– Good work Jean Godden, and boo for Seattle for taking so long to get maternity (and paternity) leave for city employees.
– The bike signals on 2nd Ave are great, but I’m glad the city is also dealing with garages mid block.
– Given the Seattle Metro Area’s worst in the nation pay gap, it’s particularly galling to see the CEO of Microsoft saying women shouldn’t ask for a raise. He apologized, and we can all decide for ourselves how sincere he was. But I hope it leads to some sort of concrete action because this region most pointedly needs to do better.
– I’m more of a fan of remakes than I think a lot of people, especially people on the Internet. The Ghostbusters with women as the main cast seems awesome.
An interesting article about how offshored jobs are simply being automated.
“Yahoo announced [Tuesday] it would be laying off at least 400 workers in its Indian office, and back in February, IBM cut roughly 2,000 jobs there. Meanwhile, tech companies are beginning to see that many of the jobs it has outsourced can be automated, instead. Labor in India and China is still cheaper than it is in the United States, but it’s not the obvious economic move that it was just a few years ago: “The labor costs are becoming significant enough in China and India that there are very real discussions about automating jobs there now,” Mark Muro, an economist at Brookings, said. “Companies are seeing that automated replacements are getting to be ‘good enough.'””
A steady drip drip drip of better and better automation replacing paid human jobs. What do you think is the tipping point, where enough people cannot find work, any work?
London Unveils Driverless Subway Trains of the Future
I think this was posted about already, but the trains “look” pretty darn cool. And cheap labor conservatories will enjoy that they don’t need anyone to staff it.
The Amazon Picking Challenge at ICRA (IEEE Robotics and Automation) 2015 is about getting a robot to perform the picking task. All the robot has to do is pick a list of items from the automated shelves that Amazon uses and place the items into another automated tray ready for delivery
Another mundane job they are working on automating. Wonder what those human workers are going to do for an income, once their jobs are automated?
@1 Not to worry, after you humans become surplus labor, you still can be used for dog food.
The breathless hype about Satya Nadella’s remarks utterly missed the BUG point. He was saying that workers need to trust the management system to promote the best. A similar icea motivates the Catholic Chirch.
This election might turn out okay. Voters loathe both parties, but may prefer continued bickering in Congress to an escalation of Republican crazy. NBC News senses it: “Yes, Republicans are still the slight odds-on favorite to win back the Senate. But something funky is going on. This doesn’t look like 2006 or 2010. This could be the election where the public finally votes like the polls.” And the polls show Democrats closing the gap in the battle for the Senate.
@5 But don’t trust until you verify.
@1 and @4 – not sure why conservatives are always pushing procreation, not like we need anymore people for anything. But they’ll still talk about how the Family is so important. The only thing to do now is populate mars with a very few, no need to have to worry about getting millions of people there. Just let them all die out here on Earth.
And when Republicans get to Mars, they can breed solely Blue Eyes and Blond Here people.
opps should be hair, not here – I type faster than I think.
Dr. Zatoichi, the Blind Surgeon, observes: Some of you people need to stop lying to Pudge. No need to point fingers. You know who you are.
Hooray for budget cuts!
I wonder how much that “chaperon” is costing all us god-fearing US taxpayers. I smell the stink of statist anti-christian socialism and gun-grabbing propaganda.
I won’t vote for anyone who is not committed to withdrawing entirely from the Middle East, withdrawing our forces from ALL overseas bases (thus ending the empire), and I will not vote,for anyone who is not supportive of ending the useless War on Drugs.
If I get ebola, the vampire wolves are gonna come over and lick my bleeding orifices.
I have mixed feelings about this. Ebola is the new peanut butter.
Here’s yet another disgusting example of business dishonesty:
“The company that makes many of the safety guardrails found next to highways across the country will defend itself in court next week against accusations of a massive cover-up and fraud against the U.S. government that the company’s accuser says is linked to dozens of gruesome injuries and deaths.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Why does America worship business? Next to the Republican Party, business is the most systematically dishonest and money-grubbing segment of U.S. society. Compared to a typical CEO, the average convenience store robber is a saint.
So who are the atypical CEOs that you think are OK? We want to support good businesses and punish the bad ones.
It would be cool of the cast Sigourney Weaver as one of the Ghostbusters.
So in the original films, how old were the Ghostbusters? They were all around their forties, weren’t they? Will we see women in their forties and above being cast, or are they going to do what’s typical–cast a group of women in their early 20s who wear tight clothes?
@14, Americans have been taught that money-grubbing is patriotic (and according to prosperity Christians, it’s also moral).
@15 If I think of one, I’ll let you know.
Looks like the judge is going to dismiss the lawsuit filed by those whining cops who don’t like SPD’s new use of force (UOF) policy. I’ve never doubted she would.
Automated transit has been around for quite some time. For example Vancouver’s SkyTrain is entirely automated as is London’s Docklands Light Rail.
While it may put drivers out of work it also allows agencies to run trains much more frequently,
The casting of Bridesmaids and The Heat should provide a good guide. I suspect we won’t see the typical 20-something action babes but more likely a cast of funny women who have good chemistry together.
Elon Musk, Warren Buffett, and Mark Cuban maybe?
The list of CEOs who might not be evil dishonest bastards is short to be sure.
BTW I’m very surprised at the relative lack of comment both by liberal bloggers and in comment threads on liberal blogs about the dam breaking on same-sex marriage.
It is only a matter of time before all of the numbered Federal Circuits will have ruled and unless there is a circuit split marriage equality will be the law of the land.
Well, it would be constitutional, that’s for sure
@ Better
Who are those companies planning to sell too? If you don’t have a growing market, you won’t last long. You’re already seeing companies waste billions of dollars a year, not spending the income they have hidden away offshore from the tax collectors. Watching their money slowly disappear to inflation, instead of investing in their own companies. Shareholders should be storming the executive suites.
Transit agencies are different. They have limited income and will spend it all.