Another problem year in the books. Things got a lot better, especially after Trump left office. In King County, we have mostly returned to normal for healthy, vaccinated people. You have to wear a mask, but also otherwise it’s fine. Bars are open. Schools are mostly open. Restaurants are open. The library is open. I spent Christmas with vaccinated family. Public transportation is less used than pre covid, but it’s getting back.
But man, I know that’s not true everywhere. And it wasn’t true for most of the year. It has been slow, slow, slow.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And for goodness sake, get vaccinated if you haven’t yet.
At this point in the beginning of 2022 we know that by December of 2020, realizing that he had lost the election, Donald Trump was using and seeking to use his Article II authority as President to try and reverse the election outcome in Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, Colorado, and Pennsylvania.
If you think it was “okay”, and lawful, for Donald Trump to employ the Article II authorities of the office of the President to try to fix an election outcome after the fact, then you have to offer the same to Joe Biden. This is true for partisans and non-partisans alike, for those in the media, for state officials, military officials, etc.
If it wasn’t “okay”, and if it was unlawful, then Trump should be indicted and go to trial.
Passing voting rights isn’t the only way for Democrats to stop Trump.
Ashli Babbitt was an all-around POS. Adulterer, road rager, “foul-mouthed chick,” stalker and harasser, committed car assault, had a restraining order against her. A criminal and QAnon nutcase.
@1 We would need voting rights to stop Republicans even without Trump and Trumpublicans. He’s merely the Baby Hitler version of what they are.
“Three WA Republican legislators used taxpayer money to attend Mike Lindell’s election conspiracy conference”
The next Olympia ethics investigation?
Things got a lot better, especially after
Trump left officethe vaccines developed and approved in record time during the last administration were distributed – over one million vaccinations per day in January of 2020.And it wasn’t true for most of the year.
Then things didn’t really “get a lot better”, did they? Y’all just need to believe that.
This is why spending the year focusing on Trump rather than on doing a competent job leading was a poor choice, libbies.
The Republican Party’s Image Has Recovered From the Fallout of Jan. 6
Voter sentiment about the GOP, and Trump himself, has bounced back over the past year
@5 Things did get a lot better. After I got vaccinated, I didn’t have to grocery shop in mortal fear anymore. And now only Republicans are dying. I’m not saying that’s a good thing, but it’s what they chose.
@6 “The Republican Party’s Image Has Recovered From the Fallout of Jan. 6. Voter sentiment about the GOP, and Trump himself, has bounced back over the past year”
Why is this surprising? As I’ve said before, only 52% of us can have IQs of 98 or above.
I realize that I’m probably going to end up hating this guy.
I just am not looking forward to whatever he does that makes this go away for me.
Mayor Adams would take one look at G-clown and double over in laughter.
If Trump and the GOP can be forgiven for attempting to use the power of the White House and a Senate majority to overturn an election they lost, then so can Biden and the Democrats.
Discovering this before Trump/Mitch/McCarthy lost power might have helped them. But it was awfully nice of them to let Democrats go to school on their shots.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit never talks about Apple Computer. He sure put up a hell of a defense of GE while it was in the process of tanking, tho.
@ 10
If Trump and the GOP can be forgiven for attempting to use the power of the White House and a Senate majority to overturn an election they lost, then so can Biden and the Democrats.
The First Vegetable and congressional Democrats are already using the powers they hold in an attempt to mitigate an election they know they’re gonna lose.
Hey, and 3% of Biden-votin’ Democrats support violence, anyway. That’s 2.43 million Americans. For it to be an insurrection, though, some of them will actually need to use firearms. They don’t do much good in the car trunk or the hotel room on the other side of the river.
G-clown washes down his nightly felching main course with a big PBR. No bag necessary.
Pabst Blue Ribbon.
Nunes officially gone today.
Not if Joe signs a letter.
Then we just speak the magic words “National Security”, seize all the ballots from Texas, Florida, Ohio, and Arizona and declare SHENANIGANS!.
After all, you just informed us that this would be perfectly okay with most voters.
And if it isn’t, what are you fucks going to do? Invade The Capital?
Too late! Ha ha!
It’s true. 60% of hospitalized Wuhan-afflicted children look like G-clown looked when he was growing up. Right around the third time his family moved without telling him.
From one-term FL governor Charlie Crist:
Little Marco kicked Charlie Crist’s ass. Kicked it all the way into the pussy Democrat party, he did.
Nowwhere near as bad as “Sleepy Joe” kicked Trump’s ass. And Joe is a vegetable. According to you.
Now Joe’s the Prez. And he’d be within his lawful powers to grab those ballots too.
According to you.
And why shouldn’t President Biden seize control of Florida’s elections?
Ample evidence of Republican voter fraud.
Ample evidence of Republican election tampering.
Ample evidence of Republican election corruption in Florida.
And we haven’t even gotten to the Dead Venezuelan Dictator Evidence® yet.
Bob’s just going to be so fucking pissed once he finally figures out that Zoe Lofgren chairs the House Administration Committee, and that Ds (including Raskin) outnumber Rs two to one, by design.
@11 I told my sister to buy Apple, and she did, at $27.43 a share.
@12 “The First Vegetable and congressional Democrats are already using the powers they hold in an attempt to mitigate an election they know they’re gonna lose.”
How so? By suppressing votes? Making black people wait 10 hours in line to vote? And throwing them in prison for passing around water bottles? By passing “laws” allowing legislatures to override voters? By withholding the National Guard when their supporters violently storm the Capitol and assault cops with the intention of murdering the Vice President and Speaker, and overthrowing the Constitution?
I would be disappointed if Democrats traveled the road Republicans have taken. One Nazi party in our country is enough.
@17 Yes, Florida is the state that elected DeSantis and Rubio.
It’s also the state that falsified its Covid-19 data and “swatted” the whistleblower who exposed their lying, is a cesspool of raging infection, and ranks in the top 20% of states for deaths per capita.
It’s fair to say that not only is the leadership there fucked up, but so are the majority of voters. And, one could add, so are you.
@ 21
@11 I told my sister to buy Apple, and she did, at $27.43 a share.
Which sounds great. Except she sold it at $40/share.
“I would be disappointed if Democrats traveled the road Republicans have taken.”
Roger, if CNN, and the NYT, and NBC, and swing district Democrats, and Every Single Republican You Know say this “road” is a perfectly legitimate exercise of a President’s Article II authority, then what is there to be disappointed about?
Republicans can’t, fundamentally can not muster electoral majorities to provide them with legitimate, lawful majorities in the Congress. So right this second, and every single second for the last ten years they’ve been cooking the books. You know it as well as I and as well as anyone else. We’ve seen it over and over again. Dirty, fraudulent absentee ballots shoveled into House elections time after time.
Now they are simply doubling down on the same shit they’ve been doing for over a decade. And they are trying to pad their unlawful advantage by closing polls, canceling registrations, reducing voting hours, and rigging local election boards.
In the interests of your “disappointment” you’d stand idly by and let them do that?
A President has a duty to take action to defend democracy from its enemies. Republicans are the enemies of democracy. And they are rigging the upcoming election as we speak.
@24 “Which sounds great. Except she sold it at $40/share.”
Great talking point if true. The problem for you is I told her not to sell it, and she still owns it.
Doctor Dumbfuck, always making shit up, always lying, always full of shit every day of the week.
This is what a flattened troll trying to crawl out from under bulldozer treads looks like.
@25 “In the interests of your ‘disappointment’ you’d stand idly by and let them do that?”
No, I didn’t say that, but for the record, we probably could stand idly by and simply watch while Covid’s train of emergent variants resolve the problem without effort on our part.
For example, I can think of a local Republican who won’t be “monitoring” any more banana republic elections. There’ll be plenty more going where he went.
Mixed verdict in Elizabeth Holmes trial. Guilty on 4 counts, not guilty on 4 counts, and no verdict on 3 counts.
All 3 high-profile defendants — Kim Potter, Ghislaine Maxwell, and Holmes — were convicted. Juries aren’t real forgiving these days. That probably portend well for any Proud Boys stupid enough to insist on trying to convince juries they were “patriots” on Jan. 6, 2021.
Rand Paul announced today he is henceforth “denying my content” to YouTube.
He will, however, continue to make occasional appearance on Handbill.US, whether he wants to or not.
This is how to handle Trumpers, and do it legally.
Wait, I thought Trump stacked the lower courts with his appointees? How could these convictions possibly stand? Couldn’t the judges just restore order and reject the juries decision and restore order?
Doc claims all the time that Trump’s judicial appointees are going to fix the country by implementing the angry white man dream.
Reminds me of someone else that decided to “deny their essence”
Come tho think of it, Rand sort of looks like Ripper (and just as crazy)
As much as I probably would have disliked this individual based on her positions in politics, it is pretty sad.
I’d love to know her position on same sex marraige, something that is a freedom…..all this bullshit freedom talk from these fraudsters.
46 years fucking old
Sad state of affairs
Over 1,000,000 covid cases reported in US yesterday. If you are unvaccinated it will find you.
I betcha if Elizabeth Holmes were to start up a new green energy company tomorrow she’d get billions in government subsidies.
I betcha if Elizabeth Holmes were to start up a new tech company tomorrow she could raise millions from investors.
Happy New Year, Goldy.
CNBC polling numbers for First Vegetable Joe Biden:
COVID: 45/55 overall, 27/46 strongly
Economy: 40/60, 14/51 (!)
Personal economics: 34/66, 11/51
Stock market: 42/58, 14/39
Jobs: 42/58, 19/45
Infrastructure: 44/56, 26/43
Price of everyday goods: 28/72, 6/54
Immigration: 31/69, 7/53
Childcare costs: 39/61, 15/42
America respected: 43/57, 29/51
Two words: Jared Polis.
She may be too busy in the near term.
I expect she’ll get re-indicted on the three mistrial charges.
@ 29
He will, however, continue to make occasional appearance on Handbill.US, whether he wants to or not.
That will make three of you.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, after nearly two years of your effort to drive readership of SeattleJew’s sad little blog, I am reminded of this dialogue snippet from Notting Hill:
@ 28
All 3 high-profile defendants — Kim Potter, Ghislaine Maxwell, and Holmes — were convicted. Juries aren’t real forgiving these days. That probably portend well for any Proud Boys stupid enough to insist on trying to convince juries they were “patriots” on Jan. 6, 2021.
Fascinating insight, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You should try your hand at stock-picking.
If you are J.D. Vance it will find your primary voters.
Dan Crenshaw and Marjorie Taylor Greene facing off against each other with the dull, rusty butter knives of their individual wit is my new favorite thing in 2022.
Also compiled by NBC News: Nick Sandmann is an evil monster who schemed to provoke that poor, innocent older Native American man, and then blocked his path, spat in his face, and singlehandedly beat the living shit out of dozens of Black Hebrew Israelites, who were engaging in similarly innocent silent protest.
The United States hit 1 million new Covid-19 cases on Monday, according to data compiled by @NBCNews.
— NBC News (@NBCNews) January 4, 2022
“She was obviously very passionate in her love for America and her love for the Republican party,” he said.
Ernby, who had a dog named Nixon, was a vocal supporter of charter schools.
46 years old.. Sad indeed… Sad that she named her best friend after a paranoid, power mad criminal.
Sad that she probably never got vaxxed. So sad that she’ll never get a SS check but.. according to the seriously deranged babblings of teh widbee kreepah..
for my kids…
AMIRITE? Nother!
No silly-ass phone call required.
Ted Cruz Says Republicans Will Likely Impeach Biden Over Border Policy If They Win House Majority
“We’re gonna impeach the motherfucker!”
While we’re at it, let’s impeach Kamala, too. After all, Biden put her in charge of the border and she had to ask which one.
@ 43
I believe you are, YLB. As long as you also factor in that she won’t be contributing to the Social Security trust fund for the next 16-24 years, either. Ya dumb twat.
Nick Sandmann is an evil monster
If only teh babbling butthole were here:
Seventh-day Adventists agree with many Catholic doctrines, including the Trinity, Christ’s divinity…
Unfortunately, they also hold many false and strange doctrines. Among these are the following: (a) the Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon; (b) the pope is the Antichrist; (c) in the last days, Sunday worship will be “the mark of the beast”; (d) there is a future millennium in which the devil will roam the earth while Christians are with Christ in heaven; (e) the soul sleeps between death and resurrection; and (f) on the last day, after a limited period of punishment in hell, the wicked will be annihilated and cease to exist rather than be eternally damned.
To yours truly, Sandmann is just another boring opportunist who will stand at the right hand of drumpf when it runs again. And a reminder of teh widbee kreepah’s lost youth as a Dem voter.
I believe you are, YLB.
She’ll NEVER collect. dimfuk… Just like you never will if your steak and bourbon lifestyle catches up with you…
Or you see a black clad or black skinned kid walking in widbee and you have a heart attack.. ANTIFA! BLM! BOO!
And according to your “serious” babblings, THAT is GOOD
for my kids..
More than two years after purchasing them, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is pleased to see his 3M shares creep to a price per share higher than he paid.
And in the past week he has halved his paper losses in Citigroup shares.
This is how Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit defines successful investing.
With all the anti-vaxx old klownservatics expiring in the bursting at the seams ICUs in the country..
According to deranged babblings of teh widbee kreepah..
my kids are waayyyy ahead of the game.
Add to that no student debt and appreciable savings for both short term and retirement goals.
Can’t wait for the widbee kreepah to do its stupid dance like it did for Mary Kay.. Heh. Can’t wait…
Even if this were in any way true, it would still serve as a humiliating comparison to the investment of 12 years of scholarship and sacrifice, followed by ten years of advanced study leaving no time for anything else, combined with six figure student debt, only to graduate to a position that pays less than the minimum wage in Mississippi to debride the taint scabs of the homeless.
@ 50
…to graduate to a position that pays less than the minimum wage in Mississippi to debride the taint scabs of the homeless.
And to think that only took YLB’s kids seven years each for their BA degrees from Paducah Online University.
@ 50
Even if this were in any way true…
Well, it may not be Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s definition, but if you read the HA spews, I’m correct about what he did with 3M and C. He has yet to deny it.
Off-topic, but I’m correct about G-clown’s AGI, too. It’s instructive that he still does not understand that he was sufficiently indiscreet that I was able to back-calculate it. Just not instructive to G-clown.
And to think that only took YLB’s kids seven years each
Someone close to this blog once told me he took ten years to get his undergraduate degree.. He’s doing just fine.. A homeowner and terrific career at a major local employer.. One of the biggest if not the biggest..
4 years.. dimfuk.. each kid… And both from the same big local college..
I’ve let it slip which one.. But if you really want to know.. just ask.
babbling butthole doesn’t look like it’s coming back any time soon.
@ 53
I’ve let it slip which one…
Yes, you wear your “Proud mama of a student at Paducah Online University” mu’u mu’u with pride.
The rate of unemployment of the 750 domestic terrorists arrested so far in the attack on the Congress is about 7% which is about what the national average was at the time. About 50% of those arrested are business owners, CEOs from white-collar occupations, doctors, lawyers, and architects. Only about 13% of them were members of known right-wing extremist groups or militia groups like The Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, or 3%ers.
Two-thirds are 35 or older, mostly concentrated in their 40s and 50s. About 25% are college degree holders (BA/BS or above) which is close to the national average.
The modern, “conservative”, domestic terrorist is a very mainstream individual who is relatively financially stable, has no extremist outsider political connections, and probably lives in a place where their “conservative” views are no longer in the majority.
And while they may be otherwise very mainstream, they are out of step, socially, politically, and ideologically with the majority of America. But their disconnect is ratified by AM hate radio and online social media bubbles. And as white males or white male affiliates, they feel a strong sense of entitlement to “win”. And they are perfectly willing to use pipe bombs, tasers, and semi-automatic firearms to obtain that end.
Andrew Cuomo is still a disgraced sexual predator.
He just won’t be a criminal disgraced sexual predator.
@ 55
About 50% of those arrested are business owners, CEOs from white-collar occupations, doctors, lawyers, and architects.
Yeah, those were the ones walking peacefully around the rotunda and shooting video.
Some “insurrection”. Some “domestic terrorism”.
@ 55
And while they may be otherwise very mainstream, they are out of step, socially, politically, and ideologically with the majority of America.
This would be a good time for me to refer to First Vegetable Joe Biden’s polling data, @ 36.
Looks pretty out of step with the majority of poll respondents to me. Particularly here:
Sure you are.
Exactly the way your “FB friends from CO” were correct about getting expired vaccine.
Exactly the way you were correct about Tara Reade.
Exactly the way you were correct about that Mac Issac gnome.
Exactly the way you were correct about Russia.
Exactly the way you were correct about Access Hollywood Tape.
Exactly the way you were correct about Trump.
Exactly the way you were correct about the last two elections.
Bob, if you never veered wildly off topic to blather about horse feed and ferry schedules you’d never be correct about anything.
You’re saying these violent, armed, Trump terrorists represent your “mainstream” views.
We are in total agreement.
That was my point in posting the link.
The violent, anti-democratic views expressed by the 750 people arrested so far for attacking Congress on Jan 6th are mainstream “conservative” views.
@ 59
… you’d never be correct about anything.
Coney Barrett
If this is wrong I don’t wanna be right.
@ 60
The violent, anti-democratic views expressed by the 750 people arrested so far for attacking Congress on Jan 6th are mainstream “conservative” views.
Coming from a supporter of Seattle’s Liberals Must Arm blog, I should perceive that as an implied badge of honor.
I realize that it’s the liberal version of Fleet Week for y’all, and that winning the narrative is not something that the GOP should attempt until after the weekend.
And that’s OK. Because after the weekend Democrats are staring in the face:
As we ponder historic accuracies and inaccuracies, we should recall that QoS McHillbilly has said that Democrats will hold the House in the midterms. They won’t.
He has also opined that our abandonment of Afghanistan and our supposed allies there would be long forgotten after mid-September 2021. Not by Putin.
Cornel West is doing an online Master Class. Saw him on a YouTube ad.
Even the worms won’t want Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s corpse. Eww.
I assure you, some of us are fighting for something far more important than the 72 hr tweet-cycle.
But it is something you and your party no longer value. As you so freely admit.
Democracy isn’t going down without a fight. But saving it might just require the sacrifice of your party. I’m just trying to get a few more people to recognize that truth. Avoiding that ill fate will require you and people like you to accept that you are subject to the will of the majority, even when that majority doesn’t look like you. Or Neal Gorsuch. Or Brett Kavanaugh. Or Amy Coney Barrett.
a student at Paducah Online University
Wouldn’t let the kids go anywhere near a widbee area repuke run grift shop dimfuk…
Sorry we didn’t fatten you or friend’s wallets but there’s a lot of “stupid drumpfers” out there who have and will continue to do exactly that.
We’d be wise to observe any distinctions between mere opinions about future political outcomes, and strident and repetitive declarations of political smears that are easily disproved.
Among a great many FACTS he’s shared with us over the years, according to Bob President Barack Obama thrust his erect penis into the face of a female reporter aboard AF1 in front of dozens of eyewitnesses.
And that may be the least of his crude defamations.
Meanwhile, Bob and 63 million other Republicans went to the polls and eagerly voted for Donald Trump to be President after they heard him bragging about having a long history of violent sexual assaults, and after Trump confirmed what they heard.
The point is this, Republicans like Bob make shit up about the candidates they oppose, the legislation they oppose, and the governing policies they oppose because they have to.
The truth is too unfriendly to them.
Because the truth is opposition and racial/party identity are all they’ve got left now. And the only “ideas” that animate their opposition are bigotry, misogyny, superstition, and greed.
Today in obvious things….
50 years of tax cuts for the rich failed to trickle down, economics study says
The greedy racist incel was complaining bitterly that progressive policies were causing income inequality. I think then that everyone can support taxing the rich a lot more.
Let’s Go Darwin!
Utter bullshit. You don’t have a clue. You can’t do math, I asked your Facebook friend.
Hang Mike “the. prude” Pence!
Say The Pussy Grabber supporter Insurrectionist who bought a horse for sexual pleasures..
And just like he’s right about Hillary running. The dude is warped. I feel bad for the misdiagnosed readings of the cancer victims, he knows their AGI too though.
The average salary for a construction scheduler is $70k/year
Mr. Miagi say: No big AGI for you.
@33 How could someone so obviously intelligent be a Republican after Jan. 6? The GOP is the party of stupes and dupes.
@35 I betcha she wouldn’t.
@38 I’m driving you to Handbill.US. See #39.
@42 We all know how these confidential settlements work, including you. His lawyers drive Maseratis and he gets around campus on a skateboard. And why shouldn’t they? After all, they’re skilled at something, and he isn’t.
@45 Does anyone care? She paid in for years, and we get to keep it all for ourselves.
@48 I didn’t notice. I was watching my Pfizer shares drop back to 1.6 times what I paid for them. They have to go down more than that before I buy more.
@50 And celibate all those years, too. Now he practices on horses for when the real thing comes along, if it ever does.
@52 No doubt you can time markets so perfectly that stocks always go up after you buy them, and you make money on all your options bets, too.
I make no such claims. I can’t time the market or individual stocks, so sometimes I buy them before they stop going down, and have to wait for them to go up. And when I do, sometimes the profits come in gushers. That’s how I got to be a millionaire.
Right now, 3 of my 27 stocks are in the red. If they don’t recover, I’ll use them to offset taxable gains on some of the other 24 holdings.
@55 “And they are perfectly willing to use pipe bombs, tasers, and semi-automatic firearms to obtain that end.”
You omitted spears disguised as flagstaffs, chairs, fire extinguishers, and bear spray.
@56 Your horse thinks you’re a sexual predator and a disgrace, too.
Someone dropped a photo of Doctor Dumbfuck’s horse in my mailbox.
@62 “Coming from a supporter of Seattle’s Liberals Must Arm blog, I should perceive that as an implied badge of honor.”
Yes, of course, Republicans think the Second Amendment is only for them. Not for liberals, and certainly not for black people.
(They also think voting is reserved exclusively for them, but I digress.),f_auto,fl_progressive,g_center,h_675,pg_1,q_80,w_1200/wxqi7opmxvpqiprrqold.jpg
Got news for ya, if these assholes can arm, so can we. Nothing illegal, unethical, or immoral about it. Second Amendment, baby! What’s good for the goose, is good for the gander.
There is one important difference, though. In Republican hands, guns imply political violence. In liberal hands, they do not.
@63 Here’s a prediction: If Trump were still president, the Russian Army would be occupying Ukraine right now.
But Biden is president, and as of now, they aren’t.
He understands Putin better than you do.
@64 Doesn’t take much to imagine what your wife, if you have one, will do with your ashes.
@74 The average IQ is 100. This says nothing about your IQ. Your post does.
@68 They always knew it wouldn’t work. The worker-hating party wouldn’t have promoted it if they thought it did.
Thirty seven years ago Philadelphia police detectives Lawrence Gerrard and Ernest Gilbert met in a jail interview room with inmate Franklin Lee. Lee was in jail awaiting trial on murder and rape charges. The detectives offered Lee drugs, sex with a prostitute, and a hugely reduced sentence in exchange for false testimony to clear a different murder case. Lee took the deal, and based upon his false testimony Willie Stokes was convicted and sentenced to life. Seven years later Lee fully recanted his testimony. The same year a federal judge vacated a murder conviction obtained in another case by the same two detectives using exactly the same type of arrangement. But for three decades the Philadelphia police and the Philadelphia DA left Stokes in prison to rot.
Stokes got out yesterday.
Mummia Abu-Jamal is still in prison. Along with another five men that detectives Gerrard and Gilbert framed forty years ago.
Because police don’t do what you think they do.
Spoiler: It’s Chicago, not South Dakota. They’ll get paid.
It’s Oakland. For his own safety this dude shoulda been packin’.
Jeopardy! Champion Amy Schneider Says She Was Robbed: ‘Couldn’t Really Sleep Last Night’
The record-breaking Jeopardy! champion said she is doing “fine” after being robbed
New clarification just in from the White House:
When candidate Joe Biden pledged to shut down the virus, he was referring to virus testing.
That is all.
I bet Bob doesn’t wipe his chin after what he calls a fun time with the horse.
Tomorrow is Insurrection Day. The day that Repukes killed cops and were completely lawless traitors to democracy…….and The day Bob had a dirty chin.
George Floyd in the news again.
4-year-old shooting victim’s dad says HPD officers didn’t arrive until 4 hours after incident
The family expected a police response time well under 8 minutes 46 seconds.
Um, yeah. Me too.
One of YLB’s “heroes” in the news.
EXCLUSIVE: Seattle Antifa militant criminally charged, past ties to MS-13 gang revealed
It was only a trash can, but had she done the same thing in DC on January 6, QoS McHillbilly would brand her a domestic terrorist.
Instead, I get to do it.
Not a single one of the Republican candidates running for Senate in Pennsylvania will support the democratic results of the Nov 2020 election in that state.
Insurrection? What insurrection? According to our resident POS traitor 1/6 was only a dozen cosplaying grandmothers.
Or as the treasonous dumbfuck puts it in this thread,
Some “insurrection”. Some “domestic terrorism”.
Right. Cosplaying grandmothers. Or as Candace Owens put it, “Grandmas Taking Selfies”.
Fucked around and found out.
Proud Boy gets put up by Andy Ngo to abuse the legal system on his behalf and it ends up bankrupting him. Ngo is still out there making millions. Two other Andy Ngo fanboys are standing by to face the same fate. At their own expense. Having prodded his followers into it, Ngo remains oddly mute now that they are being destroyed.
Because to a low IQ dumbfuck traitor a lone woman rolling a garbage dumpster into a Seattle police precinct’s doors is just as bad as the thousands of violent insurrectionists in DC on 1/6 who had the support of a major American political party’s leadership as they tried to end democracy in America.
Berkshire Hathaway reached an all-time high this morning.
Warren Buffett makes over $120 billion on Apple’s rise to $3 trillion, among his best bets ever
Your reminder that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit mocks companies that don’t pay a dividend.
Which is one of many reasons that I so enjoy mocking the useless, bloviating tub of lard that is Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You don’t want to sound dumb – don’t want to offend
So don’t call me a faggot
Not unless you are a friend
Or unless you see me as nothing more than a wannabe financial asset.
@ 102
…a lone woman rolling a garbage dumpster into a Seattle police precinct’s doors is just as bad as the…
…grandmothers and hundreds of others passively walking around the Capitol building rotunda shooting video and taking selfies.
Enjoy this week, Steve. I hope it’s worth losing majorities in both houses of Congress because of the way y’all have behaved in the past year.
You’re the one who lost both houses of Congress. And the WH.
But feel free to taunt us with your low IQ predictions of the future. That is, after all, all you’ve got anymore. That, and the fond memories you have of how you almost ended our democracy.
Here’s videos of your grandmothers taking selfies.
She’s running.
Another low IQ prediction taunt. I take it the reality of the here and now isn’t your cup of tea anymore. Seeing as how you lost everything, both houses of Congress and the WH, this actually makes sense.
…grandmothers and hundreds of others passively walking around the Capitol building rotunda shooting video and taking selfies.
All 70 million of them will miss the show. They’ll be glued to FOX, OAN, and Newsmax. They’ll be ignoring a coordinated terror attack on Congress to focus on blaming ANTIFA for a snowstorm or blaming BLM for inflation.
The trick as I’ve so often pointed out is to stop fucking worrying about what these freaks think or pay attention to. Bob’s shtick has never really ever changed. And for the longest time it never needed to. The concerns, and preoccupations of older straight white men dominated public affairs for as long as America has existed. That fact lies at the heart of Bob’s persistent threats to appeal to him “or else”.
But that center no longer holds. Trump himself blew it all apart with support and encouragement from isolated and increasingly insecure asshats like Bob. They may be a sizable one. But these people who believe in harassing and demeaning middle school children over gender conformity, rounding up hotel maids at gunpoint and sending them to desert concentration camps, mocking grieving Gold Star parents, and generally punching down wherever they can are now in the minority.
And it scares them so much they are planning to rig the elections later this year.
He lost Georgia.
I thought nothing would surprise me after Trump winning in 2016.
But Trump’s win proved nothing so much as that everything has changed (and that Hillary Clinton is a terrible politician).
Maybe that’s why Bob neeeeeeds her to run again.
As if.
Why of course I’m not surprised that a “smart investor” like Bob is into crypto. No more than I’m surprised that he fails to recognize the immense irony in “…you see me as nothing more than a wannabe financial asset.”