– I’m sure all of the reporters who were concerned about Darcy Burner’s inelegant explanation of her Harvard degree will be equally upset with Brad Toft’s makie uppie degree.
– Me too, too.
– Important news about the Northwest in national publications.
– Those who know the history of state hotline slipups involving Republican governors is clearly the greatest phrase ever.
– Happy Reloan Day, people on Kiva
I would recommend readers to enjoy this little exchange, in which Cap’n Timex earned his new name by have a bit of a hissy fit over me undervaluing his wristwatch by about $7000.
He really wants you to know he has an $8000 watch. Really.
RealClearPolitics now shows the delegate count at 201-191 in favor of Obama with 146 Toss-ups
Colorado (9)
Florida (29)
Iowa (6)
Michigan (16)
Nevada (6)
New Hampshire (4)
North Carolina (15)
Ohio (18)
Pennsylvania (20)
Virginia (13)
Wisconsin (10)
Let the good times roll!
I wonder how much Cap’n Timex is going to go on today about BENGHAZIIII!!!!! ACT OF WAAAARRR!11!1!! today.
I thought is was all about the economy?
Seems like the debate ‘bounce’ might be…deflating?
Cap’n might not even make the top ten in this thread…if he doesn’t, will he just go home today (oh, please, oh, please!!)?
This must REALLY irritate puddl.
I think the Democrats in Massachusetts have seen through the bullshit.
What did it?
The lack of the ‘nice guy’ schtick that he let fall by the wayside? The Scalia comment, a la deer-in-headlights Palin moment? General unctuousness?
@ 1
Just you, Lib Despair. Two of us are wearing it, now.
@ 4
Andrew Sullivan isn’t exactly with you on your concept of a deflating bounce, Lib Despair.
If anyone thought that the feisty Biden debate undid the massive damage the president did to himself in the first debate, the news isn’t great. Biden does seem to have reversed the speed of Obama’s free-fall but not the decline itself. Romney’s debate obliteration of Obama – something that, in my view, irreparably damages a sitting president – does not seem to be a bounce, but a resilient jump. It’s not going away by itself. That is: not a bounce.
What you think is ‘deflation’, Lib Despair, is just a leveling off of still-upward trajectory for Romney.
But it’s too fuckin’ funny watching you misperceive.
Deflation, Lib Despair, is the sensation you will experience beginning at 8:00 pm EST on Tuesday, November 6th.
Although it may already be in process.
– I’m sure all of the reporters who were concerned about Darcy Burner’s inelegant explanation of her Harvard degree will be equally upset with Brad Toft’s makie uppie degree.
By now Toft should understand that the term ‘executive’ should not be bestowed upon oneself until one has reached the level of middle manager.
BTW I’m not sure it was so much Burner’s ‘inelegant explanation’ of her degree as it was her completely unqualified status for the elected position she desired.
But you wanna call it a dustup over degree semantics, feel free.
I certainly have developed an appreciation for Darcy Burner over the years. She has been very good for Republican politicians in this state.
Long before I ever encountered you, Cap’n, I thought people who dropped that kind of coin on accessorizing were vapid, insecure, greedy and pathetic, needing to show off in the most shallow way possible.
You only reinforce that.
Don’t get me wrong – I like fine instruments, clocks and watches included, though my own fancy runs more to optics – binoculars and scopes of various kinds. But the reason one invests in such things, is for what they allow you to do – see and experience things you’re interested in and couldn’t otherwise do – Messier objects and ornithology are what get me going, in that regard. The price is certainly not the point – something you, with the shiny bauble on your wrist, straining so we can all see it, seem not to apprehend – shit, you’re bragging about the cost of your watch on a local political blog.
Do you not understand how truly pathetic that is?
And you were thinking that your Zenith watch would make us respect you more. Awwwww….that’s precious.
Top Romney Surrogate Admits GOP Is Exploiting Libya Incident For Political Gain.
Bob – Admit it, you don’t care about the 4 deaths, all you care about is the political gain. You care a lot less knowing that the Stevens may have been gay. Give up your charade.
They can’t survive without their charades.
Puddl pretends to be a Christian.
Max pretends not to have dementia.
Cap’n pretends to be something other than a distributor of FUD. Note, he has NEVER given a reason to vote Republican – his whole M.O. is about tearing down his opponents – he’s all about demoralizing and has no affirmative reason to support Romney.
That’s the reason I sometimes entertain the possibility that he’s an operative of some sort. An ordinary person, mostly, would have some sort of agenda or reasoning that led them to support who they do. Not so with the Cap’n, he’s all negative, all the time. Or he realizes that his agenda is all about the ongoing transfer of wealth upward, and he’s cagey enough not to say so, at least around here.
Not normal. Not convincing.
I gotta go – work to do on house, and calls to make for Obama and Warren.
@ 10
“shit, you’re bragging about the cost of your watch on a local political blog.”
Er, not so much. I mentioned that I had one, you were the one who brought up price.
I like watches because I like watches. They’re fascinating. Check out this gyro turbillon:
Someone crafted that by hand.
There’s one more thing about watches I just realized I like: It’s one more thing that gets me inside your head, Lib Despair. Your mind is one of the easiest with which to fuck that I have come into contact with. It’s like sticking a toothpick into jello. Except the jiggling doesn’t ever stop.
@ 11
You’re not worth my time. You’re not worth anyone’s time.
Deep down, I’m sure you know that.
Ruh Roh, Joe:
The new Middle East coverup: Biden caught in Syria debate falsehood
The paper quotes one U.S. official as saying, “The opposition groups that are receiving the most of the lethal aid are exactly the ones we don’t want to have it,” adding that “officials, voicing frustration, say there is no central clearinghouse for the shipments, and no effective way of vetting the groups that ultimately receive them.”
In other words, what Biden said was false. Worse yet, Biden knew his statement was untrue when he said it. According to the Times, “President Obama and other senior officials are aware [of this conclusion] from classified assessments of the Syrian conflict that has now claimed more than 25,000 lives,” adding the intelligence assessments “casts into doubt whether the White House’s strategy of minimal and indirect intervention in the Syrian conflict is accomplishing its intended purpose of helping a democratic-minded opposition topple an oppressive government, or is instead sowing the seeds of future insurgencies hostile to the United States.”
@2 President Obama is up 25 on Intrade and leads with 15 of 15 professional oddsmakers.
FEAR Right Wing Army Militia murder case update.
The usual suspects didn’t graduate from college and then lied about it. If I were an employer, I’d do an intensive background check on any applicant I suspected of being a Republican.
@14 and you are a schmuck. Hypocrite, bullshiter and dipshit. politicize the death of Americans for your own benefit….you care for none of them.
Democracy is good.
Republicanism is stupid.
Give up.
Republican trolls:
Romney is doomed.
You know it.
Give up.
@14 Sounds to me like you and Gman deserve each other.
@1 How can anyone be so stupid as to spend $8000 on a goddamned watch when you can buy almost 400 shares of Intel stock with that money?
This is all the explanation you need of why America is now a third-world country. Too many fools are spending instead of investing. And these people want us to give them more tax breaks in return for empty promises about creating jobs. They didn’t create any jobs with the last tax breaks we gave them (or, more accurately, they gave themselves; we didn’t go along with it).
@13 The difference between you and me is, if you have $8000 you buy a watch, whereas if I have $8000 I buy stock. Don’t ask me to support you in your old age. I won’t do it.
One of the poorest people I’ve ever met — he lived on the streets — owned a R**** watch. Not a fake, but the genuine article. I asked myself, “What is this guy doing with a R**** watch?”
Then I figured it out. Whenever he needed money, he pawned his R**** watch. When he got a casual labor job and made a bit of money, he got his R**** out of pawn. Rinse and repeat.
Too poor and too chronically unemployed to have access to credit, he used his R**** watch as collateral for high-interest loans in the alternative banking system. I guess it worked for him, but those were very expensive loans. Not the sort of business deal I’d get involved in, if I had a choice.
Maybe now you know what Cereal Bob’s $8000 watch tells us about his solvency and creditworthiness … btw Bob, which Tent City are you living in?
My remark regarding the Bible was intended to offend, glad it worked.
I had to use asterisks in the name of the watch, because WordPress wouldn’t post it otherwise. I wonder if R**** is paying WordPress under the table?
test Rolex test
Hmmm, it worked that time. I wish Goldy would get a less quirky hosting software. It’s a bitch when you have to use the cheap stuff because of budgetary constraints.
Please contact me back via email when you can–just have a quick question!
Not much new to report here..
Scott Walker is an utter failure:
He got everything he wanted if not more.. Wisconsin LAGS BEHIND the rest of the country in job growth.
Yeah sure trolls. Now blame it all on the people in WI who can’t stand his arrogant ass and tried to recall him and his crowd in the legislature.
I’ll never wear a R*lex. They have one model, a ‘Milgauss’, which provides some protection from magnetic fields.
Not high enough to provide protection from the magnetic field strengths I encounter in practice.
Plus, they’re butt-ugly.
R*lex is a bad word. Like detente, I suppose.
Mr Roger Rabbit-
You’re back. I was worried about you. Hope all is well. Seems like it must be because you are as feisty as ever. That’s good, although it won’t undo the damage Obama did in the last debate or the rudeness & lies of Biden either. But at any rate, glad you are back.
Hey, WTF is Hillary Clinton doing in Peru?????
Appears she is hiding since Team Obama is once again throwing her under the bus. Ouch.
Blaming intelligence is blaming Hillary.
Again nothing new.. From that marxist-leninist radical feminist publication, The Economist:
Stock market when D’s are in power: 300 percent gain..
Under R’s: ZERO..
@ 33
Hillary’s Peru visit has been on the calendar for quite awhile.
She’s got plenty of people at State to push back against Obama accusations while she’s gone. My suspicion is that State knows that Team Obama is making sure State is blamed, and will do what is necessary to deflect it.
Plus, State’s got Romney to help.
@ 34
Silly little YLB twit:
What has median income been over the last 3 1/2 years that a Democrat has presided, YLB?
And I’m sure your wife pretends to enjoy it when you roll on top of her.
You’re a clown, lib sci…a whiney little attantion whore.
Not sure which is worse, but the Cheryl Pflug appointment to the Growth Management Hearing Board stinks of high heaven. By law, the position was required to be for a practicing lawyer with practical experience in dealing with land use issues. In reality, Pflug graduated from Seattle University law school just days before her appointment. In any event, Pflug won’t be a practicing lawyer any time soon, since she didn’t pass the July 2012 bar examination. Even if she had done so, she could not have started practicing until at least November 2012.
So it really sucks that Pflug denied the voters of the 5th district an honest competition for the Senate seat. Obviously, Brad Toft is an extremely weak candidate — questionable legal history, fairly extreme positions, and two fake degrees. So when a powerful and (formerly) respected incumbent withdraws the Monday after filing closes, to accept a cushy political appointment that she is not legally, morally, or intellectually qualified for — and then endorses the principal candidate who was running against her (Mark Mullet), we have a major problem.
I have to give a lot of credit to David Spring, the Democratic candidate for one of the District 5 House positions. Spring ran strongly in both 2008 and 2010, narrowly losing each time (with the best percentage for a Democrat in the last 10 years in that district). Spring has made a big deal of this corruption, and has chosen to endorse the rather flawed Republican Toft, over the stinking corruption presented by his own party.
Found an interesting piece on rural voters in Wisconsin.
I guess one positive thing about not being admitted to the Bar is that you can’t be suspended from it, so she’s got that going for her.
I think you would find that in most states.
What happened to median income in the 30’s?
What a silly question. The better question is why do right wingers stand in the way of solutions that are known to work?
Easy answer: they don’t want to end up like the Whig party.
@36 convenient to choose the timing of a great recession for that statistic. Thanks Monkey GWB! And you’re his uncle.
@ 42
… why do right wingers stand in the way of solutions that are known to work?
Maybe it’s because the ‘solutions’ are left-wingers taking money out of the pockets of others to do stupid shit. Then when the stupid shit blows up in their faces, they’re back again for more money to waste.
It ‘works’ because up until now there’s always been more money to continue the stupidity.
Guess what? This time, there’s no more money. Just like Thatcher has said.
If you look at inflation adjusted median incomes, it was in the exact same place as when Bush was in office: the shitter.
So, the real question is: why do working class people still listen to a word of what Democrats and Republicans are saying?
Inflation adjusted median income in ’00: $54,841
Inflation adjusted median income in ’07: $54,489
Inflation adjusted median income in ’08: $52,546
Inflation adjusted median income in ’11: $50,054
According to the article @39 they’re starting to turn their backs on both parties.
Wow — looks like Cheryl Pflug flunked the July 2012 Washington state bar examination. In any event, Pflug’s name is not on the pass list, while the bar association does not publish the names of people who flunked.
While her appointment did not meet the legal qualifications, it is hard for anyone other than the Governor to remove Pflug from office. If Pflug had passed the bar, then she could have been admitted to practice around November 2012, and become legally qualified for her position before Gregoire left office. It would be hard for a new Governor to remove Pflug, if she had become qualified, even if Gregoire’s initial appointment had been erroneous.
Now, the incoming Governor can simply disappoint Pflug, declare the position vacant, and appoint a person of his choice. There is also a requirement for the position to be filled by a Republican (due to party balance rules). McKenna should have no hesitation appointing a bona fide Republican lawyer (and with actual land use practice experience), and Inslee might be inclined to do so as well (especially given that Pflug might lack the intellectual capacity to pass the bar exam anytime in the near future).
The lemmings don’t want to see those numbers.
Obama is collapsing among Likely Women Voters.
And collapsing in swing states among LIKELY VOTERS. Likely voters is the key to understanding the demise of Barrack Obama.
Like keeping bridges from collapsing on the watch of wise “jawb kweateh” governors..
Sorry right wing “twit” – in my own backyard I saw a crumbling bridge replaced before it could collapse and a reservoir lidded. Put a lot of hard hats to work for months on end. Those hard hats spent their pay checks into this state’s economy and we’ll reap dividends from those projects for decades.
I wonder what the median inflation-adjusted income changes have been for public sector vs private sector employees over the past decade.
Total compensation, same question.
Here’s my point:
Regarding private sector, computerization/automation has been a boon for companies, allowing them to do more with less. So they produce more, per employee, and need fewer employees as they transition to automation.
Whose fault is that? I think that neither GWB43 nor Obama should be held accountable for finding jobs for people whose careers have become obsolete. If one is an employee in a field about to be eradicated, one’s own obligation is to do something different to avoid getting caught in the advance of technology.
The company need do no more than offer displaced employees first dibs at new positions. The president should work to promote an economic environment that is pro-growth so that new jobs can be created. That does not extend to finding new jobs for people whose work has become obsolete.
Median income will continue to be pressured and technology will continue to advance.
Deal with it.
Now, public sector is pretty much insulated from reality, or has been until the past couple of years. Time for them to share in the reality.
LOL! What’s money right wing twit? The Federal Reserve prints it whenever it has enough votes on the FOMC. It had no problem printing enough (what 12 trillion?) to keep many banks afloat during the 2008/2009 crisis. TARP was a drop in the bucket to get at least some of that “money” out from under the mattresses. Last I heard TARP will cost us 24 billion – a little over two months worth of the fiasco in Iraq.
@44. You have, as always, told us over and over what the liberals are doing wrong, but you will never say what the conservatives are going to do right, especially for the middle class. Why is that?
Until you can post some conservative solutions that pencil out, that make sense, you are a mean spirited shrill waste of time.
“The Republican response to EVERY POTENTIAL CRISIS, is to defund the government so it can not address the problems, then sit back and wait until the crisis occurs so they can BLAME THE GOVERNMNT for failing to address the problem.”
@ 52
you are a mean spirited shrill waste of time.
I won’t argue with the mean-spirited or even shrill description.
As far as waste of time, I suppose it depends.
For me, right now, it’s enough to see Obama deposed. What people saw in the first debate is that the alternative to The One comes off as competent. People saw the same thing in the VP debate – the alternative to Joe Biden is competent.
If they see, again, tomorrow night that Romney is competent in the foreign policy arena, even if Obama plays significantly better to the TV audience than he did the first time, it’s game over. The trend is Romney’s (see Chuck Todd’s comments on MSNBC just this morning), the enthusiasm is the GOP’s this year, and the polls are a lagging indicator of what’s happening in current tense.
There’s really no reason for me to provided the five-item list that has been repeatedly been demanded of me by HA libbies. All I need to do is point out the flaws in the empty suit that is Obama.
Besides, it’s really more fun if people on HA believe that Obama is going to lose to someone no one on the GOP side actually supports. Why shatter that preconception they hold? It’s all they’ll be left with on Wednesday morning, November 7th.
Heh. It amazes me what right wing twits believe are wise uses of tax payer dollars..
Like multi-million dollar Abrams tanks rusting in a depot somewhere:
More “value” to those twits than bridges that don’t collapse or sewer systems that don’t pollute groundwater or cause sinkholes.
As has been explained by Roger Rabbit and others, multiple times on this board, public agencies provide services which are considerably different from that offered by private companies. I won’t go into the details, except to point out the obvious: they can’t decide not to serve a sector of the public because it isn’t profitable or is too much trouble. They have to follow the law and regulations, and treat everyone the same. Private companies regularly decide to cast off customers and types of business they simply don’t want to handle.
@ 55
If you expect a response that suggests your post is credible you need to mention people other than RR. He’s in the stopped-clock-right-twice-daily category.
The public sector has benefitted from technology in many ways, and yet only now are the public sector rolls being trimmed. Why?
This time around, there’s no money to keep borrowing.
Things that can’t go on forever, don’t.
One of the more dismal things about the way private enterprises are currently handled is the tendency of one company to get backing from a wall street investment firm and buy out a competitor in a leveraged buyout. In such a scenario, it’s not a question of which company is managed better or leads the market, it’s just who has access to the biggest investment bankers.
Then the new company takes over, and the investment bankers take their share by cutting expenses such as workers, branch facilities, etc. Union contracts are busted in Chapt. 11 bankruptcy, and employee pensions (deferred compensation negotiated decades earlier) dissapear.
In the end the remaining company is saddled with huge debt and trying to serve it’s customers with less money and equipment, and fewer facilities. In the end it’s the employees and the customers who take the shaft. But it will take months or a year or two for customers to abandon the previous company enough for it to be reflected in the financial sheets, at which point the money-changers and the new company management will have already collected their bonuses and profits and be long gone – the shell of the former company remaining will be abandoned or sold for scrap prices.
We need to have financial incentives in place to penalize such conduct and make it unprofitable. Instead, we should return to the days when a CEO’s future and fortune were tied to the long-term success of the company, and growth of the company came about due to better management.
One of the many faults in your post is that salaries for the remaining workers in those companies have been stagnate while compensation for the managers and shareholders has increased.
Romney, RNC raise $170 million in September
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
# 56: The fact is, the public sector HAS adapted technology in many ways to reduce costs. For example, people on unemployment can report on their status weekly by computer or telephone which updates the database directly, instead of showing up at an unemployment office and filling out a form weekly to keep their benefits. But you won’t notice it if their workload keeps increasing, which is a by-product of Republican policies which reward the rich and push the middle class further down the ladder.
@ 58
Regarding managers: I guess I’d need to see data. Same number of managers, or fewer of them being paid more?
Regarding shareholders: Um, so? They’re the ones with all investment at risk. How did GM and Chrysler shareholders do in the Obama bankrupcy? AIG? BofA? C? UBS? Lehman Bros.? Bear Stearns?
Shareholders profiting from investment in new technology isn’t wrong. “It’s not a glitch (fault), it’s a feature.”
We’ve been gaining private sector jobs and at the same time here’s what’s happening to public sector jobs:
When Mitt and Paul say we need to shrink the government, what they’re really saying is we need to do what Barak and Joe are already doing.
Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
@ 58
Hey, if you don’t like the meteoric rise in Apple’s stock, virtually all of which has accrued to shareholders since they don’t have all that many US employees and those in China aren’t paid very well, don’t buy the iPhone. Don’t buy the iPad.
Fewer workers and they’re being paid the same or less.
I have a $20 cellphone and a 6 year old lap-top. And I’d love to see Apple share holders (that would be me) make a little less and those workers in China make a little more.
@ 63
During the period when 8 million jobs were lost in the ‘great recession’, how many of those were government jobs?
How many of the jobs in your data @ 63 were temporary ARRA ‘stimulus’ jobs or CENSUS jobs, which were created as temporary employment?
C’mon, Michael. You’re better than that. Let’s see some real data. Or at least tell me all those jobs that were there in 2010 and gone in 2011 weren’t Census jobs.
@ 63
How many of those lost public sector jobs were union jobs lost at the recent-hire end because the unions wouldn’t accept wage or pension benefit cuts, which might have kept everyone employed?
# 55: By the way, your attempt to dismiss as a source someone who actually KNOWS about the subject you are discussing, such as a highly educated public employee who retired from public service, didn’t go unnoticed.
If you have a problem with Roger Rabbit as a source, Serial, I suspect it’s because you are a bit sore and tired from having your proverbial but kicked by his knowledge of the facts and superior reasoning skills. That’s your problem, not mine.
We could pay for a lot of RN degrees or fix up a lot of schools with that money. There are way better things to spend this kind of cash on than politics. This is insane.
Um, fizzle, not boom, homeslice.
Obama raised $181 million in September.
Here’s the WSJ – Obama outraised Rmoney in both September and August.
We’re laughing at you.
You just can’t stop spinning things, can you. But, but, but…
@ 69
Just as Keith Richards’ role in the band is to make Mick Jagger appear healthy,
Roger Rabbit’s role on HA is to make people like rhp6033 and Lib Despair appear intelligent.
@ 72
You didn’t link, Michael. I asked questions because you forced me to ask questions.
I thought the Census point was a good one. Got an answer to it?
Um… what posted shows what the breakout of job numbers where
I forgot the link to this:
But, if you copy and paste it into google and hit search the link and other relevant ones pop right up.
Here’s the link:
But, there’s also this:
And of course the numbers come from here:
@ 71
Lib Despair, it’s not money raised that counts. It’s cash on hand. The difference is burn rate – we know that Obama has been spending tons to acquire those $3 contributions. It’s likely continued.
Team Romney has $191M COH. (see my link)
To my knowledge, Team Obama hasn’t announced COH yet (apologies if this is incorrect). They have until the 20th. If this is correct, why do you think that is?
Lib Despair, there are a lot of high-earners out there with not a penny to their name. You know that.
I suspect that Team Obama has within $ 20M of what Team Romney has. Just a guess. But Obama’s burn rate has been greater and I have no reason to believe that has not continued.
Go ahead and laugh, Lib Despair. Just remember this – you did so without looking in Obama’s wallet.
So to recap:
There were 22.4 M government workers in 2008 and the latest numbers for 2012 have us at 22 M government workers.
The first law of holes comes to mind.
You just can’t stop spinning things, can you.
Like ‘suburbs are evil’? That kind of spin?
But I digress.
I’m not a big Obama guy, I’m just sick of all the bullshit I’m hearing from the right. Lie, lie, lie.
We keep finding out about Republican office holders that think slavery was a blessing, or that some girls “rape easy” or that women that weren’t beaten black and blue in the process of getting raped weren’t really raped, or pro-lifer’s who pressured wives, girlfriends, or mistresses to have abortions. And of course these people get denounced soon as they’re outed. But, none of this is new or shocking, the only thing that’s happened is that they’ve been outed. Once their comments are out in the public the folks that supported them and helped them get into office running scurrying like rats from a sinking ship. Maybe, they shouldn’t have supported them in the first place?
I think both candidates have PLENTY of money to get their message across to voters. It disturbs me that each candidate is raising somewhere around a billion dollars a piece, and that probably well over five billion is being spent to influence all elections this year.
Federal law would give Romney and Obama $91.2 million each of public funds for the general election (i.e. the time after the convention), if they would commit to not raising outside money. But both Romney and Obama turned this money down, since they figured they could raise far more money on their own.
Every presidential nominee from 1976 to 2008 accepted federal public general election funding, until Obama turned it down in 2008. McCain accepted the federal funds that year. This year, both candidates rejected federal funding.
@ 79
That’s Romney alone and Obama alone, Michael.
I referred to Team Romney, which is Romney For President, Romney Victory, and RNC.
I did so intentionally.
RNC has many times more COH than does DNC. Since we know the money flows between the three entities each party has rather freely, I look at the total amount.
So should you.
Michael @ 81:
See @ 83. From your @81 link:
However, the Washington Post reported last week that the RNC now has 10 times more cash than its Democratic rival and that the DNC took out $8 million in loans in September — which means it had more debt ($11.8 million) than cash on hand ($7.1 million).
So RNC has 10X the COH that DNC does.
You have to look at the whole booty each side has to work with. That’s how they look at it.
@ 78
So over 4 years public sector lost 400,000 jobs.
Public sector is about 20% +/- of the total work force.
Meaning that over 4 years private sector, if hit equally to public sector, should have lost 2,000,000 jobs.
Michael, how many jobs did the private sector actually lose in that period?
I believe I have made my point.
You’re an imbecile.
A government worker spends their wages like any other – and has traditionally been a sector of the economy that provided relatively more support during recessions. One notable distinction between this recession and others has been the loss of government jobs – due to this Republican ‘small government’ fetish and the desire to hurt the economy to hurt Democrats.
Not even close you self-satisfied dimwit.
Gotta run, Team HA. It’s been fun.
I’ll leave you with this:
Romney by 4 in the swing states.
Swing States poll: Women push Romney into lead
The Republican nominee now ties the president among women who are likely voters, 48%-48%, while he leads by 12 points among men.
Oh, and here’s the bestest, most wonderfullest part:
Libbies are blaming the results on polling methology.
After a new poll out today from Gallup and USA Today showed Mitt Romney pulling ahead of President Barack Obama by strengthening his standing with likely female voters in key swing states, the Obama campaign fired back by releasing a memo written by Josh Benenson of the Benenson Strategy Group consulting firm criticizing “deep flaws in Gallup’s likely voter screen.”
I think I’m gonna have a good week.
How about you, Lib Despair?
I really cannot wait for Nov 7 and your inevitable disappearance from these threads.
Lib Despair, without people like me you’d be (more) prone to believe your own bullshit.
I’ll be around, maybe just for you.
I’m doin’ great, thanks, and I expect the week to improve markedly, especially after tomorrow night.
Moreover, my soul is at peace, for I have not sold it for some bling, or for greed generally, nor have I become so morally compromised as to be led to support a reptile like Willard Romney.
I revel in the fact that Democrats are going to retain the Senate, and that toads like Scotty Brown and Josh Mandel and Richard Mourdock, literally the future of the Republican party, are going to be kicked to the curb be the voters in their states.
I’m even hopeful that my Democrats are going to take back the House and reinstall Nancy Pelosi as Speaker. I particularly look forward to Allen West being booted from government.
Hey Cap’n – got any idea why the PAC of the American College of Radiologists would donate so much money to Orrin Hatch? Or why they’re giving money to Todd Akin?
@ 92
@ 91
I noticed that one of the things not on your list of desired election outcomes is the re-election of our president. Freudian slip?
Oh, look here, more evidence that Paul Ryan is a complete fraud.
Paul Ryan gets his picture taken washing (clean) dishes at a soup kitchen, defrauding voters into thinking that he even cared enough even just to show up when there were actual dirty dishes to wash. He couldn’t even be bothered to do that.
As with his budget numbers, Paul Ryan is all form and no substance. He is a cipher, and a dangerous, amoral one at that.
Hey Cap’n Timex, why should I vote for this guy again?
Because he ‘appeared’ competent on stage the other night?
That’s a foregone conclusion, Bob.
I thought you were leaving, Bob.
Look at the Battleground state polls carefully. All seem to show Obama at 50% or mostly less. That’s a huge, huge problem for Obama as historically late undecideds break sharply against the incumbent.
Obama must beat Romney in this debate worse than Romney beat Obama in the last to change this momentum.
Ain’t gonna happen if Obama brings up Bain & Romney’s tax return instead of clear plans to solve the problems OBAMA has created. Then the big question is “Do you rehire the guy who created the problems to fix them??”
Answer–No way. Your fired a$$hole!
Catholic Bishops make it clear that Lyin’ Joe Biden speaks with lying tongue.
When someone intentionally speaks an untruth, it’s called a lie. The person speaking it is called a lying. The Bishop’s were nice to crazy Joe the chronic interrupter (80 times BTW). I’ll bet the nuns are pretty upset with how a guy who claims to be a devout Catholic can lie, interrupt and support abortion on demand.
Lyin’ Joe Biden. Nice ring to it.
You guys think that ‘the help’ will be strip searched prior to working this gig?
Man, that would be an excellent party to bug. Amazing what we have to go through to get Willard’s real positions on things, when he’s hanging out with his posse. I guess we always have the ‘47%’ video.
A new poll shows Obama leading in Arizona, of all places. It could be an outlier — or it could reflect how completely the GOP has blown the Hispanic vote.
@50 “I wonder what the median inflation-adjusted income changes have been for public sector vs private sector employees over the past decade.”
I’m pretty sure my salary and benefits compared rather unfavorably with the bankers who brought our economy down.
Despite all your dissing on public employees, it remains a fact that all the mansions, Porsches, and yachts are owned by people in the private sector.
If you think anyone goes into public service to make money, you should try it yourself sometime.
@73 “Roger Rabbit’s role on HA is to make people like rhp6033 and Lib Despair appear intelligent.”
No, my job on HA is to make pickup cowboys like you green with envy. I made $1,800 in the stock market today, and didn’t even have to get out of bed.
Nope, they haven’t seen it because the leftists in the media are still hiding it. How does Puddy know? Ask the ylbuttspigot arschloch. He can tell ya!
Pretense… dunceman@12 pretends to be intelligent, every day on HA!
Sucks to be him!
Rudy Big Guilianis is 100% right. Obummer has covered it up. Now we know more about the Obummer lies!
This is gonna hurt tomorrow…
Get Rice under oath!
Not all Democrats are worth voting for this November.
Wash. state auditor candidate wired millions, linked account to Belize
Still on that kick eh ylbuttspigot? Even after MinnDOT was cleared by the US guvmint you still are bring that up?
Another smelly diarrhea stain, a really big puddle here.
@107 Michael, Please give props where props are due. It ain’t easy to Lie without moving your lips. Paul Ly’n Ryan!!
Yeah, Troy Kelly can go away. Since he seems to like Belize that might be a good place for him.
Man, this ylbuttspigotis a real moron!
And the Australian $$$ is now worth more than the US $$$. Ask Puddy how he knows ylbuttspigot!
ylbitchslapped AGAIN!
@112 Puddles, and you find an Australian dollar being worth more than a US dollar makes it
a) more difficult to sell into Australia?
b) less difficult to sell into Australia?
Also, the number one Australian import into the US economy is????
Well lets see fascist moron…
Any time a famous person comes out for Mitt Romney, y’all go nutzo!
Nothing else needs saying!
Rudy Guiliani on CNN giving Soledad Snow Flake O’Brien the smack down!
@112 Puddles, worried about Australian/US currency
Care to guess Puddles how much we export to Australia?
FlubScout… Same web site…
1. Meat and poultry
2. Crude oil
3. Passenger cars
4. Wine
5. Semi-finished iron, steel
6. Nickel
7. Other medical equipment
8. Pharmaceutical preparations
9. Industrial inorganic chemicals
10. Finished metal shapes
It’s how much one can buy with your money ya moron! Coogi sweaters, Akubra hats, etc.
Looks like Clinton fell on the sword for Obummer on Libya!
@117 Puddles,
You didn’t answer the question.
An Australian dollar being worth more than a US dollar makes it
a) more difficult to sell into Australia?
b) less difficult to sell into Australia?
More difficult to buy Australian goods. You have to spend more money. There were things I wanted to buy but were 30% more expensive. I blame Obummer and the QE actions even Roger SENILE Wabbit doesn’t like them. Same thing when Puddy travels to Asia. A new digital camera costs so much more now in Japan and China.
@120 You are a piece of work.
And you can’t see me, but I’m playing the world’s smallest violin for you over your inability to find a cheap camera in China.
dunceman, here is the latest in the Elizabeth Warren saga, the leftists in MA will not post. She is scummier than your bath water!
Remember Joe the Plumber?
MIA.. What a joke!
@123 YLB,
Perhaps “Joe” had to make an emergency “plumbing” house call?
Armed Forces Show Overwhelming Support for Obama
via Paul over at the SLOG
problem is, you cant get out of bed.
Hey dunceman,
Interesting stuff this MA Senate Race…
Cheap camera? Only a FlubScout would buy a cheap camera in China. Puddy was comparison shopping for a HIGH END Digital you schmuck. You know… wait… you wouldn’t know!
That’s the big diff between the FlubScout and Puddy. Puddy was looking for quality products at decent prices and Flubscout looks for Chinese war junk!
See ya, ya idiot!
Here are some sad pictures.
Oh Noes… Florida for Romney?
@126 Then why am I sitting at my computer typing?
Heh. It’s too funny this right wing obsession with “independents”..
You’d have to be crazy to register your party affiliation ESPECIALLY if you lean D.. By registering, it becomes a matter of public record.
Then the greedhead “jawb destroyers” will retaliate and discriminate against you anyway they can..
I remember being totally annoyed with this when I lived in CA.
Your politics should be your own business.
Heh. It’s my fond wish that the tea party/Ron Paul crowd will be voting for liberty on Nov 7:
Hell of a lot better than voting “R” for damn sure..
Ya, ’cause CA is such a republican state…lol
you have been listening to wayyyyy to much Thommy Hartmann.
Well on that part we agree.
LOL!!! Forget China Willard! It’s time to “get tough” with Japan:
Just like this old “R” did back in the day:
Yeah, diarrheaman has way too much time on his hands.
Obummer – Hides behind GWBush on the economy
Obummer – Hides behind John Effin Kerry on the 1st debate
Obummer – Hides behind Hillary on Benghazi
Obummer – can’t stand up for himself.
Factoid: Steel is 95% of global metal production.
Factoid: Iron ore is the second largest commodity trade after oil.
Factoid: Roger Rabbit bought shares of Cliffs Natural Resources, an iron ore producer, this summer when spot prices of iron ore were at record lows. Roger Rabbit got shares paying $2.50 annual dividends for less than $37.50 each. Sure beats working for wages.
Hooray Nordstrom, fuck Chick-fil-yech!
LOL!!! Where Prop 13 was born, the beginning of the right wing obsession with cutting taxes.
Where Ronnie Reagan honed his political chops to one day becoming a right wing saint!
It’s too sad how fucking ignorant you are asshat.
Oh noes, reading this poll Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader sucks in at 47%, while 25% like him. Meanwhile Nancy Pelosi sucks worse at 53% while only 33% like her. You see Nancy Pelosi is about as popular as:
1. Gonorrhea
2. Hemorrhoids
3. Herpes
4. Syphilis
5. All of the above
@137 You forgot to mention that Obama wins wars and kills terrorists, in contrast to the Republican incompetent he replaced.
CA looks pretty blue on ole Darryl’s map..I guess he is “fucking ignorant” too.
Which way did CA go last election?
go eat a dick you clown.
Factoid: Nobody cares.
Oh noes… The sadministration knew before Ambassador Rice went on the Sunday Shows and Obummer went to the UN telling big lies.
Tomorrow night gonna be much fun for Obummer!
Yeah, Obummer personally killed Osama. Yeah, we all “know” that Roger SENILE Wabbit!
What else? Darryl Issa – promoter of right wing wet dreams like Solyndra, Fast n’ Furious?
Oh yeah! Tricky Dick Nixon.. He’s an old right wing favorite..
And Timmy Lieman can only freaking DREAM of the power right wingers in CA have over the legislature:
Butt ignorance – it’s what’s for dinner in the asshat household.
Puddl, the fake Christian, brays about Harry Reid and nancy Pelosi’s numbers in a Rasmussen/Republican poll. What he didn’t mention was this…
Remember, that’s a Rasmussen poll.
Thanks, puddl!!
@141 Here’s what pussybutt’s linked article actually says:
“Democrats continue to lead Republicans … on the Generic Congressional Ballot … for the week ending October 14, 2012.”
ha ha ha! Nice bit of selective editing, pussy! ha ha ha!
@146 “Obummer personally killed Osama.”
Simple process of elimination, pussybutt: Osama is dead, so somebody killed him, and your organ grinder chimp sure as hell didn’t get him, which leaves only one other president as a possibility.
Puddl, did you sit in judgement today? Who did you decide to hate? Does your Jesus approve?
Yeah, And if you think Republicans are losing the house…
More Lunacy from dunceman. His heroes suck right now so he aims his vitriol against Puddy!
Judgment? Nope you dope. The politics speak for themselves. Jesus doesn’t approve your antics. Remember John 8! You’d rather forget that!
Personally Puddy hopes a voter asks Obummer why he’s going around bragging he KILLED Osama. The Navy Seals killed him. That would be wonderful!
BTW Romney gained 8 points on Obummer in CA. Think of all those extra total votes for Romney!
You pointed Jesus’ words at me – but that’s irrelevant – I’m an atheist, and I’m not even convinced that this historical Jesus ever existed. I don’t care about what’s written in your book, when it come to me.
I’m talking about YOU – you who threatens others with your god’s wrath when he comes in “Clouds O’Glory”. You who claim to be a Christian, but seem to discard one of your Jesus’ central laws – that of Love Your Neighbor.
Remember – you told me just yesterday that I’m not your neighbor nor your brother – and apparently then, that decision of yours absolves you of following your Jesus’ laws. You Christians are so hard to understand sometimes.
Now you say this…
So you speak for your Jesus? Does he know that? Aren’t you supposed to take care of your own failings – something about a log in your eye – before you start minding others’ business – not not mention taking on speaking for Jesus! You must be a prophet or something!
So, puddl, the question still stands…
I’m just trying to understand you Christians!
Like your commentary on this blog.
The rest of this rant is as useless as your multiple degrees in a political debate.
See ya. You can’t understand what your denigrate everyday! Your question is like your comments… irrelevant
Run away, little fake Christian….
My questions sure seem to make you uncomfortable – and you don’t seem to be able to answer them either, only able, like yesterday, to turn your back on your Jesus and his Laws.
Oh my another piece of news for Obummer before the debate… Gonna be fun.
No your questions are stoooooooooooopid. You’ve lost it. Since Puddy doesn’t believe in drugs you need psychiatric help!
Good night dunceman. You make stooooooooooopid peeps proud!
Really, just another way of saying that you’re unwilling to address the question.
Clearly you’re practicing your non sequiturs again. What does that even mean?
I remember my high school physics teacher, commenting on something nonsensical that a student said, saying, “That’s like saying ‘Did you ride your bike? No, I brought my lunch'”.
One thing does not follow the other.
I suppose your desperate need to avoid having your hypocrisy examined has led to synapse misfire.
I think your Jesus might suggest to you the benefits of silent contemplation.
Yet another example of the Obama Midas touch:
A123 Files For Bankruptcy; Sells Auto Assets To Johnson Controls (Updated)
A123 Systems has filed for bankruptcy protection in federal court in Wilmington, Delaware, Bloomberg reports. Late yesterday, the battery company had warned that it was about to default on several loan issues, noting that a bankruptcy filing was a possibility; but it still seems startling to see them file just hours later.
A123 makes rechargeable lithium-ion batteries for electric cars. The company has been hurt by the slow development of the electric car market.
Don’t be surprised to see this turn into a Solyndra-style political football; A123 had received $249 million in grants from the U.S. Department of Energy.
Just in time for tonight’s debate.
There will be a nice list of failed green firms for Romney to tick off. He did a pretty good job listing things in the first debate. Doubt he’ll have a Rick Perry moment in this one.
Conservatives keep yammering that “We are out of money”. There is some truths to that.
HOWEVER, the solutions they then favor do not have shared pain, it’s all focused hurting the poor and middle class. Nothing for the upper class.
Delicious irony it would be if those with ‘low-sloping foreheads’ in the ‘flyover states’ are the ones that end up kicking Obama’s ass.
Bean Rights
#165. Wow, you just dislike everyone don’t you.
@ 167
You referring to me, or to Obama?
“The truth is, Obama doesn’t call anyone, and he’s not close to almost anyone. It’s stunning that he’s in politics, because he really doesn’t like people. My analogy is that it’s like becoming Bill Gates without liking computers.”
Seriously, what’s not to like about a group of people who repeatedly call me racist, stoopid, gay (Not that there’s anything wrong with that!), a goat-fucker, a Neanderthal?
I never thought this wasn’t a contact sport. Best defense is a good offense.
What the fuck are you talking about, Robert?
Do you really think posting Weakly Standard bullshit advances your argument?
Shouldn’t you be working, Robert?
Someone with real guts.
…the anticipated jobs headline on November 2, 96 hours before polls open across the country, has the potential to be one of the only items to break through the pre-election news jam. And bad jobs news would be a big story.
“Of course we’re worried about it,” admitted an Obama campaign aide, on the prospect of an eleventh hour jobs report showing a spike in the unemployment rate.
Funny thing about that drop in the unemployment rate last month. It wasn’t supported by real job creation. Meaning it may swing the other way on the Friday before the election.
That might be rather inconvenient for The One.
Don’t you have work to do, Robert?
Does your employer know how much time you spend on the internet, instead of creating value for them?
How many of these many are married adulterers?
Puffy get out the Bible – denounce those individuals. Unless you take their side.
@172 in order to create value you have to be of value. No value with a dipshit Bible Thumper.
Apparently you don’t have any work to do
Pot? Kettle? Asswhipe?
And you think you have value? Lmfao….
How quickly is the momentum shifting?
The right’s merely laughing at the left’s desperate efforts now:
FreeBeacon Hey @Politico and @apalmerdc you can stop looking, we found the other half of your story on Romney & lobbyists wfb.tc/SZvJdu
Believe it or don’t believe it; I don’t really care.
But I haven’t seen the breakdown of where the $716B cuts in Medicare will occur before this:
Yes, it’s a right-wing site. Sue me.
No, we just don’t believe Heritage. Why should we – they’re manifestly in the tank for the Republicans and the conservative ‘movement’.
We’ve had this discussion about the $716 billion some time ago, and IIRC you evaporated from that one too when your ass was handed to you. I think it had something to do with not knowing the difference between professional and facility reimbursements.
I would think you would know that, being a doctor and all, right Dr. Robert?
I really do wonder about your poor employers or partners, and certainly patients – do they know how much time you spend perusing right wing sites, formulating your own FUD, and endlessly posting here? Is that fair to them?
FWIW, the discussion regarding Medicare and the $716 billion: about a third is from inefficient “Medicare Advantage” run by private insurance companies; about a third is from lower rates for hospitals, which the hospitals agreed to in negotiation, because they make it up by having more paying customers, thanks to Obamacare; and about a third is from other sources like nursing homes and hospice – targeting inefficiencies.
You should know this, Dr. Robert.
@ 180
Which leaves only a $500B or so shortfall, Moe.
It’s like arguing that ARRA wasn’t really wasteful spending because some of it was handed off to taxpayers as a tax credit. Doesn’t excuse the massive waste in the rest of it.
Spin, spin, spin, you must be getting dizzy, Dr. Robert.
Must be the magnets.
Nothing you have said is an argument against either trying to fix the American healthcare system in general, or Obamacare specifically.
You are an exemplary whacker of straw men, Timex boy.
Shouldn’t you be working? What would your partners say?