– Yay for parks; boo for the accompanying picture that I can’t put my finger on it but creeps me out.
– No question about why these creep me out.
– Merry Christmas, Yakima.
– I would like to see some random questions from children in the next debate.
I didn’t think it sounded correct last night. Let Joe Be Joe.
Biden said. “It came from this man voting to put two wars on a credit card, at the same time, put a prescription drug plan on the credit card, a trillion dollar tax cut for the very wealthy.”
“I was there, I voted against them,” Biden continued. “I said, no, we can’t afford that.”
Then Sen. Biden voted for the Afghanistan resolution on Sept. 14, 2001 which authorized “the use of United States Armed Forces against those responsible for the recent attacks launched against the United States.”
And on Oct. 11, 2002, Biden voted for a resolution authorizing unilateral military action in Iraq, according to the Washington Post.
– The attempt to elicit sympathy for Romney by anecdotal proxy is a poor enough of a play. The decision to do so via an anecdote about a tragic car accident in a debate with Joe Biden means you’re either a sociopath or possessed of an idiocy of immeasurable power.
Yeah, that’s probably why we won’t hear The One discuss the tragic car accident that claimed his father’s life.
Well, maybe the fact that dad was drunk-driving and hit a tree will factor into his decision not to mention it as well. But I digress.
Obama up 7 in VA:
Just fucking with Lib Despair’s mind. Romney’s up 7 in VA, and he’s up 11 with independents in that state.
Add this to the FL poll data yesterday, and Suffolk isn’t seeming so silly for calling FL, VA, NC for Romney.
Darryl’s right. Suffolk hasn’t been polling in those areas, not much, recently. But I’m sure pollsters talk. Why poll in an area that’s already been painted one color or the other?
Cap’n Crunch sez…
New York Magazine sez, interviewing reputable pollsters…
They sure do.
You keep lying, and the commercials practically write themselves.
I wonder if Lib Despair is still holding out for the formal investigation so we can learn whether Benghazi was an out-of-hand protest or a terrorist attack.
The video footage also supports the accounts of four diplomatic-security officers who were at the Benghazi compound and who initially responded to the attack. On Sept. 17, these officers told State Department investigators in formal briefings that there was no spontaneous protest the night of the attack, U.S. officials tell The Daily Beast. This information was what led the State Department to conclude there was no protest at the consulate on the day of the attacks, according to these officials.
Nonetheless, White House spokesman Jay Carney continued to say until Sept. 20 that the Benghazi assault resulted from a protest over the Internet film.
Conservative trolls:
Romney is doomed.
You know it.
Give up.
Democracy is good.
Republicanism is stupid.
Give up.
Conservative trolls:
Why do you hate democracy?
The State Department said flatly this week they never thought it related to the video, they always thought it was terrorism. The State Department said they asked for the security. The Ambassador’s own diary says that he had asked for the security. You want to talk about trust? Having an American ambassodor and three other Americans killed while the President lies to you is a pretty big question.
This isn’t going away. It’s getting bigger, and it will still be front and center on Tuesday night.
Personally Puddy likes this one better from lawyersgunsmoney…
Nothing new here Alex… we who think right always thought that way!
Why does the dunceman run to Daily Kooks?
It’s all he has left.
Only place it’s getting bigger is in the self-contained universe of Faux News and right wing talk radio. Nobody else cares.
Honestly, if we couldn’t make people care about Bush ignoring 9/11 warnings, do you really think you can make hay out of this? You are grasping at straws.
Why do you hate AMERICA?
@10 Cap’n Kornflake,
Who is Thomas R. Pickering?
@ 13
Apparently people other than Fox and AM radio are asking questions, Rael:
White House: Obama and Biden were never aware of requests for more Benghazi security
Vice President Joseph Biden speaks only for himself and President Barack Obama, and neither man was aware that U.S. officials in Libya had asked the State Department for more security before the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, a top White House official told The Cable.
Since the White House is insulating Biden and Obama, who does that leave as the ultimate authority?
No, this ain’t going away. Not if Romney’s got a chance to make Obama throw Hillary under the bus in front of 70 million viewers Tuesday night.
And you KNOW Hillary and Bill aren’t going quietly.
@ 15
Who is Thomas R. Pickering?
My first thought is he’s from a Mississippi political family. I think I read he’s leading some Benghazi review committee set up by State.
Haven’t googled him yet.
Conservative trolls:
Why do you hate America?
@ 15, 17
Different Pickering:
Where are you going with this?
@ 15, 17, 19
‘nother different Pickering.
Conservative trolls:
Why do you want America to have a foreign policy disaster right now?
Conservative trolls:
Why do you want America to have an economic meltdown right now?
Conservative trolls:
Admit it, you do not love America at all … you only love POWER.
@19 Cap’n Kornflake,
For someone who is so concerned about finding out the facts and assigning blame as necessary to ensure such things do not reoccur like they did in Benghazi, you sure don’t know too much.
The distinguished Ambassador Pickering has been asked by the Obama administration to lead the investigation in to what happened in Benghazi.
As Vice President Biden said last night, “Tom Pickering, a leading diplomat in the — from the Reagan years, who is doing an investigation as to whether or not there were any lapses, what the lapses were, so that they will never happen again.”
Conservative trolls:
Give up.
@ 24
Well, MBS, that’s all well and good. From what I have read the report is expected sometime in early Spring. Problem is, the election’s in less than four weeks.
So ‘scuse me if I prefer to review facts available now, rather than waiting until April to learn that some career diplomat has rubber-stamped what we already know.
We were hit by an Al Queda affiliate on 9/11. There was no video stirring up the locals. It was a planned, coordinated, armed attack.
And State, for whatever reason, chose to ignore an awful lot of information that clearly indicated that Libya is not a safe place for our diplomats.
Pickering? Too little, too late. CNN and Eli Lake are running with this. Let’s see what they can tell us before November 6th, while it matters.
@16 Cap’n Kornflake – serially abusing those who serve and protect this country and it interests said:
You did not seem to understand that the Obama administration takes the attack that killed four Americans, including the US Ambassador to Libya, very seriously and has appointed a distinguished career State Department veteran who has served both Republican and Democratic administrations with honor to investigate the attack and how it could have happened; Ambassador Pickering.
So, it comes as no surprise to me that you don’t know who announced the appointment, Sec of State, Hillary Clinton.
You see, asshole, there is one side which takes its responsibilities seriously, and there is YOU and your side which has done nothing but attempt to make political hay on the deaths of Americans doing what you have never done and will never do because you don’t have the nutsack – serve and protect!
@ 24
After what DOJ did when Fast and Furious first surfaced, do you really think you have any credibility with an official investigation regarding Benghazi?
You don’t.
This is a BFD. It’s why the moderator led with it last night. It’s why it will be front and center on Tuesday night. We are projecting weakness, and those who would do us harm are taking note of it.
@ 27
So, it comes as no surprise to me that you don’t know who announced the appointment, Sec of State, Hillary Clinton.
Um, I knew he was appointed by State @ 17. Does it matter that I didn’t specify that he was appointed by Hillary?
MBS, Hillary’s reputation is at stake if she’s going to have a shot at dethroning Romney in 2016. I really don’t give much credence to a report that has been requested by Hillary, about a major fuck-up that may have her fingerprints all over it.
Quite the BJ you gave Team Obama @ 27, MBS.
Tell me: Do you swallow, too?
At least one newspaper in OH isn’t joining you @ 27 on your knees before The One, MBS:
Preventable tragedy
Obama administration can’t spin its way out of blame for Benghazi
Even as military and intelligence officials flatly stated the obvious as early as Sept. 13 — that the attack was a planned terrorist operation — the statements of those closest to the president, including Press Secretary Jay Carney, vacillated. On Sept. 18, Carney said, “Our belief … is it was the video that caused the unrest in Cairo… and that precipitated some of the unrest in Benghazi and elsewhere.”
By Sept. 20, finally, Carney was declaring, “It is, I think, self-evident that what happened in Benghazi was a terrorist attack.”
What is equally evident is that, despite repeated concerns by diplomats working in Libya, the administration shortchanged security. And when the worst happened, it wasn’t willing to tell the truth to the American people.
And as of Wednesday, administration officials continued to insist that the consulate had adequate security.
Ohio’s an important battleground state in the presidential election this year, isn’t it, MBS?
Oh, yes. This will get worse.
@29 Cap’n Kornflake,
“if she’s going to have a shot at dethroning Romney in 2016”
You want to up your wager with me that Slick Willard will win this election to a Rmoney respectable amount of $10K, big talker?
No? That yellow belly of yours giving you trouble?
@30 – I bet you would love to know whether he swallows or not.
For the enjoyment of Team Victory here at HA, the OMG Liberal! Charles P. Pierce has this nugget
@33 Gman, the Republican closet is well known to be crammed. :-D
@ 32
You keep asking. My answer won’t change. I’m OK where we are.
I know Steve has been pounding our mentally incapacitated Cereal troll for months to post why anyone should vote for Slick Willard, International Harvester. Well Cap’n, I’m going to answer part of that question for you.
Slick Willard is a genius businessman from the private sector, so he knows how to manage money!
Wait. What?
Mitt Romney’s unusual in-house ad strategy
Pure f*cking genius businessman Slick Willard is. He pays 5 times as much for the same thing as the Community Organizer.
“I bet you would love to know whether he swallows or not.”
“the Republican closet is well known to be crammed”
For some strange reason Bob, obviously in fits of projection, is always talking about knee pads. There have been other unusual comments as well. And now this. My guess is that he’s hiding in a closet and won’t come out. Something to do with self-loathing, no doubt.
@ 38
Whatever you say, Doctor Steve.
If Romney were president and a major fuckup occurred two months before his re-election opportunity, would HA be OK with the naming of some blue-ribbon commission, whose report would be expected the following Spring?
Then why the dismissal in this case?
Bob’s given us five reasons why he lives in a closet, but he can’t seem to come up five reasons why a Romney presidency would be good for America.
@39 Serially Misremembering things,
A major security fuckup? You mean like September 11th 2001, the deadliest attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor?
Would we, Democratic law makers and the American public be OK with a blue-ribbon commission to investigate it? Like …. the 9/11 Commission set up over a year later?
No! Obama appointing a commission to investigate weeks after the attack is a historic OUTRAGE!
“Then why the dismissal in this case?”
If you don’t mind Doctor Steve asking, Mr. Self-loather, just how many times a day do black helicopters buzz around over your head and how long has this been going on?
@ 39
No, not like 9/11/2001, but you would think that the original 9/11 experience would have us on our toes on the anniversaries, since we know that anniversaries mean something to the terrorists.
Lemme put it this way. On 9/11/12, you’ll sure expect it of President Romney.
In all seriousness, Bob, your concern for US embassy security is quite touching.
How about you give me your address and I’ll send a town car over to pick you up to take you to the nearest Marine Corps recruiting office so you can enlist today? You up for it?
@43 Serially Mentally ill-equipped,
On September 11th 2012, candidate (not president!) Rmoney did do something about the deadly attack on our people in Benghazi.
On 9/11/12, Rmoney jumped to the podium to attempt to make political hay on the event.
And he’s been doing it ever since.
Mother Of Navy SEAL Killed In Libya Demands Romney Stop Talking About Him In Stump Speech
And come to think of it, when the time came for him to serve, he was YELLOW just like you are.
@ 45
Dude, I’m 50 and on crutches due to gout this morning.
Go ahead, be dismissive. I’m continually saying that the election’s about the economy, but what if it’s a Team Obama cover-up that proves to be The One’s undoing?
Will the Benghazi Debacle Cost Obama the Election?
If Obama increasingly points the finger at Hillary, as may already be happening
White House throws Hillary under the 2012 bus
Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/10.....z296ozrNji
do you think Bill and Hillary will stand by to let it happen?
James Carville is a very, very effective pundit. Last people I’d want to piss off would be Bill and Hillary, if I were The One.
Maybe Bob can explain why a “very serious man” would hire a professional photographer to take pathetic looking “beefcake” photos of him and then release those photos on the same day he’s participating in the VP debate?
Hey, gotta run, but I’ll leave you with this:
Real Clear Politics has reclassified PA, MI, and NH as toss-ups.
Obama’s down to 201 electoral votes with this re-shuffling.
Yeah, I’ll be enjoying the next few weeks. Very much so.
“Dude, I’m 50 and on crutches due to gout this morning.”
And we’re supposed to do what? Give a flying fuck?
@ 47
“Maybe Bob can explain why a “very serious man” would hire a professional photographer to take pathetic looking “beefcake” photos of him and then release those photos on the same day he’s participating in the VP debate?”
I dunno, Doctor Steve. Why was Obama on The View rather than meeting with world leaders a couple of weeks ago?
Same reason, I suspect.
@46 Serially Yellow,
Dude, gout? Your pathetic lazy bad eating lifestyle and its knowable results are your excuse? Bravo!
The Daily Caller? WTF!?! Didn’t they just break the story of Obama’s 2007 live broadcast speech? You go to that POS for news?
F*ck man!
So you’re overweight and drink too much, huh? Like that’s a big surprise to Doctor Steve. No wonder you won’t stand up to me like a man. You’re too fucking fat and drunk to even get off the sofa.
“Hey, gotta run”
As usual, you keep posting comments. Every. Damned. Time. What a spineless, fat, drunken, gout-ridden fucktard you must be, Bob.
@ 51
It’s a Tucker Carlson production. Definitely right-wing. And very on the ball.
You missed the author of the piece I linked above. It’s Neil Munro.
Did you know that Samuel Johnson died of gout? You might want to try losing some weight, Bob, and cutting back on the booze.
Dayum, I leave for a while and FlubScout goes bonkers nutzo.
Now we have CubScout covering for the Benghazi fiasco? Apparently this isn’t going to go away, escpecially with CarneyBarker on record and ABC’s Jake Tapper making CarneyBarker reiterate what he originally said.
For your reference Flubscout, Puddy placed the LIBERAL, REPEAT LIBERAL British press articles which said this was a terrorist attack not some video movie issue. It was Obummer and Clinton who rushed to judgment over some video. Now we have this congressional hearing video FlubScout.
So FlubScout… let’s refresh your memory so you can see the lies and disinformation being put forth by your vaulted leader…
This is gonna hurt now!
Of course the truth hurts the FlubScout. Facts and libtards are like oil and water, respectively! Facts float, water sinks!
Remember actional intelligence. We learned they had that intelligence way before Susan Rice went on the Sunday shows. Sept 11th was a Tuesday, Sept 16 was a Sunday!
Stay stoooooooooooopid FlubScout. All the kings horses and all the kings men can’t bring Ambassador Stevens back again!
@ 55
I’m 6’0″ 197, Doctor Steve. How much should I lose? As far as cutting back, you’re right, on the beer, anyway.
Beer is high in purines, increases production of uric acid, and interferes with its excretion, so it’s a triple whammy.
Mostly it’s probably because I worked a lot on the property this weekend and drank far too little. Probably pushed up my uric acid level to the point I became clinical.
I wish I could act like a Dem and blame others for my woes. Nope. It’s a diet and fluid management issue. My fault, and mine only.
“Activity over the past few years has disappointed more in economies with more aggressive fiscal consolidation plans.”
i.e. this “austerity” SHIT DON’T WORK!
Thank the teabagging/McConnellite obstructionists in Congress for it in this country.
Positively Objective Source! ABSOLUTELY FlubScout. They proved Obummer’s rail against Bush on Katrina was GRAND LIE! And now we see Obummer doing the same thing to LA which was objectively documented here.
Sucks to be the FlubScout.
And Steve, you need to improve your game. Why you hanging out with the FlubScout?
@57 Puddles,
Tell us again about your service in the US Armed Forces. Do you have gout too?
Or maybe you were disqualified prior to the repeal of ‘don’t ask don’t tell’?
Oh really ylbuttspigot.
Here’s your ylbitchslapping AGAIN! Krugman, a lying sack of shit, just like HA buttspigot!
Is that all you got FlubScout?
Facts and libtards just don’t mix!
Respond to the facts FlubScout!
@ 61
MBS, remind me again about Obama’s time in the service? How about Hillary’s?
We’re entering an era in which military service will be in the background of fewer and fewer of our candidates for office. Even having military service isn’t always a distinction – think of Wes Clark’s dismissive treatment of McCain’s service.
Other than being an asshole, you’re not proving any point.
And we already knew you’re an asshole.
FlubScout is becoming a perfect arschloch, like ylbuttspigot. Now we have to deal with two diarrhea producers!
62 – Estonia (from 4 months ago) is just fine huh? While the rest of that crowd circles the drain..
What a dumbass maroon! NEXT..
All one needs to prove someone wrong is one example – Roger SENILE Wabbit. Since Krugman won’t touch them in a follow-up… they are still doing fine. MORON!
ylbuttspigot, he’s still got nuthin.
BTW ylbuttspigot, how is that home life treating you? Performed any new PuddyWordSearches lately?
I hate to say it. The death of 4 Americans in Benghazi mean nothing to me. Social Security and Medicare mean a lot more. War is War. Thousands of lives lost to Afghanistan and Iraq wars and we have to focus on the four lost in Benghazi, boo hoo hoo.
@64 Cap’n Kornflake,
Having misled your life to such a degree that in the 21st century you’re belabored by gout, you really should retire from arguments.
Barrack Husein Obama is serving right now. During his younger days his service was to his community as a Community Organizer. Have you forgotten?
Obama has never been a saber rattler like you and the chicken hawks.
I’m not even going to go into Sec of State Clinton. That’s just too stupid.
Regarding “We’re entering an era in which military service will be in the background of fewer and fewer of our candidates for office“, I suppose you think this is true because there are so few Veterans after 11 years of war?
Gosh, you are thick as a brick!
@ 68
The death of 4 Americans in Benghazi mean nothing to me.
Seems to me I’ve heard ‘Screw them. I feel nothing.’ once before.
Hey, let me clue you in on a little secret, Gman. They mean nothing to Obama, either.
Republicans could care less about the 4 lives either, they just want to skewer Obama over it. Scum Bags.
@ 69
Regarding “We’re entering an era in which military service will be in the background of fewer and fewer of our candidates for office“, I suppose you think this is true because there are so few Veterans after 11 years of war?
Well, I would attribute it to no draft in 40 years and the rise of women in the political arena, but you did bring up a perspective I hadn’t considered. We’ve had, what, 2000 deaths in Afghanistan, and 4000+ in Iraq? That’s 6,000 deaths out of around 180,000 troops that have served there. So, only around 174,000 veterans left to run for office.
Slim pickins’, indeed.
Look at how many guys we lost in Vietnam. We still had plenty of veterans in office after that.
Didn’t quote Krugman stupid. I quoted the IMF report which was cited in the Krugman piece..
Yawwwwn.. What an idiot.
Republican could care less about the lives of Americans living in America. You mean to tell me they care about the 4 dead in Benghazi, please tell me more.
You care more about a fetus before coming out of a vagina, then after it comes out. You are a bunch of hypocrites. After birth, you could give two shits about a baby.
re 2 — “Well, maybe the fact that dad was drunk-driving and hit a tree will factor into his decision not to mention it as well. But I digress.”
Well, then I’ll digress as well and remind you of the time Laura Bush ran over her boyfriend and killed him on a deserted crossroad in the Texas Badlands.
And, unless you can find some heroic effort that Laura Welch made at that time to save his life, I’ll thank you to stop mentioning Chappaquiddick every time you get a chance.
“And Steve, you need to improve your game. Why you hanging out with the FlubScout?”
Indeed, my game has suffered of late. And there are no doubt some here who wonder why I hang out with you! I’m sure my Dear Ms. Wingnut gets it, if no one else. Speaking of which, Darryl got in touch with me the other day and it’s possible that you and Max will receive my contact info soon. I hope we three get in touch and that we can get together one of these days. Best wishes.
@74 Gman, you nailed it. Gekko/Galt are only ‘interested’ in the Benghazi attack because they believe they can use it against the administration to further their election possibilities.
That’s obviously pathetic, but more interestingly it brings the lie to their very hypothesis.
As Biden showed with Ryan last night, Gekko/Galt have no foreign policy plans they will admit to that are in any way different from the current administration.
And furthermore, a Commander-In-Chief should have some grasp of strategy. Romney’s best shot at winning has always been the state of the economy and how voters perceive it.
Choosing to go down the foreign policy road at this point in the cycle, less than 30 days left, without being able to present anything different, let alone better, is prima facia that Slick Willard doesn’t have the chops.
And mark my words, Obama is going to slaughter Slick Willard in the 3rd and foreign policy debate.
@ 75
I’ll thank you to stop mentioning Chappaquiddick every time you get a chance.
Um, Harry? It wasn’t a reference to Ted Kennedy. It’s how Barack Obama, Sr. died.
If Romney wins, it will piss-off a lot of arrogant jerks like Chris Matthews and Rachel Maddow. It will also bring out demagogues like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson screaming “racism” all over the place. While it would give me great pleasure to have Chrissy-boy and Brunhilda Maddow pissing and moaning about a Romney victory, it’s not the best thing for the country.
You see, Romney intends to keep trying to continue the American overseas empire. Folks, we just can’t afford it any more. We’ve got $16 trillion on the credit card, and that number is growing! It’s time to end the empire, first by withdrawing entirely from the Middle East, then Europe. Sorry, Israel, but you’re on your own when it comes to dealing with your Muslim neighbors. Germany, I know you’ll be gald to see us go, as will the rest of the Europeans.
As for South Korea and Japan, it’s up to you to contain the crazy bastard in North Korea. Good luck to all, but we can’t afford to “protect” you any longer.
Once we get out of the rest of the world’s affairs, we need to shrink the Department of Defense by about 40% and devote our forces to the defence of our homeland only. That means a lot of soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines who will be unemployed and a lot of defence contractors having to look elsewhere for sales. That’s just the price we have to pay to get this damn debt under control. We shouldn’t stop until we get the debt down to $0.00.
Which is what Krugman used for his idiot commentary. Point served!
Clean up on Open Thread 2012 aisle. HA’s buttspigot left another diarrhea stain!
So you want to keep the guy in who didn’t halve the debt but massively added to it?
Sure thing Steve. It will have to be around either of the two holidays as my schedule is really busy right now. I’d further elaborate but dunceman will object. I can see if Mrs Puddy would like to meet Ms. Wingnut!
“So you want to keep the guy in who didn’t halve the debt but massively added to it?”
No, what I really want is somebody like Ron Paul. Given the constant Hobson’s Choice we face every four years, the Milk Chocolate Messiah will do less damage than the Mittster, particularly if the Republicans keep control of the House and gain in the Senate.
Really FlubScout… So libtards don’t care about two of America’s finest… Navy Seals, an Ambassador adored in the Middle East for being a friend to non-fanatical Muslims and another State Department employee?
Down right amazing… Thanks for stating your “case” FlubScout. Your esteem value is at the same level as ylbuttspigot and his loser pal rujax, the dumbest brick in the pile.
Also regarding caring for the baby gleeeeeeeeeeeman, please tell Puddy what Planned Parenthood has done for my people except provide easy access to their extermination AKA black donkoinfanticide?
As I said @45 and elsewhere on this thread Gekko/Galt and the Republican party’s only interest in the deadly attacks on our consulate in Benghazi is to use it for political advantage.
Never mind if that means Romney using the murdered victim as a talisman in speeches despite being asked not to by the poor man’s mother.
Surely Republicans would never think of using US Ambassador Chris Stevens’ lifeless body in an anti-Obama campaign ad?
Florida GOP group uses ambassador’s dead body in anti-Obama ad
Lady’s and Gentlemen, your Republican Party
And we will say the same about you when aids finally nails your ass.
Boo hoo hoo….go run along and put that stinky dick in some guys shit-pipe……
Lmfao @ “community oganizer”…..that’s just another phrase for a lazy crook.
Have you noticed how FlubScout ignores the facts above? This sadministration lied to America over Libya. Lower level State Department employees have told us
1) No budget cuts affected security
2) Pleadings for more security went unheeded
3) Pleadings for more security were ignored
4) The security detail was reduced
5) The ambassador worried for his life.
Yes, these libtards running the show are “special” and the HA peeps who support them are “really special”!
Parse this statement of Ly’n Ryan last night
with what his side is doing with “it” to “project” what?
But I thought the economy was all that mattered?
Bunch of lairs
@86 boo hoo hoo
Rachel Maddow:
An interesting read on the debates.
People listen to rachell madcow?
Lol..lemming group thinkers
Romney Proudly Explains How He’s Turned Campaign Around
And his sister doesn’t feel that way FlubScout… She’d rather rightly blame the terrorists instead of Romney! Golly that sucks eh FlubScout?
Butt a Navy Seal’s widow has cheered Romney on the use of her husband FlubScout!
Really sucks to be you today!
Why is it you libtards run to the standard leftist left wrong web sites to make your rancid points? Can’t you find anything in the slobbering heads up da Obummer’s ASS libtard media?
Ly’n Ryan?
Let’s go to the tape last night
Will the Honorable Senator from Oregon care to comment?
Republicans Lie cuz that’s all they got.
It’s a Harry headless lucy poonster sighting…
How is the racist one doing? Puddy kinda of flummoxed over your support for Obummer. Would he be in the field or in da house headless?
Oh no BiteME lied again
Nails it perfectly about libtards…
DUMMOCRAPTS are thugs in every way shape and form!
As you may have heard, Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-Tenn.) is now known as the Republican who pushed his mistress, a former patient of his, to get an abortion. And the Republican leadership’s response? They hand him the gavel so that he could preside over a pro forma House session.
Wow, that’s really harsh treatment. I can see why other Republicans might want to get their act together before some similar terrible fate befalls them as well.
Stevens was gay? Now that is a real big BOO HOO HOO from Republicans.
A BiteME GAFFE coming back to haunt Obummer and gang!
Clearly… Obviously… Most Assuredly…
gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeman why does that matter? You don’t care!
The comments are priceless here…
Or this one…
Poor Jay CarneyBarker… he must be paid a big time salary or promised some cushy job in a later life episode. Otherwise he’s clueless as his predecessor Robert Fibbs!
re 6 — “I wonder if Lib Despair is still holding out for the formal investigation so we can learn whether Benghazi was an out-of-hand protest or a terrorist attack.”
It’s a distinction without a difference. The news media portrayed it from the get-go as a terrorist attack that was launched as a protest was under way.
It’s not either/or — it’s both — something that cannot be understood in the black and white world of conservotardia.
My wife observed the other night as the vice presidential debate was under way that current conservative candidtes resemble smug mental patients.
And now a word from a typical Gekko/Galt supporter
Woman At VP Debate Calls Obama A Communist
Republicans, their best friends and allies are cranks you wouldn’t be caught dead with.
Is Ly’n Ryan human? Or a shapeshifter?
Republicans Lie cuz that’s all they got left.
“My wife observed the other night as the vice presidential debate was under way that current conservative candidtes resemble smug mental patients.”
That’s what I thought Joe Biden looked like at the VP debate. Did he become a conservative recently?
For 12 years as a member of Congress, Ryan has sought from the federal government money and benefits that in some cases represent the kinds of largess and specific programs he is now campaigning against.”
Unfortuantely, that’s what ALL members of the House and Senate do. Each is elected to all bring home the pork to his or her state/district.
re 110: “That’s what I thought Joe Biden looked like at the VP debate. Did he become a conservative recently?”
All protestations to the contrary, you’re just another loyal Republican wingnut that falls into line with all the others when all is said and done.
re 11: — “Unfortuantely, that’s what ALL members of the House and Senate do. Each is elected to all bring home the pork to his or her state/district.”
Then why does he lie about it? Oh, it must be his ‘principles’. Too bad one of his pronciples isn’t to stop lying to the American public.
re 114 — My aim is true.
Wow FlubScout…
ThinkProgress.. another in your arsenal of leftist left wrong web sites. Still got nuthin we see.
Please attack content, rather than venue.
Or demonstrate a pattern of lying, as has been done with FoxNews, if you want to adopt that otherwise rather lazy tactic.
You’re a buffoon puddl, and everyone around here knows that.
Whitey house response… uhhhhh BiteME misspoke again!
Why? That’s your modus operandi for many years here dunceman!
You were dancing like a moron after the debate last night. Now people have actually thought about BiteME and y’all get your HA fix from left wrong web sites!
Remember this moron?
Well it seems the leftist Politico hired David Chalian and gave him a VP job.
Nuff Said Sez Puddy about Politico!
It’s amazing to me that an imbecile like Puddl gets through life without injuring himself with his spoon at breakfast.
Have you considered a sheltered workshop?
Fucking stop the slut shaming, Bibul-thumping trolls!
The Best Econamy (Laugh Laugh) 6 trillion dollars can prop up. Ever heard of a Debt Bubble, shen it breaks none of your guvment checks are going to be good.
Hell even Warren Buffett who owns many of the Municipal Bond insurance companies, is issuing cancelations to thos states and cities (Liberal bastions of debt mostly) who are and or about to go belly up from their Budget Bustin ways….ie California and Illinois to name a few.
How are you going to float Municipal bonds at 3% for 30 years uninsured…..
How you gonna build your roads and airports when no one wants to loan you money.