Congratulations to Amazon workers on your future raises. I still think that Amazon half owned by the workers and half owned by Prime members makes more sense than owned by shareholders. But still, it is undeniably good. For the workers. For the locations where people got more spending money. Ultimately for the company itself.
Should we quote from the letter Kavanuagh wrote to organize Beach Week? In his own hand.
“No Mom, I was just holding the beer for Squi. It’s not mine, I’ve never drank. No I have no idea how the can got opened. Well it’s half empty and still cold because he left it on the porch and I just picked it up to throw it away. Science says how beer keeps a lower temperature than the atmosphere for a really long time. No I have no idea what a Devil’s Triangle is. I heard some boys at school say it. I think it’s like quarters. Well if Judge’s mom said I was drinking she is just a liar,”
Yes, Carl, but keep in mind that $15/hr. barely pays rent in Amazon’s HQ town. I mean, $31,200 a year isn’t a lot of money, especially if there are no health or other benefits. You can’t live on it in most places. A $15 wage is only a victory of sorts, not a victory to crow about.
Meanwhile, Republicans still think $7.25 is a perfectly adequate minimum wage for workers who are expected to reliably show up for work, work varying and rotating schedules (including weekend and graveyard shifts), work less than 40 hours a week, follow a boss’s orders, do dirty and sometimes dangerous work, and pay for all their own work expenses (work clothing, commuting, child care, etc.).
Lindsay Graham finds out what happens when you suck up to Trump.
Wherein Republican senators feign disgust with Trump’s boorish mocking of Christine Blasey Ford at a campaign rally.
Now watch them vote for her attacker anyway.
Of course, Doctor Dumbfuck is still 100% on board with Kavanaugh’s nomination, because he’s a dumbfuck.
Not getting out of GE sooner is nothing compared to this dumbfuckery.
Ford’s victimization by Republicans continues.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Ford knew she would be attacked if she came forward, and she was right. Everyone knows what Republicans are: Ruthless, unscrupulous, unprincipled. All they care about is controlling the Supreme Court. They don’t care how or by whom, and anyone standing in their way is seen as an enemy to be destroyed, including the teenage victim of an attempted rape.
Ford isn’t at fault for what’s happening with Kavanaugh. They, not she, nominated him and are backing him. If they go down in flames with him, they have no one to blame but themselves, because they chose poorly:
Carl, why stop with only half-ownership? PDVSA is owned 100% by the workers of Venezuela.
Power to the people! What could go wrong?
@ 3
Lindsay Graham finds out what happens when you suck up to Trump.
Really not as good as Hillary finding out what happens when you don’t suck up to Wisconsin, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
“Crooked, not deplorable.” wouldn’t have worked for Bond. It didn’t work for Hillary, either.
“Now watch them vote for her attacker anyway.”
Defending the privileges of well-born white males is an issue they can campaign on.
And it will drive increased turnout, donor money, and enthusiasm. But like many of the issues that have animated the far right for the past ten years it will further isolate the GOP within American society.
It may even help them to win one or two Senate seats in less populous, less educated, less economically productive states. And that is certainly the only thing Yertle is thinking about right now.
But over the long run the kind of extremism will drive the GOP further and further from the main stream on a growing number of social and cultural issues. Today the GOP is openly forgiving of blatant racism and white supremacy. They yearn to abolish public support for education, environmental safety, health care, and disability. They want to strip away workplace regulations and eliminate the minimum wage. They want to drastically reduce or even eliminate immigration, at least for non-whites. They vehemently oppose even the mildest forms of firearms safety regulations, advocating instead for a society where babies are armed with RPGs. They regularly trade in laughably ridiculous conspiracy nonsense fed by anonymous chat rooms and Russian troll farms. They fully embrace idiotic Derp State theories of opposition even while acknowledging that they control every part of government, including btw the Senate confirmation process.
And now they are stepping up to embrace and defend the unique privileges of well-born, entitled white men to behave disgracefully without ever having to account for it. President FingerRape leads them proudly forward. And just as so many women of a certain age and race will support the “traditions” represented by a lecherous, fat, balding, impotent, bilious, racist, misogynist trust funder, so too will they support defending other men like him. And in a few places their numbers may even be enough.
But as we now know, in order to sustain this enthusiasm requires ever greater and more outrageous feats of out-grouping. Bannon and Miller were of course correct that ostracizing and out-grouping of non-white immigrants would work because they never vote. But that in turn required making a certain kind of peace with StormFront Nazis and white nationalists. But Jews only vote Republican in New York and California so who cares? And blacks never ever vote Republican, so again, who cares?
But now they are setting themselves up to turn ideologically against 52% of active voters in order to “energize” just slightly more than half of the other 48%. And to do it they will have to routinely traffic in generous helpings of “legitimate rape”, slut-shaming tropes, and aggressive mansplaining. It will not end well.
@ 9
It will not end well.
See, Democrats were crowing the same garbage in 2016.
Although I guess they were correct. For Democrats, it did not end well.
Jesus H, I don’t know which politician I should be most grateful to, Hillary or Harry. Truth is, I think my side needed ’em both. Certainly BK needed ’em both.
Think on your sins.
A little late for that, dear. I see your 15 minutes expired long ago.
Now back to your two-door hole.
Ford attorneys offer notes from therapy in exchange for FBI interview
Attorneys for Christine Blasey Ford told Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) on Wednesday that they would be willing to turn over certain documents he requested to the FBI if the bureau agrees to interview her as part of its investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
NPR, today:
Poll: Amid Kavanaugh Confirmation Battle, Democratic Enthusiasm Edge Evaporates
With Democrats already up fired up for this election, the Kavanaugh confirmation fight has apparently had the effect of rousing a dormant GOP base.
“The result of hearings, at least in short run, is the Republican base was awakened,” noted Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist Institute for Public Opinion, which conducted the poll.
Look at the bright side, libbies. Senator Spartacus is toast. One less moron to gum up the primary works in ’20.
It was really cool for them to devise a “Presidential Warning System” so underage pagent contestants could know his vicinity before undressing in a private room.
Keith X on his way out.
There’s your consolation prize, libbies. You’ll be sending your political donations to one less misogynistic fucking asshole.
There’s your proof that there’s a video, too.
Cool story bro. Breyer lied about it under oath?
A South Carolina well-regulated militia is in custody after resisting government tyranny. Five cops are down. No other details at this time.
@11 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck again celebrates the victory of racism, homophobia, misogyny, ignorance, and corruption over reason and reasonableness, like a good little dumbfuck.
Sen Ben Sasse R Nebraska- who has regularly flirted with the idea of switching parties took to the Senate floor at 9:20 Eastern to urge 45 to pull the nomination.
So Yertle, is it worth losing the majority in the next couple days? How sure are you of Collins & Murkowski. Can you really get Manchin to balance Sasse?
@ 18
You need to re-read whatever source you are using.
What I’m reading is that earlier this year, Sasse asked Trump to nominate someone other than BK, and that’s what he said today. That’s not the same as yank the nomination.
So as we see, sometimes Teh Dumbfuck is a great believer in virtue signaling.
The last letter sent tonite from the Dems on the Judiciary Committee to Grassley was not signed by Coons or Klobuchar.
A couple more days of Democrat dumbfuckery and Senator Spartacus will be writing solo.
Congrats, Dems. You turned a distasteful-to-you SCOTUS justice into said justice plus an awakened Republican electorate.
Congressional investigators have confirmed that a top FBI official met with Democratic Party lawyers to talk about allegations of Donald Trump-Russia collusion weeks before the 2016 election, and before the bureau secured a search warrant targeting Trump’s campaign.
It means the FBI had good reason to suspect the dossier was connected to the DNC’s main law firm and was the product of a Democratic opposition-research effort to defeat Trump — yet failed to disclose that information to the FISA court in October 2016, when the bureau applied for a FISA warrant to surveil Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.
These revelations illustrate anew how much the FBI and Justice Department have withheld from the public about their collaboration and collusion with clearly partisan elements of the Clinton campaign and the DNC, Fusion and Steele, that were trying to defeat Trump.
And still she lost. Bigly.
Re @ 22, there’s even more, but Baker couldn’t share it because the IG’s currently investigating it.
But hey, look at the bright side, libbies. If the FBI is this polluted how could it have performed adequately when vetting BK?
@18 Business Insider says Sasse urged Trump to nominate someone else, but their article doesn’t say he’s urging Trump to pull the nomination. I don’t say anything here saying he’ll vote against Kavanaugh, simply that he would’ve preferred a different nominee.
Washington Examiner says essentially the same thing, and adds that “there has been no indication that Sasse will not support Kavanaugh’s confirmation.”
I gotta agree with doc @19; I don’t think we’re looking at a GOP defection here, at least not yet. This simply looks like ass-covering by Sasse, i.e., “I wanted someone else but went along with the president,” to take the edge off a “yes” vote back home. And if that’s the kind of jellyfish Sasse is, then we don’t want him in our party; we already have enough jellyfish of our own.
@21 The fact this nominee isn’t distasteful to you says everything anybody needs to know about you.
The neighing coming from the barn is merely redundant.
@23 Yeah, much better to not vet your party’s nominees at all, eh? It’s a waste of resources anyway, because we don’t need any investigations to know what’s lurking in their backgrounds. They all attended the same prep schools and belonged to the same drinking clubs.
Demorat Party Of Dirtbag Porn Lawyers News–Americans Abandon Demorat Dirtbag Party In Droves After Lying Smear Attacks
The Walkaway Movement founder Brandon Straka went on with Stuart Varney on Wednesday morning.
Straka told Varney the Walkaway Movment is surging in numbers following the vicious attacks on Judge Brett Kavanaugh.
The #WalkAway movement is a grassroots organizaion of former Democrats who have are turned off by the violent and dishonest practices of the Democrat Party. Straka says he was turned off by how the Democrat Party operates.
Says Straka, “It really opened my eyes to how they are manipulating minority groups, manipulating African-Americans, gay people and I wanted to do something about it so I started something called the Walkaway Campaign.”
Brandon says their numbers are surging following the vicious, last minute attacks on Judge Brett Kavanaugh by Democrat politicians and activists.
Amazon’s new $15 hourly wage is less than it appears.
@27 Brandon Straka? This guy?
I doubt he was ever a serious Democrat, he looks more like an opportunistic fame-seeker, but whatever.
FWIW Dep’t
“‘Irresponsible fiscal policy’ is on the rise as governments increasingly try to appeal to angry voters, according to a chief investment officer overseeing international macroeconomic trends.”
Borrowing $1.5 trillion to give tax cuts to billionaires and corporations in a full-employment economy might fall into that category, too, although in strictly technical terms it looks more like a kickback to GOP donors.
Demorat Party Of Pussywhipped Punks News– Beto O’Punk (D-Pussywhipped) Caught Looking At Tits & Ass, Now Squats And Grovels Like Good Little Demorat
U.S. Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke, D-Texas, offered his apologies Monday for a 1991 article he wrote in which described the actresses of a musical he reviewed as having “phenomenally large breasts and tight buttocks.”
O’Rourke wrote that the musical “is produced and directed in such a showy, glitzy, and ultimately, tacky manner, that one cannot help feeling disgusted throughout the show. Keith Carradine in the lead role is surrounded by perma-smile actresses whose only qualifications seem to be their phenomenally large breasts and tight buttocks.”
O’Rourke apologized after the Politico report writing, “I am ashamed of what I wrote and I apologize. There is no excuse for making disrespectful and demeaning comments about women.”
Interesting trucking industry case before SCOTUS. The industry argues consumers might see price increases if truckers have to be paid for their work, instead of paying their employers for the pleasure and privilege of working.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Anyone want to guess why employers are having trouble recruiting enough truck drivers?
Dumbfuck, when will you sad pussies quit this constant pleading and threatening?
Whatever the fuck Democrats do, racist asshole wife beaters will be angry about it. That is axiomatic. Even if we were to agree with your desert rape camps or finger fucking porn stars or canceling ballot access for poors, or whatever, the GOP will find a way to be outraged
We dont fucking care about your white boy rage anymore. Quit pleading. Quit threatening. We dont care. Go ahead. Get “aroused”. Try not to blow your fingers off this time. We may still laugh at you if you do. You burned your pulpit to ashes in a fire you started with Tiki Torches and fueled with thousands of jizz covered NDAs.
@33 And the beer-soaked prep-boy groper they’re trying to put on the Supreme Court is just frosting on the cake, so to speak. When this is all over, someone will write a book titled, “How To Wreck The World’s Once-Greatest Democracy.”
They say that a component of today’s extremely bigly super-duper superb economy is an increase in wage earnings.
I thought raising the minimum wage is bad for the economy? And who stands in the way of raising wages via setting minimum standards? How are those opposed to higher minimum wage standards taking credit for this bigly-wiggly superbly super-duper extraordinarily economy?
I haven’t been around as often as the past, but decided to stop in today to check to see if the loon’s life had been spared.
In the race to see if the Toddler Torture Party can wreck America before they wreck themselves the real indicators are still hopeful.
Most of the agenda isn’t even started and with change on the horizon time is running out. All the WH budget priorities had to be rejected. And nothing in American government determines fate like spending. PornSweat klownsurvatism has taken on a guerrilla aspect largely because it must. They have neither the talent, nor the willingness to shoulder the massive effort required to really change anything. The kind of coordinated and sustained effort at governing that was required to enact the ACA is at this point simply unimaginable coming from the FingerRape Party. So instead they rely on political performance art to reassure their mobs of sweaty faced mouth breathers gazing raptly at glowing screens.
Four years of pointless cruelty, white male egotism, corrosive racism, massive deficits, and rage-addled federal judges may indeed leave an indelible mark on history. But it will barely leave a scratch in the massive, humming, bureaucratic edifice of the US federal government and the political money machine that fuels it.
America isn’t a Bugatti. It’s a Grumman Olson/Freightliner UPS truck. The GOP have gotten lost, run the oil down, burned the clutch, shit in the back, puked in the wheel well, rammed it into a couple of utility poles, and painted swastikas and Odin’s crosses on the side. It’ll clean up just fine when they are done fucking it up and return to its normal delivery schedule.
@36 The loon (RIP) is likely still hanging from the tree where Doctor Dumbfuck left him. Cutting down the black men they’ve lynched and properly burying them isn’t how white supremacists roll.
I see Fake Wall Street is being very fake.
Y’all HA libbies wanted your fucking FBI investigation.
Y’all HA libbies got your fucking FBI investigation.
Happy now, motherfuckers?
Your moves, Senators Donnelly, Heitkamp, and Manchin. Yours too, if you know what’s good for you, Senators McCaskill and Nelson.
Fake FBI investigation. Very nice. Let’s get that Pussy Grabber in that Courtroom.
And now the laughter at Democrats begins.
Hey, let’s start with the octogenarian responsible for all of this.
Senate Judiciary✔
By “what’s not in it,” Ranking Member @SenFeinstein must be referring to the total lack of corroborating evidence.
Phil Mattingly✔
Feinstein: “The most notable part of this report is what’s not in it.”
8:10 AM – Oct 4, 2018
“And now the laughter at Democrats begins.”
Thank God for that! Because I can’t stop laughing at your lame comment @40.
Guess what you could have avoided had you not run Hillary in 2016, Steve?
1. Gorsuch
2. Kavanaugh
3. Tax cut law
Laugh at that, bud.
“I still think that Amazon half owned by the workers and half owned by Prime members makes more sense than owned by shareholders.”
Shares are available for purchase every trading day on the NASDAQ. All the employees have to do is pool their money and buy the outstanding shares. Then they become the shareholders.
You wanted your fucking FBI investigation. You got your fucking FBI investigation.
John McCormack
3h3 hours ago
More John McCormack Retweeted John McCormack
The kind of thing you say if FBI investigation, which included interviews of Smyth, Garrett, Keyser, Garrett, Gaudette, found no groundbreaking information.John McCormack added,
John McCormack
Feinstein opens focusing on fact that Ford and Kavanaugh, who testified publicly for hours, were not interviewed.
The FBI interviews that did not take place:
SA: Judge Kavanaugh, did this event alleged by Dr. Ford occur?
BK: Not when I was there. I am virtually certain I have never met her.
SA: Sorry to disturb. Thank you for your cooperation.
SA: Dr. Ford, are there any corroborating witnesses not mentioned when you were interviewed by Prosecutor Mitchell?
CBF: No, but I have a long list of people who believe me.
SA: May I see your marriage counselor’s notes from 2012?
CBF: No.
SA: I look forward to seeing them printed in your forthcoming book, then. Good day.
“Guess what you could have avoided had you not run Hillary in 2016, Steve?”
You have never once given Putin the credit he deserves. Don’t you agree that it’s disingenuous for you to act like you’re a fucking winner when all you are is a fucking traitor? And to think that all you got out of your treason was a pickup truck, horse trailer and judges who are very much into gang-raping innocent prep-school girls. Of course, morality never has been your strong suit, has it, Doctor?
Laughing at you clowns.
Guy Benson✔
Chuck Schumer on the need for a short FBI probe (9/26): “It will take only a few days.”
Democrats 10/4: “IT ONLY TOOK A FEW DAYS!!!1!1🤯”
Tim Kaine✔
This so-called “investigation” is a complete sham.
11:06 AM – Oct 4, 2018
@ 48
You have never once given Putin the credit he deserves. Don’t you agree that it’s disingenuous for you to act like you’re a fucking winner when all you are is a fucking traitor?
Don’t you agree, Steve, that it’s disingenuous to whine about conspiracies and collusions during the 2016 election when it’s been very clear for some time now that the conspiracies and collusions @ 22, 23 during that election were for the benefit of your now twice-failed candidate?
All that effort, Steve, to push that awful woman over the finish line. All that dishonesty. Having to endure being called ridiculous by Sarah Silverman because you tried to hold on to your principles, before abandoning them in favor of The Horrid One. The Crooked One.
Still she
persistedlost.Now that we know for sure the FBI “investigation” is a sham and a coverup — every Democratic Senator who’s seen it says it is — whose sole purpose is to provide CYA for Republican senators, if Kavanaugh gets on the court next year’s House Democratic majority should conduct their own thorough investigation and begin impeachment proceedings to undo this railroad job.
@44 Only a dumbfuck like you would celebrate those outcomes.
Heitkamp’s a no.
You idiots made it too fucking easy, Dumbfuck.
@ 53
I’ll take the ND pickup. Gladly.
Will come in handy when RBG croaks next month.
I’m sure Collins, Murkowski, et al. would gladly signal their agreement with you if only they could find someone, preferably a woman, to hide behind while doing it.
I heard it from a friend whoooooo
Heard it from a friend whooooo
Heard it from another that Brett messed a-rounnnndddd.
35 years ago.
It’s great that we will have a Pussy Grabber who lies under oath (but not for a blow job) to be a not so Supreme Court justice. What a piece of shit, just like Bob.
@54 “Will come in handy when RBG croaks next month.”
So now you want liberal Supreme Court justices to die? Should we report you to the Secret Service? Have you recently purchased airfare to Washington D.C.?
Say it with me, HA libbies:
Justice. Brett. Kavanaugh.
Kelsey Snell✔
Judiciary committee democrats all filing out of Schumer’s office. All stone faced.
7:54 AM – Oct 4, 2018
Say it with me, dumbfuck.
Racism. Misogyny. Treason.
Don’t like it? Then maybe you should try bringing something else to this blog.
Pro-rape Republican Senator Hatch to rape survivors before he votes to put a serial rapist on the Supreme Court, “grow up”.
A Republican is someone who feels victimized by Christine Blasey Ford.
@59 Of course we expect an asswipe like you to celebrate an asswipe like him getting on the Supreme Court and then pandering to your asswipe ideology and party.
@62 One Republican we know must have been victimized by black males as we’ve seen thousands of comments posted here celebrating their deaths. From his comments we can see that he believes that a white man who raped prep-school girls in his drunken youth now deserves a SCOTUS appointment. Tamir Rice and Trayvon Martin? They deserved to die.
@ 60
Don’t like it? Then maybe you should try bringing something else to this blog.
Steve, without me your HA day would consist of wondering what color nail polish YLB has chosen for panhandling.
I’ll be glad to bring something to the blog besides winning, Steve, but first the winning’s gotta end.
I don’t believe I have given thanks to former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid yet this month. Jeezus, what a never-ending gift that asshole turned out to be.
Coupla interesting news items:
1. Heitkamp pulled out of her debate tomorrow nite. So she can vote on Saturday.
2. Daines won’t vote on Saturday. He’s walking his not-yet-raped-by-Brett-Kavanaugh daughter down the aisle.
“I’ll be glad to bring something to the blog besides winning, Steve, but first the winning’s gotta end.”
As you’d have nothing without Putin, what you’ve done isn’t called winning, Doctor, it’s called treason.
Steve, speaking of bringing something else to this blog…
You’re beginning to bore me. Talk about music or something. Mebbe the Zepplin chord progression lawsuit. This was a pretty good defense:
@68 That was a good defense. It’s really no different than using a I-IV-V chord progression.
Here’s a song I wrote for a little girl from the Seattle area whose story went viral a few years ago. One could argue that I stole from “Happy Birthday!”, but I think you’ll agree that it’s really not the same. The song was performed and recorded by friends of mine who had all experienced a similar loss of a child. I created the video.
We gave all the rights to what we created to a charity established in the girl’s name by her mom. My friends thought they were doing this for strangers, but it turned out they knew the family but didn’t make the connection until later, after we were done. I didn’t know the family at all, but in the last year the girl’s mom reached out to me and we’re now becoming friends.
I hope you don’t find this as boring as my other posts.
Demorat Party Of Lunatic Cat Ladies News–Your Average Demorat Dingbat With Rape Fantasies Claims Trump Raped Her Via Text Message
A professor at Northwest Arkansas Community College said she was “raped through technology” after receiving the Presidential Emergency Alert.
Professor Dianne Phillips expressed her dismay in a tweet on Wednesday, stating her phone “was assaulted” and that she herself felt violated upon receiving the Presidential Emergency Alert through text message.
[Link to tweet;]
The tweet, which has since been deleted, was followed up with another tweet Thursday morning, in which Phillips claimed she had been “attacked by a troll algorithm” on Facebook.
Demorat Party Of Lying Phonies News– Battered Woman Accuser With Substantial Corroborative Evidence Of Beating By Deputy DNC Chair Ellison Kicked To Curb By Demorats
The attorney for Karen Monahan claimed there’s “substantial corroborative evidence” to prove his client was mentally and physically abused by Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota, on “Fox & Friends” Thursday.
Monahan, who is Ellison’s ex-girlfriend, accused him of often shouting obscenities at her and claimed he has a penchant for domestic violence. (RELATED: Daily Caller’s Stephanie Hamill Accuses Democrats Of Ignoring Allegations Against Keith Ellison)
“The DNC kicked this matter, even though Mr. Ellison is the deputy chair of the national Democratic committee, they kicked the matter to the state Democratic Party,” attorney Andrew Parker said. “The state Democratic Party decided to hire their own lawyer to investigate their nominee for attorney general in the state of Minnesota.”
“As it relates to the evidence, she identified four witnesses, all of whom were interviewed, all of whom were very credible according to the investigator,” he said Thursday. “In addition, text messages regarding the attack were sent from Ms. Monahan a year and a half before this ever became public — were sent by Ms. Monahan to Mr. Ellison.”
“misogynist fucking asshole” what now?
@68 “You’re beginning to bore me.”
You want us to feel sorry for you? You’ve been boring us for a very long time. Blaming your tribe’s venality on Harry Reid got old after, oh, about one and a half minutes.
@69 Something Doctor Dumbfuck will never be. You can’t buy nobility. You’re either born with it, or you aren’t.
P.S., I donated to Charity Water in Rachel’s name several times; I wonder if Doctor Dumbfuck did even once?
@71 There’s a wee bit of difference between trying to rape a 15-year-old girl in a drunken stupor (Kavanaugh) and a failed relationship leading to a messy breakup followed by accusations of “emotional abuse” (Ellison).
But go ahead, see if you can make this false equivalency work. Give it your best shot.
Moving into your new home while black. What was he thinking?? He could have been shot!
“Black Man Watches Video Of Cops Handcuffing Him For Moving Into His Own Home”
@ 75
@71 There’s a wee bit of difference between trying to rape a 15-year-old girl in a drunken stupor (Kavanaugh) and a failed relationship leading to a messy breakup followed by accusations of “emotional abuse” (Ellison).
More than a wee bit, I’d say. One of the events didn’t happen and there’s zero corroboration. The other has contemporary medical record notations, a similar claim by a second woman, and sealed divorce records.
You’d make a great Ellison defense attorney, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Why don’t you offer your services? God knows you’ve got the time and your family would love to have you out of your shithole.
Having to publish a 1000 word apologia in hundreds of newspapers means Yertle is still looking for votes.
Nine out of ten vulnerable Dems vote no.
Could have had them all with almost any other nominee.
Can twenty vulnerable Republicans hide behind Joe Manchin?
@77 “One of the events didn’t happen and there’s zero corroboration.”
No attorney worth a shit would ever allow you onto any jury. Jurors can’t be blind to evidence, and need a basic ability to judge the credibility of witnesses.
@79 It’s only a procedural vote, and voting in favor of taking a vote, and voting for the nominee, aren’t the same thing. And we now know that Murkowski is a “no” vote.
Dumbfuck @ 81
All we know is that Murkowski was a ‘no’ on cloture. We have no idea how she’ll vote once the confirmation roll call is held, just as we have no idea how Manchin or Collins (or Flake) will vote.
Murkowski justifiably may have wanted follow-up FBI interviews with Ford and BK prior to calling the investigation complete, although given the WSJ’s report today that Ford friend McLean sent Keyser texts trying to get her to change her story, that might not have gone the way Team Ford wanted.
You are a useless, fucking asshole, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, bereft of any objective analytic skills. You are becoming more useless with time. Your post is third-tier shit. With the Fucking Moron’s absence of late, YLB needs your company down there.
A poll from a firm Darryl would likely not find credible has Hawley up big over McCaskill.
Because it’s not credible I won’t share the information. But Hawley’s up big over McCaskill.
I call this Doing the Blasey.
@82 “All we know is that Murkowski was a ‘no’ on cloture. We have no idea how she’ll vote once the confirmation roll call is held, just as we have no idea how Manchin or Collins (or Flake) will vote.”
True enough, as far as it goes, but …
“Murkowski justifiably may have wanted follow-up FBI interviews with Ford and BK prior to calling the investigation complete,”
… in which case it seems more likely than not that she won’t vote to confirm a controversial nominee whom she feels hasn’t been adequately vetted, especially with the Native American voters who put her in office pressuring her to vote “no.”
“You are a useless, fucking asshole, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, … becoming more useless with time. Your post is third-tier shit.”
For once, I have to agree with you. I’m a useless fucking asshole who spends all his time posting third-tier shit on a defunct blog, just like somebody else here. You and I, retired lawyer and retired doctor, are two peas from the same pod or at least the same garden.
@83 “Because it’s not credible I won’t share the information.”
Looks like you’ve already checked its track record, so we don’t need to.
Teh Dumbfuck’s temperament grows more and more like his President’s every day.
He’s on the court. Believe it. This was never the question.
The question was always which party could extract the most political damage. Obviously events have caused a massive shift in the Republican strategy in this regard. Mouth breathers like Teh Dumbfuck aren’t supposed to get that. Not the way Yertle means to sell it.
But what should have been a blood bath for vulnerable Class 1 Democrats now may turn out to be a blood bath for vulnerable Class 2 Republicans. In the end it will all come down, not to which strident conservative jurist gets confirmed, but how that process is perceived by persuadable voters.
It looks like Yertle is settling for making lemonade by using pre-programmed resentments to stir the trailer parks. In order to do that he is calling the women dirty lying hoors and encouraging the rest of Trailerbilly America to do likewise. That effect will be short lived. It’ll take plenty of effort to keep it alive even a few weeks from now. But while it may improve turnout among the aging, dependent, aggrieved, rural white trash that swoons over PornSweat, it may also result in a measurably negative shift of perception among persuadable voters in Suburban swings – away from mobs of angry Republican frat boys laughing and mocking victims of sexual assault.
The Toddler Torture party went into this playing for six flips and will now feel satisfied if they can manage one or two. Whether or not those one or two flips are offset in places like Texas or Nevada remains to be seen. But it’s not at all clear how a guy like Ted Cruz benefits from this with no Democrats to hide behind. He gets to own the whole obnoxiously drunken beach party. Not just the nominee. But how he got the nominee by calling a sexual assault victim a dirty lying hoor who probably enjoyed it.
Now all Beto and the rest of us have to do is get out of their way and let Trump be Trump, let Cruz be Cruz, and let Trailerbillies be Trailerbillies. If they do what comes naturally to them Class 2 vulnerable Republicans like Collins will seriously consider retiring.
75, RR,
No, you have had a bad day and I’ll let Ms. Mitchell handle it gently; I appreciate an old war horse making a reasonably good argument from bad facts and I don’t want to step on it.
Mitchell report;