There is a special place in hell for the men who didn’t know something was up at work with other men. I can’t help but read it as “I made myself untrustworthy to all the women I work with.” If you never heard any rumors, it’s not because they weren’t going around. If you weren’t ever asked to stay late so a woman didn’t have to be alone with so-and-so, it doesn’t mean that so-and-so wasn’t giving off a vibe, or had a history, or whatever. If nobody has said “you’re a man, you go talk to him” or something similar, it doesn’t mean that those conversations didn’t need to happen.
It’s getting worse for me every day. I’m finished.
There are numerous special compartments in Hell. The biggest and hottest is populated by armchair generals who’ve never seen a parade ground but start wars and send other people’s children to die in them.
Now we know why Tillerson called Trump a “fucking moron.”
“President Donald Trump said he wanted what amounted to a nearly tenfold increase in the U.S. nuclear arsenal during a gathering this past summer of the nation’s highest-ranking national security leaders, according to three officials who were in the room.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: All the hard work that has been done, and the agreements that have been negotiated, to make the world a little safer by reducing the stockpiles of active nuclear weapons will go down the toilet if this fucking moron gets his way. Impeach. Now.
Impeach his supporters, too. Their voter registrations should be revoked for malpractice.
Carl, your lead-in today is a crock. Lots of people work in offices where something is going on between co-workers they don’t know about. Even if you do know about it (a) you don’t know whether it’s true or just gossip, (b) if it involves the boss, what are you supposed to do, confront your boss? and (c) why are you responsible for curing all the world’s ills, especially when you have no power over the situation?
Sexual harassment is a societal problem that must be addressed on cultural and legal levels. Bosses chasing secretaries around the desk is no longer accepted in our society. That won’t stop some bosses from doing it, and it’s not entirely a thing of the past (as the Weinstein case shows), but they can’t do it as readily or openly anymore. And exposure usually puts an abrupt end to it (as the Weinstein case shows).
Additionally, huge legal liabilities now attach to that behavior. In a typical office, a sexual harassment settlement typically runs into six figures. At high levels of big corporations (think Fox News), each settlement usually costs the parent corporation millions. Does this create a disincentive? You bet it does. Sexual harassment lawsuits can be an existentional threat to the largest of companies. That’s why virtually all employers now have strict employee conduct rules against sexual harassment and swiftly get rid of employees engaging in such conduct. Is it effective? Well, it’s hard to believe the proliferation of sexual harassment lawsuits against employers and the resulting crackdown by employers is having no effect. In fact, you see its effect in the headlines every time a high-profile CEO, executive, or on-air personality (think Fox News) gets sacked. C-suite power and Nielsen ratings no longer are thick enough to protect the most powerful of corporate poobahs from the armor-piercing shells of sexual harassment lawsuits.
“Norman Ornstein, political scientist and resident scholar at the conservative American Enterprise Institute” describes the Trump Administration as a “kakistocracy.”
“kakistocracy (English pronunciation: /kækɪsˈtɑkɹəsi/) is a system of government which is run by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens. … It was also used by English author Thomas Love Peacock in 1829, but gained significant usage in the 21st century.”
Ornstein says kakistocracy is back — this time in America. A Daily Kos commentator observes,
“There’s a reason this word has been out of vogue so long. The reason is that a kakistocracy requires two things that until this point in American history have been quite rare. First you need an Executive with a blatant, wholesale disregard for the country, the welfare of its citizens and the importance of its institutions. Second (unless such a person manages to be elected by trickery), you need a constituency willing to elect such a person. To find a bloc of voters with such an abominable disregard and low opinion of themselves and their country that they would knowingly put their futures in the hands of thoroughly venal leader is a real rarity. The primary process usually winnows out such garbage. In this case, however Republican voters were already inured to Trump’s personal style because he was a TV personality. So an institutional hurdle that exists for most candidates was immediately mooted. But the fact is that millions of Americans chose—with eyes wide open—to elect someone who clearly from his conduct and speeches during the campaign exemplified the absolute worst America had to offer.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I can think of another country, in another time, where a plurality (not a majority, but then, Trump wasn’t elected by a majority either) elected a venal leader with a blatant disregard for the welfare of the country, its citizens, and its institutions. In fact, a significant part of his appeal to the masses consisted of his promises to tear down the existing institutions. And his supporters knew exactly what they were voting for because he spelled out every detail of his vision in a book, the sort of book politicians write when campaigning for high office as a tool for selling their candidacy. Can you identify who I’m talking about?
Again, this seems like a heterosexual problem. The fucking around, the harassing, the cover ups, the denials of criminal activity (rape), the righteousness of the Football Frat Boys…..why don’t your kind just have open relationships and no sexual hang-ups.
But be aware of the consequences of inserting items up your asses.
Oh and don’t forget that marriage is so sanctimonious that it’s almost the 11th commandment. Maybe you people make it one of the Commandments then you just might follow it like the rest of the other 10.
Now if we could just enact a loser-pay tort system. Bring a lawsuit, lose, and pay the court costs and the costs the defendant had to pay, too.
Don’t hear much about Puerto Rico anymore. Is anyone still alive there?
Maybe this will get the ball rolling on P.R.’s recovery:
“FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, M.D. says damages to drug makers’ Puerto Rico manufacturing operations could result in shortages of as many as 40 medicines before companies regain full capacity. A small number of shortages may start to appear in the next couple of weeks. Drugs potentially affected include treatments for cancer, rheumatoid arthritis and HIV.”
Betcha didn’t know lots of your drugs are made in P.R., didja? Betcha Drumpf doesn’t know, either. He will when white people start dying in places like Wyoming and Texas and rural Wisconsin because they can’t get drugs because everyone in P.R. is dead because they couldn’t get food or drinking water.
Here’s some Tuesday morning light reading over coffee for Doctor Dumbfuck if and when he wakes up from a night of strenuous physical activity in the horse barn.
The good news is Trump might not able to get his blood pressure pills. The bad news is Trump might not be able to get his thorazine pills.
Another case of a school administrator using her authority to impose her rightwing political beliefs on a student which didn’t go well.
How to wreck a business.
The owners’ incredible hypocrisy explained.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Show me a Republican, and I’ll show you a hypocrite. This pair have set a new standard for lowering the bar.
P.S., I don’t support global warming, either. At least they got half of that part right, although not intentionally.
Having worked in my youth for one or two employers with large diverse workforces and carefully implemented workplace harassment policies, all I can say is that Carl’s comment encourages recklessness. Confronting peers or superiors supported merely by “atmosphere”, rumor, or “vibes” can easily result in serious discipline and/or termination for the accuser. For good reason. Charging into HR to level accusations of workplace misconduct can do real harm to people and teams. But attempting to handle the problem “quietly”, “man-to-man” is precisely what allowed this to go on for decades at this company. Phrases like “see something, say something” are best accompanied by the admonition that it must actually be something.
But I’ve personally never worked in a setting that tolerated crude jokes, grab-assery, “partying”, or any kind of inappropriate atmosphere or workplace settings that put employees, vendors, customers, or employment candidates at risk. To me the alarm goes off when it is reported that this company routinely held private business meetings in hotel rooms occupied by employees. That is ridiculous. It should never be allowed under any circumstances.
There is a special place in hell for the men who didn’t know something was up at work with other men.
Remove the gender references (anyone see the movie Disclosure?, and that special place in hell, at least for those around Bill Clinton, could be referred to as the Hall of Unsuccessful Democrat Presidential Nominees.
Goldy ✔ @GoldyHA
Republicans literally put a serial rapist in the White House.
And they just as literally were not the first party @ 15 to do so. Democrats, fortunately, couldn’t pull off putting the same guy in the White House a second time.
It was a bj between consenting adults that was initiated by the one who wasn’t an elected official.
Other than that all these things are EXACTLY the same.
Goldy ✔ @GoldyHA
Weird how Republicans—who put a serial rapist in the White House—think they score political pts for ousting a sex-harassing Hollywood mogul.
Oct 9, 2017
On KUOW last hour, there was a discussion on the topic of whether Trump, or Bill Clinton, was more like Harvey Weinstein.
It’s really not weird at all.
Think about how badly a President #CrookedHillary would have been harmed had this story dropped in the first several months of her administration.
Weinstein, Weiner, Polanski. None of them have strong ties to the GOP.
You find this weird? After all the mileage you made sure you got when the Mark Foley thing surfaced?
I find it fully understandable.
@ 17
It was a bj between consenting adults that was initiated by the one who wasn’t an elected official.
Google “You better put some ice on that.” It wasn’t from an enthusiastically provided bj.
@10 Chris Murphy says he isn’t going to run in 2020 for President but I’d love for this guy to be the nominee!
Of course Врач немой ебать finds it fully understandable.
As a Fuckface dead-ender he’s still fighting pointless culture wars battles he and his Thumper-base fellows lost during the Nixon administration. All they see is the blowjob, the Golden Shower, or the Pussy Grab. That’s where all the action begins and ends for them. Consent is really of no great consequence. But then again neither are women or children.
Probably doesn’t help that few if any of them have actual relationships of any real consequence with women or children. But at least Врач немой ебать has his horses. Poor things.
Remember the Pussy Grabber is just talking locker room talk in the locker room….even though it does no good…he’s just as fat as the New Jersey whale.
I always believe the women:
“During the 1992 Presidential campaign there were unfounded rumors and stories circulated that Mr. Clinton had made unwelcome sexual advances toward me in the late seventies. Newspaper and tabloid reporters hounded me and my family, seeking corroboration of these tales. I repeatedly denied the allegations and requested that my family’s privacy be respected. These allegations are untrue and I had hoped that they would no longer haunt me, or cause further disruption to my family.”
You have to admit that this Harvey Weinstein story isn’t making The Straights look good. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves. The men think they own the Pussy and the cunts just want to spread their legs to get ahead in this world. Remember, we are all supposed to be playing by the same fair rules.
The Straights are really fucked up.
If nothing else is ever learned from this situation, just remember there are consequence to sticking things where they don’t belong.
@ 23
Yeah, I remember the list of about a dozen trysts with Gennifer Flowers that her side provided, but Bill Clinton denied was true.
’cause for one of those trysts on that list she got the date wrong and Team Clinton was able to show that the hotel at which it was alleged to have occurred was closed for remodeling on the date she provided.
My guess is that Harvey Weinstein can convincingly demonstrate that one of the allegations reported so far or in the future didn’t happen in the way that it was alleged.
Other than that, you made a really good point.
Putin, Mogilevich, Sater. They OWN the GOP.
And Врач немой ебать helped them close the deal.
You’ll please link to the source that Flowers alleges she was raped.
Or not.
Which only confirms that
a) consent is not important to “conservatives” – at least not the consent of women and children (after all, you don’t need a toaster’s consent);
b) I probably did make a really good point about consent;
c) being a “conservative” you still don’t get it.
So Bob is saying that since we had, as he alleges, a sexual offender previously in the White House then it’s perfectly fine to have one today. And furthermore to knowingly elect one while not knowingly Elect the other that there is no difference in that.
Why Boob you lower the standards any lower your boyfriend Puffy will then want his lover Milo to be his next pick. Careful what you wish for.
@ 28
The point I made had nothing to do with consent.
It was to address the nagging fact that your ability to discredit one of the accusations against Clinton in regard to his womanizing does nothing to discredit the numerous others.
You’ll please link to proof that Gore and #CrookedHillary each held Bill to account for the rape allegation made by JB @ 19. Before the election lost
by each, I mean.
Where my boys at?
I just want to make it clear here that you are drawing a precise equivalency between a witness making mistakes in details about past events and a sworn affidavit that was the result of hours of deposition in the company of teams of attorneys and sworn officers of the court.
I don’t mean to discredit Juanita Broadrick in general. But she signed a sworn affidavit to the court, under oath, in the company of legal assistance after months of preparation (years really) in which she categorically denied the existence of any such encounter as Hillbillies describe in chatrooms and raving Facebook posts even to this day. And that constitutes the basis for Hillbillys like Pudendum and Doctor Dumbfuck alleging that Bill Clinton was (or is) a rapist.
I’ll take the sworn statement to the court prepared with the assistance of counsel over the Howard Stern interview if I have to choose. But then again, I’m not a hillbilly.
A whole thesis should be written on the failings of one man and one woman to coexist without sexual misconduct.
As soon as I get to the whitehouse fuck me pumps will be replaced with suck me pumps worn by the little boys.
Why would they hold someone to account for a crime the victim swore under oath never took place?
@ 32
I’ll take the sworn statement to the court prepared with the assistance of counsel over the Howard Stern interview if I have to choose.
My guess is that there’s an equally compelling sworn statement she subsequently gave to Starr’s OIC a year later that she had lied under duress when she gave that sworn statement.
Which seemed to be enough for both WSJ and NBC News to go forward with, after Clinton was acquitted by the Senate.
Twice the DNC hitched its wagon to presidential candidates tarred with their associations with Bill Clinton. Twice the Democrat Party paid the price.
#CrookedHillary will never, ever be president.
Lying under oath is a bad thing. It didn’t help JB’s case, I’ll grant you that.
And when Bill did it, it surely did not help #CrookedHillary.
Thank you for permitting me the opportunity to slip that one in there at the end.
Right. That’s exactly what I said. And still you don’t get it. Of course it had nothing whatsoever to do with consent. And yet you remain convinced that somehow there is equivalency between a political sexual scandal involving infidelity among consenting adults, and rape. And that’s precisely because in the fucked up moral hazzard world-view of “family-values” conservatives consent isn’t all that important.
And the biggest joke of all is that your beloved Orange Shit-Gibbon has cheated on every woman he ever hired to be his wife. And that only makes you love him all the more.
My guess is that there’s an equally compelling sworn statement she subsequently gave to Starr’s OIC a year later that she had lied under duress when she gave that sworn statement.
There almost certainly is. And every single Hillbilly/Treason/Klan member of the committee got to review it and concluded it had no value in consideration of articles of impeachment. As did Ken Starr. But you AM Hate radio experts and tin-hat moral warriors would certainly know better than career prosecutors, lawyers, SCOTUS clerks, law professors, and sworn enemies of the Clintons what works at trial.
My guess is that there’s an equally compelling sworn statement she subsequently gave to Starr’s OIC a year later that she had lied under duress when she gave that sworn statement.
Not gonna let it pass. And anyway this is fun.
You cannot be prosecuted for perjury in a statement given under duress. If she gave the statement under duress, by definition she did not need blanket immunity.
You people hear hoof-beats and you insist on zebras. Nobody with a scrap of sense goes to trial with this shit. You’ve got one competent statement under oath on the record denying the alleged events. Another sworn statement made under blanket grant of immunity under seal. Two decades of time. And JW spending between $30 million and $40 million per year seeding the wind with money in return for rumors and allegations. Hillbillies on the committee won’t touch it. Starr, having staked his career on nailing Clinton won’t touch it. And you geniuses claim it’s solid gold.
Very happy to oblige. Since I’m quite amused at the mileage you Hillbillies seem to get out of it. The final gun fired. The parking lot is empty. Your coaches have all gone home and retired or swallowed a bullet. Your starting players have graduated. Your winning quarterback is on crack facing indictment. And the rest of your remaining players are fighting each other with rocks and garbage. Practices are canceled until further notice.
And you’re still dancing in the end zone.
Good for you. You should enjoy yourself while you can.
Too rich!
“Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon reportedly has told people he thinks President Donald Trump has just a 30% chance of completing his four-year term. The detail came in an explosive report from Vanity Fair’s Gabriel Sherman on Wednesday that cited several sources close to the president.
“According to two of the sources, Bannon warned Trump several months ago about the possibility of getting removed from office via the 25th Amendment, prompting Trump to ask, ‘What’s that?'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: And to think Bannon and Trump were bosom buddies just a few moons ago … meanwhile Fuckface doesn’t realize he’s sitting in an ejection seat and Pence controls the button.
@15 Well, I see Dumbfuck finally woke up from his strenuous night in the horse barn, and the first thing he does is blame Hillary for Weinstein. Why not? Whitewater didn’t work, Benghazi didn’t work, so it’s time to try something else. Maybe this will work. Although why he bothers to waste his time and energy on an ex-candidate who isn’t going to run again and will never, ever be president is beyond me.
@16 In which Doctor Dumbfuck demonstrates he doesn’t know the difference between consensual sex and rape.
@17 Oh, I see you beat me to it, but you’re wasting your time trying to educate this dumbfuck.
@18 “On KUOW last hour, there was a discussion on the topic of whether Trump, or Bill Clinton, was more like Harvey Weinstein.”
Yeah? What did they conclude? I notice you didn’t post that, although the answer is obvious, given Bill Clinton didn’t own a beauty pageant or a host of other far-flung businesses. In fact, he really wasn’t anyone’s boss. Even the interns didn’t work directly for him. Trump, on the other hand, had direct and immediate control over thousands of people’s of livelihoods and was in a position to say, “You’re fired!” on a whim.
@19 Hmm. That one depends on who (and what) you want to believe.
“Because of the time elapsed since the alleged incident and the nature of acquaintance rape cases, there was limited corroborating evidence and so the allegations rested on Broaddrick’s testimony. Because she had filed and then recanted an affidavit saying there was no assault, some thought she was not credible. According to the New York Times in 1999, the problems with Broaddrick’s accusations were that “There is no physical evidence to verify it. No one else was present during the alleged encounter in a Little Rock hotel room nearly 21 years ago. The hotel has since closed. And Mrs. Broaddrick denied the encounter in an affidavit in January 1998 in the Paula Jones case, in which she was known only as ‘Jane Doe No. 5.’ Through all those years, she refused to come forward. When pressed by the Jones lawyers, she denied the allegation. And now, she has recanted that denial.”
So, who believes her?
“In March 1999, shortly after the allegations publicly aired, 56% of Americans believed the allegations were false, while a third believed that Broaddrick’s allegation of rape was at least possibly true.”
Interestingly, “a third” is roughly how many people believe Trump when he says things like climate change is a Chinese hoax and his inauguration crowd was the biggest ever. It occurs to me that may be correlated, i.e., the same people.
And then there’s the fact that when Broaddrick tried to sue Clinton, not for money but for documents, she was thrown out of court. Her lawyer was Larry Klayman, which speaks for itself. And “unlike many of the women involved in Bill Clinton instances, Broaddrick did not seek out financial settlements, publishing deals, or a role as a celebrity.” Maybe that’s because she had nothing to sell?
But Doctor Dumbfuck is still buying it.
@24 It isn’t making “the Straights” look bad. It only makes Harvey Weinstein look bad. And how do you know he wasn’t hitting on guys, too? Maybe that’ll be next week’s story.
@25 Yeah, like sticking your nose in other people’s business, or sticking your hand up a beauty contestant’s dress.
Thinking about that, I wonder if Trump was ever near the house where Jon Benet lived? Just wondering. Nah. I’m sure that’s as baseless as much of what Republicans say about the Clintons and Obamas.
@26 “she got the date wrong and Team Clinton was able to show that the hotel at which it was alleged to have occurred was closed for remodeling on the date she provided”
You’d be amazed what that can do to a witness’s credibility in court.
@29 “So Bob is saying that since we had, as he alleges, a sexual offender previously in the White House then it’s perfectly fine to have one today.”
This seems to be the GOP’s argument for their party leader and commander-in-chief. That and his promise to cut taxes for the party’s top donors. Don’t get excited, if you gave only $1,000 to the Trump campaign, you only get a coupon for 15 cents off on your next purchase at Carl’s or Hardee’s.
@30 “your ability to discredit one of the accusations against Clinton in regard to his womanizing does nothing to discredit the numerous others”
It just happens to be the one you cited, that’s all.
@33 When God created you humans, then saw how stupid you are, s/he had to take drastic measures to ensure the continuation of your species. Hence your hormones, because it was obvious your oversized but underpowered brains wouldn’t get the job done.
@36 “Starr’s OIC”
Ah yes, Kenn Starr, Chief of the GOP’s Morality Police and later the Chancellor of Rape University. Wonder what he’s doing these days? Not investigating Pussygrabber that’s for sure. Being the partisan hack he’s always been.
Hmm. Seems Weinstein and Bannon were BBB (best business buddies).
Womanizing? Republican Hillbilly pigs like him call what Weinstein did “Womanizing”. Or at least that’s what Doctor Dumbfuck and the rest of the filthy Russian stooges want to compare it to. I simply can not understand any woman who ever votes for any Republican, after they make it so abundantly clear that they do not view them as full fledged human beings. A woman’s consent makes absolutely no difference to Republicans.
Rape, acquaintance rape, workplace sexual harassment, “fooling around”, “womanizing”, – to Republicans these are all just part of the same continuum of “naughty” moral hazard. I have few doubts that Weinstein would agree with them. Any woman who ratifies that shit puts herself and every other woman at tremendous risk.
@53 ohhhhh, well why didn’t they say that in the first place! That Weinstein is a swell guy now – how could we ever have disliked him.
@54 not hard to figure out why them womenz voted for this kook – they got them legs spread, aside from subconsciously being that they want the Mexicans out and want their Country Back!
“According to two of the sources, Bannon warned Trump several months ago about the possibility of getting removed from office via the 25th Amendment, prompting Trump to ask, ‘What’s that?’”
Bannon, if he was smart, would have said, “The Amendment that follows the 24th Amendment.” Alas, none of them have proven to be very smart at all.
Looks like the hillbilly trolls have run for cover. They sure getten a thumpen in this thread!
So nice to see the Republican in Congress at war with each other. Some conservative members asked for Mitch “Yertle” McConnell to step down from the leadership role because they have finally figured out he is worthless as a leader:
What is really nifty about article is the picture of the 5 conservative leaders holding a press conference. So nice to see them “good ol’ boys” finally give a woman a chance to speak. I’m sure the only reason they let her speak was to try and boost their image as “progressive” conservatives and allow a women to get out from behind the kitchen sink and put some shoes on to be presentable to the public, a break from their normal views on women. Still no Conservatives of color present and Piddles still defends these people that would want to see him dead.
Doctor Dumbfuck would rather have us discuss a quarter century-old presidential blowjob persecuted by Republican adulterers than engage in discussion about the pussygrabbing ways of the incompetent fucking moron he supported with thousands of pro-Putin hashtags.
Didn’t really read the article…but I would have to disagree with the headline – try entire society, not just the entertainment industry. What about Worldwide too.
There is complicity in everything that ills society. Name any subject and it is all the same.
“…they have finally figured out he is worthless as a leader.” The turtle is just the tip of the iceberg that is the Republican Party. There is no leadership there – just a bunch of negative whiny ass bitches.
Meanwhile North Korea is laughing at us and winning this war. It’s not going to end well.
There goes the Stock Market.
It’s amazing what we do with your “credibility” on this blog Roger senile idiot wabbit!
@64 Yes, it’s amazing. Thanks! I couldn’t do it without you.
“Credibility” Too, Damn, Funny
Just a reminder.
It has been 62 days since White Supremacists rioted and killed in Charlottesville. Those White Supremacists were given tacit approval by the President saying “both sides” were at fault for the death.
62! days of silence on the matter by our resident lunatic. A Lunatic his party compatriots want dead.
They were back in Charlottesville Saturday vowing to not go away. Will the lunatic denounce it before they kill again?
Nothing you post here matters since you’ve proven you are a coward who still supports openly racist leaders and a party that does not dare lose the racist vote.
@66 Now, now, we have to give Puddy his due. He certainly livens up this blog, and trolls like him aren’t a dime a dozen. In fact, it’s exceedingly rare to find this combination of stupidity, jackassery, and gullibility in one person! He’s as asinine as you could possibly hope for. In short, it’s unlikely there’s another lunatic quite like him on the planet. So, we’re lucky to have Puddy to kick around.
But if Trump were here, he would give Puddy a run for his money.
63 million Fuckface voters would beg to differ.
“President Donald Trump slammed Puerto Rico on Thursday, saying its power grid and infrastructure were a ‘disaster’ before two hurricanes hit last month and he threatened to pull federal emergency management workers from the storm-ravaged island.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Our national leader is a jerk, and if you still support him after this, you’re a jerk too.
They will. And they are.
This has been very obvious for the past year. There will be no pivot from either the Raging Orange Shit-Gibbon or his racist Proud-Boy Base. With each passing week they will only grow more hateful and extreme. Stop searching for some redemption in these people. They are no longer Americans. They have abandoned any trace of loyalty or fellowship based on common citizenry in favor of white nationalist tribalism. They are irredeemable.
Deplorable too, of course.
Man, I’m really finished now! I’m just another smartass who thinks he can do whatever he wants with women because I am a Hollywood mogul. I make Bill Clinton look like a monk.
I deserve what’s coming.
The future of humanity explained.
for further confirmation see Ed Gillespie.
Can’t get any more “establishment Republican” than him.
And still he’s running a general election campaign against Ralph Northam that would make Lee Atwater blush. Not content to rely on mere veiled racism and coded language ala Atwater, Gillespie is going full Fuckface/Torch-Rally/AMHateRadio-Lunacy. And it just might work. Because, at least in the Old Dominion, look to your left and look to your right and chances are at least one of those voters if a complete, and total fucking disgrace of a human being.
I sincerely hope Northam wins and proves me wrong about Virginia. I’d like to believe that Virginia is finally ready to set a promising example for the rest of the slave states and cast off their shameful past once and for all. I know they are trying. But frankly I’m not hopeful.
Apparently the Moron-In-Chief doesn’t know when you’re supposed to stand to honor the flag.
Where’s the rightwing outcry over THIS terrorist attack?
Short answer: There won’t be one, and you won’t hear a peep from Trump, because this terrorist isn’t a Muslim jihadist; he’s one of theirs.
@72 you and many more of your ilk – bound by no Party, just your straightness.
Of course he said it. He’s a Republican.
“Florida Republican defends Rick Scott’s hurricane response: ‘Eventually everyone in that nursing home will die’”
“Look at the population,” Baxley—a funeral director—said, according to CBS News. “You’re dealing with 90-somethings. Some of these deaths would naturally occur, storm or no storm.”
“Eventually everyone who was in that nursing home will die,” Baxley said. “But we don’t need to attribute those all to the storm and bad policy.”
Little wonder they don’t care if Americans die for lack of health care. Everybody’s going to die someday, so why bother?
Eventually everyone in the Republican Party will die.
Speaking of the senseless death of Americans due to Republican callousness…
“Trump Signs Order To Undermine Obamacare Insurance Rules”
It’s not callousness. It’s FREEEEEEDUUUUUMB!
Freedumb for Hillbillies to watch their Oxy-crushing Juggalette Ratchet Daughters sell themselves to truckers ’cause addiction is no longer covered.
I guess you give new definition to “Harvey Wall-bang-her.”
You’re a pig.
Yes, what it does matter whether you die in a war, from neglect in a nursing home, for want of life-saving medical care, or simply starve to death? You’re going to die anyway. They just don’t think you should die until AFTER you’re born.
Libtard posts #65-83. Vacuous and insipid as always!
Meanwhile in real news, we learned NBC twice KILLED a Harvey Weinstein story earlier this year! If it was a Republican, it would have been first on their air with their “scoop”!
Also we learned Rose McGowan was banned on Twitter for telling the truth about Harvey the girl molester. Imagine that… a #CrookedHillary loving libtard stifled by the libtards at Twitter.
EPIC and DAYUM Funny!
Till Next Time!
Nursing home neglect… It’s the owner that’s responsible for providing backup AC systems!
Of course the senile idiot wabbit will blame Republicans. That’s what it does!
Till Next Time!
Last week’s question: Why didn’t Harvey Weinstein lose his job twenty years ago?
This week’s question: Why isn’t Harvey Weinstein in prison?
Next week’s question: What libtard internet company will shut up someone next capitulating to Harvey Weinstein?
Till Next Time!
Interesting contract!
Now isn’t this just like a Republican.
But that isn’t enough. Destroying Bristol Bay isn’t enough, either. I’ll bet these fuckers will try to pull Hanford cleanup funding, too.
@85 Of course patient safety is the nursing home’s responsibility, dumbass. Although you can’t count very much on that responsibility being enforced in a state run by Republicans, especially Republicans as venal as Scott and Baxter. We can’t say it was Baxter who killed those folks — he didn’t own the nursing home — but I’m sure he would welcome the increased business at his funeral home. Given that you like his ilk so much, you could help him out by dropping dead. I’m not suggesting you should; I’m merely pointing out he would welcome your business, too. Especially given who you are. Remember, as other HA posters have pointed out, these people want you dead.
Trump Vandalizes Obamacare
“The Trump administration will immediately stop making critically important payments to insurers who sell Obamacare health plans, a bombshell move that is expected to spike premium prices and potentially lead many insurers to exit the marketplace.
“The decision to end the billions of dollars worth of so-called cost-sharing reduction (CSR) payments came after months of threats by President Donald Trump to do just that. The news came only hours after Trump signed an executive order that Obamacare advocates said could badly harm the individual insurance marketplaces.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If you still support Trump, you’re as despicable as he is.
@ The Loon @ 86-87:
Still trying to avoid the subject. You whine about a fairly typical Hollywood producer while the people you think are your friends because they support the same guy you do and apparently for the same reasons, are rebuilding their wall of ignorance and hatred for everyone who shares your skin tone. They are going to show the Black man his place, as soon as they start to believe they can get away with it.
They send their own children to torture schools when they start to misbehave. And by that, I mean associating with the wrong color people or refusing to go to the churches they’re being raped in. They knows them some readin’ and writin’, but don’t ever try to tell them their own representatives in Government, that they voted for and continue to support and will violently protect, are the ones ripping them off and keeping them ignorant and stupid, just to keep getting re-elected.
Fat Donny loves the uneducated. They keep him fat, rich and happy. But he’s a goner. He’s toast, he’s so done you couldn’t get a fork in him with a jackahmmer. The Evilangelicals want Pence. Pence knows how to push the right buttons, and knows whose buttons to push. The black folks are going to be taught a lesson. Gorka all but says this outright.
You think you’re so pure and Holy and Righteous? You think you’re the “right” sort of Christian? Try moving to Hutchison Kansas, or Lawton Oklahoma, or Hollywood Florida. Try walking around with your head held high in Hancock Michigan. See what you get from your fellow Trumpanzees.
Vomit producing dead toad,
Puddy has family in Hollywood Florida. No problem useless turd.
Regarding voters, if you remember (but you never do) Obummer made worthless promises and people ran to vote for him. Then in the 7th year of Obummer’s coronation, people woke up and said what a liar. Yet ilk like you jock strap Teddy Kennedy and Bill Clinton.
Glass house occupiers should never throw stones! Yet that’s all you do like the Oregon Moron Lib Scientist reincarnation of Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom! You are fully blinded to the excesses of DUMMOCRETINS! DUMMOCRETINS are poverty pimps! Obummer promised that old “cradle to grave” government dependency where people claimed Obummer was going to pay for their cell phones, their gas and their mortgages. Yet you forget all this from the past eight years. This is why 310 counties flipped. Well #CrookedHillary was a worthless candidate too!
You seem to forget whom Lloyd Marcus is!
You seem to forget whom William Owen is!
You seem to forget whom Charles Lollar is!
Sux to be you!
Till Next Time!
You see vomit producing dead toad… something smells in NYC and it ain’t Trump!
This and other links are all out there, butt you skip right over them because they don’t fit your “ideology”.
Sux to be you!
Till Next Time!
Yes, roger idiot senile wabbit about that sterling reputation,
Sterling reputation for forgetting what you wrote previously in the same thread. Identified over 20 times so far. Go ax that clueless cretin with the crazed databaze for the multiple times you were reminded by Puddy!
Sterling reputation for Cuyahoga County run by Republicans.
Sterling reputation for Stafford, Virginia run by Republicans.
Sterling reputation for the meaning of “IF”.
Sterling reputation for forgetting what Sidney Blumenthal did.
Sterling reputation for forgetting what Sidney’s son Max Blumenthal did.
Shall Puddy continue with more sterling reputation revelations?
Till Next Time!
@ The Gibbering lunatic @ 92:
“Obummer promised that old “cradle to grave” government dependency where people claimed Obummer was going to pay for their cell phones, their gas and their mortgages.
Barack Obama made no such claim, the FOX white supremacist cable infotainment channel did.
And it is kinda funny, that you are going on and on and on about a Hollywood producer being caught doing exactly the same things that Fat Donny has himself repeatedly admitted, (really bragged) to doing many times over the years, including to underage girls. Hell, his first wife testified in open court about having her hair yanked out of her head and being brutally raped by him.
You were saying something about white Suoramcists mustering for you cause?
Then no one cares what you “think.”
No one cares because those people are not American citizens. They are extra-territorial Russian subjects.
They happily surrendered their allegiance and citizenship in the world’s greatest democracy for the sake of pissing off hippies, marching with swastikas and Tiki Torches, and telling “nigger” jokes at the office.
We should no more care what they think about U.S. policy than we care what Paraguay thinks.
Barack Obama made no such claim, the FOX white supremacist cable infotainment channel did.
So Fox owns YouTube you dumb jackASS vomit producer?
This is why Puddy delivered the video because idiots like yourself are so DAYUM clueless about the real things of life!
Till Next Time!
They are extra-territorial Russian subjects.
So are the 11 million illegal aliens in America!
FACTS; always smacking dumbASS DUMMOCRETINS!
Till Next Time!
You were saying something about white Suoramcists mustering for you cause?
Whatever Puddy says is much better than the BULLSHITTIUM you spew each and every day!
Obummer promised
And TWO TERM PRESIDENT OBAMA delivered the same bailout for main street that wall street got.. The stimulus..
That’s all that Arlen Spector and the ladies from Maine would allow..
Only half of what was needed by that was all that was politically possible when Republicans dominate the Congress.
cell phone? We had universal landline service for poor people at one time.. Probably still have it. Why not cell phone? Should employers use cups and string to contact unemployed people for job interviews?
Mortgage? Lenders PIMPED sub-prime loans to poor people. Only reasonable that a path to keeping their homes or other housing was made available. What’s the alternative? Living on the streets?
Gas? When the only poor paying jobs are miles away from where working poor folks can barely afford to live and gas is going through the roof, relief is only reasonable. What’s the alternative? Welfare?
Yours truly would be highly entertained if the babbling butthole @ 100 would keep trolling till 6:23 pm..
I love seeing that freak go “POOF”!!!!