– This story about puppy mills in Lewis County will break your heart.
– The Burden of a Black President
– Charming people watching the previous debate.
– I love this XKCD piece on presidential election conventional wisdom.
by Carl Ballard — ,
– This story about puppy mills in Lewis County will break your heart.
– The Burden of a Black President
– Charming people watching the previous debate.
– I love this XKCD piece on presidential election conventional wisdom.
Hoping for an Obama surge after Debate #2?
Maybe not so much.
In the two nights of polling conducted since the debate, Romney has a slight advantage.
Hopenchange, baby.
Michigan and Ohio both lost jobs in September
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released its monthly Regional and State Employment and Unemployment report today showing a weakening economy in some key swing states. According to the BLS the key battleground state of Ohio lost 12,800 jobs in September while neighboring Michigan lost 13,000.
Just in time for the final homestretch.
Oh, and Romney’s got plenty of cash.
That’s not a tingle running up your leg, HA libbies. It’s a trickle of something running down.
Florida’s red to stay.
Our pick for president: Romney
There’s one more debate, then you’ll see Obama closing up shop in the South.
@3–Shocking a Liberal rag like the Orlando Sentinel would endorse Romney.
Obama will need to have his dochebags juice the employment numbers again.
BTW, why haven’t the last numbers been revised yet?? Obviously they have the info and are sitting on it.
Romney has met with numerous Newspaper Boards while Obama is glad handing with Hollywood 1%ers. Obama has apparently met with no newspapers boards. Big mistake in these swing states. Look at Iowa for example.
Your favorite rag, Huffpo, does an article on this http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....59519.html
Sounds like Obama is lazy or taking a lot for granted. Big Mistake.
Obama’s Foreign policy sure is workin’ good.
Bomb blast in Beirut likely linked to Syria. The whole place is blowing up. Obama has made things much, much worse and Romney will expose him in the 3rd debate.
See, more lying.
I think guys who think pregnancy can’t contribute to death of the mother ought to be drummed out of Congress.
Of course, I also have this silly idea that guys who think that population shifts on an island could cause the island to tip over
also shouldn’t be representatives of the people, and Hank Johnson’s still around, so what do I know.
In the debates you saw Romney trying to “Etch-a-Sketch” his campaign, disclaiming positions he claimed only up to a few weeks previously.
But it appears that there’s another reason for Romney being able to switch positions so many times:
Romney Reboot Button
Hey right wingers..
I bet you holier than thou idiots really got a kick out of right wing hypocrite Dinesh D’Souza carrying on with a woman not-his-wife and getting fired from that college he ran.
A college run by Campus Crusade for Christ????
Poor baby, mustabeen a “victim” of “Obama’s America”…
How many tickets did you buy to that worthless crapumentary?
Conservative trolls:
Romney is doomed.
You know it.
Give up.
Republicanist trolls:
Democracy is good.
Republicanism is stupid.
Give up.
Better dead than red.
Obama spinning toward a loss
Obama can expect, even if he wins another debate on Oct. 22, that this will remain a tight race or that Romney will begin to break away at the end. Obama’s September surge resulted from an increase in Democratic enthusiasm, which is waning. As Romney has hardened his support among Republicans, he is also winning over new voters, leaving Obama with the task of exciting his base of Latinos, women, African-Americans and young voters. Without enough of them he loses. With less than three weeks to go it’s hard to see where he finds that excitement.
HA types seem not to appreciate that an improved performance by Obama in the second debate does not undo the damage he caused himself in the first one.
70 million people saw Obama perform miserably the first time. 65+ million people saw Obama do somewhat better the second time.
Each time they saw a Mitt Romney who appeared presidential, and who did well enough in the second debate to score convincing points in the one topic that really matters to people, the economy.
The shift in public support is ongoing and will continue. As a result of what Obama said about AK-47s, the NRA emptied its bank account and is currently blanketing eastern OH and western PA with ads about it. The youth turnout will be down, Latino turnout will be down, and AA turnout won’t be enough to create for Obama the new votes he needs. He’s in freefall with support from women. Men already hate his guts. Independents side with Romney.
One more debate, centered on foreign policy. Does anyone REALLY think that Benghazi is a winner for Obama? How about Israel? Russia?
The last debate, centered on the topic people care a whole lot less about than the economy, very likely won’t change what people already have seen. The economy shouldn’t re-elect ANY incumbent, and in fact will not.
People supported Obama because he made them afraid of what they knew about the alternative. Now they’ve seen the alternative. No need to fear any more.
Game over.
Romney’s fixation on what word was said when with
regards to Benghazi,
rather than on the substance of what actually
happened in Benghazi,
shows clearly how the Republicanists have become
victims of their own newspeak.
@ 16
Rael, this is the only ‘speak’ about Benghazi that should count:
‘My son is not very optimal – he is very dead’: Mother of diplomat killed in Benghazi attack slams Obama’s comment on raid
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new.....z29lfAPWEo
You seem to think that somehow Benghazi is a winning issue for Obama, Rael. Do you really think the takeaway memory from the second debate would have occurred without Crowley’s intervention, and do you really think that the same thing is possible with Bob Schieffer running things Monday night, especially when Team Obama declined to provide a representative when his show covered the topic this past Sunday?
As a group, conservatives appear to be mean and vindictive people. Serial “It’s acceptable to humiliate and degrade any stranger until they earn his respect” Conservative sure is, and he’s proud of it.
@ 17
So the same guy that passed out incorrect information last week, an avowed Democrat, now passes out information that donors are ‘pulling money out of’ the charity?
I’m curious: Once you write a check and it’s cashed, how do you get your money back?
If you’re into placing blame, there’s only one place to point the finger for this:
the right wing.
Homeless Republican US House #2 Candidate Hawaii’s “Smoker Guy” Kalika Crowley takes a fall and breaks his wrist. I wonder if he is going to rant against Obamacare at the Doctors office?
@18. got links to facts? Otherwise you just lying to make yourself and your position look good.
Maybe it’s that Brian J. Antal has voted democratic in the past. I guess in Serial “It’s acceptable to humiliate and degrade any stranger until they earn his respect” Conservative, this means it’s perfectly ok to destroy his charity.
I thought this was an interesting viewpoint.
Voted Democrat in primaries = an avowed Democrat?
(Avowed? 1. To acknowledge openly, boldly, and unashamedly; confess. ) and therefor a target for destruction when he points out he didn’t want Ryan because he feared it would cost his charity donations.
Another reason I find republican politics loathsome
I guess it’s only bad if a democrat does it. It’s all about the power.
Employment picture improves again:
Any “trufers” out there got anything to say? I thought you idiots said things were going in a bad direction.
@ 22
A guy who:
1) Has already given out incorrect information that had to be corrected about whether the dishes were clean or dirty.
2) Has called himself an independent voter but has a Democrat primary voting record going back 17 years (to 1995)
seems to be a guy with difficulty accurately stating facts.
And yet you believe that people are withdrawing money from a charity because he says so?
They might be withholding future contributions because of the stupid stunt he pulled when he lied about what happened, ever consider that, NTfF?
I just figured out why the conservatives are all upset about Benghazi and not harping on the economy and all those republican jobs bills they passed, they have Romnesia.
Mitt didn’t show his tax returns, it doesn’t matter, conservatives have Romnesia.
@25. Now you are just being willfully ignorant. Whatever.
@ 26, 27
NTfF, trying out his anti-Puddybud impression.
From Slate …
Utah’s Salt Lake Tribune endorses Obama.
“George W. Bush was our greatest President” Romnesia has traveled all the way to Hawaii and has infected Republican Linda Linge who was just exposed with a preexisting condition in Honolulu. http://www.staradvertiser.com/.....68081.html
@29 – re: “Romnesia”
… no, it’s from a recent political speech by President Obama …
Mitt’s Romnesia
How not to act like you’re part of the party that supports women:
Just to completely spell it out:
Since the Republicanists consistenly shorten the correct name of the Democratic party to the “Democrat” party, Democratic candidates, particularly in close races, might return the favor by lengthening Republican to Republicanist, and/or shortening it to red.
This wont mean much to youngsters but should have a demoralizing effect on the older, whiter, dumber, more easily manipulated Republicanist base due to cold war era resonances.
@ 34
You know that every time I do that it’s intentional, just to piss someone off.
If I recall the Congressional Black Caucus did it inadvertently on a big banner during a primary debate in 2008. Heh.
Team Obama strategy for the final 2 1/2 weeks.
1. Romnesia.
2. Big Bird
3. O’Donnell v. Taggart
4. Fluke
5. Seamus
6. Binders
Did I leave anything out?
What was it about losing campaigns making elections about small things that Obama mentioned four years ago?
“How not to act like you’re part of the party that supports women:”
No shit. That kind of misogynistic aggression should be confined to that other party!
Don’t think Obama is going to score big points in Debate 3.
Pretty much everything that needs to be said, has been said.
Romney has already won Debate 3, and Obama knows it
It’s the economy. Period.
The problem with ‘public’ charter schools is that they are managed by private companies — with axes and agendas of their own.
@ 39
Yeah, you’d never see a government-managed program with an agenda of its own.
I wonder if Romnesia will have greater staying power than Obamneycare.
re 38: Most people understand that it was Republican policies that got us into this mess.
It’s delusional to suppose that voters view Romney as some sort of viable alternative to those failed policies.
“Did I leave anything out?”
Yes…lots and lots and lots of stuff. For example:
1. 47%
2. “Trust me” on economic plan details
3. Tax plan math that defies fundamental laws of mathematics
4. Severe Conservative Mitt™ versus Moderate Mitt™
5. Defunding planned parenthood
6. Turning Medicare into coupons
7. Privatizing Social Security
8. Repealing Obamney Care.
9. Mitt’s War on Pornography™
10. Mitt flip-flop on abortion
11. Mitt Romney, “This [coal] plant kills!”
12. “Let Detroit Go Bankrupt”
13. Where’s the Tax Returns???
14. Self-deportation!
15. Secret off-shore bank accounts
16. Threat to veto the Dream Act.
Shall I go on???
re 40: How droll.
Darryl @ 43:
14 and 16 could get coverage in a foreign policy debate.
Your points are noted and Obama could use them in ads.
Of course, right now the ads are about binders and such.
How different is Romney’s flip-flop on abortion from Obama’s on gay marriage? Is it because Romney’s switch was creationist while Obama’s was evolutionary?
I predict it will last 3 more weeks,
then be completely forgotten…
just like Romney.
Arithmetic… Math is too dignified..
If you don’t approve of abortion, don’t get one.
If you don’t approve gay marriage, don’t marry someone of the same gender.
If you do approve of gay marriage, you cannot get one that has all the rights and privileges that straight people demand and expect.
But you knew that. You are just being willfully stupid.
“Of course, right now the ads are about binders and such.”
Here is where you are mistaken. The ads are not really about binders, per se. That was funny, particularly coming from a man who has an image of one commoditizing women (if not people in general).
Rather, the ads are about a man who was asked about equal pay for women and told an anecdote that hand nothing to do with pay equality. He didn’t have an answer and ended up accidentally demeaning women in the process. (Obviously, he meant a “binder full of women’s resumes).
How different is Romney’s flip-flop on abortion from Obama’s on gay marriage? Is it because Romney’s switch was creationist while Obama’s was evolutionary?
They are similar in that they both opportunistic flip flops tracking political winds of change. (Everyone knows Obama had no problem with same-sex marriage for many years before he ran for POTUS).
But there are some differences:
— Mitt Romney, by virtue of being governor of a deeply blue state, and then needing to run as a “severe conservative” has a deep record of flippity floppitying. He is, essentially, a man who has taken at least 2 positions on so many issues that even his Republican opponents were pointing out his utter lack of a moral backbone.
— Mitt Romney’s campaign spokesperson actually admitted on TV that Romney is “etch-a-sketching”—that is, re-making himself for political expediency. This gives the impression of a politicial and man who has no moral compass, but will say ANYTHING to get elected. The same cannot be said of Obama.
— Obama’s flip flop was a move from a backward’s position to one that more broadly engenders human rights and equality. Romney is flip flop, from someone who “strongly supports a woman’s right to choose” because of (supposedly) an Aunt who died from an abortion, to a “strongly pro-life person”.
— Obama has been forthcoming about his “evolving position.” Romney tries to remake himself, rewrite history, and is not forthcoming about his own evolution.
“Is it because Romney’s switch was creationist while Obama’s was evolutionary?”
What the fuck are you babbling about now?
Darryl @ 49
Timeline of Obama’s ‘Evolving’ on Same-Sex Marriage – ABC News
abcnews.go.com/…/timeline-of-obamas-evolving-on-same-sex-marri…May 9, 2012 – President Obama will sit down with “Good Morning America” anchor Robin Roberts … Timeline of Obama’s ‘Evolving’ on Same-Sex Marriage …
The ‘evolution’ of Obama’s stance on gay marriage – NBC Politics
nbcpolitics.nbcnews.com/_…/11623172-the-evolution-of-obamas-sta…May 9, 2012 – “My feelings about this are constantly evolving,” Obama said about same-sex marriage in December of 2010. Carolyn Kaster / AP. President …
Why is President Obama still “evolving” on gay marriage? – The …
May 7, 2012 – THE FIX | While legalizing gay marriage is becoming the majority position in the country, it’s not supported by the sort of large majorities that …
I thought it was pretty well known that Obama’s unwillingness to embrace gay marriage was couched in a manner that suggested he might in the future – at some point when a flip-flop wouldn’t be at a political cost. He was reported by many to be ‘evolving’ on the issue.
I played off of that. Or, babbled, if you prefer.
Good luck, y’all, with that Romnesia thing. There won’t be any unintended consequences. Don’t worry about it.
Joe @KDX125
#Obamnesia – failures so catastrophic you forget about them, see also “$16 trillion debt” & “Solyndra” @keder @michellemalkin @MittRomney
19 Oct 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite
Howard Roark@shortwave8669
#Romnesia If you think Austrians speak Austrian you have #Obamnesia
19 Oct 12 ReplyRetweetFavorite
Tabitha Beaman@tabithabeaman
#Obamnesia is when you blast your opponent for transporting a dog on his car roof while you forget you actually ate a dog once.
The more ‘agressive’ a stance Romney takes in the third debate, the more it will remind viewers of the way he approached the moderator’s podium in #2 and proceeded to make a liar and an ass of himself — which he will also do in the third debate.
Romney can’t help himself: He is an ass and a liar.
This is hilarious:
R O M N E Y M E N !!!
i.e. cowardly chickenhawks!
I doubt this will have much effect on the race, but the Salt Lake Tribune coming out for Obama isn’t exactly a good sign for Romney.
Fascist dunce… the story was delivered by your peeps on this blog as an attack on Ryan. The first one was from dunceman.
Then Carl linked to it on http://horsesass.org/?p=46879. Too bad you are such a douchebag fascist. Wait… you are the used water from the douchebag! You prove libtardiness is a 24 hour mindless moonbat memory malady!
@ 54
SLC newspaper controlled by a hedge fund
After emerging from bankruptcy in 2010, MediaNews Group lost control of its ownership to a hedge fund, Alden Global Capital. (Wiki)
endorses Obama.
go figure.
Lewis County is a laboratory for what happens when anti-regulation and pro-“property rights” Republicans dominate local government. You end up with an anything-goes environment that attracts exploitive people from all over the state.
1 & 2: What are you going to do if you wake up on Nov. 6 disappointed? Swallow a whole bottle of pain pills? Shoot yourself? Jump off a bridge?
Oh noes… the libtard press gonna have a stroke over this Benghazi information. So now we really know Obummer trying to throw someone else under de bus, CIA peeps. It can’t be Hillary cuz Obummer needs Bill Clinton to lean on in his times of trouble. Romney was right last night at the Al Smith dinner…
Remember we were told it was the “fog of war” except there was no war in Libya. We weren’t fighting anyone. Just a big fat coverup by Obummer’s sadministration.
“I played off of that. Or, babbled, if you prefer.”
Right…I understand the “evolutionary”, but the “creationist” part didn’t make sense. You were punning!
@59 Puddles,
“Please proceed Governor”
Eva Longoria, what a stooooooooooooooopid twit! She used the first VOWEL in the alphabet best used for gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeman!
Libtards in the movies/teevee are the most vile 1%ers known to man/woman. She was a useless actress on that stoooooooopid sunday night show and even her husband Tony Parker left her.
58: He’ll be cut loose by the Romney campaign and have to get a real job. Fortunately, the employment picture is slowly improving.
Hey FlubScout… Remember Obummer couldn’t wait to leave WA DC the next day to go to Vegas and Colorado to campaign and tell us it was a movie. That will be a great statement next Monday. Seems David Petraeus is striking back at Obummer too!
Person Playing Puddybud,
When will your character give up the pretense that “Obama never called it terrorism for two weeks”?
That is objectively, provable FALSE. I can show you a video of Obama calling it terrorism the next morning. I previously posted a video of Obama calling it terrorism on the campaign trail two days after the attack.
Your character is repeating make-up right-wing FAUX News-feeding-frenzy bullshit.
When Mitt Romney bought into it, he got his ass handed to him on national Tee Vee.
Buying the FAUX News bullshit made an ass of Romney…and it doesn’t flatter you, either.
@64 Puddles,
“Please proceed Governor.”
Let me redundantly repeat myself again with a slight rephrase …
The right wing fixation on what magic words are said (and when),
rather than on the substance of what is actually going on,
shows clearly how the Republicanists have become
victims of their own newspeak.
Oh Perfessa, sorry packing for next trip… If it was terrorism, then why did this sadministration claim it was caused by a video? Even Candy Crowley cleaned up her act the next morning
You see Obummer said it passively, then all the surrogates went around saying it was the movie. When Behar on the view asked was it terrorism, Obummer said all the facts weren’t in. So if it was “called” terrorism, then why did he contradict himself on The View perfessa?
Seems you are in a frenzy drinking left wing kook-aid!
Meanwhile Michelle Malkin answers Eva Longoria
Yeah baby!
@68 Puddles,
“Please proceed Governor.”
And by the way, we know Slick Willard first spoke to the nation about the September 11th attacks on Tuesday September 11th at 10:24 p.m. and President Obama addressed the nation from the Rose Garden on September 12th at 10:43 a.m. where he called the attack an “act of terror”
Can you please cite the first time Slick Willard referred to the attack as terror?
The question no one in the Obummer campaign or sadministration will honestly answer…When Did Obama First Learn Benghazi Attack Wasn’t Related to YouTube Video Protest?
They can’t ans won’t answer that question and America is beginning to react to the lack of answers! On Monday Schieffer will also be saying
“Please proceed Governor.”
FlubScout… Romney doesn’t speak for this sadministration! It’s their job to correctly clarify the issue. Since Obummer then went all over talking about a movie he was prevaricating. If Obummer really wanted to it a terrorist attack in that speech, Obummer had plenty of opportunities to do so throughout his speech. But what did Obummer do in all that talking? Obummer called it a “terrible act”. Then Obummer calls it a “brutal act”. Obummer calls it “senseless violence”. And finally what did Obummer call the people who assassinated those four Americans in Benghazi FlubScout? Obummer the consulate attackers “killers”. Why didn’t Obummer call them terrorists, FlubScout?
Ever heard of AUMF FlubScout? If Obummer was serious about getting those terrorists he would have immediately called it terrorism and got the military involved to hunt them down!
@71 Puddles,
“Please proceed Governor”
And please be sure to answer the question I asked.
@72 What’s the matter Puddles, got Romnesia?
Now we know PMSNBC pays it’s women 50% less than it’s men, how will they continue their war on women attack? How much does Rachel the idiot make?
FlubScout… Don’t know and don’t care. Romney doesn’t speak for America, Obummer does. If Romney calls it terror you and the world knows the slobbering libtard head up da Obummer ASS media would be all over Romney for saying that!
Sorry if your thick skull can’t comprehend that.
Romnesia… Yeah let’s see how long that lasts. Just like the big bird attack.
@76 Puddles,
So after all that yammering about a topic you conclude with “Don’t know and don’t care.”
My that’s impressive.
Maybe you now know why it only takes 3 words to flummox a Republican?
“Please proceed Governor”
Shit, puddles is peeing all over this thread; somebody get a mop, and don’t forget the disinfectant.
Seem we’re stuck with either Faux’s insanity – weird words, anus-fixation, blathering hatefulness, complete cluelessness, or Cap’n Crunch (Dr. Robert) and his very similar, slightly less illiterate but much more cloying, incessant posting of taunts without substance, right-wing hysteria reposts and endless FUD.
Faux is in it because he HATES people who think, and love their neighbors, while Crunch is motivated SOLELY by lowering his taxes and him getting MORE!!!
They’re both exemplars, in their own ways, of terribly sad, hollow lives spent fearfully, desperately grasping…
That will never happen. Faux is without honor, without credibility, bringing only the voices in his head…
After all, the governor has romnesia and cannot remember what his position is on anything
Any position he takes, he will contradict in 10 minutes when he talks to a different audience.
This 1%er gets a pass. What scum!
LOL and this former head of a right wing religious college who gets 10k speaking fees did nothing vile..
LMAO! Obama’s America? Try Willard Romney’s great-grand-pappie’s MEXICO!!
Tell us Dr. Butthead: how many tickets did you buy to his crapumentary???
Person playing Puddybud,
“If it was terrorism, then why did this sadministration claim it was caused by a video?”
Probably for the same reason they called it a terrorist attack. The evidence suggested either was possible. After all, the Benghazi attack happened back-to-back with the riot at the Embassy in Egypt.
In the immediate aftermath, there were likely multiple sources of information and evidence, and likely mixed opinion on the nature of the attack. Definitive answers simply required a more comprehensive, evidence-based analysis, rather than half-assed speculation. Pretty elementary, really.
There is, of course, another twist to this whole thing: The Benghazi consulate was providing cover for a secret CIA outpost. (Well…secret until Issa and his band of merry buffoons divulged its existence at a public House committee hearing.)
It is certainly possible that the CIA requested the administration play up the “movie anger” angle either to maximize the safe recovery of some in situ “assets” (i.e. get some spies safely out of the field), or maybe because they could maximize interception of “chatter” if the terrorists felt the Americans were on the wrong track.
In other words, the CIA or military may well have requested the Administration conceal the full extent of their understanding as part of cracking a terrorist network or for the safety of operatives. Who knows.
But the real question is, what conceivable difference does it make?!? In either case we had people, angry at Americans, attacking either a consulate or a CIA outpost and killing some Americans.
Does it really matter if the hatred was provoked by anger over a movie or anger over a “war” against terrorists? Either way, a crime was committed, and people need to be arrested and prosecuted.
There is only one reason why it is interesting to know when Obama first referred to the attack as a terrorist attack: Because Mitt Romney made a false claim over it.
The right-wing echo chamber worked themselves up in to full delirious lather over the issue, and they started inventing a fictional world in which neither Obama nor anyone else in the Administration referred to it as terrorism.
Mitt Romney got caught up in that fictional rewrite of history and made a total ass of himself on national TeeVee.
(p.s. Romney could of saved himself a hell of a lot of embarrassment, if only he had taken the time to enjoy the Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza two weeks ago!)
Person playing Puddybud @ 75,
“Now we know PMSNBC pays it’s women 50% less than it’s men, how will they continue their war on women attack?”
Demographers really do know how to measure pay inequity. You, very obviously, don’t.
In an traditionally male-dominated industry, even if it IMMEDIATELY becomes 100% equal opportunity, it still takes many years for attrition of senior people and junior people to work their way up. One can assess such bias by the pattern of new hires, but not by simply looking at male versus female salary.
Most intelligent people grasp the concept immediately. Somehow, I suspect you will go to your grave not quite “getting” it.
“How much does Rachel the idiot make?”
A hell of a lot more than you do…and for good reason!
Springfield MO done good!
Yeah you live with that fantasy; male -dominated industry. Mika joined Morning Joe getting paid half what Joe is being paid. Nice creative excuse making… Andrea Mitchell way past the child bearing years is paid less than other men.
So with Obummer paying his lady staffers less than men staffers is A-OK with libtards like you! Nothing like excuse making.
Of course dunceman @80 lets anything from ylbutthead skate. It’s the progressive libtard way.
It’s noticeable how shrill and nasty libtards get when they perceive their candidate losing!
Waytogo libtardos!
Probably for the same reason they called it a terrorist attack. The evidence suggested either was possible. After all, the Benghazi attack happened back-to-back with the riot at the Embassy in Egypt.
Strike One… Jay Carneybarker was asked over and over and over was this a terrorist attack. Since he is Obummer’s mouthpiece, Carneybarker speaks for Obummer. The movie narrative was proffered continually.
In the immediate aftermath, there were likely multiple sources of information and evidence, and likely mixed opinion on the nature of the attack. Definitive answers simply required a more comprehensive, evidence-based analysis, rather than half-assed speculation. Pretty elementary, really.
Strike Two. The State Department people watched the attack in real time. The tapes as reported by Eli Lake in The Beast (links previously provided by Puddy – Ask ylbuttspigot because he has all the PuddyLinks). Charlene Lamb went before the House and explained many things… unsavory for the Obummer sadministration.
There is, of course, another twist to this whole thing: The Benghazi consulate was providing cover for a secret CIA outpost. (Well…secret until Issa and his band of merry buffoons divulged its existence at a public House committee hearing.)
Strike Three Out #1. On the tapes, the terrorists mentioned the CIA post. Did you choose to listen or read the transcripts. You love to use Daily Beast to attack Romney. You and others skip The Beast when it blows apart Obummer!
It is certainly possible that the CIA requested the administration play up the “movie anger” angle either to maximize the safe recovery of some in situ “assets” (i.e. get some spies safely out of the field), or maybe because they could maximize interception of “chatter” if the terrorists felt the Americans were on the wrong track.
Strike One The CIA just released their report, go back and read the link in #59. Puddy provides links! The sadministration knew within 24 hours who they are. Now we learned yesterday the attack leader was seen in Benghazi drinking a frappe in broad daylight.
In other words, the CIA or military may well have requested the Administration conceal the full extent of their understanding as part of cracking a terrorist network or for the safety of operatives. Who knows.
Strike Two… What do you read Perfessa? Obummer has thrown the intelligence agencies under the bus.
But the real question is, what conceivable difference does it make?!? In either case we had people, angry at Americans, attacking either a consulate or a CIA outpost and killing some Americans.
What conceivable difference does it make? Well, when we learn the State Department turned down Lt Col Wood’s request for more people. When we learn Lt Col Wood was told to stop asking for protection. When we learn the Ambassador feared for his life and the state department ignored his comments. It MATTERS!
Does it really matter if the hatred was provoked by anger over a movie or anger over a “war” against terrorists? Either way, a crime was committed, and people need to be arrested and prosecuted.
Strike Three. Out #2. Sure it does. There was no demonstration over a barely watched movie trailer. It was a smoke screen. This sadministration say how the lamestream media was making hay over Romney’s correct comment. Correct? Absolutely. The state department took down that comment too!
There is only one reason why it is interesting to know when Obama first referred to the attack as a terrorist attack: Because Mitt Romney made a false claim over it.
Strike One… Yeah keep that meme. Libya and Egypt were two different events. The reference to Egypt and the movie is borne out by the evidence. The evidence now shows Romney was CORRECT! Even the state department took down the comment in Eqypt.
The right-wing echo chamber worked themselves up in to full delirious lather over the issue, and they started inventing a fictional world in which neither Obama nor anyone else in the Administration referred to it as terrorism.
Strike Two… The left wrong puke sites have circled the wagons and the proof was Obummer went on campaign trips instead of staying in DC. Imagine if Bush did what Obummer did. The left wing echo chamber would have run stupid articles. You would have had thread after thread on this blog!
Mitt Romney got caught up in that fictional rewrite of history and made a total ass of himself on national TeeVee.
Strike Three… Side OUT! Nope. The coverup is being exposed by Sheryl Atkisson and Eli Lake. They are not leftists. This coverup is getting worse and worse as people learn Obummer can’t be trusted to tell the truth.
(p.s. Romney could of saved himself a hell of a lot of embarrassment, if only he had taken the time to enjoy the Friday Night Multimedia Extravaganza two weeks ago!) HAHAHAHA!
Once again you prove to all just how stupid you really are. Romney isn’t in the position to characterize anything as a terrorist attack. He doesn’t have access to intel data. Your continual screed is HILARIOUS. As we saw the media frenzy over Romney being correct about the state department calling it a demonstration over a movie no one has seen, then they arrest the movie maker on a trumped up charge shows how this sadministration is in coverup mode.
Monday Bob Schieffer will say “Please proceed Governor”.
How are those polls treating you FlubScout? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
@92 Puddles,
“Romney isn’t in the position to characterize anything as a terrorist attack.”
Isn’t he? So your answer to my question @70 of “Can you please cite the first time Slick Willard referred to the attack as terror?” is what now?
a) Slick Willard has never characterized it as an act of terror?
b) Slick Willard was wrong when he characterized it as an act of terror because he’s in no position to do so?
“Please proceed Governor.”
correction to #90: “It’s noticeable how shrill and nasty Romney gets when he realizes he’s losing!”
Now it reads better!
Person playing Puddybud @ 91,
“Strike One… Jay Carneybarker was asked over and over and over was this a terrorist attack. Since he is Obummer’s mouthpiece, Carneybarker speaks for Obummer. The movie narrative was proffered continually.”
Bull-fucking-shit. You’ve been duped again by the right wing history reinvention machine, ya fucking idoit! As Obama might say…look up the transcript.
Notice in the briefing that Carney does talk about unrest in the region being attributable to the video. And that is true. But when asked about Benghazi, he repeatedly points out that it is under investigation (my emphasis):
Recap: Carney repeatedly attributed the protests around the region to the video (which isn’t under dispute). Carney did not claim that they knew Benghazi attack was a response to the video; he repeatedly said it was under investigation.
Person playing Puddybud.
“Strike Two. The State Department people watched the attack in real time. The tapes as reported by Eli Lake in The Beast [Puddybabble removed] Charlene Lamb went before the House and explained many things… unsavory for the Obummer sadministration.”
So? No doubt, the State Department was one an important source information. But not the only. And watching the attack real time does not inform about the motivations behind the attack. Hence:
Person playing Puddybud @ 91,
“On the tapes, the terrorists mentioned the CIA post.”
I would appreciate a link to that. But I am not sure how or why it is relevant. So, maybe try to express your point directly and clearly.
“Strike One The CIA just released their report, go back and read the link in #59. Puddy provides links! The sadministration [sic] knew within 24 hours who they are. “
The CIA did “provide evidence” within 24 hours. And that evidence was, no doubt, used in informing the President’s statement as well as in the subsequent investigation. But why is that even relevant? I mean, since Obama himself pointed out that it was a terrorist attack within 24 hours, there isn’t any contradiction.
“Obummer has thrown the intelligence agencies under the bus.”
I have no idea what you are babbling about here.
” Well, when we learn the State Department turned down Lt Col Wood’s request for more people. When we learn Lt Col Wood was told to stop asking for protection. When we learn the Ambassador feared for his life and the state department ignored his comments.”
Your answer is non-responsive to my question. I asked why it matters whether it was an attack by terrorists angry at the U.S. in general or terrorists angry about a the movie. And, furthermore, why the rush to label it before sufficient evidence can be collected and analyzed?
This “rushing to blame” thing was a deeply flawed characteristic of the Bush administration; led us into at least one war on false pretenses that cost a trillion dollars and many thousands of lives and injuries.
“There was no demonstration over a barely watched movie trailer.”
Wrong. There were demonstrations and, in fact, damage done to an embassy.
“It was a smoke screen.”
What part of …
…don’t you understand.
“Libya and Egypt were two different events. The reference to Egypt and the movie is borne out by the evidence. The evidence now shows Romney was CORRECT!”
The evidence does weigh in that Libya and Egypt were two different things. But the evidence does not show Romney was correct. Here is the debate transcript:
Here is the transcript from the Rose Garden:
Pretty fucking unambiguous! Unless you’ve been brainwashed by FAUX News and the right-wing alternate-reality generation machine.
Sept 20 Air Force 1
So Puddy went to the overseas Daily Mail of Great Britian because Puddy knows you will dizz any right web site!
September 11: Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others are killed in an attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi.
September 12: Barack Obama makes a statement saying, ‘No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation,’ but does not explicitly label the raid a terrorist attack.
September 13: White House press secretary Jay Carney blames the assault on a U.S.-made YouTube video mocking the Prophet Muhammad.
September 16: Susan Rice, American ambassador to the UN, says she believes the attack ‘began as a spontaneous, not premeditated, response’ to protests over the video.
September 20: Carney says, ‘It is self-evident that what happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack.’
September 25: Obama declines to label the attack as terrorism during an appearance on The View.
October 9: State Department officials insist they never linked the attack to the video protests.
You see pErfessa when you call bullshit to anything you have to have those ekim fed goats lined up in a row. You live on Daily Kooks you get burned.
The rest of your rant isn’t worth responding since your opening statement went KABBBBBBBBLLLLAMMMMO!
I think Faux’s argument, like the FoxNoise echo-chamber in general, is that Obama, Carney, Rice, Clinton, whoever, haven’t said “TERROR!!1!” at the right time, in the correct cadence, with the appropriate B-Movie inflection, with the requisite intent of stupidifying the US populace.
This is all about a “TERROR” fetish, which is really a political weapon – it’s their best chance to derail any conversation they don’t like, and to assume the position of arbiter of all things defense and FEAR.
It’s hollow, cynical, and destructive, and engaging only plays into the hands of the people who want – who need – endless war.
Plus, there’s no use trying to engage Faux Puddl with anything approximating logic or respect – he’s a two-bit culture warrior whose only real motivation is to have his god strike down those he decides are his enemies – down deep, he desires theocracy.
Puddy is back … somebody get a bucket and mop, and don’t forget to wear a hazmat suit.
But not just any theocracy. It has to be his particular brand of theocracy, what ever that is. I mean, it would do be an Islamic theocracy, or a Mormon theocracy or a Unitarian theocracy, it would have to specifically his version, or the fight goes on.
Why Senile Rabbit… More pellet droppings from your arschloch? Must be.. We see one @100.
Notice when Da Perfessa hasn’t done his homework he whips out his tried and true line. If Da Perfessa read something other than his funnies e-rags he would read the latest from the AP on the Benghazi attack! Since he hasn’t he resorts to the least common denominator… leftist stooooooooooopidity.
Let’s replay CarneyBarker’s Sept 20 with emphasis for the dunceman and the fascist fool…
Hope that clears it up for the two morons above. The SENILE Wabbit, well he is senile!