Who thinks running against the minimum wage is a good idea? I mean lots and lots of Republicans, obviously. Janice Huxford is running for the 44th legislative district against raising the minimum wage. The last minimum wage increase passed pretty much everywhere. Seattle hasn’t had a hit despite the warnings. I don’t understand. It’s bad policy and surely bad politics.
Another great video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_lr0x5n89k
The narration is wonderful!
Wondering when TMZ will report that Trump grabbed YLB’s pussy.
Little maxwipe butt plugg @2 like Drumpf is always “aroused”.
Ewwwwwwww. Kreeepy.
LA Times with the headline of the week:
Trump Gropes For Someone Else to Blame
Didn’t click through but I asume The Liar, failing to get traction on 3% of America’s channel of choice Fox News Videos is Now on random YouTuber videos. 1021 views maybe?
“Yeah, here this is it. Best thing ever! You gotta see this.”
The Liar has devolved into our crazy uncle posting “What the mainstream media won’t show” on Facebook five times a day.
“Yeah but Fox News ratings, something Brian Williams, librul media, yaaargh!”
Anyone want to put an over under on how many days before a Trump event attendee punches a reporter for being a, “Clinton Surrogate Prostitute?”
“Damn Dirty Librul scum. How dare they report the words that came out of Donald Trump’s mouth.”
So what’s so wrong about Fox News?
1,138,240 views and counting…
Of course the Oregon moron can’t count!
It doesn’t matter?
This guy very slowly, and calmly, and precisely says that it doesn’t matter if the Republican Party Nominee for President committed sexual assault.
That’s where our Republican Party is at today.
Trump’s bottom was able to answer the question.
He believes the women are liars.
Isn’t that nice.
That’s our Republican Party. This morning.
@7 Other than being a GOP megaphone?
@8 You must have a tired index finger.
YLB uses the terms “butt plug” and “aroused” in the same sentence.
…claims other people are “kreepy”
See: cognitive dissonence
Spelling please!
Oh Dr Darryl,
Invoke your Sock Puppet Rules @11! Seems the Oregon moron is on the loose breaking the rules again!
You don’t say eh libtards?
* 7 Obama (owe-BAHM-uh)’s father was a Muslim and Obama grew up among Muslims in the world’s most populous Islamic country.
And what did HA DUMMOCRETINS claim about Obummer was a Muslim starting again?
You don’t say eh libtards?
* 7 Obama (owe-BAHM-uh)’s father was a Muslim and Obama grew up among Muslims in the world’s most populous Islamic country.
And what did HA DUMMOCRETINS claim about who claimed Obummer was a Muslim starting again?
No! :)
More proof the NY Times is fully in Careless Crooked Heilary’s camp! https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/9416
Hey campaign staph: Heads up! We’re running another story.
Podesta had Scalia killed.
Too bad the Republicans nominated a racist rapist, eh? They could have had a good Christian like Dr. “Please cut her mic” Ben
@20 No, they’re merely in the “We’re Not A Bunch Of Wingnut Liars Like Fox, Drudge, and Breitbart” camp, which to you is the same thing.
@19 Why are all you wingnuts so fucking illiterate? Do you ever read anything besides text messages? Try using a damn dictionary for chrissakes. That’s what they’re for.
Swing and a miss. It is standard procedure for a reporter to contact the subject of a story for comment.
A famous example, “If you run that Kathy Graham will get her tits in a wringer.” So WaPo was advising Nixon.
You are the dumbest human alive.
The FBI identifies rightwing domestic terrorists by trolling the internet with Spellcheck. Works like a charm for identifying people worthy of further investigation.
Show me where it says he was born in Kenya.
You are the stupidest person on Earth.
@16 Looks like you’ve abandoned the “Puddy” name, so what’s your beef? Trademarks don’t last forever, only while you use them to identify your brand.
You DUMMOCRETINS are real SCUMbags… Real SCUMbags…
“As long as all the offensive shit is verbatim I’m fine with it.”
WaPo contacted Trump before breaking Pussygate.
That’s how Comcast learned they were about to be scooped. Team Workplace Sexual Assault contacted NBC Universal to find out why the tape got out.
The harder the idiot LIAR flogs WikiPutin the more obvious it is how disappointed the alt-Right racists must be. The promised October surprise turns out to be a dud.
Careless Crooked Heilary’s buds are meeting again… http://www.bloomberg.com/news/.....les-summit
What does the vomit producer have to say about which party plays with the wall street banksters again? More BULLSHITTIUM from the vomit producer of course!
Oh no… Dr Spencer will be labeled a kook by the Al Gorebasm gang nationally and locally here on HA DUMMOCRETINS… http://www.drroyspencer.com/20.....ans-wheat/
Breaking wikileaks….
John Grisham is really John Podesta. “The Pelican Brief” proves Hillary killed Scalia.
Piddles doesn’t understand Satire, clearly.
You are the stupidest person on the planet.
I don’t think it’s really fair to compare it to “persons”.
Is this one of Boob’s Family members?
Frenzied Trump Fans Are Turning On The Media — And It’s Getting Scary
“I want what isn’t mine”
The official motto of the Left.
DIPSHITTIUM dr checkmate… This was not satire.
DAYUM you are as stooooooooooooopid as the crazed databaze deala AKA salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!
And that is weally weally stoooooooooooopid!
The Feds took three more rightwing domestic terrorists out of circulation this morning. Hopefully for a long, long time.
@39 Don’t worry, you have nothing I need or want. Trust me on this.
Dange Will Robinson Danger… http://nypost.com/2016/10/14/t.....ult-claim/
“I have only met this accuser once and frankly cannot imagine why she is seeking to make out that Trump made sexual advances on her. Not only did he not do so (and I was present at all times) but it was she that was the one being flirtatious,” Anthony Gilberthorpe said in a note provided to The Post by the Trump campaign.
I’ve chided Puffy for not evolving from ape to human but I think he’s going backwards now, evolving into a microorganism from ape. Who says you can’t turn back time!
@12 – Well, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNBC, MSNBC, most of the print media and a helluva lot of blogs and cyber media are totally in the tank for the Democrats. It’s just a little point you progressives ignore because of your bias towards everything liberal, progressive and socialist.
Some people in the media actually want to lessen the power of government. Fox is OK in that department. The rest of them are big government loudmouths.
Faux was founded and run by Roger Ailes, a sadistic pervert and pimp.
Ailes “knew” intimately what people who watch Faux “need”.
And Ailes’ Frankenstein monster is Donyld Drumpf who in turn knew what a significant portion of Republicans “needed” through birtherism.
In case anyone doubted @ 4
Trump gropes for someone else to blame
So, Uncle Tom, you’re going to take the word of a Trump shill over that of the victim? Exactly what we expect of your kind.
Drumpf was so chickenshit it couldn’t even follow through on donating 10k to the 9/11 fund:
Took public credit but of course did nothing..
Oh look here. Drumpf called deaf actress Marlee Matlin, “retarded”.
And it didn’t stop the Drumpfhole from hitting on her as well:
Drumpf apparently believes women it deems “retarded” are easy.
“Some people in the media actually want to lessen the power of government.”
Let me get this straight. You idiots believe that your fucked up “revolution” sweeping your Workplace Sexual Assault Nominee and his enablers into power, along with their solemn pledge to immediately deport 11 million people, will reduce the power of government?
How exactly the fuck do you identify, roundup, process, and physically deport that many people from 4 million square miles of sovereign territory without vastly increasing the power of the government.
Your kind of stupidity is not funny.
@ The Schiz @ 44
You mean this Anthony Gilberthorpe?
Or this one?
You do realize (of course you do, you’re a well-established pathological liar after all) that this man has long since been totally debunked in all of his claims, as he is in fact a raving lunatic (much like you) and has long since been revealed as an outspoken liar who has made so many outrageously false claims in his life that nobody in the “real” press (read, not the pulp fiction tabloids) would interview this man for any purpose other than to provide a humorous, eye-rolling perspective to a story.
I mean, c’mon. Do you really expect anyone with a functional cerebral cortex to seriously take the word of a man who claims he was in first class, on a domestic flight at the age of eighteen while he was supposedly also campaigning for his local council? Not to mention having a photographic memory and remembering every little fucking detail of that alleged flight that he has not even been asked to prove he was on.
I guess your leukotomy didn’t have the effect you were hoping for, did it. Better try it again and this time, use a little soap.
Good fucking god.
So Pence’s evidence is:
A British guy who was a teenager at the time and was flying first class over 35 years ago before The Don was famous and remembers in explicit detail, that a guy he’s never seen before or knew who he even was did so little of anything that he clearly remembers every detail of it 35 years later, on a flight he can’t recall any other details about.
That isn’t just grasping at straws, that’s grabbing for every little fluffy piece of shit floating around in the air for something to save one’s life while in the middle of a tornado.
No wonder the so-called “family values Christians” are disappearing as a political species. They’re totally reliant on the least intelligent demographic to maintain themselves. It’s like watching a bunch of squirrel monkeys trying to come to some consensus as to how to go about gang raping a garden snake.
I guess it shouldn’t surprise me since the authenticity of written source material is something you have trouble with. You know, dictated 100% words of the cloud being on the page and all.
Yep, using Trump words “verbatim” to create a want ad for a job no one would want in an organization they have no power to hire within……all that was literal.
You are the stupidest person alive. And you double down on stupid.
Gotta run. Gonna go have some indigent Irish babies for breakfast. Mmmmmmmmm.
He probably saw a real opportunity in Matlin. He would have assumed she couldn’t tell anyone.
She isn’t running against the minimum wage. There are very few American politicians who would run against a minimum wage. Progressives should welcome politicians running against raising the minimum wage. It gives us a chance to be Progressives at the Federal, State, and Local levels. We should relish in the fact many employers out there refuse to pay workers a living wage let alone a fair wage. Without these folks we would not need a minimum wage or have the discussion. Thank these greedy SOBs for their hubris.
Be thankful that our Congress can’t get its act together and do what needs to be done to make sure the Federal minimum wage is at least equitable to what it was when first legislated. At least one could survive off and support a family on the minimum wage even if it was a somewhat hardscrabble existence. Congress could bring the agriculture section of the economy under the same or much similar minimum wage rules. This would resolve issues of where some states have stepped into the section and raised wages and others have not, creating an uneven playing field. Congress could create an automatic increase in the minimum wage based on some kind of inflation index, stepping only when it got out of step, which has happened here in Washington state. Congress could simply do the right thing every couple of years, and hold a vote to raise the minimum wage on a bi partisan basis, and it should pass.
Since Congress can’t get it’s act together and take the issue off the table Progressives should celebrate at the state and local levels and with labor strive for a meaningful, livable minimum wage. We should love the opportunity this candidate is giving us to highlight this issue. Even if she is elected she alone isn’t going to prevent the state legislature to not pass a better minimum wage, acting in support of a higher minimum wage (trying to keep rural and urban Washington on the same set of rules) means we may give our legislature a kick in the ass it needs to support a meaningful minimum wage for all Washingtonians. (Oregonians same applies to you, sure you got one or more of these fine politicians in your state though.)
@26 Well then the FBI is fucking lazy, and is wasting tax payers money. Get those damn agents out of their air conditioned offices out to the scummy bars where these ass holes gather and maybe they might get lucky and prevent the next Oklahoma city bombing. I would not bet on it as preventing such attacks is more luck than anything else. Meanwhile the FBI can take pride in tricking some idiot into meting with them for them to provide the means of some NBC attack, and role him up while real bad people are out breaking the law, and maybe perpetrating an attack on the United States.
@28 As you pointed out in a later post that this is an odd name for a strong independent African American man to take. Particularly in light of how this name could be viewed in the black community. The gulf between the house slaves and the field hands was always pretty large, and often successful African American dread being marked by the moniker. It has been used to go after members of the community that some African Americans are not doing enough in the community.
Still a bit odd moniker. Then again so was Puddy. Perhaps a brave black man like this man is supposed to be should go by his own name like I do. Perhaps everyone on this list should be on here as themselves. Openly and bravely. Being true Americans and having a discussion of ideas. Following in the example of the owner of the list who tweaked the noses of the powerful in this here state.
@42 It would be interesting to see if the FBI has really gone back to its roots and may have actually done something it did in the 1960 and 70’s when it went after the KKK and put in undercover agents. Unfortunately the case is likely to disappear from the news cycle. If the FBI didn’t need to entice these folks by making the materials available, and giving three losers more capability than they would have, and probably never proceeding to more than talk, then the FBI did good in this case. It would be interesting to see if that is the case, yet this is likely to get lost and maybe we will hear of a conviction, only because the FBI and Federal Prosecutors like to crow about convictions which are wins in their books. If in fact this is a case of entrapment or possible entrapment it would be interesting if the judge pushes back some on the FBI and prosecution, or the Feds gets a win at trial and a black nose on appeal. All of which is important, but is not sexy enough to be in the news cycle.
Is this Puddy or Uncle Ben during his limited free time?
More at http://www.Puddlespityparty.com