– Happy shut down the government for no damn reason day.
– But at least we know that no matter what’s actually happening, everyone is equally to blame.
– This is our exchange in Washington, so if you need health care or just want to see if you might, here you go.
– Your Five-Step Guide to Obamacare Week
– Welcome to our newly wet Septembers, Western Washington.
I was trying to think of a good way to get back at the Tea Part goons who have shut down the government, and other Republicans in the House who have surrendered to them.
I think we need to vote with our pocketbooks. Set up a PAC (or choose from an existing one) which specifically eyes targeting the seats of Tea Party Congressmen with a reasonable chance of voting them out of office – either in the primary or the general election.
Nothing scares a Congressman more than a pissed-off voter than donars willing to fund their opposition.
I like the theory that “jillbooted thugs” (i.e., Obama infiltrators) have taken over the US Chamber of Commerce and subverted it to Romneycare’s socialistic enterprises.
How about if the damn idiots just brought home all the troops we have deployed around the world? That would save around $170 billion annually.
Patience may be a virtue here. Likely the actions of these loons are going to backfire to the frustration (and at the expense) of the moneyed oligarchs who synthesized the “Tea Party” in the first place. If it pains them enough in their very large pocketbooks, rest assured they’ll figure out a way to kill off the monster they created.
A classic case of “Be careful what you wish for, lest you actually get it.”
I’d love to see the Republicans get the same kick in the pants that Newt Gingrich did in the last government shutdown. But I know AM talk radio is blaming it all on the Demcrats, and the GOP party line (since Sunday) has been “Obama negotiates with Iran,why won’t he negotiate with us?” Which brings the question: does this mean that that the Mullahs of Iran are easier to compromise with the House Republicans?
AM conservative talk radio was saying With the government cut down to “essentials” this is the size government should be, so it’s all good.
I’d love to see some daily polling on who people blame for the shutdown.
Looks like the Tea Baggers in the house have lost what little support they had from Republican’s in the senate.
I saw a couple of polls, I don’t remember the exact numbers, but they weren’t good news for the Republicans.
I’m not generally a big Jim McDermott guy, but he’s got a great quote in the NYT.
Same link as in #8.
The now-infamous video showing bikers attacking an SUV driver in NYC that went viral over the weekend is only one of several videos one of the bikers posted on You Tube. He quickly took down the rest, apparently realizing the videos could be used to prosecute him and his buddies, but not before someone captured them. The videos show the bikers committing literally dozens if not hundreds of flagrant and dangerous traffic violations. See for yourself:
Meanwhile, NBC reports that one of the bikers who was run over by the SUV driver as he tried to escape from the bikers who ultimately smashed out the windows of his vehicle and beat him up is hospitalized in a medically-induced coma. He has a broken back, is paralyzed, and according to his mother “will never walk again.” One doesn’t wish this outcome on anyone, but he has no one to blame but himself and his buddies for what happened to him. The SUV driver is innocent.
Excerpts from Lincoln’s comments at the now famous Coopers Union speech:
Yeah, the biker kids caused that wreck and the folks in SUV were just trying to get out of there without getting killed.
Alienating Voters 800,000 At A Time
Republicans once again demonstrated their visceral hatred of government workers by suggesting they might not agree to retroactive pay for federal employees furloughed by the GOP-caused government shutdown.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s not hard to figure out why these guys are the minority party. The only question is, when are they going to run out of people to piss off? Answer: When they’ve pissed off everybody. They’re working on it.
How I got a tea bagger friend’s head out of his ass…
We’re both beer guys. His thing is Belgian beer. I pointed out that the shutdown resulted in a one day 12% drop of the dollar value against the Euro. Thus got through.
“Duvel is $10/750ml bottle. When the new supply starts hitting stores it will be $11.”
He blathered some response and then I told him about his trip to Antwerp for the Kerstbier fed. “your hotel room and every beer you drink while you’re their just went up %12. You voted for that. Lets say you were planning on spending $2000 over there. To do all the same things it will now cost you $2240. You could argue that the Republican house just taxed you an extra 12%.”
I should not try to post from a mobile. Fed is the Flemmish word for fest and in Danish their and there are the same. I speak the truth, you could look it up.
@14, 15 — I’m waiting for the stock market to drop 20% (although I’ll be happy to take 12%) so I can relieve rich people (who own most stock) of their shares for 80 cents on the dollar (although I’m willing to pay 88 cents). This will come when the GOPers get nowhere with their shutdown* and go nuclear with the debt ceiling, which is about three weeks away. They won’t get anywhere with that, either, but I’ll make a shitload of money from their efforts.
* This “shutdown,” such is it is, is more talk than action because the biggest chunks of the federal government are still open for business. Only the little agencies are affected.
Rep. Peter King, R-NY, says he senses that increasing numbers of House Republicans — perhaps as many as a hundred — are growing weary of “the Ted Cruz wing of the party.”
BONER is most likely feeling very LIMP these days. No matter what he is going to lose.
Congressman Reichert is one of the ones causing this shutdown. From his website,
[quote]”A government shutdown is not in the best interest of the American people, whom we have promised to serve. But, I will not give up fighting for them. It is my hope that the Senate will quickly appoint conferees so that we can come to a bipartisan agreement to fund our government.”
I know the 8th was just updated to make his seat more secure, but are there any moderate challengers?
Can you say popular?
The exchanges are open for business. And unanticipated high server loads is showing that the PEOPLE are very interested. The NY exchange had 2,000,000 online in one hour.
And RETHUGS would kill Obamacare. Good luck with that one. The more people who see how much they will save, let alone those who now see they can actually get insurance, the less popular the RETHUG position.
Can you say fucked?
Next year in the RETHUG states, RETHUGS will have to run against candidates who will work to give the voters the same access to healthcare the other states are enjoying.
Sorry, Reichert can only survive by being more extreme. The new 8th is drawn to take a small chunk of Bellevue and the ‘Quah and overwhelm it with “We hate all government give me my farm subsidies” types from Wenatchee, Chelan and Ellensburg.
The only way Sheriff “I’ll let a serial killer walk for 10 years and take credit when we finally get him” Dave gets beat is if a Clint Didier wannabe rises up ’cause he’s too librul.
Want an example of how dependent on gerrymandering the GOP is to hold the house? Look no further than WA-8.
It’s reported that his latest novel involved a splinter cell in the fictional middle east city of Bengeeeezi running arms to Libya and needing to remote control a journalist’s car into a tree to keep it secret.
He was killed for what he knew.