– 144 Representatives, all Republicans none from WA, voted to keep the government shut down and for the US to default. That’s gross in at least two ways.
– In case you missed it during the shutdown, a Seattle resident was awarded the Medal of Honor for heroism at the Battle of Ganjgal.
– Are you ready for Seattle Startup Week?
– I’ve never played either of the Plants versus Zombies games, but the psychology behind those sorts of games is interesting.
Doing a story of poor people or government employees “scamming” the system is an old stand-by for lazy news organizations. It focuses blame on the victim and isolates the handful that were going to get caught anyway. Like the Katrina victims, politicials hoping to make hay will feed them the story so they don’t have to do any research.
Now have a 1%’er get rip the government off for millions of dollars, and all you will hear from the news media is silence – except perhaps a few cricket’s chirping.
Our own Patty Murray is leading the Democratic negotians with Republican Paul Ryan on how to prevent another government shutdown in January.
I would expect that they would take the rest of the week off, just out of exhaustion. But instead they are meeting for breakfast this morning to decide on a “famework” for future negotiations.
Personally, I think Murray should just ask Ryan: Do you give up now, or do you want to try another round so you get to the point where the Repubican Party doesn’t exist any more?
Happy Reopening of Government day.
That Plants vs Zombies article was great!
The conservative Tribal Media Talk radio people were in high gear, spinning the results of yesterday. In no way was it the tea bagger’s fault.
A) Republican politicians who voted for the bill are surrender monkeys. It’s the RINOs fault.
B) Renegging on the debt wouldn’t have been as bad as they were predicting. It’s the media’s fault.
c) The American people are fickle bastards. Polls said the American people hated Obamacare and the deficit, but when republicans did something about them, the republicans were turned on and blamed. It’s those people’s fault.
“Republicans are smelling like a rose. I think the last three weeks have been good for Republicans. It will help us in elections.” Ann Coulter, Oct. 17, 2013
Stop, you’re killing me. Shut up. I need to pull over. Can’t drive…laughing. Hoo boy. Gotta..tee her…catch my breath. Ow, my ribs.
Can’t help but wonder if Sumner Redstone is trying to tart up CBS to sell it to Rupert Murdoch. I was also surprised to find that 60 Minutes is being rebroadcast on the Web–on CNBC.
With the global financial system hanging in the balance, 40% of GOP senators voted “no” and fewer than 40% of GOP representatives voted “yes” to not going over the default cliff.
That is amazing. We need to constantly remind voters that it was Democratic votes that passed this bill.
Those votes were always there, and this entire fiasco would have been avoided from the beginning, if Republicans hadn’t changed the House rules so only the Speaker could allow a floor vote.
For weeks, the Speaker did not allow a floor vote, because his party wanted to throw a tantrum. Every adverse impact of the shutdown and near-default is his and his party’s fault, and theirs alone.
@6 Victories like this make defeat obsolete. You know, like walking out of Stalingrad with your hands in the air and declaring you won. After today, nobody will ever lose a war.
My co worker noticed this: what’s the top headlines on some news sites today?
If you want change, ‘win an election’
In first extended remarks since the government reopened, president says the public has grown “fed up” with its government, and called on the GOP to end political brinkmanship.
President: Shutdown caused ‘completely unnecessary damage’
Up to $24B for nothing: Counting cost of the crisis
First Read: It’s all pain, no gain for Republicans
The Guardian
Obama admits ‘there are no winners here’ after signing deal to end shutdown
Government employees return to work after 16 days as president warns Washington against repeat of political brinkmanship
The winners and losers
Shutdown mess may have actually benefitted a few – In every fight there are winners and losers, and the battle over the government shutdown is no exception.
Is Cruz the male Sarah Palin?
Fox News
“What Ceiling?”
IT DIDN’T SEEM LIKE IT THEN, but the winter of ’09 — when America’s debt was just over $10 trillion and Barack Obama was taking his first oath of office — seems like the ‘good ol’ days’ as five years and six shattered debt-ceilings later, America’s debt is set to hit $17 trillion, with no end in sight.
Don’t buy the hype: US remains world’s safe haven despite DC’s antics
READ: Senate bill to fund gov’t | Deal ends gov’t slimdown, but leaves future uncertain
World Net Daily
Bombshell: White House planned the shutdown
Another black-mob attack? Look who’s not talking … Media, police refuse to provide details about teen predators
National Enquirer
Bat Boy puts on 37 lbs
Faces of Elvis and Michael Jackson seen in fruit smoothies.
Wow, life in the bubble.
CNBC reported this afternoon that GOP Sen. Mitch McConnell got an earmark for a $2.9 billion dam in the bill that reopened the government and averted a debt default.
But hey, if the Republican’s want to primary him and then watch their crazy guy lose to a Democrat I’m OK with that.
Meanwhile, Sarah Palin, still trying to remain relevant, has announced she’s going to jump into the fight to help defeat McConnell. “We’ve only begun to fight” she tweats.
Republican Bitch McConnell got a 2.9 billion dollar damn dam project (like a bribe) in order to avert a “debt crisis”. Gee, wouldn’t a damn dam project of 2.9 billion only worsen the government handout project that Republicans have been railing about? Oh, or is it okay as long as the government spending is for the Republican’s home state?
Boy, that Steve Lonegan is such a sweet guy.
Wow, Coming back to HA DUMMOCRETINS and it’s the SSDD. What’s very telling is Obummer and Congressional DUMMOCRETINS didn’t care abbout America. They would gladly shut down America and cause a credit default. The perfect RNC message for 2014 Elections.
Congressional DUMMOCRETINS in da Senate under Scary Land Deal Reid stopped the dead hero veterans’ families from getting their $100,000 death benefit for their family members deaths. The perfect RNC message for 2014 Elections.
Congressional DUMMOCRETINS called Republicans every vile name in the book. The perfect RNC message for 2014 Elections.
Well if you didn’t hang with Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit’s stoooooooooooopid web sites you’d learn some truths…
Just a little search would provide the CORRECT answer!
Puddy held these back due to the teenager’s death. Very sad! Now Oh Look:
The Daily Beast and ObummerCare…
Chicago Tribune; Libtard Newspaper and ObummerCare
NY Slimes and ObummerCare
ObummerCare Champeen McClatchy going to kill their health care plans
I knew it was too good to last….the village idiot found his way back.
Guess which TeaTard went out and secretly signed up for ObummerCare
Corrected to prove this is all SCHMUCKO-MORON knows… going ad hominem postal!
See ya jackASS!
This post shows what a little wind-up toy of the right the puddibigot is. His preacherman tells him whom to hate, and the teevee people on Fox tell him that big bad Obama tried to destroy government.
The puddibigot is, of course, just a pale imitation of Michelle Bachmann:
Sort of like saying, “It was just a joke” when no one laughs at your racist comment.
The Teahaddists, frightened, resentful, old, white people being left behind by history are lashing out and are perfectly willing to re-kindle the ‘War of Northern Aggression” and engage in sedition and nullification against the Union.
And then there’s the puddibigot, scampering right along with the nitwit parade, desperate to be one of the stupid resentful old white people. I guess two out of four (stupid and resentful) ain’t bad.
Seems you’re too stupid to even spell your name correctly.
How do you make it out of the house in the morning without killing yourself with a spoon at breakfast?
Like I said, village idiot.
So why did Obummer’s cronies give the ObummerCare contract to the same firm fired by Canadian provincial health officials? How cum you neva read about this on DUMMOCRETIN Loon sites?
Michelle Bachmann again…
Of course, in puddibigotland, this means…
Please proceed, puddibigot….
Spoon? That’s the best you have SCHMUCKO-MORON? So Puddy mistyped the o instead of p.
Right now jackASS SCHMUCKO-MORON flying at 34000 feet.
It still……. Sux to be you.
So…puddibigot can’t spell his name correctly @21, and @26 he can’t construct a link that works right.
Par for the course, I suppose, with the illiterate home-schooled.
Even the leftists at Politico are wondering about ObummerCare…
No wonder Americans supported the Tea Party. Obummercare… it’s a real joke!
Are you offering that as an excuse for something, or are you bragging again…can’t tell.
So, you dropped off the luxurious Nissan Maxima at the rental counter, and now you’re getting a DVT sitting in a cattle car eating peanuts and jousting for the armrest. Yawn.
Ummm there your go again SCHMUCKO-MORON. Delusional as ever. Since we know you hate religion, everyone knows Satan has both your ears 24×7.
It still…… Sux to be you!
…or are you suggesting that being at 34000 feet makes you special, because the rest of us only get to fly at 30000 feet?
So easily bated and mocked!
Thanks for playing SCHMUCKO-MORON…
It still…… Sux to be you!
Ad hominem attacks is all SCHMUCKO-MORON has left.
It still…… Sux to be you!
It still…… Sux to be you!
I think you’ve just given up, or that cabin at 34000 isn’t properly pressurized. You’re making this WAY too easy.
Gallup (TP already cratering before the shutdown)
You really are a buffoon, puddibigot.
@34, @35, @36
Thank you, puddibigot, for reminding everyone that you brag about ridiculous things and that you have no idea what many common words mean, including ‘snark’ and ‘ad hominem’.
You really don’t realize how stupid you appear, do you?
Tea Party racism… the standard meme of HA DUMMOCRETINS. So the Taxed Enough Already Party hating higher taxes is racist SCHMUCKO-MORON? Well why aren’t you donating a higher level of taxes back to the federal government? Oh wait that means you are a racist too!
It still…… Sux to be you!
I like the acronym ‘TP’ for Tea Party, it just kinda fits, doncha think?
EPIC FAYLE SCHMUCKO-MORON! Seems you really listened to SATAN today. And you translate that hatred to your son. DAYUM!
It still…… Sux to be you.
Like I said, I think the partial pressure of O2 wherever you are is too low, or you’re huffing glue. You’re making this too easy…
Lee Atwater…
It’s a direct arc from the Southern Strategy, through Philadelphia Mississippi and Ronnie ‘States’ Rights” Reagan, to the old/white/frightened/resentful Teahaddists.
Meanwhile in other news not centered around the loathsome SCHMUCKO-MORON
{uddy loves that… the trickle!
And you can’t keep your doctor. Puddy glad SCHMUCKO-MORON ain’t my doctor!
Oh my, tears are streaming down my cheeks I’m laughing (at you) so hard….I’m glad I didn’t have a mouthful of coffee…
The devil made me do it!
Too, too funny.
Just like CheapshotBob…when you’ve got nothin’, go after someone’s family.
Stay classy, ouddibigot!!
Is Puddy! Right ring finger not working well today.
Puddy’s sons been attacked on HA by HA DUMMOCRETINS for years SCHMUCKO-MORON. Puddy has a lot of stuff today. All those links Puddy posted just today are my stuff.
Waaaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaaaaaa call a waaaaaambulamps!
It still… Sux to be you!
So, Satan wants everyone to have health care, but God wants his chosen few to be so wealthy that they could never spend it all in a thousand lifetimes and squash everyone they see like the insects they are?
Good to know.
This is toooooooooooooooooo damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn fuuuuuuuuuunnnnnny
Copyright Infringement by ObummerCare’s site?
First everyone can see these DUMMOCRETINS can’t program and now they removed the copyright notice headers?
Professor Krugman lays out the damage done by seditious Teahaddist Republicans since 2010…
He quotes this report – from Pete Peterson of all places – that quantifies the damage done by the saboteurs of the right-wing Republicans who hold our government hostage.
Krugman again, after dissing Peterson’s complaint about ‘uncertainty’ – the confidence fairies again – but goes after the real meat in the report, the lack of government action in the midst of a demand crisis…
Krugman points out that the Teahaddists in the House are both morally stunted and economically feckless…
The southern/while/old/frightened caucus that the Teahaddists represent – and ouddybigot defends – are likes zombies that just won’t stop in their mindless efforts to drive the entire country not into a ditch, but off a cliff.
Perhaps their expecting to be saved by invoking the ‘Rapture’?
If I were your doctor, the first thing I would advise is to stop the glue huffing. And second, give your right hand a rest.
To repeat the obvious, Pud, we had an election. One guy said he would undo the affordable care act, the other was it’s proponent. The guy who wanted to undo it lost. There was a clear opportunity for the American people to get what you say they want, and that’s not the way it went. Now the Republicans stomp their feet and hold their breath and shut down the government. Remember, the Senate sent over a budget. We would not need the continuing resolution that this argument was over if the House was not AFRAID to negotiate over the budget.
So no, the Democrats in the Senate and the President did not shut down the government, the Republicans did. ANd if you go back to some of their election speeches, they said it was their plan.
Stop the big lie
Don't Laugh. Rep. Pete King (R-N.Y.) Urges GOP To Declare War On Ted Cruz. Stop Laughing.
This is one of those weeks that puts a smile on my face, a song in my heart and a spring in my step. The GOP are crushed and humiliated; Cory Booker wins his Senate race; hostilities break out between Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter; and The Houston Chronicle suffers buyers remorse over Calgary Ted. Could it possibly get even better?
Why, yes…yes, it could.
Tom Foley has died.
This thread suddenly reminds me of a yahoo in a pickup with a load of refuse looking for a roadside ditch to dump his trash into.
A yahoo in a pickup… Nice description of the SCHMUCKO-MORON! Whitey is always seen in a pickup!
Thanks SENILE Wabbit.
Oh really? Who didn’t sign the various house bills “K”? DUMMOCRETIN Harry Reid. Who made the pentagon not deliver those death benefits Fisher House had to cover due to Senate intrangigence? DUMMOCRETINS. Who closed the national parks to WWII Veterans? Obummer DUMMOCRETINS. DUMMOCRETINS don’t care about the common man… that’s why the individual mandate is still there while so many other parts of Obummercare are delayed!
Sux to be “K”!
@57 Uncle Puddles – (Sen Tom Cruz’s legislative assistant?)
You really should go take a junior highschool civics class. Neither the Senate Majority Leader nor any member of the Senate signs bills which are offered by the House.
Given that learning appears to be really difficult for you, try this I’m Just a Bill
Another hilarious example of Republican irresponsibility and hypocrisy via Charles Mudede over on the Slog
If you learn nothing else, understand that you should never loan money to a teabagging Republican.
You should really stop being an idiot FlubScout. The Senate “Compromise” has a HR # on it, because by law all funding bills start in the house. Even CNN said that on their show Flubscout!
Wow Flubscout… Sex to be you too!
Now the truth is starting to trickle out about Obummercare… But wait this can’t be true… higher health care prices?
Just hiding the facts ma’am, hiding the facts.
Puddy knows why SCHMUCKO-MORON ad hominem attacks Puddy. That’s all SCHMUCKO-MORON has. Claims Puddy takes drugs and whacks off.
Well earlier this week we say how DELUSIONAL Schmucko was. Puddy guesses there must be some powerful LSD SCHMUCKO-MORON can get his hands on. His DELUSIONS are grandeur!
The link: http://nationalreview.com/corn.....uval-levin
Hey person who pretends to be Puddy, where are all those republican jobs bills?
Oh yeah, too busy shutting down the government and crashing the economy and taking away women’s rights.
More Obummercare failure covered by the NY Slimes…
The Tea Party was right. Obummercare is a fiasco.
Fascist Pigsty… There is no Pretending… This is Puddy. Jobs bills… Short Memory eh? Must be that 24 hour moronic moonbat memory malady you HA DUMMOCRETINS continue to possess…
9-14-2011 – Republican Louie Gohmert introduced “American Jobs Act of 2011” into the House as H.R. 2911. Senate DUMMOCRETINS shot it down.
Obummer submitted a jobs bill in 2011… Obama appointee to the Economic Recovery Advisory Board and Harvard economist Martin Feldstein, pegged Obummer’s jobs bill around $200,000 per job.
Then there is this in WikiPedia.
So yes Fascist Pigsty there were jobs bills.
Butt, Obummer promised us in 2009 500,000 jobs per year! What happened Fascist Pigsty? Obummer had all three branches until January 2011.
Pud- which party had candidates running on a promise to shut down the government?
And again, the race for Executive gave the opportunity to choose on ACA, the Judiciary found it to be constitutional, and only 1/2 of one branch opposes it.
And they should get their way. Why?
Perhaps if your Republicans did not run so many batshit crazy candidates for Senate (see Sharron Angle, Christine O’Donnell and others) it might be different
How many jobs bills compared to how many ACA repeal bills?
On the shutdown, and the treat of default….
teh puddibigot has run away from this fact already, so I’ll bring it up again, as he spins and spins and spins….the shutdown, the default, the defund, the contempt for government are all theirs – the Teahaddists who down deep in their souls hate America, and Americans.
And the RETHUGS only have control of the house because they gerrymandered elections in a number of states.
K, don’t try to engage him with an expectation of rationality…he is either too stupid, or too dishonest to ever be capable of that.
Just taunt him, it’s fun to make him fling poo.
Personally, for all the abuse the person who pretends to be Puddy takes here and how pointless his rantings are, he’s either in some sort of twisted S&M performance art production with his boyfriend or is so attention starved at home from his wife and at the tea bagger hall, that we are the only people who will acknowledge him.
You forget the most obvious possibility:
GOATBOY is a paid RETHUG TROLL and his PAYMASTER is the SATANIC DUAL, the ROACH BROTHERS. Think about it. Where was GOATBOY during the RETARD SHUTDOWN?
Hey, shitforbrains… Puddy hasn’t run away from anything.
1) You bark for Puddy. You did today over me flying
2) Puddy doesn’t jump for no one especially you SCHMUCKO-MORON
3) Ad hominem is all you have
4) Your insipid arguments are direct from 24 hr DUMMOCRETIN web sites. Puddy gets his info from Chicago Tribune, NY Slimes, Time Magazine!
Oh this will be saved in the DUMMOCRETIN pantheon of HA libtard stoooooooooopidy! Puddy posted msm links!
Thanks for playing Fascist Pigsty.
Well, TeaPottie prophet and messianic cult figurehead Sarah Palin seems to be going for the shotgun approach with all the right key words in some very strange places.
She certainly does represent the “conservative” element in this country.
Then again, so did W.C. Fields.
Yeah, stoned and surfing YouTube. again.
What a fucking strange world we live in.
Hey, I’m going to agree with Piddles. (Still here, no thunder crack, no brimstone)
That particular project is necessary and the funds have been budgeted before. It’s necessary. In a normal world, it wouldn’t need to be an earmark. Legislators from say Utah, would realize that putting the lives and property of a bunch of people at risk because they vote in another state wouldn’t be a good enough reason to vote down an infrastructure project.
I’ll tell you a little story. A guy ran for city council and his campaign raison d’etre was to kill a pedestrian/bike overpass that was a waste of money. (Blah, blah, blah..”roads are for cars” blah blah…”It only benefits a couple bike riders who we all know flaunt the law and deserve be menaced by drivers” blah blah..) He knocked on my door. I asked him if he knew that the project was near a middle school. He did know that. I asked if he knew that the state and King county had rated the current intersection as the most high priority project due to the danger the current configuration posed to pedestrians. (Built in the 70s in a area that had 10% of the population then as now.) He did not know that. I asked if he knew that people representing us in DC had got the feds to kick in 75% of the cost. He did know that and stammered something about excess spending, the deficit and putting a burden on future generations if we don’t CUT OUR SPENDING RIGHT NOW. (This is the point I knew I had him.)
I asked him if he ever wondered what the liability suit payout might be if a 12 year-old middle school student got killed in the intersection and a semi-competent lawyer discovered that it was rated the most dangerous intersection in the state and the city/county/state didn’t try to fix it.
He lost the election badly.
People who are against government spending just to be against government spending are morons. The tea party voters are morons. (BTW, the “Lets get McConnelL out” tea-partiers have the most to gain from this story. Not likely KY sends a Democrat to the Senate under any circumstances. The craziest of crazy guy with an R on the ballot probably wins that race unless he gets gay married in WA the week before the election and the bible thumpers all stay home.)
Got a “no on 522” call tonight.
Simple question that will stop the “Package design will drive up costs” B.S.
“They’ll have special packaging just for Washington so we’ll pay more.”
me “They have regional packaging all the time. I’m watching baseball right now. Last year the San Francisco Giants won the World Series and Budweiser put out Orange bottles in the Bay Area. Do you think they tried to sell those in Los Angeles? Did the Bay Area pay more for a six pack while they were on the shelf? Of course not. But please….go on. You were saying package redesign is going to cause a huge change in prices?”
On a related note….
Thanks Cardinals. As long as it isn’t the Dodgers I’m O.K. with it.
Well, good. Nice to see that there are still a few people in Kansas that care about the rule of law.