– No, private charity can’t handle it alone
– Well it looks like our tattered campaign finance system will probably manage to get even weaker.
– Patty Murray’s guest editorial on the government shutdown (Seattle Times link).
– Did anyone watch the mayoral debate? I probably should have as a civics nerd who is undecided in that race and who likes both of the candidates. But I had other things to do.
– In yesterday’s post, I mentioned one King County Health Care event. You can find more here, if you want to go.
– The State Senate’s transit listening tour is coming to Seattle. The Transit Riders Union is pretty cynical about it, but encourage you to show up.
– Maybe those state senators are just running away from the bear in Olympia (Daily O link).
– RIP Comet Tavern
I’m not sure what’s going on, I only heard it on the radio news broadcast during the drive in this morning. But it said something about Ryan trying to lead House Republicans into a compromise where the government gets funded and the Affordable Health Care delayed by three months or so – just long enough to keep us out of default.
Of course, the President has said he would veto any bill which didn’t raise the debt ceiling, and they could talk about everything else later. Anyway, you have to wonder – signs of desperation, or an attempt by Ryan to assert his control over the House so he could take the Speaker’s mantel at the first of the year?
And by the way, where is NPR these days? The station it was on has converted to a classic rock format – and not a very good one at that.
I see Piddles was super busy overnight trying to impress with his rental car and the usual inanities.
At 19city/26hwy the Maxima is among the worst in class and is ranked #18 out of 22 by U.S. news and world report for upscale mid size sedans.
So Piddles is bragging about driving one of the worst cars available in class.
That’s too damn funny.
That’s because if the puddybigot were a car, he’s be a Yugo, or maybe a Trabant.
checkmate… apparently you have no clue about Puddy mocking SCHMUCKO-MORON!
Puddy has already driven just about every full size car and standard SUV offered by all the rental car companies. Butt, as of today Puddy gets to drive the signature, premium, prestige and luxury cars and SUVs…
Now the fun begins for the next 15 months or longer!
Sux to be checkmate. He’s insane. No one wants to be SCHMUCKO-MORON!
Seems Terry McAuliffe is your standard DUMMOCRETIN liar.
Seems Mitt Romney was right. And the libtard msm mocked him…
Golly Bill Maher, the joke is on you. Romney still richer than you’ll ever be.
1. I cannot believe that he is so shallow and uninteresting that he would think that this is a point of pride.
2. I cannot believe he persists in the delusion that the community here finds these statements impressive, when they are rather endless points of ridicule and mirth at his expense.
I think the puddybigot should change his handle to “Trabby“
Trabby persist in talking about MOOSLUMS!! in Mali, rather than his Teahaddist Tallibangelicals engaging in ‘End Times’ delusions with the health of the nation and their hostage taking of the Constitution.
You mean, your employer allows you to rent these cars when you’re running errands for him.
As if that said something about your character or the quality of your thinking. Well, on second thought, I guess it does…just not what you think.
Your inability to see beyond the end of your nose, or beyond your manifest insecurities, is an endless source of comedy.
You know, you sound like Dustin Hoffman, in Rain Man.
It just doesn’t end…the stupidity, the abject lack of self-awareness…
They’re home-schooled, of course – you know, Jesus riding dinosaurs that Noah saved on Clouds O’Glory ™. This particular loon is against public education as well, natch.
Sad to see that The Comet is closing. Great place.
I used to live out by TESC and saw bears all the time. That’s what happens when you put a college and a bunch of houses in prime bear habitat….
BTW, putting a college out in the middle of no where is really a dumb idea.
Wow, that’s painful.
The Comet was one of the first bars my Seattle friends took me to when I moved here in 1991.
BTW, Michael, I see refusing to negotiate with you while you threatened that poor puppy made you back down.
You’re going to have to get more ruthless if you want to be ‘the MOST VILE’
BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! (evul cackle)
Here’s some amazing polling from Gallup (h/t Kos)
Democrats aggregate is a bad -6, Republicans/Teahaddists cratering at an ABYSMAL -34
I’m a big softy. Especially when dogs are involved.
Piddles values his worth as a person based in large part on the type of car. Sad. Very sad.
When you get out on the road in a rental, do you feel better than other drivers? Do you feel better about yourself than you do at home? Do you think people look at you with more respect in a nice rental?
Sad. Desperately sad.
Does a fine automobile qualify as a false idol?
“As it is, you boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil.”
“Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; a stranger, and not your own lips.”
“And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.”
But then you knew all of that, being a good Christian as you often boast to be.
I found the “No, private charity can’t handle it alone” article to be scathing. I wished more conservatives would read it and care.
Except the AP has now retracted that story. It seems they jumped the gun in assuming that the “TM” in the indictment was Terry McAuliffe. Turns out it was a contractor who claimed to have received a $2000 check for doing work on the guy’s house.
WHAT?! One of the puddybigot’s links was WRONG?!
does this mean that Cucchineli’s website is no more reliable than World Net Daily? Who’d a thunk it?
The puddybigot continues his streak of posts unsullied by fact or unencumbered by reality.
@23 I’m sure the person who pretends to be Puddy will, of course, retract his name calling now that he knows his information was wrong.
The speculation now is that the Tea Partiers in the House are all jockying for position to forge a compromise. Most Republicans in the House admit that using the government shut-down to abolish Obamacare has failed, and they need a face-saving alternative. They are demanding a high price for even a temporary extension – tax “reform” (giving up taxes on the wealthy), medicare “reform” (cutting way back on benefits), etc. But for many, even that’s not enough.
Scott Carpenter, one of the original Mercury astronauts, has died. This leaves only one left – John Glenn.
Puddy is having so much fun mocking SCHMUCKO-MORON!
Sux to be him!
Uh, oh….Rain Man is back…..
@1 Ryan’s scheme is a “No Sale.” Republicans will get ZERO concessions on Obamacare, and they’ve known that all along.
Meanwhile, Boehner appears to be floating an offer that goes something like this. Boehner wants to talk about the budget and Obamacare. Obama said he won’t talk until government is reopened and the debt ceiling is raised. Boehner is offering to extend the debt ceiling, but not reopen government, in exchange for those talks. That’s Boehner’s idea of meeting Obama halfway.
So, if Obama accepts that deal, and it appears he will, the only thing Republicans will get for their intransigence is a continued government shutdown, which Democrats are delighted to give them, because they know who voters will blame in next year’s elections.
Sure looks like Obama ate Boehner’s lunch once again. And as for me, this deal, such as it is, was worth +$6,300 to me in today’s rip-roaring stock market action.
@28 I’m glad you’re having fun, Piddles, to keep your mind off how badly your party got its ass kicked around the block today.
Reports also say that the House Republican’s debt limit offer contains a provision that the Treasury cannot use ‘extraordinary measures’ to keep the U.S. out of default, forever.
Serious poison pill.
You mean by reposting all the taunts I’ve directed at you, without comment or rebuttal?
Explain to us all how that works again, Rain Man.
(When you’ve finished parking your employer’s car, that is.)
…with his left hand, in the front seat of his crappy Nissan Maxima, parked by the trees in some dark park somewhere, thinking about Sarah Palin or Michelle Malkin or Andrew Breitbart…
RR @ #30: Obama will sign legislation paying for death benefits to the familes of soldiers killed in action because, well, that’s the least we can do. But that’s about the end of the Republican “cafetaria approach” to the government shutdown. Obama can’t – and won’t – keep allowing exceptions which relieve the pressure of the most popular programs, while keeping closed the ones to which the government objects.
Karma? Poetic Justice?
Wanna guess how many of those farmers voted Democratic?
I wonder what proportion of those cattle are actually owned by people/families and what by agribusiness corporations?
Obummer’s Park Service; what a bunch of scumbag DUMMOCRETINS!
I was in South Dakota a couple of weeks ago and there were people with “Impeach Obama” signs and signs that spewed all sorts of far right nonsense marching up and down streets and hanging out on I-90 overpasses. That the evil federal government paid for those overpasses was apparently lost on them.
I couldn’t open the story, but the headline in the PI said polls showed that Republicans had the lowest popularity ever.
Does that include the Hoover administration?
2013 House Farm Bill had deep cut food stamps. Almost all DUMMOCRETINS voted against it with some Republicans. So it failed.
So why did Obummer allow this to happen when his DUMMOCRETIN aides knew about this days ago rhpee6033?
Project much SCHMUCKO-MORON?
The more ads against I-522 I see, the more determined I am to vote “Yes”.
Ah, yes, when you’ve got nothin’, squawk “Projection!”
Yes, we are all laughing at you.
Y’all are making fun of Puddy for the car thing. And that’s fine, but I’d like to direct you to #5 with a little story. It may be his worst example of his tendency to link to right wing CW that has already been discredited.
I saw the McAuliffe thing, and was thinking of putting a link in this very Open Thread. Maybe a joke about how both sides would be implicated by the election day. Maybe tell the story of the time he spat in my face over-pronouncing the word “polls.” That was some time yesterday. By the time the evening came around, and I was considering what to put in the tread, the AP had already corrected their story.
So, you know, I had already known the story was stale and incorrect for at least 12 hours or so when he put the link up. Of course, the fact that he would link to Cuccinelli’s site because he claims to oppose corruption is self refuting at this point.
@40 “The Republican Party has been badly damaged in the ongoing government shutdown and debt limit standoff, with a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finding that a majority of Americans blame the GOP for the shutdown, and with the party’s popularity declining to its lowest level. …
“Just 24 percent of respondents have a favorable opinion about the GOP, and only 21 percent have a favorable view of the Tea Party, which are both at all-time lows in the history of poll.
“And one year until next fall’s midterm elections, American voters prefer a Democratic-controlled Congress to a Republican-controlled one by eight percentage points (47 percent to 39 percent), up from the Democrats’ three-point advantage last month (46 percent to 43 percent).”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What amazes me is the GOPers fell into this trap. The Tea Partiers, yes, we expect them to be dumber than a brick. But the people who run the party are supposed to be political professionals who know a punji pit when they see one. And, of course, our admiration for Obama keeps growing as we watch this “community organizer” roll over the GOPers again and again. Rarely, if ever, has a president made his opponents look like such fools — at least, not since Truman.
@46 When did Piddly, or any other rightwinger, ever fact-check anything?
Michael @13,
I know. I just liked the juxtaposition of members of the legislature coming to Seattle and a bear in Olympia too much not to imply they were running away.
@42 He just wanted you guys to marinate in your own stew before cooking your goose.
I know, but usually the things he puts out are about to be refuted, or subject to interpretation. The fact that there had been a correction for a long time just cracks me up.
Apparently the IRS scandal is heating up too in Puddyworld.
“LOOK, there’s something to this Whitewater story that the lame stream media is ignoring!” Says Piddles, or words to that effect.
18, 19, 20, etc. — I’d rather have a bigger stock portfolio than a fancy car. I can’t explain it. There’s just something about dividends that grabs hold of my heart and doesn’t let go. Like Scrooge McDuck rolling in his money bin, I simply have a fetish for stocks. Yet the stupid Reptards still think I’m a socialist …
In other Conservatives are clueless news…
The various righty echo chamber sites are OUTRAGED that initial claims for unemployment benefits shot up this week.
GASP. when you send a bunch of federal employees home they aren’t working. And they weren’t terminated for cause. So they are all eligible.
But shutdown won’t hurt the economy. Just ask a Republican house member.
(Hint for you. If the public blames you for the shutdown, you can protest all you want but the public will blame you for the economic effects. But good luck with blaming Obama.)
@51 It shows how lazy he is.
Police Brutality Dep’t
“Prosecutors have filed an assault charge against a Los Angeles police officer for her alleged role in a 2012 incident captured on squad-car video in which a 35-year-old mother died after a violent struggle to place her in custody.
“Officer Mary Margaret O’Callaghan, a 19-year veteran of the force, is charged with assault under color of authority for kicking Alesia Thomas in the groin and stomach during the attempted arrest on July 22, 2012, which involved at least three other officers.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Cops are supposed to be trained in how to subdue combative arrestees. They’re not supposed to kill or injure them. I don’t see how kicking someone in the groin can ever be acceptable police procedure. That’s what you do in a biker bar when you’re outnumbered 20-to-1. Of course, you probably shouldn’t go into biker bars in the first place, unless you’re a biker.
Cuyahoga County
Stafford County
Yes those weren’t Puddy’s lazy moments!
These idiots can’t even properly holster their weapons, but they think we should let them carry them where ever they please? Fuck that shit.
Yes, speaking of Police Brutality…
Seems they just assassinated poor Miriam!
REI’s website isn’t working properly at the moment. Going by righty logic this must mean that the entire co-op is a failure and must be shut down. I mean they had 75 years to get it right, people.
@59 “The only voices of protest have come from the Washington Times editorial board and from two writers at The American Spectator — now there are three.”
Bullshit. I protested Carey’s shooting a week ago. Right here on HA. Yeah, I agree with you on this one, Piddles, firing 26 bullets into a car containing an unarmed (and very frightened) motorist and an infant is way over the top. America’s trigger-happy cops are out of control.
But don’t worry, Piddles, there’ll be an investigation with plenty of media coverage. I have a feeling some heads are gonna roll. And there’ll be a lawsuit, and a multi-million-dollar settlement for the child who will grow up without a mother.
I did not hear about this incident, but apparently somebody in Eastern Washington took a few shots at a BNAF Freight train in Central Washington last month. The railroad is offering a $5000 reward.
I am surprised, only $5000? Amalgamated Transit Union Local 587 offers that for information on assaults on Metro Bus drivers. BNSF has deeper pockets.
Golly Carl, You are a laugh a minute
You and the other HA DUMMOCRETIN Leadership created many a thread with shaky info on this site. And when the truth was known, did Carl correct the record?
Naaaah, libtards never correct the record but DEMAND conservatives correct theirs! Cry Puddy a river dude!
I just LOVE post #64, wherein the puddibigot admits his links and claims are bullshit, but won’t cop to that because NYANYANYANYA!, or ‘I’m rubber and you’re glue…’, or ‘did too, did not, did too, did not!!’ or some other 3rd grade excuse.
I mean, really – the puddibigot isn’t going to correct his (manifestly wrong) assertions because, he says, to paraphrase, “Everybody puts up bullshit, or makes links to whackadoodle fake news sites, or can’t read, or misinterprets what news stories are about, or can’t read, or thinks a Sky-Daddy is going to smite their enemies in the end anyway, or can’t read, or only listens to the echo chamber where Sarah Palin really truly loves me.”
I’m so glad he finally clarified that.
@64 Piddles, you’re a crackup! I don’t know what we’d do for laughs if you weren’t here. Keep up the good work!
I note the puddibigot hasn’t been around much this morning – the cramp in his left hand much have gotten better….
@65 “Everybody puts up bullshit, or makes links to whackadoodle fake news sites, or can’t read, or misinterprets what news stories are about, or can’t read, or thinks a Sky-Daddy is going to smite their enemies in the end anyway, or can’t read, or only listens to the echo chamber where Sarah Palin really truly loves me.”
He’s turned it into an art form.
Someone should tell the puddibigot, about his handle, that when you’re explaining, you’re losing.
The “T2SDA” “movement” – that is, “Truckers to Shut Down America” – showed up in Washington with…..30 trucks.
I was, while laying around the house yesterday with a cold, watching some Fox – Greta VanSustern – and she had on the organizer of this libertarian extravaganza, and asked him directly about his agenda, about what they wanted.
All the fool could muster was a demand for an America like he could “remember from his childhood” and to “defend the Constitution.”
The inarticulate boob, like the rest of the Teahaddists, is having a tantrum because life isn’t how they ‘remember’ it as children.
Also, I don’t think it occurred to these truckers, or the Teahaddists in Congress, that being “Patriots” and defenders of the Constitution on the one hand, and “Shutting Down America” on the other, are, kind of, you know, diametrically opposed goals.
These people are not too bright, and need to be led back to the little kids’ table ASAP. (Apologies to little kids everywhere.)
Hey DIPSHIT, the girl involved in that accident yesterday in Everett was a friend of our family. I was just told she died. So Puddy came online to see what was being said and to mention Puddy won’t be answering your blather for a while.
Mrs Puddy and Puddy would rather spend our time consoling her family than dealing with useless and filthy jackASS DUMMOCRETINS such as yourself.
Again you are DELUSIONAL!!!! Where did Puddy say what you claim jackASS? Puddy was responding to Carl’s “commentary”. It’s amazing how you “read” into things so blatantly not there.
Must be some powerful LSD you imbibe early each day.
Well Puddy has to go SCHMUCKO-MORON. Continue to be the dripping smelly smegma you have been for years!
Wait for it… SCHMUCKO-MORON will claim he introduced smegma to HA. That MAY BE TRUE!
The location of the Senate’s Transportation “listening tour” stop in Seattle this Monday, October 14th has been changed from the courthouse to the First Presbyterian Church, 1013 8th Avenue. The hearing goes from 6pm – 9pm, but if you want to testify you should get there early to sign up.