Gosh, it sure is raining. I like a good 5 months of drizzle. But this is not great. Come on, rain. Be cool.
Seriously, though don’t forget how to drive just because it’s been rainy. Be kind to other people on the bus. Just everyone be cool.
And please wash your hands right now. For all that’s correct and good, get vaccinated if you haven’t yet.
That’s an even larger shift than the one yesterday’s Fox News poll identified in voters who are parents, which was 24 points but in just two weeks.
Moreover, a squeaker of a McAuliffe victory will tell centrist House Democrats to either start pushing back against Jayapal and The Squad, or expect their retirements to come via the ballot box and to be involuntary.
Ironic, isn’t it, that the path to victory for a Democrat in Virginia now requires that education voters stay home on Tuesday.
If Youngkin wins, he’s one-and-done in 2025. Then Democrats have another problem. Mark Warner won his 2020 race 55-43.
Can you say Senator Youngkin?
Y’all libbies sound more and more like Palestinians every day.
That’s moderate Democrat Rep. Stephanie Murphy.
Pelosi to The Squad: Don’t embarrass the president.
The Squad to Pelosi: Burn this bitch down!
“Virginia’s number one issue”:
“Starting in the 17th century African laborers began to immigrate to the colonies to work on large southern agricultural plantations performing farm chores. When northern state lawmakers tried to pass laws interfering with this employment market the southern states began to organize their communities and seek independence.”
– The American Pageant
Most of us were taught lies.
One of the two major parties has devoted itself to the defense of those lies. It’s the same major party that claims the 2020 election was “stolen” by massive ballot fraud involving Hugo Chavez and that shoving a flashlight up your butt will cure COVID.
@ 7
No results found for “Starting in the 17th century African laborers began to immigrate to the colonies to work on large southern agricultural plantations performing farm chores. When northern state lawmakers tried to pass laws interfering with this employment market the southern states began to organize their communities and seek independence.”.
I assume you found this in something Kendi wrote. Do you have a link for that? And I’m asking because Holy Shit. Really?
The people protesting at Northern VA school boards are Q.
And now so is Bob.
So a buncha Dems dressed up as 2017 Charlottesville “Jews Will Not Replace Us” dudes and stood in front of Youngkin’s bus this morning. Button-down shirts, tiki torches, ball caps. The full meal deal.
Problem is, they’re recognizable, ’cause their day jobs have them really, really close to McAuliffe.
How desperate does McAuliffe have to be if he has to resort to imbecilic pranks like this?
More @ 10
This guy, being an officer in a “vote early” Democrat organization in Virginia, @VAYD, must already know that early voting did not go well for McAuliffe.
“…the growing crowd.” There’s, like, 20 people, plus media. Even free beer won’t bring people out for McAuliffe.
So this is four of five Unite the Right pretenders now linked to McAuliffe’s campaign or its supporters.
And she just made her Twitter page private.
I’d like to wish Evergreen Railfan a very happy pre-Halowe’en Friday!
If your daughter looked like this you’d be protective of her, too.
Which would make you a domestic terrorist, in the eyes of a liberal.
I heard about this when it happened. I think it’s important that all my HA libbie friends understand Terry McAuliffe’s priorities.
The Time Terry McAuliffe Left The Delivery Room For A Washington Post Party
What a guy. A “breeder”, to some of you. The worst kind of breeder.
Were they all “very fine people”?
Or maybe there were a few hundred Trump supporting Crying Nazis?
Still very fine?
Maybe Bob’s “FB friends from CO” made it C’ville and can offer us an “eyewitness account”?
Youngkin up 17 points with independents.
The WaPo poll has McAuliffe up over Youngkin, 49-48.
It included 34% Democrats vs. 30% in its September poll.
And yet the result moved 3 points further toward Youngkin.
Jus’ sayin’.
For sale:
Set of five brand new tiki torches
Five button-down white shirts, each worn only once.
Five baseball caps with various pro-conservative messages.
Five pairs khaki pants, each worn only once.
Five pairs of sunglasses.
Best price for someone purchasing the lot. Direct questions to @VAYD, or to the Terry McAuliffe for Governor campaign.
Enforcement is always easier when the effort is unconstitutional.
It’s why the Founding Fathers decided that being an American should not always be easy.
Terry McAuliffe makes Martha Coakley seem politically skilled.
With absolutely no weighting?
Oh wait.
“So this year, Post-Schar School polls adopted a survey method that measures and adjusts for the rate at which partisan groups participate in the poll.”
Other than that, it’s a really, really good point you are making there, Bob.
@ 25
They weighted it twice, probably once for each polled group. So, absolutely not an unweighted poll.
The non-panel group was contacted only via cell phone, so there’s that factor to consider as well.
I can wait.
Bob keeps saying this, every time he’s busted.
And then the next morning, just like a broken clock, he soothes his crippling DTs with a few shots, tears off his “FUCK YOUR FEELINGS” tee shirt, paints a red, white, and blue Q on his chest, dons his bright red TRUMP/LINDELL 2024 hat, and begins performing another endzone dance at mid field.
Dance, freak. Dance!
The Democrats’ last secret weapon to save McAuliffe is now a campaign event with Hillary Clinton and Anthony Weiner.
@4 Rolls off the tongue easier than “Senator Tuberville” or “Senator Hawley” if we gotta have Republicans in the Senate.
@24 You make a horse seem intelligent.
Be sure and thank the Lincoln Project for helping to elect Glenn Youngkin.
The crowning achievement occurred earlier today:
Fake Republicans dressed Democrat operatives and activists as racists in order to claim that Republicans are racist.
The Lincoln Project people are like David Hogg, in that there may have once been a time and a place, but that’s no reason to continue paying any attention whatsoever to either of them.
Watch what happens now.
This is what I have been telling YLB for years.
In YLB’s case, it’s even easier when she demands something paid for by people other than herself, while hiding behind Goldy or Darryl.
Perhaps a little less happy Tuesday evening.
I can wait.
Hey Terry McAuliffe, would Heather Heyer have approved of the cheap stunt your people pulled today?
In the RCP averages, Pelosi’s unfavorables are now higher than Cocaine Mitch’s. Her unfavorables are now 5 points higher than Trump’s.
What a way to go out, Nancy.
No communion for Pussy Graber Rapists!!
The anti-Vaxers found that out.
After First Vegetable Joe Biden abandoned Afghanistan to the Taliban and to a resurgence of ISIS, Terry McAuliffe is absolutely thrilled to see a terror threat in northern Virginia, attributed to ISIS, on the weekend before his gubernatorial election.
Regarding Afghanistan and the embarrassment of how he handled it, First Vegetable Joe Biden responded, “That was nine, ten weeks ago!!!!”
Questions not asked by Democrats:
Does Terry McAuliffe deserve to be governor of Virginia?
I thought LGB referred to the LGB Alliance.
Nope. Referred to something else.
30)He thinks I am required to respond to everything accident involving a train. Hate to break it to him, cars are unsafe. Just as I’ll occasionally use Uber, I’m aboard a LINK Train now headed home for work. It’s an older one, the Japanese design. I prefer the German one, closest thing we have to an American one, the Siemens S700 is assembled in Sacramento. Also, I’m always MIA from about 10AM to 8pm, doing something called work. I wonder how the troll expects a janitor to respond to every rail incident.
One thing I miss at work, the train horns from Balmer Yard reverberating off Magnolia and Queen Anne. Not as many because of slow port traffic. If it was a real economic downturn I would notice it. When I was just a temp filling in at where I now work, I had a few assignments during 2009-2010 when the previous janitor was visiting family in another country. When waiting for the 15/18 I saw a long line of out of service locomotives on the Spurs leading to Coastal Transportation. Don’t see that now.
@42 “cars are unsafe” depending on who’s behind the wheel, so …
… if you’re on Whidbey Island and see an F-350 with a horse trailer behind it coming down the road, jump off the embankment and swim for it.
43)One of the things I miss about the older buses, they were battleships when they came to structural integrity. Still, prefer low-floor anyway, they help able-bodied people save some time. The industry agrees, it’s been a decade since the old fashioned, high floor transit bus was in a major builders catalog. Will be another decade or two before straight diesel goes the same way.
43)Also he loves to antagonize me about foreign elections because I post about them from time to time. My interest is in how they are conducted, not who wins. Sometimes, in other countries, the Conservatives are to the Left of our Democratic Party.
As for Sunday’s election in Japan, it’s not if the Liberal Democratic Party wins, but by how much. Japan uses a parallel system, that is similar but different to the German Mixed Member system.
@45 Political labels are fungible.