullied, and abused. It’s simple logic that unless you’re a self-hating masochist it’s better to be paid $1,000 a day for owning stock (and doing nothing else) than to work your ass off for a jerk boss for $10 an hour. In a society that worships capitalists and despises workers, why would anyone want to be a worker? I don’t work. I sleep late, don’t have to commute, answer to no one, and live off the fat of the land. I’m not saying it’s right, I’m only saying it’s the system, and I just go with the flow. You should, too. If you have only one ambition in life, it should be to accumulate as much stock as you can, so you can become a well-paid idle sloth like me. The world will love you for it. Sounds weird, and it IS weird; but then, you humans are a weird species.
@10 Probably not.
@ Steve @ 2
Manufacturing or altering evidence in the course of a Federal or Congressional investigation is a Felony, punishable by ten years in a Federal penitentiary.
Seems to me we could easily put the whole lot in prison quite easily.
Cool clock, Ahmed. You can bring it to the White House but keep it the fuck away from me.
Charlie SpieringVerified account
Josh Earnest says that Obama will NOT likely meet with Ahmed Mohamed during WH Astronomy event
It’s not surprising Obama is avoiding Clock Boy, now.
After all, Obama
wanted to be the first alleged war criminal
Ahmed Mohamed: US ‘clock boy’ meets Sudan leader
to meet with him.
In which Goldy
Goldy @GoldyHA
Walmart CEO on raising wages: “Bottom line — it’s working.” http://civicskunkworks.com/wal.....s-working/ …
takes Wal-Mart’s CEO at his word.
@ 2
I seriously doubt that this guy wants to face Hillary on Thursday.
I’m looking forward to Friday’s Open Thread, myself.
How about Rubio/Webb?
Jim Webb Mulling Independent Run for the White House
Too soon?
Wow, bob sounds like puddy today. Notice the mechanism of his venom and hate is a black boy. It’s a pattern of his.
It really seems to get on bob’s nerves that even the Wal-Mart CEO doesn’t agree with bob!
Web who?
Rubio who?
@ 22
One of the reasons the Wal-Mart CEO said minimum wage increases were working is that same-store sales were up.
And they were – 1.5% year-over-year in Q2. Which, after accounting for inflation, is awfully close to zero.
Meanwhile, Target was up 2.4%.
@16 When you rightwing haters can’t find anyone else to pick on, you go after kids. What a class act.
@20 Why not? If Webb can get 1% of the vote as a Democrat, maybe he could get 1% of the vote as a Republican or independent, too.
At least Bob is an equal opportunity hater. Gotta give him that when he picks on Walmart’s CEO, too.
@21 Maybe Bob and Puddy have an agreement that Bob will operate as a stand-in for Puddy when Puddy isn’t around.
Thanks for the link to Geov Parrish. I’m on board with his endorsements pretty much all the way. On Prop 1, I’m dismayed to be in agreement with some of the most reactionary elements in Seattle (no, traffic congestion isn’t due to bicycles) but the city has clearly indicated that the big money goes to enhance developer projects with a sidewalk or two for the masses.
By the way, speaking of development projects, does anyone have an idea what is the market value of the former Muni Court site? The idea of giving away that parcel in return for part of it being called a civic plaza strikes me as insane. Recall the WaMu building getting development bonuses for making the 2nd floor atrium a “public space.” Great deal, put up a small sign that says public use and get extra stories of tower.
It takes an exceptionally mean and petty $500,000-a-year doctor to begrudge Walmart workers getting a raise to $10-an-hour. I wonder if Bob’s mother dropped him on his head when he was an infant? Or maybe Bob is just pissed that he might have to pay an extra 3 cents for a loaf of bread. For someone of his social standing, it takes a lot of effort to bend over and pick up pennies in the parking lot, and he doesn’t spend them lightly.
@29 Actually, the city doesn’t own the old public safety/muni court site. It sold that property to Triad in 2007 for $25 million, and the vacant lot was assessed in 2014 at $28,560,000. Any way you slice it, that’s a lot of invested capital gathering dust.
Only read as far as post #17. Look who is here and wrong again. Obama did meet with clock boy. Bu my what if he didn’t? Did Boob even have s point? His sources of information seem to be of idiots.
Welcome back you boring stiff.
I see the Dow is back over 17000. That is disappointing. Why can’t the matket just crash already!
Hey Libtards & RINOs,
It’s now 91 consecutive days the Donald has led in the polls.
And Bush III wants to talk about how his brother kept us safe on 9-11.
You know whose amnesty hands are covered in 9-11 blood?
“Many of the 9/11 hijackers were able to obtain Florida driver’s licenses or identification cards — and train freely in the state — while Jeb Bush was governor.”
I’ve been gone a couple years. What have I missed? Is Puddy still spewing his lovable nonsense?
Rabbit @31: I might well be wrong but numerous sources indicate that all Triad has is a purchase and sale agreement that would transfer ownership of the parcel to Triad in exchange for them building a civic plaza valued at $25 million.
@36 This is still the same old Horsesass.org, with the same tiresome trolls, that you’ve come to love so much.
Canada held an election today and liberals won a crushing victory. Stephen Harper and his Conservatives are out; Justin Trudeau and his Liberals are in. It wasn’t close.
Some people never give up. This guy even wants to fly the Confederate flag where it has never flown before.
More proof that state business subsidies don’t buy the jobs that taxpayers are paying for: Small businesses create 2/3 of new jobs, but Big Business pockets 90 – 98% of the subsidy money.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Let’s quit giving away public money to entities like Boeing and spend it on education instead.
@16 When you rightwing haters can’t find anyone else to pick on, you go after kids.
Oh Roger, being the IDIOT again? http://www.thegatewaypundit.co.....in-a-fire/
Standard FASCIST libtard actions. Shut up the opponent. That’s all that matters! What a class act.
@36 HEY PL! Yes indeed the fool “Puddy” I call the babbling jackass these days.
It deserves nothing more.
Still the same. A tad worse if you can believe it.
Welcome back!
“Web who?” 1% of the Democratic national poll
“Rubio who?” 10% of the Republican National poll
Bob put money on Walker, then Fiorina, and then saw both plummet. Bob is looking like a jinx. Poor Rubio. He’s probably doomed now.
Ah, Puddy’s still here. Some new trolls. An election season. I can’t wait to re-engage. Did you know that state inmates are deprived of Internet access?
39) I was listening to my CBC Radio App, and they knew it was big when the Liberals came out of Atlantic Canada, with more seats than they won in 2011.
@36. Boob is still here. Boring as ever, if not even more boring than before.
He says a lot of nothing – usually just the opposite of what he has to say happens. Ever since the Romney victory he has been 100% wrong about everything.
The mentality of the mental. Regardless of whether the biker shouldn’t have been passing and in a way being reckless, the mentality of the old man, not because he didn’t care, is just classic tea party conservatism at its best. It’s like he gets so upset that the biker is doing the wrong thing he retaliates by even doing a worse thing then thinks his actions were ok. Mental Puffyism.
Driver Slams Into Motorcyclist, Then Says ‘I Don’t Care’ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....35616.html
So hearsay counts as facts in conservative land? “Pearson was told by several other students in his class that teacher Michael Garrison said CJ is blah blah blah….”
That reads like something from the mccarthy witch hunts.
“The remarks were relayed to Pearson by another student on Facebook, Carraway said. The girl told Pearson that Garrison said Pearson had “copied and pasted vocabulary” words and sent them out to his sixth-grade science class, sharing material he should not have, and that Garrison said Pearson thought he was “all that and a bag of chips” and “not worth saving in a fire.”
Carraway said all 25 children in Garrison’s class were interviewed Wednesday to determine what actually happened.
She said they were able to verify that the teacher had made comments about the vocabulary test, but that was all. ”
Trying to find real facts, turns up some interesting ones about the kid.
Apparently, he’s like the republican bengzie committee and will falsify documents to spin a story. He wanted to claim Obama blocked him, so he made it up.
If puddy comments at all on repeating hearsay from a kid who will cheat and make up stuff, i’m sure it will be something about about “truth having a liberal bias” and the Blaze is some liberal rag and not be trusted.
Repeating hearsay is what libtards do every day @49.
Don’t remember the George Bush gravitas moment?
Now it appears this happened and you are all up in arms because the attack is from a libtard?
And now you run to Glenn Beck? He’s you fact standard?
Meanwhile actor James Woods has it right about the recent DUMMOCRETIN debate… “They talk about fixing USA after two terms of a Democrat President. I guess these debates endorse the idea of Obama’s catastrophic failure.”
Arsenio Hall nailed it too… “Tonight’s Democratic debate is going to be terribly boring! Maybe Donald Trump can make a surprise moderator cameo? Ask a question or two!”
Remember when Heilary’s favorite actress was under fire for her stooooooooopid show… http://www.ew.com/article/2014.....end-nudity
Remember the libtards at the Daily News were fed up… http://www.nydailynews.com/ent.....-1.1571491
Downright interesting… http://www.politico.com/story/.....ess-214891 Maybe one is looking to become Heilary’s Josh NotSoEarnest in the daily presser?
Alba will be blacklisted soon enough!
Wait for the misogynist attacks even though Puddy just found the article “interesting”!
Meanwhile the libtards are trying to rewrite history again… http://www.wsj.com/articles/da.....1445295792
Are the climate change Hollyweird libtards STILL using over their water allotment in drought stricken California since May? http://pagesix.com/2015/05/09/3941513/
Bernie Bernie Bernie… http://fusion.net/story/216948.....w-economy/ It’s great to see Heilary on video record to be just as much as a DUMMOCRETIN Socialist as Sanders.
Conservatives trumpet that they give more to charity, but the numbers that little of it makes to the people who need the charity. Non Profits are much better at actually providing charity.
“The Mormon Church, for example, spends roughly 0.7% of its annual income on charity. Their study of 271 congregations found an average of 71% of revenues going to ‘operating expenses’…Compare this to the American Red Cross, which uses 92.1% of revenues for physical assistance and just 7.9% on operating expenses. The authors also note that Wal-Mart, for instance, gives about $1.75 billion in food aid to charities each year, or twenty-eight times all of the money allotted for charity by the United Methodist Church and almost double what the LDS Church has given in the last twenty-five years.”
Unlike the DNC where they have the Coronated Clinton Candidate Process (CCCP), Reince Preibus has said “It is up to Republican voters to decide who our nominee is, not the RNC.”
What a refreshing difference in how one party lets the people decide while the feminists have already decided and these “debates” are just another farce put forth by DUMMOCRETINS!
“The Mormon Church, for example, spends roughly 0.7% of its annual income on charity. Their study of 271 congregations found an average of 71% of revenues going to ‘operating expenses’…
That’s the church of triple the pressure man @1. Wow thanks for the information @57
“Ah, Puddy’s still here.”
And more batshit insane than ever.
Welcome back, proudleftist!
I got distracted for a couple years. Puddy does seem more crazy than I remember. So good to see the term “libtard” again. Has he somehow curved even more around a bend that already seemed unbendable? I must say, my feelings are hurt that Puddy hasn’t welcomed me back.