– If we only had more corporate criminals, just think of how much energy we could produce — JEB!, probably.
– Maybe the anti-gay, anti-birth control, head of an all male hierarchy that’s still protecting child rapists, who supported a dictatorship in his home country and came to the US specifically to canonize a man who set up missions that were just awful to the Native Americans might not be as progressive as we’d thought? #slatepitch
– When I was a kid I always hated having to get up so early for school, but as an adult, I assume it’s to do with parent’s schedules. So here’s hoping workplaces can also be accommodating.
– I had never noticed that the clocks downtown had IIII instead of IV, but at least there’s an apocryphal story to go with it.
Obummer VA hasn’t changed on bit… http://www.foxnews.com/politic.....p=trending
Can’t bring cell phones because the abuse of our veterans under Obummer’s sadministration would still be exposed!
Australia confiscated 650,000 guns. Murders and suicides plummeted. http://bit.ly/1P9ajMt
Retweeted by Goldy
Hey it’s Journolist crap so gotta repeat it!
First Australians don’t have a Second Amendment right to own guns.
Second the criminals didn’t give back their guns!
Third regarding gun violence if strict gun laws mean no mass casualty massacres in schools, movie theatres or malls, how does Obummer explain since he brought up Britain also:
Britain’s Cumbria, Dunblane or Monkseaton mass killings. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cumbria_shootings
Thanks Goldy
Hey Fuckwad!
You really think this is a good plan? Running your game against a guy who is not a candidate? I wonder what that would look like flipped around? Is there a recent Teahadist Presidential record we could reference? Oh yeah. The one who fucked the dog, committed our children to perpetual war, blew up the economy, created a permanent surveillance state, flooded New Orleans, gave nukes to North Korea, blew out the federal budget, and still could not manage to impose one single school prayer, prevent one single flag burning, gay wedding, or abortion. Yup. That guy. Quite a record to run against.
Goldy @GoldyHA
Seattle’s unemployment rate falls to 3.15%, while August to August CPI stands near zero. Explain that, inflation hawks.
Is there an August to August CPI covering only Seattle? Or are you using the MSA figure – that’s what you call “bullshitty” in a recent piece – to claim that?
Is 3% near zero? That’s (2.9%, actually) the area MSA CPI less energy. What would the CPI be if it were Seattle only, and included the steep increase in the cost of shelter? After all, excluding shelter, the MSA actually experienced a period of subtle deflation.
Try a less bullshitty approach to measuring CPI in the city of Seattle and you’ll find that CPI is well above that of the rest of the country.
Of course any suggestion that higher wages force higher CPI wouldn’t sound as good.
Roger the senile Wabbit said all one needs to perform is to find one faulty point and the argument goes
gave nukes to North Korea – William Jefferson Clinton… of course your forgot Madeline Halfbright right?
created a permanent surveillance state – Didn’t Obummer run against this and then made the NSA more formidable?
EPIC FAYLE lib the unscientist! Go back to your original name!
Sux to be you!
‘Sense of regret’ in Vatican over pope meeting with gay marriage opponent
Davis said on Wednesday that the pope had thanked her for her courage and told her to “stay strong”, adding that knowing that he agreed with what she was doing “kind of validates everything”.
While Lombardi declined to take questions on the incident, his assistant, Canadian priest Father Tom Rosica, laid the blame on the Vatican embassy in Washington, saying it had underestimated the impact of Davis’s presence at the reception.
Probably not unlike Hillary’s sense of regret for past positions on some things:
Of course, Hillary’s got Better to run interference for her. So no worries.
According to a careful analysis of data on mass shootings (using the widely accepted definition of at least four killed), the Congressional Research Service found that there are, on average, just over 20 incidents annually. More important, the increase in cases, if there was one at all, is negligible.
Four killed? Hell, of late
that’s just a slow weekend in Chicago.
That dog won’t hunt, boy. And it don’t matter where you bought him.
If a single blow fails to land in an early round, that don’t make you any less knocked out at the bell.
Can you hear me, Fuckwad? What day is it? How many fingers am I holding up? (I’ll give you a hint: only one)
@6? Bob, I’m supporting Bernie Sanders as my first choice. Donno what you are babbling about. I will only vote for Hillary because she better than any republican running.
Try and spin in all you want. Doesn’t change the truth. But by bob logic, we should do nothing.
Nothing will change until we elect different people that listen to the public more than the NRA.
Using numbers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, we found that from 2004 to 2013, 316,545 people died by firearms on U.S. soil. (2013 is the most recent year CDC data for deaths by firearms is available.) This data covered all manners of death, including homicide, accident and suicide.
According to the U.S. State Department, the number of U.S. citizens killed overseas as a result of incidents of terrorism from 2004 to 2013 was 277.
In addition, we compiled all terrorism incidents inside the U.S.* and found that between 2004 and 2013, there were 36 people killed in domestic acts of terrorism. This brings the total to 313.
There is an unwritten American rule that the aftermath of a mass shooting is the wrong time to talk about gun control.
Is the aftermath of a terrorist attack the wrong time to talk about security?
Is following a car crash the wrong time to talk about seat belts?
Just wondering….
@ 11
I’d first suggest that there’s a difference between talking and babbling, Better.
Obama might not be all that happy about the politicization comment he made yesterday. It’s what happens when one speaks first and thinks second.
So if a partisan president is going to politicize a tragedy, and half the country opposes him, and overturning the Second Amendment is going to require support of well beyond half of the country, where do you start?
Probably not by saying you’re going to politicize a tragedy.
That is the usual argument I expect from bob.
I’m proud of the president and his focused anger and frustration. This endless tragedy has to stop.
What part of sensible gun legislation is too hard for you to understand?
Never mind, I have neither the time or crayons to explain this to you.
The tragedy is that these random, unprovoked mass shootings have become so commonplace and predictable.
But I honestly have begun to wonder if this is because we actually want it this way.
@1 There are lots of valid reasons why a crowded medical facility might not want to let patients inflict their cell phones on each other, e.g., to discourage them from killing each other in the waiting room.
@2 Criminals with guns are much less of a problem than morons with guns. There are only so many criminals with guns. I actually have yet to meet one. OTOH, morons with guns are ubiquitous.
@4 Ah yes, Low Wage Bob is back, and blaming Seattle rents on a $15/hr minimum wage that hasn’t gone into effect yet.
@7 So, Chicago’s gang carnage makes school massacres OK? Is that what you’re saying? Maybe restricting gun access would solve both. Other countries (see, e.g., Canada) with stricter gun laws don’t seem to have either problem like we do.
So — a depressed and angry person who admired the IRA and thought it’s cool to become famous by spilling blood had 13 guns, all obtained legally. What does that tell you about our gun laws?
In another shining example of a well-run red state, Florida juvie guards offer underfed kids candy and food to beat, torment, and kill each other.
Meanwhile, in Kansas, Republicans are up to their old voter registration purging tricks.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Millions of Americans have fought, and many have died, for our freedoms. but Republicans fight to take away the most basic freedom of all, your right to vote. Why does anyone vote for these traitors?
From the previous thread, the babbling jackass babbled:
Of course he did. An devout ORTHODOX JEW would NEVER eat off the PLATE that ham has been served on.
Sux to be your power craving FOOL Carson.
Sux to be you carrying water for the idiot!
@20 i know puddy will try to blame the guards on liberals , but it seems to be just corrupt authority thugs torturing the powerless. That’s not a liberal or conservative value, that evil! I hope they all get convicted of murder.
To carry things a little further on one of Shecky Greene’s old jokes, maybe the Romans changed the letters used for “four” so when Caesar made a wild golf shot he’d only have to holler “Eye-Vee”. By the time he’d have shouted “Eye-Eye-Eye-Eye” the ball would have already landed on some poor sucker’s noggin.
Esquire Mag’s running a piece about the Pope/Kim Davis thing that dwells (well, actually wallows) in the possibilities of Vatican intrigue. Andrew Greeley no doubt could have done an even snarkier job, but since he’s no longer with us this will do.
@25 The Davis team’s little publicity stunt seems to be blowing up in their faces. (Keep in mind that Davis isn’t a Catholic; they’re just using the Pope.) First, the Vatican issues a statement explicitly disavowing any endorsement of Davis’s zany God-vs-law position. Then, the Vatican says the ONLY private audience the Pope had in Washington DC was with a former Argentine student and his partner — not exactly an endorsement of gay marriage, but sure looks like a kick to Davis’s shin. So, her attempt to exploit the Pope is backfiring bigtime.
It won’t surprise me if it turns out Davis was talked into this by glib lawyers with an agenda, and when she’s not useful to them anymore, they’ll throw her aside, and then she’ll go on TV and cry about how she didn’t want all this bad publicity and got used by the city slickers.
Just so I have this straight…
Saying in the wake of a mass shooting, “We need to look at our gun laws because this shit just keeps hapening and we do nothing.” -Politicizing a tradgedy.
Pointing out that the solution is more guns, “This always seems to happen in gun free zones.” OR State Sen Jeff Kruse (Bonus for stupidity as Oregon has a strong concealed carry allowance so it wasn’t even a gun free zone) and going on and on on Fox News about same gun free zones – Not Politizizing a tragedy.
Makes perfect sense.
That dog won’t hunt, boy. And it don’t matter where you bought him.
Awww poor lib the unscientist. Now back to calling black men boys again! Shame shame! Typical libtard!
Lib the Unscientist disagrees with Roger the senile idiot Wabbit. So the argument put forth from the senile one makes him an IDIOT? Well Puddy does agree about the IDIOT part. Butt his argument still stands. And you can stick that finger up your arschloch and check for your single brain cell. It left long ago!
Oregon is open carry. We all agree. What y’all can’t get through your thick skulls are these facts about Umpqua Community College:
1) Their one security guard was unarmed.
2) Their buildings were/are gun free zones no matter about Oregon’s open carry law.
3) The killer knew this EXPLICITLY!
4) Yesterday Puddy posted UCC’s building rules from their own web site.
The teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla didn’t comprehend these FACTS. Maybe you can help him worser!
Do you need a sledge hammer next?
Of course he did. An devout ORTHODOX JEW would NEVER eat off the PLATE that ham has been served on.
Back in September you claimed Ben ate ham. Wanna revisit that horsesASS manure from your arschloch again?
And you know this pate had ham on it from what clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch? More gas from your arschloch?
BTW, Triple S still has not disavowed the use of raw story promoting the lie about the Louisiana cop being a KKK member.
That’s why you are known as Triple S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN! Triple S Is Batshit Insane! Becoming the dumbest of the left wrong dummies!
The triple concentration between Triple S’ ears and the additional pressure behind Triple S’ eyes are causing further damage to the psyche and soul of Triple S. Now Triple S can’t read and comprehend FACTS anymore. You really have it triple concentration!
Sux to be so stoooooooooooopid all the time. Was it that goat hind leg kick that made you the dumb mofo you are now Triple S? He didn’t like your rear approach?
– During today’s 12-minute address, President Obama referred to himself 28 times. (For those counting at home, that’s almost three times per minute.)
Watch Triple S head explode!
And this bit of stupidity never occurs to you:
A sane person would wonder why a campus that sits on 100 Acres and has 16 different buildings only has the resources (or chooses) to hire a single security guard?
A not incridble asshole wouldn’t make the connection that an armed security guard would have made a single bit of difference as the odds of that guard being in the right part of those 100 acres and in the right building of the 16 and on the right floor of the right building at any given moment of the day are quite astounding.
But then Piddles makes the connection between an unarmed security guard and deaths at the school so…
Here’s an overhead view of the campus.I don’t know which of those buildings the shooting occured but ponder how long it would take an armed guard to get to either of the large buildings from any of the three at the bottom right in the image either by golf cart or foot or in a car around the perimiter?
Yeah, armed guard would have made all the difference. Asshole. But then, it’s not political to say more guns would have made a difference even when your own claim, only one guard, proves you are wrong.
Chuck Norris could have taken the shooter with one side burn tied behind his back.
John Ellis Bush on mass shootings: “Hey, shit happens.” Shrug.
By the way, the shooter was a die-hard conservative Republican who was fascinated with the Irish Republican Army, conspiracy theories, mass shootings and firearms.
I’m wondering if he was an Odinist, like Tim Mcveigh. He posted several rants on 4Chan over the last few weeks and was active on that site the day before the shooting although that thread is long gone.
Sounds like he’s one of yours, Schizo.
Would you rather I called you a Tom?
Just as fitting. Tithe harder, Fuckwad!
Chuck Norris is over 75. I’m pretty sure I could take him with just a paper towel and some quick footwork. I have a total gym.
But that’s pretty damn funny.
So, apparently there were several people carrying firearms in the school that day, and they made the decision not to interfere based on the fact that they knew that the Police wouldn’t be able to tell them apart from the Killer. The school was not a “gun-free zone” as the liars continue to say, but carrying weapons on campus was discouraged, as the administration believed that their school should be a place for education and shouldn’t be an armed encampment.
Man, when I was a kid, many of the guys kept rifles and shotguns in their gunracks and nobody batted an eye. But then, they weren’t the type of folks that would whip them out and wave them around when people looked at them funny.
When Chuck Norris hits the gym,
the gym falls down and does not get up.
How many of you called your legislators up and down the food chain as well as you party bosses and found out what they were doing to enact reasonable gun safety reforms?
Did you call their donors and patrons?
@39 exactly,
Go here and donate.
Money probably has more influence, but calling felt really good
What is it about Florida attracting the worst authority abusers
So, apparently there were several people carrying firearms in the school that day, and they made the decision not to interfere based on the fact that they knew that the Police wouldn’t be able to tell them apart from the Killer. The school was not a “gun-free zone” as the liars continue to say, but carrying weapons on campus was discouraged, as the administration believed that their school should be a place for education and shouldn’t be an armed encampment.
ABSOLUTE Baloney above. Puddy put forth the actual history in Douglass County regarding open carry and their county board decisions and the school decisions. This above proves the vomit producer and others don’t read anything except left wrong web sites! EVAH!
HorsesASS manure eaters on the left wrong side…
The school’s own web site said guns not permitted INSIDE THE BUILDINGS. Puddy gave the web site link. Read it FOOLS!
DAYUM y’all are stooooooooopid!
A sane person would wonder why a campus that sits on 100 Acres and has 16 different buildings only has the resources (or chooses) to hire a single security guard?
Did you read the past community college president’s commentary yesterday ya moron?
Well you are insane dr checkmate so your blather is as worthless as evah! Crackerjack dr at best!
Soooooooooooooo now we know the Oregon shooter was a registered Independent… http://redalertpolitics.com/20.....epublican/
raw story BULLSHITTIUM of course!
Triple S – stooooooooooopid as evah!
That’s why you are known as Triple S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN! Triple S Is Batshit Insane! Becoming the dumbest of the left wrong dummies!
The triple concentration between Triple S’ ears and the additional pressure behind Triple S’ eyes are causing further damage to the psyche and soul of Triple S. Now Triple S can’t read and comprehend FACTS anymore. You really have it triple concentration!
Sux to be so stoooooooooooopid all the time. Was it that goat hind leg kick that made you the dumb mofo you are now Triple S? He didn’t like your rear approach?
First the Louisiana policeman was KKK – WRONG
Second the shooter was Republican – WRONG
So wrong for so long is Triple S because Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN!
CBS, Raw Story, Mediate, Heavy, The Daily Beast were all wrong!
Where did the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit run to? CBS! Looks like early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit saw BS!
Claimed they were “credible”!
Thanks for playing lib the unscientist. Your racist intent well noted!
This crazed mofo target Christians and you left wrong libtard freakazoids have no issue with that!
Of course Obummer didn’t discuss this either in Obummer’s “gun commentary”. In fact Obummer never brings up Christian items unless forced to!
Now why? You all went nutzo when Dylann Roof targeted Christians in a church. This moron targets Christians in a secular community college.
No problem for HA DUMMOCRETINS… Very telling you forked tongue FOOLS!
BTW Dylann Roof wanted to go to a college butt the school had ARMED guards there. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new.....eboys.html
Wow, can’t find nuthin on HA DUMMOCRETINS about this FACT!
Former DIA director General Michael Flynn – tried to warn Obummer about the real ISIS strength and what was going on. He told the truth to Congress in his testimony. He was removed as chief of DIA by Obummer’s left wrong cronies telling Obummer to get rid of him! http://www.realclearpolitics.c.....nment.html Of course this was glossed over on all left wrong libtard sites.
Probe with bayonets, if you find steel withdraw. If you find mush continue forward! – close to what Vladimir Lenin said for the Russian masses and Putin is expressly finding mush in Obummer. Thanks for elevating a community organizer with no foreign experience to the highest office in the land. The Peter Principle was passed when Obummer became senator!
Interesting Donald Trump thinks like Obummer! Obummer does nothing while Putin crossed the red line and is massacring our allies against Syria. Can you claim vacuum? Large sckng sound at the whitey house! 11 US air sorties a day and 75% of our planes return with their weaponry intact.
Watch how Russian troops arrive in Iraq and use the bases we built with the expressed approval of Iran! Way to go Obummer!
I am not telepathic with the dead but i wonder if so called christians hurt him and tormented him to the point that he snapped? Did he spend time with unkle puddy and bob?
@49 “Soooooooooooooo now we know the Oregon shooter was a registered Independent… ”
So? Here in Washington, Republicans call themselves “nonpartisan.” In other places, “independents.” Something Republicans everywhere have in common is they don’t want anyone to know they’re Republicans. Could it be because the “Republican” brand name is a bit tarnished?
What bullshit.
There’s certainly no shortage of batshit insanity being spewn by the babbling jackass in this thread. It’s like he’s fixated on me or something. Heh. Batshit insane as he is, I find that to be deeply disturbing!
Seen a primary ballot lately genius?
‘course not. Participation in primaries would cut into prime cow-tippin’ season.
“Could it be because the “Republican” brand name is a bit tarnished?”
“What bullshit.”
“Republican Dino Rossi can stay “GOP’ on gubernatorial ballot”
“King County Superior Court Judge Richard Eadie ruled Friday that Republican governor candidate Dino Rossi could keep his designation as “prefers GOP Party” on the November General Election ballot. The Washington State Democrats sued to force Rossi to describe himself as a Republican.”
The judge did acknowledge, though, that this confused voters.
It’s not bullshit. It’s humor based on truth. Bush tarnished the brand and Washington state Republicans attempted to re-brand themselves as “GOP” on the ballot.
Six years later, it still lingered. On the ballots, some candidates, perhaps believing the tarnish of Bush to have receded, went with “prefer Republican”, some still re-branded themselves as “prefer GOP”. This points to the confusion noted by the judge. Are those who “prefer Republican” and those who “prefer GOP” preferring two different political parties?
Given the freshly tarnished “Republican” brand in this state, I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see “prefers GOP” back in vogue again for 2016.
@47. Here’s another link that says Umpqua was not a gun-free zone.
The policy has an exception in it. The Oregonian interviewed a person who carries on campus and decided not to get involved. I don’t know what more I can provide; this is clear as day. But don’t stop believin’!