– The Bill of Reproductive Rights.
– I know Brad Owen is pretty shitty. But Democrats who don’t like him should have put some effort into a primary challenge instead of supporting a Republican.
– Romney Proudly Explains How He’s Turned Campaign Around ‘I’m Lying More,’ He Says
In the other thread I posted a link to Alternet piece about Willard’s moral vacuity..
Another nail in that coffin.. There goes that etch-a-sketch:
Actually this (again totally ironic) would probably be ok with almost ALL right wingers..
Who at this point would be believe ANYTHING this guy says? Just apply the right pressure at the right place and time and he’ll flip flop to order.
Colin Powell’s former COS on Willard’s chickenhawk brigade:
The return of the chicken hawks. A revival of the “good old days” for our trolls.
@ 1
In the other thread
I responded to your moral superiority assholiness, YLB.
Yawwwwn.. Here come the clowns… I’m out..
Don’t like romney’s position on an issue?
Wait 10 minutes.
Then he walked that back, less than 2 hours later.
And this is what he told the National Review, a year ago:
“I am pro-life and believe that abortion should be limited to only instances of rape, incest, or to save the life of the mother.
I support the reversal of Roe v. Wade, because it is bad law and bad medicine. Roe was a misguided ruling that was a result of a small group of activist federal judges legislating from the bench.”
“If I have the opportunity to serve as our nation’s next president, I commit to doing everything in my power to cultivate, promote, and support a culture of life in America.”
How does CNN come up with a poll in which Obama is up 4 points in Ohio?
By magically polling 19% of conservatives planning to vote for Obama.
Maybe they took their poll at a Log Cabin Republican meeting.
The Bad Lip Reading folks nailed the presidential debate.
Willard a hypocrite, liar, flip-flopper, whatever on abortion???
No worries..
All the constitutionally conservative cool kids do it..
Conservative trolls:
Romney is doomed.
You know it.
Give up.
Democracy is good.
Republicanism is stupid.
Give up.
Conservative trolls:
Why do you hate democracy?
@ 13
Conservative trolls:
Why do you hate democracy?
Um, isn’t that what you say after Obama wins the popular vote but loses the electoral vote?
It’s unsubstantiated and inappropriate otherwise.
Rael’s not overly enlightening.
@ 15
Yesterday YLB enlightened us that the economy is getting better because underwear sales are improving.
Maybe so, but I think it’s because worried Dems are having to change their shorts with ever-increasing frequency:
Democrats on edge amid Obama debate fallout
I really can’t blame them. Of course, maybe it wasn’t because Obama was so bad – I listened on radio and thought he made good points.
Maybe it was because Romney came off as………..
Romney was vigorous, vividly in command of the facts, principles of economics, free-market ideology. Like Obama, he had a strategy to appeal to moderates, and he jumped into the moderate ground and occupied it — stunningly — with modesty and charm. He radiated competence and readiness to work for us. There he stood, the brilliant candidate, who wants only to help us, knows how to help us, and deeply, passionately cares that we need help. Wow.
Mebbe Nobody Messes with Joe because he’s a lost cause.
The national survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, conducted Oct. 4-7 among 1,511 adults, including 1,201 registered voters, finds that 39% of voters view Biden favorably, while 51% offer an unfavorable impression of the vice president.
Really not a surprise. Come off looking like a buffoon for four years straight and it begins to sink in on people.
OBL might be dead. Biden opposed the mission, tho.
Suck it, Dems.
Run Forrest Run!
ylbitchslapped again!
Was it ever? Kind of remind Puddy of a moron named For The Clueless. A repeating skipping record, saying the same useless horse manure over and over and over. He talked to his clueless leftist friends hoping someone would agree with him. Butt everyone now knows him as ylbuttspigot, king of HA diarrhea stains in threads!
Oh my ylbuttspigot’s favorite videographer is at it again!
Amtrak ridership at highest point since 1971, 31 million riders, and farebox recovery is up. Most of it’s Federal money goes to capital improvements, the actual operating subsidy, is way down since a FY2004 high of over $700 million. Amtrak requested only $450 million for FY2013. Ticket revenue is also up this year.
The e-Ticketing plan makes sense, as many Amtrak stops don’t have ticket counters, or staff. The first route they tried it out on was the Downeaster, Boston-North Station to Portland, Maine. The only staffed stations on the route are Portland and Boston. One corridor seeing ridership on the up, Chicago-Milwaukee Hiawatha corridor, could be better if the train went farther, like to Madison and Green Bay, and a better trainset than Amtrak’s 30+ year old Amfleet coaches. There are two shiny new trains the previous Wisconsin Administration bought that are sitting in a warehouse in Milwaukee that could be used on it. Oh, well.
As for BoltBus, I think Amtrak is holding their own against it. 2 weeks ago I was taking SOUNDER to Tacoma, and I was leaving King Street Station at the same time Amtrak 509, the late afternoon trip to Portland was leaving, and it looked like over 100 people getting on board, and that does not include intermediate stops along the line, whose dwell times are very short. BOltBus, which is a subsidiary of Greyhound, is restricted to highway speeds, which for urban areas are 60mph. There are some stretches of track within the Seattle-Tacoma area that the TALGO trains are restricted to 50MPH, but others where they can go over 70. If they had the entire track from Seattle to Portland upgraded to 79MPH running, and depending on whether BoltBus can go 60 or 70mph, Amtrak Cascades would have the speed advantage. Also, the route is being straightened, what opened last weekend, was part 1 of the Pt. Defiance Bypass. Enviromental studies for phase II are underway. Meanwhile, Amtrak Cascades continue to use the congested Pt. Defiance Route.
Mentioned in the article, the Keystone and the Pennsylvanian, those are in danger due to potential cuts in money from Harrisburg. On a railfan board, it was suggested that PennDot was looking into a third party, or handing it off to SEPTA, while the New York-Harrisburg Keystone corridor would see reduced amenities(and maybe lose bathrooms under that scenario), SEPTA would operate it. The Pennsylvanian, NY Penn Station to Pittsburgh, not so much. SEPTA definitely would not take it, according to a moderator on a railfan board. SEPTA(the Philadelphia-area RTA) does not operate diesel services on their Regional Rail network, only electric lines. The wire on the Keystone Corridor ends in Harrisburg.
“One of the last things my husband said to me before he was killed, when I would ask him, ‘Chris, what do you need over there? What can I send you?’ he said, ‘I need a new president,’” Horton recalled.
Ask not why Romney has such a large advantage in the military vote.
Contrary to the trolls, I actually do believe that Amtrak can do better, and get closer to drawing down the need for Federal Operating assistance(but capital improvements would still be needed). I also believe their is a role for private sector involvement. In fact, there once was outsourcing in the pre-Amtrak days with the sleeper cars. Up until 1967, the Pullman Company operated them. Pullman could really have used e-ticketing, by the way. THey had a good system, but not entirely good, when it came to ticketing. There have been attempts to cut costs in the diners, without compromising(and sometimes enhancing it instead) service standards. One of them was a casualty of an earlier attempt at profitability that was misguided, the Network Growth Strategy that was more focused on Mail and Express than pasengers. It involved allowing the on board crews to be cross trained, so a sleeper attendant could be serving in the dinette(no diner on the train, but the food for the first class sleeper accomodation was pretty good, from what I heard). The Three Rivers, as the NYP-Chicago via Pittsburgh route was called, was cancelled when Amtrak ended carrying mail on their trains. That was 2005.
In the passenger column in the news section of the current(November 2012, and the incidents occured about 2 months ago, due to the magazines lead time), it was mentioned about a recent sellout on an Amtrak train, not in the sleeper section, that happens all the time, due to chronic shortages(during the summer the Empire builder only has three on each train, and they sell spare rooms in the crew dorm to make more money), but in coach. Unfortunately Amtrak used their scarce new equipment budget to buy more single-level sleepers and new diners to replace, in the case of the latter, worn out 50+ year old equipment. That, and to hire new mechanics to replace retiring ones, as in the case of the Amfleet coaches, they were built by the Budd Company, whose trademark was building the cars out of stainless steel with a special fluted shotwelding. Not much demand for that lately. They also had to buy some new electric locomotives for the Northeast Corridor to replace older equipment. THe AEM7s, and a newer model that never quite worked out.(The GG1s they inherited from Penn Central/PRR had a replacement that failed before the right one came along too.)
Obama Regime continues with the LIES about Libya attack. Excuse me. They knew it was a terrorist attack within 24 hours. Days later, the fool UN Ambassador drones out the lie that it was spontaneous and about that stupid movie no one saw. I can’t believe the Obama Regime. They are in a deep dark hole and continue to dig.
Meanwhile in SYria, a Syrian jetliner flying from Moscow was forced to land in Ankara by Turkish fighter jets, on suspicion it was carrying non-civilian cargo. If the border fight keeps up, NATO Article 5 might be invoked, but Turkey is trying to avoid that.
Oh noes Lucy… Dis is gonna be troubles…
I hate to deflate our trolls, but Roger Rabbit is not dead. I’m currently traveling — I’m on my annual lettuce harvest inspection tour. (Munch munch) I’ll return to HA next week.
Man this is gonna hurt too! The lies are catching up!
And now a word from Jake Tapper…
Dman this gets more curiouser by the moment!
We miss the SENILE Wabbit, especially during this campaign season! Say hello to your conservative brother. And while you are in Michigan visit your old rich conservative roots!
In Australia, the story is more interesting than what I passed on last night. The speaker, who was a former member of the Queensland-based Liberal National Party(again, hard for the trolls to understand, in Australia, the Liberal Party is the conservative, center-right coalition), resigned after barely surviving a no confidence vote, over mysoginist comments he had made. Right now, a Labor MP is now the speaker, but that vote cannot be cast except if it is tied. It brings the Labour hold on power down to 1 seat.
Bad enough ever since she beat former PM Kevin Rudd in the cuacus vote prior to the 2010 General Election, there has been infighting in the Labor Party trying to put him back in charge.
Love this, the only time I got called for jury duty, did not get picked. At least I showed up when I got my summons. In Okanagon, one judge is getting tired of people not showing up, and he is taking action, sending out another summons giving the most recent shirkers until Nov. 5th to explain, and that skipping jury duty is a misdemeanor not to show up. Now I can see one good reason, Okanagon is a large county(area-wise), no bus system, so driving is the only option. Also, I don’t know if they re-imburse for mileage there, like King County offered when I was called. Plus, in King County, you have other options of making it to the courthouse.
The problem is, credibility. That’s gonna play on Fox and right wing idiot radio but everyone who actually practices journalism knows O’Keefe is a fraud. I know, you’ll shout liberal bias but if you get caught editing tapes, lying about your raw footage, getting charged with crimes, pleading guilty to crimes you don’t get on actual news with a scoop anymore.
Anyone heard from Stephen Glass lately?
Good luck with that one, Piddles.
You’re not any better.
I’m sure you are aware of some time when the Eveel Soshulist Mooslem Kenyan usurper used the killing of an American to serve his political interests without the consent of the surviving family, just like Romney is doing now,
so why don’t you provide us an example so we can all chuckle about how both sides do it?
Here’s a must read over at Think Progress detailing what Slick Willard thinks about the brave men willing to fight and die for their country and its purposes. They’re fodder for his campaign; no more, no less.
Mother Of Navy SEAL Killed In Libya Demands Romney Stop Talking About Him In Stump Speech
Too funny. Slick Willard’s been google bombed
how ’bout that business you were gonnna start up, MikeBoyToyScout?
Cmon now, it must be so easy, even you said that “owners dont do anything”
put up or shut up, bitch. Or maybe you are too much a pussy to start up your own biz? is that it?
nobody cares.
Casey Sheehan ring a bell?
@41 No Man,
What the f*ck are you talking about?
“how ’bout that business you were gonnna start up,”
“put up or shut up, bitch. Or maybe you are too much a pussy to start up your own biz?”
Not that it’s any of your GD business asshole, but I’ve run my business profitably longer than you’ve been out of diapers. Well, assuming you ever got out of diapers.
You seem to be confusing a grieving mom using the death of her son to generate publicity for her cause with a politician using the death of some other mom’s son to generate publicity for their cause.
LOL! Well said!
Speaking of grieving moms:
I look at tv and I see bloody hand prints on walls thinking is that my son’s? I don’t know. They haven’t told me anything. they are still studying it. and the thing that is they are telling me are outright lies.
Can anyone imagine this airing on a non-Fox network a year ago?
If the media is starting to play anything close to fair in this campaign, it’s over.
In Maine, the Downeaster extension to Brunswick will be starting on Nov.1. This was a proposal of former Governor Baldacci, and thankfully, Governor LePage did not cut it, as construction just started at the time of the election. It adds two stations, and connects with private, tourist carrier Maine Eastern. By the way, LePage is a Republican, and I believe was a Ron Paul supporter, no word whether he will be at the ribbon cutting.
There is NOTHING at Think Progress that is a must read! Another demonstration of how boring the CubScout is these days!
Sadly mistaken again!
Nope… Cindy Sheehan was a useful idiot until she turned against them and attacked Nancy Pelosi. Then you stooooooooooooopid progressives ditched her.
And the Obummerites went nutzo on Twitter over another black leaving da reservation! Such grand progressive libtard commentary!
So when is Susan Rice gonna be chucked under de bus? Wow can’t wait for the foreign policy debate! It’s apparent she blatantly lied to everyone on the Sunday shows! Now is Obummer sadministration CYA.
Remember, the libtard British press immediately came out and told the world it was a planned attack. The Libyan government warned the US an attack was eminent. People died and Obummer lied! With the truth coming out no wonder Elijah Cummings is now Obummer’s congressional water boy!
Obama bundlers – real class acts.
Under Solyndra’s reorganization plan, two big investors in the company, Madrone Partners LP and Argonaut Ventures, together would own nearly all of a shell company formed in the wake of Solyndra’s bankruptcy reorganization.
But the IRS said in court papers that there was little reason for the shell company to exist other than to help the owners avoid taxes. Argonaut is the investment arm of a family foundation headed by Oklahoma businessman George Kaiser, a fundraiser for Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign. Madrone has ties to the family that owns Wal-Mart Stores Inc.
Read more: IRS says ‘tax avoidance’ at heart of Solyndra bankruptcy plan – Washington Times http://www.washingtontimes.com.....z28z1IRIyp
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Costa Concordia captain wants his job back
Francesco Schettino, the captain of the Costa Concordia has launched legal action to get his job back, nine months after the luxury cruise liner capsized off the island of Giglio with the loss of 32 lives.
Go figure. Another walking disaster, Barack Obama, wants his job to continue as well.
32 lives? Hell, that’s just one mistaken drone strike. Chump change for The One.
Im not confusing anything…go back in time and do some research.
BTW, interesting how once the political hacks and progressives were done with Cindy Sheehan, she got thrown into the junk pile.
How come nobody ever listened to what her ex husband had to say?
hmmmm….my, how we forget, czechsays…