Wow- what a first 8 months to Bush’s second term this has been. Even though a lot has happened he still has almost 3.5 years left in office before we vote in another Republican. He has got to work on his legacy. He has done a good job, and it doesn’t hurt following the legacy of the blow job president.
For the Cluelessspews:
Someone will take the fall with book contracts and jobs in Jesusland or presidential pardons in the pipeline.
Harriet Miers: Yeah, I know we shouldn’t comment on her appearance. But, I know lots of 60 year+ women and they ALL look better than that. It’s not about attractiveness. It’s about that she looks alcoholic. I think she’s GWB’s drinking buddy.
My wish for the Hammer,
that he spend time in the Slammer
(overheard on Al Franken Show, Friday)
Did Herr Bushler nominate Frau Mier because his handlers were unavailable, off ruminating about what went wrong or about what didn’t go right? Hah! I declare – a Bushism. Damn!
Wells @ 15
Take a deep breath… Now take your medicine (washed down with an obligatory glass of Kool-Aid) and go with the nice men in the white coats.
With multiple indictments, a Presidential approval rating of 39% and sinking faster than the fortunes of American families untouched by the grace of the GOP’s upper income tax cuts, Shrub has “plenty, plenty” of political rope, er, “capital” with which to drive the national debt and the military casualty rate into the stratosphere.
So much for “restoring integrity to Washington” and “no nation building.” And don’t even thing about fiscal responsibility. Now we have the worst of all worlds: a foreign policy plagued by both dishonesty and misguided idealism and a domestic policy administered by Mayberry Machiavellis who are unashamed to be thugs and hypocritical spendthrifts.
It’s no wonder that (relatively) honest conservatives such as Bill Kristol, John McCain and Andrew Sullivan are have joined the rats fleeing the sinking ship of this administration.
JUST SAW A PROVOCATIVE MOVIE. No, I don’t mean Joaquin Phoenix in “I Walk the Line.” That piece of Cash-in-hand memorabilia isn’t even out yet, but I’ll be first in line to watch in awe and appreciation…… in Poland, anyway, which may be a few months after the actual event, if at all. But I digress again.
The flick is called “Crash.” At first it simply annoyed me. It seemed to be yet another unsolicited dissertation on racism. Lord knows it bears its ugly head every day, every hour, in the most unsuspecting of circumstances. I mean of course racism, not the dissertations. Those are dependable as clockwork. I wonder if the self-proclaimed public-consciences of the world ever pause to realize that they’re promulgating the very same disease they are trying to check?
Take Jesse Jackson, for example. We all know Tush dropped the ball with Katrina preparation and clean-up, the world was witness to the horror that followed Nature’s party. But why try turn this into a racial issue? Dude, this is a human issue, a blood-red issue. Did anyone notice the 30% White population getting preferential treatment by FEMA or the local cops? For that matter, did anyone notice the Blacks in Texas being ignored by the evacuation teams? Bush did not respond properly because he is Bush and no other reason. The median income in New Orleans is around 30 grand. Is this indicative of blacks, poor blacks, or poor people in general? Perhaps future historians will be the final judge, but I see no reason to constantly break things down under the ugly specter of racial politics.
I thought we were better than that.
Instead of responding to a human crisis with the full depth of compassion that we as Americans always claim our Creator has endowed within us, we play the same old game of pointing the mono-toned finger. Lord, I am sick of it.
But Mark, they will say, you are ignoring the truth. New Orleans was about racism.
No, it wasn’t. It was about a hurricane or two knocking the stuffing out of half a million people. It was about the woeful inadequacies in the Tush Administration and what he calls effective management. It’s about him not paying attention to important matters because he’s too busy “establishing a legacy” and fishing on his ranch. But there were those who wanted to make it an issue of race, and they damn well succeeded, too.
This does not break down by party lines or even racial lines. It breaks down to those ignorant hordes who love to pass the buck and deny responsibility for their actions or the actions of others. Now read carefully – there are those who will be quick to accuse me of using “coded” language. My response to them is to get off your thumbs and be pro-active. The world needs you to be alert!
My family is firmly rooted in various sources: European, sub-Saharan African, North American Indian. White, black and red. I was born and raised in southern New Jersey in a suburb of Philadelphia; I’ve traveled and/or lived in 50 states, spent quality time on three continents and numerous nations. I am a global citizen. So believe me when I say, the vast majority of folks on this spinning green orb of ours are overwhelming themselves with extraordinary trivia. But how does one bathe oneself in self-importance and get the world to praise the effort? Easy. By elevating the trivial to the consequential. There are an astounding amount of trivial individuals who are exceptionally talented at this.
And you know what? It’s not just the unjustified cries of racism that are so annoying. It’s the fact that these cries succeed in bringing the real racists out of the woodwork. For example, the snot-nosed rednecks who feel the need to begin each one of their “momentous” statements with the disclaimer, “I’m not a racist, but…….” Or any white dude who thinks that his black doppelganger is going around calling him “Whitey.” Does anyone out there know of a single black American who has used the appellative “whitey?” Man, crawl back under your rock, you malodorous, stub-nosed, insentient toad!
Let’s take the word “nigger.” This is a vile, reprehensible word, one of the most vile in all of history. But there are all sorts of otherwise rational and intelligent people who feel the need to use it. Rednecks who haven’t a clue and well-spoken blacks who are pretty clueless, too. As are well-spoken whites and ghetto fools. To quote Chuck D of the rap group Public Enemy, “Knowin’ all this where the word came from, I must be 3 times stupid and stuck on dumb if I use it and confuse it with a term of love.”
And let’s not mince-pie definitions here; putting the word into the mouth of a character in a movie, song or written story is not the same as using it oneself. Placing it into an essay to properly discuss its merits and demerits is frank intellectualism. Conversely, all those cats who can’t seem to get past to get past the nursery-school taunt of “The Unmentionable N-Word” are intellectual cowards who find solace talking down to the world while short-circuiting their own perhaps weighty contributions in a flood of obviously deserved insecurity.
Anyone who uses any racial epithet to label a person is a unmitigated boob, merely stinking up the atmosphere, be it the air we breath or the ‘Net we surf, with garbage. Anyone who uses the stigma of racial hatred to further fan the flames in an already fragile world needs to be stripped of all credibility and relegated to the scrap-heap of history. No… strike that…. these hatemongers need to be forgotten, pure and simple. They need no legacy a’tall.
Here in Poland it’s all about the Poles and the Jews, while we conveniently ignore the fact that we’re ALL Poles…… Gentile Poles and Jewish Poles. This gar-bage goes down in one form or another in most of Europe. No one likes the Roma, or Gypsies. No one trusts the Ukraines. Or the French. Poles distrust Germans, Germans distrust the English. And the English! Can we talk about the English? Their government still treats their “United Kingdom” bunkmates with disdain, refusing to even accept the currency of the Banks of Scotland and Ireland. I’ve long maintained that all the bad habits we Americans have, we picked up from the Limeys.
Whoops, did I use a pejorative? See how easy it is? Too damned easy.
This is not a Rodney King-esque “can’t we all get along?” diatribe. This is about focusing on what’s meaningful in a life that is filled with bloodsuckers and events that seek to erase all meaning from our exhaustive lives. I started this piece about the movie “Crash” and all of what I’ve written since is related to this movie. See, the point of this essay is to focus on what’s important – what you’ve got in front of you, what potential you may have, what you’ve already learned and brought to life and how you can keep bringing it both for yourselves and more important, the benefit of others.
And that’s what “Crash” is about. By the end of the movie, everyone who survives gets around to finally seeing the world – and their small pieces of it – for what it truly is. One guy, tragically, even finds out that his world is much darker than he had ever realized. “Crash” is about people who aren’t paying attention to what’s directly in front of them. Who just aren’t paying attention.
When we lose sight of that, we lose sight of our humanity. And that’s never cool.
YO!….. Pay attention! Or pay the price. Your choice.
@15 overheard on Al Franken Show
Alert the press, there are now 28 listeners to that show instead of 27.
I’ve been patiently waiting for your vigil to get Sen. Charles Schumer to apologize to Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee illegally obtaining Steele’s credit report. I thought Schumer was a consumer advocate, he should be ashamed.
Are the Dems so desparate to protect their Senate seats that they’d resort to identity theft?
Q: What’s the most dangerous place in Washington D.C.?
A: Being between Charles Schumer and a camera with the red light on.
Curtis Lovespews:
I think Bush has his legacy pretty well-settled already. He has set records in the hiring of well-connected and otherwise useless hacks to important public posts. He has not only suqndered a record surplus, but is further draining our nation’s treasure for a war of choice that is sending our most precious human resource home in unseen caskets while diverting our nation from finding and punishing those who really attacked it, and at the same time pulling off the trifecta of pushing Iraqi (and LA) reconstruction money to well-connected and otherwise useless hacks, flacks, and major contributors (Case in point: the $20 bllion in cash handed out in duffel bags just before the “handover.”)
Wins: the pork-filled energy bill, the pork-filled highway bill, and the spectacularly-unpopular-among-seniors Medicare Welfare-for-Big-Pharma bill.
Losses: Bolton nomination by recess appointment, disastrous Social Security campaign, Katrina exposing extent of incompetent hackery in administration, endless quagmire of death in Iraq without any improvement in the people’s condition (check eletricity production), relentless promotion of incompetents and demotion of able critics, Plame case illustrating hwo Bush will sell out national security for politics…
Oh, yeah, I think we can see that legacy now…think it’s getting better from here? All the stuff they swept under the rug until after November 2004 are popping up like wildfires in L.A.
Don’t forget to boycott Serenity. If you’ve seen it already consider yourselves soiled.
Anything to say on the House bill to build new refineries and streamline the permit process in the U.S.? Sadly, no Dems from Washington State supported it. Well, let me tell you what; people whine and cry about the ridiculously high price of gas. So, a helpful solution would be to simply increase the oil refining capacity in the U.S. Plain as day. More product=less costs. Duh. You can’t have your cake and eat it too, I’m afraid. Dems=hypocrisy as it’s very definiton. So ‘shame….shame’ on YOU as the paper quoted. I know my heart just bleeds overe this one-NOT! Haha.
For the Cluelessspews:
Mark1 – a lot of Republicans in the House did not support that bill until their arms were twisted hard by the DeLay crowd. The bill had to be really bad for that to be the case.
headless lucyspews:
They’ve been increasing the size of the existing refineries all along. this will exacerbate the problems of dependence on foreign oil and CO2 in the atmosphere. Once again, Reps. are the masters of the “quick fix” that fixes nothing, only makes the problems worse.
headless lucyspews:
re 14: How can you discuss it before some righty broadcaster tells you exactly what to think and say?
BTW, clueless, now I know you have no taste worth discussing, Serenity is one of the best movies of the fall.
headless lucyspews:
re 18: Very thoughtful and moving essay. But, if you go back to the Katrina comments when the whole thing was unfolding you will note that many righty comments were not even thinly veiled racism. They were basically characterizing ALL black people as murdering, looting , Step-‘n-fetchit’s with the righties often writing their posts in degrading ‘Amos ‘n Andy’ vernacular. They did, however, assiduously avoid the use of the word, “nigger”. The N-word , in olde English, meant: “…he who has ability but will not work.” I submit to you that me calling the white righty commentators “house niggers” was not racist, but that their depiction of black survivors of Katrina as looting, murdering buffoons was racist. But in typical righty hypocrisy they latched on to my use of the word ,nigger, and completly obscured the LIVING DAILY FACT of their own racism. My genetic background is very similar to your own. And my thoughts on the subject are similar to yours— but I’m too smart to be conned by these platitude spewing righties.
For the Cluelessspews:
bill @ 28
I don’t believe you’re a wingnut. I think you’re missing the point. Click through the link. If you are a wingnut and liked Serenity and Firefly then I don’t see how you can live with yourself.
I liked Firefly. I’m not a raving fan. I thought it was merely OK and had a few entertaining concepts. I’ll give Joss Whedon and Co. points for going against the grain in Hollywood. I’ll catch Serenity when I have a chance.
Given the content, I really cant imagine a wingnut enjoying the plot of Serenity unless they just didn’t get the point (think M*A*S*H). Still use of the b word in conjunction with a movie this damn good is sacrilidge. Joss deserves every penny he makes on this one.
@25 Lucy:
If you actually believe that, then you’re dumber than you look. Yes, they have been increasing the current refinery’s capacities, but new ones need to come along as well to reduce costs for the consumer, add jobs, and make the U.S. better equipeed to meet it’s own demand. If you’re so smart, and don’t want the ‘quick fix’ what’s your miracle cure? What?……I can’t hear you!!!! If you drive a car, then shut the hell up over this issue.
I am still waiting for those names of nominees who were filibustered by Republicans. Donna thinks that if a nominee doesn’t get out of committee for a vote they were filibustered. According to Donna… This is his own words (comment 96 on Breaking: calls for own impeachment) :
They also prevented Senate votes on more than 60 of Mr. Clinton’s judicial nominees by other means.
Comment by Donnageddon— 10/7/05 @ 11:05 pm
So Donna- name the 60 judges who were filibustered by the republicans. I am chasing you down. You cant hide.
JC Bobspews:
OK, maybe one of you bright guys or gals can help me with a couple of questions.
1. Why did the Clinton Administrations allow these mergers to take place essentially undoing TR’s oil trust busting?
Exxon, Mobile
Conoco, Philips
BP, Amoco, Arco
Chevron, Texaco
2. Why did the BJ Clinton lift the ban on exporting oil from Alaska?
Perhaps George Bush is correct. Perhaps the world needs war – too many people – useless eaters. Exterminate them like insects to keep their numbers down. This could explain why right wingers are ruthless, ignorant, bigoted, vicious, self-righteous morons.
WWJK – Who Would Jesus Kill? If Jesus came back today, he’d probably carry a machine gun and blast away queers, poor people and non-believers. Can’t you just see Jesus with the men of the Bush Dynasty saying, “Well done, my good and faithful exterminators. Go forth and destroy”.
JC Bobspews:
Who says that Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Communists or what ever you want to call yourself today resort to personal attack because they are unable to formulate a cogent statement of what you stand (fall) for and why?
JC Bobspews:
Spam filtered again. I wonder if Goldy has a problem mentioning Liberal, Progressive, Socialist, Communist in the same message?
JC Bobspews:
Hmm, I just discovered in interesting characteristic of Goldy’s spam filter. It does not like me to mention L*****l, P*********e, S*******t and C*******t in the same message.
JC Bobspews:
Who says that Progressives and your political like minded resort to personal attack because you are unable to formulate a cogent statement of what you stand (fall) for and why?
RUFUS @ 36, still can’t read?
MArk1 @ 24 stupidly and drunken non Kool Aid said “Well, let me tell you what; people whine and cry about the ridiculously high price of gas. So, a helpful solution would be to simply increase the oil refining capacity in the U.S. Plain as day. More product=less costs.”
That is the most reMARKably stupid comment since the last one RUFUS made. The price of gas is twice what it was last year because the price of OIL is twice the cost it was last year. Refinery capacity has NOTHING to do with it.
Pice of oil $30 (2004) ——> Price of oil $60+ (2005)
Gas price does the same.
Simple logic lost on Neo-Con Symps.
JC Bob @ 40 “Who says that Progressives and your political like minded resort to personal attack because you are unable to formulate a cogent statement of what you stand (fall) for and why?”
Uh,.. No one JC Bob. No one.
Hey, RUFUS, now that everyone knows you are full of shit and can’t read a simple article, where are you gonna go?
Still like making a public fool of yourself?
Huh, RUFUS? No pithy comment? Gonna keep it up so that I can remind others of your folly?
Behold RUFUS! The man whose foot is so far in his mouth, it is coming out his ass!
JC Bobspews:
Donnageddon @ 43
So, what about Wells @ 38.
How about an answer to 37.
And while your are at it, how do you think we should fix our dependency of foreign oil?
Why was it that in 1993 and 1994 when the Democrats ran everything in Washington,DC that they CHOSE to not rate SUVs as passenger vehicles or set in motion a plan to double the CAFE standards by 2004?
JC Bob, what do your questions have anything to do with my post?
Are you “special” like puddybud and RUFUS?
headless lucyspews:
re 33: In the Carter administration you could get a big tax deduction by installing solar panels. Reagan stopped the tax credit.
Typical shit talking liberal. Says nominees were filabustered by republicans but can’t come up with any examples. You have proven once again that you are full of shit. Nuff said.
Stop trying to spank me…. it tickles too much. HAHAHAHAHA
Mark The Redneckspews:
Qwesshun for you HAs… I’m still trying to figure this out.
London and Spain got hit with terrorist bombs in their mass transit systems. Officials in NYC seem pretty sure they were target.
Wacko muslim kid blows himself up in Oklahoma outside football stadium in apparent botched homicide attempt.
Given that this is going to be our way of life until we kill every fucking one of them, does it make sense for the taxpayers to build mass transit systems that are terrorist targets? I would never ride one for that reason alone. I will NEVER take a ferry again. Does it make sense for the taxpayers to build stadiums where thousands of people can walk in, and just one of them needs a few onces of C4 and some ball bearings?
I’m not “firing for effect” here. Has the world changed? Do we need to stop building easy targets?
headless lucyspews:
re 50: They could blow up a bridge at rush hour. You’re a complete moron. The unspoken dark side of your comment is genocide.
Open thread topic:
When that unqualified Bush-dolt nominee Harriet Meirs is getting drilled by her long-time, out-of-wedlock lover Nathan Hecht — what kind of noises do they make?
RUFUS, the funny thing is: Anyone interested in the topic has read the examples you deny exist.
Therefore, you are a fool who pretends to not accept reality (i.e. a Neo-Con Symp fit for slaughter)
Mark The Redneck Villiage Idiot “does it make sense for the taxpayers to build mass transit systems that are terrorist targets? I would never ride one for that reason alone. I will NEVER take a ferry again.”
Congrats MTRVI you have just handed the Neo-Con’s and their co-horts Al Queda one victory!
Have fun walking everywhere dumbshit!
Headless Lucy, MTRVI was very outspoken in his genocide
“until we kill every fucking one of them”
MTRVI is sucking his thumb while hiding in his duct tape room waiting for others to commit genocide against his personal BoogeyMan
WHat a fucking loser in life.
JC Bobspews:
Donnageddon @ 47
Well, you acted as if you could intelligently discuss an issue and I believe you bemoaned, like I, our dependence on foreign oil. So, do you have some ideas to offer. You know, something that you stand (fall) for and can explain why.
Let me help you. What do you think of ex-President Jimmy Carter’s favorite solution to the ’70s oil embargo – synfuel. Of course, since President Carter was a nuclear engineer, he also really liked nuclear reactors to generate electricity just like France does today.
Or would you just prefer just use personal attack like 51 and 52 just did.
Rush may be right…but he certainly is not CORRECT!
Redneck @ 50
Way to play into fear. That is why their called “terrorists”. They do thing to scare people…DUH!
So don’t ride planes, trains or automobiles. Stay in your cosy, hermeticly sealed home. Don’t dare go out into public, cause those nasty Muslims might jump out and go “BOO(M)”!!
Yes, the world has changed. Well maybe not the “world” but certanly the United States of Jesusland. Many other countries have been dealing with this for decades, and they GO ON LIVING.
Like the Britts said after their bombing…”We’re so used to this threat from the IRA,…it’s sad, but not shocking”
Do us a favor and PLEASE DONT BREED!!!
JC Bob, as you seem to be mentally challenged, I will repeat my post that caused you to make these non sequitor questions. If after I post it you still have questions, please contain them to the actual content of my post. Thanks!
Donnageddon @ 43
“JC Bob @ 40 “Who says that Progressives and your political like minded resort to personal attack because you are unable to formulate a cogent statement of what you stand (fall) for and why?â€
Uh,.. No one JC Bob. No one. ”
So you see, JC Bob you follow up questions are just bits of “nonsense” followed by “WHTF are you talking about?”
For the Cluelessspews:
MTR the Village Idiot:
You’re supposed to be some kind of engineer that’s savvy with figures.
Here’s a question for you:
What’s the odds of you getting killed in your luxury SUV by some drunk on the highway over getting blown up by a suicidal whacko muslim college student?
Your frat boy in the White House has supposedly done such a bang up job keeping this country safe since 9/11 so why are you such a scaredy cat about using a ferry? You don’t trust Brownie’s old boss in Homeland Security to watch your precious backside?
I’m tried of all this shit. How about something positive. With all the billions we’re spending in Iraq and now apparently on Gulf Coast reconstruction. We could of circumnavigated the milky freaking way. Aren’t there any NEW ideas that this stuck in the mud country can come up with anymore? Seems like the spirit or intivation and hope that once existed in this country is on life supports. It like being caught in a Ozzie and Harriet episode circa 1956. Meditate on this. For republicans that means think on this.
Alternative energy sources and incentives
Universal health care
Legalize control and tax marijuana
National Identity Cards
Develop Hybrid Vehicles
Rebuild Infrastructure
Substance Abuse Education
Drug Courts
Strengthen Social Security
Support music and arts programs
Protect the environment
Sign on for Kyoto agreement
Strengthen labor laws
Internet, mail, motor voting
Strengthen UN
Prepare country for potential flu pandemics
Love thy neighbor
Thou shall not kill
@ 42 Dumbagain:
Really? Tell me how will new refineries in the U.S. increase costs? Tell me, brain-surgeon; your intelligence is obviously superior and almost unbelievable. I cannot even fathom! Maybe you’ll invent the longer lasting light bulb or something. Moron.
headless lucyspews:
It became obvious in the 70’s that oil was not a sustainable source of energy. In the Carter administration we, as a country, began to make real strides with alternative sources of energy. This was all scotched in the Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton, and Bush Jr. administrations. One way to get the oil companies to not build the refineries would be to require state of the art non-polluting technology on the new refineries, but not the old ones. Just like in the electricity business, they would opt for expanding the old ones.
I think radical muslims would be mollified if George Bush was arrested and put on trial for war crimes. His dad Poppy should stand trial on the same charges. Thousand points of light, compassionate conservative, my ass. Saddam and Osama only became enemies to our beloved warmonger presidents after their use as canon fodder ended. If muslims want the Bush’s, I say, deliver the bastards over.
Bush’s future of hydrogen fuel cell cars is a cruel hoax, another monstrous lie!
As a conservative, I hate to see these reports. But as I have always said here, you out there on the far left are so divorced from reality, so ridiculous to the mainstream that this article doesn’t worry me at all. I trust you all will continue with your dellusional, socialistic and ignorant public displays of outright stupidity. Heck, the GOP should fund your next rally, protest and “donate” to Air America to assure themselves of a landslide victoty in 2008.
“The liberals’ hope that Democrats can win back the presidency by drawing sharp ideological contrasts and energizing the partisan base is a fantasy that could cripple the party’s efforts to return to power, according to a new study by two prominent Democratic analysts”.
Notmoving: Very well said. I wonder if you are from South Jersey in the Cherry Hill area, with Beckett in any of your family name paths we may be distant cousins. Yes, go ahead and perform a family tree lookup on it LEFTIST PINHEADS. Maybe you can determine whom I am. I have the same family tree makeup with Greek, Jew and German. But the problems with most LEFTIST PINHEADS is the commentary Notmoving wrote so well above went right over their heads.
When you said: “Anyone who uses any racial epithet to label a person is a unmitigated boob, merely stinking up the atmosphere, be it the air we breath or the ‘Net we surf, with garbage. Anyone who uses the stigma of racial hatred to further fan the flames in an already fragile world needs to be stripped of all credibility and relegated to the scrap-heap of history. No… strike that…. these hatemongers need to be forgotten, pure and simple. They need no legacy a’tall.” You said it all right there. Unfortunately your racist definition of unmitigated boob extends to the LEFTIST PINHEAD best of Animal Hind Parts, except for Mr. X and Dr E. They are all boobs here.
Thank you!
Notmoving: The biggest unmitigated boob here is Goldy. It’s his blog and still to this day over 5 weeks has not said a word! Racist enabler!
And clueless, windie, etc. I still believe in the law of chronological events. So forgeddabout JCH.
Head-up-de-ass lucite@30: What the FUCK is wrong with you? It was the leftist MSM who put all of your rant in the newspapers you dumb fuck. We on the right didn’t say there were looters, it was your people, the mayor, the chief of police. If was Alan Combes who said it first on Fox News. You are just one sperm cell short of being a real zygote! I wonder if your dick see pussy with the way you create thoughts. The ladies must run from you!
Stuckonstupiddon at al. A good friend of ours as in a car accident recently. The lady had a big truck and the person was in a SUV. The SUV saved their lives. What part of stuck on stupid are you in?
For the Cluelessspews:
To celebrate the return of whacked-out fascist Puddy Freepazoid I present the following for your reading pleasure:
(or why Puddy Freepazoic is probably going to straight to hell!!!)
written by a former fundie.
Franken[stein] loving Clueless: Amazing you ignore all of notmoving’s questionable calls on you. Did he hit too close to home racist enabler?
I just went to his site: Amazing he forgot Romans 1:18-rest of the chapter. I wonder why on his homo rant? Regarding the other rants, he is free to post his opinion, this is America; unless your kind tries to implement rules to stifle free speech. Remember Al Gore’s recent rant racist enabler?
Regarding abortion, the Bible does not say anything except thous shalt not murder, one of the 10 Commandments. But then again LEFTIST PINHEADS hate the 10 Commandments. But since he talks about God knowing you in the womb, I suppose you Cluelesswithoutabrain God rejected you to Satanism from the beginning, racist enabler.
So cluelessness, I’ll take being a Freeper, since I visit that site twice a month at most. I’ll keep calling you a racist enabler, since my view of you is ABSOLUTELY CORRECT! Have a great day racist enabler.
For the Cluelessspews:
I laugh at you Puddy Freep! Racism is a sign of low intelligence, period. That’s why you hoot and call for three cheers for Jared Taylor. You enable Chuckie Cheese and pat PacMan the fool on the back when he goosesteps with you! And JCH – he’s on your “side”..
Do you follow the false Gospel Puddy Freep? Have you forgotten the teachings of Jesus so you can goosestep to the satanism of the Republican elite?
I’m sorry. I must have driven you to fall off the wagon. No scratch that. You’re either lying (big surprise) or you had it in you all the time.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Ted Kennedy drunk is 100 times the leader Shrub is when sober.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“One way to get the oil companies to not build the refineries would be to require state of the art non-polluting technology on the new refineries, but not the old ones. Just like in the electricity business, they would opt for expanding the old ones.”
That’s more or less what’s been happening. U.S. refining capacity has been increasing since the mid-1990s, despite a continuing reduction in the number of domestic refineries, because oil companies are expanding large profitable refineries even as they close old, small, inefficient ones.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey Puddybrains, when the world runs out of oil 29.6 years from now, you can run your SUV on the hot air blowing out of your ass!
Hey Rupert Wabbit. In 30 Years I won’t be driving. Maybe you will since you are the biggest gasbag on this blog. Oh yes, you have to put that hot air somewhere so why not your car? But since you be retired now, I’d call DMV and have that license revoked.
Hey He_without_Clue, if you performed a full check on my comments I also said since you call me Freeper I will start visiting it. You Google it dumbass or is it Dumass like in the commercial?
I also love how you try and twist the Word of God for your worthless delight. When is the last time you blew the dust off of your Bible Cluelessness? You seem to forget your father Satan knows the scriptures better than you. John 8:44 (KJV) says: “Ye are of your father the devil (clueless), and the lusts of your father ye will do (clueless). He was a murderer (like baby killers such as clueless) from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him (like you clueless). When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own (this includes lefties like you clueless): for he is a liar, and the father of it.” YOUR apple didn’t fall too far from the tree did it cluelessness?
Matthew 4: Proves Satan knows the scriptures and whispers in your ear how to twist them right cluelessness?
1 Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. 2 He fasted for forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was hungry. 3 The tempter approached and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, command that these stones become loaves of bread.” 4 He said in reply, “It is written: ‘One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.'” 5 Then the devil took him to the holy city, and made him stand on the parapet of the temple, 6 and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down. For it is written: ‘He will command his angels concerning you and ‘with their hands they will support you, lest you dash your foot against a stone.'” 7 Jesus answered him, “Again it is written, ‘You shall not put the Lord, your God, to the test.'” 8 Then the devil took him up to a very high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in their magnificence, 9 and he said to him, “All these I shall give to you, if you will prostrate yourself and worship me.” 10 At this, Jesus said to him, “Get away, Satan! It is written: ‘The Lord, your God, shall you worship and him alone shall you serve.'” 11 Then the devil left him and, behold, angels came and ministered to him.
Isn’t it just like a lefty. Follow me and I’ll give you handouts, welfare, free rides, taxes back when you didn’t pay them.
Oh and your reverse racism try against me on Jared Taylor. I gave you links to foreign newspapers where the foreigners talked to their papers and told their New Orleans stories. So Jared Taylor replays their stories and you call it racism? Jared Taylor replays Ray Nagin, Eddie Compass, Oprah Winfrey, MSM rants and you call it racism? Boy cluelessness you be the ultimate in stuck on stupid. Try again cluelessness. If you read instead of fucking the pooch, you would be a worthy debator instead of a masterbater!
Looks like another filter on Bible verses.
Roger 79
What do you do Roger, just sit around all day figuring out how to parse words to “technically” tell the truth? Who gives a rip about the increase since the mid 90’s?
“The number of refineries in the United States has gone from 325 in 1981 producing 18.6 million barrels per day to 148 at 17 million barrels a day.”
ip stop it. You know LEFTIST PINHEADS like Wascally Wabbit don’t want the truth. It interferes with their karma of lies and innuendo.
Roger Rabbit-78 ‘Ted Kennedy drunk is 100 times the leader Shrub is when sober.’
Quit changing the subject. When we want to play follow-the-leader-off-the-bridge then give Teddy a call.
For the Cluelessspews:
Puddy Freep:
I’ll steal from Mr. Cynical. You’re a funny little guy!
Little ole’ me drove you to become a freeper? Nah, ya had it in you all the time. I just called a spade a spade.
As for your politics, take comfort that Dr. Michael Aquino, a Reagan/Bush I hatchet man and satan worshipper is as staunch a Republican as you are exactly because Republicanism is the opposite of what Jesus taught.
PuddyBud @ 71 “Head-up-de-ass ….: What the FUCK is wrong with you? It was the leftist MSM who put all of your rant in the newspapers you dumb fuck. We on the right didn’t say there were looters, it was your people, the mayor, the chief of police. If was Alan Combes who said it first on Fox News. You are just one sperm cell short of being a real zygote! I wonder if your dick see pussy with the way you create thoughts. The ladies must run from you! ”
WOW, PuddyBud, do you pray to God with the same hands that spout that filth?
Stuckonstupiddon, sometimes you must enter the muck and mire to converse with bottom-feeders like lucite & yourself. I put it in de plain english so you can internalize it. What is your problem stuckonstupiddon, am I describing you and your love life too?
PuddyBud, Jesus cries when he hears you rationalize your shameful behavior.
Puddybud wrote:
“GBS: I understand the implication of Oil in Euros. It isn’t rosy. I have cut back and have been conserving. Have you? Remember I don’t have a private jet like John Kerry or Robert Kennedy Jr, conservationist princes.”
A) No ya don’t understand the implication because you didn’t answer the question. Just sayin’ it isn’t rosy is NOT an answer.
B) No I’m not cutting back on my consumption of gas because I didn’t squander it in the first place.
C) Your point about Kerry and Roberts implys that because they are Democrats they are hypocrites because they fly around in private jets using more fuel than necessary, and yet they urge the masses to conserve. I see your point.
Now you undersand my point at B). Which loosely translates to; Puddybud, thanks for proving my point that you’re a hypocrite, too.
You make this too easy at times.
BTW How’s PacMan’s hurt feeling these days? Next time you chat with him tell him I said to get his chin off his chest.
Stuckonstupiddon, I am not perfect. I may stoop to satanic methods to converse in the only way you and lucite understand, but I do ask for forgiveness. No one knows if they are in The Book of Life. But if you do believe in Jesus your chances are much higher that you name could be there than those who say He’s not real or He doesn’t exist!!!
GBS, I don’t squander gas either. My SUV is used to go to and from from the airport and church. How am I a hypocrite? Gas conservation is not just a “progressive” activity. It’s for everyone. I read some articles regarding the use of Euros in oil purchasing. Why do I have to kiss your butt to be in partial agreement?
PacMan says his chin is held high. He is busy with his job and is not looking at Southern based democratic racism at this time.
Donnagedon @ 87
I love when you corner our pal Puddybud.
Especially through your BRILLIANT reasoning you get him to admit that he submits to, and in Puddybud’s own words, “satanic methods.”
As a Catholic one thing I’ve learned is that a true Christian never submits to Satan’s methods. Period. Never. Charlatans, however, do resort to evil to accomplish their tasks while pretending to be doing the Lord’s work.
This speaks volumes to the conservative Christian’s agenda and how they use God and the Bible falsely. This is what is know as the Sins of Scripture.
Good work. Keep it up. I’m truly proud of you for exposing the evil among us. In order to save America, we must defeat the evil that is conservatism.
Hey GBS and Stuckonstupiddon sorry, I am not backed into a corner. Good try though. Go ahead and judge me you want. I said I may stoop to satanic methods. You decided to parse the sentence like you LEFTIST PINHEADS did with Bill Bennett’s comments. I don’t parse like Rupert Wabbit,. I am quite up front. What you LEFTIST PINHEADS don’t understand is every day you SIN you stoop to satanic methods. What is sin? It is the lack of acting fully Christian. I can fully see these lefties do not understand or comprehend the issue of Satan in Ezekiel 29. When you look at a woman in a lustful way you stoop to satanic methods. I didn’t say I did implemented satanic methods. Regarding the Catholic church look at the Inquisition. That was satanic. Killing people for disagreeing with your religious position. JPII apologized for it. Apparently you are clueless on Catholic history. Read Foxes’ Book of Martyrs.
GBS: When you advocated a good hummer, was that only between married people? If not then that’s satanic methods. Yes, GBS you are stuckonstupid.
PuddyBud @ 94 “What is sin? It is the lack of acting fully Christian.”
Can you clarify that, PB? What is “acting fully Christian” in your mind? How does it differ from “being fully Christian” rather than acting?
No one can be fully Christian. We can strive to be close. Why, because we are sinners. We are born in sin and shapen in iniqiuty. We are covered by Jesus’ robe of Righteousness. But we can chose to defrock ourselves and act like you stuckonstupiddon.
PuddyBud, you better hope that Robe of Righteousness covers “compulsive lying, genocidal enabling, and pissing on the least of us” or else you are going to get a stern lecture from Jesus before he casts you in to hell!
Jesus wasn’t no Neo-Con.
And PuddyBud, good dodge in not defining Christian. I really doubt you could ever use Christ’s words to defend your satanic support for the Bush misAdministration.
Stuckonstupiddon. Pissing on the least of us. You mean all this time you were writing so haughtily, now you are saying you a a lesser being. Well sakes alive, you finally admitted being a lefty is a lower being oops… a least!
Regarding defining a Christian, why should I define anything for you the big athiest? Nothing Christian matters to you rememeber?
Politics is the lesser of no goods unlike you thought I’d say the lesser of two evils. There was no way I’d support John Kerry. Too much death and destruction in that man and his support for policies I detest.
My satanic support of the Bush Administration. Just the same level as your satanic support of the Clintonian Years. Jesus loved Israel. Read Matthew 23:37 “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets, and stones those who are sent to her! How often I would have gathered your children together, even as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you would not!
@ 92
Yes you do to squander gas in your SUV. When you ride alone in an SUV you ride with Osama Bin Laden.
I purposely bought a four-cylinder car that averages 31 mpg and gets over 40 mpg on the highway.
It’s people like you who thumbed their collective noses at Al Gore when Rush told you monkeys to drive SUV’s. Had we taken our cue from the intelligent Democratic leaders with vision we wouldn’t be in the predicament we are in now.
Puddybud @ 94
What part about “Thou shalt not lie” don’t you understand? You need to drop down on your knees and ask for forgiveness for lying. Holy Cow, Puddy, you’re lying in print. It’s right there for everyone to see.
As per usual from our former debates I’ll have to point it out to you step by step to prove to you, but more importantly, the rest of the world that you are lying. I didn’t PARSE your words you right-wing, whacko KNUCKLE HEAD.
So here it goes:
Puddybud @ 91 wrote:
” I may stoop to satanic methods to converse in the only way you and lucite understand, but I do ask for forgiveness.”
Puddybud @ 94 wrote:
“Hey GBS and Stuckonstupiddon sorry, I am not backed into a corner. Good try though. Go ahead and judge me you want. I said I may stoop to satanic methods. You decided to parse the sentence like you LEFTIST PINHEADS did with Bill Bennett’s comments. I don’t parse like Rupert Wabbit,. I am quite up front. ”
Puddybud, with your Ivy League education would you like to dissect this sentence and its meaning @ 91 or shall I do it?
OK, you wouldn’t do it honestly anyways so I’ll perform the surgery. The use of the word “may” @ 91 isn’t being used to say that you “may or may not” use Satanic methods. You are expressly admitting that you use Satanic methods by connecting it to your reasoning for for stooping to Satanic methods, i.e. to communicate to “lucite” in the only way YOU think “lucite” understands. Then, in the very same sentence you say “. . ., but I do ask for forgiveness.” The reason you ask for forgiveness is because you employed Satanic methodology. Which is exactly the reason you are asking for forgiveness.
For example if you said: “I may stoop to stealing food to feed my family because FEMA bungled the relief effort, but I do ask for forgiveness.” In this sentence are you saying you may or may not steal, or are you saying you that stole because your family was hungry? You are admitting to stealing. Same thing with your stooping to use Satanic methods to communicate in a fashion you think is appropriate, but is not.
Then, @ 94 comes the lie in trying to defend your position. In particular, the way you bold the word “MAY” to try and emphasize the word as if you were using it in a “may or may not” context. Which you did not.
You see, Puddybud, the Culture of Corruption has, undoubtedly corrupted you. All you had to do is admit that you shouldn’t use Satanic methodology and all would have been right. But, you opted to traverse the same dark path as Bush, Rove, DeLay, Frist, Ambramoff. . . well, you get the picture.
Don’t worry, Puddybud, as it says in the Lord’s Prayer “. . . forgive those who trespass against us.” The Lord will forgive you for trespassing against us because we ask Him to do so.
Now that you know right from wrong, try not to stray from the path of the truth. It is neither Republican or Democrat, conservative or Liberal. It is the light, not the dark. The truth is an undeniable principle of the universe which cannot be changed by man. Now, go forth and parse not your words.
Puddybud @ 94 continued on a religious plane.
Puddybud wrote:
“Regarding the Catholic church look at the Inquisition. That was satanic. Killing people for disagreeing with your religious position. JPII apologized for it. Apparently you are clueless on Catholic history.”
I wouldn’t profess to be a religious scholar, but I do know right from wrong and I do understand the meaning of Absolution. Apparently, you do not. As you said the Inquisition against Muslims was wrong and Pope John Paul II, on behalf of ALL Catholics, took responsibility for the wrong and asked for forgiveness. In the Christian faith Absolution is granted when someone asks for it. Through the Pope I have asked for, and been granted Absolution for the wrongs committed by other followers of my faith.
Pope John Paul II has taken responsibilities for many wrongs of Catholics in the past and has extended the olive branch of peace to many faiths, Muslim, Judaism and others. Therefore, I am not as clueless in the history of Catholicism as you assume.
I can admit that during my military career I did kill other human beings in Panama, but I never did it on behalf of the Catholic church or Christianity in general. I have asked the Lord for forgiveness, I continue to pray for the souls of those I have killed. And, I pray for my own salvation. Which, I believe, I will one day receive. I also know that I will spend a good deal of time in Purgatory before I transition to Heaven because of what I have done. I am preparing for that journey after this life. Time on this planet it limited, so, too, is Purgatory. But Heaven is fore all eternity. So I’ll stick it out until I reach Heaven.
Now, I have to ask you; why the fear and hate mongering regarding the Catholic church and the Inquisition being “Satanic”? Why did you try to pull in my Catholic faith in to your own admission of using Satanic methods? What was the real reason, Puddybud?
Are you now willing to seek your own Absolution with me Puddybud?
Hello GBS: Parse on racist enabler, parse on. I was waiting for your commentary. You said “As a Catholic one thing I’ve learned is that a true Christian never submits to Satan’s methods. Period. Never. Charlatans, however, do resort to evil to accomplish their tasks while pretending to be doing the Lord’s work.”
I told you to read Foxes’ Book of Martyrs. It will educate you on your beloved church GBS. Did I condemn what you did in war? Hell no. What you did for your country is well regarded. Well the Pope and his Jesuit henchmen in the Spanish, French, German, Belgian Inquisitions tortured and killed people like Huss, Tyndale, and others for choosing Justification by Faith and Grace vs. accepting the infallability and kissing the ring of the Pope. The Pope and his Jesuit went after Martin Luther to kill him but the German Princes protected him at Wittenburg. If what you said above is so true, why did John Paul II say the Inquisition was wrong and asked the world for forgiveness?
So I also ask you: In the Bible Jesus says call no one the father except God who is in heaven. So what part of Jesus’ statements do you have problems with? I won’t go into Absolution because Jesus also said: Only God can forgive sins. Why did the Pope reject Frank Sinatra’s offer of paying for his absolution? Check it out!
So before you judge me, judge yourself. I admit to communicate to stuckonstupiddon and head-up-de-ass lucite I MAY implement unchristian methods. Nothing in my above commentary contradicts itself. Keep grasping for straws. You implement satanic methods in a lot of your support on donko-cratic positions. You showed you satanic nature when YOU DIDN”T CONDEMN LUCITE! Nuff Said, the Prosecution Rests.
puddyBud @ 100 “Pissing on the least of us. You mean all this time you were writing so haughtily, now you are saying you a a lesser being.”
Ah, funny one, PB. No I was not talking about myself. I was speaking of all the disadvataged that the Neo-Cons take a long leasurily piss on daily, and those same urinaters that you support.
I am safe from your urine stream, PuddyBuddy. I just find your bathroom habits disgusting, and extremely unChristianlike.
More from the PuddyBud “Regarding defining a Christian, why should I define anything for you the big athiest? Nothing Christian matters to you rememeber?”
No PuddyBud, I revere Jesus, and I despise your defowling of his name. Yes, I am an Athiest, but I am much more of a Christian than you can “pretend” to be. You are an Apochryphal Apostilate.
You are Judas.
PuddyBud continues “There was no way I’d support John Kerry. Too much death and destruction in that man and his support for policies I detest.”
And you support G W Bush. Irony at it’s finest. Do you really believe Jesus would shake hands with GWB? He would spit on that Drunken Assasin. He would spit on him.
PuddyBud goes on and on “Jesus loved Israel.”
You ignorant bastard. Jesus was a Jew. How ignorant of the Bible are you? Do you read the Reader’s Digest of the Bible?
I cast the sand at your door. You are a heathen.
Puddybud & PacMan incognito.
I already know, and acknowledged, that Catholics have committed wrongs in the past. You don’t have to go back to the Middle Ages to discover that fact. As recent as WWII we didn’t protect the Jews in Europe, instead we cooperated with the Nazis.
Is that wrong? Sure it is.
Do I accept the responsibility? Yes, I do.
Have I worked within my church to voice my dissent and force changes regarding sexual abuse by priests and their cover ups? Yes, I have.
I work to change something that is wrong with communities that I belong to. Religious, political, or otherwise.
Now I’ll tie this all together with you and PacMan regarding racism and the criminal corruption within the Republican party and the zero effort on your part to correct it.
First, I’ve told both of you that I’m not a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat. I was a non-partisan until 1998 because there were so many problems with both parties. You know my political disdain for JFK and LBJ. I’ve spoken out about Robert “KKK” Byrd, but haven’t rubbed David “Grand Wizard KKK” Duke in your face. I’ve taken the responsibility for the actions of a few assholes in the Democratic party and denounced them. You two, by contrast, have not.
I became a Democrat in ’98 because of the way the Republicans were attempting to subvert democracy and impeach President Clinton over lying in court about and extra marital affair. I recognized the culture of corruption the Republicans were creating way back then and determined that I could not longer be non-partisan and joined the Democratic party. It is my way of countering the erosion of our liberties by the radical elements within the Republican party.
You two, on the other hand, continue to support the corrupt party even though they are out of control. The things that Bush, Rove, DeLay, Frist, Libby, Cheney, Brownie have done are unpatriotic and more detrimental to the security and posterity of our country than anything Bill Clinton ever did by multiples of hundreds. You know, I know it, and the whole world knows it.
Literally: shame on you.
You two continue to lie to me, to each other and everyone on this blog regarding racism. I’ve always said there were bad people within the Democratic party. Byrd being one of them, Daley is another, but never in modern times has our national party catered to blatant racism as a party platform strategy.
Neither one of you has ever been man enough, or honest enough to answer this one simple question:
Why did Ken Melhman, Chairman of the RNC, apologize to the NAACP for the Republican parties efforts to divide this nation along racial lines as an adopted party platform known as the Republican Southern Strategy?
The RSS attitude prevailed throughout the Regan administration for sure. I’ve pointed that out to you two in the past with some of Ronnie’s infamous quotes. It wasn’t until the completion of the 1990 census did the Republican party realize that a white Christian majority was no longer going to hold in American politics. Then, and only then, did they start to change their tune on racism to pander for the votes necessary to maintain their grip on power. That’s why when someone like PacMan supports a party, and the president, that wants to use the constitution to EXCLUDE a group of people from their rights puzzles me. Democrats have a history of inclusion to their detriment. Whereas Republicans have a history of exclusion to their benefit.
Now, as for me being an racist enabler. That ball’s been in your court, Puddybud. I told you when you’re ready to come down on the likes of Mr. Cynical for bashing Gold Star Mothers, I’ll denounce anyone for posting racial slurs on this blog. I’m not going to ask you do denounce the likes of HowCanYouBeProudToBeAnAss who said the only flag I wave is the one I stole from a grave site. I tell you honestly, that comment cuts deep, not just for me personally, but for my brothers in arms who lay in those graves. But the assholes on the right who trash anyone who exercises their 1st amendment right by speaking out against this misguided war in Iraq, especially a Gold Star Mother, that’s the one that hurts me. I know Gold Star Mothers.
I told you I’d take up your cause if you backed mine. With the stance you two have taken about Viet Nam war protestors trashing vets I didn’t think you’d back out on me. But you know what? You two did. And not just me, but military families, too. Thanks for nothing.
For a change, you’re going to have to take the lead in correcting a real wrong. Lead, follow, or get out of the way.
Hey GBS: I’ll speak for myself. Cynical and ProudAss do push the envelope. I will have to look at Cynical’s statement regarding Cindy Sheehan. I think you have mentioned it earlier somewhere. She has gone off the deep end, especially when she told Hillary Clinton that she was a bad person for not denouncing Iraq. But that being said if he castigated her in a nasty fashion I don’t condone that. If ProudAss said that then it’s wrong too. I know that you are a proud vet. I realize you as a Seal have been through training that separates the men from the boys. I have vets in my family too. But again GBS, you do push the envelope at time.
Regarding Vietnam vets, I only reacted to that which I was told when I went to university with Vets. They told me how they were treated. These Internet sites where they claim this didn’t happen; were they there? I seriously doubt it. Whom did they interview? Donks? Like they will tell the truth.
So I have officially denounced the Cynical and ProudAss statements if as presented by you are true. I haven’t been reading every thread and every entry. But regarding windie, I have been scanning his scummy responses.
So for you windie kiss my big black ass. Ahhh, that feels much better with your lips on my right cheek. I do email Puddybud and I would never email you racist enabler.
So now GBS the ball is in your court. Will you officially denounce headless loocy as a racist? If so, we be back on full terms my friend.
The Southern Strategy was devised as I said again, after the SCLC chose the Democratic Party through MLK Jr. The Republican Party did not get the credit for their passing of the VRA and CRA in 1965. So the Democratic Party had the blacks on their side because they saw the Democratic Party championing their issues from President Johnson and did not pay attention to the Senate votes. Why is that? I would have to investigate the papers of 1965 to see if they trumpeted the Republicans voting in the affirmative. I doubt it. Also look at Barry Goldwater in 1962. He didn’t help Republicans getting black votes.
“However, Goldwater’s own 1962 statement, that — electorally — Republicans should “go hunting where the ducks are,” a de facto rejection of the idea that Republicans should support the Civil Rights Act or even compete for the black vote, helped create an earthquake whose aftershocks resounded for three decades. Should the substance — that Republicans provided the winning votes for passage of the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts — mean more than a few simple words by a failed presidential candidate? Perhaps, but Goldwater’s tactical political move helped create an implacable foe in King — at the time, the most influential black man in America — and totally sundered the century-long relationship of blacks to the “Party of Lincoln.” It has left a legacy that haunts Republicans and minorities to this day.”
Regarding my positions on Cynical and ProudAss, I believe in the law of Chronology. As I remember the Lucite rant was before the other rants. So unlike PacMan, I will hold off criticizing Cynical and ProudAss until I see lefties criticize Lucite for racism. I know the ProudAss flag comment is in bad taste becuz U B A vet! But as I said GBS, timing is everything.
Damn Goldy, that was a well written response to GBS.
You know what? I’ll start by admonish myself for going too far at times. I’ll admit it, I do put my foot over the line and I shouldn’t do it. One thing I am not, though, is a racist or a racist enabler.
Headless Loocy, you should apologize to PacMan for the using Nigger, Uncle Tom, House Boy, or whatever terms you used no matter what context it was being used in.
No one else from the left should participate in using derogatory terms either.
Now, one last thing. IF, we are going to be back on full terms, then answer this question. It’s the absolute last time I’m going to ask it.
No short cuts, or cop outs either.
Why did Ken Melhman, Chairman of the RNC, apologize to the NAACP for the Republican parties efforts to divide this nation along racial lines as an adopted party platform known as the Republican Southern Strategy?
Now we’re going to find out if you’re a racist enabler.
Hey GBS: I answered the question because I wanted to Google it myself, but Goldy’s filter stopped it so far. You knew something about this that I wanted to know by myself. Nixon did it after Goldwater in 1962 said some stupid stuff. Ask Goldy to release it.
Part #1
The Southern Strategy was devised as I said again, after the SCLC chose the Democratic Party through MLK Jr. The Republican Party did not get the credit for their passing of the VRA and CRA in 1965. So the Democratic Party had the blacks on their side because they saw the Democratic Party championing their issues from President Johnson and did not pay attention to the Senate votes. Why is that? I would have to investigate the papers of 1965 to see if they trumpeted the Republicans voting in the affirmative. I doubt it. Also look at Barry Goldwater in 1962. He didn’t help Republicans getting black votes.
I doubt Loocy reads this thread. Thanks for your recant. Now if you say it in a more current thread…
GBS: Goldy still hasn’t released my answer to your valid Nixon question. Luckily I have it saved. PacMan liked it. So ask yer good friend Goldy why he hasn’t released it.
Stuckonstupiddon. Oh I am so sorry that you can’t comprehend Biblical truth. Go back and reread the Gospels stuckonstupiddon. Maybe you’ll understand the other reason why Jesus came to earth besides to save us from our sins. Maybe you’ll understand why He was chastised when he ate at Matthew’s house. Then navigate to the book of Acts. Read what happened to Paul. Then read Romans 1:18-end of chapter. The operative prejorative is I shake the dust off of my sandals at your doorstep. Finally is you Revere Jesus, you’d admit your sins and follow Him. The only way to God is through Jesus Christ!
For the Cluelessspews:
Puddy Filth:
My, my the religious discussion has raged here.
You cheerlead for Jared Taylor. You tout the “facts” he cites (many if not all have turned out to be mythical) but ignore his conclusions. You will not examine them because you know they support his white supremacist agenda. By the same reasoning you condemn HL for racism, you have “enabled” white supremacist thinking.
Brad Hicks has convincingly reasoned that the Republican platform is anti-Christian. Most Christians in this country who follow a fundamentalist, Bible-literalist path are in effect subscribing to a false Gospel for which they’ll burn in hell as per Jesus’ warning. Examine the vitae of your preacher, Puddy Freep. Has he been taught to ignore or gloss over certain passages in the Bible as Brad Hicks has explained?
Lastly, I and I hope no one else will EVER do what people like YOU tell us to do. EVER. GET OVER IT.
White supremacist ENABLER!
My preacher? You have no idea what my preacher says. I am NOT a fundamentalist Christian. I am not a fan of Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell. I have stated that many times. That is not my style. I have already explained what my beliefs are. You figure them out.
Regarding Jared Taylor Karma Klueless, show me where they were proven mythical? Remember he used the verbal commentary of Ray Nagin, Eddie Compass, MSM reporters you JACKASS! If what he said is mythical then all the MSM, Oprah Winfrey, Jesse Jackasson, Al NottoSharpton, Randall the Cannibal Robinson, Congressional Black congree is mythical too? What a JACKASS U R! So if he used their commentary and now it’s wrong you nail him alone? U R a JACKASS. What planet did you wake up on today. Go back to your incense and monotonic chants because you are clueless. BTW, I did provide links to foreign newspapers and web sites where their populace wrote about their experiences.
I believe in Revelation. I also believe that Global Warming is God’s warning as per the seven last plagues. You didn’t correct me two weeks ago when you need to blow off the dust from your Bible because it hasn’t been opened in a while. I bet the bound cover will crack upon opening. I appreciate your concern over my soul salvation. Be sure to worry about yours since most democratic positions are diametrically opposed to the 10 Commandments.
Thanks for at least attempting to answer the question. The links were a bit old, weak in substance and obviously slanted from the conservative perspective.
What is deceptive, however, and not your answer, but history itself, is that many of the Democrats who lined up against the vote were mostly Dixiecrats who later became Republicans. ie. Strom Thurmond as their leader. With the notable exceptions of Robert Byrd and Al Gore Sr., who remained, regrettably in American politics — let alone the Democratic party. You are also ignoring the fact that most of the Republicans who supported this bill were northern Republicans who were known as “Rockefeller Republicans.” The Rockefeller Republicans were very progressive, whereas, the southern Democrats were very conservative, socially. What also is being ignored is Hubert Humphrey’s(D) MN effort to push this legislation through the senate and how he used extraordinary parliamentary rules to keep the the bill getting killed on the floor.
What is also being ignored in this conversation is how quickly the general population of the south, which was at the time predominately white Christian and a democratic stronghold, became overwhelming republican in just a few short years during the mid ’60’s. This is the period in history where it is widely accepted that the Party of Lincoln and Rockefeller Republicans died, and gave birth to the philosophy of modern day conservatism.
This is also the period where politicians in the south stopped being elected as “Democrats” and started being elected as Republicans. Same people, same ideology, just a new party moniker.
The racial division wedge used by Republicans went well through the Regan and Bush Sr. era. At some point you should read the speech Regan gave in Philadelphia, Mississippi. Understanding the implications of the speech he gave in that particular city and the way Regan speaks of “state’s rights” are code words to Christian whites meaning, to the exclusion of black people.
This mindset lasted well into the Bush Sr. presidency. The now infamous “Willie Horton” ads were specific to preying on conservative white Christian’s fears regarding race.
These are just a few points on this topic, it’s very deep and the implications cannot be fully understood by just looking at the vote tallies in the Senate and saying, oh look, Republicans made it happen but aren’t getting credit for it. When you remove the labels, what you really come to understand is that people with a progressive mindset made it happen and those with conservative ideals tried to block it.
The political demography of the South over the last 4 decades is interesting and complex to say the least. The final analysis you can find individuals from both parties, and both schools of thought trying to deny black people their constitutional rights. The real crime is that the conservative political movement of the ’60’s seized the polarizing elements that were in play at the time in an opportunistic play for power.
This fact is what is widely known in the black community. And, this is why they have voted overwhelmingly Democratic since the days of John and Robert Kennedy. Not just because Martin Luther King Jr. told them to. Obviously, MLK held an enormous amount of sway over his followers, but black people are capable of believing their own eyes, too.
On this issue, conservatives, or, if you will, Republicans, lose. Period. That’s history.
As far as PacMan is concerned, I wash my hands of him. He is a major disappointment to me. PacMan, is the worse kind of racist enabler imaginable and I’ll tell you why. He gets called racial slurs on this blog, you defend him, I cross over party lines and rebuke Headless Lucy, and what does he do? Dodge the issue on race I’ve been asking him for months to address. I got in his face on this issue because of his comment on an earlier thread basically equating Democrats to the fucking Taliban because he accuses Democrats of having racists policies during the 60’s. He’s had many opportunities to answer this question I’ve posed on numerous occasions. He’s never honestly or directly answered the question. Now, the best he can do is to post a link you sent to him?!?!?
No thanks.
You know what else?
PacMan is not a man of his word. He lacks courage and conviction and those are fatal character flaws in any man. There are few things I have a greater disdain for in this world than a liar.
But, that’s OK. Because now I know who he is. And that reminds me of the adage “A doubtful friend is worse than a certain enemy. Let a man be one thing or the other, and we then know how to meet him.”
Now I know that PacMan is not a doubtful friend, therefore, I know how to meet him.
Goldy, is my post locked up in the filter? I think I may have double posted it. Will you release one of them? I don’t think there’s anything in there, multiple links, excessive profanity, or derogatory wording that should be holding it up.
Puddybud and PacMan:
I’ve emailed Goldy trying to get my post released. Excessive wordiness I’m sure.
I really want both of you to read it.
GBS, I’ll have pacMan answer for himself. But for me, I already told you about Goldwater. Did you miss that?
Also how many democrats became republicans? I haven’t seen that many who crossed over. Also you dates are wrong. It became strongly Republican under Clinton. Look at teh states he won in 1992 and 1996. It was after the 1996 election things turned. If you go back and see whom the south voted for locally during the Reagan years it was local democrats, national republicans. Also when you put up Jimmy Carter, Walter Mondale (lost 49 states), and then Mike Dukakis, naturally you will lose. Regarding Northern Rokefeller Republicans, that’s because there were no Southern Republicans. They were all democrats. Come on GBS, let’s be real here.
You also forget Willie Horton is Al Gore’s creation and no one else. I proved that to you long ago. You forgot that too?
Puddybud for the last f*#king time.
Yes, place the label DEMOCRAT on the socially conservative politicians from the south during that time period.
YES YES YES. OK? There were no “Southern Republicans” That is my point!!!!
After the the CRA and the VRA passed those racist stopped being Democrats and switched parties. And, the base stopped voting Democrat and started voting Republican, in particular because of the Republican Southern Strategy.
Do you not understand the term “demography?”
Your iconic leaders did switch parties like:
Ronald Regan
Strom Thurmond
Trent Lott
Jesse Helms
They all switched parties, but more importantly, the voters switched parties to support candidates that supported racists ideology.
PS: I could care less what your racists enabler, turncoat buddy has to say anymore. What a disappointment he turned out to be.
Poof. and the trolls were gone!
Rove either goes down on espionage charges–or he finks on Scooter Libby and Libby is thrown to the wolves!
Either way, great stuff.
It would be poetic justice if he were indicted for lying to a grand jury.
Wow- what a first 8 months to Bush’s second term this has been. Even though a lot has happened he still has almost 3.5 years left in office before we vote in another Republican. He has got to work on his legacy. He has done a good job, and it doesn’t hurt following the legacy of the blow job president.
Someone will take the fall with book contracts and jobs in Jesusland or presidential pardons in the pipeline.
Harriet Miers: Yeah, I know we shouldn’t comment on her appearance. But, I know lots of 60 year+ women and they ALL look better than that. It’s not about attractiveness. It’s about that she looks alcoholic. I think she’s GWB’s drinking buddy.
You want to see an alocholic look at Ted “the swimmer” Kennedy. That whole family has had a drinking problem for… ah… the last 100 years.
When can we expect your review of Rossi’s new book? You think he’ll send you and advance copy??
Actually…Rossi’s book has been out for a long time.
It’s called “My Pet Goat”.
jaxoff @ 9
Lemme guess… you’re his goat?
Clueless @ 5: “presidential pardons in the pipeline”
C’mon… NEITHER party can claim the historical high ground here… cough, cough, Marc Rich, cough, cough…
Man talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Do you donks have any memory what so ever.
Rush is right– If you are a donk your are “stuck on stupid” Geesh.
Hey, kids:
Now, discuss!
My wish for the Hammer,
that he spend time in the Slammer
(overheard on Al Franken Show, Friday)
Did Herr Bushler nominate Frau Mier because his handlers were unavailable, off ruminating about what went wrong or about what didn’t go right? Hah! I declare – a Bushism. Damn!
Wells @ 15
Take a deep breath… Now take your medicine (washed down with an obligatory glass of Kool-Aid) and go with the nice men in the white coats.
With multiple indictments, a Presidential approval rating of 39% and sinking faster than the fortunes of American families untouched by the grace of the GOP’s upper income tax cuts, Shrub has “plenty, plenty” of political rope, er, “capital” with which to drive the national debt and the military casualty rate into the stratosphere.
So much for “restoring integrity to Washington” and “no nation building.” And don’t even thing about fiscal responsibility. Now we have the worst of all worlds: a foreign policy plagued by both dishonesty and misguided idealism and a domestic policy administered by Mayberry Machiavellis who are unashamed to be thugs and hypocritical spendthrifts.
It’s no wonder that (relatively) honest conservatives such as Bill Kristol, John McCain and Andrew Sullivan are have joined the rats fleeing the sinking ship of this administration.
JUST SAW A PROVOCATIVE MOVIE. No, I don’t mean Joaquin Phoenix in “I Walk the Line.” That piece of Cash-in-hand memorabilia isn’t even out yet, but I’ll be first in line to watch in awe and appreciation…… in Poland, anyway, which may be a few months after the actual event, if at all. But I digress again.
The flick is called “Crash.” At first it simply annoyed me. It seemed to be yet another unsolicited dissertation on racism. Lord knows it bears its ugly head every day, every hour, in the most unsuspecting of circumstances. I mean of course racism, not the dissertations. Those are dependable as clockwork. I wonder if the self-proclaimed public-consciences of the world ever pause to realize that they’re promulgating the very same disease they are trying to check?
Take Jesse Jackson, for example. We all know Tush dropped the ball with Katrina preparation and clean-up, the world was witness to the horror that followed Nature’s party. But why try turn this into a racial issue? Dude, this is a human issue, a blood-red issue. Did anyone notice the 30% White population getting preferential treatment by FEMA or the local cops? For that matter, did anyone notice the Blacks in Texas being ignored by the evacuation teams? Bush did not respond properly because he is Bush and no other reason. The median income in New Orleans is around 30 grand. Is this indicative of blacks, poor blacks, or poor people in general? Perhaps future historians will be the final judge, but I see no reason to constantly break things down under the ugly specter of racial politics.
I thought we were better than that.
Instead of responding to a human crisis with the full depth of compassion that we as Americans always claim our Creator has endowed within us, we play the same old game of pointing the mono-toned finger. Lord, I am sick of it.
But Mark, they will say, you are ignoring the truth. New Orleans was about racism.
No, it wasn’t. It was about a hurricane or two knocking the stuffing out of half a million people. It was about the woeful inadequacies in the Tush Administration and what he calls effective management. It’s about him not paying attention to important matters because he’s too busy “establishing a legacy” and fishing on his ranch. But there were those who wanted to make it an issue of race, and they damn well succeeded, too.
This does not break down by party lines or even racial lines. It breaks down to those ignorant hordes who love to pass the buck and deny responsibility for their actions or the actions of others. Now read carefully – there are those who will be quick to accuse me of using “coded” language. My response to them is to get off your thumbs and be pro-active. The world needs you to be alert!
My family is firmly rooted in various sources: European, sub-Saharan African, North American Indian. White, black and red. I was born and raised in southern New Jersey in a suburb of Philadelphia; I’ve traveled and/or lived in 50 states, spent quality time on three continents and numerous nations. I am a global citizen. So believe me when I say, the vast majority of folks on this spinning green orb of ours are overwhelming themselves with extraordinary trivia. But how does one bathe oneself in self-importance and get the world to praise the effort? Easy. By elevating the trivial to the consequential. There are an astounding amount of trivial individuals who are exceptionally talented at this.
And you know what? It’s not just the unjustified cries of racism that are so annoying. It’s the fact that these cries succeed in bringing the real racists out of the woodwork. For example, the snot-nosed rednecks who feel the need to begin each one of their “momentous” statements with the disclaimer, “I’m not a racist, but…….” Or any white dude who thinks that his black doppelganger is going around calling him “Whitey.” Does anyone out there know of a single black American who has used the appellative “whitey?” Man, crawl back under your rock, you malodorous, stub-nosed, insentient toad!
Let’s take the word “nigger.” This is a vile, reprehensible word, one of the most vile in all of history. But there are all sorts of otherwise rational and intelligent people who feel the need to use it. Rednecks who haven’t a clue and well-spoken blacks who are pretty clueless, too. As are well-spoken whites and ghetto fools. To quote Chuck D of the rap group Public Enemy, “Knowin’ all this where the word came from, I must be 3 times stupid and stuck on dumb if I use it and confuse it with a term of love.”
And let’s not mince-pie definitions here; putting the word into the mouth of a character in a movie, song or written story is not the same as using it oneself. Placing it into an essay to properly discuss its merits and demerits is frank intellectualism. Conversely, all those cats who can’t seem to get past to get past the nursery-school taunt of “The Unmentionable N-Word” are intellectual cowards who find solace talking down to the world while short-circuiting their own perhaps weighty contributions in a flood of obviously deserved insecurity.
Anyone who uses any racial epithet to label a person is a unmitigated boob, merely stinking up the atmosphere, be it the air we breath or the ‘Net we surf, with garbage. Anyone who uses the stigma of racial hatred to further fan the flames in an already fragile world needs to be stripped of all credibility and relegated to the scrap-heap of history. No… strike that…. these hatemongers need to be forgotten, pure and simple. They need no legacy a’tall.
Here in Poland it’s all about the Poles and the Jews, while we conveniently ignore the fact that we’re ALL Poles…… Gentile Poles and Jewish Poles. This gar-bage goes down in one form or another in most of Europe. No one likes the Roma, or Gypsies. No one trusts the Ukraines. Or the French. Poles distrust Germans, Germans distrust the English. And the English! Can we talk about the English? Their government still treats their “United Kingdom” bunkmates with disdain, refusing to even accept the currency of the Banks of Scotland and Ireland. I’ve long maintained that all the bad habits we Americans have, we picked up from the Limeys.
Whoops, did I use a pejorative? See how easy it is? Too damned easy.
This is not a Rodney King-esque “can’t we all get along?” diatribe. This is about focusing on what’s meaningful in a life that is filled with bloodsuckers and events that seek to erase all meaning from our exhaustive lives. I started this piece about the movie “Crash” and all of what I’ve written since is related to this movie. See, the point of this essay is to focus on what’s important – what you’ve got in front of you, what potential you may have, what you’ve already learned and brought to life and how you can keep bringing it both for yourselves and more important, the benefit of others.
And that’s what “Crash” is about. By the end of the movie, everyone who survives gets around to finally seeing the world – and their small pieces of it – for what it truly is. One guy, tragically, even finds out that his world is much darker than he had ever realized. “Crash” is about people who aren’t paying attention to what’s directly in front of them. Who just aren’t paying attention.
When we lose sight of that, we lose sight of our humanity. And that’s never cool.
YO!….. Pay attention! Or pay the price. Your choice.
@15 overheard on Al Franken Show
Alert the press, there are now 28 listeners to that show instead of 27.
I’ve been patiently waiting for your vigil to get Sen. Charles Schumer to apologize to Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee illegally obtaining Steele’s credit report. I thought Schumer was a consumer advocate, he should be ashamed.
Are the Dems so desparate to protect their Senate seats that they’d resort to identity theft?
Q: What’s the most dangerous place in Washington D.C.?
A: Being between Charles Schumer and a camera with the red light on.
I think Bush has his legacy pretty well-settled already. He has set records in the hiring of well-connected and otherwise useless hacks to important public posts. He has not only suqndered a record surplus, but is further draining our nation’s treasure for a war of choice that is sending our most precious human resource home in unseen caskets while diverting our nation from finding and punishing those who really attacked it, and at the same time pulling off the trifecta of pushing Iraqi (and LA) reconstruction money to well-connected and otherwise useless hacks, flacks, and major contributors (Case in point: the $20 bllion in cash handed out in duffel bags just before the “handover.”)
Wins: the pork-filled energy bill, the pork-filled highway bill, and the spectacularly-unpopular-among-seniors Medicare Welfare-for-Big-Pharma bill.
Losses: Bolton nomination by recess appointment, disastrous Social Security campaign, Katrina exposing extent of incompetent hackery in administration, endless quagmire of death in Iraq without any improvement in the people’s condition (check eletricity production), relentless promotion of incompetents and demotion of able critics, Plame case illustrating hwo Bush will sell out national security for politics…
Oh, yeah, I think we can see that legacy now…think it’s getting better from here? All the stuff they swept under the rug until after November 2004 are popping up like wildfires in L.A.
The Senate stands tall against torture.
Maybe RUFUS the Doofus can stand tall with the following bottom-feeders:
Allard (R-CO)
Bond (R-MO)
Coburn (R-OK)
Cochran (R-MS)
Cornyn (R-TX)
Inhofe (R-OK)
Roberts (R-KS)
Sessions (R-AL)
Stevens (R-AK)
When Bush vetoes the bill, he can point to that part of his legacy with “pride”.
More here.
Hey wingnuts,
Don’t forget to boycott Serenity. If you’ve seen it already consider yourselves soiled.
Anything to say on the House bill to build new refineries and streamline the permit process in the U.S.? Sadly, no Dems from Washington State supported it. Well, let me tell you what; people whine and cry about the ridiculously high price of gas. So, a helpful solution would be to simply increase the oil refining capacity in the U.S. Plain as day. More product=less costs. Duh. You can’t have your cake and eat it too, I’m afraid. Dems=hypocrisy as it’s very definiton. So ‘shame….shame’ on YOU as the paper quoted. I know my heart just bleeds overe this one-NOT! Haha.
Mark1 – a lot of Republicans in the House did not support that bill until their arms were twisted hard by the DeLay crowd. The bill had to be really bad for that to be the case.
They’ve been increasing the size of the existing refineries all along. this will exacerbate the problems of dependence on foreign oil and CO2 in the atmosphere. Once again, Reps. are the masters of the “quick fix” that fixes nothing, only makes the problems worse.
re 14: How can you discuss it before some righty broadcaster tells you exactly what to think and say?
Any thoughts about this one?
BTW, clueless, now I know you have no taste worth discussing, Serenity is one of the best movies of the fall.
re 18: Very thoughtful and moving essay. But, if you go back to the Katrina comments when the whole thing was unfolding you will note that many righty comments were not even thinly veiled racism. They were basically characterizing ALL black people as murdering, looting , Step-‘n-fetchit’s with the righties often writing their posts in degrading ‘Amos ‘n Andy’ vernacular. They did, however, assiduously avoid the use of the word, “nigger”. The N-word , in olde English, meant: “…he who has ability but will not work.” I submit to you that me calling the white righty commentators “house niggers” was not racist, but that their depiction of black survivors of Katrina as looting, murdering buffoons was racist. But in typical righty hypocrisy they latched on to my use of the word ,nigger, and completly obscured the LIVING DAILY FACT of their own racism. My genetic background is very similar to your own. And my thoughts on the subject are similar to yours— but I’m too smart to be conned by these platitude spewing righties.
bill @ 28
I don’t believe you’re a wingnut. I think you’re missing the point. Click through the link. If you are a wingnut and liked Serenity and Firefly then I don’t see how you can live with yourself.
I liked Firefly. I’m not a raving fan. I thought it was merely OK and had a few entertaining concepts. I’ll give Joss Whedon and Co. points for going against the grain in Hollywood. I’ll catch Serenity when I have a chance.
Given the content, I really cant imagine a wingnut enjoying the plot of Serenity unless they just didn’t get the point (think M*A*S*H). Still use of the b word in conjunction with a movie this damn good is sacrilidge. Joss deserves every penny he makes on this one.
@25 Lucy:
If you actually believe that, then you’re dumber than you look. Yes, they have been increasing the current refinery’s capacities, but new ones need to come along as well to reduce costs for the consumer, add jobs, and make the U.S. better equipeed to meet it’s own demand. If you’re so smart, and don’t want the ‘quick fix’ what’s your miracle cure? What?……I can’t hear you!!!! If you drive a car, then shut the hell up over this issue.
Hey Wingnuts,
You’re the dead-enders.
This one is especially hilarious.
Take a deep breath… Now take your medicine (washed down with an obligatory glass of Kool-Aid) and go with the nice men in the white coats.
Comment by Mark— 10/7/05 @ 11:20 pm
Good one Mark
Hey Donna-
I am still waiting for those names of nominees who were filibustered by Republicans. Donna thinks that if a nominee doesn’t get out of committee for a vote they were filibustered. According to Donna… This is his own words (comment 96 on Breaking: calls for own impeachment) :
They also prevented Senate votes on more than 60 of Mr. Clinton’s judicial nominees by other means.
Comment by Donnageddon— 10/7/05 @ 11:05 pm
So Donna- name the 60 judges who were filibustered by the republicans. I am chasing you down. You cant hide.
OK, maybe one of you bright guys or gals can help me with a couple of questions.
1. Why did the Clinton Administrations allow these mergers to take place essentially undoing TR’s oil trust busting?
Exxon, Mobile
Conoco, Philips
BP, Amoco, Arco
Chevron, Texaco
2. Why did the BJ Clinton lift the ban on exporting oil from Alaska?
Perhaps George Bush is correct. Perhaps the world needs war – too many people – useless eaters. Exterminate them like insects to keep their numbers down. This could explain why right wingers are ruthless, ignorant, bigoted, vicious, self-righteous morons.
WWJK – Who Would Jesus Kill? If Jesus came back today, he’d probably carry a machine gun and blast away queers, poor people and non-believers. Can’t you just see Jesus with the men of the Bush Dynasty saying, “Well done, my good and faithful exterminators. Go forth and destroy”.
Who says that Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Communists or what ever you want to call yourself today resort to personal attack because they are unable to formulate a cogent statement of what you stand (fall) for and why?
Spam filtered again. I wonder if Goldy has a problem mentioning Liberal, Progressive, Socialist, Communist in the same message?
Hmm, I just discovered in interesting characteristic of Goldy’s spam filter. It does not like me to mention L*****l, P*********e, S*******t and C*******t in the same message.
Who says that Progressives and your political like minded resort to personal attack because you are unable to formulate a cogent statement of what you stand (fall) for and why?
RUFUS @ 36, still can’t read?
MArk1 @ 24 stupidly and drunken non Kool Aid said “Well, let me tell you what; people whine and cry about the ridiculously high price of gas. So, a helpful solution would be to simply increase the oil refining capacity in the U.S. Plain as day. More product=less costs.”
That is the most reMARKably stupid comment since the last one RUFUS made. The price of gas is twice what it was last year because the price of OIL is twice the cost it was last year. Refinery capacity has NOTHING to do with it.
Pice of oil $30 (2004) ——> Price of oil $60+ (2005)
Gas price does the same.
Simple logic lost on Neo-Con Symps.
JC Bob @ 40 “Who says that Progressives and your political like minded resort to personal attack because you are unable to formulate a cogent statement of what you stand (fall) for and why?”
Uh,.. No one JC Bob. No one.
Hey, RUFUS, now that everyone knows you are full of shit and can’t read a simple article, where are you gonna go?
Still like making a public fool of yourself?
Huh, RUFUS? No pithy comment? Gonna keep it up so that I can remind others of your folly?
Behold RUFUS! The man whose foot is so far in his mouth, it is coming out his ass!
Donnageddon @ 43
So, what about Wells @ 38.
How about an answer to 37.
And while your are at it, how do you think we should fix our dependency of foreign oil?
Why was it that in 1993 and 1994 when the Democrats ran everything in Washington,DC that they CHOSE to not rate SUVs as passenger vehicles or set in motion a plan to double the CAFE standards by 2004?
JC Bob, what do your questions have anything to do with my post?
Are you “special” like puddybud and RUFUS?
re 33: In the Carter administration you could get a big tax deduction by installing solar panels. Reagan stopped the tax credit.
Typical shit talking liberal. Says nominees were filabustered by republicans but can’t come up with any examples. You have proven once again that you are full of shit. Nuff said.
Stop trying to spank me…. it tickles too much. HAHAHAHAHA
Qwesshun for you HAs… I’m still trying to figure this out.
London and Spain got hit with terrorist bombs in their mass transit systems. Officials in NYC seem pretty sure they were target.
Wacko muslim kid blows himself up in Oklahoma outside football stadium in apparent botched homicide attempt.
Given that this is going to be our way of life until we kill every fucking one of them, does it make sense for the taxpayers to build mass transit systems that are terrorist targets? I would never ride one for that reason alone. I will NEVER take a ferry again. Does it make sense for the taxpayers to build stadiums where thousands of people can walk in, and just one of them needs a few onces of C4 and some ball bearings?
I’m not “firing for effect” here. Has the world changed? Do we need to stop building easy targets?
re 50: They could blow up a bridge at rush hour. You’re a complete moron. The unspoken dark side of your comment is genocide.
Open thread topic:
When that unqualified Bush-dolt nominee Harriet Meirs is getting drilled by her long-time, out-of-wedlock lover Nathan Hecht — what kind of noises do they make?
RUFUS, the funny thing is: Anyone interested in the topic has read the examples you deny exist.
Therefore, you are a fool who pretends to not accept reality (i.e. a Neo-Con Symp fit for slaughter)
Mark The Redneck Villiage Idiot “does it make sense for the taxpayers to build mass transit systems that are terrorist targets? I would never ride one for that reason alone. I will NEVER take a ferry again.”
Congrats MTRVI you have just handed the Neo-Con’s and their co-horts Al Queda one victory!
Have fun walking everywhere dumbshit!
Headless Lucy, MTRVI was very outspoken in his genocide
“until we kill every fucking one of them”
MTRVI is sucking his thumb while hiding in his duct tape room waiting for others to commit genocide against his personal BoogeyMan
WHat a fucking loser in life.
Donnageddon @ 47
Well, you acted as if you could intelligently discuss an issue and I believe you bemoaned, like I, our dependence on foreign oil. So, do you have some ideas to offer. You know, something that you stand (fall) for and can explain why.
Let me help you. What do you think of ex-President Jimmy Carter’s favorite solution to the ’70s oil embargo – synfuel. Of course, since President Carter was a nuclear engineer, he also really liked nuclear reactors to generate electricity just like France does today.
Or would you just prefer just use personal attack like 51 and 52 just did.
Rush may be right…but he certainly is not CORRECT!
Redneck @ 50
Way to play into fear. That is why their called “terrorists”. They do thing to scare people…DUH!
So don’t ride planes, trains or automobiles. Stay in your cosy, hermeticly sealed home. Don’t dare go out into public, cause those nasty Muslims might jump out and go “BOO(M)”!!
Yes, the world has changed. Well maybe not the “world” but certanly the United States of Jesusland. Many other countries have been dealing with this for decades, and they GO ON LIVING.
Like the Britts said after their bombing…”We’re so used to this threat from the IRA,…it’s sad, but not shocking”
Do us a favor and PLEASE DONT BREED!!!
JC Bob, as you seem to be mentally challenged, I will repeat my post that caused you to make these non sequitor questions. If after I post it you still have questions, please contain them to the actual content of my post. Thanks!
Donnageddon @ 43
“JC Bob @ 40 “Who says that Progressives and your political like minded resort to personal attack because you are unable to formulate a cogent statement of what you stand (fall) for and why?â€
Uh,.. No one JC Bob. No one. ”
So you see, JC Bob you follow up questions are just bits of “nonsense” followed by “WHTF are you talking about?”
MTR the Village Idiot:
You’re supposed to be some kind of engineer that’s savvy with figures.
Here’s a question for you:
What’s the odds of you getting killed in your luxury SUV by some drunk on the highway over getting blown up by a suicidal whacko muslim college student?
Your frat boy in the White House has supposedly done such a bang up job keeping this country safe since 9/11 so why are you such a scaredy cat about using a ferry? You don’t trust Brownie’s old boss in Homeland Security to watch your precious backside?
I’m tried of all this shit. How about something positive. With all the billions we’re spending in Iraq and now apparently on Gulf Coast reconstruction. We could of circumnavigated the milky freaking way. Aren’t there any NEW ideas that this stuck in the mud country can come up with anymore? Seems like the spirit or intivation and hope that once existed in this country is on life supports. It like being caught in a Ozzie and Harriet episode circa 1956. Meditate on this. For republicans that means think on this.
Alternative energy sources and incentives
Universal health care
Legalize control and tax marijuana
National Identity Cards
Develop Hybrid Vehicles
Rebuild Infrastructure
Substance Abuse Education
Drug Courts
Strengthen Social Security
Support music and arts programs
Protect the environment
Sign on for Kyoto agreement
Strengthen labor laws
Internet, mail, motor voting
Strengthen UN
Prepare country for potential flu pandemics
Love thy neighbor
Thou shall not kill
@ 42 Dumbagain:
Really? Tell me how will new refineries in the U.S. increase costs? Tell me, brain-surgeon; your intelligence is obviously superior and almost unbelievable. I cannot even fathom! Maybe you’ll invent the longer lasting light bulb or something. Moron.
It became obvious in the 70’s that oil was not a sustainable source of energy. In the Carter administration we, as a country, began to make real strides with alternative sources of energy. This was all scotched in the Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton, and Bush Jr. administrations. One way to get the oil companies to not build the refineries would be to require state of the art non-polluting technology on the new refineries, but not the old ones. Just like in the electricity business, they would opt for expanding the old ones.
I think radical muslims would be mollified if George Bush was arrested and put on trial for war crimes. His dad Poppy should stand trial on the same charges. Thousand points of light, compassionate conservative, my ass. Saddam and Osama only became enemies to our beloved warmonger presidents after their use as canon fodder ended. If muslims want the Bush’s, I say, deliver the bastards over.
Bush’s future of hydrogen fuel cell cars is a cruel hoax, another monstrous lie!
As a conservative, I hate to see these reports. But as I have always said here, you out there on the far left are so divorced from reality, so ridiculous to the mainstream that this article doesn’t worry me at all. I trust you all will continue with your dellusional, socialistic and ignorant public displays of outright stupidity. Heck, the GOP should fund your next rally, protest and “donate” to Air America to assure themselves of a landslide victoty in 2008.
“The liberals’ hope that Democrats can win back the presidency by drawing sharp ideological contrasts and energizing the partisan base is a fantasy that could cripple the party’s efforts to return to power, according to a new study by two prominent Democratic analysts”.
Notmoving: Very well said. I wonder if you are from South Jersey in the Cherry Hill area, with Beckett in any of your family name paths we may be distant cousins. Yes, go ahead and perform a family tree lookup on it LEFTIST PINHEADS. Maybe you can determine whom I am. I have the same family tree makeup with Greek, Jew and German. But the problems with most LEFTIST PINHEADS is the commentary Notmoving wrote so well above went right over their heads.
When you said: “Anyone who uses any racial epithet to label a person is a unmitigated boob, merely stinking up the atmosphere, be it the air we breath or the ‘Net we surf, with garbage. Anyone who uses the stigma of racial hatred to further fan the flames in an already fragile world needs to be stripped of all credibility and relegated to the scrap-heap of history. No… strike that…. these hatemongers need to be forgotten, pure and simple. They need no legacy a’tall.” You said it all right there. Unfortunately your racist definition of unmitigated boob extends to the LEFTIST PINHEAD best of Animal Hind Parts, except for Mr. X and Dr E. They are all boobs here.
Thank you!
Notmoving: The biggest unmitigated boob here is Goldy. It’s his blog and still to this day over 5 weeks has not said a word! Racist enabler!
And clueless, windie, etc. I still believe in the law of chronological events. So forgeddabout JCH.
Head-up-de-ass lucite@30: What the FUCK is wrong with you? It was the leftist MSM who put all of your rant in the newspapers you dumb fuck. We on the right didn’t say there were looters, it was your people, the mayor, the chief of police. If was Alan Combes who said it first on Fox News. You are just one sperm cell short of being a real zygote! I wonder if your dick see pussy with the way you create thoughts. The ladies must run from you!
Stuckonstupiddon at al. A good friend of ours as in a car accident recently. The lady had a big truck and the person was in a SUV. The SUV saved their lives. What part of stuck on stupid are you in?
To celebrate the return of whacked-out fascist Puddy Freepazoid I present the following for your reading pleasure:
The lies of the Christian Right and their partners, the Republicans.
(or why Puddy Freepazoic is probably going to straight to hell!!!)
written by a former fundie.
Franken[stein] loving Clueless: Amazing you ignore all of notmoving’s questionable calls on you. Did he hit too close to home racist enabler?
I just went to his site: Amazing he forgot Romans 1:18-rest of the chapter. I wonder why on his homo rant? Regarding the other rants, he is free to post his opinion, this is America; unless your kind tries to implement rules to stifle free speech. Remember Al Gore’s recent rant racist enabler?
Regarding abortion, the Bible does not say anything except thous shalt not murder, one of the 10 Commandments. But then again LEFTIST PINHEADS hate the 10 Commandments. But since he talks about God knowing you in the womb, I suppose you Cluelesswithoutabrain God rejected you to Satanism from the beginning, racist enabler.
So cluelessness, I’ll take being a Freeper, since I visit that site twice a month at most. I’ll keep calling you a racist enabler, since my view of you is ABSOLUTELY CORRECT! Have a great day racist enabler.
I laugh at you Puddy Freep! Racism is a sign of low intelligence, period. That’s why you hoot and call for three cheers for Jared Taylor. You enable Chuckie Cheese and pat PacMan the fool on the back when he goosesteps with you! And JCH – he’s on your “side”..
Do you follow the false Gospel Puddy Freep? Have you forgotten the teachings of Jesus so you can goosestep to the satanism of the Republican elite?
Puddy Freep:
Here you say you visited Freeperland once and vowed never to go back.
I’m sorry. I must have driven you to fall off the wagon. No scratch that. You’re either lying (big surprise) or you had it in you all the time.
Ted Kennedy drunk is 100 times the leader Shrub is when sober.
“One way to get the oil companies to not build the refineries would be to require state of the art non-polluting technology on the new refineries, but not the old ones. Just like in the electricity business, they would opt for expanding the old ones.”
That’s more or less what’s been happening. U.S. refining capacity has been increasing since the mid-1990s, despite a continuing reduction in the number of domestic refineries, because oil companies are expanding large profitable refineries even as they close old, small, inefficient ones.
Hey Puddybrains, when the world runs out of oil 29.6 years from now, you can run your SUV on the hot air blowing out of your ass!
Hey Rupert Wabbit. In 30 Years I won’t be driving. Maybe you will since you are the biggest gasbag on this blog. Oh yes, you have to put that hot air somewhere so why not your car? But since you be retired now, I’d call DMV and have that license revoked.
Hey He_without_Clue, if you performed a full check on my comments I also said since you call me Freeper I will start visiting it. You Google it dumbass or is it Dumass like in the commercial?
I also love how you try and twist the Word of God for your worthless delight. When is the last time you blew the dust off of your Bible Cluelessness? You seem to forget your father Satan knows the scriptures better than you. John 8:44 (KJV) says: “Ye are of your father the devil (clueless), and the lusts of your father ye will do (clueless). He was a murderer (like baby killers such as clueless) from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him (like you clueless). When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own (this includes lefties like you clueless): for he is a liar, and the father of it.” YOUR apple didn’t fall too far from the tree did it cluelessness?
Matthew 4: Proves Satan knows the scriptures and whispers in your ear how to twist them right cluelessness?
1 Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. 2 He fasted for forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was hungry. 3 The tempter approached and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, command that these stones become loaves of bread.” 4 He said in reply, “It is written: ‘One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.'” 5 Then the devil took him to the holy city, and made him stand on the parapet of the temple, 6 and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down. For it is written: ‘He will command his angels concerning you and ‘with their hands they will support you, lest you dash your foot against a stone.'” 7 Jesus answered him, “Again it is written, ‘You shall not put the Lord, your God, to the test.'” 8 Then the devil took him up to a very high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in their magnificence, 9 and he said to him, “All these I shall give to you, if you will prostrate yourself and worship me.” 10 At this, Jesus said to him, “Get away, Satan! It is written: ‘The Lord, your God, shall you worship and him alone shall you serve.'” 11 Then the devil left him and, behold, angels came and ministered to him.
Isn’t it just like a lefty. Follow me and I’ll give you handouts, welfare, free rides, taxes back when you didn’t pay them.
Oh and your reverse racism try against me on Jared Taylor. I gave you links to foreign newspapers where the foreigners talked to their papers and told their New Orleans stories. So Jared Taylor replays their stories and you call it racism? Jared Taylor replays Ray Nagin, Eddie Compass, Oprah Winfrey, MSM rants and you call it racism? Boy cluelessness you be the ultimate in stuck on stupid. Try again cluelessness. If you read instead of fucking the pooch, you would be a worthy debator instead of a masterbater!
Looks like another filter on Bible verses.
Roger 79
What do you do Roger, just sit around all day figuring out how to parse words to “technically” tell the truth? Who gives a rip about the increase since the mid 90’s?
“The number of refineries in the United States has gone from 325 in 1981 producing 18.6 million barrels per day to 148 at 17 million barrels a day.”
Maybe a picture will tell the story better:
ip stop it. You know LEFTIST PINHEADS like Wascally Wabbit don’t want the truth. It interferes with their karma of lies and innuendo.
Roger Rabbit-78 ‘Ted Kennedy drunk is 100 times the leader Shrub is when sober.’
Quit changing the subject. When we want to play follow-the-leader-off-the-bridge then give Teddy a call.
Puddy Freep:
I’ll steal from Mr. Cynical. You’re a funny little guy!
Little ole’ me drove you to become a freeper? Nah, ya had it in you all the time. I just called a spade a spade.
As for your politics, take comfort that Dr. Michael Aquino, a Reagan/Bush I hatchet man and satan worshipper is as staunch a Republican as you are exactly because Republicanism is the opposite of what Jesus taught.
PuddyBud @ 71 “Head-up-de-ass ….: What the FUCK is wrong with you? It was the leftist MSM who put all of your rant in the newspapers you dumb fuck. We on the right didn’t say there were looters, it was your people, the mayor, the chief of police. If was Alan Combes who said it first on Fox News. You are just one sperm cell short of being a real zygote! I wonder if your dick see pussy with the way you create thoughts. The ladies must run from you! ”
WOW, PuddyBud, do you pray to God with the same hands that spout that filth?
Stuckonstupiddon, sometimes you must enter the muck and mire to converse with bottom-feeders like lucite & yourself. I put it in de plain english so you can internalize it. What is your problem stuckonstupiddon, am I describing you and your love life too?
PuddyBud, Jesus cries when he hears you rationalize your shameful behavior.
Puddybud wrote:
“GBS: I understand the implication of Oil in Euros. It isn’t rosy. I have cut back and have been conserving. Have you? Remember I don’t have a private jet like John Kerry or Robert Kennedy Jr, conservationist princes.”
A) No ya don’t understand the implication because you didn’t answer the question. Just sayin’ it isn’t rosy is NOT an answer.
B) No I’m not cutting back on my consumption of gas because I didn’t squander it in the first place.
C) Your point about Kerry and Roberts implys that because they are Democrats they are hypocrites because they fly around in private jets using more fuel than necessary, and yet they urge the masses to conserve. I see your point.
Now you undersand my point at B). Which loosely translates to; Puddybud, thanks for proving my point that you’re a hypocrite, too.
You make this too easy at times.
BTW How’s PacMan’s hurt feeling these days? Next time you chat with him tell him I said to get his chin off his chest.
Stuckonstupiddon, I am not perfect. I may stoop to satanic methods to converse in the only way you and lucite understand, but I do ask for forgiveness. No one knows if they are in The Book of Life. But if you do believe in Jesus your chances are much higher that you name could be there than those who say He’s not real or He doesn’t exist!!!
GBS, I don’t squander gas either. My SUV is used to go to and from from the airport and church. How am I a hypocrite? Gas conservation is not just a “progressive” activity. It’s for everyone. I read some articles regarding the use of Euros in oil purchasing. Why do I have to kiss your butt to be in partial agreement?
PacMan says his chin is held high. He is busy with his job and is not looking at Southern based democratic racism at this time.
Donnagedon @ 87
I love when you corner our pal Puddybud.
Especially through your BRILLIANT reasoning you get him to admit that he submits to, and in Puddybud’s own words, “satanic methods.”
As a Catholic one thing I’ve learned is that a true Christian never submits to Satan’s methods. Period. Never. Charlatans, however, do resort to evil to accomplish their tasks while pretending to be doing the Lord’s work.
This speaks volumes to the conservative Christian’s agenda and how they use God and the Bible falsely. This is what is know as the Sins of Scripture.
Good work. Keep it up. I’m truly proud of you for exposing the evil among us. In order to save America, we must defeat the evil that is conservatism.
Hey GBS and Stuckonstupiddon sorry, I am not backed into a corner. Good try though. Go ahead and judge me you want. I said I may stoop to satanic methods. You decided to parse the sentence like you LEFTIST PINHEADS did with Bill Bennett’s comments. I don’t parse like Rupert Wabbit,. I am quite up front. What you LEFTIST PINHEADS don’t understand is every day you SIN you stoop to satanic methods. What is sin? It is the lack of acting fully Christian. I can fully see these lefties do not understand or comprehend the issue of Satan in Ezekiel 29. When you look at a woman in a lustful way you stoop to satanic methods. I didn’t say I did implemented satanic methods. Regarding the Catholic church look at the Inquisition. That was satanic. Killing people for disagreeing with your religious position. JPII apologized for it. Apparently you are clueless on Catholic history. Read Foxes’ Book of Martyrs.
GBS: When you advocated a good hummer, was that only between married people? If not then that’s satanic methods. Yes, GBS you are stuckonstupid.
PuddyBud @ 94 “What is sin? It is the lack of acting fully Christian.”
Can you clarify that, PB? What is “acting fully Christian” in your mind? How does it differ from “being fully Christian” rather than acting?
No one can be fully Christian. We can strive to be close. Why, because we are sinners. We are born in sin and shapen in iniqiuty. We are covered by Jesus’ robe of Righteousness. But we can chose to defrock ourselves and act like you stuckonstupiddon.
PuddyBud, you better hope that Robe of Righteousness covers “compulsive lying, genocidal enabling, and pissing on the least of us” or else you are going to get a stern lecture from Jesus before he casts you in to hell!
Jesus wasn’t no Neo-Con.
And PuddyBud, good dodge in not defining Christian. I really doubt you could ever use Christ’s words to defend your satanic support for the Bush misAdministration.
Stuckonstupiddon. Pissing on the least of us. You mean all this time you were writing so haughtily, now you are saying you a a lesser being. Well sakes alive, you finally admitted being a lefty is a lower being oops… a least!
Regarding defining a Christian, why should I define anything for you the big athiest? Nothing Christian matters to you rememeber?
Politics is the lesser of no goods unlike you thought I’d say the lesser of two evils. There was no way I’d support John Kerry. Too much death and destruction in that man and his support for policies I detest.
My satanic support of the Bush Administration. Just the same level as your satanic support of the Clintonian Years. Jesus loved Israel. Read Matthew 23:37 “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets, and stones those who are sent to her! How often I would have gathered your children together, even as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you would not!
@ 92
Yes you do to squander gas in your SUV. When you ride alone in an SUV you ride with Osama Bin Laden.
I purposely bought a four-cylinder car that averages 31 mpg and gets over 40 mpg on the highway.
It’s people like you who thumbed their collective noses at Al Gore when Rush told you monkeys to drive SUV’s. Had we taken our cue from the intelligent Democratic leaders with vision we wouldn’t be in the predicament we are in now.
Puddybud @ 94
What part about “Thou shalt not lie” don’t you understand? You need to drop down on your knees and ask for forgiveness for lying. Holy Cow, Puddy, you’re lying in print. It’s right there for everyone to see.
As per usual from our former debates I’ll have to point it out to you step by step to prove to you, but more importantly, the rest of the world that you are lying. I didn’t PARSE your words you right-wing, whacko KNUCKLE HEAD.
So here it goes:
Puddybud @ 91 wrote:
” I may stoop to satanic methods to converse in the only way you and lucite understand, but I do ask for forgiveness.”
Puddybud @ 94 wrote:
“Hey GBS and Stuckonstupiddon sorry, I am not backed into a corner. Good try though. Go ahead and judge me you want. I said I may stoop to satanic methods. You decided to parse the sentence like you LEFTIST PINHEADS did with Bill Bennett’s comments. I don’t parse like Rupert Wabbit,. I am quite up front. ”
Puddybud, with your Ivy League education would you like to dissect this sentence and its meaning @ 91 or shall I do it?
OK, you wouldn’t do it honestly anyways so I’ll perform the surgery. The use of the word “may” @ 91 isn’t being used to say that you “may or may not” use Satanic methods. You are expressly admitting that you use Satanic methods by connecting it to your reasoning for for stooping to Satanic methods, i.e. to communicate to “lucite” in the only way YOU think “lucite” understands. Then, in the very same sentence you say “. . ., but I do ask for forgiveness.” The reason you ask for forgiveness is because you employed Satanic methodology. Which is exactly the reason you are asking for forgiveness.
For example if you said: “I may stoop to stealing food to feed my family because FEMA bungled the relief effort, but I do ask for forgiveness.” In this sentence are you saying you may or may not steal, or are you saying you that stole because your family was hungry? You are admitting to stealing. Same thing with your stooping to use Satanic methods to communicate in a fashion you think is appropriate, but is not.
Then, @ 94 comes the lie in trying to defend your position. In particular, the way you bold the word “MAY” to try and emphasize the word as if you were using it in a “may or may not” context. Which you did not.
You see, Puddybud, the Culture of Corruption has, undoubtedly corrupted you. All you had to do is admit that you shouldn’t use Satanic methodology and all would have been right. But, you opted to traverse the same dark path as Bush, Rove, DeLay, Frist, Ambramoff. . . well, you get the picture.
Don’t worry, Puddybud, as it says in the Lord’s Prayer “. . . forgive those who trespass against us.” The Lord will forgive you for trespassing against us because we ask Him to do so.
Now that you know right from wrong, try not to stray from the path of the truth. It is neither Republican or Democrat, conservative or Liberal. It is the light, not the dark. The truth is an undeniable principle of the universe which cannot be changed by man. Now, go forth and parse not your words.
Puddybud @ 94 continued on a religious plane.
Puddybud wrote:
“Regarding the Catholic church look at the Inquisition. That was satanic. Killing people for disagreeing with your religious position. JPII apologized for it. Apparently you are clueless on Catholic history.”
I wouldn’t profess to be a religious scholar, but I do know right from wrong and I do understand the meaning of Absolution. Apparently, you do not. As you said the Inquisition against Muslims was wrong and Pope John Paul II, on behalf of ALL Catholics, took responsibility for the wrong and asked for forgiveness. In the Christian faith Absolution is granted when someone asks for it. Through the Pope I have asked for, and been granted Absolution for the wrongs committed by other followers of my faith.
Pope John Paul II has taken responsibilities for many wrongs of Catholics in the past and has extended the olive branch of peace to many faiths, Muslim, Judaism and others. Therefore, I am not as clueless in the history of Catholicism as you assume.
I can admit that during my military career I did kill other human beings in Panama, but I never did it on behalf of the Catholic church or Christianity in general. I have asked the Lord for forgiveness, I continue to pray for the souls of those I have killed. And, I pray for my own salvation. Which, I believe, I will one day receive. I also know that I will spend a good deal of time in Purgatory before I transition to Heaven because of what I have done. I am preparing for that journey after this life. Time on this planet it limited, so, too, is Purgatory. But Heaven is fore all eternity. So I’ll stick it out until I reach Heaven.
Now, I have to ask you; why the fear and hate mongering regarding the Catholic church and the Inquisition being “Satanic”? Why did you try to pull in my Catholic faith in to your own admission of using Satanic methods? What was the real reason, Puddybud?
Are you now willing to seek your own Absolution with me Puddybud?
Hello GBS: Parse on racist enabler, parse on. I was waiting for your commentary. You said “As a Catholic one thing I’ve learned is that a true Christian never submits to Satan’s methods. Period. Never. Charlatans, however, do resort to evil to accomplish their tasks while pretending to be doing the Lord’s work.”
I told you to read Foxes’ Book of Martyrs. It will educate you on your beloved church GBS. Did I condemn what you did in war? Hell no. What you did for your country is well regarded. Well the Pope and his Jesuit henchmen in the Spanish, French, German, Belgian Inquisitions tortured and killed people like Huss, Tyndale, and others for choosing Justification by Faith and Grace vs. accepting the infallability and kissing the ring of the Pope. The Pope and his Jesuit went after Martin Luther to kill him but the German Princes protected him at Wittenburg. If what you said above is so true, why did John Paul II say the Inquisition was wrong and asked the world for forgiveness?
So I also ask you: In the Bible Jesus says call no one the father except God who is in heaven. So what part of Jesus’ statements do you have problems with? I won’t go into Absolution because Jesus also said: Only God can forgive sins. Why did the Pope reject Frank Sinatra’s offer of paying for his absolution? Check it out!
So before you judge me, judge yourself. I admit to communicate to stuckonstupiddon and head-up-de-ass lucite I MAY implement unchristian methods. Nothing in my above commentary contradicts itself. Keep grasping for straws. You implement satanic methods in a lot of your support on donko-cratic positions. You showed you satanic nature when YOU DIDN”T CONDEMN LUCITE! Nuff Said, the Prosecution Rests.
puddyBud @ 100 “Pissing on the least of us. You mean all this time you were writing so haughtily, now you are saying you a a lesser being.”
Ah, funny one, PB. No I was not talking about myself. I was speaking of all the disadvataged that the Neo-Cons take a long leasurily piss on daily, and those same urinaters that you support.
I am safe from your urine stream, PuddyBuddy. I just find your bathroom habits disgusting, and extremely unChristianlike.
More from the PuddyBud “Regarding defining a Christian, why should I define anything for you the big athiest? Nothing Christian matters to you rememeber?”
No PuddyBud, I revere Jesus, and I despise your defowling of his name. Yes, I am an Athiest, but I am much more of a Christian than you can “pretend” to be. You are an Apochryphal Apostilate.
You are Judas.
PuddyBud continues “There was no way I’d support John Kerry. Too much death and destruction in that man and his support for policies I detest.”
And you support G W Bush. Irony at it’s finest. Do you really believe Jesus would shake hands with GWB? He would spit on that Drunken Assasin. He would spit on him.
PuddyBud goes on and on “Jesus loved Israel.”
You ignorant bastard. Jesus was a Jew. How ignorant of the Bible are you? Do you read the Reader’s Digest of the Bible?
I cast the sand at your door. You are a heathen.
Puddybud & PacMan incognito.
I already know, and acknowledged, that Catholics have committed wrongs in the past. You don’t have to go back to the Middle Ages to discover that fact. As recent as WWII we didn’t protect the Jews in Europe, instead we cooperated with the Nazis.
Is that wrong? Sure it is.
Do I accept the responsibility? Yes, I do.
Have I worked within my church to voice my dissent and force changes regarding sexual abuse by priests and their cover ups? Yes, I have.
I work to change something that is wrong with communities that I belong to. Religious, political, or otherwise.
Now I’ll tie this all together with you and PacMan regarding racism and the criminal corruption within the Republican party and the zero effort on your part to correct it.
First, I’ve told both of you that I’m not a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat. I was a non-partisan until 1998 because there were so many problems with both parties. You know my political disdain for JFK and LBJ. I’ve spoken out about Robert “KKK” Byrd, but haven’t rubbed David “Grand Wizard KKK” Duke in your face. I’ve taken the responsibility for the actions of a few assholes in the Democratic party and denounced them. You two, by contrast, have not.
I became a Democrat in ’98 because of the way the Republicans were attempting to subvert democracy and impeach President Clinton over lying in court about and extra marital affair. I recognized the culture of corruption the Republicans were creating way back then and determined that I could not longer be non-partisan and joined the Democratic party. It is my way of countering the erosion of our liberties by the radical elements within the Republican party.
You two, on the other hand, continue to support the corrupt party even though they are out of control. The things that Bush, Rove, DeLay, Frist, Libby, Cheney, Brownie have done are unpatriotic and more detrimental to the security and posterity of our country than anything Bill Clinton ever did by multiples of hundreds. You know, I know it, and the whole world knows it.
Literally: shame on you.
You two continue to lie to me, to each other and everyone on this blog regarding racism. I’ve always said there were bad people within the Democratic party. Byrd being one of them, Daley is another, but never in modern times has our national party catered to blatant racism as a party platform strategy.
Neither one of you has ever been man enough, or honest enough to answer this one simple question:
Why did Ken Melhman, Chairman of the RNC, apologize to the NAACP for the Republican parties efforts to divide this nation along racial lines as an adopted party platform known as the Republican Southern Strategy?
The RSS attitude prevailed throughout the Regan administration for sure. I’ve pointed that out to you two in the past with some of Ronnie’s infamous quotes. It wasn’t until the completion of the 1990 census did the Republican party realize that a white Christian majority was no longer going to hold in American politics. Then, and only then, did they start to change their tune on racism to pander for the votes necessary to maintain their grip on power. That’s why when someone like PacMan supports a party, and the president, that wants to use the constitution to EXCLUDE a group of people from their rights puzzles me. Democrats have a history of inclusion to their detriment. Whereas Republicans have a history of exclusion to their benefit.
Now, as for me being an racist enabler. That ball’s been in your court, Puddybud. I told you when you’re ready to come down on the likes of Mr. Cynical for bashing Gold Star Mothers, I’ll denounce anyone for posting racial slurs on this blog. I’m not going to ask you do denounce the likes of HowCanYouBeProudToBeAnAss who said the only flag I wave is the one I stole from a grave site. I tell you honestly, that comment cuts deep, not just for me personally, but for my brothers in arms who lay in those graves. But the assholes on the right who trash anyone who exercises their 1st amendment right by speaking out against this misguided war in Iraq, especially a Gold Star Mother, that’s the one that hurts me. I know Gold Star Mothers.
I told you I’d take up your cause if you backed mine. With the stance you two have taken about Viet Nam war protestors trashing vets I didn’t think you’d back out on me. But you know what? You two did. And not just me, but military families, too. Thanks for nothing.
For a change, you’re going to have to take the lead in correcting a real wrong. Lead, follow, or get out of the way.
Hey GBS: I’ll speak for myself. Cynical and ProudAss do push the envelope. I will have to look at Cynical’s statement regarding Cindy Sheehan. I think you have mentioned it earlier somewhere. She has gone off the deep end, especially when she told Hillary Clinton that she was a bad person for not denouncing Iraq. But that being said if he castigated her in a nasty fashion I don’t condone that. If ProudAss said that then it’s wrong too. I know that you are a proud vet. I realize you as a Seal have been through training that separates the men from the boys. I have vets in my family too. But again GBS, you do push the envelope at time.
Regarding Vietnam vets, I only reacted to that which I was told when I went to university with Vets. They told me how they were treated. These Internet sites where they claim this didn’t happen; were they there? I seriously doubt it. Whom did they interview? Donks? Like they will tell the truth.
So I have officially denounced the Cynical and ProudAss statements if as presented by you are true. I haven’t been reading every thread and every entry. But regarding windie, I have been scanning his scummy responses.
So for you windie kiss my big black ass. Ahhh, that feels much better with your lips on my right cheek. I do email Puddybud and I would never email you racist enabler.
So now GBS the ball is in your court. Will you officially denounce headless loocy as a racist? If so, we be back on full terms my friend.
The Southern Strategy was devised as I said again, after the SCLC chose the Democratic Party through MLK Jr. The Republican Party did not get the credit for their passing of the VRA and CRA in 1965. So the Democratic Party had the blacks on their side because they saw the Democratic Party championing their issues from President Johnson and did not pay attention to the Senate votes. Why is that? I would have to investigate the papers of 1965 to see if they trumpeted the Republicans voting in the affirmative. I doubt it. Also look at Barry Goldwater in 1962. He didn’t help Republicans getting black votes.
“However, Goldwater’s own 1962 statement, that — electorally — Republicans should “go hunting where the ducks are,” a de facto rejection of the idea that Republicans should support the Civil Rights Act or even compete for the black vote, helped create an earthquake whose aftershocks resounded for three decades. Should the substance — that Republicans provided the winning votes for passage of the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts — mean more than a few simple words by a failed presidential candidate? Perhaps, but Goldwater’s tactical political move helped create an implacable foe in King — at the time, the most influential black man in America — and totally sundered the century-long relationship of blacks to the “Party of Lincoln.” It has left a legacy that haunts Republicans and minorities to this day.”
Regarding my positions on Cynical and ProudAss, I believe in the law of Chronology. As I remember the Lucite rant was before the other rants. So unlike PacMan, I will hold off criticizing Cynical and ProudAss until I see lefties criticize Lucite for racism. I know the ProudAss flag comment is in bad taste becuz U B A vet! But as I said GBS, timing is everything.
Damn Goldy, that was a well written response to GBS.
You know what? I’ll start by admonish myself for going too far at times. I’ll admit it, I do put my foot over the line and I shouldn’t do it. One thing I am not, though, is a racist or a racist enabler.
Headless Loocy, you should apologize to PacMan for the using Nigger, Uncle Tom, House Boy, or whatever terms you used no matter what context it was being used in.
No one else from the left should participate in using derogatory terms either.
Now, one last thing. IF, we are going to be back on full terms, then answer this question. It’s the absolute last time I’m going to ask it.
No short cuts, or cop outs either.
Why did Ken Melhman, Chairman of the RNC, apologize to the NAACP for the Republican parties efforts to divide this nation along racial lines as an adopted party platform known as the Republican Southern Strategy?
Now we’re going to find out if you’re a racist enabler.
Hey GBS: I answered the question because I wanted to Google it myself, but Goldy’s filter stopped it so far. You knew something about this that I wanted to know by myself. Nixon did it after Goldwater in 1962 said some stupid stuff. Ask Goldy to release it.
Part #1
The Southern Strategy was devised as I said again, after the SCLC chose the Democratic Party through MLK Jr. The Republican Party did not get the credit for their passing of the VRA and CRA in 1965. So the Democratic Party had the blacks on their side because they saw the Democratic Party championing their issues from President Johnson and did not pay attention to the Senate votes. Why is that? I would have to investigate the papers of 1965 to see if they trumpeted the Republicans voting in the affirmative. I doubt it. Also look at Barry Goldwater in 1962. He didn’t help Republicans getting black votes.
GBS: Puddybud sent me a link that is his reply being held by Goldy.
I doubt Loocy reads this thread. Thanks for your recant. Now if you say it in a more current thread…
GBS: Goldy still hasn’t released my answer to your valid Nixon question. Luckily I have it saved. PacMan liked it. So ask yer good friend Goldy why he hasn’t released it.
Stuckonstupiddon. Oh I am so sorry that you can’t comprehend Biblical truth. Go back and reread the Gospels stuckonstupiddon. Maybe you’ll understand the other reason why Jesus came to earth besides to save us from our sins. Maybe you’ll understand why He was chastised when he ate at Matthew’s house. Then navigate to the book of Acts. Read what happened to Paul. Then read Romans 1:18-end of chapter. The operative prejorative is I shake the dust off of my sandals at your doorstep. Finally is you Revere Jesus, you’d admit your sins and follow Him. The only way to God is through Jesus Christ!
Puddy Filth:
My, my the religious discussion has raged here.
You cheerlead for Jared Taylor. You tout the “facts” he cites (many if not all have turned out to be mythical) but ignore his conclusions. You will not examine them because you know they support his white supremacist agenda. By the same reasoning you condemn HL for racism, you have “enabled” white supremacist thinking.
Brad Hicks has convincingly reasoned that the Republican platform is anti-Christian. Most Christians in this country who follow a fundamentalist, Bible-literalist path are in effect subscribing to a false Gospel for which they’ll burn in hell as per Jesus’ warning. Examine the vitae of your preacher, Puddy Freep. Has he been taught to ignore or gloss over certain passages in the Bible as Brad Hicks has explained?
Lastly, I and I hope no one else will EVER do what people like YOU tell us to do. EVER. GET OVER IT.
White supremacist ENABLER!
My preacher? You have no idea what my preacher says. I am NOT a fundamentalist Christian. I am not a fan of Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell. I have stated that many times. That is not my style. I have already explained what my beliefs are. You figure them out.
Regarding Jared Taylor Karma Klueless, show me where they were proven mythical? Remember he used the verbal commentary of Ray Nagin, Eddie Compass, MSM reporters you JACKASS! If what he said is mythical then all the MSM, Oprah Winfrey, Jesse Jackasson, Al NottoSharpton, Randall the Cannibal Robinson, Congressional Black congree is mythical too? What a JACKASS U R! So if he used their commentary and now it’s wrong you nail him alone? U R a JACKASS. What planet did you wake up on today. Go back to your incense and monotonic chants because you are clueless. BTW, I did provide links to foreign newspapers and web sites where their populace wrote about their experiences.
I believe in Revelation. I also believe that Global Warming is God’s warning as per the seven last plagues. You didn’t correct me two weeks ago when you need to blow off the dust from your Bible because it hasn’t been opened in a while. I bet the bound cover will crack upon opening. I appreciate your concern over my soul salvation. Be sure to worry about yours since most democratic positions are diametrically opposed to the 10 Commandments.
Thanks for at least attempting to answer the question. The links were a bit old, weak in substance and obviously slanted from the conservative perspective.
What is deceptive, however, and not your answer, but history itself, is that many of the Democrats who lined up against the vote were mostly Dixiecrats who later became Republicans. ie. Strom Thurmond as their leader. With the notable exceptions of Robert Byrd and Al Gore Sr., who remained, regrettably in American politics — let alone the Democratic party. You are also ignoring the fact that most of the Republicans who supported this bill were northern Republicans who were known as “Rockefeller Republicans.” The Rockefeller Republicans were very progressive, whereas, the southern Democrats were very conservative, socially. What also is being ignored is Hubert Humphrey’s(D) MN effort to push this legislation through the senate and how he used extraordinary parliamentary rules to keep the the bill getting killed on the floor.
What is also being ignored in this conversation is how quickly the general population of the south, which was at the time predominately white Christian and a democratic stronghold, became overwhelming republican in just a few short years during the mid ’60’s. This is the period in history where it is widely accepted that the Party of Lincoln and Rockefeller Republicans died, and gave birth to the philosophy of modern day conservatism.
This is also the period where politicians in the south stopped being elected as “Democrats” and started being elected as Republicans. Same people, same ideology, just a new party moniker.
The racial division wedge used by Republicans went well through the Regan and Bush Sr. era. At some point you should read the speech Regan gave in Philadelphia, Mississippi. Understanding the implications of the speech he gave in that particular city and the way Regan speaks of “state’s rights” are code words to Christian whites meaning, to the exclusion of black people.
This mindset lasted well into the Bush Sr. presidency. The now infamous “Willie Horton” ads were specific to preying on conservative white Christian’s fears regarding race.
These are just a few points on this topic, it’s very deep and the implications cannot be fully understood by just looking at the vote tallies in the Senate and saying, oh look, Republicans made it happen but aren’t getting credit for it. When you remove the labels, what you really come to understand is that people with a progressive mindset made it happen and those with conservative ideals tried to block it.
The political demography of the South over the last 4 decades is interesting and complex to say the least. The final analysis you can find individuals from both parties, and both schools of thought trying to deny black people their constitutional rights. The real crime is that the conservative political movement of the ’60’s seized the polarizing elements that were in play at the time in an opportunistic play for power.
This fact is what is widely known in the black community. And, this is why they have voted overwhelmingly Democratic since the days of John and Robert Kennedy. Not just because Martin Luther King Jr. told them to. Obviously, MLK held an enormous amount of sway over his followers, but black people are capable of believing their own eyes, too.
On this issue, conservatives, or, if you will, Republicans, lose. Period. That’s history.
As far as PacMan is concerned, I wash my hands of him. He is a major disappointment to me. PacMan, is the worse kind of racist enabler imaginable and I’ll tell you why. He gets called racial slurs on this blog, you defend him, I cross over party lines and rebuke Headless Lucy, and what does he do? Dodge the issue on race I’ve been asking him for months to address. I got in his face on this issue because of his comment on an earlier thread basically equating Democrats to the fucking Taliban because he accuses Democrats of having racists policies during the 60’s. He’s had many opportunities to answer this question I’ve posed on numerous occasions. He’s never honestly or directly answered the question. Now, the best he can do is to post a link you sent to him?!?!?
No thanks.
You know what else?
PacMan is not a man of his word. He lacks courage and conviction and those are fatal character flaws in any man. There are few things I have a greater disdain for in this world than a liar.
But, that’s OK. Because now I know who he is. And that reminds me of the adage “A doubtful friend is worse than a certain enemy. Let a man be one thing or the other, and we then know how to meet him.”
Now I know that PacMan is not a doubtful friend, therefore, I know how to meet him.
Goldy, is my post locked up in the filter? I think I may have double posted it. Will you release one of them? I don’t think there’s anything in there, multiple links, excessive profanity, or derogatory wording that should be holding it up.
Puddybud and PacMan:
I’ve emailed Goldy trying to get my post released. Excessive wordiness I’m sure.
I really want both of you to read it.
GBS, I’ll have pacMan answer for himself. But for me, I already told you about Goldwater. Did you miss that?
Also how many democrats became republicans? I haven’t seen that many who crossed over. Also you dates are wrong. It became strongly Republican under Clinton. Look at teh states he won in 1992 and 1996. It was after the 1996 election things turned. If you go back and see whom the south voted for locally during the Reagan years it was local democrats, national republicans. Also when you put up Jimmy Carter, Walter Mondale (lost 49 states), and then Mike Dukakis, naturally you will lose. Regarding Northern Rokefeller Republicans, that’s because there were no Southern Republicans. They were all democrats. Come on GBS, let’s be real here.
You also forget Willie Horton is Al Gore’s creation and no one else. I proved that to you long ago. You forgot that too?
Puddybud for the last f*#king time.
Yes, place the label DEMOCRAT on the socially conservative politicians from the south during that time period.
YES YES YES. OK? There were no “Southern Republicans” That is my point!!!!
After the the CRA and the VRA passed those racist stopped being Democrats and switched parties. And, the base stopped voting Democrat and started voting Republican, in particular because of the Republican Southern Strategy.
Do you not understand the term “demography?”
Your iconic leaders did switch parties like:
Ronald Regan
Strom Thurmond
Trent Lott
Jesse Helms
They all switched parties, but more importantly, the voters switched parties to support candidates that supported racists ideology.
PS: I could care less what your racists enabler, turncoat buddy has to say anymore. What a disappointment he turned out to be.