Goldy isn’t even good enough to be pond scum. Septic scum is more like it.
The Real Mark - who is usually Right and always rightspews:
Hate to disapoint you kids, but Susan Estrich (Law Prof who teaches election law and rabid Dem) says that DeLay won’t be found guilty. Too many problems with the case.
I want to talk about candy. It’s both tasty and yummy. And it fits perfectly in my tummytumtum.
When beating your mother becomes a crime, only outlaws will be David Irons.
P.S. and a group af goose stepping Neo-Con Mother-Beaters will come to his defence.
Culture of Life, my ass.
RUFUS @ 1, yeah I saw DeLay’s mug shot. He looked like the prick everyone knew from second grade that cheated on exams, sniffed glue, and later grew up to rape a nun and while in prison found Jesus.
In fact, that is pretty much what DeLay did become. Except for the “finding Jesus” part.
Irons might as well quit now. The only group that is going to vote for him is the mother bashing society.
The mom says it in her own words in the djspews:
Mark @ 6
“Hate to disapoint you kids, but Susan Estrich (Law Prof who teaches election law and rabid Dem) says that DeLay won’t be found guilty. Too many problems with the case.”
But, then there is this guy Ronnie Earle (not the blues guitar great, he is Ronnie Earl) who says DeLay will be found guilty. … and he has looked at some of the evidence. :-)
I’ll make no predictions myself—I don’t really understand the laws involved, and I ain’t seen any of the evidence.
Eric @ 9,
“Irons might as well quit now. The only group that is going to vote for him is the mother bashing society. “
Yeah … now that they purged all of the disenfranchised felons from the voter rolls, Irons doesn’t stand a chance!
The Real Mark - who is usually Right and always rightspews:
dj @ 10: “…Ronnie Earle… he has looked at some of the evidence.”
And so have two or is it three (or four?) different grand juries?
Mark @ 12
“And so have two or is it three (or four?) different grand juries?”
I believe it was three. Two of them returned indictments. I believe they were all considering different charges, although I am not certain of this.
I noticed not much is being given to the possible electoral crisis looming in Louisiana.
The Real Mark - who is usually Right and always rightspews:
dj @ 13
From what I understand, Earle has actually pursued DeLay for about three(?) years and six grand juries — the final three in a space of a week.
The first three wouldn’t indict. The fourth finally did (of conspiracy to break the law, I think). Earle then added charges of money laundering, but was ticked off when the fifth grand jury wouldn’t indict. Apparently, Earle then convened a sixth grand jury that finally did indict.
Doesn’t exactly sound like a slam-dunk case.
Mark @ 15
Were each of the grand juries examining DIFFERENT charges, or was he bringing up a smaller set of charges repeatedly?
The Real Mark - who is usually Right and always rightspews:
dj @ 16
I’m not quite sure on the first three. From what I recall about the fourth was that he put up one charge. Then there was some issue about whether he’d have enough to get conspiracy, so he tried to add those charges in, but the fourth grand jury was going to expire soon. So, he convened the fifth. They said there wasn’t enough to prosecute (and that pissed him off). Finally, he got a sixth grand jury to indict on the two charges the fifth wouldn’t indict on.
All of this was supposedly related to the same campaign finance issue.
If DeLay broke the law, he should be punished. That said, it seems to me like Earle violated at least the spirit of why we have double jeopardy laws. Not saying he did anything illegal (though the 5th/6th grand jury thing stinks), but he really should have laid out all the evidence to ONE grand jury and that’d be that (if it really was all about the campaign finance issue).
Very good Real Mark. So what’s your view on Ken Starr’s so-called investigation of one Bill Clinton? Come on now, be fair and balanced!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
I truly hope Iron’s Mom becomes a lynchpin for the Sims Campaign!
I envision her opening every Sims Rally with her “I am a victim” speech and then introduce Ron. What a lunatic she is.
Perhaps she can form a LUNATICS FOR SIMS group. Oh, that’s right, everyone who supports Sims IS by definition a LUNATIC.
Is she a registered PAC??
I didn’t miss you LEFTIST PINHEADS a bit these past couple weeks.
But I know how much you missed me.
Looking for a word to describe Goldy now that he has reached a new all-time low is really quite easy. The word that comes to mind is KNERD.
A KNERD is the poop-encrusted hairs of your asshole.
Goldy is a KNERD!
Chimp Patrolspews:
And welcome back cynicalidiot. Have a good stay at Western State? I told you they were out to get you. Paranoia sets in as you and your neocon nuts start to stumble back to reality.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
No welcome back hug???
You LEFTIST PINHEADS have no sense of humor.
It must be painful to always be wound so tight it would take an International Harvester to pull a pin outta yer ass.
We’ll see if Goldy and the other SIMS SHITSQUAD MEMBERS can deflect the attention away from Sims terrible record…particularly with the Elections Dept.
Has anyone reminded you in my absence that:
If Don Ron Sims King wins=====Logan saves his job.
If Sims loses=================Logan is FIRED!
If David Irons wins===========Logan is FIRED!!
Between Elections, CAO, SWA debacle and numerous other horrible Sims actions, I believe that most intelligent voters will be voting for David Irons simply to remove the SIMS entrenched bureaucrats and henchmen.
People are sick of Sims and his smarminess.
The Sims Campaign and it’s SHITSQUAD brigade are merely trying to deflect attention from Sims performance and put Irons on the defensive.
If Irons is smart, he will continue to ID Goldy as merely a Sims SHITSQUAD member and re-focus the attention on Sims poor performance.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Captain Goldy reporting for duty General Sims.
The SHITSQUAD is ready and rarin’ to go!!
There goes Ms Chickenhawk again, calling people’s mothers a “lunatic” which he’ll deny doing later. You pussy.
@ 1
The Democrats are going to run commercial ads with DeLays smiling mug shot, then the background will be the song “Smiling Faces Tell Lies” by the Temptations.
The culture of corruption is going down. Especially when the Wilson’s file their Civil Law suit and Bush will be forced to testify under oath for a change. You better hope he knows what is is.
Bye bye you facists, un-American, unpatriotic pigs.
EvergreenRailfan-14 ‘..possible electoral crisis looming in Louisiana.’
There is much talk about LA becomming a red state due to many refugees not returning. And that the dems in N.O. will be taking big political hits as years of corruption are exposed in the next 1-2 years.
GBS-23 ‘Especially when the Wilson’s file their Civil Law suit..’
Wilson’s credibility is in the tank after his major points in the op-ed were exposed as lies during the Senate investigation. Wilson is only seen now on the Cindy Sheehan circuit – preaching to the choir.
The Real Mark - who is usually Right and always rightspews:
RJP @ 18
I think the Clinton investigation went overboard. Obviously, charges of sexual assault or harassment deserve attention — but perhaps after his term. I personally know of a Dem worker harassed by a Dem Congressman who was silenced “for the good of the party” — and that is WRONG.
I did get the feeling that they were of a bit of a fishing expedition. OTOH, at least they were talking about multiple scandals – travel, Rose Law, etc. Should they have investigated those cases? Absolutely. But I think they were quick to draw in the President (and, yes, some of us will still show captial “P” respect — even if we didn’t vote for the guy).
In the end, I think we got close to the right result, but with too much noise. Giving up his license was a very fitting penalty, but I would have gone for a statement of censure instead of impeachment.
Fair and balanced enough for ya?
The Real Mark - who is usually Right and always rightspews:
yearight @ 24
That place’ll be mucked up for a while. Besides, they’re not rebuilding N.O. They want to spend millions on other stuff upstate instead!
Mark The Redneckspews:
Real Mark – Get the story right. WJC was impeached and disbarred not because of bjs, but because he lied to a grand jury in attempt to conceal a pattern of predatory behavior in connection with a felony assault case he later settled for $800k.
You stupidest of stupid fuckers…lewinsky was CONSENSUAL…sure Clinton lied, but what MAN wouldn’t. Hounded for TEN years the rightwing slime machine FINALLY found SOMETHING they could pin on him.
You’re just the dumbest ass on the block.
speaking of dumb asses. you talk out of yours
-at least they were talking about multiple scandals – travel, Rose Law, etc. Should they have investigated those cases? –
Man, the Really Stupid Mark can’t keep his foot out of his mouth, can he?
Care to share what those $80 million worth of investigations revealed?
Interesting. Goldy’s blog is valued at: $112,343.46
The problem with you Goldy is that you don’t seek the TRUTH. You just seek to “raise hell”. Any 5 year old boy who has never been disciplined can do that.
Thomas Trainwinderspews:
Delay going after the judge like a political enemy. Watch out…not too many people survive the Delay attack machine…
Hannity, Limbaugh, the savage weener, The Washington Times, the minnow….YOU…et al.
not too many people survive the Delay attack machine…
Politicians, perhaps. But has DeLay ever gone after a judge before? It may not be the smartest idea, especially if this one ends up hearing his case.
headless lucyspews:
The truth is that Delay has been indicted and Rove and Libby will soon be.
Rujax, Headless and LiberalDave…HaHaha..deaf, dumb and dumber!
Speaking of dumb..More Air America “success” Hahaha..From last place to non-existant in the ratings. Oh yeah, mainstream America is really taking to the progressive point of view.
IDGAF… some asshole with a gay name like “Terry.” Enough said.
At least has seized on a way to make Louisiana able to avoid the problems. Although an at-large proportional representation election done on an emergency basis for the next election in Louisiana might help get legislation proposed to give states’ the option of using it passed, or at least come up to a vote.
The Real Mark - who is usually Right and always rightspews:
Attention 12-year-old Jackass @ 40:
Knock it the F**k off! Now you’re fake posting as me and saying that my real posts are fake.
GOLDY: Ban this a**hole! You know my IP and you know the e-mail I post under. This idiot doesn’t. Easy enough to know who the fake poster is.
The Real Mark - who is usually Right and always rightspews:
MTR @ 28
I never said why he gave up his license or was otherwise penalized. I simply said that it was fitting considering what he did. I really don’t give a rat’s what he and Monica or anyone else did as long as both were willing participants.
Liberal @ 31
I haven’t reviewed either the budgets or the resolutions to those investigations. You will note that I DID say that they were quick to associate the President (when that might not have been warranted). From what I saw/read in the MSM, there WAS bad stuff going on. The real question you should ask is if any investigation would have been done if the Clintons weren’t (peripherally) involved. I would hope at least SOME investigation would have been done.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Real Mark – WJC was our first black president. He plays saxophone. He has his way with fugly white women. And now his ol’ lady goes to work while he stays home.
I sent my ballot in last night before the redneck mother was on the evening news complaining.
MTR @ 46 you are a racist. But of course none of you Neo-Con buddies will point that out.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Donna – I “embrace diversity” in the truest possible sense that a beeeeach like you can’t even imagine.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Hey, where’s Wabbit been lately? Who wants to be my bitch while he’s gone??
MTR Let me parse your post @ 46
Parse: A white guy was like a black guy because he plays saxophone, he has his way with fugly white women, and now his white woman go to work while he stays home.
The Real Mark - who is usually Right and always rightspews:
Donna @ 56
“Secret poll.” Yeah, we oughta have LOTS of confidence in that. Be honest (for once)… if the White House published a story saying their “secret poll” showed 82% of Iraqi people felt safer with US troops there, would you go trumpeting it as the truth?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Reply to 52
Roger Rabbit is on vacation. This is an automated response. Bush takes 3 vacations a month, so why can’t Roger Rabbit take 3 vacations a month too? Why should Republicans keep all the fucking vacations for themselves?
Although Roger Rabbit is unavailable, the computer creating this message is shocked — yes SHOCKED — that Mark the Redneck is a RACIST!!! I mean, the computer knows MTR is a greedy, self-centered, right-wing bastard and all that — but RACIST??? My God, MTR is a … is a … (gasp) …
… Republican.
I want to know the mayor’s reasons for clamping down on strip clubs. I have more serious crime in my neighborhood and there are no strip clubs here. The hip-hop clubs seem much more conducive to violence. so is the message then sex is bad , violence is ok? for all intents and purposes Hard drug dealing in my neighborhood is de facto approved by the city by their lack of interest in it.
The Real Mark - who is usually Right and always rightspews:
Roger @ 58
Oh, vacation… That’s better. Thought you were just a union worker leaning on your broom.
MTR: You saying that black guys only go after fugly white women? What about Seal who just had a kid produced by Heidi Klum? She ain’t fugly!!!
Shame on you MTR. I understand the reference but, you made a reference even I can’t support! Do I agree with stuckonstupiddon? No, not really!
Goldy, why haven’t you published this? Hmmm… destroys your hate Libby thoughts?
No one wanted to talk about the brave teachers in the Sprague-Lamont School District. I am not suprised. The WEA is scared of teachers who stand up to them.
Did you check out Delays mug shot… it looks like a campaign picture. Are the Texas donks going to use this picture against him? I wonder.
we want to talk about what a great investigative reporter goldy is
How about the brave teachers in the Sprague-Lamont School District. They have decided to leave the Washington Education Association. Hooray for them.
14 of David Irons aunts, uncles and cousins support him. I think Goldy missed that part of the story.
“It was a model election with an error rate any bank would envy”
James @2:
Goldy isn’t even good enough to be pond scum. Septic scum is more like it.
Hate to disapoint you kids, but Susan Estrich (Law Prof who teaches election law and rabid Dem) says that DeLay won’t be found guilty. Too many problems with the case.
I want to talk about candy. It’s both tasty and yummy. And it fits perfectly in my tummytumtum.
When beating your mother becomes a crime, only outlaws will be David Irons.
P.S. and a group af goose stepping Neo-Con Mother-Beaters will come to his defence.
Culture of Life, my ass.
RUFUS @ 1, yeah I saw DeLay’s mug shot. He looked like the prick everyone knew from second grade that cheated on exams, sniffed glue, and later grew up to rape a nun and while in prison found Jesus.
In fact, that is pretty much what DeLay did become. Except for the “finding Jesus” part.
Irons might as well quit now. The only group that is going to vote for him is the mother bashing society.
The mom says it in her own words in the
dj spews:
Mark @ 6
“Hate to disapoint you kids, but Susan Estrich (Law Prof who teaches election law and rabid Dem) says that DeLay won’t be found guilty. Too many problems with the case.”
But, then there is this guy Ronnie Earle (not the blues guitar great, he is Ronnie Earl) who says DeLay will be found guilty. … and he has looked at some of the evidence. :-)
I’ll make no predictions myself—I don’t really understand the laws involved, and I ain’t seen any of the evidence.
Eric @ 9,
“Irons might as well quit now. The only group that is going to vote for him is the mother bashing society. “
Yeah … now that they purged all of the disenfranchised felons from the voter rolls, Irons doesn’t stand a chance!
dj @ 10: “…Ronnie Earle… he has looked at some of the evidence.”
And so have two or is it three (or four?) different grand juries?
Mark @ 12
“And so have two or is it three (or four?) different grand juries?”
I believe it was three. Two of them returned indictments. I believe they were all considering different charges, although I am not certain of this.
I noticed not much is being given to the possible electoral crisis looming in Louisiana.
dj @ 13
From what I understand, Earle has actually pursued DeLay for about three(?) years and six grand juries — the final three in a space of a week.
The first three wouldn’t indict. The fourth finally did (of conspiracy to break the law, I think). Earle then added charges of money laundering, but was ticked off when the fifth grand jury wouldn’t indict. Apparently, Earle then convened a sixth grand jury that finally did indict.
Doesn’t exactly sound like a slam-dunk case.
Mark @ 15
Were each of the grand juries examining DIFFERENT charges, or was he bringing up a smaller set of charges repeatedly?
dj @ 16
I’m not quite sure on the first three. From what I recall about the fourth was that he put up one charge. Then there was some issue about whether he’d have enough to get conspiracy, so he tried to add those charges in, but the fourth grand jury was going to expire soon. So, he convened the fifth. They said there wasn’t enough to prosecute (and that pissed him off). Finally, he got a sixth grand jury to indict on the two charges the fifth wouldn’t indict on.
All of this was supposedly related to the same campaign finance issue.
If DeLay broke the law, he should be punished. That said, it seems to me like Earle violated at least the spirit of why we have double jeopardy laws. Not saying he did anything illegal (though the 5th/6th grand jury thing stinks), but he really should have laid out all the evidence to ONE grand jury and that’d be that (if it really was all about the campaign finance issue).
Very good Real Mark. So what’s your view on Ken Starr’s so-called investigation of one Bill Clinton? Come on now, be fair and balanced!
I truly hope Iron’s Mom becomes a lynchpin for the Sims Campaign!
I envision her opening every Sims Rally with her “I am a victim” speech and then introduce Ron. What a lunatic she is.
Perhaps she can form a LUNATICS FOR SIMS group. Oh, that’s right, everyone who supports Sims IS by definition a LUNATIC.
Is she a registered PAC??
I didn’t miss you LEFTIST PINHEADS a bit these past couple weeks.
But I know how much you missed me.
Looking for a word to describe Goldy now that he has reached a new all-time low is really quite easy. The word that comes to mind is KNERD.
A KNERD is the poop-encrusted hairs of your asshole.
Goldy is a KNERD!
And welcome back cynicalidiot. Have a good stay at Western State? I told you they were out to get you. Paranoia sets in as you and your neocon nuts start to stumble back to reality.
No welcome back hug???
You LEFTIST PINHEADS have no sense of humor.
It must be painful to always be wound so tight it would take an International Harvester to pull a pin outta yer ass.
We’ll see if Goldy and the other SIMS SHITSQUAD MEMBERS can deflect the attention away from Sims terrible record…particularly with the Elections Dept.
Has anyone reminded you in my absence that:
If Don Ron Sims King wins=====Logan saves his job.
If Sims loses=================Logan is FIRED!
If David Irons wins===========Logan is FIRED!!
Between Elections, CAO, SWA debacle and numerous other horrible Sims actions, I believe that most intelligent voters will be voting for David Irons simply to remove the SIMS entrenched bureaucrats and henchmen.
People are sick of Sims and his smarminess.
The Sims Campaign and it’s SHITSQUAD brigade are merely trying to deflect attention from Sims performance and put Irons on the defensive.
If Irons is smart, he will continue to ID Goldy as merely a Sims SHITSQUAD member and re-focus the attention on Sims poor performance.
Captain Goldy reporting for duty General Sims.
The SHITSQUAD is ready and rarin’ to go!!
There goes Ms Chickenhawk again, calling people’s mothers a “lunatic” which he’ll deny doing later. You pussy.
@ 1
The Democrats are going to run commercial ads with DeLays smiling mug shot, then the background will be the song “Smiling Faces Tell Lies” by the Temptations.
The culture of corruption is going down. Especially when the Wilson’s file their Civil Law suit and Bush will be forced to testify under oath for a change. You better hope he knows what is is.
Bye bye you facists, un-American, unpatriotic pigs.
EvergreenRailfan-14 ‘..possible electoral crisis looming in Louisiana.’
There is much talk about LA becomming a red state due to many refugees not returning. And that the dems in N.O. will be taking big political hits as years of corruption are exposed in the next 1-2 years.
GBS-23 ‘Especially when the Wilson’s file their Civil Law suit..’
Wilson’s credibility is in the tank after his major points in the op-ed were exposed as lies during the Senate investigation. Wilson is only seen now on the Cindy Sheehan circuit – preaching to the choir.
RJP @ 18
I think the Clinton investigation went overboard. Obviously, charges of sexual assault or harassment deserve attention — but perhaps after his term. I personally know of a Dem worker harassed by a Dem Congressman who was silenced “for the good of the party” — and that is WRONG.
I did get the feeling that they were of a bit of a fishing expedition. OTOH, at least they were talking about multiple scandals – travel, Rose Law, etc. Should they have investigated those cases? Absolutely. But I think they were quick to draw in the President (and, yes, some of us will still show captial “P” respect — even if we didn’t vote for the guy).
In the end, I think we got close to the right result, but with too much noise. Giving up his license was a very fitting penalty, but I would have gone for a statement of censure instead of impeachment.
Fair and balanced enough for ya?
yearight @ 24
That place’ll be mucked up for a while. Besides, they’re not rebuilding N.O. They want to spend millions on other stuff upstate instead!
Real Mark – Get the story right. WJC was impeached and disbarred not because of bjs, but because he lied to a grand jury in attempt to conceal a pattern of predatory behavior in connection with a felony assault case he later settled for $800k.
You stupidest of stupid fuckers…lewinsky was CONSENSUAL…sure Clinton lied, but what MAN wouldn’t. Hounded for TEN years the rightwing slime machine FINALLY found SOMETHING they could pin on him.
You’re just the dumbest ass on the block.
speaking of dumb asses. you talk out of yours
-at least they were talking about multiple scandals – travel, Rose Law, etc. Should they have investigated those cases? –
Man, the Really Stupid Mark can’t keep his foot out of his mouth, can he?
Care to share what those $80 million worth of investigations revealed?
Interesting. Goldy’s blog is valued at: $112,343.46
The problem with you Goldy is that you don’t seek the TRUTH. You just seek to “raise hell”. Any 5 year old boy who has never been disciplined can do that.
Delay going after the judge like a political enemy. Watch out…not too many people survive the Delay attack machine…
Yo Yo Yo Yo Yo-
What a yoyo.
Charles Wilkes-
And that’s different from:
Hannity, Limbaugh, the savage weener, The Washington Times, the minnow….YOU…et al.
not too many people survive the Delay attack machine…
Politicians, perhaps. But has DeLay ever gone after a judge before? It may not be the smartest idea, especially if this one ends up hearing his case.
The truth is that Delay has been indicted and Rove and Libby will soon be.
Rujax, Headless and LiberalDave…HaHaha..deaf, dumb and dumber!
Speaking of dumb..More Air America “success” Hahaha..From last place to non-existant in the ratings. Oh yeah, mainstream America is really taking to the progressive point of view.
These are not my posts, it is the fake Mark posting as me again. Goldy! Help me!!Look up his IP address, ban him from this site! Goldy!!!!
Talk about this … she’s at it again.
IDGAF… some asshole with a gay name like “Terry.” Enough said.
At least has seized on a way to make Louisiana able to avoid the problems. Although an at-large proportional representation election done on an emergency basis for the next election in Louisiana might help get legislation proposed to give states’ the option of using it passed, or at least come up to a vote.
Attention 12-year-old Jackass @ 40:
Knock it the F**k off! Now you’re fake posting as me and saying that my real posts are fake.
GOLDY: Ban this a**hole! You know my IP and you know the e-mail I post under. This idiot doesn’t. Easy enough to know who the fake poster is.
MTR @ 28
I never said why he gave up his license or was otherwise penalized. I simply said that it was fitting considering what he did. I really don’t give a rat’s what he and Monica or anyone else did as long as both were willing participants.
Liberal @ 31
I haven’t reviewed either the budgets or the resolutions to those investigations. You will note that I DID say that they were quick to associate the President (when that might not have been warranted). From what I saw/read in the MSM, there WAS bad stuff going on. The real question you should ask is if any investigation would have been done if the Clintons weren’t (peripherally) involved. I would hope at least SOME investigation would have been done.
Real Mark – WJC was our first black president. He plays saxophone. He has his way with fugly white women. And now his ol’ lady goes to work while he stays home.
I sent my ballot in last night before the redneck mother was on the evening news complaining.
MTR @ 46 you are a racist. But of course none of you Neo-Con buddies will point that out.
Donna – I “embrace diversity” in the truest possible sense that a beeeeach like you can’t even imagine.
Hey, where’s Wabbit been lately? Who wants to be my bitch while he’s gone??
MTR Let me parse your post @ 46
Parse: A white guy was like a black guy because he plays saxophone, he has his way with fugly white women, and now his white woman go to work while he stays home.
Racist? Yes! Embracing Diversity? Uh… absolutely not.
And I am a “beeeeach”
Explain you completely transparent racist.
Sometimes I forget that Washington, for all its progressive ambitions, is also a playground for neo-nazis and flagrant racists.
It is sometimes to obvious from the TROLLS here.
Support Our American Troops!
Bring them home NOW!
Do not wait a minute.
Donna @ 56
“Secret poll.” Yeah, we oughta have LOTS of confidence in that. Be honest (for once)… if the White House published a story saying their “secret poll” showed 82% of Iraqi people felt safer with US troops there, would you go trumpeting it as the truth?
Reply to 52
Roger Rabbit is on vacation. This is an automated response. Bush takes 3 vacations a month, so why can’t Roger Rabbit take 3 vacations a month too? Why should Republicans keep all the fucking vacations for themselves?
Although Roger Rabbit is unavailable, the computer creating this message is shocked — yes SHOCKED — that Mark the Redneck is a RACIST!!! I mean, the computer knows MTR is a greedy, self-centered, right-wing bastard and all that — but RACIST??? My God, MTR is a … is a … (gasp) …
… Republican.
I want to know the mayor’s reasons for clamping down on strip clubs. I have more serious crime in my neighborhood and there are no strip clubs here. The hip-hop clubs seem much more conducive to violence. so is the message then sex is bad , violence is ok? for all intents and purposes Hard drug dealing in my neighborhood is de facto approved by the city by their lack of interest in it.
Roger @ 58
Oh, vacation… That’s better. Thought you were just a union worker leaning on your broom.
MTR: You saying that black guys only go after fugly white women? What about Seal who just had a kid produced by Heidi Klum? She ain’t fugly!!!
Shame on you MTR. I understand the reference but, you made a reference even I can’t support! Do I agree with stuckonstupiddon? No, not really!
Goldy, why haven’t you published this? Hmmm… destroys your hate Libby thoughts?
How do you know that it was consensual.did she say so i think not she had her mouth filled.
President Clinton
what are we going to do about this abortion bill. pay it
Goldy: Here is an interesting tidbit:
No one wanted to talk about the brave teachers in the Sprague-Lamont School District. I am not suprised. The WEA is scared of teachers who stand up to them.