You wanted your fucking FBI investigation. You got your fucking FBI investigation.
WASHINGTON — The F.B.I. moved on Sunday to quickly complete an abbreviated investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct against Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, even as Democrats demanded more information about the inquiry’s scope, warning that its apparent constraints could make it a “farce.”
Officials said the F.B.I.’s “limited” supplemental background check of Judge Kavanaugh could be finished by Monday morning.
It is not unusual for the White House to specify the scope of a request for additional background information on a nominee. No evidence has emerged that the White House has forbidden any investigative steps, and President Trump has said he wants agents “to interview whoever they deem appropriate, at their discretion.”
When I was in my teens it was the 4 Fs, not the 7 Fs.
Happy 94th birthday Jimmy Carter, the last White Christian to hold the office
Happy 94th birthday Jimmy Carter, the last White Christian to hold the office
Yes, many happy returns to Jimmah.
Without Carter’s incompetence we may not have had eight years of Ronald Reagan.
Cz-252, are you better off than you were…
Well, I have heard that sociology courses at the University of Washington can be a real bitch.
Study: 1 in 5 College Students Has Weighed Suicide
The report, published in the journal Depression and Anxiety (abstract available here), includes responses from 67,000 college students from more than 100 American institutions. Racial, sexual and gender minorities are particularly vulnerable to suicidal thoughts, the study found. It relied on data from the annual survey conducted by the American College Health Association.
About one in four students reported being diagnosed or treated for a mental health condition, according to the findings, with one-fifth thinking about suicide and 9 percent of the students surveyed attempting it.
The Chrome-challenged loon (RIP) and his double-posting of comments was very strange, to say the least, but it deserves saying that Carl has taken double-posting to a whole new level.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Flake demands FBI investigation.
FBI ordered to STAND DOWN!
PornSweat rageTweets to FBI “do whatever”.
McGahn orders FBI to STAND DOWN! again.
PornSweat holds another presser and tells FBI “do whatever”.
FBI turns off phone and goes for beers… with Associate Justice BeerBong!
Trump won. Everything has changed. Elections have consequences. This is really who Roypublicans are now.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 That’s okay. We’ll get a real investigation when we impeach Justice Kavanaugh for perjury early next year. Then everything Republicans are trying to hide will come out into the open.
Roger Rabbitspews:
On that same general subject, just spare us the faux outrage and piling more lies on top of the existing lies, okay? You guys have already lost the public relations battle. To the public, you are tiresome. Y’all need to re-read the First Rule of Holes.
@4 Jimmy Carter can brag that the U.S. got into no wars during his tenure. What can you brag about? I suspect you have no patients alive to talk up your professional skills, but you can always whistle about not owning GE and you have the neighing of your horses to fall back on.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 It could be worse. If they had shoveled you into psychiatry instead of the basement radiology lab they’d all be dead.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 Does anyone really believe this new “investigation” is anything but window dressing?
The problem is, when you don’t conduct an investigation, there are no investigative findings, and then the public realizes you were lying when you promised to investigate.
Something millions of women voters who reported their rapes to the police can relate to.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If they ever work off the backlog, starting with the oldest rape kits first, who knows — maybe they’ll even find one (or more than one) with Justice Kavanaugh’s name on it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It’s sorta fits that Kavanaugh worked for Ken Starr, who later became chancellor of Rape University. In nature, things have a way of coming around on themselves.
Heck, maybe Kavanaugh’s attitude toward women helped him get the job.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
(To be read with America the Beautiful playing in the background)
America is at a crossroads.
If conservatives aren’t determined, and don’t fight back with everything they’ve got, the day may come very soon when it will no longer be safe for good ol’ American white, affluent blackout drunk dude-bros to celebrate patriotism by shoving their dicks in some random bitch’s face.
The time has come for conservative dude-bros to go out there and win one for the Boofer!
@16 How much life insurance did he have on her before this accident?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 Maybe they should just use their teeth on the fucking things. Ever wonder why rabbits never ask for blowjobs?
@ 18
Ever wonder why rabbits never ask for blowjobs?
In your case I assume it’s the inability to achieve erection.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“A US Navy ship had an ‘unsafe’ interaction with a Chinese warship Sunday while the US vessel was conducting a freedom of navigation operation near the disputed Spratly Islands in the South China Sea, causing the US ship to maneuver ‘to prevent a collision,’ according to US defense officials. … Capt. Charles Brown, a spokesman for US Pacific Fleet, told CNN … the Chinese warship ‘conducted a series of increasingly aggressive maneuvers accompanied by warnings for the Decatur to depart the area.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Should’ve hit the fucker, then sent Beijing a bill for the repairs.
These guys mean business about running the U.S. Navy (and everybody else) out of the South China Sea, and the U.S. has to make a basic decision about whether to run like a scared chicken or stand our ground and fight, because they’re eventually going to start shooting at our planes and ships.
I think most Americans are underestimating the likelihood of a war with China. I stopped buying Chinese products several years ago, not only because they’re junk, but also because they spend our money to build weapons to use against us. Don’t buy “Made in China,” period. I also support beefed up defense spending.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Jimmy Carter volunteers his time with Habitat For Humanity to help make fewer people homeless, while Trump spends his time making more people homeless.
Ruh Roh.
Senate Judiciary staffer leaked transcript of interview with Kavanaugh held 11/26/2018 2 day’s before holding a hearing wherin the staffer questions Kavanaugh about ….
Six allegations of sexual assault.
Discussions about how the FBI background check went back 25 years to 1993 so they never looked at Dr. Ford despite BK and GOP members insisting they had
Chairman Grassley….You have some explaining to do. Why did you comment about FBI not finding College Drinking when you know they didn’t look at his college years? Was it to obfuscate. Was it to confuse the issue?
Roger Rabbitspews:
China is a hostile country and we need to treat them as such. They certainly harbor hostility toward us, and will continue to do so regardless of whether we stand up to them or roll over for them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 11/26/18? Is that a typo?
Grassley has no explaining to do. He’s transparent as hell. Kavanaugh could be a serial killer and the Pukes would still try to shovel him onto the Supreme Court with no vetting, no investigation, and no real hearings. All they care about is having a court majority so they can nullify everything future Democratic administrations try to do. Their goal is nothing less than to prevent Democrats from governing even when the voters elect them to govern, and they view the judiciary as another tool of obstruction.
Roger Rabbitspews:
McDonalds and Lockheed just gave their shareholders 15% dividend raises. Man, I can’t help liking those corporate tax cuts. Meanwhile, what did $7.25/hr. workers get? Hey, if you’re a minimum wage slave and like Republican policies, keep voting for them! I’ll be happy to get more raises like these.
Yep Sept 26. Prior to hearing.
Judiciary staffer put on the record that FBI background went back 25 years “Why didn’t the FBI find this with a thorough background check find these allegations of drinking and rape.” is a non starter. The GOP went with it anyway.
They should have just asked what Dr. Ford was wearing. Was it slutty? Did it convey a loose moral attitude?
And now they’re caught.
One of Piddles (RIP) favorite sources, The Washington Times, settles the lawsuit brought against them by the family of Seth Rich.
They printed stories about Hillary having him murdered because he leaked the emails.
The ‘Paper’ printed a lengthy retraction today of all of their coverage, expunged it from their website and printed that,
The Washington Times now does not have any basis to believe any part of that statement to be true, and The Washington Times retracts it in its entirety.
Financial aspects of the settlement are unclear but it’s entirely possible that The Washington Times was forced to murder all internet trolls who referred to the guilt of the Clinton’s in regard
To Rich’s death on internet blogs more than 2 dozen times as a result of their coverage. I have no evidence to suggest Piddles is a victim of said purge but people are saying it.
@ 27
Hey, Cz-252, do you think when that story was printed the reporter and editor thought they had an ‘absolute lock’ on its accuracy?
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
@20 “Roger Rabbit Commentary: Should’ve hit the fucker, then sent Beijing a bill for the repairs.”
Maritime law doesn’t work that way. Even if the US naval vessel was operating in International waters and performing a Freedom of Navigation act, Rule 2 (b) of the International COLREG 72 would put some blame on the US warship for failing to adhere to either 2(a) or 2(b). In the maritime world this is no such thing as a “no-fault” collision at sea. See
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
What? Dr. Dumbfuck isn’t bloviating about GE today and the fact they unceremoniously changed CEOs and the stock as responded accordingly in a positive direction?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@29 Darn. Who’s at fault if they put a missile into our ship?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 He didn’t notice because he’s preoccupied with comparing the journalistic quality of the Moonie Times with that of the New York Times. See #28 for details.
I think investors did have a sense that Flannery didn’t have a plan as such for GE’s future. It was more like the board handed him a bag of dog poop and said, “Do something with this,” and all he could think of was flushing it down the drain one turd at a time. Poor guy, I hope they made it worth his while.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
I’m glad you brought that up.
I find it reprehensible that Kavanaugh worked for Starr on investigation Clinton for adultery, and Starr then goes on to be president of Rape University and gets fired over the handling of sexual abuse allegations at the university of a period of years and someone like Lindsey Graham goes on an epic rant to defend Kavanaugh. How can women vote for men like that? Talk about a vast right-wing conspiracy in order to protect the culture coveted by the white, rich, and entitled, males of the GOP.
Sure the Dems are playing politics and have been milking this for what it is worth, but the GOP and Yertle, wow, talk about a disgrace. The American people deserve better than Kavanaugh.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
A missile isn’t part of maritime navigation law, that would be under the rules of engagement for combatants. Geneva Conventions I suppose.
Pussy Grabbers seem to share the same characteristic of being liars.
Pussy Grabber Court is now in Session.
@ 33
Since you brought up Clinton, this seems to be an opportune moment for me to bring up Clinton:
Hillary Clinton’s Favorable Rating Still Low
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s favorability with U.S. adults is unchanged from last November — remaining at a record low (36%).
These results, from a Sept. 4-12 Gallup poll, confirm that Clinton’s image remains in a rut nearly two years after she lost the presidential contest in 2016. Her favorable rating is down seven percentage points from where it stood on the eve of the election.
I don’t think that Murphy Brown appearance is gonna make you likable, Hills.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@37 Does she have a protection order against you yet? If not, she needs one. Mark Adams wasn’t the worst stalker on this blog.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
That all you got these days? Some sorry-ass story about someone out of politics and not running for an elected position or trying to be confirmed for a life time appointment? Very sad. Hillary is living rent-free in your head.
“this seems to be an opportune moment for me to bring up Clinton”
Seek and ye shall find, and you’ve certainly found your share of opportune Clinton moments. Thousands of them, in fact.
@ 39
That all you got these days?
Hardly. I got Heitkamp down 51-41.
Commentary: Cramer leads Heitkamp 51 – 41, poll says. Respondents name Kavanaugh as their top issue.
Only a Dumbfuck counts blood trails while the firefight is still going on.
@ 42
You’re right. If sampled today she’d be down 14.
You do realize that if I waited until after the election to take a poll I wouldn’t need the poll, don’t you?
@ 33
How can women vote for men like that? Talk about a vast right-wing conspiracy in order to protect the culture coveted by the white, rich, and entitled, males of the GOP.
Now do Clinton – the likable one. Then do Menendez.
You stupid fucks. The world is supposed to ignore what Clinton did as an adult – as a politician very much in the public eye, no less – and at the same time view anything Kavanaugh is alleged to have done while a minor child as disqualifying for an adult role more than 35 years later.
Good thing a lot of people don’t think the way you do:
New Jersey Senate: Incumbent Democrat Menendez appears vulnerable in new poll
You wanted your fucking FBI investigation. You got your fucking FBI investigation.
WASHINGTON — The F.B.I. moved on Sunday to quickly complete an abbreviated investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct against Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, even as Democrats demanded more information about the inquiry’s scope, warning that its apparent constraints could make it a “farce.”
Officials said the F.B.I.’s “limited” supplemental background check of Judge Kavanaugh could be finished by Monday morning.
It is not unusual for the White House to specify the scope of a request for additional background information on a nominee. No evidence has emerged that the White House has forbidden any investigative steps, and President Trump has said he wants agents “to interview whoever they deem appropriate, at their discretion.”
When I was in my teens it was the 4 Fs, not the 7 Fs.
Happy 94th birthday Jimmy Carter, the last White Christian to hold the office
Happy 94th birthday Jimmy Carter, the last White Christian to hold the office
Yes, many happy returns to Jimmah.
Without Carter’s incompetence we may not have had eight years of Ronald Reagan.
Cz-252, are you better off than you were…
Well, I have heard that sociology courses at the University of Washington can be a real bitch.
Study: 1 in 5 College Students Has Weighed Suicide
The report, published in the journal Depression and Anxiety (abstract available here), includes responses from 67,000 college students from more than 100 American institutions. Racial, sexual and gender minorities are particularly vulnerable to suicidal thoughts, the study found. It relied on data from the annual survey conducted by the American College Health Association.
About one in four students reported being diagnosed or treated for a mental health condition, according to the findings, with one-fifth thinking about suicide and 9 percent of the students surveyed attempting it.
At Evergreen the mental health condition incidence must be closer to 95%.
I reckon everybody needs a hero.
“Kavanaugh Has Become a Hero to the Incel Community”
The Chrome-challenged loon (RIP) and his double-posting of comments was very strange, to say the least, but it deserves saying that Carl has taken double-posting to a whole new level.
Flake demands FBI investigation.
FBI ordered to STAND DOWN!
PornSweat rageTweets to FBI “do whatever”.
McGahn orders FBI to STAND DOWN! again.
PornSweat holds another presser and tells FBI “do whatever”.
FBI turns off phone and goes for beers… with Associate Justice BeerBong!
Trump won. Everything has changed. Elections have consequences. This is really who Roypublicans are now.
@1 That’s okay. We’ll get a real investigation when we impeach Justice Kavanaugh for perjury early next year. Then everything Republicans are trying to hide will come out into the open.
On that same general subject, just spare us the faux outrage and piling more lies on top of the existing lies, okay? You guys have already lost the public relations battle. To the public, you are tiresome. Y’all need to re-read the First Rule of Holes.
@4 Jimmy Carter can brag that the U.S. got into no wars during his tenure. What can you brag about? I suspect you have no patients alive to talk up your professional skills, but you can always whistle about not owning GE and you have the neighing of your horses to fall back on.
@5 It could be worse. If they had shoveled you into psychiatry instead of the basement radiology lab they’d all be dead.
@8 Does anyone really believe this new “investigation” is anything but window dressing?
The problem is, when you don’t conduct an investigation, there are no investigative findings, and then the public realizes you were lying when you promised to investigate.
Something millions of women voters who reported their rapes to the police can relate to.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If they ever work off the backlog, starting with the oldest rape kits first, who knows — maybe they’ll even find one (or more than one) with Justice Kavanaugh’s name on it.
It’s sorta fits that Kavanaugh worked for Ken Starr, who later became chancellor of Rape University. In nature, things have a way of coming around on themselves.
Heck, maybe Kavanaugh’s attitude toward women helped him get the job.
(To be read with America the Beautiful playing in the background)
America is at a crossroads.
If conservatives aren’t determined, and don’t fight back with everything they’ve got, the day may come very soon when it will no longer be safe for good ol’ American white, affluent blackout drunk dude-bros to celebrate patriotism by shoving their dicks in some random bitch’s face.
The time has come for conservative dude-bros to go out there and win one for the Boofer!
An Idaho militia, keeping his weapons combat ready, Accidentally kills top Lieutenant.
@16 How much life insurance did he have on her before this accident?
@15 Maybe they should just use their teeth on the fucking things. Ever wonder why rabbits never ask for blowjobs?
@ 18
Ever wonder why rabbits never ask for blowjobs?
In your case I assume it’s the inability to achieve erection.
“A US Navy ship had an ‘unsafe’ interaction with a Chinese warship Sunday while the US vessel was conducting a freedom of navigation operation near the disputed Spratly Islands in the South China Sea, causing the US ship to maneuver ‘to prevent a collision,’ according to US defense officials. … Capt. Charles Brown, a spokesman for US Pacific Fleet, told CNN … the Chinese warship ‘conducted a series of increasingly aggressive maneuvers accompanied by warnings for the Decatur to depart the area.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Should’ve hit the fucker, then sent Beijing a bill for the repairs.
These guys mean business about running the U.S. Navy (and everybody else) out of the South China Sea, and the U.S. has to make a basic decision about whether to run like a scared chicken or stand our ground and fight, because they’re eventually going to start shooting at our planes and ships.
I think most Americans are underestimating the likelihood of a war with China. I stopped buying Chinese products several years ago, not only because they’re junk, but also because they spend our money to build weapons to use against us. Don’t buy “Made in China,” period. I also support beefed up defense spending.
Jimmy Carter volunteers his time with Habitat For Humanity to help make fewer people homeless, while Trump spends his time making more people homeless.
Ruh Roh.
Senate Judiciary staffer leaked transcript of interview with Kavanaugh held 11/26/2018 2 day’s before holding a hearing wherin the staffer questions Kavanaugh about ….
Six allegations of sexual assault.
Discussions about how the FBI background check went back 25 years to 1993 so they never looked at Dr. Ford despite BK and GOP members insisting they had
Chairman Grassley….You have some explaining to do. Why did you comment about FBI not finding College Drinking when you know they didn’t look at his college years? Was it to obfuscate. Was it to confuse the issue?
China is a hostile country and we need to treat them as such. They certainly harbor hostility toward us, and will continue to do so regardless of whether we stand up to them or roll over for them.
@22 11/26/18? Is that a typo?
Grassley has no explaining to do. He’s transparent as hell. Kavanaugh could be a serial killer and the Pukes would still try to shovel him onto the Supreme Court with no vetting, no investigation, and no real hearings. All they care about is having a court majority so they can nullify everything future Democratic administrations try to do. Their goal is nothing less than to prevent Democrats from governing even when the voters elect them to govern, and they view the judiciary as another tool of obstruction.
McDonalds and Lockheed just gave their shareholders 15% dividend raises. Man, I can’t help liking those corporate tax cuts. Meanwhile, what did $7.25/hr. workers get? Hey, if you’re a minimum wage slave and like Republican policies, keep voting for them! I’ll be happy to get more raises like these.
Yep Sept 26. Prior to hearing.
Judiciary staffer put on the record that FBI background went back 25 years “Why didn’t the FBI find this with a thorough background check find these allegations of drinking and rape.” is a non starter. The GOP went with it anyway.
They should have just asked what Dr. Ford was wearing. Was it slutty? Did it convey a loose moral attitude?
And now they’re caught.
One of Piddles (RIP) favorite sources, The Washington Times, settles the lawsuit brought against them by the family of Seth Rich.
They printed stories about Hillary having him murdered because he leaked the emails.
The ‘Paper’ printed a lengthy retraction today of all of their coverage, expunged it from their website and printed that,
Financial aspects of the settlement are unclear but it’s entirely possible that The Washington Times was forced to murder all internet trolls who referred to the guilt of the Clinton’s in regard
To Rich’s death on internet blogs more than 2 dozen times as a result of their coverage. I have no evidence to suggest Piddles is a victim of said purge but people are saying it.
@ 27
Hey, Cz-252, do you think when that story was printed the reporter and editor thought they had an ‘absolute lock’ on its accuracy?
@20 “Roger Rabbit Commentary: Should’ve hit the fucker, then sent Beijing a bill for the repairs.”
Maritime law doesn’t work that way. Even if the US naval vessel was operating in International waters and performing a Freedom of Navigation act, Rule 2 (b) of the International COLREG 72 would put some blame on the US warship for failing to adhere to either 2(a) or 2(b). In the maritime world this is no such thing as a “no-fault” collision at sea. See
What? Dr. Dumbfuck isn’t bloviating about GE today and the fact they unceremoniously changed CEOs and the stock as responded accordingly in a positive direction?
@29 Darn. Who’s at fault if they put a missile into our ship?
@30 He didn’t notice because he’s preoccupied with comparing the journalistic quality of the Moonie Times with that of the New York Times. See #28 for details.
I think investors did have a sense that Flannery didn’t have a plan as such for GE’s future. It was more like the board handed him a bag of dog poop and said, “Do something with this,” and all he could think of was flushing it down the drain one turd at a time. Poor guy, I hope they made it worth his while.
I’m glad you brought that up.
I find it reprehensible that Kavanaugh worked for Starr on investigation Clinton for adultery, and Starr then goes on to be president of Rape University and gets fired over the handling of sexual abuse allegations at the university of a period of years and someone like Lindsey Graham goes on an epic rant to defend Kavanaugh. How can women vote for men like that? Talk about a vast right-wing conspiracy in order to protect the culture coveted by the white, rich, and entitled, males of the GOP.
Sure the Dems are playing politics and have been milking this for what it is worth, but the GOP and Yertle, wow, talk about a disgrace. The American people deserve better than Kavanaugh.
A missile isn’t part of maritime navigation law, that would be under the rules of engagement for combatants. Geneva Conventions I suppose.
Flannery had a plan, it was the timeline that was the issue, things were not turning around fast enough. The generator fan blade issue didn’t help since GE Power was already in trouble:
Pussy Grabbers seem to share the same characteristic of being liars.
Pussy Grabber Court is now in Session.
@ 33
Since you brought up Clinton, this seems to be an opportune moment for me to bring up Clinton:
Hillary Clinton’s Favorable Rating Still Low
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s favorability with U.S. adults is unchanged from last November — remaining at a record low (36%).
These results, from a Sept. 4-12 Gallup poll, confirm that Clinton’s image remains in a rut nearly two years after she lost the presidential contest in 2016. Her favorable rating is down seven percentage points from where it stood on the eve of the election.
I don’t think that Murphy Brown appearance is gonna make you likable, Hills.
@37 Does she have a protection order against you yet? If not, she needs one. Mark Adams wasn’t the worst stalker on this blog.
That all you got these days? Some sorry-ass story about someone out of politics and not running for an elected position or trying to be confirmed for a life time appointment? Very sad. Hillary is living rent-free in your head.
“this seems to be an opportune moment for me to bring up Clinton”
Seek and ye shall find, and you’ve certainly found your share of opportune Clinton moments. Thousands of them, in fact.
@ 39
That all you got these days?
Hardly. I got Heitkamp down 51-41.
Commentary: Cramer leads Heitkamp 51 – 41, poll says. Respondents name Kavanaugh as their top issue.
Sampled September 17 to 27th.
Only a Dumbfuck counts blood trails while the firefight is still going on.
@ 42
You’re right. If sampled today she’d be down 14.
You do realize that if I waited until after the election to take a poll I wouldn’t need the poll, don’t you?
@ 33
How can women vote for men like that? Talk about a vast right-wing conspiracy in order to protect the culture coveted by the white, rich, and entitled, males of the GOP.
Now do Clinton – the likable one. Then do Menendez.
You stupid fucks. The world is supposed to ignore what Clinton did as an adult – as a politician very much in the public eye, no less – and at the same time view anything Kavanaugh is alleged to have done while a minor child as disqualifying for an adult role more than 35 years later.
Good thing a lot of people don’t think the way you do:
New Jersey Senate: Incumbent Democrat Menendez appears vulnerable in new poll
What Robert O’Rourke means is that he’s ashamed now.
‘I am ashamed’: Beto apologizes for ‘demeaning comments about women’
Misogyny – check.
Criminal record including attempt to evade responsibility while drunk – check.
This guy’s in the wrong race. He oughta be running for SCOTUS justice, amirite?
I for one hope not. I just think the things he’s done in the last eight weeks because of what he did as a minor child is disqualifying.
Yesterday we learned that, on top of all the angry lying and paranoid ranting about liberal conspiracies, he’s been witness tampering.
The longer this goes on, the worse it gets.
Only if he had an (R) after his name.
The (R) stands for Rohypnol.