– How do you know when a Koch brothers sponsored group is lying in a press release? If it issued a press release.
– Maybe not letting King County fund its own transit is a way to fund the 520 bridge since people are switching in large numbers due to the tolling.
– Three Olympia local food options that aren’t the co-op or the farmers market
– I always try to write a quick email when I’ve had good customer service (although in fairness, I’ve never been great at following through on it). Lately though, it’s been harder and harder to find a good email address. I feel like I’m being pushed to Twitter and Facebook, but those feel too public for that. Is it that putting those addresses somewhere where I can find it means that it’s also somewhere where billions of spam bots can find them too? Has anyone else had this problem, or is it just me?
On the 520, this is no surprise, everyone said that was going to happen.
So the legislators will consider tolling 90 to still hurt the under %50k crowd? Idiots, every last one of them.
Anti democratic bastards.
From Susan Hutchison
Chairman, Washington State RETHUG Party
But most of the out of state funding went to the RETHUG. Who would have thought?
Holy shit.
More fucked up shit from MO!
Is it something in the water?
@5 they don’t drink water they drink Jesus’ blood.
@1 If they slap tolls on I-90, they’ll also have to set up toll boths on I-405, or people will simply drive around the lake to avoid the bridge tolls.
House GOP’s Bad Faith
The House GOP “blindsided” (Sen. Reid’s words) senators working on a budget/default compromise today by floating a proposal that included, as one of its provisions, a prohibition on the Treasury Department using “extraordinary measures” to avoid default in future debt ceiling standoffs.
That, of course, is a poison pill. The fact they’re even talking about it strongly implies that House Republicans don’t want to settle the standoff, they want to take our country over the default cliff.
Shame on the voters who elected these rabble.
@7 – WADOT is getting closer to setting tolls for all drivers on I-405. They’re now in the process of widening out the lanes so that the HOV lane turns into a HOT lane (similar to SR-167) from Lynnwood to Bellevue. The HOT lane will allow 3-person carpools (as opposed to 2-person that are currently allowed) and charge everyone else.
I might question the demographics a bit regarding who does and doesn’t use the 520 bridge. I travel on it every day from Seattle to Redmond and back, most of the time on the bus so I can pay attention to things other than avoiding bashing into the asshole who just cut in front of me. The main choke point in the evening now is the backup from the ramps from westbound 520 to north-and southbound 405, and I see plenty of Benzes, Beemers and Esclades qeued up to take some other route to Seattle without paying the toll. I take this as an indication that wealthy people who don’t live really close the bridge are being just as cheap-ass as the po’ folks, going miles out of their way to duck paying a $3.75 toll even if they shelled out $75K for their ride.
On the other hand, Rodney Tom and his neighbors from “the Points” and Medina would surely love to have a shiny, deluxe new bridge built mostly at someone else’s expense that turns out to be mostly for their exclusive use.
@9 They have to get money for the 520 bridge from the locals. If one trick doesn’t work, they’ll try another. My guess is they would prefer a car tab tax if they could get away with it. From my point of view, charging bridge users is preferable to charging everyone. I cross Lake Washington maybe 3 or 4 times a year. There’s no way I should be forced to pony up the same amount as daily commuters. Tolling I-90 was discussed a while ago, and as a I recall, there was some federal issue that prevented WSDOT from doing that. It wouldn’t surprise me that they’re still trying.
Re: the second item, I’ve had female acquaintances who grew up in “White Trash America” (including parts of our own state) describe that environment as a “rapeteria” in which violation even by family members is routinely used as a punishment.
It looks like even Boener is getting upset with the Tea Party guys in the House, as well as quite a few Senate Republicans. This deal has to be finalized sometime tomorrow or we go into default.
@13 Can you say, “Plausible deniability”? I KNEW you could!!!!!
@13 rhp6033,
Not to pick nits, but
is not true.
If the US Treasury does not receive authority to borrow, the probability of default rises indeterminately.
There is just no way to know past 17 October whether the revenues received will equal the obligations on a day to day basis.
Oct. 16, 2013
Attorney General Ferguson files suit against Grocery Manufacturers Association