OK, maybe one of you bright guys or gals can help me with a couple of questions.
1. Why did the Clinton Administrations allow these mergers to take place essentially undoing TR’s oil trust busting?
Exxon, Mobile
Conoco, Philips
BP, Amoco, Arco
Chevron, Texaco
2. Why did the BJ Clinton lift the ban on exporting oil from Alaska?
Deregulation helped out. When you have the Federal Government deregulating many industries, you see a lack of oversight and control,
In Iraq, terrorists have destroyed the power systems to some voting polls before and during elections. Herer in the USA, is this a tactic that Democrats could use in Republican districts? Voter fraud: It a Democrat way of life!!!!
No war for oil……….No nukes, no drilling, no wind power off Kennedyland, no new refineries, and higher taxes on gas……………………BUT, It’s Bush’s fault gasoline is 3 bucks a gallon!!!!! Democrats: economic idiots!!!!!!!!!!!
Farrakhan/Waters for the Democrat ticket in 08!!! If you disagree, you are a racist and must be taken to the mother ship that is hiding behind the moon!!! Black Democrats: voter slaves!!!!
Is that Headless “Maxine Waters” Lucy at the “Million More March”? [Debit cards, welfare checks, and food stamps will be handed out at the finish line!!]
2…….Deregulation helped out. When you have the Federal Government deregulating many industries, you see a lack of oversight and control,
Comment by EvergreenRailfan — 10/15/05 @ 4:14 am
[Right……That’s what Fidel and Dear Leader thinks, too. Democrats: economic idiots!]
Thomas Trainwinderspews:
On July, 9, 2002, Bush said “government can do more to promote transparency and ensure that risks are honest. And government can ensure that those who breach the trust of the American people are punished.” [White House transcript of President Bush’s Corporate Responsibility Speech, (7/9/02)]
Today, we have Delay, Frist, Rove, Libby, Safavian, Cheney …..
Bush, who promised to “return” character and integrity to the White House seems to have succumbed to the power of politics and the spoils that follow.
Funny that the right has a hard time admitting this….but it’s not so surprising that only 1/3 of Americans agree with them…
headless lucyspews:
Re 1 and 2: I’m not defending Clinton on these things and I haven’t researched these things, but was’nt there a little flap in 1994 adout some bogus thing called the “contract with America” that put a lot of heinous Republican crooks in Congress?
Answer me this: If, as the Bush administration says, the Iraqi oil fields belong to the Iraqi people and the profits should be used to help them, then shouldn’t the same be true for American oil fields? I mean, it’s clearly the right thing to do for Iraq, but why not the U.S.?
Thomas and all LEFTIST PINHEADS: Good morning loyal Goldy subjects. I take it that this Saturday morning finds you all well.
I love how the Rugrat602, Rupert Wabbet, Cluelessness and JustDumbBozos of animal hind parts love to trumpet the low approval numbers of the president, all the while ignoring the low congressional DONK approval numbers. Mooron lefties mooron. (mooron.org)
Why are the latest congressional donk support numbers at 32% approve and 48% disapprove? Because donks like Dr. Howard (I didn’t travel south to help Katrina victims like Dr. Bill Frist did because I needed to stay in Washington to attack the President on FEMA rather than utilize my time honed doctoring skills to help out those poor black New Orleans democrats) Dean believe in the politics of personal destruction and the American people are fed up about it.
What programs have you suggested to the American public except: Cut and run from Iraq (like the ’68-72 democrats in Vietnam era), tax the rich, tax everybody, spend more money, take away dem guns, etc. Like the leaflets handed out in Florida airports regarding the packing law that was recently passed. Donko-crats in action there too. People interviewed don’t like it.
I love how you LEFTIST PINHEADS love to talk about the deficit. Well I can think of $$$Billions of donko-cratic programs that the President recently approved that would drop this deficit immediately. So before you cry wolf on my house, look at your house!
Where’s Goldy?
I mean the viaduct is closed today, and I feel pretty good. Maybe his vigil should instead be one to make it a park?
Jerry Springer Jr.spews:
JCH must have fallen behind on meeting his quota. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do to put food on the table.
headless lucyspews:
re 6: Everytime you say “headless lucy” in one of your diatribes, you put me at the head of the list for people who are looking for information on ,”headless lucy”, who just so happen to be students and educated people. So, call me stupid as much as you want, but be sure to spell my name right. How famous do you think “JCH”, or “Puddybud” are getting?
No head-up-de-ass lucite, it’s people who can’t understand the crap that flows from your brain to the fingers to the pixels on this blog. They search the Internet trying to determine whom is so DUMB to write this mess.
headless lucyspews:
I’m not saying that all conservatives are stupid, I’m just saying that most stupid people are conservatives.”
Jennifer Aniston, 2005
Thanks for the bimbo divorcee quote….
For the Cluelessspews:
Puddy the Freeper along with Dr. Michael Aquino loves the Republican party platform. The Republican party platform fulfills their deepest desires and longings for their country: the triumph and ultimate victory of Satanism.
Change your ways Puddy and renounce Satan unless it’s your deepest desire to dwell with him for eternity.
For the Cluelessspews:
The Pharisees would feel completely at home in today’s Republican party.
so what/who would be in the Dimocrat party?
Thomas Trainwinderspews:
Is Puddybud Mr. Cynical? Or have both been granted the “LEFTIST PINHEAD” right-of-use by whatever agency controls that soft of stuff (probably, a bunch of overpaid, underworked, incompetent, tax-and spend, wasteful, LEFTIST PINHEADS?)
righton-19 ‘so what/who would be in the Dimocrat party?’
Oh yeah, and Gerhard finally realized he was a LOSER!
I think instead of being the party of the horsesass, the dems should be the party of the DOG…. you know, the one that endlessly chases his tail!, the one that endlessly chases his tail!
PS, A great BIG thanks to Stefan Sharkansky at Sound Politics for his preview button where I regularly check my work.
The above story applies directly to the writer of this blog who happily jumped on the Katrina misery bandwagon a couple months back. I don’t expect we wil getting an apology from him either.
Headless Lucy: Maxine Waters, [third world communists dedicated into turning the USA into Zimbabwe.]
Headless Lucy: Maxine Waters, [third world communists dedicated into turning the USA into Zimbabwe.]
Our college must turn out more Afro American Studies majors who speak Ebonics. Only this way can the Democrats farm more votes from their black voter slaves.
Roger Rabbitspews:
For the same reason Republicans have done the same thing — economic efficiency, which leads to more productivity and a higher standard of living. Or anyway, that’s the theory. How well it works by allowing further consolidation in the oil industry is a debatable question. The oil industry has long been suspected of manipulating supply and rigging markets to suppress competition and boost prices and profits.
Rove’s defense team asserts that President Bush’s deputy chief of staff has not committed a crime but nevertheless anticipates that special prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald could find a way to bring charges in the next two weeks, the source said.
headless lucyspews:
re 16: I’m laughing, but I know why I’m laughing.
headless lucyspews:
Someone ought to make the claim that “LEFTIST PINHEAD” is their intellectual property. They could force Mr. Cynical and Puddybud to pay them to use it. I’m claiming PRAYER BREAKFAST MAFIA because I actually made it up myself.
headless lucyspews:
If you want the scoop on the PRAYER BREAKFAST MAFIA, Google: Abraham Vereide.
Green Thumbspews:
John McDonald @ 27:
That’s right, John, the untold truth from the Heritage Foundation. When I want unbiased, fact-based analysis, that’s exactly where I’d go. While you’re at it, why don’t you provide some links to the “fair and balanced” Faux News?
BTW, successive King County Elections Department chairs appointed by Ron Sims have failed to address the multiple times persons have been registered to vote until the KC GOP and Sound Politics started to deal with the issue. Aren’t you embarassed? Ashamed at Paul Berendt and Ron Sims and this blog for not joining in the good fight?
Comment by Josef for Honest Elections — 10/15/05 @ 1:30 pm
I guess nobody is…
For the Cluelessspews:
[geek on]
I don’t know about any of you guys but I had loads of fun playing stupid computer tricks today – part of my long term home-office clean-up project.
I took an old 8 bit Atari 130XE and interfaced it to 133 Mhz original Pentium with a whopping 48 MB of RAM. Used a neat special cable and software combo sold by a clever fellow out in Cleveland. It interfaces the SIO bus of the Atari to a serial port on the PC. The software allows the PC hard drives, printer port and modem port to be used by the 8-bit. I think you can even use the ip networking. I bought this thing years ago when it was only available for DOS. When I first got it I couldn’t make it work, got frustrated and put it aside.
Fast forward to now. The guy in Cleveland has updated his product for Win2000/XP but I’ve got an office to clean up here. I’ve got too many parts not being used and I’ll be damned if I’m going interface an up-to-date box with M$ latest OS to an old 8-bit.
So the PC I would use was lying around the floor and in cabinets and on shelves. An ASUS PI-P55T2P4XE board (1995 vintage), 48MB of 60 ns EDO RAM, 515MB and 813MB Hard Drives, 3 1/2 and 5 1/4 Floppys, CD-ROM, an Enlight Desktop case and the topper: a wangtek 5150 tape drive. I bought that tape drive in ’89 and hadn’t played with it since at least ’95. Works great with linux using the qic02 package. I also have some dos software for it (on 5 1/4 floppy) that I’ll be playing with soon.
The BIOS on the motherboard dated to ’95 and you couldn’t boot off CD-ROMs with it. I needed a BIOS update from Asus’ site but the stupid flash software ASUS provided didn’t want to write it to the board. After hours of googling I made another discovery: Uniflash. One of those kick ass utililities that every PC hacker bows to the Internet Gods for! Now I can boot off CD-ROMS with this dinosaur!
I’ve loaded Win98SE on one hard drive and Linux on the other. Why linux? One it works and supports the tape drive, two the atari DOS software by the clever guy in Cleveland works on linux as well using the DOSEMU package! I might erase the M$ hard drive!
I took a look at E-Bay and found 4 60 ns EDO simms for cheap. 128MB of RAM for this system. I’ll really be smokin’ then!
So my dinosaur 8-bit now hums pleasantly “networked” to a kick-butt dinosaur “server”. My home-office is a little less cluttered.
[geek off]
For the Cluelessspews:
[geek on]
I left out the S3 pci video card, SB ensonic-based sound card and the intel ethernet card in the parts list above. Apologies
[geek over and out]
If oil companies make a profit, the Feds take 28%. So, why are the fucking Democrats bitching? THEY don’t produce anything but bitching. Democrats are parasites.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Hey Looocy: You suggested that Murkan oil fields should belong to The People. A week or so ago, you suggested that property should be given to the pooooooooor. But when I challenged you to expand on your ideas, you never did.
So tell us… what kinds of property should be given to the noble poooooooooor?
And also, how would you manage Murkan oil fields? Today, people can own stock in the companies that use them. How would you change that?
I can’t wait to hear. Grouchoandharpo would be proud.
The oil industry has long been suspected of manipulating supply and rigging markets to suppress competition and boost prices and profits.
Not hard to manipulate prices when a lot of the market refuses them access to the supply. Is OPEC manipulating the supply? You bet they are! You either have to live with it or open up the market to the american oil compnanies.
Mark The Redneckspews:
RUFUS – There’s no “suspect” about it. In all commodity markets where there is a downward sloping demand curve, there is a single price which maximizes revenue. At that price, there is a single supply number which makes it work. When I got my MBA, I did the same analysis that OPEC does an predicted the price of a barrel of oil within 5 cents.
There’s nothing wrong with that. But you seem to suggest some kind of evil conspiracy, when it’s just free market economics at work. Can you further explain your comment at 39 in terms of hard economic theory of commodity markets?
Remember who yer talkin’ to…
MTRVI @ 40 “Remember who yer talkin’ to…”
LOL Who can forget Mark The Redneck Villiage Idiot!
Mark, you are so full of shit, it competes with the smell of skoal on your breathe for dominance.
NO Puddy is NOT Mr. Cynical. Mr Cynical is whom he is and I am whom I am. I don’t blog with multiple personalities unlike other lefties here on animal hind parts.
Cluelessness, again you are using a blog to prove your point. Like you and others who use Media (George Soros) Matters. Isn’t it too bad that you have to stoop to blogs to try and prove your point? Isn’t Dr. Aquino one of those Christian conservatives. Remember, stop comparing me to them because I am not one of them. I realize that you will lose your only complaint by using Dr. Aquino. Good luck Cluelessness karma.
And donnageddon, you were named stuckonstupiddon by Josef because you are Stuck on Stupid!
MTR- I am a free market kinda guy. There is nothing wrong with business determining how much they want to produce. Are you saying that the lack of refineery capacity along with EPA regulations doesnt effect the price of gas?
Yes I do my post on the fly… I know how to spell refinery.
For the Cluelessspews:
Puddy Freep:
Dr. Michael Aquino is former a Lt. Col who worked in the Pentagon. His specialty was PsyWar. He did some dirty work for Reagan and Bush I.
He is also a practicing Satan worshipper and a staunch Republican. Why a staunch Republican? The Republican platform has for the most part espoused the total OPPOSITE of what Jesus taught.
The Republicans are the modern day Pharisees. If Jesus came back today, the Republicans would call him a pacifist leftist traitor.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Alien Abductees Aren’t Crazy, Just Wrong, Author Says
“CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (Oct. 15) – Susan Clancy … Harvard psychologist … has interviewed roughly 50 people who claim to have been abducted by aliens.
“Clancy is bracing for … hate mail once her book, ‘Abducted: How People Come To Believe They Were Kidnapped By Aliens,’ is published by Harvard University Press later this month. Those who believe aliens are among us haven’t taken kindly to her theory that abductees have created ‘false memories’ out of, she writes, a ‘blend of fantasy-proneness, memory distortion, culturally available scripts, sleep hallucinations, and scientific illiteracy.’
“That doesn’t mean Clancy thinks her subjects are crazy. … ‘Arguing weird beliefs is a very normal thing,’ she said …. ‘It’s very human for us to believe in things for which there is no scientific evidence.’
“Leonard Newman, a psychology professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, is the co-author of a paper that argued alien abductees are ‘masochists’ who enjoy the painful experiences they describe. ‘These people are not lying,’ Newman said. ‘False memories feel as real as real memories.'”
Roger Rabbitspews:
So, you GOP trolls, isn’t it nice to know that even though you weren’t really abducted by UFOs you’re not actually lying sons-of-bitches, you’re just weirdos who enjoy self-inflicted pain?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Josef, would it make you happier if Dean Logan was elected instead of appointed? Logan did get elected as a county auditor, you know, and there’s absolutely no reason to believe he wouldn’t resoundingly defeat any candidate the GOP might put up here in heavily Democratic King County.
But, for the record, I’m in favor of an elected King County auditor — in keeping with our state’s populist traditions.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Actually, I’m not sure I buy those psychologists’ theories. I’ve long suspected some of the wingy trolls on this board are alien life forms.
Rupert Wabbet: I have it on good authority that you were the lawyer for the Heaven’s Gate cult of Marshall Applewhite. How did you not drink the kool-aid Wabbet? You may find the location of Kohoutek yet Roger Wabbet.
Roger Rabbitspews:
No, that’s not true, putty-fer-brains.
How do we not know this Rupert Wabbet? You brought up UFOs regarding us who always think right. You being an expert in UFOs (in your own mind) and with Applewhite looking for the mothership behind Kohoutek, there must be some connection there. Here is a URL Rupert, to assist your self-inflicted pain problem.
Dean Logan would be soundly trounced if he stood for election again (as would anybody else w/ his ugly track record) and I hope you will click on my handle & sign a petition in support of our mutual cause.
Can’t get a post on the open thread, but Roger Rabbit gets twenty. I think Goldy thinks this is like “counting the votes” in King County. Anything to win. Cheating, double voting, illegal votes: the Democrat way of life.
Look what George Bush did to the Pakistan people just because they are dark skinned and didn’t vote for him!! I know Bush killed them because REV Louis Farrakhan told me so just before the March!! Just ask Maxine Waters or Headless Lucy!!!! Bagh, Pakistan – Torrential rains disrupted rescue operations in the Himalayan region of Kashmir on Sunday as Pakistani officials sharply raised their estimate of the death toll from last weekend’s mammoth earthquake to more than 54,000. The head of relief operations warned that the cold and wet were likely to cause deaths among the estimated 2 million left homeless by the disaster.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Hey Wabbit – Good news. I just decided that I am NOT going to come to your house this afternoon and rob you of your money.
Are you grateful for my subsidy to you? You greedy bastard!
Thomas Trainwinderspews:
The Cardinals got ripped off today like Gore got ripped off in 2000!
Cronyism with Bush’s Harriet Myers appointment: I must have missed the outrage from you Democrat libs when JFK appointed his BROTHER Attorney General. Democrats: Hypocites, ecomonic idiots and traitors to America!!
Chimp Patrolspews:
The only thing Bush I ripped off was his maid’s (Condy’s) tattered clothing, and after he was finished, he passed her on to CHimpy
Could Bush be sending another hurricane to FL or LA to kill blacks? I don’t know, but REV Louis Farrakhan, Headless Lucy, and Rep Pat Kennedy will keep us up to date!!!! [hehe…Democrats: idiots!]
If all the Republican taxpayers just left the state of WASH, would the union hacks, blacks, and “guvment” employees have to tax each other? Atlas has Shrugged.
A fire destroyed a mobile home, killing a 600-pound homebound man who could not be moved out in time despite the efforts of neighbors and firefighters. Timothy Lee Morris, 45, called 911 from his home when it caught fire Saturday afternoon but couldn’t get out by himself [Headlucy Lucy’s welfare hack boyfriend?]
nothing breaks your will to post like accidentally deleting a 5-6 paragraph essay…
Anyways, to Pacman (from the previous open thread)
1) How the heck am I a racist enabler, or is it just some random ad hominem attack?
2) “You” say now that you wouldn’t email me, but how does anyone know? For that matter, how does anyone know that “you” aren’t Puddybud changing his nick?
3) If you’ve quit posting, you’ve quit posting. Using proxies is cheating. Also, I’d suggest if you’re serious about not posting, don’t read it. It’ll only lead to frustration.
also, question to rightie trolls out there:
Read these quotes~
“Could Bush be sending another hurricane to FL or LA to kill blacks? I don’t know, but REV Louis Farrakhan, Headless Lucy, and Rep Pat Kennedy will keep us up to date!!!! [hehe…Democrats: idiots!]
Comment by JCH— 10/16/05 @ 7:07 pm
If all the Republican taxpayers just left the state of WASH, would the union hacks, blacks, and “guvment” employees have to tax each other? Atlas has Shrugged.
Comment by JCH— 10/16/05 @ 7:08 pm”
You guys have been dodging this question for over a month now. Whats JCH’s obsession with blacks, and do you condone his constant racism (or, at least, race-obsession)?
Nobody’s ever been willing to answer that question, and I wanna hear it. Just because he’s “On your side” doesn’t mean you have to defend him!
You guys have been dodging this question for over a month now. Whats JCH’s obsession with blacks, and do you condone his constant racism (or, at least, race-obsession)?
Nobody’s ever been willing to answer that question, and I wanna hear it. Just because he’s “On your side†doesn’t mean you have to defend him!
Comment by windie — 10/17/05 @ 12:27 pm [Windie, Let ME answer your question by this comment: Blacks, for 3 generations, have been the Democrat’s “vote slave”. They are the bought and paid for racial group that votes Democrat 90% of the time. Today’s Democrat blacks are the backbone of the communist “tax and spend” “victim” “reidstribute the wealth or we’ll riot in Toledo” Democrat Party. They have been turned into “victim” Parasites by Democrats’ “voter slave” Party. Got it? Atlas has Shrugged.
You like that phrase way too much… by your record, atlas shrugs every 5 seconds.
So you turn a belief about Blacks being the ‘vote slaves’ (as you so quaintly put it) of the Democrats… into a reason to bait them and constantly accuse them of fraud/blame them for all the political problems?
And you don’t see how this could be perceived as racist?
If blacks are ‘vote slaves’ to the Democrats, then fundamentalist christians are ‘vote slaves’ of the (pretend-to-be) Republicans. But you don’t see us treating the Christian right the way you treat the blacks… Perhaps because we don’t have the inherent hate for them that you do.
Windie….Your comments on 500 young black Democrat youths looting and rioting in Toledo, Ohio? This should be grand!!! Do you INHERENTLY love them? Don’t you wish they could all come and be YOUR neighbors?? Please sent the black gang members your address so you can INHERENTLY love them!!!![hehe….Democrats: traitors and economic idiots]
Windie, Atlas Shrugs EVERY time a private sector taxpayer moves away from parasitic Democrats. This is a free country. Normal people do not wish to live near your wonderful Democrat looters and rioters in Toledo.
Over a trillion dollars spent on “black poverty”, and after 3 generations, blacks in the USA are the poor “vote slaves” of the Democrat Party. Very sad.
Finally, Windie……Condi Rice/J.C. Watts 2008!! If you don’t agree, YOU are the hateful sexist and racist!!! Windie: Democrat racist!!!
Curious Georgespews:
Windie –
I saw an interesting bumper sticker this last weekend:
“The Christian Right is Neither”
YOu have built me such a strong case, I’m almost left speechless. The fact that you’re trying to troll me with it only puts the issue in sharper definition~
So other righties! Is this someone you want speaking for you? Or… is he saying what you really secretly think?
(Oh, just for the record:
73: I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m against looting, however. Your obsession with their race is, well… telling.
74: Morons like you shouldn’t be allowed to read Rand. That being said, objectivism is stupid anyways… And senseless repeating of catchphrases is even more stupid. If you think you are impressing anyone with one term that you smouched from a crazy writer, you’re sadly mistaken.
75: Beyond the fact that thats a totally unsupported supposition (silly righties still think their words define reality), why does it surprise you that blacks vote their interest? Is that really ‘slavery’? I’m sure that everyone thinks they should have voted for Strom Thurmond or Trent “We wouldn’t have had these problems” Lott.
76: You’re confusing me with yourself. You like their policies, but would never vote for them due to their race. I just think their politics are stupid, and they’re not competant to run the country.
I think the ultimate irony of you, JCH, is that you think you’re playing this funny game using racial issues to ‘troll the moonbats’… But you’re revealing of yourself than you know, and revealing so much more about your cohorts by their tolerance of you.
Like Mr. Cynical or ProudASS, “The sad kills the funny”*
*(quote stolen w/o permission from D. Conley)
73: I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m against looting, however. Your obsession with their race is, well… telling. WINDIE………[Windie, Like New Orleans, and now Toledo, I see black Democrats looting. What do YOU see?]
74: Morons like you shouldn’t be allowed to read Rand [Windie]………Really? Perhaps Libs like you only get their news for Dan Rather and the MSM. MORONS like you shouldn’t be allowed to read the Communist Manafesto!!
75: Beyond the fact that thats a totally unsupported supposition (silly righties still think their words define reality), why does it surprise you that blacks vote their interest? Is that really ’slavery’? I’m sure that everyone thinks they should have voted for Strom Thurmond or Trent “We wouldn’t have had these problems†Lott. [WINDIE]….Blacks vote Democrat, the Party of welfare and food stamps. [vote slaves] EDUCATED blacks vote Republican, the Party of capitalism and freedom. RICE/J.C.WATTS 2008. I support black conservatives. YOU support the Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Hillary “FBI” files, and REV Farrakhan’s of the socialist Democrat commie libs. You are idiots and “moonbats”. You are traitors and collectivists. You are Democrats: domestic parasites.
LA, New Orleans, Toledo: The moment the police turn their back, black Democrats riot and loot. Gee, I’m sooooooo surprised!!
Windie.I didn’t catch your military service? JCH, LT, USN 77-84
Prior to the “Million More” event in Washington last weekend — led by the former calypso singer and current Nation of Islam leader, Louis Farrakhan — a group of participants gathered at Howard University. It looked like a meeting of the kook fringe as speaker after speaker engaged in the wildest of conspiracy theories about why blacks who are poor continue to be mired in misery. [Windie…..Lots of Democrat voters here!!! Am I allowed to notice their race??] JCH
Police say the city has 3 larger gangs, about 1,000 gang members. In the days leading up to the scheduled neo-Nazi rally in North Toledo, police gathered intelligence that gang members would be present and do something if they had the opportunity. No specifics were mentioned, but police prepared for retaliation by gang members and their associates. They didn’t plan for people to turn on the police. [1000 young Democrats at play!! Windie, am I allowed to “discribe” these young gang members, or would that be “politically incorrect”?]
OK, maybe one of you bright guys or gals can help me with a couple of questions.
1. Why did the Clinton Administrations allow these mergers to take place essentially undoing TR’s oil trust busting?
Exxon, Mobile
Conoco, Philips
BP, Amoco, Arco
Chevron, Texaco
2. Why did the BJ Clinton lift the ban on exporting oil from Alaska?
Deregulation helped out. When you have the Federal Government deregulating many industries, you see a lack of oversight and control,
In Iraq, terrorists have destroyed the power systems to some voting polls before and during elections. Herer in the USA, is this a tactic that Democrats could use in Republican districts? Voter fraud: It a Democrat way of life!!!!
No war for oil……….No nukes, no drilling, no wind power off Kennedyland, no new refineries, and higher taxes on gas……………………BUT, It’s Bush’s fault gasoline is 3 bucks a gallon!!!!! Democrats: economic idiots!!!!!!!!!!!
Farrakhan/Waters for the Democrat ticket in 08!!! If you disagree, you are a racist and must be taken to the mother ship that is hiding behind the moon!!! Black Democrats: voter slaves!!!!
Is that Headless “Maxine Waters” Lucy at the “Million More March”? [Debit cards, welfare checks, and food stamps will be handed out at the finish line!!]
2…….Deregulation helped out. When you have the Federal Government deregulating many industries, you see a lack of oversight and control,
Comment by EvergreenRailfan — 10/15/05 @ 4:14 am
[Right……That’s what Fidel and Dear Leader thinks, too. Democrats: economic idiots!]
On July, 9, 2002, Bush said “government can do more to promote transparency and ensure that risks are honest. And government can ensure that those who breach the trust of the American people are punished.” [White House transcript of President Bush’s Corporate Responsibility Speech, (7/9/02)]
Today, we have Delay, Frist, Rove, Libby, Safavian, Cheney …..
Bush, who promised to “return” character and integrity to the White House seems to have succumbed to the power of politics and the spoils that follow.
Funny that the right has a hard time admitting this….but it’s not so surprising that only 1/3 of Americans agree with them…
Re 1 and 2: I’m not defending Clinton on these things and I haven’t researched these things, but was’nt there a little flap in 1994 adout some bogus thing called the “contract with America” that put a lot of heinous Republican crooks in Congress?
Answer me this: If, as the Bush administration says, the Iraqi oil fields belong to the Iraqi people and the profits should be used to help them, then shouldn’t the same be true for American oil fields? I mean, it’s clearly the right thing to do for Iraq, but why not the U.S.?
Thomas and all LEFTIST PINHEADS: Good morning loyal Goldy subjects. I take it that this Saturday morning finds you all well.
I love how the Rugrat602, Rupert Wabbet, Cluelessness and JustDumbBozos of animal hind parts love to trumpet the low approval numbers of the president, all the while ignoring the low congressional DONK approval numbers. Mooron lefties mooron. (mooron.org)
Why are the latest congressional donk support numbers at 32% approve and 48% disapprove? Because donks like Dr. Howard (I didn’t travel south to help Katrina victims like Dr. Bill Frist did because I needed to stay in Washington to attack the President on FEMA rather than utilize my time honed doctoring skills to help out those poor black New Orleans democrats) Dean believe in the politics of personal destruction and the American people are fed up about it.
What programs have you suggested to the American public except: Cut and run from Iraq (like the ’68-72 democrats in Vietnam era), tax the rich, tax everybody, spend more money, take away dem guns, etc. Like the leaflets handed out in Florida airports regarding the packing law that was recently passed. Donko-crats in action there too. People interviewed don’t like it.
I love how you LEFTIST PINHEADS love to talk about the deficit. Well I can think of $$$Billions of donko-cratic programs that the President recently approved that would drop this deficit immediately. So before you cry wolf on my house, look at your house!
Where’s Goldy?
I mean the viaduct is closed today, and I feel pretty good. Maybe his vigil should instead be one to make it a park?
JCH must have fallen behind on meeting his quota. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do to put food on the table.
re 6: Everytime you say “headless lucy” in one of your diatribes, you put me at the head of the list for people who are looking for information on ,”headless lucy”, who just so happen to be students and educated people. So, call me stupid as much as you want, but be sure to spell my name right. How famous do you think “JCH”, or “Puddybud” are getting?
No head-up-de-ass lucite, it’s people who can’t understand the crap that flows from your brain to the fingers to the pixels on this blog. They search the Internet trying to determine whom is so DUMB to write this mess.
I’m not saying that all conservatives are stupid, I’m just saying that most stupid people are conservatives.”
Jennifer Aniston, 2005
Thanks for the bimbo divorcee quote….
Puddy the Freeper along with Dr. Michael Aquino loves the Republican party platform. The Republican party platform fulfills their deepest desires and longings for their country: the triumph and ultimate victory of Satanism.
Read all about it.
Change your ways Puddy and renounce Satan unless it’s your deepest desire to dwell with him for eternity.
The Pharisees would feel completely at home in today’s Republican party.
so what/who would be in the Dimocrat party?
Is Puddybud Mr. Cynical? Or have both been granted the “LEFTIST PINHEAD” right-of-use by whatever agency controls that soft of stuff (probably, a bunch of overpaid, underworked, incompetent, tax-and spend, wasteful, LEFTIST PINHEADS?)
righton-19 ‘so what/who would be in the Dimocrat party?’
Can you say “Louis Farrakhan”?
HERE is a WMV of 1998 KING-5 reports about multiple voter registrations in King County.
The more the corrupt and incompetent Bush administration falls apart…the more shrill and incomprehensible the comments from the right-wing zoo.
Gosh, all the “Bush troubles” (snicker) and it still hasn’t been a good week for the libs:
Polls Close for Vote on Iraq Constitution
President’s ‘terrible’ rating better than last 7
Worst approval marks from LBJ to Clinton all lower than Bush’s
Adrift in a sea of phoniness
American political discourse — especially on the left — has abandoned logic, reason and honesty for a pack of nasty lies.
Fixing the Democratic Party is easier said than done
Oh yeah, and Gerhard finally realized he was a LOSER!
I think instead of being the party of the horsesass, the dems should be the party of the DOG…. you know, the one that endlessly chases his tail!, the one that endlessly chases his tail!
PS, A great BIG thanks to Stefan Sharkansky at Sound Politics for his preview button where I regularly check my work.
damned cheap ASS filter
Try again.
The above story applies directly to the writer of this blog who happily jumped on the Katrina misery bandwagon a couple months back. I don’t expect we wil getting an apology from him either.
Headless Lucy: Maxine Waters, [third world communists dedicated into turning the USA into Zimbabwe.]
Headless Lucy: Maxine Waters, [third world communists dedicated into turning the USA into Zimbabwe.]
Our college must turn out more Afro American Studies majors who speak Ebonics. Only this way can the Democrats farm more votes from their black voter slaves.
For the same reason Republicans have done the same thing — economic efficiency, which leads to more productivity and a higher standard of living. Or anyway, that’s the theory. How well it works by allowing further consolidation in the oil industry is a debatable question. The oil industry has long been suspected of manipulating supply and rigging markets to suppress competition and boost prices and profits.
Rove’s defense team asserts that President Bush’s deputy chief of staff has not committed a crime but nevertheless anticipates that special prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald could find a way to bring charges in the next two weeks, the source said.
re 16: I’m laughing, but I know why I’m laughing.
Someone ought to make the claim that “LEFTIST PINHEAD” is their intellectual property. They could force Mr. Cynical and Puddybud to pay them to use it. I’m claiming PRAYER BREAKFAST MAFIA because I actually made it up myself.
If you want the scoop on the PRAYER BREAKFAST MAFIA, Google: Abraham Vereide.
John McDonald @ 27:
That’s right, John, the untold truth from the Heritage Foundation. When I want unbiased, fact-based analysis, that’s exactly where I’d go. While you’re at it, why don’t you provide some links to the “fair and balanced” Faux News?
Hey, since this is an open thread: How many of you support the Honest Elections Project to get an elected King County Auditor?
BTW, successive King County Elections Department chairs appointed by Ron Sims have failed to address the multiple times persons have been registered to vote until the KC GOP and Sound Politics started to deal with the issue. Aren’t you embarassed? Ashamed at Paul Berendt and Ron Sims and this blog for not joining in the good fight?
Comment by Josef for Honest Elections — 10/15/05 @ 1:30 pm
I guess nobody is…
[geek on]
I don’t know about any of you guys but I had loads of fun playing stupid computer tricks today – part of my long term home-office clean-up project.
I took an old 8 bit Atari 130XE and interfaced it to 133 Mhz original Pentium with a whopping 48 MB of RAM. Used a neat special cable and software combo sold by a clever fellow out in Cleveland. It interfaces the SIO bus of the Atari to a serial port on the PC. The software allows the PC hard drives, printer port and modem port to be used by the 8-bit. I think you can even use the ip networking. I bought this thing years ago when it was only available for DOS. When I first got it I couldn’t make it work, got frustrated and put it aside.
Fast forward to now. The guy in Cleveland has updated his product for Win2000/XP but I’ve got an office to clean up here. I’ve got too many parts not being used and I’ll be damned if I’m going interface an up-to-date box with M$ latest OS to an old 8-bit.
So the PC I would use was lying around the floor and in cabinets and on shelves. An ASUS PI-P55T2P4XE board (1995 vintage), 48MB of 60 ns EDO RAM, 515MB and 813MB Hard Drives, 3 1/2 and 5 1/4 Floppys, CD-ROM, an Enlight Desktop case and the topper: a wangtek 5150 tape drive. I bought that tape drive in ’89 and hadn’t played with it since at least ’95. Works great with linux using the qic02 package. I also have some dos software for it (on 5 1/4 floppy) that I’ll be playing with soon.
The BIOS on the motherboard dated to ’95 and you couldn’t boot off CD-ROMs with it. I needed a BIOS update from Asus’ site but the stupid flash software ASUS provided didn’t want to write it to the board. After hours of googling I made another discovery: Uniflash. One of those kick ass utililities that every PC hacker bows to the Internet Gods for! Now I can boot off CD-ROMS with this dinosaur!
I’ve loaded Win98SE on one hard drive and Linux on the other. Why linux? One it works and supports the tape drive, two the atari DOS software by the clever guy in Cleveland works on linux as well using the DOSEMU package! I might erase the M$ hard drive!
I took a look at E-Bay and found 4 60 ns EDO simms for cheap. 128MB of RAM for this system. I’ll really be smokin’ then!
So my dinosaur 8-bit now hums pleasantly “networked” to a kick-butt dinosaur “server”. My home-office is a little less cluttered.
[geek off]
[geek on]
I left out the S3 pci video card, SB ensonic-based sound card and the intel ethernet card in the parts list above. Apologies
[geek over and out]
If oil companies make a profit, the Feds take 28%. So, why are the fucking Democrats bitching? THEY don’t produce anything but bitching. Democrats are parasites.
Hey Looocy: You suggested that Murkan oil fields should belong to The People. A week or so ago, you suggested that property should be given to the pooooooooor. But when I challenged you to expand on your ideas, you never did.
So tell us… what kinds of property should be given to the noble poooooooooor?
And also, how would you manage Murkan oil fields? Today, people can own stock in the companies that use them. How would you change that?
I can’t wait to hear. Grouchoandharpo would be proud.
The oil industry has long been suspected of manipulating supply and rigging markets to suppress competition and boost prices and profits.
Not hard to manipulate prices when a lot of the market refuses them access to the supply. Is OPEC manipulating the supply? You bet they are! You either have to live with it or open up the market to the american oil compnanies.
RUFUS – There’s no “suspect” about it. In all commodity markets where there is a downward sloping demand curve, there is a single price which maximizes revenue. At that price, there is a single supply number which makes it work. When I got my MBA, I did the same analysis that OPEC does an predicted the price of a barrel of oil within 5 cents.
There’s nothing wrong with that. But you seem to suggest some kind of evil conspiracy, when it’s just free market economics at work. Can you further explain your comment at 39 in terms of hard economic theory of commodity markets?
Remember who yer talkin’ to…
MTRVI @ 40 “Remember who yer talkin’ to…”
LOL Who can forget Mark The Redneck Villiage Idiot!
Mark, you are so full of shit, it competes with the smell of skoal on your breathe for dominance.
NO Puddy is NOT Mr. Cynical. Mr Cynical is whom he is and I am whom I am. I don’t blog with multiple personalities unlike other lefties here on animal hind parts.
Cluelessness, again you are using a blog to prove your point. Like you and others who use Media (George Soros) Matters. Isn’t it too bad that you have to stoop to blogs to try and prove your point? Isn’t Dr. Aquino one of those Christian conservatives. Remember, stop comparing me to them because I am not one of them. I realize that you will lose your only complaint by using Dr. Aquino. Good luck Cluelessness karma.
And donnageddon, you were named stuckonstupiddon by Josef because you are Stuck on Stupid!
MTR- I am a free market kinda guy. There is nothing wrong with business determining how much they want to produce. Are you saying that the lack of refineery capacity along with EPA regulations doesnt effect the price of gas?
Yes I do my post on the fly… I know how to spell refinery.
Puddy Freep:
Dr. Michael Aquino is former a Lt. Col who worked in the Pentagon. His specialty was PsyWar. He did some dirty work for Reagan and Bush I.
He is also a practicing Satan worshipper and a staunch Republican. Why a staunch Republican? The Republican platform has for the most part espoused the total OPPOSITE of what Jesus taught.
The Republicans are the modern day Pharisees. If Jesus came back today, the Republicans would call him a pacifist leftist traitor.
Alien Abductees Aren’t Crazy, Just Wrong, Author Says
“CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (Oct. 15) – Susan Clancy … Harvard psychologist … has interviewed roughly 50 people who claim to have been abducted by aliens.
“Clancy is bracing for … hate mail once her book, ‘Abducted: How People Come To Believe They Were Kidnapped By Aliens,’ is published by Harvard University Press later this month. Those who believe aliens are among us haven’t taken kindly to her theory that abductees have created ‘false memories’ out of, she writes, a ‘blend of fantasy-proneness, memory distortion, culturally available scripts, sleep hallucinations, and scientific illiteracy.’
“That doesn’t mean Clancy thinks her subjects are crazy. … ‘Arguing weird beliefs is a very normal thing,’ she said …. ‘It’s very human for us to believe in things for which there is no scientific evidence.’
“Leonard Newman, a psychology professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, is the co-author of a paper that argued alien abductees are ‘masochists’ who enjoy the painful experiences they describe. ‘These people are not lying,’ Newman said. ‘False memories feel as real as real memories.'”
So, you GOP trolls, isn’t it nice to know that even though you weren’t really abducted by UFOs you’re not actually lying sons-of-bitches, you’re just weirdos who enjoy self-inflicted pain?
Josef, would it make you happier if Dean Logan was elected instead of appointed? Logan did get elected as a county auditor, you know, and there’s absolutely no reason to believe he wouldn’t resoundingly defeat any candidate the GOP might put up here in heavily Democratic King County.
But, for the record, I’m in favor of an elected King County auditor — in keeping with our state’s populist traditions.
Actually, I’m not sure I buy those psychologists’ theories. I’ve long suspected some of the wingy trolls on this board are alien life forms.
Rupert Wabbet: I have it on good authority that you were the lawyer for the Heaven’s Gate cult of Marshall Applewhite. How did you not drink the kool-aid Wabbet? You may find the location of Kohoutek yet Roger Wabbet.
No, that’s not true, putty-fer-brains.
How do we not know this Rupert Wabbet? You brought up UFOs regarding us who always think right. You being an expert in UFOs (in your own mind) and with Applewhite looking for the mothership behind Kohoutek, there must be some connection there. Here is a URL Rupert, to assist your self-inflicted pain problem.
Comment by Roger Rabbit — 10/16/05 @ 12:03 am
Dean Logan would be soundly trounced if he stood for election again (as would anybody else w/ his ugly track record) and I hope you will click on my handle & sign a petition in support of our mutual cause.
Can’t get a post on the open thread, but Roger Rabbit gets twenty. I think Goldy thinks this is like “counting the votes” in King County. Anything to win. Cheating, double voting, illegal votes: the Democrat way of life.
Look what George Bush did to the Pakistan people just because they are dark skinned and didn’t vote for him!! I know Bush killed them because REV Louis Farrakhan told me so just before the March!! Just ask Maxine Waters or Headless Lucy!!!! Bagh, Pakistan – Torrential rains disrupted rescue operations in the Himalayan region of Kashmir on Sunday as Pakistani officials sharply raised their estimate of the death toll from last weekend’s mammoth earthquake to more than 54,000. The head of relief operations warned that the cold and wet were likely to cause deaths among the estimated 2 million left homeless by the disaster.
Hey Wabbit – Good news. I just decided that I am NOT going to come to your house this afternoon and rob you of your money.
Are you grateful for my subsidy to you? You greedy bastard!
The Cardinals got ripped off today like Gore got ripped off in 2000!
Or like Bush Sr did in 92.
Cronyism with Bush’s Harriet Myers appointment: I must have missed the outrage from you Democrat libs when JFK appointed his BROTHER Attorney General. Democrats: Hypocites, ecomonic idiots and traitors to America!!
The only thing Bush I ripped off was his maid’s (Condy’s) tattered clothing, and after he was finished, he passed her on to CHimpy
Could Bush be sending another hurricane to FL or LA to kill blacks? I don’t know, but REV Louis Farrakhan, Headless Lucy, and Rep Pat Kennedy will keep us up to date!!!! [hehe…Democrats: idiots!]
If all the Republican taxpayers just left the state of WASH, would the union hacks, blacks, and “guvment” employees have to tax each other? Atlas has Shrugged.
A fire destroyed a mobile home, killing a 600-pound homebound man who could not be moved out in time despite the efforts of neighbors and firefighters. Timothy Lee Morris, 45, called 911 from his home when it caught fire Saturday afternoon but couldn’t get out by himself [Headlucy Lucy’s welfare hack boyfriend?]
nothing breaks your will to post like accidentally deleting a 5-6 paragraph essay…
Anyways, to Pacman (from the previous open thread)
1) How the heck am I a racist enabler, or is it just some random ad hominem attack?
2) “You” say now that you wouldn’t email me, but how does anyone know? For that matter, how does anyone know that “you” aren’t Puddybud changing his nick?
3) If you’ve quit posting, you’ve quit posting. Using proxies is cheating. Also, I’d suggest if you’re serious about not posting, don’t read it. It’ll only lead to frustration.
also, question to rightie trolls out there:
Read these quotes~
“Could Bush be sending another hurricane to FL or LA to kill blacks? I don’t know, but REV Louis Farrakhan, Headless Lucy, and Rep Pat Kennedy will keep us up to date!!!! [hehe…Democrats: idiots!]
Comment by JCH— 10/16/05 @ 7:07 pm
If all the Republican taxpayers just left the state of WASH, would the union hacks, blacks, and “guvment” employees have to tax each other? Atlas has Shrugged.
Comment by JCH— 10/16/05 @ 7:08 pm”
You guys have been dodging this question for over a month now. Whats JCH’s obsession with blacks, and do you condone his constant racism (or, at least, race-obsession)?
Nobody’s ever been willing to answer that question, and I wanna hear it. Just because he’s “On your side” doesn’t mean you have to defend him!
You guys have been dodging this question for over a month now. Whats JCH’s obsession with blacks, and do you condone his constant racism (or, at least, race-obsession)?
Nobody’s ever been willing to answer that question, and I wanna hear it. Just because he’s “On your side†doesn’t mean you have to defend him!
Comment by windie — 10/17/05 @ 12:27 pm [Windie, Let ME answer your question by this comment: Blacks, for 3 generations, have been the Democrat’s “vote slave”. They are the bought and paid for racial group that votes Democrat 90% of the time. Today’s Democrat blacks are the backbone of the communist “tax and spend” “victim” “reidstribute the wealth or we’ll riot in Toledo” Democrat Party. They have been turned into “victim” Parasites by Democrats’ “voter slave” Party. Got it? Atlas has Shrugged.
You like that phrase way too much… by your record, atlas shrugs every 5 seconds.
So you turn a belief about Blacks being the ‘vote slaves’ (as you so quaintly put it) of the Democrats… into a reason to bait them and constantly accuse them of fraud/blame them for all the political problems?
And you don’t see how this could be perceived as racist?
If blacks are ‘vote slaves’ to the Democrats, then fundamentalist christians are ‘vote slaves’ of the (pretend-to-be) Republicans. But you don’t see us treating the Christian right the way you treat the blacks… Perhaps because we don’t have the inherent hate for them that you do.
Windie….Your comments on 500 young black Democrat youths looting and rioting in Toledo, Ohio? This should be grand!!! Do you INHERENTLY love them? Don’t you wish they could all come and be YOUR neighbors?? Please sent the black gang members your address so you can INHERENTLY love them!!!![hehe….Democrats: traitors and economic idiots]
Windie, Atlas Shrugs EVERY time a private sector taxpayer moves away from parasitic Democrats. This is a free country. Normal people do not wish to live near your wonderful Democrat looters and rioters in Toledo.
Over a trillion dollars spent on “black poverty”, and after 3 generations, blacks in the USA are the poor “vote slaves” of the Democrat Party. Very sad.
Finally, Windie……Condi Rice/J.C. Watts 2008!! If you don’t agree, YOU are the hateful sexist and racist!!! Windie: Democrat racist!!!
Windie –
I saw an interesting bumper sticker this last weekend:
“The Christian Right is Neither”
YOu have built me such a strong case, I’m almost left speechless. The fact that you’re trying to troll me with it only puts the issue in sharper definition~
So other righties! Is this someone you want speaking for you? Or… is he saying what you really secretly think?
(Oh, just for the record:
73: I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m against looting, however. Your obsession with their race is, well… telling.
74: Morons like you shouldn’t be allowed to read Rand. That being said, objectivism is stupid anyways… And senseless repeating of catchphrases is even more stupid. If you think you are impressing anyone with one term that you smouched from a crazy writer, you’re sadly mistaken.
75: Beyond the fact that thats a totally unsupported supposition (silly righties still think their words define reality), why does it surprise you that blacks vote their interest? Is that really ‘slavery’? I’m sure that everyone thinks they should have voted for Strom Thurmond or Trent “We wouldn’t have had these problems” Lott.
76: You’re confusing me with yourself. You like their policies, but would never vote for them due to their race. I just think their politics are stupid, and they’re not competant to run the country.
I think the ultimate irony of you, JCH, is that you think you’re playing this funny game using racial issues to ‘troll the moonbats’… But you’re revealing of yourself than you know, and revealing so much more about your cohorts by their tolerance of you.
Like Mr. Cynical or ProudASS, “The sad kills the funny”*
*(quote stolen w/o permission from D. Conley)
73: I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m against looting, however. Your obsession with their race is, well… telling. WINDIE………[Windie, Like New Orleans, and now Toledo, I see black Democrats looting. What do YOU see?]
74: Morons like you shouldn’t be allowed to read Rand [Windie]………Really? Perhaps Libs like you only get their news for Dan Rather and the MSM. MORONS like you shouldn’t be allowed to read the Communist Manafesto!!
75: Beyond the fact that thats a totally unsupported supposition (silly righties still think their words define reality), why does it surprise you that blacks vote their interest? Is that really ’slavery’? I’m sure that everyone thinks they should have voted for Strom Thurmond or Trent “We wouldn’t have had these problems†Lott. [WINDIE]….Blacks vote Democrat, the Party of welfare and food stamps. [vote slaves] EDUCATED blacks vote Republican, the Party of capitalism and freedom. RICE/J.C.WATTS 2008. I support black conservatives. YOU support the Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Hillary “FBI” files, and REV Farrakhan’s of the socialist Democrat commie libs. You are idiots and “moonbats”. You are traitors and collectivists. You are Democrats: domestic parasites.
LA, New Orleans, Toledo: The moment the police turn their back, black Democrats riot and loot. Gee, I’m sooooooo surprised!!
Windie.I didn’t catch your military service? JCH, LT, USN 77-84
Prior to the “Million More” event in Washington last weekend — led by the former calypso singer and current Nation of Islam leader, Louis Farrakhan — a group of participants gathered at Howard University. It looked like a meeting of the kook fringe as speaker after speaker engaged in the wildest of conspiracy theories about why blacks who are poor continue to be mired in misery. [Windie…..Lots of Democrat voters here!!! Am I allowed to notice their race??] JCH
Police say the city has 3 larger gangs, about 1,000 gang members. In the days leading up to the scheduled neo-Nazi rally in North Toledo, police gathered intelligence that gang members would be present and do something if they had the opportunity. No specifics were mentioned, but police prepared for retaliation by gang members and their associates. They didn’t plan for people to turn on the police. [1000 young Democrats at play!! Windie, am I allowed to “discribe” these young gang members, or would that be “politically incorrect”?]