– Every military operation we take on has legitimate criticism. Rush Limbaugh is clearly not the one to provide it though.
by Carl Ballard — ,
– Every military operation we take on has legitimate criticism. Rush Limbaugh is clearly not the one to provide it though.
– How many galaxies are in the universe?
Any word on if CNN’s firing Erickson? A CNN employee shouldn’t be inventing news like that.
I thought this was a great description from the “Erickson’s tumblr is fake” link.
It also sums up my feeling about our trolls that shill for the 1%.
Well, this is fun.
I found a new source of P-dud talking points! It’s like archaeology of the sewers – I had to go to the execrable Washington Times for this:
It’s a classic. Victimhood, check. Liberal press, check. Liberals are the real racists, check. Revealing use of the geriatric vernacular “a black”, check.
Where’s my Hover-Round ™?
I found the linky at E Pluribus Moron, who had this to add:
OOPS – here’s the link to the Washington Times op-ed. Get the bleach ready for your computer – don’t say I didn’t warn you!
According to my morning paper kids are “flooding into” Seattle schools. I bring this up because one of the constant themes of righty trolls around around here is that no one with a family lives in a city and that they never will.
The article also point to Seattle schools having been fairly poorly run lately. Which is true and something that could and does happen just as easily in the ‘burbs.
20% of children in the USofA live in poverty.
Shame. Absolute shame.
Maybe we should send each and every one of them a Bible, a copy of Atlas Shrugged, and bootstrap (whatever the fuck that is) to pull themselves up with.
Wouldn’t want them becoming parasites, after all, for the Job Creators to carry on their backs.
Hell, if we got rid of the south, the rest of the country’s poverty rate wouldn’t look so bad.
Interesting news in the airline industry recently.
American Airlines:
By way of background, American Airlines has been the “odd-man-out” in the merger wars which have resulted in Delta/Northwest and United/Continental being the largest carriers in North America. Among rumors that American would soon file bankruptcy, a lot of it’s most senior pilots are jumping ship – opting to take retirement and freeze their vested benefits, before they are re-structured in a bankruptcy filing or depleted by being tied to the company’s stock price.
The company’s response was not to hire new pilots, but to ask the remaining pilots to work through their vacations and holidays, which they understandably refused. So now partially in retaliation, American is closing it’s pilot base in San Francisco, forcing some 300 American pilots to relocate to elsewhere. In the meantime, pilots would have to travel further on dead-head flights just to return to SFO (San Francisco) to crew the American airline jets departing from that location. It is also closing down it’s Tulsa MRO (maintenance, repair, overhall) facility and sending some 230 staffers to DFW – as well as out-sourcing some heavy maintenance to Timco.
Airbus in Tianin, China:
In the meantime, Airbus is investing heavily in China as it ramps up negotiations to extend it’s lease on the A320 production facility which would otherwise expire in 2016. Airbus’ goal is to have Airbus dominate the A320/B737 class of airplanes in China. The Tianin faciilty currently outputs about three airfames a month, with plans to ramp up to four aircraft per month in 2013. But Airbus has orders for 284 aircraft from Chinese carriers through 2016, and won’t likely meet it’s demand in China for quite some time.
In the meantime, it should be noted that Airbus is still producing the aircraft in Tianin at a significantly higher cost than in the heavily-unionized Hamburg and Toulouse production plants in Europe. To help offset this, The European Export Credit Banks have just offered aid for Airbus airplanes being produced in Tianin. This is a rather strange result, because semi-public organizations will be using European taxpayer dollars to subsidize a product being produced in China.
But remember that China is working hard to develop it’s own aircraft industry, as well, and after 2016 you might see a lot of future orders from Chinese airlines going to COMAC instead of Airbus or Boeing.
I’ve often mused about whether Lincoln fucked up with that whole “preserve the Union” thingy.
However, one wonders what horrors would reside on our border were that to have happened – or what would we be if the South had won.
How backward, repressive, oligarchal, violent would our culture be? Far far worse I suspect than what we have now, though it’s where our Republican friends would like to take us, methinks.
20% of children in the USofA live in poverty.
That’s because according to cain, they are lazy and want to be in poverty.
There’s a lot more in this great article.
Jobs, Jobs, Jobs…
…this economy is “bubble-up” NOT trickle down.
We’re tired of being pissed on.
@10. Could you elaborate? Methinks Northern culture would be different from Southron Culture would be different than Western Culture. What do you think?
I include this for the number of conserative dog whistle phrases in it.
Fair share means PAY MORE.
People get the Obama BS gig.
And they will overwhelmingly reject it.
College kids want jobs, not blame.
Any kid who has taken basic economics understands the lunacy of the fleabaggers.
# 13: As someone who has studied the American Civil War, and who grew up in the South, I found the “alternative history” analysis to be wrong on almost every level.
On a factual basis, it is wrong when it says that in 1863 Robert E. Lee carried a letter suing for peace with the only condition being recognition of the Confederacy. As late as the January 1865 Peace Conferance at Hampton Roads, the South insisted not only on recognition of the Confederacy, but also on retaining it’s slaves – neither condition being acceptable to the Union at that point. Even then, the discussion was purely hypothetical – Davis had no authority from the Confederate Congress or Constitution to discuss a peace treaty, and the delegates were simply “feeling out” the Union intentions.
The old canard that slavery was doomed within a few years of the Civil War is wishful thinking. Most of the South’s accumulated wealth was tied to slavery. The planter interests were not interested in making money by more efficient techniques, but were interested in preserving their “way of life”, which was built upon the foundation of slavery. They would have retained slavery long after it had ceased to be economically feasible, perhaps well into the late 20th century.
Third, because the divided nation was weaker, the author postulates that it would have stayed out of the Spanish-American war, WWI, and WWII. Again, this is wishful thinking. If barred by the Union forces from expanding slavery north or into the far west, the slave states were already looking towards Cuba and Mexico as potential conquests in which to spread slavery (one Confederate “peace proposal” offered the North some benefits if it were to cease hostilities with the South and join them in an attack on Mexico). A far more likely scenario is for the South to be rather constantly at war with it’s southern neighbors, and European interests seeking to play one side against the other in any European war. In WWI, you might even see the South on one side and the north on the other side, with resulting renewed conflict between both of them.
And don’t think that recognition by Britain of the South in the Civil War would have necessarily turned into an everlasting alliance between the Confederacy and Britain. Despite France’s assistance to the Colonists in the American Revolution, we declared ourselves neutral in the subsequent early Napoleanic wars between France and Britain, and even had a small naval war with France during John Adam’s presidency. Likewise, it’s quite possible the Confederacy saw more similarities with the Nazis in WWII Germany than with the British, given the Nazi “racial superiority” ideology.
I could go on, but these “what if” things get rather tiresome. They try to take a single event and predict all the consequences and actions over far too long a time-line. For example, if Stonewall Jackson wasn’t killed at Chancellorsville, then could he have one Gettysburg by taking Culp’s Hill on the first day? That might be a fair question, but going forward to extrapolate that the Confederacy would have then won the war is another matter altogether.
@10, 13
The south was dependent on the north, they couldn’t even make buttons for their uniforms (a lot of northern companies made bank smuggling good into the south).
People forget that both Lincoln and Douglas wanted to end slavery. Lincoln, being the first modern Republican, was a holly roller & moralistic hot head spoiling for a fight. Douglas reminds me of Bill Clinton, he wanted to cut deals, hold hands and phase out slavery over time. Had we done it Douglas’s way a lot of lives would have been saved and slavery would have ended in about the same amount of time it took to fight the war.
Does the clown @14 even know what the issues are?
Maybe he can tell me what he’s blathering about because he makes no sense at all.
Look, the whole point of neo-liberal economic thought, which is what, despite the righties claims, even Obama believes in, is that as wealth concentrates in the upper classes they invest that money in various things that could be called “plant” I.E. things and places where the lower classes can find work.
In 1979 the top 1% took in 10% of the national wealth. In 2006 they took in 23%. But, investment as a percentage of GDP has fallen, not risen, since 1979. By its own metric neo-liberalism has failed.
Please note that the chart I’m linking to doesn’t break investment down, so we can’t see how much of that is stuff that might employ people and how much is CDO nonsense and the like.
Is it any wonder that people are in the streets?
Herman Caine is taking the old GOP trick: (1) making outrageous commments which receive enthusiastic support among the Tea Party base, (2) claiming it was “just a joke” to the national media, and (3) repeating the outrageous comments again later to the Tea Party base again.
In this weekend’s installment, Cain received very enthusiastic support for his plans to build a 20-foot electrified fence across the entire border with Mexico, topped with razer wire and warning signs that touching the fence would mean instant death. He also said he would consider stationing a substantial military presence on the border with “real guns with real bullets”.
But when asked about the comments on a national press show, he said it was just a joke. But don’t be surprised if he keeps repeating that “joke” anywhere he thinks it will get cheers and applause.
Stalag USA
You have to wonder where Herman Cain thought those tomatoes he used in his pizza sauce came from.
re 14: “Fair share means PAY MORE.”
Fair share means fair share. Your assumption is that prices will rise because wages rise.
Not if corporations are relegated to a ‘fair share’of the profits.
$9.99 is the price for an x-tra large cheese pizza. Cain is programmed to think like that.
The substantial military presence we currently have on the border doesn’t have real guns?
Here’s another nail in the “liberal media” coffin:
You can read the full Pew Report here.
re 25: As a conservative, I am not permitted to read Pew reports unsupervised. The information has to be filtered through the Weekly Standard and double-filtered through Fox News before I can safely access it
Conservative intelligentsia = National Review Groupthink
“On his radio show today, Rush Limbaugh launched another religion-based smear of President Obama: that he is sending troops to Africa to kill Christians. Limbaugh declared that … the group being targeted, the Lord’s Resistance Army, ‘are Christians.'”
This is embarrassing. Limbaugh badly needs an editor or at least a fact-checker. LRA, run by a self-appointed witch doctor, is one of the most heinously brutal gangs on the planet — they make Somali pirates look like boy scouts. If these killers, torturers, mutilators, rapists, and kidnappers were operating in the U.S., Limbaugh would be screaming for their summary execution. So would everyone else.
Wingnut Humor
Never say wingnuts have no sense of humor. The Koch Kandidate assures us he was joking when he talked about putting up an electric fence on our border with Mexico that would kill anyone who touched it. (Juarez Park, anyone?) My question is, why does wingnut humor always consist of death jokes? Apparently they think killing people is funny and entertaining.
I didn’t buy into last week’s stock bounce because I thought it was a fool’s rally. Today, the market thinks so too, selling off 243 Dow points. Investors who thought a European debt solution was a done deal were wrong.
Euro zone banksters are balking at taking writeoffs of Greek debt that will never be paid. Everyone knows it’ll never be paid; but for the banksters, it’s one thing to lose someone else’s money through imprudent lending, quite another to lose their own. Get over it, guys, you’re gonna take a haircut whether you want to or not, so don’t drag the rest of the world down with you by stubbornly insisting on a bankrupt debtor repaying loans he can’t possibly pay. Don’t hold your breath waiting for bankers anywhere to get reasonable. Just brace yourself for another recession.
And it’s much better to take it in the market then by someone throwing a brick though through the drivers side window your wife’s Land Rover, while she’s driving it.
I’m not advocating throwing bricks. I’m advocating taking care of things so that bricks wont get thrown. If we don’t take care of things bricks being thrown are a historical inevitability. It happens every time.
@5 You mean the Moonie Times?
@23 Cain says whatever his Koch handlers tell him to say. He doesn’t piss without permission.
Newly released footage showing what happens when YLB ventures out of the basement and pops off to the wrong person….
and yes, thats gonna leave a mark..
@20 The bootlickers and apologists for the bloodsucking class just can’t stand it that the people they ran into the ground are protesting about being run into the ground.
I understand that back in slavery days, complaining about being a slave could get a slave into serious trouble.
Looks like the wingnut crowd yearns for a return to those days.
Feeral Judge Orders Disclosure Of Ref. 71 Signatures
“A federal judge on Monday issued a ruling to release the names of 137,500 people who two years ago signed Referendum 71 petitions to bring the state’s domestic-partnership law to a vote. The Secretary of State’s Office said it would release the names immediately.”
@34 Oooooo — we’re sooooooo scared! Hit us again with another video!
# 28: Yes, and Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell criicized the Clinton Administration for not supporting Richard Taylor, the brutal terrorist/war lord of west-central Africa that was responsible for so much death and destruction in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Nigeria. They supported him because he made a late claim to have converted to Christianity and said he was a Baptist.
Pat Robertson’s organization even was under investigation for violating U.S. law and U.N. sanctions by using it’s ministry’s aircraft to transport mining equipment into the “blood diamand” areas of Africa, although an indictment was blocked the Virginia Attorney General who was a supporter of Roberston.
The Bible commands Christians to be as wise as serpants but gental as lambs. But it seems ridiculously easy how some of these guys can allow themselves to be manipulated in this fashion.
@4 “the enslavement of the Plantation Party”
Clueless, as is the self-loathing black loon. What they don’t get, or do but lie about it, is that we all live on the plantation now. All 99% of us. Some are in the house, some are in the fields. Someone like CNN’s Erikson, white as he might appear, is what headless called a “house nigger”. Me? I work in the fields.
@30 I had a bio, ANDS, pop 250% today. Thank God. That was one of the dogs of my portfolio. Sold!
re 34: ‘put my boot in your ass spews‘
You’d have to get out of your gummint supplied ‘Rascal’ to do that.
re 39: And for that reason alone, Ericson won’t be doing any hunting at Perry’s toy hunting ranch.
He may be the quarry, though.
re 39: FYI — Nat Turner worked in the house — which is where he picked up bad habits — like reading and thinking for himself.
Nice New Yorker cover – but I don’t know if it is real or a photoshopped satire:
New Yorker
re 44: God is bald on the New Yorker cover. His official visage on the Sistine Chapel has him with a full head of hair.
The cover’s a fake — and Jobs was a Buddhist anyway.
Nope, it’s on their website, here.
Check out this tool/winner from the occupy wall street gang..
holy shit, this guy thinks we should just “throw him a bone” and pay for his college.
lazy fucks……tool……losers……
Check out this greasy fucking loser….GO PORTLAND! WAY TO REPRESENT!
would anybody hire this guy????? fuck, he’s too dirty and stupid to sweep my floors, much less give him a real job.
hey you dirty freak, cut your fucking hair, shave off that soup-napkin you call a beard, take a shower, and maybe, just maybe, you could get a job.
go smoke a bowl you piece of shit.
loser….lazy fucks.
darwhyle, is this your twin brother?
What more needs to be said.. Hate is all they’ve got on their side.
They’ll lose. They can’t find
iranian oiltheir asses with a flashlight.@48
Wow, a greasy rasta dude in Portland. Shocking.
What missing is the big picture which can be seen here:
It’s everywhere and includes everyone at this point, even the CEO’s of Black Rock Investments, PIMCO, and some folks at the federal reserve.
Yep, here is your Occupier type.
My dad voted for Goldwater in ’64. When I visited him this weekend, he enthusiastically handed me an article from Mother Jones addressing the unsustainability of the growing wealth disparity in this country. I’m pretty proud of my dad. I think he’s moved to my left. Truly, wisdom comes with age.
I thought Israel doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
MORE THAN 1000 to one prisoner swap??? WTF!
If part of the purpose of offering people the convenience of using a prepaid transit pass is to encourage the people to ride the bus instead of driving, making it easier for them to park downtown would seem to be working against that goal.
…speaking of “pussies”…
Santorun doesn’t know what REAL bullying is…what a corrupt, immoral slime.
Left-wing media.
Cain Taxes Slam Middle Class
An AOL News analysis shows the Koch Kandidate’s “999” tax scheme would clobber middle class families. Although a median household family would save $2,620 in income taxes, it would pay $4,316 in federal sales taxes, for a net increase in its annual federal tax bill of $1,696 — an increase of 17.7%. The poorer you are, the worse off you would be.
But perhaps the most pernicious — and overlooked — aspect of the Koch Tax Scheme is that it doesn’t allow corporations to deduct employee salaries and wages. This would create a powerful incentive to eliminate as many jobs as possible and reduce wages of remaining employees. As a side note, this wouldn’t have much impact on capital-intensive, low-labor industries such as energy production and energy pipelines — which happens to be the business the Koch brothers are in.
Oh, and btw, the Koch Kandidate opposes minimum wage laws.
Another analysis shows Warren Buffett would pay no taxes at all under the Koch 999 (TM) tax scheme.
Gays may be able to marry and serve openly in the military, but walking down the street not so much.
We have a potential new nomination for Jerk of the Year Award.
Randy Bernard was named CEO of Indy Racing in Feb. 2010. His job was to make it competitive with it’s more profitable cousin, NASCAR. So he made no bones about it when changes were instituted to make it more dangerous – in fact, he bragged about it. He wanted people showing up at races, and tuning in on TV, with the hope of watching some spectacular crashes.
So he increased the numbers of cars in the field, ensuring more mix-ups as cars jockeyed for position. And he instituted a line-abreast re-start after yellow flags, ensuring that a minimu of five cars would all be vying for the same spot on the track at the first curve after the caution flag is lifted.
Of course, what he ignored was that Indy Cars are already inherently more dangerous than stock cars. They have exposed wheels and open cockpits. What might must be a “bump” in a Nascar race would turn into both cars being out of control once the exposed wheels touch.
Yea, racing is a dangerous sport. But it’s a lot more dangerous than it has to be when some idiot is intentionally risking lives in order to make more money.
Hey, why not have football fields converted into mine fields for teams that would otherwise have low TV ratings? Now THAT would spice up the ratings!
Yet another lying, cheating DEMOCRAT bastard gets busted!
Lying bastard.
Just another “fleabagger” in a suit.