– The forest fires in Central and Eastern Washington are keeping students inside.
– I know in a few months we’ll look back at this and think how quaint it was. But Dreams of my Real Father feels like maybe peak wingnut.
– Unfortunately, these sort of things have real world consequences.
– Metro System Maps! [h/t]
– Sexy liberals came to Seattle.
– I’ve always said babies are smarter than Republicans.
– FYI, the Open Threads are going to be Monday-Wednesday-Friday for a while.
Okay, if Mitt insists….
Some demands have to be accepted
Apparantly Mitt has been practicing “zingers” for wednesday’s debate. He hopes to give his election one last chance by hitting a home run Wednesday night.
@2. So romney will be focusing on style over substance? Sound bites over facts? Imagine my surprise.
Liberal Scientist, obsessed with Obama, sentenced to life in prison for mass murder.
A family source said Bishop, a mother of four children – the youngest a third-grade boy – was a far-left political extremist who was “obsessed” with President Obama to the point of being off-putting.
Good morning, Lib Sci.
In which Michael deletes ‘I Got You Babe’ and ‘Half-breed’ from his iPod:
Cher rants about Pacific Coast Highway bicyclists
romney: Noun, Verb, “Obama’s a Muslim”
romney: Noun, Verb, “Obama’s a Marxist”
romney: Noun, Verb, “Obama’s a Kenyan”
Rinse Repeat….
@ 6
Except he’s said none of that.
Obama: Noun, verb, ‘deep economic hole we began with….’
Good morning, Cap’n Crunch.
Amy Bishop? The unfortunate, mentally ill woman who killed people in 2010?
That’s all you got? A post from major hackitude dude William Jacobson? That’s your source for the tie to Obama?
So if this psychotic woman had been “deeply obsessed” with Jesus, as many schizophrenics are, would be calling her a “Christomaniac”?
You really have descended into self-parody.
(And you missed the first three slots on the thread – getting sloppy!)
Cap’n Crunch seems really off his game today.
I think it must be difficult to maintain smug condescension in the face of the manifest incompetence of the Romney campaign.
At some point, I predict, Cap’n will make the pivot to Romney failing conservatism, because as we all know, conservatism can never fail.
Watching Cap’n throw Willard under the bus will be sweet, that’s for sure. However, the next few weeks of internal torture and existential crisis are going to be hard to take…you know he and puddl will both be extraordinarily obnoxious and more shit-filled than usual.
It’s going to be a long few weeks.
@4 Serial “It’s acceptable to humiliate and degrade any stranger until they earn his respect” Conservative. I agree with your example that we need more gun control to keep guns out of the hands of crazy people and spend more money on mental heath care.
@5 Sounds like Cher almost hit some idiots on bicycles. She’s not ranting about cyclists who obey road rules. Please try to pay attention and get the story correct. I guess after willfully misrepresenting every story involving democrats, you cannot stop.
Right, Romney was “joking”. Kind of like your “jokes” about the appearance of Obama’s daughter.
Not to mention Sununu’s comments about Obama ‘learning to be an American’.
Cap’n thinks he’s fooling someone.
This is an interesting article over at Salon, about how Willard’s campaign is going to try to turn Obama into Jimmy Carter over the events in Libya, with ‘zingers’ and stuff.
You know what would be cool?
A SEAL raid on a Libyan bad-guy hideout the night before the debate.
I always thought there was something a little “off” about Cher.
Don’t think I’ve ever heard that second song.
@ 14
Wrong on just so many levels.
@ 13
A SEAL raid on a Libyan bad-guy hideout the night before the debate.
I would not put it past Obama to place American lives in danger as a means of furthering his own personal political goals. Glad you agree.
“Stop lying, Mr. President.”
I doubt Romney would call Obama a liar to his face, although he’ll likely have an opportunity on Wednesday.
Much like the color-coded BE AFRAID!! alerts at opportune times during the Bush II administration.
Or…invading the wrong country, at a cost of hundreds of thousands of lives and trillions of dollars.
Oh, wait, can’t EVER mention GWB. Opps, sorry.
Difference between GWB and BHO? Obama got bin Laden.
Chris Christie? Accusing someone of lying?
HotAir link?
*eye roll*
The freefall into self-parody continues…
“I make you think, you make me think”…HA!
I see Cap’n Crunch, after his earlier morning stupor (hittin’ the bottle already? It’s only 10/1 fergawdsakes), seems to be hitting his stride with incessant links to the fever swamp.
Must be a fulfilling job, er, hobby, you have there.
I’m off to the basement…laying flooring…check in later…
“Wrong on just so many levels.”
Projection. It’s a Psych 101 thing, Bob. You might want to look into it.
@5, @10 Q: Why does it seem that so many bicyclists are smart?
A: The stupid ones die young.
(Mind you, they get a lot of help from even dumber motorists.)
@18 Or invaded two wrong countries. I’m not convinced bin Laden was even in Afghanistan on 9/11.
Just checked out Legal Insurrection, the website of one William Jacobson, and the source of the anti-Warren smear that puddl had been engaged in for several frothy days, posting link after link to every work Jacobson wrote – talk about a mancrush!
He has the veneer of respectability, being a Cornell Law professor (Egghead! Elitist!! – oh, wait, he’s a wingnut – OK!), but he’s an unhinged rightwinger on par with Druge, his latest whine about free ‘Obama cellphones’ for poor people and Fast-N-Furious!!
(The cellphone myth debunked here)
Goes to show you, if poolboy puddl is shrieking about something, it’s almost certain to be some repost from the fever swamp, and further, just as certainly wrong.
@2 According to the apparent Republican playbook, this would consist of more “shitting on the floor”–trying to change the subject, or spouting some lie so absurd that nobody would have thought how to argue against it.
Either that, or by “coincidence” there’ll be some new crisis that’ll happen mere hours before the debate, not quite massive enough for Obama to bow out to deal with it without looking like a wuss but sensitive enough that he won’t be able to talk about it without revealing classified information or putting people in danger.
Teahaddists and Jihaddists are SOOOOO alike.
Lookee, lookee
Sounds like a Romney campaign flack.
Compare this guy with Rupert Murdoch or Sam Zell (or for that matter, Frank Blethen in recent years) and you might get something of an idea why the “fourth estate” is so screwed up.
Demographics will plow them under. Can’t happen fast enough.
Both sides are reducing campaign appearances as they prepare for Wednesday night’s debate. Paul Ryan is denying that they need a major event at the debate in order to win the dampaign. Both sides are playing the “diminished expectations” game, talking down their own debating skills and praising the other’s skills and experience.
But I’m sure Fox News already has their story of the debates written, and the wingnuts here will pick up the same themes from their employers. As a favor to them, I will go ahead and list their headlines on Thursday, so they don’t have to.
“Romney Clearly Won Debate”
“Romney Hit it Out of the Park:
“Romney Now Has Momentum in his Favor”
“Romney Clear Front-Runner After Debate”
Again, I emphasize that Romney’s performance in the debate has absolutely nothing to do with how Fox News, it’s commentators, and our local trolls will report on the debate. They have their marching orders, and they will obey!
Good news for the country:
Bad news for those who “understand” [vulture] capitalism..
# 31: Air cargo exports (worldwide) appear to remain in a holding pattern, based on recent statistics.
But cargo airlines investing heavily in Chinese and European routes are suffering the most, as are U.S. airlines which mainly charter to the military for Iraq and Afganistan logistics. If you factor out those variables, U.S. air cargo volumes appear to be increasing.
Hmm, our resident trolls seem to be taking a break today. Maybe an office-wide meeting to discuss the new sound bites they have scheduled for after the debates? Maybe the new “payment per post” policy has to be explained?
33 – They’re being briefed on the “zingers”..
Strict orders not to use on liberal blogs until Willard utters them first!
(just kidding.. Anne Coulter humor you know…)
@33 rhp6033, Your opinion is SKEWED! Yeah, skew, that’s the ticket. Bazinga!
You got to love the hypocrisy of Republicans who aspire in education but then claim that being smart as individual is elitist. What pukes. Why do they like individuals to stay stupid?
Here’s another thing the trolls will blame on Obama:
Wait a sec. The trolls WANTED the cheap labor from south of the border to stay there.. “What about ‘illegal’ don’t you understand?” bleated the trolls..
So Obama has been bad for cheap labor..
VOTE WILLARD!!! He’ll put it back the way it was!
Huh???? Yeah I don’t get it either!
I know it would never happen, but imagine if on Wednesday October 11th during his opening statement at the Vice Presidential debate,
Vice President Biden said something like this.
“This debate is very important. But a little while back Congressman Ryan responded to Fox News correspondent Chris Wallace’s question about how much his side’s proposed tax cuts for the wealthy would cost and Mr. Wallace pointed out just like the President and I have done (and President Clinton!) that neither Congressman Ryan nor Governor Romney has given us the math.
Congressman, you responded that ‘I don’t have the time.’
Well, Congressman Ryan, I’m going to go rouge on you [audience laughs] and offer you the next 90 minutes to explain to the American people the math for your tax cuts for the wealthy.
What do you say Congressman? Will you take the next 90 minutes in prime time to explain to the American people how you’re planning to pay for those tax cuts? Or how much time do you need?“
Interesting news from the Alan West race in Florida. An August poll showed him essentially tied with this Democratic challenger, but a recent poll shows him nine points ahead – with an even stronger showing among independents than with those with a party preference. West countered with his own poll showing him leading by (surprise) nine points!
The general consensus is that West, a tea-party favorite with the personality of a pit bull and the a mouth to match, is turning off more people than he’s attracting to his side.
# 38: Yep, they even tried to give him every opportunity to explain his program on Fox News, and he said “there wasn’t enough time” available. Even the Fox News people were taken back by that.
What a silly excuse for a campaign. The presidential candidate refuses to release his tax returns beyond the last two years (“…because Democrats may use them against me!”. Ryan puts forth a budget plan but can’t explain it, and won’t even try.
What does this remind me of? Oh, yea –
Nixon’s “secret plan” to end the Vietnam War; and
Ronald Reagan’s “voodoo economics”, whereby the more taxes get cut the more money comes into the treasury; and
George Bush’s “compassionate conservatism”, which he never explained.
That’s much too kind. He’s a completely unhinged loon and deeply offensive.
Of course, West, thrown out of the Army for torturing an innocent man, is one of poolboy puddl’s heroes, and any opposition to him, because he’s a teahaddist crazy man who happens to be black, is attributed to ‘Dummocrapt’ racism, just like crazy lady Mia Love.
Snippets from the Warren/Brown debate, #2.
Poolboy Puddl is going to be MIGHTY disappointed – the supposed ‘big issue’ surrounding Warrens law license did not even come up.
Brown at one point talked over Warren, and threw in his ‘zinger’, “I’m not a student in one of your classrooms.”
Stay classy, Scotty.
He also identified Scalia as his favorite SC Justice! This in a Massachusetts US Senate race where there are 18% undecided and he’s WAY under 50% as an incumbent. Whoa, thanks for that glimpse of truth, Scotty boy.
Early voting starts in OHIO tomorrow. Here’s the latest poll compendium.
I just heard on The Ed Show that Romney has 37 offices in the state, and Obama has 96. Wow, ground game, anyone?
As rhp said above, the trolls are MIA. Hmmmm…wilting under pressure?
Charles Krauthammer has a great line…
Bin Laden Dead, Al Qaeda Alive!
Slightly but Scott Brown’s race. The schoolboy comment was EXCELLENT. She started to interrupt like a standard DUMMOCRAPT caught in lies and he slammed da door!
You know something boldly stupid is about to happen when this preamble is heard…
And was ‘boo’d’ by the audience, and it came off as canned. A ‘zinger’ for sure, probably directly from Chief Genius Fehrnstrom.
Sounded like Ohhhhh’s to Puddy! Even Warren was smiling!
Stamping his feet and demanding that he’s not a schoolboy made him look small, angry, and in over his head….like a misbehaving schoolboy, poolboy.
I’m sure Elizabeth Warren has seen lots of such inflated schmucks come and go in her classroom…thus the smile. Plus it’s gracious and cool.
Whether “Ooooh” or “Boooo” – it was startling and immature, it quickly appeared canned, and ultimately I think it’s going to help sink him by adding to the perception that he’s a lightweight.
Nope you dope. He stood up to da professa and then proceeded to destroy her arguments so badly she was flummoxed!
To libtard morons like you!
BTW Puddy went to the WaPo and found this
Seems that dunceman has problems listening to debates!
So how did so many HA leftists survive? Must have been their parents were conservatives looking out for them!
Just listened to Schoolboy Scotty’s little tirade again…a few claps and whistles, and overwhelming “BOOOOOO’S” from the audience.
Similarly, when naming Scalia his favorite justice, the catcalls and Booo’ing were deafening.
He also said he wasn’t sure whom he’d vote for for Majority Leader. Ludicrous on its face and an insult to Massachusetts voters, and contrary to his national mailers. He’s a liar and panderer.
Oh, and your WaPo quote – says nothing about an issue of a law license.
You’re an imbecile, poolboy.
Damn this leftist moron is a dunce, a real dunceman… You whet their appetite to search out what was her defense of large corporations WITHOUT ATTACKING HER HEAD-ON. Now the Boston Globe has to cover the story after dancing around it!
Are you really this stupid or do you proffer your stooooooooooopidity on HA?
Puddy suggest you are really this stupid!
Is that the strategery you read on William Jacobson’s website today?!
That’s sooooooo clever.
Mmmmm-Hmmm. And the Herald? Why hasn’t the Herald been all over it – they’re practically Little Scotty’s mouthpiece?
Or is the Herald ‘in the tank’ for Warren?
LMAO!! ODS isn’t working for the fool PuddyDope so now it’s
LWDS… Liz Warren Derangement Syndrome…
Not much obsesses this idiot more than what he perceives as uppity women.
This was an excellent point in the Warren/Schoolboy debate….
More than anything, when he said, “I, uh, um, think Justice Scalia is a, uh, very good JUDGE.” he looked and sounded just like Sarah Palin responding to Katie Couric’s question about which papers she reads, and gave this similarly revealing, “um, all of them.”
Clueless and in over their heads…Republican eye candy.
Look at this from Schoolboy Scotty Brown’s website:
Oh, my. That’s not what he said to the people of Massachusetts tonight. He seems to be saying one thing to national Republicans, and another to the people of Massachusetts.
He said quite clearly tonight that he was not sure who he would support for Senate Majority Leader.
Who is he lying to? His donors, or the people of Massachusetts?
Oh, my, look at this:
Very similar numbers from dueling partisan pollsters.
Seems incumbent malignant looneytoon Allen West is GOING DOWN!
Oh, my, oh, my…no wonder poolboy puddl is MIA…maybe he’s taken to the bottle? Oh, the humanity….
Oh my Warren came clean so to speak with her cases in the Boston Globe before the debate! And the Boston Globe knows the list isn’t complete. So the games begin!
Looks like she practiced law on a regular basis from her Harvard office even though her supporters claimed otherwise. Looks like there are over 15 instances where she practiced law without a license. Kool. Puddy likes it!
Of course dunceman will spin it appropriately. After all he is the dunceman!
Looks like ylbuttspigot joined the fray as ylbuttspigot usually does living vicariously on someone else’s coattails. Did ylbuttspigot say anything useful?
Nope just another diarrhea stain in a thread!
So is Elizabeth Warren Lieawatha or Fauxcohantas?
You decide!
Fried chicken, ButtPutty style:
• Apply lips to cloaca and suck real hard.
• Swallow shit and internal organs.
• Fuck chicken until dead.
• Fry chicken in pan,
• Eat chicken.
• Spit out burnt feathers.
Keep up that racism spuddy!
Now tell us how much shit you sucked out of Rmoney’s ass today.
The American people deserve the details behind Shitsuckergate!
Racism only exists in poolboy world when sane people criticize lunatics who are incidentally black.
Criticize Allen West for accusing the Democratic congressional caucus of harboring ’78 or 81′ Communists…you’re a RACIST!
Criticize Mia Love for claiming that women will have more ‘freedom and choice’ after Planned Parenthood is dismantled and reproductive health services not insured…you’re a RACIST!
Criticize Artur Davis for being a turncoat, a narcissist, a cryptoconservative, an asshole…you’re a RACIST!!
Call Elizabeth Warren “Lieawatha or Fauxcohantas?”…OK.
(You know puddl didn’t come up with those names himself, he’s too stupid)
Doctor pictures of Warren with feathers and war paint…that’s okey-dokey.
See, in puddl-world, racism is only a thing that he can hurl when defending the nastiest, craziest Republicans who happen to be black. Racism can’t occur if it’s directed against groups puddl doesn’t like…essentially anybody not like him.
I wonder if the puss-eypussy knows his hero the war criminal Allen West is down by three?
I’ve argued numerous times that the slide in GDP growth since 2011 Q4 could be interpreted as recessionary.
Time magazine is asking similar questions.
A rough Obama debate, bad employment numbers on Friday, and a few more well-placed pieces like this:
Are We Already in A Recession?
New data give support to those who believe the U.S. economy is already contracting.
Read more: http://business.time.com/2012/.....z28AB9W9Cl
and Obama’s inevitability may not be as certain as Darryl’s skew thread might have us believe.
Uh oh……..
“In addition, multiple U.S. federal government officials have confirmed to the Committee that, prior to the September 11 attack, the U.S. mission in Libya made repeated requests for increased security in Benghazi,” Issa and Chaffetz added (my emphasis). “The mission in Libya, however, was denied these resources by officials in Washington.”
Here’s a list of 13 attacks in Libya leading up to the 9/11 Al Queda terrorist strike on our diplomats in Benghazi:
I think one of the debates is supposed to focus on foreign policy, right? This might come up.
@ 68
I suppose it’s possible the ‘October surprise’ occurred on 9/11 instead.
Give it up dunderhead.
You’re losing.
@68 – not sure if you are listen, but like I told you before, if you had watched the Rachel Maddow show the day after the attack you would have realized that it was a planned terrorist attack.
What a moron… The Cherokee Nation called her a liar!
Dunceman, wearing his dunce cap for another day!