– I don’t know enough about the Export-Import bank to have much of an opinion. But this discharge petition story makes me think maybe we don’t need a Speaker of the House. Maybe we just do discharge petitions to get all legislation to the floor.
– What the crap is going on this City Council election cycle?
– I haven’t read them yet, but here are The Stranger’s endorsements.
Jorge Ramos to Debbie Blabbermouth Schultzie
Called it right. Four old whitey guys and one old whitey woman! And Mr Gaffe a second waiting in the wings!
Well Jorge… First of all, our president of the United States, who is a Democrat, is African-American. …
Shorter Blabbermouth… The blacks got theirs so back to whitey DUMMOCRETINS with a woman smack dab in the middle!
So where was Tulsi Gabbard pride of DUMMOCRETINS? In Hawaii? http://www.nytimes.com/politic.....e-of-them/
Knowing the horsesASS manure from Blabbermouth, Tusli is way more credible. And this is from the NY Times, libtard mouthpiece of record. Sure beats the head explosions delivered to Triple S in raw story. Just by a tad!
The DUMMOCRETIN party doesn’t represent democratic values anymore. It’s the party of monolithic thought, racist innuendos, my way or the highway, opaqueness to all internal procedures and certain death to the unwanted products of conception as needed to cull the DONK herd!
Now this is DAYUM Funny! http://nypost.com/2015/10/14/c.....te-speech/
Say what? I’d rather be at a park! So how is that climate change working out for ya in a DUMMOCRETIN state?
So why is this Obummer? http://thehill.com/homenews/ca.....protection
“They’re in no rush because I’m a Republican. They don’t give a shit.”
“Ben Carson Accused Of Taking Part In Costco Stock Options Fraud”
“All told, the beneficiaries of this scheme allegedly wrested over $173 million away from the company in pumped-up stock sales and unrecorded compensation during the 10-year-period covered by the two civil suits. And, incidentally: The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Washington state came to similar conclusions after conducting a two-year investigation into Costco’s executive compensation practices.”
Well, as long as Carson remembers not to jaywalk while black, he’ll be okay.
@5 not really, I’m sure someone could lose control of their vehicle and Carson could get run over on the sidewalk.
More evidence the libtard press is DUMMOCRETIN leaning BIG TIME… http://www.thegatewaypundit.co.....l-scandal/
“I’m sure someone could lose control of their vehicle and Carson could get run over on the sidewalk.”
At least he wouldn’t be shot by a cop for that. Maybe.
““Banking while black: College students handcuffed after ‘uncomfortable’ white customers complain”
Banking while black. They’re lucky they weren’t shot and killed. Good thing they weren’t shopping for a toy gun, jaywalking, a 12 year-old playing in a park, selling cigarettes on the sidewalk or sleeping while black. We all know how that shit turns out.”
I some times feel the same way – I wish Goldy would do something. You know at least the Asians are just trying to feed themselves.
@1 “Does the Democratic Party– when I was watching the debate, what I was thinking was the Democratic Party lacked diversity,” Ramos said. “I didn’t see a Latino, or an African-American, or an Asian on that stage.”
But he did see more brains in one little finger than in the entire Republican Party, if he was listening carefully.
@6 & @8 Or he could be mistaken for a shoplifter. That happens to famous black people all the time.
Jogging while black. He’s lucky he’s alive to talk about it.
“WATCH: Alabama man shuts down cops who questioned him for jogging while black — and it’s perfect”
@9 Same thing happens in Canada.
Bully cop threatens to arrest teens for smiling at him, then tells them “I just don’t like you.” Is this an abuse of authority? It’s because of crap like this that so many people distrust and disrespect cops.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This incident occurred last May in Plano, Texas. After this video went viral on YouTube, the Plano police department identified the cop as Jeff Willis and told news media he would be disciplined, although the department wouldn’t discuss what the disciplinary action was.
Oh no Marco doesn’t think $10 an hour is enough to live on…..If Dems aren’t careful, this guy could become the next President.
@15 So his solution is saying “because $10 an hour isn’t enough, we shouldn’t increase it from $7.25” and voting against raising it dozens of times. What an asshole. That’s morally equivalent to saying slavery is so repugnant it’s just too difficult to end it, and then voting against the Thirteen Amendment. Good thing he wasn’t a Senator back in 1865.
Diverse Republicans…
There is one Asian Senate Democrat and 10 Asian House Democrats. There are no Asian Republican lawmakers in the House or Senate in the 114th Congress.
There is one African American Democratic Senator and one African American Republican. 44 African American Democrats in the House and two African American Republicans.
Latino/Hispanic, there’s one Democratic Senator and two Republican Senators, In the House there are 23 Hispanic Democrats and 7 Hispanic Republicans.
65 House Democrats are women and 23 Republican women. In the Senate there are 14 Democratic women six Republican women.
So the final tally in the United Stated Congress:
women and minorities
Democrates: 159
Republicans: 43
Bwaaa, haaa,haa, the party of women and and minorities that is full of diverstiy is really the Republicans.
That’s rich. You’re killing me. Stop. can’t breathe…
I see today that pretty much all of my Wing-Nut Facebook casual linkages are totally sure Jim Webb won the debate what with his being a veteran and a killing the enemy thing.
Of course these are people who have never and will never vote for any Democrat. If their ballot was misprinted and read Karl Marx (R) Ronald Reagan (D) they would vote for Marxism every single time.
So yeah, Jim Webb’s totally the nominee. We need him to get the Democrat-leaning Republican vote.
Trump is complaining that American taxpayers aren’t providing him with secret service protection. In other words, he wants “free stuff”.
“Ben Carson Accused Of Taking Part In Costco Stock Options Fraud”
More money for that old cult. Who’d a thunk it?
3,477,953 checkmate trainwrecks and counting…
Oh checkmate… Ramos asked that of Blabbermouth Schultz about the white people on stage last night.
Puddy realizes English is not checkmates strong point!
Carry on!
3,477,953 checkmate trainwrecks and counting…
Oh checkmate… Ramos asked that of Blabbermouth Schultz about the white people on stage last night.
Puddy realizes English is not checkmates strong point!
Carry on!
And yet you thought it was worth posting because soemthing soemthing, the Latinos are turning Republican somehting see, Trump isn’t hurting us something something, Democrats are the real racists beause something else. See, that Ramos the activist who was being an activist because he said Trump was a racist and being an activist made Piddles hate Ramos but now that Ramos asked Debbie Wasserman-Schultz such an easily smacked down question on diversity, Piddles LOOOOOOOOOVES Jorge Ramos.
BTW, that’s a really creative, 3rd grade level burn on the DNC Chair’s name you keep using.
As most sane people already knew, pulling out a gun, finally getting to play out your “good guy with a gun” fantasy and firing shots without knowing your surroundings, the state law or the danger of your actions is a bad idea
After I read this seemly paranoid text on facebook
“Time Warner Inc owns CNN.
Time Warner Inc is Hillary’s 7th biggest financial supporter.
CNN is posting all over that Hillary won the debate.
CNN’s own polls show that 81% of their viewers think Bernie won.
CNN will not even post the results of their own poll.”
I Googled for polls and it seems, of the people who take online polls, Sanders won.
No surprise that Slate’s poll said
Who won the Democratic presidential debate?
Lincoln Chafee 1%
Hillary Clinton 16%
Martin O’Malley 2%
Bernie Sanders 69%
Jim Webb 12%
but also Fox 5 out of San Diego:
Who won the CNN Democratic debate?
Bernie Sanders 78.54% (39,406 votes)
Hillary Clinton 14.99% (7,522 votes)
Jim Webb 3.35% (1,681 votes)
Martin O’Malley 2.55% (1,277 votes)
Lincoln Chafee 0.57% (290 votes)
The Washington Post concluded Sanders won the debate,
The Chicago Tribune also named the Vermont senator the night’s winner. “Sanders is the reason Democrats have a serious primary race. And he came across Tuesday night as a candidate who believes what he believes and won’t waffle.
But some publications hailed Clinton as the winner. CNN applauded Clinton for her assertiveness. (but have not found any numbers…)
This should really solve the abortion problem.
Oh those conservative values people. They wouldn’t know value if they tripped on a gold nugget.
In the United States, of all Google searches that begin “Is my husband…,” the most common word to follow is “gay.” “Gay” is 10 percent more common in such searches than the second-place word, “cheating.” It is 8 times more common than “an alcoholic” and 10 times more common than “depressed.” The states with the highest percentage of women asking this question are South Carolina and Louisiana. In fact, in 21 of the 25 states where this question is most frequently asked, support for gay marriage is lower than the national average.
@27. I’m surprised by the google search stats. But hey, I’m an out married gay man.
Hey look America’s Exceptionable are hiring lobbyists to let them keep raping zeee womenzzzz.
@28 congratulations. Nice.
I wonder if gay men google “Is my gay husband and/or boyfriend sleeping with woman?”
Oh my God. It says here in this article that the solar system is 4 1/2 billion years old. Can that be!? I’m not a scientist but I really doubt that that can be true.
Astronomers Say Star Could Be Inhabited By Aliens http://www.theatlantic.com/sci.....xy/410023/
I sure hope these aliens @31 aren’t Republican.
Do cops get special privileges? If the victims of this shooting had been civilians, they wouldn’t get a cent.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This police chief isn’t a hypocrite. Instead, he has come under fire — from the local sheriff, no less — for supporting reasonable gun laws. It’s the sheriff who’s an ass. I wonder what he’d say about this verdict if these officers had been his deputies?
@29 Fraternities are a pestilence, but it’s difficult for colleges to do anything about them, because of freedom of association and the fact they operate off-campus. So they can’t really be banned, although colleges can restrict them from their campuses. If I were an employer, I would never hire a frat boy.
@24 Woman plays cop, shoots at fleeing shoplifter, gets charged with reckless gun use. Good. Throw all these damn vigilantes into jail.
Ramos asked Debbie Wasserman-Schultz such an easily smacked down question on diversity, Puddy LOOOOOOOOOVES Jorge Ramos.
Say what checkmate? Your side hates Glenn Beck, butt when Glenn Beck came out against Sarah Palin; the HA DUMMOCRETIN klown posse EACH individually had their Glenn Beck high five commentary on it.
Cry Puddy a river sucka! You don’t like it? Go suck some hombre huevos!
Hey Piddles,
I’ll play your game.
Can you find for me where I, me, personally have praised Glenn Beck? Ask YLB.
Then again everyone knows how you felt about Jorge Ramos just a few short weeks ago. You personally posted it here.
A nationwide law enforcement action that took place last week has concluded with the recovery of 149 sexually exploited children and the arrests of more than 150 pimps and other individuals. The sting targeted criminals responsible for sex trafficking of children in 135 cities, including Atlanta, Cleveland, Dearborn, Denver and Detroit. Detroit had the second highest number of children rescued. Rescued girls in human trafficking bust were 12-17 years old. Denver had 20 children rescued. This is the ninth annual “Operation Cross Country.”
There is a common thread in each of those cities… Puddy is sure checkmate will figger it out!
A nationwide law enforcement action that took place last week has concluded with the recovery of 149 sexually exploited children and the arrests of more than 150 pimps and other individuals. The sting targeted criminals responsible for sex trafficking of children in 135 cities, including Atlanta, Cleveland, Dearborn, Denver and Detroit. Detroit had the second highest number of children rescued. Rescued girls in human trafficking bust were 12-17 years old. Denver had 20 children rescued. This is the ninth annual “Operation Cross Country.”
There is a common thread in each of those cities… Puddy is sure checkmate will figger it out!
Hey babbling jackass,
This klownservatic loves your miserable ass so much, he wants to take your gun away:
Randy Pullen @RPullen
Yes black lives matter. The best way to end the slaughter of young black men is to take guns away from blacks as they are the main killers.
You support these ugly politics babbling jackass?
O so checkmate… you are part of the klown posse? Puddy ask for the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS to replay the crazed databaze. Not gonna happen!
Thanks for the update!
transitive verb
1: to treat with contempt or ridicule : deride
2: to disappoint the hopes of
3: defy, challenge
4 : to imitate (as a mannerism) closely : mimic
5 : to mimic in sport or derision
“I sure hope these aliens @31 aren’t Republican.”
I understand that renown physicist Stephen Hawking is trying to warn us not to contact aliens on other worlds because they might turn out to be Republicans. He warns that could come here and trash our planet as our own Republicans are doing, only worse. For my part, I really don’t think evil aliens could be much worse than Republicans.
@38 and @39
They have a Grayhound Station.
They have an FBI office.
They have police.
They have many McDonalds.
They have black lives that matter.
They have coke and a smile..Atlanta a bit more so.
An International Air Port.
DMC is a popular thread sold at Michaels in all those cities.
A river runs through them.
Snow has happened there more often than Seattle.
They all get more rain than Seattle.
They all had red light districts and brothels.
The Harlem Globe Trotters have played in all of them.
The Grateful Dead played there when Jerry Garcia was alive.
Chem trails.
Coast to Coast plays at night and Rush plays during the day at same Republican Radio Station owned by same corporation.
How about them threads Dude, and the Rolling Stones are still on tour!
@38 and @39
The answer is Puddy likes trains and AMTRAC.
They all have AMTRAC stations.
Take the California Zephyr from Denver and then the Michigan Services to Dearborn and Detroit and then back to Chi town to catch the Capital Limited and then the Crescent to Atlanta. Wow what a cool trip you could go far as a travel agent.
Put me in with @37, please find where I ever praised Beck or any batshit crazy republican.
To the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS @40… Take those sad’day night specials out of their hands and less black men would be killed. Sooooooo only certain black lives matter to DUMMOCRETINS!
Maybe he visits http://heyjackass.com and watches them in action! Just Chicago alone Year To Date Shot & Killed: 363
FACTS always suck to a DUMMOCRETIN!
Mark Adams @44,
Then have DUMMOCRETIN Sadministrations who don’t look out for those children. So the FBI has to come in and take over this heinous job of ridding DUMMOCRETIN streets of exploited children.
If you remember it was Atlanta that had that DUMMOCRETIN teacher scandal!
Way to dance around the issue!
@48, Fuck you, you batshit crazy loon.
“LISTEN: Alabama Repub goes on callous rant against black ex-Marine affected by DMV closures”
The REAL reason gays are going to hell…
You would think the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS would run and immediately answer checkmate and the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla on Glenn Beck. Butt as you can see there is no rush. Y’all should ask the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS why won’t it answer your query?
@48. What else did they have in common? From all the reports so far…
Straight people.
@51. How can you call yourself a Christan and post like that?
” Contempt is a mixture of anger and disgust, expressed from a position of superiority. It denigrates, devalues, and dismisses. It’s not hard to understand why even subtle levels of contempt are damaging—not only in marriages but in all human interaction.
If profane language has a privileged place in the lexicon of contempt, then Christians have a unique mandate to avoid profanity. It’s not that abstaining from pejorative language outfits us with some holier-than-thou halo. It’s that we are called to live with a servant’s heart, affirming the dignity of every human and the sacredness of existence.”
If you continue to post like that, can you really call yourself a christian?
Just wonderin’
Obummer keeping more troops in Afghanistan than before. This is one of his first non-disaster foreign policy decisions. Didn’t want to have two Iraqs on his hand.
A policy of minimalist containment! Leaves 3 bases only. Can’t contain the Taliban, ISIS or Al Qaeda!
Who has the upper hand in Syria?
53% – Putin
22% – Obummer
Cuban soldiers in Syria? Really? Real proxy forces unlike Obummer’s 60 nation “coalition”!
For over 40 years Russia had no middle east influence, now in a few weeks full influence. Way to go Obummer!
Palestinian Authority perception: Obummer backing away from Israel so attack the population. Kill as many as possible. Be a martyr! Get them 72 virgins! Secretly HA DUMMOCRETIN Israel hating pukes cheer this carnage!
Feckless foreign policy!
Medicare Part B premiums increase 50% next year. Way to go Obummer! Doctors visits, surgeries, etc.
COLA – No social security increase but the costs are going up. Obummer claimed this would not happen!
None of these real facts brought up Tuesday!
A tale of two debates
If you listen to the pundits, Hillary Clinton won the debates.
If you listen to social media, Bernie Sanders won the debates.
Would it be fair to say?
If you listen to the establishment, they think Hillary Clinton won the debates.
If you listen to masses, they think Bernie Sanders won the debates.
@55. you could just as easily blame the do-nothing republican congress for the rise in Medicare costs.
Why don’t you get off your partisan perch and rail against the do-nothing republican congress spend endless amounts of tax payer money on bengazi and planned parenthood witch hunts but spend no time or money on jobs bills that help the middle class or finding income, without hurting the poor and middle class, to pay for bush wars bills.
Profane language?
There was nothing profane. It was direct!
@55. you could just as easily blame the do-nothing republican congress for the rise in Medicare costs.
Ummm nope… Obummer didn’t take any input from Republicans on Obummercare. It was all Max Baucus and Nancy Pelosi! Plain and simple! bummer stealing $700 Billion! http://www.heritage.org/multim.....w-programs
Wow that drunken meme on $4.5 on Benghazi when America spends $500 million plus on Planned Parenthood getting rid of those products of conception! That albatross doesn’t fly worser!
@60 because you keep repeating republican spin doesn’t make it true, i would discuss it with you if I thought you would listen
Worser, U R as dense as spent uranium!
Max Baucus and Nancy Pelosi are Republican talking points? Really? That’s your final answer? Puddy already placed multiple times from multiple links the direct words of both claiming they didn’t need Republican help crafting Obummercare. Ask the smelly buttspigot for a crazed databaze replay!
The $716 Biion is a talking point? Well the AARP is another Obummer loving group. They agree Obummer raided that amount from Medicare. http://www.aarp.org/health/med.....e-act.html
It was Dr Jan Gunter DUMMOCRETIN loving abortion doctor who called the gestational unborn baby: “products of conception”. Planned Parenthood gets $500 Million a year. Cecile Richards DUMMOCRETIN loving Planned Parenthood CEO admitted to this. Those are Republican talking points?
So where are your stupid Republican talking points? They don’t exist! Just FACTS worser! You need to stay away from left wrong libtard DONK sites which slant the truth and never provide a level look at anything.
EPIC FAYLE! Sux to be worser again! Why do you continually insinuate lies from your arschloch?
@52 Amen – tell the bat shit crazy loon that all his straight people are pedophiles and church going people if not ministers and pastors. Dumb fuckwad has fuckwad all in his brain.
Found this on the AAPR site discussing the COLA.
“Social Security COLA is based on the Consumer price Index (CPI) used in a formula called the CPI-W to calculate the present COLA. The problem is that this method does not address the particular needs of seniors, who are devastated by the continual rising cost of items such as prescription drugs and food.
Instead of developing a formula more responsive to the needs of seniors, the Republican controlled Congress wants to cut our Social Security benefits by using a COLA formula known as the Chained CPI. In addition, these same Republicans will drastically cut our Social Security earned benefits if they get away with their plan to “privatize” Social Security. If Social Security is “privatized” as Republicans plan to do, there will not be enough money paid into the current Social Security system by today’s workers to maintain current benefit pay out.”
$500 Million a year to Planned Parenthood? So? It seems your goal is blindly defund Planned Parenthood for any reason because they provide abortions, so your part about money is spent on Planned Parenthood is your agenda showing.
@62 Who controls congress right now? The republican congress can improve how Medicare pays benefits anytime it wants to. Have the republicans show leadership and find acceptable funding and pay for it.
Why are conservatives not complaining about lack of Republican leadership?
@55 “Medicare Part B premiums increase 50% next year.”
Actually, that only applies to 30% of Medicare recipients, but don’t let facts get in the way of a good rant.
One-percenters now own over half of the world’s wealth, according to Credit Suisse bank, and the situation continues to get worse. Why is this bad? Not only for the obvious reason that it leaves the working and middle classes poorer, but also because it inhibits economic growth.
The second-wealthiest group, representing 7.4% of the global population, owns just under 40% of the wealth. This works out to about $1 million per person. The middle 21% own 12.5% of the world’s wealth, or about $100,000 per person.
Other shocking statistics: America’s middle class owns less than 20% of America’s wealth; nearly three-quarters of the world’s population owns just 3% of global wealth; about 120,000 people worldwide are worth more than $50 million, half of whom live in the U.S.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Contrary to conservative claims, the economy would grow faster if wealth wasn’t concentrated in so few hands, according to these bankers. In other words, this study provides further validation for what we’ve known for many years: Trickle-down is bunk, and the rising tide lifts only the boats of the rich. In other words, the rich getting richer has zero benefit for the rest of us. And it’s also bunk that they got so rich because they “work harder”; they got so rich because they bought the political system and rigged the game in their favor. So let’s tax the shit out of them — nearly everyone will be better off if we do; and democracy will be healthier, too.
@64 In recent years, when the government has given Social Security retirees a COLA, they’ve nearly always taken it back by raising Medicare premiums in tandem. The net result is that seniors who depend on Social Security haven’t had an actual inflation adjustment in their income for a decade, and prices of rent, food, medicine, and other essentials have gone up significantly over that period.
You simply can’t depend on Social Security alone, even if you trust politicians to keep the system going, and you certainly can’t trust Republicans to do that. One, Social Security doesn’t pay enough to live on, and two, it doesn’t keep up with inflation, not even in the current deflationary economy. The bottom line is you’ve got to have other resources.
One of the most important things you can (and should) do is build up equity in shelter, so you have a paid-off burrow by the time you retire. This will protect you from rising rents and greatly reduce your cost of living.
You’ll also need other income. Pensions, especially in the private sector, can’t be trusted anymore; and most people won’t have pensions in the future anyway. You need to create your own pension by building a stock portfolio. A diversified portfolio of blue-chip stocks worth $1 million can easily provide dividend income of at least $30k – $35k per year, with annual dividend raises that handily outpace inflation even in an anemic economy like we have now. Accumulating $1 million of stock isn’t easy, but it can be done by average people over a period of 30 or 40 years.
Most Americans consume too much, and don’t save enough. A lot of their consumption is wasted money on status symbols, petty luxuries, or useless “stuff.” Our society, driven purely by business interests, puts intense pressures on people to buy and consume. The advertising industry is your enemy, because giving in to these pressures is very inimical to your best interests. It’s much easier to save once you realize the money you tuck away in stocks and other savings is buying your freedom from wage slavery. Achieving independent income means no more alarm clocks, no more commuting, no more cubicles, no more bosses, no more taking orders from others or worrying about what they’re going to say about you at evaluation time. This kind of freedom makes you immune to recessions, layoffs, company buyouts and bankruptcies, downsizing and offshoring, and all the other evils to which wage slaves are held in helpless captivity. Financial freedom means you can tell the whole world to FUCK OFF. I know what that feels like, and it’s great! The way you get there is not by having a huge paycheck, but with smart management of a modest paycheck. Remember all the newspaper stories about janitors who die as millionaires? These stories are real, and they do it by buying stocks instead of “stuff.”
I have a simple question for you. What’s freedom — I mean REAL freedom, not constitutional freedom (i.e., the freedom to remain silent and pray to a non-Christian god while being shot by cops for jaywalking) — worth to you? Are you willing to give up useless “stuff” and impulse spending for the rest of your life to get that kind of freedom? I’m arguing it’s well worth it to trade in your bad financial habits for financial independence.
The longest-serving GOP House Speaker in American history will soon officially become a convicted felon. GOP = party of crooks and liars
@31, Could be a modified Dyson sphere, assuming it is not a natural phenomenon.
The always accurate Piddles:
Did you forget a Pro-Soviet Afghan coup that led to a war that led to an Olympic Boycot that led to Reagan founding the
TalibanMujahadin?Did you not know at all that the Soviets and now the Russians have been closely allied with Syria since the Second World War?
Did you know that the Soviets heavily backed Iran in the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s?
Did you know Russia signed agreements with several Middle East states to build nuclear power in the 1990-2000s?
Did you know that Russia and Libya have been building railroads and oil transit pipelines coorperatively since the Bush 2 Administration?
Of course you knew that in the 2000s throughout the Bush 2 Administration Russia was a major supplier of arms to Iran, Syria and Algeria.
No links. It’s common Googleable knowledge.
So which right wing web site is telling you Russia hasn’t been in the Middle East since, hmmm 2015 minus 40 =, 1975?
I really just dropped in here to share this.
If you were ever into the punk scene (Black Flagg, the FUs, Fugazi, etc) this Facebook Profile is freakin’ hilarious:
D.C. church says a bike lane would infringe upon its constitutional ‘rights of religious freedom’
“The parking loss would place an unconstitutionally undue burden on people who want to pray, the church argues, … Many of D.C.’s churches were built at a time when their neighborhoods weren’t as busy and parking wasn’t a big issue. On top of that, many longtime churchgoers priced out of the city have left for the suburbs and now commute to their old churches by car.”
Did you know know public parking was a religious right? While I feel for the church, public parking was not mentioned as one of the tenants of Christianity. I can’t find Jesus demanding public parking spaces near church anywhere in the bible.
P.S. Great comment “Uh oh, two groups with massive sense of entitlement issues are at odds.”
@72. Unkle puddy does not seem to fact check, to look at assertions with a critical eye, he seems to blindly parrot right wing talking points.
@73. That’s funny.
“It is easier for a poor man to parallel park a Kia than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of Heaven.”
“Blessed be the single-occupancy driver, for tehy will be called children of God.”
“For I can do all things through Cadallac Escalade who strenghtens me.”
“For I was low on gas and you gave me some Petrol, I was driving too fast and you gave me brakes, I was a hitchkier and you invited me to ride, I needed a wash and you simonized me, I was un tuned and you tuned me.”
“Pope Francis claims ‘greed is driving world to ruin’”
The loon’s head will explode. The man the loon hates, who he believes to be the Antichrist and whose church he believes to be the Whore of Babylon, doesn’t cotton to greedy SOBs like our batshit crazy loon.
“Capitalism and profit are not diabolical if we don’t turn them into idols. They are not if we just leave them as tools,” he said.
“Nevertheless, if money and profit at any price become the idols that we adore, and if greed is the basis of our social and economic system, then our societies are heading towards ruin.”
@76 Good stuff, czechsaaz.
There’s no other way about it. Republicans have nothing but contempt for America’s working class.
“Andrea Tantaros: Employees are too lazy to ‘work their tail off’ if a living wage replaces tipping”
“Unkle puddy does not seem to fact check, to look at assertions with a critical eye, he seems to blindly parrot right wing talking points.”
The loon’s faith is not in God, Jesus and truth, but in Fox News and WND.
“BUSTED: Feds arrest Fox News ‘terrorism expert’ for pretending to be a former CIA agent”
“CNN pointed out that Simmons had a pattern of making “extreme and factually dubious” claims about terrorism, including a claim in January that there were “at least 19 paramilitary Muslim training facilities in the United States.””
I’m sure Pope Francis would classify this as “diabolical” greed.
“As part of the indictment, Simmons is also accused of defrauding a victim out of $125,000 in a real estate-related scam.”
This guy apparently didn’t get the same memo that the batshit crazy loon who calls us “COMMIE NAZI DUMMOCRETIN scum” received.
“Texas Republican admits Bernie Sanders isn’t a Nazi – then compares him to Stalin”
Because they’re batshit insane and full of hate…
“Tennessee church kicks out ‘sexually impure’ Boy Scouts after organization lifts LGBT ban”
Oh crackerjack dr checkmate… Puddy gave links on previous threads for Nixon and Kissinger foreign policy success in supplanting Russia out of the middle east. Butt since you really are a moron crackerjack dr chackmate, let’s use the leftist morons at CAP https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/security/news/2013/11/13/79331/russia-in-the-middle-east-pragmatism-from-a-position-of-weakness/
Wee it AIN’T a position of weakness anymore!
See ya crackerjack dr checkmate! FACTS really suck! Who was president then? Hmmm…?
Poor worser drinks the crackerjack dr checkmate kook-aid without doing its own research. See #83. Even the left wrong libtards give Kissinger and Nixon credit.
Don’t read PuddyLinks at your own peril!
Actually, that only applies to 30% of Medicare recipients…
Oh early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit… where did Puddy break out the number of recipients affected in #55? All Puddy wrote was the prices are going up.
What a senile IDIOT!
DAYUM U B weally stooooooooooooopid!
So you got your claim from an Opinion Piece by the American Enterprise Institute
Way to PROVE my point Piddles.
Chechnya, heard of it? Tell me Piddles, what religious group is Russia battling? I’ll give you a hint. It’s the one AEI is saying is of Russia’s genuine interest.
You can’t even spot the idiocy in your own “proof.” (note that Russia’s strongest ally in the region since World War 2 is the secular state of Syria.) So yep, Piddles will regurgitate anything as long as their opinion matches his.
American Enterprise Institute: “to defend the principles and improve the institutions of American freedom and democratic capitalism—limited government, private enterprise, individual liberty and responsibility, vigilant and effective defense and foreign policies, political accountability, and open debate.”
Just a few high level AIE officials:
John Bolton
Lynn Cheney
Paul Wolfowitz
Wow, steller non-partisan group there, eh, Piddles?
Too bad crackerjack dr checkmate has never lived those Biblical ideals or came close in #76.
BTW why are you making comments about Cadillac Escalades? Underhanded racist comment anyone?
Is in the CAP link Puddy provided above #83. CAP uses the AEI for its material sourcing?
Thanks for proving PuddyCorrect again crackerjack dr checkmate…
Another of your Mike Rogers moments maybe?
Did you know that the Soviets heavily backed Iran in the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s?
Did you know Russia signed agreements with several Middle East states to build nuclear power in the 1990-2000s?
Did you know that Russia and Libya have been building railroads and oil transit pipelines coorperatively since the Bush 2 Administration?
So? It’s Russian military peeps with boots on the ground and pilots stationed in country!
Seems CAP didn’t think those were important issues crackerjack dr checkmate!
Once again that crackerjack box dr certificate proves mighty powerful.
Just a few high level AIE officials:
John Bolton
Lynn Cheney
Paul Wolfowitz
Wow, steller group there!
And the CAP article didn’t reference their superior thinking either. Puddy wonders why crackerjack box dr checkmate?
Thanks for agreeing with Puddy again crackerjack box dr checkmate!
Wow crackerjack box dr checkmate, you are .NOT. on a roll!Proving Puddy correct again and again and again.
crackerjack box dr checkmate is Puddy’s bestus cheerleader!
The Escalade, racist? Nope. Just the first gas guzzling SUV that sprang to mind. Why do you inject race into everything?
Would Suburban have been funnier? Expedition? We’ll never know.
Did you know the Bernie Sanders give-aways that Heilary Clinton agreed to will cost $18 Trillion.
No banks
No capitalism
No free thinking
No oil
No guns
No paid for college
Yes JFK would not recognize this party anymore!
Where is that AEI link again crackerjack box dr checkmate?
Better call Mike Rogers! Betcha he knows some people!
Why do you inject race into everything?
Puddy takes the racial clues from rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears! rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears is the originator of injecting race into everything! If you don’t like it take it up with rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears!
He just might listen to you and change its ways. Butt then again maybe not!
“Too bad crackerjack dr checkmate has never lived those Biblical ideals or came close in #76.”
As though a batshit crazy loon spewing incoherent judgement and hate 24/7 is the example one should follow to live life according to the teachings of Christ.
“Yes JFK would not recognize this party anymore!”
You don’t speak for John Kennedy. And you damned well don’t speak for Jesus. All you speak for is the batshit fucking insane 24/7 haters of this world.
Triple S…
Puddy doesn’t take direction from you. In fact you are on the short list of ignorant HA DUMMOCRETIN morons! You were right there with worser when y’all thought crackerjack box dr checkmate was “correct”. Now that the crackerjack box dr checkmate was proven WRONG again Puddy witnessed the exploding head happening in #96 and #97.
Remember Triple S.. It’s your state and your religion that had the highest porn use. You presented the link… Puddy dug out the FACTS!
That’s why you are known as Triple S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN! Triple S Is Batshit Insane! Becoming the dumbest of the left wrong dummies!
The triple concentration between Triple S’ ears and the additional pressure behind Triple S’ eyes are causing further damage to the psyche and soul of Triple S. Now Triple S can’t read and comprehend FACTS anymore. You really have it triple concentration!
Sux to be so stoooooooooooopid all the time. Was it that goat hind leg kick that made you the dumb mofo you are now Triple S? He didn’t like your rear approach?
Where did crackerjack box dr checkmate go with that AEI link?
M I A maybe?
Puddy called it Tuesday night! HA morons called it Wednesday. The libtard slobbering DUMMOCRETIN K-Street led msm wants to resurrect their coronated candidate clinton persona (CCCP) with Hillary V5.0 and call the nomination OVER!
U DUMMOCRETINS are a real hoot. Buying votes by promising $18 Trillion in giveaways! Climate change more important than the ISIS beheaders! Middle East being overrun by Putin and the commies… Oh wait commies and their socialist ideals are friends of DUMMOCRETINS!
Worser only posted part of the CNN rant…
“Time Warner Inc owns CNN.
Time Warner Inc is Hillary’s 7th biggest financial supporter.
CNN is posting all over that Hillary won the debate.
CNN’s own polls show that 81% of their viewers think Bernie won.
CNN will not even post the results of their own poll.”
Here is the rest that worser magically chose to IGNORE…
If this isn’t some Orwellian 1984 crap, I don’t know what is. We need to show corporations that we’re not taking the manipulation anymore. You mean some DUMMOCRETINS are admitting to left wrong libtard msm data and mind manipulation? They are finally agreeing with conservative Republicans? NOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo!
Well they will be soon rounded up, placed back onto the DUMMOCRETIN reservation and send to reeducation camps, similar to those where DUMMOCRETIN misogynists go!
– A comment: Wow liberals/socialists now learning that the media is controlling what is heard, and maybe they will get upset, but as a conservative, this is nothing new.
The stupid fucking babbling jackass can’t even “speak American”.
“This Isn’t Normal: Ben Carson Suspends Campaign for a Book Tour.”
Back to what’s really important to Carson, why he ran in the first place – cashing in, and selling out.
The batshit crazy loon has been played. Again. Easy to do since he’s dumber than a fucking stump and batshit fucking insane.
DAYUM Triple S… you really R a moron… To prove Triple S’ moronic qualities… CNN (Clinton News Network) to the rescue! http://www.cnn.com/2015/10/15/.....index.html
Keep drinking the left wrong kook-aid. The only sucka being played is you Triple S. Still drinking the left wrong swill!
Do you sit all day looking for left wrong juice to guzzle? Yes it does your honor!
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. No sentient life in Triple S!
That’s why you are known as Triple S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN! Triple S Is Batshit Insane! Becoming the dumbest of the left wrong dummies!
The triple concentration between Triple S’ ears and the additional pressure behind Triple S’ eyes are causing further damage to the psyche and soul of Triple S. Now Triple S can’t read and comprehend FACTS anymore. You really have it triple concentration!
Sux to be so stoooooooooooopid all the time. Was it that goat hind leg kick that made you the dumb mofo you are now Triple S? He didn’t like your rear approach?
The batshit crazy loon Triple S has been played. Again. Easy to do since Triple S dumber than a fucking stump, stuck on stooooooooopid, denser than spent uranium and batshit fucking insane.
Of course Anderson Pooper didn’t ask any questions around this topic… http://www.cnsnews.com/news/ar.....ma-5743165
+107%: Federal Debt Held by Public Has More Than Doubled Under Obama; Up $57,431.65 Per Household
– Since Obama’s inauguration, the Treasury has increased the federal government’s debt held by the public by $6,739,201,661,284.21—or about $57,431.65 for each household in the United States.
Obummer must have gotten bad poll numbas on taking the soldiers out of Afghanistan. BTW how many narcissistic “I”‘s were in that speech this morning?
Well only 22% of Americans think Obummer has a clue on Syria.
You go girl! Tell them how the fuck it is!!!!
Fox News Panel Gets Testy Over Whether Black Lives Matter Is Negatively Affecting Policing http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....06454.html
The batshit crazy loon Triple S has been played and filleted. Again. Easy to do since Triple S dumber than a fucking stump, stuck on stooooooooopid, denser than spent uranium and batshit fucking insane.
@72. You don’t say. Is that why big countries like Russia and the United States like to make allies, partly – so the can sell them military equipment and apparatus?
Where does ISIS get all their military equipment and vehicles? And even their attire? Who sells them this shit or who do the steal this shit from. The people that are being stolen from should be a little more careful of losing their shit.
It’s probably because part of the greed that the pope is saying is ruining the world.
Dear Piddly Puffy,
You dumb mother fucker. Let me say something and I’m only going to say it once, so listen with both flaps open on the side of your airless basketball head. I don’t want any dialogue with you, I just want you to learn something, And any response you make will tell me that you are incapable of learning.
Today’s deficit that is contributing to the building debt will not reverse itself until this government start to collect more revenue. This deficit that has been happening since 2003 and is caused by one monkey giving everyone tax breaks and reducing taxes at the same time as creating bigger government with the mostly the addition of homeland security. It is math and it doesn’t equal anything positive. We know your ass along with the other block heads don’t know how to do math, you guys believe in Santa Claus. So then comes Obama in a very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very very, very bad economy. He doesn’t increase or reduce government spending in any astronomical way, nor does he raise taxes or reverse (like let expire) the tax cuts enacted by the monkey before him. So the deficit that was there before pretty much stays and grows….but if you really cared about the facts you will know that the annual deficit has been drastically heading downward from year to year, since skyrocketing. But until the government starts to collect more revenue, it’s not going to make the deficit go positive. You monkeys think it’s all about just gutting spending and collect less taxes…..not happening.
And not sure if you know what the figure is, but I think it is fairly a big number, of the interest on the national debt, that contributes to the national debt and helps it grow so health (sarcasm?). What ever that figure is, do you think Obama is responsible for the interest on the debt from past Presidents? When he came into office the debt was something like $10T.
You should take your moron ass and beat it.
Interesting to look at all the years….2003 tax cuts enacted, yearly debt related to the interest goes up, 2008 it’s the highest that it’s ever has been, 2009 starts to go down
Problem is Republicans have got fucking no brains. Because the data doesn’t come with a check in the mail.
Did the east coast twit teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla fart again in #110? (A rhyme in time)
Puddy didn’t read it past the first two sentences!
Amazing how libtards don’t practice what they preach… http://www.thegatewaypundit.co.....g-student/
Of course you’ll not read about any of this on raw story! So HA’s LIV Triple S would not know about it.
Oh no the libtards will go nutzo… http://www.telegraph.co.uk/new.....babwe.html
Oh no the libtards will go nutzo… http://www.telegraph.co.uk/new.....babwe.html
Putin calling out Obummer and no response from Washington!
Putin calling out Obummer and no response from Washington!
Paid DUMMOCRETIN rabble rousers lost… http://www.thegatewaypundit.co.....ump-rally/
@112 – just like i said
And any response you make will tell me that you are incapable of learning.
Douchebag says what?
LMAO! The Russian and the Soviets before them have maintained a warm water port in Syria since like oh forever!
What a dumbass this babbling jackass troll.
The salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS is calling Puddy a dumbASS? Apparently the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS hasn’t been paying attention… From its link
Now who discounted this? The libtards at CAP… https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/security/news/2013/11/13/79331/russia-in-the-middle-east-pragmatism-from-a-position-of-weakness/
This is why the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS never reads the whole thread before dropping the smelly horsesASS manure from its arschloch.
Sux to be on the short list of HA DUMMOCRETIN morons!
Nuff said SUCKA!
Remember everyone, the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS brought this up!
Learning anything from you teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla @120? Not going to happen because you have nothing to educate Puddy for learning.
You are worthless. Can’t even acknowledge a gay woman wanting to keep her baby.
Get an abortion. She’s from Uganda. You are stooooooooooopid teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla!
Sux to be you!
I see the batshit crazy loon’s head is exploding all over this fucking thread. Fuck. What a loser.
More evidence Puddy PWNS Triple S @124.
Another of cracker jack dr checkmate’s wrongful cheerleaders above. S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN! Triple S Is Batshit Insane! Becoming the dumbest of the left wrong dummies! Especially @104 and @108!
Why would the Russkies put a big naval facility in Tartus? If they ever get into it with NATO they won’t be able to get a canoe through the Dardenelles, so what would they use it for? Gas up their ambassador’s party barge, that’s all. Click here for a photo of the Russian Eastern Mediterranean Fleet:
Same MO as our dumber than a stump, batshit crazy loon.
“Toledo GOP ‘priestess’ freaks out and speaks in tongues after radio host calls her a ‘false prophet’”
Wingnuts should never be allowed near children. If they’re not trying to sexually abuse them, then they’re pulling this type of shit.
“Iowa educator tells mixed-race kids: Blacks are too ‘stupid’ to go to school or live with whites”
This guy is almost as stupid and vile as our batshit crazy loon.
“Illinois legal official quits after crude posts about ‘Moosechelle’ Obama and ‘b*tch’ Hillary are exposed”
Sounds like the dumber than a stump, batshit crazy loon and his cult.
“Parents, Others Held For Son’s Fatal Beating By Christian Cult Members”
“The two young men were subjected to hours of physical punishment at the Word of Life Christian Church in New Hartford, New York, “in hopes that each would confess to prior sins and ask for forgiveness”
The babbling jackass troll quotes from the wikipedia article:
Again, what a dumbass! Thank you again, babbling jackass, for your representation of always wrong wing “thought”. “No influence” – only from the blowhole of a batshit insane cult-driven FOOL!
@48 So the other 130 cities had sad Republican administrations who failed to protect the children?
@54 Actually it’s Assad who is correctly implementing the Dictators Handbook, and the guy is an eye doctor. Know any other doctors in American politics these days.
Iranians are doing pretty well too. I do think it comes down to what the Turks want. So far they are just trying to keep out of it. The Turks popularity in the area is on a par with the Russians. So we have some demonstration of Air Power, will the Russians go all in with troops on the ground? The Assad forces aren’t doing all that much better in light of the added air power. Hey only 70 days till Christmas so will Putin’s troops be back at home before the holiday?
@60 If Obama hadn’t taken Republicans into account we would have a single payer system. We may yet get one since the Republicans don’t like what we got which was their proposed plan.
@83 Which is why President Jimmy Carter had to state to the Soviet Union that the United States would go to war including nuclear if they tried to seize the middle east oil fields particularly in Saudi Arabia.
@101 Your appointment at the Ministry of Truth is tomorrow. Some fine tuning is required.
@105 and didn’t it double or some such thing under Reagan? Of course it might not be double but the austerity policies of the Republicans in charge in Congress, Why not tax the rich and build a new power system and grid. Put Americans back on the moon or Mars. Build a real public health system, make sure felons come out of prison with a high school diploma and at least a vo tec degree, and since you like trains a high speed one from Chicago to Seattle maybe a cool mag train. Hmmmm Puddy it a shiny train.
@122 and the Russians have 100’s of ships rusting away in ports…would you like to buy one? We’ll get some personnel up there asap, not many sailors on duty there.
salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS, yes it’s so strategic there are four Russians there!
Such a moron!
the Russians have 100’s of ships rusting away in ports…
No but the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS would since he thinks Russia has a powerful fleet in Syria @131.
Remember CAP, the libtards, discounted this!
Why would the Russkies put a big naval facility in Tartus?
The same reason we put naval ports all over the world early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Butt as the CAP link said Nixon and Kissinger replace the Russians with American strength. Now Obummer has given it back!
The algorithm detects the weeds from the desired plants and the robot pushes the weed deep into the ground, disrupting the need for as much manual labor and Monsanto weed killer
@141 It’s a good thing our government hasn’t hired you as a naval strategist. You’re so fucking stupid you don’t know the difference between our geography (surrounded by water) and theirs (landlocked). We build ships, they build tanks, get it? Ahh, what’s the use, you can’t teach a box of rocks anything.
“and theirs (landlocked).”
So it’s refreshing to see how you approve of their annexing the Crimea early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
And Puddy didn’t realize Russia is “landlocked”… http://geology.com/world/russia-map.gif
“We build ships, they build tanks”
– So Russia developed the M1A1 – Abrams tank and the M1A2 Abrams modified tank early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
Thanks for the incorrect geography lesson early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!