– There is still a lot of work, of course. But I think it’s fair to say public pressure on Cherry Point (and legit safety concerns) have produced quite a victory.
– I’m also mostly of the opinion that the ACA is a great accomplishment. Even if I would have preferred a public option or just single payer.
– The Whiteness Project: Good Luck with That
– I realize a claim is not definitive proof, but Rosalind Brazel deserves to have her claims taken seriously.
– Congrats to Alaska gay couples, and supporters of the same.
– I keep passing the Pronto Cycle booths. I can’t wait to try it out.
Lawyers Guns and Money Carl for your ACA “success story”? Oh my goodness. If Obummercare is soooooooooo successful, why are they waiting to announce 2015 premiums until AFTER the election Carl? This is:
SCOTUS Blocks Texas Abortion Law
The Supreme Court, 6-3, has blocked Texas from implementing its recently enacted anti-abortion law, allowing several abortion clinics in that state to reopen immediately. The three dissenting justices were the usual suspects: Scalia, Thomas, and Alito. I’ll bet none of them has ever been pregnant.
Gamergate… Hmmm… Aren’t most gamers Obummer lovers? Now they are misogynists? You don’t say?
http://www.forbes.com/sites/ro.....ike-obama/ – Yes they are…
Gamers overwhelmingly supported Rock The Vote… which promotes DUMMOCRETIN values.
Misogynists? Must be!
The Seattle Times reports Gov. Jay Inslee’s father has died.
Hey Carl, why not pose this abortion question, if you have the cojones…
When abortion loving libtards walk past a playground or a city park; which of the children you see playing shouldn’t be there?”
It’s Over In Idaho, Too
Meanwhile, Idaho’s governor and attorney general won’t fight a court order blocking that state’s same-sex marriage ban while they consider their legal options, and Idaho will begin issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples tomorrow morning.
@5 And why don’t YOU answer THIS question, if you have the cajones:
How much are you willing to pay in taxes to support unwanted children?
Obummer’s FY 2012 budget cut the CDC Public Health Services Budget. Republicans restored much of it. Yet it is Republicans who are screwing the CDC per libtards. Another item missed by the monomaniacal moonbat moron clueless crazed cretin.
This country is going broke because of welfare burdens created by people like Puddy.
Roger NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit,
Answer Puddy’s question first and Puddy will ABSOLUTELY answer your insipid attempt at comedy!
Got proof? Numbers?
More RockTheVote video… http://twitchy.com/2014/10/07/.....ote-video/
If abortion helps keep people out of lives of poverty, then I’m all for it.
One of the wingnut Teabircher creepazoids Puddy runs with threatens mass shooting at Utah State University because, um, Freedom!
Puddy obviously needs better friends.
Wingnut Missouri county official friend of Puddy’s calls for military coup to overthrow our government because, um, Freedom!
Puddy runs with very strange and violent people.
“If abortion helps keep people out of lives of poverty, then I’m all for it.”
While wingnuts love all blastocysts dearly, the idea of murdering any that eventually become liberals has obvious appeal to them.
So funny to see the miserable village idiot troll’s head EXPLODE over the following FACT:
A 23 percent loss in spending power. So WTF did klownservative idiot politicians do to address this over the years so we could get an ebola vaccine from the????
NIH, NOT CDC (Although that’s another sad story). NIH is all I’ve talked about today.
FACT VILLAGE IDIOT TROLL FACT.. What a silly dope we have here in the threads… I’m too happy he represents the ALWAYS WRONG WING aka the KLOWNSERVATIVES!
With friends like the village idiot troll, the klownservatives don’t need enemies!
@10 Why would I answer a question a question you asked Carl? My name isn’t Carl. And YOU call ME an “idiot” …
Was there a wingnut “Call for Sedition and Treason” memo that went out or something?
@5, 8, 10
Stupid question. None, they are living children who are at a playground and are capable of breathing and metabolizing without help from a host organism.
Thanks for re-stating the all-time stupid mystical cloud being derived morality false equivalence of the the last several decades. Can’t come up with an original thought, got to go with the classics.
It looks like Allen West got the memo.
Treason. It’s all the rage with wingnut Teabirchers.
“When abortion loving libtards walk past a playground or a city park; which of the children you see playing shouldn’t be there?”
When you murder-obsessed wingnuts experience your deep-seated hatred for the people of Seattle, what percentage of its citizens do you figure should be killed because they’re the hated “DUMMOCRETINS”?
Every child should be a wanted child. Women and men should be give the tools and the skills to prevent pregnancy if they do not want it.
I have never understood how conservatives can hate abortion so much, and yet be so unwilling to support birth control, or support the children once they are born. They were glad food stamps were cut. They won’t pay for education of other people’s kids.
For Puddles:
Isn’t what Allen West said treasonous?
Rumors are circulating that the Canadian Pacific Railway was seeking to merge with CSX. Both deny it.
This could be the beginning of another round of Mergermania. Potentially to stay competitive, BNSF and Norfolk Southern might merge. Their was an attempted around 2000, with Canadian National, but the Surface Transportation Board rejected it.
Indiana Harbor Belt, one of the largest switching railroads in the country, announced that they are converting the bulk of their locomotive fleet to run on Compressed Natural Gas.
monomaniacal moronic moonbat crazed clueless cretin… Did you forget those links Puddy posted in the 10/13 and Drunken Libtard threads? Of course you did that’s why you ran to this thread! Did you purposely skip over the wasted NIH studies?
You skipped over this monomaniacal moonbat moron clueless crazed cretin… NIH? Well http://www.niaid.nih.gov/news/.....VaxQA.aspx
So much for blocking that vaccine eh moron?
How much money is Obummercare costing again and it’s not even fully started yet? +1 Billion
Or how NIH spends roughly $1 billion of taxpayer funds to support research in academia EACH YEAR.
Well clueless crazed cretin since you are so monomaniacally attached to the NIH read and weep NIH NIH NIH you moron
-to study how to create a website for Michelle Obama’s garden
-to study why men don’t like to use condoms
-to study that “will send text messages in ‘gay lingo’ to methamphetamine addicts to try to persuade them to use fewer drugs and more condoms”
-to study why do lesbians drink a lot and beat each other up
-to study why “three-quarters” of lesbians in the United States are overweight and why most gay males are not http://clashdaily.wpengine.net.....0/nih1.jpg
-to study why New Zealand snails want to have sex when they can reproduce without a mate
-to study penile erection and sensitivity during condom applications
-to study why gay men engage in risky sexual behavior while drunk in bars in Buenos Aires
-to study how to teach prostitutes in China to drink less while having sex on the job
-to study why lesbians have more “vulnerability to hazardous drinking”
-to study how can we stop our troops from smoking
-to study the effectiveness of porn as the reward for smoking cessation
-to study why drug-abusing prostitutes in Thailand are at greater risk for HIV infection.
-to study why gay men required porn for them to complete online HIV prevention education – Very Big one $5 Million +
-to study when you’re drunk or fat, do you get hungrier when you smell delicious food
-to study the behavioral risks that have been associated with collegiate drinking – Big one $3,276,000
-to study how the use of telemedicine can help overcome barriers to care for transgender women of color
-to study sexual compulsivity, sex/drug use diaries, sex parties, and bathhouse participation among “highly sexually active” gay/bisexual men – Very big one $12.25 Million
-to study a study that sends texts to adolescents encouraging them to walk
-to study the risks of contracting HIV by married male migrant laborers from Tajikistan who have sex with female prostitutes in Moscow – Big one $2.2 Million
-to study how to reduce health disparities among LGBTQ youth of Color
-to study the “connection between cocaine and risky sex habits of the Japanese quail.”
-to study if combining alcohol and energy drinks make you want to have sex
-to study the creation of a center for humanized mice
-to study gay men in Moscow
-to study the analysis of a HANGOVER
-to study a study that studies the way we study tobacco products – no joke!
-to study whether Mexican male prostitutes would practice safe sex if U.S. taxpayers paid them
-to study the development of a stop your children from being fat website
-to study rats on methamphetamine to determine the drug’s effects on rats’ learned conditioning
-to study how cultural stigmas affect the sexual behavior of homosexual men in China – Big one $2 Million+
-to study how to convince female “light-smokers” in Brazil to kick their bad habits
-to study ways to reduce gender-based violence and the risk of contracting the HIV virus among Tanzanian men
-to study the impact of social media use on underage drinking, and to determine whether Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and other popular social networking sites can be used for “preventive interventions”
-to study will you drink more if you’re harassed in college and at work
-This one is up your alley since the monomaniacal moronic moonbat crazed clueless cretin loves to post about monkeys… to study monkeys drinking alcohol excessively to determine what effect it has long term on their body tissue.
-This one is up your alley since the monomaniacal moronic moonbat crazed clueless cretin loves to post about monkeys… to study if chimps with the best poop-flinging skills are the best communicators – this fits monomaniacal moronic moonbat crazed clueless cretin to a T
-This one is up your alley since the monomaniacal moronic moonbat crazed clueless cretin loves to post about monkeys… to if most chimps are right-handed – so is HAs monomaniacal moronic moonbat crazed clueless cretin right handed? Hmmm…?
-This one is up your alley since the monomaniacal moronic moonbat crazed clueless cretin loves to post about monkeys… to study how lemon-scented items induced monkey erections
-to study “enhancement of sexual motivation” in humans
-to study does alcohol marketing make kids want to drink
-to study developing video games for teaching
-to study fat people and how to stop them from being fat
-to study why rats on cocaine preferred jazz over classical music
-to study children from spreading HIV
-to study if wives would be happier if they could calm down faster during arguments with their husbands
-to study message therapy on rabbits
-to study parents feeding their children vegetables
-to study whether text messaging college students before they attend pre-football game tailgates will encourage them to drink less and “reduce harmful effects related to alcohol consumption”
-to study why fruit flies fall in love
-And to continue along the fruity fly theme – to study if male fruit flies are attracted to younger, sexier female fruit flies
-to study if drinking excess amounts of alcohol leads to losing more money while gambling.
-to study Koala AIDS not human ebola Hmmm…?
-to study how to perfect paper origami condoms and their use on rabbits – Big budget here $2.4 million!
-to study why children of “single-mother” prairie voles spent less time caring for their children than those raised in two-parent vole households.
-to study why people enjoy watch reruns of Seinfeld and other old TV shows
-to study how pilots react to the sensation of flying drunk
-to study why dieting female hamsters appeared less interested in sex and more interested in foraging
-to study reducing fetal alcohol syndrome — in Russia.
-to study methods to breed mice that are genetically susceptible to binge drinking
-to study how golfers perform when using their imagination
Oh and this was purposely missed by the monomaniacal moronic moonbat crazed clueless cretin… Ebola was discovered in 1976, so why wasn’t a vaccine developed when DUMMOCRETINS controlled the House and Senate from 1975-2005? Why wasn’t a vaccine developed when DUMMOCRETINS controlled the House and Senate from 2007-2011?
Oh there are so many more monomaniacal moronic moonbat crazed clueless cretin!!!!!
Golly Stupid Solution Steve@22,
When has a conservative offed any Seattle DUMMOCRETIN? Mos Def it’s DUMMOCRETIN on DUMMOCRETIN crime!
Projecting again Psych 101 Projection issues?
worser farted…
Well if Planned Parenthood was into preventing pregnancies instead of killing unborn babies (remember all those video exposes) then there would be more kumbaya between libtards and conservatives.
Then you have Sandra Fluke demanding that I, Puddy, pay for her contraception when she makes more than Puddy as a lawyer! Such contempt and conceit on her part.
Conservative parents feel they should be the ones discussing sexual issues with their children, not big government; especially libtard led big government.
It’s libtards who promote the culture of death. When in doubt abort that unborn baby!
The problem as Puddy has said since Puddy has been taking the anti-DUMMOCRETIN side on HA DUMMOCRETINS is what have libtards done to employ young black men in the inner city so they are not procreating all over the place creating illegitimate children or having Dr Gosnell’s appear in places like Philadelphia? Absolutely nuthin. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEjqRLjP7Io This is true about all DUMMOCRETINS in America! It’s the standard DUMMOCRETIN agenda of dependency for blacks!
Wow, Allen West steps up and tells it like it is! Good for Allen West.
Roger NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit@18 has reading comprehension issues… Puddy asked Carl to ask the question of HA DUMMOCRETINS. Of course Roger NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit will not answer Puddy’s question! It takes a thinking mind to answer it. Something missing in NoBalls!
Oh where oh where did the monomaniacal moronic moonbat crazed clueless cretin run off to now?
BTW the words of Rahmbo Emanuel are coming home to roost… Don’t let a crisis go to waste. Obummer is going to use this crisis!
Since gamers are usually very libtard where is the condemnation from HA DUMMOCRETINS here? Puddy noticed that was skipped!
Didn’t Dr Frieden claim all hospitals could take care of ebola patients? http://www.abc17news.com/lifes.....n/29135524
Now number #2 health care worker is sick! Protocols.
So YLB, does your wife feel safe? Seriously dude, what precautions is she or her pals taking? Puddy thinking of taking a sit down job and stop flying for a while!
Puddy, this is one twisted illogical argument.
“what have libtards done to employ young black men in the inner city so they are not procreating all over the place creating illegitimate children or having Dr Gosnell’s appear in places like Philadelphia? ”
translated into English:
“What have liberals done to employ young black men in the inner city so young black men are not having unprotected sex?”
Please explain the logical argument that having a job will make a man not want to have kids? It also takes a woman to make a kid. Why excluding the women? If you want to have less kids, get jobs for the women. Don’t you value women?
And they are:
Governor Cuomo Launches NY Youth Works Program to Address Inner City Jobs Crisis
Chicago School Trains Inner City Youth for Manufacturing Jobs
Puddy, take your meds. Your posting is making look like a fool.
Puddy, you need to take your meds. Your logic centers are not working.
I didn’t talk about Planned Parenthood. That’s your personal obsession, your personal boogie monster.
You are doing exactly what I said about conservatives, your very words show while you hate abortion, you are paradoxically unwilling to support birth control, or support the children once they are born.
I never mentioned Sandra Fluke, I said men and women should have access to birth control so women don’t need to get abortions in the first place. Some people cannot afford birth control, so why not provide it to them, if preventing abortion is so important to you.
I’m all for Conservative parents discussing sexual issues with their children. We have an ongoing age appropriate discussion with our son about sexual issues. But Conservative parents should not block teaching the skills to prevent unwanted pregnancies to the rest of the community because the topic offends them personally.
Conservatives are all for personal control, until it’s about sex, and then they demand everyone else conform to their standards.
I did notice you are completely unwilling to address the need to support the unaborted child once it’s born. Not everyone is born rich and privileged, so they need support in education.
If conservatives block access to birth control and skills to prevent unwanted pregnancies, What responsibilities do conservatives feel they have toward the babies that are unwanted but not aborted?
Wow, Allen West steps up and tells it like it is! Good for Allen West.
And thus GOATSEBOY embraces treason.
Wow worser,
You posit two anecdotal links for a universal problem in all DUMMOCRETIN led American cities? And that absolves you of the problem? You need your drugs dude!
Puddy write it the way Puddy writes to make a point. You don’t like it? Awwwwww!
A person whom has a good paying job takes more responsibility for their actions. They are not gang-banging on the street corner, looking for their next hit or their next daily drilling leaving man sauce in some woman! They realize there is more to life that leaving a string of children in multiple neighborhoods. Although Shawn Kemp supposedly left 10 children by 9 mothers around the country?
Didn’t Dr Frieden claim all hospitals could take care of ebola patients? http://www.abc17news.com/lifes.....n/29135524
Now number #2 health care worker is sick! Protocols.
Dr. Frieden is responsible when a hospital does not follow any protocol other than to cut costs at any cost?
Reports are leaking that no protocol was in place. Nurses told to make it up as they went along. Improper and inadequate garments for health workers.
All this is happening in Texas where there is a RETHUG governor and legislature in charge. What have they been doing lately? Closing clinics and cutting health care. And ignoring protocols that could protect the people of Texas.
Just Sayin’, when I was a young lad and me and my first actual girlfriend were gettin’ busy, she went to planned parenthood where they provided her with low cost Birth Control pills and all the free condoms she could fit in her purse. But then we grew up in a place where our high school sex ed had taught us how to minimize risk as long as we were planning to get busy.
But then Planned Parenthood doesn’t do a thing about preventing pregnancies in Right Wing World! Abstinence Only is the only form of Sex Ed needed!
oh my ekim returns after telling everyone Rand Paul STOPPED the surgeon general nomination. Butt wait, that was so wrong like ekim being so wrong for so long! Harry Reid declared the nukular option you moron!
Whatacrock of horsesASS manure just like every post you leave!
checkmate #42 proves reading is NOT fundamental… Here checkmate allow Puddy to make it easier for you to comprehend…
Does that help checkmate? You really are as stooooopid as you post!
More BULLSHITTIUM from ekim the male appendage animal lover…
Does ekim actually think DUMMOCRETINS are blaming the protocol breakdown on Rick Perry? NOPE you DOPE! The federalies take control when their is a national health care crisis you moron! Man ekim you really are stoooooooopid. The care protocols come from the CDC you idiot moron male appendage sucking loonatic ekim, not from Texas. Oh Lord, who knew there were people this dumb in America?
Was that a Rick Perry directive you idiot moron male appendage sucking loonatic ekim? Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas was affected by Rick Perry cuts ekim? Really? Got proof? Go on and dig your daily LIV grave deeper.
Image if Thomas Duncan was a veteran and he visited a VA hospital instead of Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas? All hell would be breaking loose!
Just like gays are all for their personal rights and then when someone like Brendan Esch takes a stand saying those “rights” abridged Brendan’s personal rights so Brendan made political contributions. Hence Brendan had to be destroyed!
Facts are such inconvenient things!
P E R I O D !
You mean James O’Keefe videos, chortle?
Q.E.D. I can prove by experience that planned parenthood works to reduce pregnancies. Nit in your preferred religiously approved method though so you pretend they don’t.
Intentionally ignorant fool.
EPIC FAYLE of checkmate in #48. checkmate got his fat ASS handed to him in @42 because checkmate can’t read or process facts. It has nothing to do with reducing pregnancies you moron. It’s about PP and how they KILL unborn babies!
Weak sauce dude.
Sux to be checkmate!
Uhhh klownservative kretin @ 28…
The beloved empty suit you voted for twice presided over 8 years of NIH budget stagnation. Did any of those projects you disparage happen on his watch??? What he do about that?
Oh and the beloved empty suit WAS SO BIG ON AFRICA, RIGHT??? Why couldn’t the empty suit re-arrange priorities to produce an ebola vaccine???
Your kind is at fault because your HIGHEST PRIORITY is TAX CUTS for rich KLOWNSERVATIVES AND WAR to keep the “little people” (like you) DISTRACTED!
Uhhh moron?? What did the guy from Liberia DIE IN TEXASS FROM???
I think I might be under piddles skin. If you repeat the same incorrect thing, Planned Parenthood does nothing to reduce unwanted pregnancies, twice, three, fourteen times, it is still wrong on every level.
Oooh lookee here! The moron@36 has questions about my wife???
Answer this one first asshole:
On 9/20/2005, which Union was it?
Awwwww.. What’s wrong klownservative? You frightened? When you see a West African on an airplane – you can’t help yourself you can you?
You have to induct them into your klownservative kult?
You have to show them HA on a FEMA computer?
You have brag about your ass farting in the country that can do no wrong?
You have to tell them about your best friend on HA, MWS?
Damn! Klownservatism has worked wonders for this fool.. MADE HIM SCARED! Good job klownservative propaganda spinners.
Funny that a white doctor in Nebraska can survive ebola and his care team emerge unscathed..
But Texass, they send a black African home with a fever and anti-biotics and they are woefully unprepared for what happens next..
Last word on the disaster in TexASS:
Classic OJT.. F’ing FATAL this time.
Why do you people continue to feed the threadshitter? I quit trying to reason with him a couple of years ago and do not even pause to read most of the vomitus he presents in here. He’s a gibbering, drooling, spittle flecking imbecile and a bald-faced liar. He adds nothing to a conversation at all except a distractive monologue. He’s only coming in here to talk to himself.
He’s a primary example of the sort of “conservative” that has taken over much of the dialogue in every State House, and in much of the Federal-level campaign process. All he does is come in here and demonstrate to everyone who reads this shit, why we need to start force-medicating and institutionalizing more people. The existing standards for this are becoming increasingly obvious that they are inadequate.
It’s like trying to reason with a deaf mule with Downs Syndrome on an overdose of bath salts.
Puddy, please take your meds.
You asked why liberals were not getting jobs for inner city kids. I posted examples of liberals getting jobs for inner city kids. Then you dismiss them as not enough. Jesus himself could not do enough satisfy you.
I see your point about having a good paying job often gives some people more responsibility for their actions, but unlike you, I don’t limit it to black men. Women are half the equation. Are you afraid if the women had good paying jobs, they wouldn’t need a man, but could then choose a good man on their terms?
I notice puddy has not offered up his expert opinion on If conservatives want to block access to birth control and skills to prevent unwanted pregnancies, what financial and social responsibilities do conservatives feel they have toward the unwanted babies that are not aborted?
Two-Thirds Of America’s Biggest Retailers Are Worried About Flat Wages
“But even as two-thirds of the companies in the study pointed to stagnating wages as a source of their problems, many of them have opposed or stayed silent on any proposed wage increases.”
“DineEquity, which owns Applebee’s and IHOP, identified falling wages as a key risk to its restaurants in its 2013 10-K filing. “If our customers’ disposable income available for discretionary spending is reduced … our business could experience lower sales and customer traffic as potential customers choose lower-cost alternatives,” the company wrote.”
A consequence of vast income inequality is little disposable income at the 99% side of the pool. With ever increasing automation, this is just going to get worse. I don’t see an easy transition.
Humans Need Not Apply – YouTube
monomaniacal moonbattic moron clueless crazed cretin with the crazed databaze,
Right on time. Puddy made the monomaniacal moonbattic moron clueless crazed cretin walk to the databaze. monomaniacal moonbattic moron clueless crazed cretin already told the world the monomaniacal moonbattic moron clueless crazed cretin’s wife worked in health care and was a SEIU member. Butt the monomaniacal moonbattic moron clueless crazed cretin didn’t notice Puddy called the monomaniacal moonbattic moron clueless crazed cretin YLB.
It really sux to have all that hate bottled up for so long when Puddy was wondering how your wife was preparing for the upcoming ebola outbreak!
Sux to be a monomaniacal moonbattic moron clueless crazed cretin!
What happened to the monomaniacal moonbattic moron clueless crazed cretin and the monomaniacal moonbattic moron clueless crazed cretin scream over NIH spending…
Oh yeah, Puddy delivered a lot of wasteful NIH spending!
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. Sux to be a monomaniacal moonbattic moron clueless crazed cretin!
NIH Funding in $Billions…
Puddy listed all the wasteful spending the NIH participated in above in post @28!
2001 20.459
2002 23.321
2003 27.167
2004 28.037
2005 28.594
2006 28.560
2007 29.179
2008 29.607 – DUMMOCRETIN
2009 30.545 – DUMMOCRETIN
2010 31.238 – DUMMOCRETIN
2011 30.916 – DUMMOCRETIN
Republicans added more money in FY2012 than requested by Obummer. Republicans raised the budget by $1 Billion more to combat infectious diseases in FY 2014.
Oh yeah most of all those “projects” were in the Obummer years at NIH! Go ahead monomaniacal moonbattic moron crazed clueless cretin and look them up.
HA hero… a nanoscopic legend in that neanderthal granite encased cranial orifice!
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. Sux to be a monomaniacal moonbattic moron clueless crazed cretin!
Breaking news! A Republican votes AGAINST slavery! But only as a political tactic, and because he had to.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m glad he clarified that. If you’re a Republican running in a southern state, it’s probably good politics to not piss off the pro-slavery crowd any more than you absolutely have to. Now, my next question is, why does Puddy support these asswipes?
@62 I’m trying not to be too curious about how you define “wasteful spending,” because I don’t think I want to know. But I can imagine: Vaccines for kids, food safety inspection, infectious disease control …
@5 Two males in Brooklyn beet transgender person, who is now in critical condition.
Those are the 2 in the playground that I would have like to have seen aborted. Abortion or death penalty. What’s the difference?
Not to mention the cost of jailing and trying them.
Looks like Perdue’s idiotic spew is finally catching up with him. Maybe there’s hope for Georgia; maybe they’re not stupid enough to vote this guy in, after all. We’ll see; it won’t be long now.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: As infuriating as they are, candidates like David Perdue are the best insurance policy the Democrats could possibly have, and I hope the GOP keeps running people like him for a long time to come.
Worser farts
Not Puddy. You are sadly mistaken. Puddy loves Mrs Puddy out there making a name for herself. Women look for men who are providers.
It’s DUMMOCRETIN loving Feminazis claim they don’t need a man. The rise of feminism from a libtard magazine… http://www.theatlantic.com/mag.....en/308135/ Oh you don’t get out and read enough worser? You should expand your horizons. Maybe should read this too… http://www.ryot.org/tumblr-wom.....ken/751613 Why are these women mistaken?
Where are conservatives blocking access to birth control? And don’t use Planned Parenthood as your example.
Try again worser!
Really worser? You delivered two anecdotes.
Nuff said sucka!
deadtoad the racist still hasn’t provided the cocoa picking African slave proof? So who is the deaf mule with Downs Syndrome on an overdose of bath salts again? deadtoad the racist!
Puddy already handed your ASS back to you above. Keep trying to rebound from the smackdown!
To the monomaniacal moonbattic moron crazed clueless cretin in #55…
The Nebraska hospital knew the doctor had ebola. The Texas hospital did not know the African guy had ebola.
Man you are as stooooooopid as ekim. Well Puddy been saying that for years!
Puddy, take your meds
Here are two links. I await your dismissal that I didn’t post 200 links, like you dismissed my other example you asked for.
Republicans blocking birth control.
Sex Education Programs For Teens Targeted By GOP Lawmakers
“Republican lawmakers in North Dakota, Arkansas and Texas are now pushing bills that would defund comprehensive sex education programs for at-risk teenagers.”
Puddy still has not offered up his expert opinion on if conservatives want to block access to birth control and skills to prevent unwanted pregnancies, then
what financial and social responsibilities do conservatives feel they have toward the unwanted babies that are not aborted?
Worser@74 offers for his argument a 2012 link for October 2014?
And then expects Puddy to answer him?
Puddy, what financial and social responsibilities do conservatives feel they have toward the unwanted babies that are not aborted?
Oh no… http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....-research/
PuddyCommentary: There goes the monomaniacal moonbattic moron crazed clueless cretin’s argument. Exploded by the WaPo!
Sux to the the monomaniacal moonbattic moron crazed clueless cretin who is a hero in is own mind butt no one elses!
76. Classic squid ink deflection. Thanks for admitting you lost that argument.
Tell me again how Planned Parenthood is only interested in killing notYetBabies….
Lost argument worser? It’s 2014. Puddy offers 2014 links. You like the monomaniacal moonbattic moron clueless crazed cretin need to go waaaaay back in time to deliver anything useful against PuddyLinks.
So good try at declaring victory and then running.
Apparently checkmate missed this http://www.toomanyaborted.com/plannedparenthood/ when Puddy placed it here on HA DUMMOCRETINS earlier. Of course checkmate isn’t too keen on reading.
FACTS always reduce checkmate to a fallen king on the board.
checkmated again!
Probably the same that libtards express after killing them as their number one priority!
Of course checkmate can’t deal with the truth… http://bloodmoneyfilm.com/blog/abortion-pro-choice
Or how about
Enough of the moron ape. Why are care givers not being quarantined for 30 days after caring for an Ebola victim. People are questioning whether she should have been on a plane. They dhod be asking why would she even be able to go to a super market, a movie theater or even home to their fily. Something like 70 people cared for Duncan. Couldn’t they have limited that amount? And the quarantine them I the hospital. If they have families, pay for nanny and whatever else that person nerds, give their famy a butler, a choufer, whatever at tax payers cost if need be. Why are they so stupid like the ape?
85. You answer the question after all. Liberals cannot give support to something that doesn’t exist so you feel conservatives have no responsibility for the. unwanted babies born because of their policies.
@86 are you replying to 85?
Earlier I asked what the difference between abortion and death penalty. For one abortion is cheaper and probably more humane.
I’m an Obama supporter and I think he’s a good if not great president. But why are they all giving hin praise on the Ebola crisis just because he cancelled campaign events to discuss Ebola. They need to get smarter and do what I said above and quarantine the care givers.
87.I meant puddy at 83. On my phone and mistyped
Tell me again how planned parenthood only cares about killing NotYetPeople. You can quote operation rescue or some film called blood something but I’ll stick with the AMA and you know…science.
Tell me again how an anti abortion website takes a tiny piece of data and convinces you that’s all planned parenthood does. Tell me that every woman who goes into a planned parenthood is already pregnant.
Of the people who have decided.to buy have decided they absolutely want an automobile and have 100% decided they want an F-150 100% end up at a Ford dealer.
Tell me again how Bloodmoneyfulm.com has access to HIPAA confidential files from every planned parenthood branch on which to base their wild accusations.
Piddles, I have some Florida land to sell you. Cheap $50/acre, beachfront
“I read on marcdruscollisthedevil.com that 98% of Mars Hill congregants have at one or more times had anal sex as the bottom to a pygmy goat. I accept as fact that Marc Driscol fucks goats.” Piddles, or words to that effect.
Breaking news — Mars Hill Church just announced that Pastor Mark Driscoll has resigned.
checkmate @91,92,93
You still haven’t answered the question. The number of abortions are those they announced.
Sheeeeeesh, you really are stoooooooopid!
checkmated again!
Thanks worser for admitting libtards have no plans for inner city children born out of wedlock!
Don’t even realize the trap Puddy sprung on you. Another of those LIV DUMMOCRETINS!
Thanks for playing!
Once again the empty tea bag with the puffed butt is a moron! A real moron! Do you get your information only from libtard sites? Apparently you do otherwise you’d know the second nurse person called the Obummer’s CDC with a fever of 99.5F and was told she could fly back to Cleveland. Gave her an A-OK to fly. Now 132 people who flew on Frontier Airlines may be at risk. You don’t need head cover, double gloved or shoes covered per the CDC. Stoooooooooooopid libtards are in charge of ebola containment? Sheeeeesh!
So the empty tea bag with his puffed butt asked why are the CDC people morons? Because they take their orders from Obummer’s sadminstration.
People are waking up to the fecklessness of Obummer’s sadministration!
And 333,000 represents what percentage of patients served…..
I’ll help, they reported serving over 3 million women.
Sioooooo…in Piddle world, about 11.5% is 98%
Thanks for walking into it.Piddles.
11% percent of Planed Parenthood patients have abortions so Planned Parenthood only cares about killing NotYetChildren.
Blinded by ideology again.
We started with the premise that planned parenthood only cares about killing notYetChildren. That’s less.than 12% of what they care about As you like to say, CHECKMATE!
Ann Coulter is right again… http://humanevents.com/2014/10.....-election/
@97. I once had a Jamacian say that Gay people “created” aids. If that is the case then I guess I should that African Heterosexuals “created” Ebola. Is that right Puffy?
@97 you are a complete moron if you think he controls ever aspect in which each member of the CDC acts. I hold him accountable in dealing with the crisis but I don’t hold him accountable for every mistake some government official makes. Go fuck yourself.
Everyone should notice how checkmate doesn’t address how the proponents of abortion are admitting it’s killing babies. Planned Parenthood is KILLING BABIES.
Now why does checkmate skip over that? It blows up his silly argument!
Blows up checkmate’s puny argument!
Again from Planned Parenthood’s on site…
So checkmate their own data demonstrates that Planned Parenthood gave more than 9 in 10 pregnant women abortions!
So checkmate asked about those 3 million visits. Well Planned Parenthood admitted that roughly 40 percent of their reported contraceptive services provisioned more than 1.4 million emergency contraception kits, which many of us conservatives believe can cause an abortion in early pregnancy. So how many of those 1.4 million emergency contraception kits were used to eject a little human embryo? Yeah checkmate you don’t know. Butt you’ll scream and shout useless nothings on HA!
So now we are down to 1.6 million visits for what? How many were repeat visits checkmate? How many women went more than once as they were trying to make up their mind over getting an abortion? Yeah, you have no idea do ya? Well we know they aren’t providing mammograms even though Obummer claimed that in the second 2012 erection debate monitored by Candy Benghazi Crowley. Planned Parenthood admitted they aren’t licensed for that!
Finally why do HA DUMMOCRETINS have this fixation of goat sex?
Were they golden beets or red beets?
Why thanks for looking out for Puddy empty tea bag with the puffed butt. Puddy’s got a big one butt not that big!
Puddy holds Dr Frieden responsible you idiot. Butt even DUMMOCRETINS are wondering what Frieden is spouting about. last night on Megyn Kelly’s show he claimed all the Texas Hospital people are being monitored and only the one lady had ebola. Yet his own underlings didn’t tell him that morning a second person was admitted into the hospital with ebola? https://twitter.com/CBSDFW/status/522518184461873152
Did you know HA DUMMOCRETIN Hero Alan Grayson is for a travel ban! http://today.yougov.com/news/2.....uarantine/ Yet other Congressional DUMMOCRETINS are against it because Obummer will announce he’s allowing illegals to get legal after the November erections per the libtard media who are cheering it on!
And you told “the world” about “HER UNION CONTRACT”…. “HER” meaning YOUR WIFE you hypocrite.
And you told “the world” this too..
So now Planned Parenthood only offers PreNatal services?
Funny, if they provided maternity services for less than 400,000 people how did they serve three million women. Wait for it…preNatal is a small fraction of what they do.
BTW, irony. Look it up. I’ve been making fun of you for saying an unviable lump of cells can be killed. Try to keep up.
Less than 13% of Planned Parenthood patients came in for pre natal care. You seem confused on what makes a significant, or even close to half of their services..
Does your Lord approve of bearing false witness?
Tell me again how Planned parenthood inly cates about killing NotYet Children. Tell me how 11% equals all.
At Elliott’s oyster House, 12% of customers order steak and of those, 98% order a petite Filet. Petite filets is 98% of what Elliotts Oyster House sells -Piddles, or words to that effect.
We have Wharton MBA on our hands over here.
Still checkmate skips over the facts the leading Planned Parenthood proponents call abortion killing. All checkmate wants to do is focus on some visits checkmate can’t even quantify if they are repeat visits for the same service. Continues to skip right over the comments above from PP involved DUMMOCRETIN women. We do know PP admits they get a vast amount of cash from KILLING UNBORN BABIES. Right from their reports. And, their leaders admit it’s KILLING BABIES.
Deflect all you want checkmate. It doesn’t change the facts presented above. You still haven’t answered the 1.4 million snuff potential baby kits question. So what are those other 1.6 million visits for checkmate for? How many were repeat visits checkmate? How many women revisited PP for those other 1.6 million visits? Why are you running from this checkmate? You can’t answer so it’s deflect to something else like the post afterward. Wharton MBAs? Are you jealous you weren’t accepted to UPenn? When DUMMOCRETINS lose their arguments, time to derail the train!
Those unviable lump of cells as YOU CALL THEM are still human. Well maybe your unviable lump of cells are part goat since you brought up goat sex above.
Who said 11 percent equals all? Over 90% of women who went into PP came out babyless. That’s their own figures. checkmate. The link Puddy offered said this Tragically, 98% of these pregnant women leave Planned Parenthood clinics without a baby. Did you see pregnant women in the topic checkmate? Or as we know from your mixed up congressmen rant from yesteryear… reading is not fundamental to you!
Scream and shout all you want butt YOU GOT NUTHIN!
It really sux to be checkmate.
checmkated again, butt checkmate keeps coming back for another ASSwhipping!
You, monomaniacal moonbat moron clueless crazed cretin are led like Pavlov’s dog. Once you visit the crazed databaze you keep searching and searching. Puddy loves how the monomaniacal moonbat moron clueless crazed cretin does his Steppin Fetchit act on the crazed databaze right on cue!
When you gonna search for a job monomaniacal moonbat moron clueless crazed cretin? Puddy asked how is your wife gonna prepare for the upcoming ebola epidemic Obummer is going to allow into America because he’s not banning flights?
Have you seen the libtards at BBC are a twitter? BBC make-up staff are too scared to touch guests from Ebola-hit countries. BBC! A bunch of rabid libtards!
It sux to be an unemployed hater on a blogging site monomaniacal moonbat moron clueless crazed cretin.
So where is the monomaniacal moonbat moron clueless crazed cretin and the monomaniacal moonbat moron clueless crazed cretin’s absurd claim about NIH and CDC cuts affecting ebola vaccines? Oh yeah… 4 Pinnochios were awarded by the WaPo!
GOATSEBOY thinking of taking a sit down job and stop flying for a while!
Immediate job openings in West Africa.
Lots of farm animals available for your pleasure as well.
GOATSEBOY thinking of taking a sit down job and stop flying for a while!
Could be GOATSEBOY speak for “I got fired for incompetence.”
I’m glad you feel you do well here Piddles, Self Esteem is important. Grasping at straws is important too.
That’s 3 million WOMEN, Actual living human women not 3 million appointments. 3 Million WOMEN per year. Of which less than 13% go for prenatal care.
Planned Parenthood has never killed a human baby. Did the cloud being tell you they did?
“You keep using that word…”
Ummm nope you dope! Trips planned for the next three weeks ekim male animal appendage abuser.
Go back and look up Harry Reid’s nukular option!
No just the doctors who worked there doing the abortions right checkmate…? Let’s review
Oh and those 3 million visits… Puddy just told you it’s down to 1.6 million visits because they handed out 1.4 million next day abortion kits.
Butt you keep deluding yourself with that 3 Million number.
Remember McDonalds claims Billion and Billions served. Puddy guesses they are not claiming repeat business right checkmate?
Yes keep being a dope alive. You make dopes like the monomaniacal moonbat moron clueless crazed cretin look good and that takes a lot of doing!
checkmated again.
Sux to be checkmate!
Can you find me Faye Wattleton’s MD credentials? I’ll help, they don’t exist. She’s not a doctor. She has an opinion not backed up by the AMA or ACPeds.
The cloud being must have told her so.
Not VISITS you giant dope, WOMEN. Individual WOMEN three million per year.
“You keep using that word…”
What have I learned about puddy in this topic. (I mean, besides that he really needs to take his meds. )
Sex is only for procreation. Marriage is only for procreation. Anything that keeps sex from generating babies is forbidden and or must be destroyed.
Thus gay marriage must be stopped because it doesn’t generate babies and Planned Parenthood, sex education, and contraception have no other purpose than keeping babies from being born.
Men, or in his case black men, need to be supported with jobs so they will have less babies. Women don’t count, they don’t need jobs, they need to be supported by, and dependent on, their husbands.
Lastly, in puddy’s mind, liberals want black men to have kids with various women they won’t support, while puddy conservatives are adamant that they have no responsibility, socially or through taxes, for the resulting people born because conservatives blocked the tools and skills needed for family planning.
Did I miss anything?