– Had a more interesting conversation about Mara Willaford and Marissa Johnson with my Real Change vendor than with like 90% of Bernie Sanders supporters.
– At a certain time, the GOP are going to have to find a new fake Clinton scandal. Maybe they can go back to crack pipe Christmastreegate.
– It’s too bad that Disability Rights Washington is suing Seattle, but sometimes those sorts of suits are necessary.
– Seattle radio gets a mention in Obama’s press pool report. Oh, also the President was in town.
Judge sentenced to 28 years for selling teens to prisons
“Former Luzerne County Judge Mark Ciavarella Jr. was convicted of taking $1 million in bribes from developers of juvenile detention centers. The judge then presided over cases that would send juveniles to those same centers. The case came to be known as “kids-for-cash.””
That’s a nasty piece of work.
“All four candidates — Ciavarella, and attorneys Joseph Yeager, Tom Cometa and Joseph Giovannini Jr. — ran as Democrats with cross endorsements from the Republican Party.”
Those are not Democratic values. That’s corruption. Glad he is behind bars.
An interesting progressive Christian viewpoint on the republican party.
There’s Nothing Christian About the Republican Party
“However, against my better judgement, I found myself in discussions with people who honestly believe that if Jesus Christ were alive today, he’d be a gun-toting, war-loving capitalist who had no problem with greed.
Ignoring all the other rhetoric, it’s fairly indisputable that Jesus Christ (whether or not you believe he existed) was someone whose values were: Love, Hope, Acceptance, Giving Helping the needy and the poor, and Providing for the sick and elderly
What I heard from these folks was a system of beliefs wrapped up in fear, hatred, judgement, disdain, greed and anger.”
Take a minute and think about how many veterans could be helped with the millions of dollars that republicans have wasted on their useless Benghazi and Planned Parenthood “investigations”
Tells you where their priorities REALLY are.
Let me see if I can follow conservative logic.
They say:
“Selling cake to gays is participating and supporting their marriage”
“Selling guns to a shooter is NOT participating and supporting their murder”
Seems that you can’t have it both ways.
Stephen Hawking’s thoughts on machines and computers replacing human workers:
“If machines produce everything we need, the outcome will depend on how things are distributed. Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if the machine-produced wealth is shared, or most people can end up miserably poor if the machine-owners successfully lobby against wealth redistribution. So far, the trend seems to be toward the second option, with technology driving ever-increasing inequality.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Of course, a world of extreme wealth for a few and extreme poverty for most, with little or no middle ground, would be an extremely unstable and violent world as those at the bottom pull out all the stops to get to the top, and those at the top fight to preserve their position and prerogatives. And eventually such a system either would be overthrown by violent revolution from below, or would preserve itself with the kind of repression not seen since the Nazis.
The news alone would drive the loon even more batshit insane. That it comes from the hated Raw Story will cause his head explode.
“Grand jury indicts 15 on gang terrorism charges for parading Confederate flags through black child’s party”
“For example, zero-hours contracts follow the Uberisation model, meaning that employment is insecure and biased towards the economic interests of employers. Moreover, quietly shifting people from the category of “unemployed” to the status of “self-employed” has resulted in the proletarianisation of a whole generation. According to some studies, those now categorized as self-employed have experienced a 22% drop in wages since 2009.
And then there is the trend of having to work in old age. Those working past the normal age of retirement doubled in number between 1993 and 2012. And no, the reason is not because they have finally discovered the joys of work late in life but because a pension alone is not enough to survive on.”
Part of why the economy is not thriving, IMHO.
@1 He got off lightly. His co-defendant made out even better: only 17.5 years. And the greedy businessman who bribed these judges to fill his private jail with innocent kids? He got only 1 year plus a $250,000 fine, was released in May, and is safely tucked away from public scorn in his $2 million mansion. One can only hope the pending victims’ lawsuits will strip him of everything he owns and reduce this psychopath to penury for the rest of his miserable antisocial life.
@2 The Bible makes it clear that Jesus was a leftist.
@5. yeah, I can see it going the way of a vicious version of a 1984 police state, that could make Caligula seem nice by comparison. A lot of the discussion about future trends involve some pretty dark predictions on what society will end up when the 0.01% have all the wealth AND the security devices and programs to back them up.
@8 “Kids-for-cash.” is just unfettered Greed. Not a christian value. Not a liberal value.
The loon’s BFF, Bubba, defender of the Confederacy, figures it’s ‘anti-Semitic’ of blacks to want to remove a racist symbol from the Mississippi flag.
“If they’re offended I question their motivations because the blue in the Confederate battle flag represents St. Andrew who was an apostle of Jesus Christ and he was Jewish and makes me wonder if they’re anti-Semitic,” Haden opined.
Oops! Raw Story. Another batshit crazy head explosion!
Oh, and what’s this? Jews? Stuck somewhere between them negroes and those papists, are they?
KKK Constitution
Article V (Recruiting)
Section 6
No Kleagle, Officer or Klansman in any capacity shall ever attempt to recruit an alien for membership in the Klan who is a Negro, Jew or papist, nor shall any alien who is cohabiting with or married to, by common law or pagan way, a Negro, Jew or papist ever be allowed membership in the Klan.
Those are not Democratic values.
Really worser @1? Seems this dude was reerected many times! So they be DUMMOCRETIN values in certain locations!
Take a minute and think about how many veterans could be helped with the millions of dollars that were wasted by the DUMMOCRETINS in power at the Veterans Sadministration. Lavish trips, new furniture, lavish parties…
Yep, that gets a pass for the $Billions wasted butt look at 10 million and OH NO Mr Bill!
You really are a joke worser! DUMMOCRETIN malfeasance… no problem!
defender of the Confederacy…
Triple S has it really bad!
Whoa!! Massive head explosion @13, 14, 15!!!
Called it!
@2 The Bible makes it clear that Jesus was a conservative! He threw out the libtard money changers in the Temple!
“The Bible makes it clear that Jesus was a conservative!”
Oh, my goodness! It looks like after that last head explosion, the batshit crazy loon has no mind left at all.
@17. Once again puddy, your conservative ideology is blinding you from the actual message of Jesus.
I’ll re quote @2″people who honestly believe that if Jesus Christ were alive today, he’d be a gun-toting, war-loving capitalist who had no problem with greed.”
Jesus angrily dealt with the greedy opportunists who were taking advantage of the helpless and drove them out of the temple. It didn’t say liberal or conservative, it said get rid of the greedy.
Why are you not angrily attacking the greedy, including the republican greedy, to be like Jesus?
Why are you not helping the poor and helpless, and demanding that the republicans help the poor, to be like Jesus?
“He threw out the libtard money changers in the Temple!”
Matthew 21:12-13
12 Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there.
So Jesus threw the capitalists out of the Temple. Hmm, capitalists. Must be libtards.
What batshit craziness can we wring out of the loon next?
I wonder who hates papists more, the Seventh Day Adventists or the KKK? The KKK won’t let them join their club. The SDA believes their pope is the Antichrist and their Church the Whore of Babylon. The Antichrist? Whore of Babylon? They even believe the Vatican is the the seven-headed beast of Revelation. That’s harsh. I’d have to give this one to the SDA.
I wonder who hates Jews more, the Seventh Day Adventists or the KKK? The KKK won’t let them join their club. The SDA believes that Jews are going to burn in hell for all eternity. Now that’s really harsh. I’d have to give the SDA this one, too.
“Why are you not angrily attacking the greedy”
Wasn’t it Jesus who said that it was harder for a poor person to enter the Kingdom of God than it was for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle? Something like that?
Matthew 19:24
“Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”
Oh, my bad. It was the rich. But I’m sure this somehow all makes sense to a Bible cherry-picking, batshit crazy fucking loon.
So Jesus threw the capitalists out of the Temple. Hmm, capitalists. Must be libtards.
Exactly… Wanna see who been backing libtards lately? Even the morons at alternet wrote about it you pressure packed DUMMY! http://www.alternet.org/chuck-.....-democrats
Puddy already gave the link to Salon earlier this month!
FACTS just seem to elude worser and Triple S all the time… http://www.breitbart.com/big-g.....-democrat/
Remember Carolyn Mahoney, the DUMMOCRETIN congresspuke woman represents the richest district complained about how Jason Chaffetz was treating the head donk at Planned Parenthood. Awww…
And for your reading pleasure the top five states with the highest income inequality rates all voted to reelect Obummer in 2012. Holy Income Disparity Batman! Rich DUMMOCRETINS?
The SDA believes that Jews are going to burn in hell for all eternity.
Where is that in SDA beliefs Triple S? Or is this another of your farts from the Triple S arschloch? That triple head pressure now causing sphincter to expel worthless emissions!
Hey guys,
Is this a picture of Bob in Whidbey?
Awww. And didn’t he say he never fired an AR-15? Didn’t stop him from wearing one I suppose.
More proof libtards are the stingy rich pukes we all KNOW they are… http://abcnews.go.com/2020/sto.....038;page=1
The Salvation Army proof again…
DUMMOCRETINS, the party of the rich and stingy!
Finally, Brooks says one thing stands out as the biggest predictor of whether someone will be charitable: “their religious participation.” Religious people are more likely to give to charity, and when they give, they give more money — four times as much.
So those in the temple weren’t the religious people! They were DUMMOCRETIN forebears!
“Exactly… Wanna see who been backing libtards lately?”
Too funny. The loon is now claiming that the party of COMMIE SOCIALIST DUMMOCRETIN scum is the party of Wall Street, too. LMFAO! I take it that today’s new breed of commies must be really big into capitalism. But not Republicans! GOP stands for “God’s Own Party”! They do the work of the Lord.
My God, the loon’s head explosion today is excreting some truly funny shit!
@26. So what?
Jesus did not say help the poor and the weak and fight the greedy, unless democrats are not giving as money as much as you think your group is doing and then throw up you hands and stop being christlike.
Do you think Jesus wil accept the excuse from you that you did not fight the greedy because of what some one did or did not do?
“Where is that in SDA beliefs Triple S?”
If they don’t accept Christ into their lives (or his second coming, Ben Carson) Jews are fucked. I’ll leave it to the batshit crazy loon to clarify the finer points SDA wackiness, like whether or not Jews burn in hell for all eternity or if their souls simply cease to exist, as in….Poof! Just like SDA creation myths, only backwards.
Or instead of John Stossel and Arthur Brooks, the President of AEI, you could actually ask qualified academics who carry out legitimate social science research, rather than targeted Libertardian wingnuttery.
So when you subtract religious tithing, televangelist bullshit, and then add back in all the state and local, tax driven support that locals themselves vote to tax themselves, you get a very different picture. And why should you pull out religious tithing and church charities? Because they are some of the most obscenely mismanaged. Pouring money into tax deductible fancy real estate, airplanes, wardrobes, luxury furnishings, and lifestyle accessories for the employees and their families. And why should we add back in locally supported taxpayer funded programs to help the needy? Because they are some of the most efficient and they are a perfectly legitimate form of giving.
Is Fuckwad a Libertarian now? Dr. Carson will be so disappointed. Now he has to choose from an entirely different Klown Kar. I’m not into betting. But if I had to, I’d wager Fuckwad’s pick looks something like this:
Oh, almost forgot,
Tithe harder, Fuckwad!
“Religious people are more likely to give to charity”
Yeah, to their own church and to greedy, hate-filled televangelist wackjobs like Pat Robertson.
the party of COMMIE SOCIALIST DUMMOCRETIN scum is the party of Wall Street, too.
Strange to see Triple S finally agreeing with FACTS!
There is hope for Triple S after all!
This giving to charity was from the Salvation Army study and Triple S farted this
– “Yeah, to their own church…” then something really unintelligent!
That’s Triple S always spouting off unintelligent stuff!
“The wealthiest Congressional districts are almost completely monopolized by the Democratic Party, according to a report by the Associated Press.”
Of course! As the loon says, America’s metropolitan areas are nothing but an infestation of evil NAZI COMMIE FASCIST SOCIALIST DUMMOCRETIN scum which require extermination!
you could actually ask qualified academics who carry out legitimate social science research, rather than targeted Libertardian wingnuttery.
So the Salvation Army is Libertardian? Syracuse University professor Arthur Brooks is a Libertardian?
Head explosion from closeted foreplay! Another worser straw man exploded to micron sized bits!
Is there a corrected link for the “republicans rely on democrats to keep them propped up”? It currently links to the KUOW article about national press people liking our radio stations.
“the party of COMMIE SOCIALIST DUMMOCRETIN scum is the party of Wall Street, too.”
“Strange to see Triple S finally agreeing with FACTS!”
Like I said, the batshit crazy loon believes that today’s communists are Wall Street capitalists. I’d like to say that it couldn’t possibly get any stranger than this, but we all know that the loon will find his way there.
believes that communists are capitalists.
Puddy didn’t write that Triple S. You did!
ALERT! ALERT! Batshit crazy loon head explosion @36!!
The giving truth hurts DUMMOCRETINS because they feel the guvmint should be the ones fixing it than themselves.
Deuteronomy 15:8 – but you shall freely open your hand to him, and shall generously lend him sufficient for his need in whatever he lacks. Since libtards like closeted foreplay can’t deal with this their head exploded above!
Psalm 112:5-9 – It is well with the man who is gracious and lends; He will maintain his cause in judgment. For he will never be shaken; The righteous will be remembered forever. He will not fear evil tidings; His heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD. His heart is upheld, he will not fear, Until he looks with satisfaction on his adversaries. He has given freely to the poor, His righteousness endures forever; His horn will be exalted in honor. closeted foreplay SMACKDOWN!
Matthew 5:42 – “Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you.
Matthew 25:35 – For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in;
Oh the pain of God’s word to a libtard DUMMOCRETIN!
When all else fails the batshit crazy loon, start quoting the Bible!!
@17 When did conservatives ever worry themselves about moneychangers in the temple? They count bankers among their best friends.
@21 “Wasn’t it Jesus who said that it was harder for a poor person to enter the Kingdom of God than it was for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle? Something like that?”
There’s a famous New Yorker cartoon about that. http://tinyurl.com/ncvknws
“Oh the pain of God’s word to a libtard DUMMOCRETIN!”
We’re pained because we prefer a government that reflects the values of Jesus and loon doesn’t? I think we all know where this will lead…
Yup! Head explosion @41!!
Notice the large
sound from Triple @ @42?
Triple S doesn’t understand or comprehend…
Charity is a personal thing not a government thing! Jesus talked about personal charity not guvmint handouts!!!!
“Charity is a personal thing not a government thing! Jesus talked about personal charity not guvmint handouts!!!!”
Yeah, of course, because Jesus would hate a government which reflected his values.
What batshit insanity. The batshit crazy loon wants to end social safety net programs for the sole reason that he’s a greedy motherfucker who doesn’t want to help the poor. Seeing as how all he can ever do is express hatred for others, it’s damned obvious that Democrats of faith, atheist or agnostic are far nearer to God than the batshit crazy loon will ever be.
This isn’t a Christian nation, something the batshit crazy loon obviously wants, but he will never see it happen.
Caution! Multiple batshit crazy head explosions @46, 47.
Christians like puddy like charity where they get to play god and pick and choose who gets their largesse, while government has to be fair like jesus and give to anyone who qualifies.
“Syracuse University professor Arthur Brooks is a Libertardian?”
He hasn’t been there in years, Fuckwad.
He is currently employed as President of AEI.
You’ll get nowhere grinding this bone, Fuckwad. Brooks is a shill. Always has been. Well known for it. Serves as a lickspittle for a handfull of the most obscenely wealthy families in America. Setting up tax deferral trusts that allow them to shield billions while still letting it pile up, until they feel like spending it on “charity”. You know, charity like a 50,000 square foot solar powered equestrian arena that lets in a dozen poor kids once or twice a year for “enrichment”. You, and they, and most especially he are all great big fucking frauds. Try again.
Oh, and while you’re at it:
Tithe harder, Fuckwad!
@6 This is tricky; the defense undoubtedly will play the First Amendment card, but the charges might stick because threats aren’t protected speech and gang activity is a legitimate subject for exercise of the state’s police powers.
Score another defeat for Team Wingnut:
‘Before the Affordable Care Act went into effect last year, critics claimed it would lead to job losses and cuts in employee hours. But how is it really playing out?
‘The dire predictions have so far proved to be unfounded, according to a new research paper from Federal Reserve Bank of New York economist Maxim Pinkovskiy.
“The fear was that employers who were newly required to provide health insurance to their workers would opt instead to cut hours or fire employees. But early numbers show that locations with a high percentage of uninsured Americans, such as Texas, ended up experiencing a rise in employment, salaries and output in comparison to areas with less exposure to the health care law, Pinkovskiy noted.”
@25 Sure looks like him. Notice the stupid grin on his face? I wouldn’t go around like that. He’s a walking gunpowder silo. One bullet hits that and the whole mess goes up in an orange flash and puff of gray smoke.
@35 Well, of course, you expect the more intelligent and well educated people to do better economically. So why should anyone be surprised to find liberals living in upscale neighborhoods?
@ 25
Is this a picture of Bob in Whidbey?
Not hardly. Although I will allow that my Ford F-250 looks like the one on the far left – same color and everything – as the one in the video @ 6.
So maybe run with that. Although next time say ‘on’ Whidbey.
I see you’re making your usual cerebral contributions to the discourse, YLB. Predictable as always.
Chronologically challenged closeted foreplay @50
Arthur C. Brooks was the Louis A. Bantle Professor of Business and Government Policy at Syracuse University’s Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs and Whitman School of Management. He left Syracuse University on 1/1/2009 to become President of the American Enterprise Institute.
When Professor Brooks wrote the study he was a Syracuse professor! FACTS really suck when you are a DUMMOCRETIN libtard!
Sux to be closeted and dabbling in foreplay!
Above you complained the rich capitalists were Republicans and wall street was for Republicans.
Now you change your tune? WRONG! That’s not what you postulated above early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Why Bernie Sanders isn’t going to be president, in five words
Meet the Press ✔ @meetthepress
CHUCK TODD: Are you a capitalist?
@BernieSanders: No. I’m a Democratic Socialist.
6:33 AM – 11 Oct 2015
Quick, before the primaries begin someone ask Hillary if she’s a socialist.
Nick Hanauer @NickHanauer
The new economics Nobel Prize winner’s great explanation for why inequality threatens democracy http://www.vox.com/2015/10/12/.....ce=twitter … via @voxdotcom
Retweeted by Goldy
That’s one billionaire’s take.
Here’s a different billionaire:
“If you want to learn about why human welfare overall has gone up so much over time, you should read The Great Escape: Health, Wealth, and the Origins of Inequality.”–Bill Gates
We’re living long enough to have become unequal. Unequal at 70 is preferable to equal but dead at 40. Just ask Roger Rabbit.
Thanks for the link early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Since you provided three paragraphs…
– That appears to be happening, according to research finding an increase in workers in industries that don’t typically offer health insurance, such as the retail or hospitality industries. Of course, the downside is that these types of jobs are often poorly paid and offer paltry benefits, so that may not be something to cheer about.
– It could also reflect the fact that many new jobs in the uneven economic recovery are in these industries, and chronically unemployed workers — who are now able to buy insurance through Obamacare’s health exchanges or through the law’s Medicaid expansion — are shifting into these roles as a way to get their footing.
– As in anything in life, all this research comes with a big caveat: Obamacare is still in its infancy, and major sections of the law still haven’t come into effect, such as the so-called Cadillac tax. Another potential issue is how the labor market will react if health care costs keep growing faster than the economy, as it has in past years.
PuddyCommentary: As one can see the real information was buried later because libtards don’t really read the whole article and they have short attention spans! Shifting to those low paying with paltry benefits jobs. That’s economic recoveries with DUMMOCRETINS.
CNN expects ‘significantly smaller’ ratings for Dem debate
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/.....z3oP5ABhsw
Gonna be a yawner. And they cut it from 3 hours to 2 hours because Bernie and Hill can’t stand for 3 hours.
I don’t recall Barack exhorting the masses to watch this debate.
Bill O’Reilly is on Heilary’s web site. Butt they cut the important part of Bill’s commentary! Then when called on it they lied again!
Remember Watergate was political! Butt the Republicans wanted to get at the bottom of Watergate too. Here Elijah Cummings is stonewalling all the way. DUMMOCRETINS don’t want to get to the bottom of why Heilary didn’t send more troops to protect the ambassador!
Maybe this is why the fewer the viewers tomorrow night, the better (for Hillary):
‘She loses if enough Democrats conclude she can’t win.’
Read more: http://www.politico.com/magazi.....z3oP6TQQYo
Can’t conclude much about it if you don’t watch it.
“Now you change your tune?”
There’s something you should know. You’re batshit fucking insane.
Putin just playing with Obama now.
MOSCOW (Tribune News Service) — Russian President Vladimir Putin defended his military’s air and cruise-missile strikes on terrorist targets in Syria, saying the campaign was already more effective than discontinued U.S. efforts to support some militant groups.
“It would have been better to give us $500 million,” Putin said of the aborted U.S. program to fund the Free Syrian Army. “At least we would have used it more effectively from the point of view of fighting international terrorism.”
If you’re a US service member, and you read this in Stars and Stripes, are you going to be more pissed off at Putin?
Or at your own Commander in Chief?
“DUMMOCRETINS don’t want to get to the bottom of why Heilary didn’t send more troops to protect the ambassador!”
LMFAO again at the stupid fucking loon.
The batshit crazy babbling jackass conveniently ignores….
10 congressional committees, 171 witnesses, 10 published reports, 2,780 questions asked, 8 out of 136 – the number of question asked about Benghazi out of 136 question posed to Hillary Clinton. $4.5 million and rising – the amount of taxpayer dollars you’ve wasted so far in your political Benghazi sham witch-hunt.
All that, and you have absolutely nothing. You have nothing at all, including a mind, which you obviously lost many years ago. But look at the upside, you batshit crazy loon. At least that gives an excuse for your incredible fucking stupidity.
“If you’re a US service member, and you read this in Stars and Stripes, are you going to be more pissed off at Putin?
Or at your own Commander in Chief?”
Beats me, but I know what you and the batshit crazy loon would do. You two would do what you always do, hate on your nation’s president. Only this time you’re doing it while blowing kisses to Russia’s president and GOP presidential nominee, if you could, Vladimir Putin.
Any doubt at all that Putin would poll higher with wingnuts than Jeb!? Don’t lie. You know he would. Putin is the most popular right-wing politician in America right now, a kindred spirit to batshit crazy wingnuts across the land, from sea to shining fucking sea.
Reagan must be rolling in his fucking grave.
That 60 Minutes interview by Obummer was a real doozy! Insert foot and chew! Obummer hoped people would have remembered this… http://www.washingtontimes.com...../?page=all
When you draw a red line and you retreat you look feckless. Obummer’s foreign policy is feckless!
That 60 Minutes interview by Obummer was a real doozy! Insert foot and chew! Obummer hoped people would have remembered this… http://www.washingtontimes.com...../?page=all
When you draw a red line and you retreat you look feckless. Obummer’s foreign policy is feckless!
Perhaps our president knows something that Republicans refuse to acknowledge – that America might have had the stomach for dealing with Syria if Republicans hadn’t of wasted so much of our national blood and treasure invading the wrong fucking country. Idiots.
Trey Gowdy has it right about Elijah Cummings unlike how Republicans were on the Watergate Committee.
“Your duty as ranking member of this committee has not been to the American public, but to your Democrat colleagues and to the administration, including former Secretary Clinton. This is evidenced by your complete lack of interest in gathering any facts whatsoever, and instead spending the majority of your time issuing press releases describing Democrat strawmen which no one is investigating except Democrats and you.”
Every congressional investigation is political. It’s the DUMMOCRETIN who invested all that political capital to give Heilary her turn that have DUMMOCRETINS pizzed!
The batshit crazy loon has 10 minutes to fix this strange shit @72. What a stupe.
“Which Weight Loss Hormone is Out of Balance in Your Body? Take The Quiz.”
“Older men are following one simple trick to boost their free testosterone levels.”
Oh, so this where the batshit crazy loon hangs out when he’s not here…
“Check Out These Ridiculously Dirty Pics”
@70 I didn’t see you there leading a bayonet charge against Assad’s men.
@67 Yeah, they seem to really like that guy. Maybe they think the barechested man on horseback is sexy.
@73 Some are more political than others. And dishonest.
Puddy discussed DUMMOCRETIN Elijah Cummings stonewalling the Benghazi hearings
The early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit @77 discusses Elijah Cummings too…
@73 Some are more political than others. And dishonest.
Thanks for playing and describing Elijah Cummings… early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Once again.
He hasn’t been there in years, Fuckwad.
Try reading for comprehension first. Before wearing out your googlin finger. You’ll need it for boosting your free testosterone levels, discovering which weight loss hormone is out of balance, and checking out the ridiculously dirty pictures.
(Do your Pastor and Elder know how you spend your evenings? Do you use that hand when you shake theirs?)
Triple S…
CNN, ABC, CBS, FOX, WSJ, NYT, and other sites have advertisements that surround the stories. Puddy missed the hijack!
Perhaps our president knows something that Republicans refuse to acknowledge – that America might have had the stomach for dealing with Syria
Not from Obummer’s DUMMOCRETIN side. Need to see those links again Triple S?
Floppy DIPSTICK @79,
Apparently you failed english comprehension…When the ABC News story came out in 2006 Professor Brooks worked at Syracuse University. That’s the link from the PuddyPost above.
Since reading isn’t comprehensive for you… Sux to be in the closet playing with yourself as always!
If your search history and browser cookie cache is any indication, I’ll have to defer to your expertise about floppy dipsticks. And, with all due disrespect, it sounds like it “SUX” a whole lot more to be you. I wish I could say I felt sorry for you. But honestly, I can’t think of anyone more richly deserving.
Tithe harder, Fuckwad! Who knows? Maybe your invisible sky buddy will fix your testosterone.
A cop union claims “black lives matter” is anti-cop.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I respect and support good cops who do their job right, which describes the vast majority of cops in this country. Police unions, not so much; of course, it depends on the union, but the cop unions getting most of the press are off the charts, in my opinion.
The interesting thing about this story is that the protest against Dunkin’ Donuts was led by Tony LePore, Providence’s famous “Dancing Cop.” I’ve watched Tony perform in YouTube videos, and he’s a great performer. Every city could use a traffic cop like him to lighten things up. I have no idea what his political views are, or what his role in this incident is.
Btw, that Memphis cop killed over the weekend was gunned down by a neighbor in what appears to have been a personal dispute of some kind.
Another free market failure. Why we need government oversight of food production — the kind of regulation Republicans have tried to weaken or eliminate.
Meanwhile, do you think a guy who believes Biblical Armageddon is just around the corner should be President of the United States? I’m sure that would be a great comfort to our allies.
If Carson becomes President, maybe this guy will be the next House Speaker.
So everybody now knows that you’re into porn. No surprise here. It’s common knowledge that you right-wing freaks are into that stuff.
“Porn in the USA: Conservatives are biggest consumers”
Bueller Bueller Decoder ring @83!!!
Chronological comprehension is definitely not your strong suit lib the unscientist!
So everybody now knows that you’re into porn.
From the one who reads raw story?
Ohhh Triple S… Interesting you read this…
Your porn link has an interesting statistic…
And who lives in the rural areas? Who lives in the city Triple S?
Seems this is a generalization based on Utah (your religion Triple S) and Mississippi! There is no real breakout of city vs. country!
Butt this was very interesting…
You libtards just can’t find a mate who is whackjob nutz like most of you so gotta hire out for it!
Still waiting for Triple S to explain its comment about Jews burning in hell for eternity!
“Even after holding constant income, age, and education, adult entertainment subscriptions…”
Perhaps if the loon quit jacking off to porn sites and got out more, he wouldn’t be so batshit fucking crazy. Just kidding. It wouldn’t help. He’s too fucked up in the head for words.
What a bunch of self-righteous perverts. We all know what wingnuts get off on.
“The Child sex ring that reached Bush/Reagan Whitehouse”
Originally reported by the Washington Times. Heh. The loon’s head will explode with that one.
“there is a future millennium in which the devil will roam the earth while Christians are with Christ in heaven…. on the last day, after a limited period of punishment in hell, the wicked will be annihilated and cease to exist rather than be eternally damned.”
Jews don’t get to go to Heaven. Like I said…Poof!…all the Jews are gone. Because the insane loon believes they are wicked.
As I’ve said before, the batshit crazy loon loves him some Israel, but he hates the Jews.
The psycho-laugh. As what’s left of the loon’s mind deteriorates more and more with each passing hour, we see it every day now. Not a good sign. Not good at all.
@3 Unfortunately the number is zero. Unless you are referring to the time the committee members are spending on this issue other than veterans issues. Even so this is politics. Democrats when they have control of the House or Senate get to do their own set of investigations. It’s a very American past time, and keeps a few folks gainfully employed and off the streets, but it’s rather politically based.
Yeah todays communists in China are capitalists. The concept has sorta caught on in Cuba, and the true believers in North Korea are still according to their claims true communists.
He only visits those sites for scientific research purposes.
No, really.
Don’t forget who gave white house press credentials to a rent boy.
But that was probably for science too.
Psych 101 Projection is truly alive Triple S!
Triple S needs to visit catholic material to discuss SDA. That’s because Triple S can’t find it on SDA sites!
Waytogo libtardo!
When Triple S has nothing else to say its copy the Puddy Comments
Call Puddy a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahambulance
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Well go for it. Puddy PWNS you too Triple S!
Mark Adams nails Triple S again… Yeah todays communists in China are capitalists. Triple S so wrong for so long!
See #90… Utah… your state and your religion since you brought it up!
Sux to be Triple S!
See #90… Utah… your state and your religion since you brought it up!
Sux to be Triple S!
The fact that Catholics call out the SDA cult for their hate caused quite the head explosions @99, 100, 101, 102. An impressive psycho-event, for certain! Actually, more like implosions than explosions this time. Huh! Just like the GOP that way.