– Those of you who read Dave Neiwert’s book And Hell Followed With Her will remember Oin Oakstar (and those of you who haven’t should). He has died in Everett.
– What Seattlish said. This has been What Seattlish Said.
– 3 reasons why I wish I could tell you to vote for none of the above in the Clerk race, but I won’t
– #TWIBnation on the Ground in the Aftermath of the #shawshooting
Pretty soon only the whackjob Drunken Libtards will be their viewership… http://www.nytimes.com/2014/10......html?_r=1
Great joke… Very true… http://www.ijreview.com/2014/1.....rted-joke/
Another ardent TeaBagging Christian Minister turns out to be a little boy diddler.
I’m wondering if this isn’t something they teach at divinity school. “The psycho-social development of young boys for fun and profit, 101”.
Gee, color me shocked.
No, actually, color me in white, patent leather shoes, pure white hair and a brand new Mercedes Benz S-Class Sedan. By the grace of god, you can kiss my Patek-Philippe now.
Another hero police officer bags hisself a fat one. I wonder how much vacation time he’ll get for this? It is extremely unlikely that he’ll face anything worse than a strong advisement for resignation, which leaves him open to re-hiring at another department somewhere else in the County. Thats what’s been happening in Kentucky and nearly every other State in the Union. The reality is, that cold-blooded first degree murder and outright armed robbery and other “crimes” such as burglary are not crimes at all if those actions are taken by an Officer of the Law, most especially if he’s in uniform.
When a totalitarian revolution has happened in every country where the Authoritarians have presumed themselves to be the “proper” authority, examples being Greece, nearly every South and Central American Country, the only real thing they ever needed to take control of, was the Police Forces. Everything else falls into place after that. The politicians will cower in fear of, or openly support the Police and take great pride in that support in full view of the public, and label anyone who questions it a possible enemy of the State, a terrorist, or a criminal. Those Politicians always campaign on their mindless and unlimited support for “law enforcement”. The Police cannot ever do anything wrong and should never be restricted in their actions when working in defense of civilization.
Right now, we have ALEC, and other organizations like the NRA, the National Chamber of Commerce and the Private Military Corporations openly lobbying and paying off those Politicians for that political support, while at the same time providing sole-source materials for training of those Police Officers. They write all the training manuals, they build and program all the simulators, and contract for operation of the training Academies that all Police Officers in the country are required to attend before being licensed as Officers of the Law.
Those “Officials” are then blessed with nearly blanket permission to kill at will anyone who might be perceived as being noncompliant with the norms that those PMCs and the Politicians preach about in public, with the full and open support of nearly every religious and media corporate organization that exists.
Shoot a man in the back, in his own home, without even needing to justify a reason to the public. It’s just a shrug anymore. So long as the paperwork is clean, they can do as they fucking please.
Well there goes deadtoad the racist blaming this killing on Republicans. Except this is one of those “blue states”. Just like yesterday when he claimed cocoa was picked by African slaves in an African country.,
Hmmm… Puddy doesn’t think there is a screw loose… Puddy knows the whole rusty plate has come loose!
Very interesting what is happening to our vets under Obummer’s watch… http://launch.newsinc.com/shar.....d=27595742
When you are a typical libtard working for NBC, quarantines don’t matter to you! http://nypost.com/2014/10/13/n.....uarantine/ PuddyCommentary: Never trust libtards ever!
Meanwhile another Candy Crowley moment… Mark Pryor getting help from the Arkansas media. http://www.c-span.org/video/?c4511216/ark-debate PuddyCommentary: Libtard DUMMOCRETINS in the msm helping out in another erection!
Libtards are being brainwashed at libtard universities… http://www.campusreform.org/?ID=5962
@5 Hey Puddy…are you referring to @4? From what part of Deathfrogg’s text are you inferring something about race?
Exploiting Soldiers To Hate The Working Poor
Conservative propaganda against the working class, always ugly, has scraped a new low with this tweet from one Jennifer Harris:
“Okay, rant – For those fast food employees striking for $15 an hour, let’s do some math. At $15 an hour Johnny Fry-Boy would make $31,200 annually. An E1 (Private) in the military makes $18,378. An E5 (Sergeant) with 8 years of service makes $35,067 annually. So you’re telling me, Sally McBurgerflipper, that you deserve as much as those kids getting shot at, deploying for months in hostile environments, and putting their collective asses on the line every day protecting your unskilled butt!? Here’s the deal, Baconator, you are working in a job designed for a kid in high school who is learning how to work and earning enough for gas, and hanging out with their equally goofy high school pals. If you have chosen this as your life long profession, you have failed.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This woman is an idiot on more levels than you can count. If anything, this argues our troops are woefully underpaid, and should be paid more. That is, if you assume her numbers are accurate. But they’re not, because she’s not counting the freebies soldiers get — health care, room and board (or in-lieu housing allowances), clothing, education benefits, recreation facilities, and so on. She’s also excluded from her pay calculations: Enlistment bonuses, overseas and combat pay, and the value of military pensions and post-service veterans benefits.
So a high school kid working in a fast food job after classes and on weekends is a goof-off? When I was in high school, the kids with such jobs were the most ambitious, usually the best students, and often turned out to be the most successful as adults. And no small number of them, after graduating, went straight from fast food jobs into military service. The military loved to get them, because they were highly motivated and already had learned the discipline of work.
In any case, I don’t see how tearing down our lowest-paid civilian workers raises up our underpaid troops. Why not simultaneously lift all boats together, instead of exploiting one group to keep another group down, and then keeping both groups down? Jennifer Harris, you are a pathetic twit.
Puddy. You really should take your meds. It might help you be able to spell the right words. What you have been posting makes you seem very stupid.
Maybe you are going for appearing ignorant. If so, you are succeeding very well.
Ahhh yes the American Talibangelists are working hard again empty tea bag with the puffed butt. http://www.campusreform.org/?ID=5966
Worser, any time a libtard DUMMOCRETIN gets help from the libtard MSM during the election cycle… it’s like getting viagra for a limp election run hence erection!
Too bad you are too dense to comprehend it. Puddy been doing this for years! Go back and review. Wait… you’d need a brain to understand!
Hey FartyArt,
You claimed you didn’t read PuddyMissives… Liar… So, where did Puddy discuss race in the Colorado shooting? Blue state maybe? Puddy been calling deadtoad a racist for a long time. N-word use maybe FartyArt?
Get a Clue for $100!
At Cornell it’s capitalism’s fault! http://www.campusreform.org/?ID=5961
Wendy Davis news conference… I have wheelchair friends too! What a loser this woman is!
@17 “What a loser this woman is!”
But still exceeded by her state’s execrable Republicans. Even if you’re right about Wendy Davis, and I’m not conceding you are, sometimes anything is better than what you’ve got, and this is one of those times. The Texas GOP is too entrenched, too corrupt, and maybe the voters there have had enough.
The local village idiot troll is OBSESSED with me knowing where he farts for a living..
NASA is tracking the fiend too.. The troll is a threat to the climate!
LOL! We’ve been dealing with the troll’s “tailpipe emissions” for years! LMAO!
A right wing Raygun-appointed Judge characterizes voter id laws as “a means of voter suppression rather than fraud prevention.”
The klownservatives calling this guy a “lefty” in 5, 4, 3, 2…
Now it seems Benghazi truth is finally coming out. Where is that crazy moron schmuckosmegma lib sci? Panetta tells O’Reilly it was terrorist attack last week and Obummer told O’Reilly Superbowl Sunday Panetta never said it.
Gonna be good!
Hey empty tea bag with the puffed butt American Talibangelist… More of your scummy kind in action… Ohio State… http://www.campusreform.org/?ID=5878
PuddyCommentary: More American Talibangelist college scum in action!
Wow more libtard American Talibangelist actions http://www.campusreform.org/?ID=5922.
Low Information Voting DUMMOCRETINS in action… They will sign anything! http://www.campusreform.org/?ID=5914
Looks like ISIS is going back to slavery values per Sha’Ria. This should make deadtoad the racist very proud. They hate Israel like deadtoad the racist!
Unfortunately for Chris Matthews he only has half of it right… http://www.mrctv.org/videos/ms.....re-rollout
PuddyCommentary: Chris, you seem to forget Harry Reid will not bring up the vote in the senate to save DUMMOCRETINS up for reerection and libtards like you keep the myth alive.
There can be no doubt. Klownservative hatred of science has directly led to a delay in producing a vaccine for ebola.
Klownservatives LOVE IT when people die of infectious diseases or terrorism.. It makes people AFRAID. And klownservatives cash in on that FEAR…
One thing that amuses me about Rmoney’s little jokefest is the fact that people in the audience were laughing even before he got to the punchline.
They must have known how the jokes ended.
I’ve had a very busy weekend of writing, and some of my recent work is over on SJ’s blog, here:
You may have to scroll down a couple of pages before running into my work, as The Ave is a very active blog, with numerous new articles being posted every day.
Generally speaking, I post my short comments on HA, and use TA for longer comments or articles, because of the two blogs’ different formats. SJ has given me author privileges and access on his blog, and I’m using it.
So, if you’re only reading HA, you’re missing some of my best contributions. To find me on TA, just look for the rabbit avatar. I’m “Roger Rabbit” over there, too, although I don’t use the rabbit theme as much in my TA articles.
Guns Don’t Kill People Dep’t
A New Jersey toddler was killed Saturday by a bullet flying into her family’s apartment from a gun fired by one of three yahoos walking down the street outside blasting away as they went.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The gun is innocent. It’s an inanimate object that does no harm until a stupid human picks it up. Don’t register guns; register humans. All of you stupid humans should be kept away from guns. Guns won’t be a problem if humans aren’t allowed to touch them.
@20 Judge Posner is a heavyweight in the legal profession, and if you follow the links to the audios of the oral arguments, what stands out is he’s focused on marriage as a legal status while the attorney defending Indiana’s gay marriage ban is talking about procreation.
And that’s it in a nutshell. Mention “marriage” and lawyers think about a legal status that confers rights and benefits; and Republicans think about sex.
I’m sure there must be chaste gay marriages, just as there are chaste heterosexual marriage. (Research indicates more than 20 million U.S. married couples rarely or never have sex.)
Marriage is primarily a legal contract. It is primarily a set of legal rights, such as access to a hospitalized partner or inheritance rights. Denying marriage rights is never about preventing people from having sex, because they’re going to have sex anyway; it’s always about denying them legal rights.
There’s no logical reason why gay couples shouldn’t have the same legal rights as hetero couples. The only thing obstructing it is blind prejudice. Judge Posner understands this; the idiot lawyer standing in front of him doesn’t. Listening to the audio clips makes this crystal clear.
Business attracts ethically challenged people for some reason. Maybe it’s an opportunity to line their pockets without going to jail. People like this are all about money and don’t care about anything else.
Looks like NRA is getting its ass kicked in Washington. A new Elway poll shows 60% support for I-594, the background check initiative, while pro-gun I-591 has only 39%. According to the poll even a majority of gun owners support I-594.
@21 – if you watched MSNBC you would have know that it was a terror attack, a week after it happend, as reported by your favorite Rachel Maddow.
You got nothing. All you got is a make believe cover up story.
Pffffffffffft errrnnnnt… wrong again moronic NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit. It used to be two people got married to perpetuate the species… Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth… So that’s the original premise for marriage.
Sux to be a wayward jump the tracks libtard freak claiming to be a wabbit!
empty tea bag with the puffed butt@35,
The official stance of the Obummer sadministration was not a terror attack until way later. The three CIA contractors were called liars by the Obummer sadministration. Leon Panetta has cleared the air corroborating the three CIA contractors!
This is why you sux too empty tea bag with the puffed butt!
BTW empty tea bag with the puffed butt@35,
More of your American Talibangelist friends in action… http://www.campusreform.org/?ID=5963
Sux to be you empty tea bag with the puffed butt!
BTW empty tea bag with the puffed butt@35,
More of your American Talibangelist friends in action… http://www.campusreform.org/?ID=5948
Sux to be you empty tea bag with the puffed butt!
Soooooo is the Obummer brand toxic? http://newsbusters.org/blogs/c.....ail-sunday
PuddyCommentary: Of course Obummer is toxic. Obummer wants peeps to run on his policies… DUMMOCRETINS are running away from Obummer’s policies!
Because they figgered it out before Romney got there deadtoad the racist. Everyone in that room knew Obummer has no clue!
To the monomaniacal moonbat moron clueless crazed cretin…,
FACTS you idiot FACTS… http://www.politico.com/magazi.....D1IVBbgV8G
PuddyCommentary: This is why monomaniacal moonbat moron clueless crazed cretin is an IDIOT… An additional 3 Billion from Obummercare and did the monomaniacal moonbat moron clueless crazed cretin mention it? NOPE cuz the monomaniacal moonbat moron clueless crazed cretin is a DOPE!
So why is the CDC spending money on non-essential priorities monomaniacal moonbat moron clueless crazed cretin? Will the sidewalks and streetlights help fighting Ebola on the street?
It really sux to be the misinformed monomaniacal moonbat moron clueless crazed cretin!
@36. Thanks puddy, glad to read you approve of our marriage,since my husband and i adopted our son. Married with children. That’s us.
” So that’s the original premise for marriage.”
No, not really, it depends on when and where…..
“Has marriage always had the same definition?
Actually, the institution has been in a process of constant evolution.
“Whenever people talk about traditional marriage or traditional families, historians throw up their hands,” said Steven Mintz, a history professor at Columbia University. “We say, ‘When and where?'” The ancient Hebrews, for instance, engaged in polygamy — according to the Bible, King Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines — and men have taken multiple wives in cultures throughout the world, including China, Africa, and among American Mormons in the 19th century. ”
“Like most ancient governing bodies, Athens didn’t legally define marriage for its citizens. Producing offspring was pretty much the only reason to get hitched — as one man put it, “We keep hetaerae (courtesans) for pleasure, concubines for the daily care of our body, and wives for the bearing of legitimate children and to keep watch over our house” — because the state did control movement of wealth through inheritance. It was so important to keep property within the family, Coontz writes, that a girl whose father died without leaving another male heir could be forced to marry her nearest male relative, even if she had to divorce her current husband.
Marriage wasn’t even considered the most ideal union, at least according to the elite members of society. That honor went to — drumroll, please — homosexual partnerships, since married men and women weren’t expected to provide emotional fulfillment for one another.”
“Early Christians: Marital sex is a necessary evil.
“Many early Christians,” Coontz writes, “believed that marriage undermined the rigorous self-control needed to achieve spiritual salvation.” Celibacy was therefore preferable over marriage, but sex was tolerated for purposes of procreation.”
I guess from your narrow self limited point of view, gay marriage doesn’t count because they don’t directly procreate, but it’s much more than that and if you let yourself think, you would see that. It has been for contracts, and property, and heirs, and love, and political influence, and control, and yes, procreation.
LMAO! at the DOLT@42
He talks CDC, I’m talking NIH..
He’s talking the ACA, I’m talking a lack of funding for an ebola vaccine going back to the days of the empty suit he voted for twice!
The village idiot troll is a fool I tell you, a silly fool!
And don’t forget the republicans blocked the nomination for the Surgeon General. Once again, republicans blocked governance for strictly petty partisan reasons.
If you want someone to blame for the less than stellar response from the goverment, blame republicans, this is what they wanted.
Republicans have NOT blocked the Surgeon General nomination. Another lie offered by DUMMOCRETINS. Harry Reid instituted the nukular option worser. The Republicans can NOT block the vote. Harry Reid will not bring it up to the chamber as he knows it’s politics man!
Man you are as dense as spent uranium. Sux to be worser. The more worser it is the worser it gets!
Wow monomaniacal moonbat moron clueless crazed cretin… NIH? Well http://www.niaid.nih.gov/news/.....VaxQA.aspx
So much for blocking that vaccine eh moron?
Or maybe there would be more money for the vaccine if it wasn’t wasted here eh moron? http://time.com/3060276/obamac.....-act-cost/
Wait for the HA Hero name change from the monomaniacal moonbat moron clueless crazed cretin!
Or maybe those origami condoms funded by the NIH eh moron? http://freebeacon.com/issues/g.....n-rabbits/
Or maybe HA’s monomaniacal moonbat moron clueless crazed cretin could ask why the NIH sent $90 Million to China? http://dailycaller.com/2011/07.....-to-china/
monomaniacal moonbat moron clueless crazed cretin won’t of course!
So according to GOATSEBOY’S@49 link:
Between 2003 and 2008, the NIH spent more than $17 million funding the study of AIDS and HIV in Kaiyuan County, Yunnan Province, China.
So GOATSEBOY, can you explain how Obama managed that?
So according to GOATSEBOY’S@47:
Republicans have NOT blocked the Surgeon General nomination.
From http://www.kbzk.com/news/as-ca.....-general-/
As calls for Ebola “czar” grow, where’s the surgeon general?
Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kentucky, blocked Murthy’s nomination in February, arguing his non-clinical experience working with an offshoot of a pro-Obama campaign group made him overly political for the job.
So GOATSEBOY sucks on
SATAN’Sthe KOCH’S COCK again.Nothing new here…
“Last November 14th, the President nominated Dr. Vivek H. Murthy, an extremely qualified candidate to replace ‘acting’ Surgeon General Dr. Regina Benjamin. It took three months, but the Senate finally got around to holding a confirmation hearing for Dr. Murthy’s appointment. However, the National Rifle Association exerted its very substantial legislative prerogative and blocked Murthy’s confirmation because he does not recognize that the NRA is “fourth and all-powerful branch of the federal government” and called for sane gun restrictions to prevent more Americans from dying unnecessarily from the gun violence epidemic. It is exactly what a real medical professional, and highly-qualified potential Surgeon General of the United States, is supposed to do; help prevent a deadly epidemic from spreading to save American lives.”
Puddy, take your meds, it will help your posts make some sense.
Once again when ekim has sex with animals he can’t get past the truth from the fiction. Once again you libtard morons (ekim and worser, unless there are enough DUMMOCRETINS, Harry Reid can force it through with the nukular option… http://www.foxnews.com/politic.....l-nominee/
And… http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfro.....id/554775/
Read further and Paul says point blank Harry Reid declared the nukular option.
This is why so many HA DUMMOCRETINS are part of the low information voter crowd. They read one left wrong site and IT’S GOSPEL to their puny minds.
So ekim… keep having sex with animals. Looks like SATAN has full control over your puny mind! So worser, take your full allotment of drugs dude; even then your posts will still be as wrong as ever!
Sux to be LIV morons everyday on HA!
ekim the goat sex expert… Where did Puddy mention anything with CDC or NIH before 2009/
Keep sucking on those male animal appendages ekim. Milk it for what it’s worth!
Sux to be ekim, even in full sux mode!
Maybe the monomaniacal moonbat moron clueless crazed cretin can discuss another amount of well spent $$$ by http://m.cnsnews.com/news/arti.....ns-are-fat
So now we learn that the Ebola testing was just sitting around under Obummer’s NIH and CDC but it’s the Republican’s fault… http://time.com/3453022/ebola-.....expedited/
Meanwhile Ebola was identified back in 1976. http://time.com/3502740/ebola-virus-1976/ Who controlled Congress then ekim, the male animal lover; monomaniacal moonbat moron clueless crazed cretin; and worser?
Hey Roger NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit… There is help on the way for your memory issues… http://time.com/3502215/this-a.....e-changer/
The evolution is still a man and a woman or a man with multiple women. Don’t see nuthin else there!
Sux to be worser!
Holy Turnaround Batman… PMNBC realizes all moonbat all the time is useless and worthless for ratings… http://www.mrctv.org/videos/ms.....tial-votes
Rutroh Raggy, Grimes is sinking fast… http://spectator.org/blog/6065.....oted-obama
And Alison is still the dahhhhrling of HA DUMMOCRETINS!!!!!
58 without your meds you can’t read well apparently.the links i provided showed at times in history the church and some cultures was fine with same sex unions. Please try not to be ignorant on purpose. Would you like to post the text?
When you criticize The One you pay for it in the slobbering libtard media. Panetta is now a “former aide”. https://twitter.com/DavidRutz/status/519569613860765697/photo/1
That’s really strange worser… where are those credible church approved homosexual marriage links? TheWeek is your source? HuffPo?
Yawwwn. It’s getting late.. Oh damn! More tailpipe emissions from the village idiot troll @ 48:
Clinical trials? YAY!!! That means the guy from Liberia that ended up in TexASS was vaccinated? For polio? For measles? For the chronic tail pipe emissions that plague moronic always wrong wing trolls???
Oh now the moron blames the lack of a vaccine on millions of more Americans now having health insurance with the federal equivalent of Romneycare! Wow great call there klownservative troll!
Oragami Condoms paid for with 23 percent less purchasing power than 2003? Damn that’s some scandal there troll…
Freaking dope..
“Of course, history is more complicated than that. Boswell claims that part of the problem is that we define marriage so differently today that it’s almost impossible for historians to recognize 1800-year-old gay marriage documents when they see them. Often, these documents refer to uniting “brothers,” which at the time would have been a way of describing same-sex partners whose lifestyles were tolerated in Rome. Also, marriages over a millennium ago were not based on procreation, but wealth-sharing. So “marriage” sometimes meant a non-sexual union of two people’s or families’ wealth. Boswell admits that some of the documents he found may refer simply to non-sexual joining of two men’s fortunes — but many also referred to what today we would call gay marriage.”
Another view….
But gay marriage in the catholic church is like climate change for conservatives, I expect you will dig up counter sites to allow you to deny that it happened.