– Sorry this was so late. I had a bit of a work emergency.
– If you want to read the Democrats’ Bengazi report, here you go. It’s a 124 page PDF, so I have not.
– I wasn’t planning on voting for Biden if he ran for President, but I still always think more people running is better, so too bad he’s not running?
– Oh look, not everyone in Ballard is the absolute worst.
Roger, anyone (but the fuck turd Puffy ball) – why don’t Democrats fight back? Why do they let Republicans control the argument and the discussion?
How the Story of Hillary Clinton’s Emails Has Changed
How boring.
Economies function to distribute resources. The results of how any particular economy carries out that function arises mostly from the rules laid down to regulate and control that economy. Under most economic rule systems the distribution of income is at least somewhat disproportionate. Usually this is the result of asymmetries in the distribution of non-monetary resources such as land, knowledge, skills, etc. The unequal distribution of income may serve a useful purpose by bidding up the value of scarce non-monetary resources thereby driving increases in the supply of those resources.
Today, in many circumstances in our highly developed post-industrial economy, the resources which are most scarce are monetary. That is, they are the products of the financial industry. And the rules of our economy create a very favored position for those in our economy who control the scarcity of those resources. The companies and individuals in control of monetary resources are highly protected by our rules. They are protected from competition. They are protected from liability. They are even protected from their own gross malfeasance and incompetence. We are frequently assured that these protections are absolutely necessary to protect our economy from even greater scarcity. But the protections as they currently exist also contribute to the scarcity of monetary resources. Banking regulators create enormous barriers to entry into the financial industry, while simultaneously doing very very little to protect the economy from misdeeds perpetrated by the existing operators in the industry.
The President has taken only very modest steps to alter these rules. And he has done so with the consistent advice and consent of major participants in and beneficiaries of the finance industry. Consider the fact that the cumulative undervaluation of the level of risk embodied in mortgage backed securities was the result of deliberate and systematic criminal fraud perpetrated by industry participants at the very highest levels. Yet not one single participant has been charged with a criminal violation.
Cops will lie and do anything in their power to escalate any situation into a Felony arrest, even if they have to make up a law out of thin air to do so.
It’s how they get raises and promotions.
Sloppy Travis Bickle,
“How boring”
That there, Squirt, is some fine projection.
@2 that was pretty boring, but not as boring as you.
You should have some fun a go do another scooter ride.
@3 and that is all Obama’s fault? We didn’t have the onset of income inequality before The Obama Administration? This income inequality, is its progression of being worse today, is it natural based on continuance of unchanged previously relatively similar policies?
Why have Republicsns shaped the argument like they have a solution and their policies are better in fixing this when they didn’t do anything when they could have from 2001 to 2008?
Is blaming income inequality like blaming democrats for global warming? Because global warming is getting worse and not better over the last 8 years, so you know the blame and accountability really should just be assigned and assessed in the last 7 years regardless of how we got here to present (sarcasm?).
Why do Republucans want to blame everything wrong in this world on Obama and or the leadership of America?
How come Angela Merkl hasn’t fixed the Middle East? Or the outgoing conservative loser in Canada? How come he hasn’t fixed the Middle East? How about Netanyahu? Isn’t he to blame for all of the problems in the Muddle East? How about Australian President? He’s not responsible for the strife in the Middle East? How about the Kuwaiti government? Aren’t they responsible for this shit? Or Saudia Arabia? The United Natuions? NATO? England’s Prime Minister?
How about this, let’s just blame Obama for everything that’s happened in the Middle East. Isn’t that a whole lot easier!
The next correction that Republucans will be making is that it was not GWB and Cheney who fucked up the Middle East like no before, but it was the Coalition of the Willing! Don’t forget Hillary voted for it, they will start to say.
Kind of like correcting that GWB kept us safe……after 9/11!
To the dimwitted Still Teabagged @8,
America was held as the leader of the free world in 2008. Now, due to Obummer and Obummer’s pals it is not. Yu see teabagged… you are too stoooooooooopid to venture out from that stoooooooooooopid e-rag adam or daily kooks or CAP to read varied opinions or truths about where America stands today. This was back in 2013. Did you read it? NOPE! Why? You are a DUMMOCRETIN DOPE! http://thediplomat.com/2013/10.....st-the-us/
Or this from NBC News… http://www.washingtontimes.com.....es-simply/
So stay stoooooooooopid Still Teabagged. It really comes naturally to you!
Meanwhile libtard judges allow criminals to have diversion programs and some #blacklivesjustdontmatter… http://nypost.com/2015/10/21/a.....-shooting/
What say you Still Teabagged @8? How about those lenient DUMMOCRETIN NYC judges?
No, it is not all The President’s fault.
I would however have preferred to see The President pursue criminal prosecutions against firms and individuals in the finance industry who have engaged in criminal fraud.
Shorter Obummer… “Yesterday, I called a meeting with my generals and I asked them how could I look like a leader? I told them I wanted to rescue those Iraqis. So I said why not use special forces. I remember how Joe Biden bragged about Seal Team Six and how I got them involved in getting Bin Laden. So I directed this special forces group under my direction to attack ISIS at this location I chose, because I thought it was a great humanitarian gesture that I felt was needed this week. I am glad I chose to do this. I am proud of the forces I directed the generals to use and I am glad to be the commander in chief where I can use the military as I choose.”
You can take heart about the state of income inequality. I just recently learned to my surprise that when Dr. Ben Carson becomes the first non-Muslim African American President he will implement a sweeping program to eliminate income inequality and empower minority households. Curiously, so far he has only shared the details of this plan with a morbidly obese thirteen year old girl who lives in her grandmother’s basement in Burien.
They don’t have any record of their own to run on. So they have to fabricate doom and gloom in order to run against it.
It plays to the shrinking angry racist lunatic base.
@1 I’ll try to respond to this, but I’m getting ready to leave for a dentist appointment. Very briefly, I think SOME inequality is okay, because some people work harder than others, invent useful things, take investment risks, etc. The pertinent questions are whether (a) inequality is getting out of hand, and (b) is a result of systemic flaws (such as exploitation) instead a reasonable reward system. (I would answer “yes” to both, which means we have a lot of work to do.) Also, there are several other layers to this, such as whether our economic system is fair and provides a sufficient safety net for competition’s losers (I say “no” to both). So it’s a very complicated question with a very complicated answer, and how you answer it pretty much defines you as liberal or conservative. Politics, after all, is largely about economics; and political conflict is mostly over who gets how much of what and why. So it’s a very important question, too, and how society answers it is one of the most important policy decisions we make, short of war or peace.
@8 “Why do Republucans want to blame everything wrong in this world on Obama and or the leadership of America?”
Because they know damn well they can’t win fair elections by honestly debating legitimate issues, because their party represents the interests of the 1% at the expense of the 99%.
So they gerrymander, suppress votes, demonize the opposition, fabricate phony scandals, lie to voters, and distract the ignorant rubes by creating “wedge” issues and “culture wars” and stirring the pot of racism, bigotry, and prejudice. It’s what you must do to win when you’re a minority party serving a tiny group of special interests.
@10 “America was held as the leader of the free world in 2008. Now, due to Obummer and Obummer’s pals it is not.”
Pure unadulterated bullshit on both counts. Chimp turned America into a despised laughingstock. Obama restored credibility and respect for America abroad. You’re just a flat-ass partisan liar parroting the Far Right’s unthinking lies and fantasies.
@16, & @1,
also, never forget that any claim, however limited, that economics is somehow like natural science in that economists study things “as they find them” and develop models to predict “natural events” is just pure bullshit. Remember that Adam Smith wrote at a time when White Europeans were conquering and subjugating much of the rest of the world for their own economic benefit. It certainly suited their consciences to pretend that there was a “natural order” to these things.
Economies, and the resulting distribution of resources, are the result of the rules we choose to govern those economies. There is no “natural order” to these rules. They are absolutely, and entirely arbitrary and of our making. If they result in the suffering of some, including “the innocent”, it is because this is how we want it even if we don’t like to admit it.
@13 Point #1: Soldiers get killed in combat. That’s the nature of the beast and part of their job. It’s a risk you take when you enlist in the military.
Point #2: Don’t put quote marks around fictional statements people didn’t make and pretend they made them. That’s dishonest. Of course, fabricating facts and quotes is nothing new for you; it’s what we’ve come to expect from you.
@11 why are the black churches being burned in Missouri? Shouldn’t that be more of a concern of yours?
@19 Economics, when practiced using scientific method and seeking objective results, studies human behavior, which is variable and unpredictable. It makes certain assumptions about human behavior, e.g., that people act in their self-interest. (They don’t always, in the real world.) Economists’ conclusions are always generalizations that may not work in specific cases. (For example, raising the price of something may increase rather than decrease demand for it, due to the foibles of human reasoning — “if it costs a lot, it must be good!”) In professional economics, there are different schools of thought, and theories that exist in parallel to each other. Making sense of economics is a complicated business, full of caveats and qualifiers and alternative explanations. And that’s even before you start mixing it with self-interest and self-serving justifications (see, e.g., minimum wage debates), partisan politics, and ideological biases.
Stocks are having a gangbusters day. Dow up 300 points. All because ECB’s Draghi promised to print more free money. Financiers love free money! My stocks are up $10,000 this morning. That works out to $1,250 an hour, with no commuting, bosses, or work. Sure beats one of those $7.25-an-hour restaurant kitchen jobs that Bickle thinks is the solution to our country’s problems. If he’s any kind of half-assed doctor at all, his salary is a lot more than mine was, so he should have a lot more investments than my half-million in stocks (and another half-million in a paid-for burrow, which together, makes me a millionaire but only just barely), and Bickle should be having one hell of a day today. If he’s any kind of capitalist at all, he’s gotta be making at least $25,000 in the stock market today. That’s the perch from which he rails against $15-an-hour jobs that require actual work. The difference between him and me is (a) I don’t pretend I deserve the loot that capitalism rains on me, and (b) I support, instead of bitterly opposing, paying a living wage to the workers who create the wealth enjoyed by leeches like him and me. By the way, my best stock today is McDonald’s, which is up over 7% and over $7 a share; I not only don’t work in a McDonald’s, I don’t eat their crappy food either, I just collect the dividends from the profits produced by their underpaid workers and overcharged customers. Sure, it bothers my conscience (but probably not Bickle’s, because he doesn’t have one); but I didn’t create this system, I’m just a cork floating on the ocean waves, going wherever the tide takes me. I have no control over McDonald’s pay practices, and if I did, every McDonald’s employee in America would be making $15 an hour right now. I would much rather have justice for workers than fatter dividend deposits to my brokerage account.
Appreciate the responses (Puffy go fuck yourself) and additional insight.
But I just think Democrats should be doing a better job in their discussion and respond to Republican’s footnote that Obamas economy is nill due to income inequality.
We’ve gone from an agricultural to industrial manufacturing to now service economy. Not that I don’t think anything can be done to better the disparity, but maybe it’s just the way we are evolving and have a changing economy.
as to this point about how Dems are responding to these dog whistles, I imagine it is to avoid engaging in a blood letting among Democrats during a Presidential election.
For most of the last seven years Teapublicans have refused to even acknowledge inequality. Now suddenly it exists and they want to blame it on The President? Their own polling indicates there is very widespread frustration cutting across party and ideological lines. So the campaigns must acknowledge it in order to appear to care and connect (despite the fact that none of these people have been in a grocery store or bought gas in decades). And there is a clear distinction between Sanders and Clinton when it comes to economic policy. A divisive conflict over economic policy between Sanders and Clinton would serve GOP purposes. So it’s difficult to formulate a response to the bullshit, that avoids opening up such a conflict to later exploitation by the GOP. It’s a low wage recovery. Clinton voters are taking shitty jobs in retail and warehousing. Sanders voters are taking unpaid internships, contract positions, and temp jobs. Republicans would like to see those voters go to war.
Income inequality is being made worse by technologies destroying working class jobs like uber turning driving into piece work or Airbnb and they get the profits but pay none of the taxes or support costs. It’s brilliant!
Wages that high? Boberino must being goin’ socialist. Next thing you know the fiend will be purring about Bernie Sanders.
“Tipped wages” without the tips is the true cheap labor klownservatic mentality. And tax them on top of that! It’s only “fair”.. Share the pain! For the good of “all”. The deficit! The debt! Shivers!
Trey Gowdy is making a jackass of himself!
A babbling jackass! Damn what is it with teapots and babbling jackassery?
So they gerrymander, suppress votes, demonize the opposition, fabricate phony scandals, lie to voters, and distract the ignorant rubes by creating “wedge” issues and “culture wars” and stirring the pot of racism, bigotry, and prejudice. It’s what you must do to win when you’re a minority party serving a tiny group of special interests.
Exactly what DUMMOCRETINS are doing to stay relevant even though the “hip millennials” at Vox are telling the truth: Democrats are in denial. Their party is actually in deep trouble.
PuddyCommentary: Butt of course, per certain HA DUMMOCRETINS Puddy only believes 10% of Puddy posts on the HA DUMMOCRETINS horsesASS manure site! So Puddy will let the “hip millennials” at Vox display the FACTS for Puddy! http://www.vox.com/2015/10/19/.....ep-trouble
See the truth for yourselves ya morons!
(Puffy go fuck yourself) why thanks Soiled Teabagg! Seems you perfected this process explain it to every one!
Meanwhile it was great to hear Elijah Cummings from that great crime city of Baltimore implode over the Blumenthal emails Clinton let out. Remember she asked the State Department to release ALL of her emails!
Butt remember Sid Blumenthal had her secret email address while her Libyan Ambassador Christopher Stevens (RIP) didn’t! Very telling revelation! Of course this will not make the national libtard LIV news this week!
It’s in the public record Sid Vicious Blumenthal worked for Media Morons, the Clinton Crime Family Foundation, and was Clinton’s go to guy in Libya while Obummer told Clinton not to hire or use Sid Vicious Blumenthal whatsoever!
Great TV and Radio!
You see HA DUMMOCRETINS this is not about any email scandal. This is about Heilary and her leadership when that 3AM call came in! http://www.realclearpolitics.c.....eople.html
PuddyCommentary: DUMMOCRETINS went…
Heilary Clinton: “If you were to be in my office in the State Department, I didn’t have a computer…”
Wow. Butt, she had one in Chappaqua though!
Rachel MadCow’s head exploded… http://www.realclearpolitics.c.....ngton.html
Yet she cheers hip hip hooray when any partisan hearing is on Republicans. Go back and review her shows when the Bush administration people were being investigated!
Yeah sure Rachel!
Remember Heilary tells the families at the Dover Air Base where the DEAD BODIES of the 4 Americans that this was a video when Heilary told the Egyptian Prime Minister and the Libyan President it was a terrorist attack!
Yet the contradictions and FACTS are completely irrelevant on DUMMOCRETIN libtard msm news tonight!
LIAR… LIAR, LIAR http://www.metrolyrics.com/lia.....night.html
Puddy forgot for Rachel’s head exploding…
Hey Fuckwad!
Care to share any more scintillating details about Carson’s top secret plan to redistribute income to minority households?
I’m just so excited about this! And so are my neighbors! Especially the older, paler ones!
Puddy repeating lies over and over and in all caps and with swear words still doesn’t make it true! Sorry!
In other news Obummer cntinue to demonstrate he hates the military… The National Defense Authorization Act was vetoed!
Carson’s top secret plan to redistribute income to minority households?
Hey horsesASS manure pusher… Carson isn’t offering income redistribution; jackASS! That’s your bud… Bernie Sanders.
DAYUM U B stoooooooooopid!
What lies? Puddy delivered Heilary’s own words! Your libtard sites are not covering her Benghazi emails? Oh you were looking for the FBI email scandal?
You can’t handle the TRUTH!
crooks and liars – babbling about nuthin… just some useless DUMMOCRETIN twits!
daily kooks – It’s all about the $4.5 Million
politicususa – It’s all about Republican signatures…
DAYUM there is none of her testimony on these sites… Gotta keep them LIVs!
Sure, economics is a science. So’s poker.
GOP efforts to deny the Benghazi hearings are a partisan effort to bring down Hillary Clinton aren’t working. A CNN poll shows 3/4 of the public believes the hearings are politically motivated. That means even a lot of Republicans don’t believe their own party’s denials.
@2 News flash: Nobody cares.
@27 Their concept of sharing is they get the tax cuts and we get the pain.
What about the words “slush fund” oh excuse me “overseas contingency fund” does this klownservatic moron troll not understand?
Did the fiend’s beloved empty suit it voted for twice ever sign such a means of funding the government?
Hmmm. Ok where’s the transcript of Blumenthal’s testimony before the committee?
Fallacious argument fool @47!
Fool @46,
The bill had bipartisan support in both chambers. Obummer hates the military!
What a tard this 46@fool@46 is!
I don’t understand conservative logic. Since democrats investigated bush and cheney for lying and making stuff up about yellow cake to invade Iraq, that justifies republicans lying and making stuff up to hold s hearings on Hillary Clinton over Bengazi?
Got proof moronic twit@50? What lies?
Still dwelling on left wrong puke sites!
Ultimately they will always be trying to smear away the dirty, corrupt shit stain of Nixon in whatever way they can.
All they gotta do is appropriate in the way they did in the empty suit days.
There was bi-partisan support for that. The troll is promulgating falsehoods yet again.
The troll sucks!
HAHAHAHA! Klownservatics think Blumenthal is some kind of bad guy.
So why don’t they publish the transcripts of Blumenthal’s testimony before this bullshit committee? What are they afraid of?
The idiot troll can’t deal with the truth! The truth scaeeeeres it.
Still dwelling on Blumenthal clueless idiot@54? Gowdy deeeeeestroyed Elijah Cummings purposeful deflection. The Blumenthal emails were from Heilary’s stash.
“I have said repeatedly I want those emails out”
Now we see them in action! Still a fallacious argument!
LMAO! Exactly what the idiot troll was doing @30 and @31!
Wow. The troll can’t quote from the Blumenthal testimony before the committee. Gotta be a smoking gun in there somewhere right idiot troll?
Let’s see you quote from it! Can’t do that, right dumbass troll?
Wait for it… The idiot troll will try to change the subject yet again.
The clueless_moronic_twit@53 is promulgating falsehoods yet again.
Really it is!
Sux to be a clueless_moronic_twit@53!
Your honor, there is no pulse in that one! Dead from the neck up! An empty suit!
Tells nothing save that you’re a fool.
You have family friends that have your email address right babbling jackass?
Of course not! How can something so repellent have a friend in this world?
Ambassador Stevens communicated through channels same as any ambassador who worked back in Condi’s day. Wasn’t that good enough for Condi?
@57 Yawwwn… Yeah increases in domestic pork defense spending through a “overseas contingency fund” to avoid sequestration rules.
And there was no klownservatic Republican votes for sequestration? Makes sense.
Trainwreck like checkmate! Claimed it wasn’t bipartisan. Oh oh change the topic!
Caught in a LIE again!
Sux to be so stoooooooooooopid 24×7!
Republicans hate Blumenthal’s guts because he blew the whistle on their criminal negligence leading up to 9/11/01:
“Bush’s approach in most situations seemed a reactive combination of calculations to avoid his father’s mistakes and to reject Clinton’s policies. This was especially clear in international affairs: in his first nine months he reversed Clinton’s policy toward China, proclaiming it no longer a ‘strategic partner’ but a ‘strategic competitor’; in the Middle East, by withdrawing U.S. involvement in the negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians; toward Korea, by abandoning the negotiated accord that had frozen the North’s nuclear program and by humiliating President Kim of South Korea, who was promoting North-South reconciliation, during his March 2001 visit to the White House, contributing to a wave of anti-Americanism in a country that was among the staunchest American allies; by withdrawing U.S. support from the Kyoto treaty on global warming; and by forsaking Clinton’s efforts to address the dangers of international terrorism.
“During the transition between administrations, National Security Adviser Sandy Berger arranged several extensive briefings on this last subject for Bush’s incoming national security adviser, Condoleeza Rice, and others on the Bush team, including Vice President Cheney. One briefing lasted half a day. Berger told them that Osama bin Laden was an ‘existential threat’ and told them that he wanted ‘to underscore how important this issue is.’ In another briefing, Richard Clarke, head of counterterrorism in the NSC, the single most knowledgeable expert in the government, gave them a complete tutorial on the subject. In yet another briefing, CIA officials were brought in to go over all the intelligence available on terrorism.
“Don Kerrick, a three-star general and outgoing deputy national security adviser, overlapped for four months with the new Bush people. He submitted a memo for the new National Security Council warning of the danger of terrorism. ‘We are going to be struck again,’ he wrote. But as Kerrick explained to me, he received no answer to his memo. ‘They didn’t respond,’ he said. ‘They never responded. It was not high on their priority list. I was never invited to one meeting. They never asked me to do anything. They were not focusing. They didn’t see terrorism as the big megaissue that the Clinton administration saw it as. They were concentrated on what they thought were higher priorities than terrorism.’ The Principals meeting of national security officials took up terrorism only once, after constant pressure from Clarke, on September 4, 2001, and at that meeting they discussed using unmanned Predator drone spy aircraft, but no decision was made. ‘Unfortunately,’ said Kerrick, ‘September 11 gave them something to focus on.’”
— Sidney Blumenthal, “The Clinton Wars” (New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 2003), pp. 797-798.
It’s admitted Clinton NEVER talked to Stevens after he arrived in Libya! The lady congresswoman got that out of her! It was sweeeeeeeeeeet questioning! Heilary admitted that she DIDN’T SEE HIS SECURITY REQUESTS!
Another EPIC FAYLE clueless_moronic_twit@58
Oh the Roger senile appears with thoroughly debunked material! Obummer told Heilary NOT to interact with Blumenthal. She ignored her black boss, The Obummer! Now why would you purposely ignore your black boss? Disrespect!
You create your own email server so your black boss is kept in the dark. Now why would she ignore her black boss? Disrespect!
That’s why Jamie Gorelick was on the committee!
Sux to be so senile.
So far the babbling jackass’s head has exploded 22 times. One would think that Trey Gowdy just handed Clinton the presidency. Oh, wait, he just did. Way to blow it, wingnuts.
Love how the batshit crazy loon has been left to babble Blumenthal’s name. They call it the Alinsky syndrome. Time to call the guys in the white coats again!
In other news, the Democratic-run FCC is cracking down on greedy companies that gouge prison inmates and their families for phone calls
and a “long-time Paul family associate” has been convicted by a Kansas jury on charges related to an endorsement-buying scheme:
Now this is very revealing about the libtards at Google! http://fortune.com/2015/10/22/.....-creators/
Yours truly made no such claim. A stupid troll was lying about a TWO TERM President merely rejecting an end-run around the sequestration.
Fix the sequestration.
Bi-partisan? Where’s the 290 votes in the klown House to override the veto?
You know Triple Pressure Steve has nothing @64. He shows everyone the Triple Pressure Problem! Ad hominem all the time!
Now it is claiming it didn’t write this in #53:
It did make that claim. BIG TIME LYING! The link for the bill proves that!
Sux to be you!
[Spilled Content Deleted]
Make that 25. Seeing as how Republicans really blew it today, it’ll be hard to keep up, I’m sure.
Damn! Hillary was poised in front of that bullshit committee.
Hey I don’t support her. I don’t trust her on Wall Street and her foreign policy will be more of the same: drones, jsoc, etc. Maybe a touch worse.
But if she’s the nominee, I’ll vote for her without hesitation. Way better than any of those klownservatic kooks running opposed.
Ben Carson says if he’s elected president he’ll sic speech police on colleges to ensure rightwingers get equal time on campuses.
That’s right troll. You’re a liar. You LIED about a TWO TERM President’s motivations.
And if the opposition to the veto is so “bi-partisan” it shouldn’t be a problem to override the veto.
But it is a problem and you’re just a LIAR! YOU SUCK!
At least one Republican congressman apparently expects Hillary to win next November, because he’s already ready to start impeachment proceedings against her.
I’ll be sure to highlight that one as I attend my state GOP convention tomorrow. So far the reactions I’ve been getting to Carson have been pretty flat. They seem fairly uncomfortable talking about him. But I’m not giving up. I hope they’ll be excited to hear about how Dr. Carson plans to use the Dept of Ed to suppress political dissent at our colleges and universities! And his plans to “tackle” racism and target economic opportunity for minority households are bound to be big crowd pleasers too!
Meanwhile millions of Cable viewers are cuttin gtheir ESPN and other programming. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/early-lead/wp/2015/10/22/espn-layoffs-will-gut-the-networks-production-staff/
Some of it the libtard leaning of ESPN with their stances on issues. People vote with their pocketbook. This comes almost 2.5 years after their last layoff…
@76 “Some of it the libtard leaning of ESPN with their stances on issues.”
I don’t watch TV, so I don’t keep up on these things, but isn’t ESPN a sports channel? Are rightwing turds like Puddy politicizing sports now? They’ve already done it to a kid who made a clock as a science project.
Mexico is about to get hit by the most powerful hurricane ever seen in the Western hemisphere. Global warming? Nah …
Two more Responsible Gun Owners (TM, pat. pend., dripping with sarcasm), another campus shooting.
A battery of former Republican prosecutors cross-examined Hillary for 11 hours on Thursday, and got absolutely nothing for all their trouble. Bring on the election!
Parallel worlds. Reading liberal and conservative websites and listening to progressive and conservative talk radio, there are two parallel worlds, one where Hillary Clinton stood up to the bullies and came out vindicated and the other where she was a train wreck. In conservative world, Hillary was still a lying terrible person, the republicans just didn’t find the right way to ask the questions YET to get her to peal open her skin and show she is a really a lizard person or something. And so on.
Yeah, that hurricane looks to be awful. But it’s just coincidence that the world keeps having them with greater frequency. So says conservatives. oh… and it’s Obama’s fault. …And the gays. The gays caused the hurricanes.
Only a conservative could look at ESPN’s situation
“A decline in subscribers as customers trim their cable bills, coupled with rising content costs and increased competition, has ESPN in belt-tightening mode, people familiar with the situation say.”
and filter it through their “ESPN said something liberal once” filter and proclaim that ESPN is losing customers for being too liberal. What a world of partisan fear conservatives must live in.
“People vote with their pocketbook. ”
Yeah, cable costs too much for people working for conservative approved minimum wage to afford and or they are getting their sports info from the cheaper internet.
I don’t watch TV, so I don’t keep up on these things, but isn’t ESPN a sports channel? Are rightwing turds like Puddy politicizing sports now?
Here are the identified Roger senile memory issues:
Oh so you forgot the cornball brother comment on RG III?
Oh you forgot the Michael Sam comments?
Oh you forgot how Curt Schilling was suspended for tweeting about extermists?
Oh you forgot the ESPN reporter Britt McHenry episode. She was only suspended and for only a week, after her mean-spirited verbal attack on a towing company employee went viral.
Those immediately came up! And many more!
Here is a Heilary picture she wishes to be hidden… https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xat1/v/t1.0-9/12143220_975816905817566_18583919817635058_n.jpg?oh=0e887c8b260cc88496bb1263423b33c3&oe=56C1DE73
Yeah, that hurricane looks to be awful. But it’s just coincidence that the world keeps having them with greater frequency. – Moron@82
Really? Drinking the kook-aid again?
http://www.wunderground.com/hurricane/at2015.asp And you can navigate backwards being as backwards as evah in your thinking…
“Storm went from 35mph to 200mph in less THEN A FREAKING DAY! Go look at the intensification charts if you do not believe me.
People this was a tropical storm yesterday morning. This is freaking scary.
ahh what the puddy care? the Puget Sound area is fine.
Jimmy The Greek said mean things and that’s why Two And A Half Men was cancelled.
[Spilled content deleted]
UH… UH… UH.. oops. Excuse me.
Lather, rinse, repeat. And always dilute!
If Heilary Clinton was responsible for sending Chris Stevens to be ambassador and responsible for the building he worked in, why was she not responsible for his safety and security?
The NYT and even a few of the slightly less obtuse Republicans are finally catching on to the scam.
Timmmeeehhh has him some catching up to do.
Keep tithing, Fuckwads!
Lib the UnScientist… And that has what to do with ESPN laying off another 300 people because they are losing $Millions due to people cutting their subscriptions?
Standard libtard train wreck!
Funny.. Puddy didn’t see you in Louisiana or Mississippi cleaning up after Katrina!
Meanwhile Lincoln Chafee sez see ya!
Fuckwad, there’s no such thing as a subscription to ESPN. Okay?
Murphy Brown is not an actual real person. Neither is your “girlfriend” from Canada. And you can’t make a parachute out of your Spiderman bed sheet.
ESPN functions as a middleman in that ancient and dying universe of conventional teevee that Fuckwads like you watch. They neither produce, nor distribute the original content. They schedule it, package it, surround it with CG, accompany it with teleprompted mesomorphs dressed in their communion suits, and then resell it to distributors and sponsors. Please don’t bother linking to uninformed bullshit from Forbes or the WSJ. These are media companies stuck in the ’50s who still don’t comprehend the differences between the various forms of content distribution (they use expressions like “watching teevee on the internet” ???).
You are probably referring to cord cutting. But it’s anyone’s guess since you are a Fuckwad, and thus are unable to cobble together a rational thought, much less communicate one in writing. Feel free to revise your bullshit as usual. Try this: ratings. ESPN is dropping in ratings in primetime. This is true and accurate.
Oh, and if you pay a monthly subscription for video programming…
tithe harder, Fuckwad!
I don’t see why Tea Party con men should be the only ones getting rich off the tithing of Fuckwads. With careful planing and the right sequence of incorporation and registrations it ought to be possible to create a series of campaigns posing as Teahadis attacking “moderate” Republicans in swing districts like Reichert, and then funnel the money into the Democratic opposition.
Or is this already happening?
Gotta go. Time to go get in line for convention credentials. I hope these folks are as excited about Carson as I am!
@92. Picking up the pieces after a hurricane is not the same as accepting that man made climate change is causing hurricane to be more common or more intense or both and that we should discuss if we want to do anything about it.
@94. Nice post.
The First Robot Operated Hospital in North America Has Finally Opened
“In addition to being equipped with the most advanced technologies, robots currently man several areas of the facility. This includes the radiology area where they facilitate the X-Ray procedure and the chemotherapy area where they mix, prepare, and monitor the drugs being administered to the patients.”
Read more at: http://futurism.com/links/the-.....its-doors/
What do you make of this? The photos looks really sparse. Wonder if it could handle ebola patients?
Puddy, there’s no such thing as a subscription to ESPN. Okay?
Well lib the UNscientist – https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=cable%20subscriptions
Seems NPR disagrees with lib the UNscientist…
DAYUM U B stoooooooooooopid!
Seems you know about as much on this subject as the clueless crazed databaze deala knows about database programming…
Seems you know about as much on this subject as Roger senile has lucid thoughts anymore! And we know how Roger senile’s senility is getting worse!
man made climate change
Seems the data doesn’t back you up! You claimed the # of hurricanes are increasing. Puddy blew that apart…
Soon the Triple Pressure Packed Pinhead (TPPP) will appear!
Tell you what Fuckwad.
Call your provider and try to cancel just ESPN. Then get back to us and let us know how that went.
Till then, babble on Fuckwad.
Almost time for us to take our seats. I’m sitting with some Republican Women. That seems sort of weird to me. Like a women’s auxiliary to an animal club. Meh. I sure hope they are as excited about Carson as I am. Can’t wait.
@100 looking forward to your observations of the republicans.
Whew! Freed for an hour.
Mostly so far the ladies sitting around me are just complaining about the cost to attend. Room rates, luncheon, banquet, etc. They’re mostly from agricultural communities and I’m delighted to report that they like the food and prices at Shari’s. If you don’t know what that is, just picture a Denny’s sunk into a bunker. Then add pie.
Expect LOOOOOONG howls fromt the right.
“Poor Management is not a crime.”
All those revelations that were going to come of finally putting Lois Lerner on trial.
Up in smoke
“Up in smoke”
Nice cap to a very bad week for wingnuts. They can’t seem to win for losing, and it’s all self-inflicted.