All you donks are invited to an American celebration on Tuesday when we vote in Justice Alito. The people voted for this in 04 and it is time to celebrate the will of the people.
Under SB 6215, the state of Washington and any local government or public entity or contractor or agent of any public entity would not be responsible for any harm that it causes any person, no matter how outrageous the act, or how egregious the harm or injury caused.
Last fall, as chair of the No on I-330 campaign, I helped defeat an initiative that would have weakened our civil justice system and worsened the quality of health care in our state. The voters said overwhelmingly that patient rights must be protected in both our civil justice and health care systems.
At the time, I found it hard to conceive of a more extreme attack on citizen rights. Unfortunately, SB 6215 is at the top of the list.
SB 6215 would apply to every public entity statewide: cities, counties, PUDs, local transit districts, school districts, port districts, public hospital districts, water districts, etc. What this means is that no matter how terrible the injury, no matter how negligent the provider or institution, SB 6215 would make them immune from action.
In Washington state, we have a strong value system around government accountability and protecting the rights of our citizens. I urge you to uphold these values and oppose SB 6215.
Ann Coulter is the Eva Braun pin-up girl for a new generation of angry, white right winger man-children.
Just imagine how bitter the Kevin Carns and associated Trolls will be when they get old, bald and fat!
With the recent ‘judgeship’ given to the chief prosecutor in the Abramoff case as a ‘reward’ (looks like to get him off of GWB and his cohorts backs) I wonder what will happen to the three ‘mob’ guys indicted for the murder of the casino ship fleet. Oh, never mind, GWB will probably give them ‘honorary judgeships’ to keep them quiet and hush the whole stinking mess.
My typo, #5 should read ‘the murder of the casino ship fleet’s owner’
Hey it’s a record day. I think we’ve actually gone 10 days since there’s been an indictment, arrest, conviction or guilty plea by some major republican politician! What a streak. Maybe the culture of corruption is finally getting what it deserves? Once we put these lying, worthless scumbags in jail, they’ll have no one left to fuck over but each other!
Even the wingNUTS and neoCONS are starting to see the light of day (not counting our personal wingNUTS YO, JCH, RUFUS, PRR, Momas and the long lost Mr. C and Josef). According to a recent ABC/WashPost survey
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Three in four Americans want President George W. Bush to disclose his aides’ links with disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff, a demand the White House has rejected so far, according to a poll published on Saturday.
The Washington Post said the demand was supported by clear majorities of both Republicans and Democrats in the Washington Post-ABC News poll conducted between January 23 and January 26.
Maybe there is hope for this once great country after all!!!!!!!!!
76% of those surveyed think GWB should release all dealings with Abramoff!!!
Any idiot knows the difference between getting a job and getting married. But Senator Luke Esser of Bellevue is not just any idiot.
So no sooner had the State Senate voted to end discrimination in hiring, housing in lending based on sexual orientation – and Luke Esser attacks the equal protections in our state constitution in a slimeball political stunt based on his apprantly passionate belief that people do not know the difference between getting a job and getting married.
I’m sure he won’t mind everyone knowing about this given his extremism on these topics.
And then what happened? 22 other state senators followed Luke Esser of Bellevue’s slimeball lead. All the Republican senators joined him except Kirkland’s Bill Finkbeiner. And so did two democrats: Mason County Commissioner Tim Sheldon and Grays Harbor County’s Jim Hargrove.
They lost by two votes.
“They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for Iraq. Why don’t
just give them ours? It was written by a lot of really smart guys,
it’s worked for over 200 years.
And, we’re not using it anymore.”
The real reason that we can’t have the Ten Commandments in a
Courthouse is
that you cannot post “Thou Shalt Not Steal,” “Thou Shalt Not Commit
Adultery” and “Thou Shall Not Lie” in a building full of lawyers,
and politicians ..
It creates a hostile work environment.
Putting all Republicans in jail won’t stop politicians from fucking people over. It’s an equal opportunity disease. In this state, the Democrats fuck everyone over – constantly.
Chuck, your post @ 10 is the first decent post you have written in your entire lifetime. Glad to know that you also think the RepubliCONS are corrupt
Klake, will that bill stop all of the pending lawsuits around the state?
Yes, look at Patty Murrys “donation” for instance….
Dr. Espews:
“Putting all Republicans in jail won’t stop politicians from fucking people over.”
No, but it’d be a good start.
Dr. Espews:
I see that Bush, faced with a quagmire in Iraq and plans for military action against Iran, has decided to do the logical: cut the size of the Army Reserve.
Dr. E @16
Good variation on the old lawyer joke.
Dr. E @17
That is a cut on paper. The force is 188,000 now, so they are cutting the funding target of 205,000. It is interesting to see the Reserves can’t meet their target levels, but if they can’t why fund it?
From your link above:
The Joint Strike Fighter engine is being built by General Electric and England-based Rolls Royce, and the plan to dump them as suppliers has triggered intense lobbying, including a handwritten note from British Prime Minister Tony Blair to Bush.
Lobbying is bad, right?
Dr. Espews:
The concept of lobbying itself isn’t the problem, but rather the practices involved with it that have led to wide-scale corruption.
Al Gore flies into Sundance in a private Gulfsteam G5 using thousands of gallons of AVGAS, taks a V8 limo to an overheated “Almost Presidental Suite”, and that night delivers a “speech” on “Global Warming”. Classically funny! This is kind of like Teddy Kennedy giving driving lessons. [Mary Jo was unavailable for comment on this post.]
John Kerry is worried about “Global Warming, too. His private jet, [actually his wife’s], his 135 foot Chris Craft [actually his wife’s], his SUVs [actually his wife’s], his jet skis [maybe his] show us that “All Animals are equal, but some democrats are just a little more equal than others”. Classically funny!!
Do the NEA, AFLCIO, NAACP, and other leftists organizations count in the “lobbying” discussion?
Vancouver Sucksspews:
#20 Yeah right. Or Laura Bush talking about the dangers of drinking and driving; or George Bush talking about patriotism; or Jerry Falwell talking about God.
#1 Sorry can’t join you on Tuesday. We’ll be celebrating the passage of the Anti-Discrimination bill.
what about Quotas…
Seattle council can’t bear anything but a lefty..woman, “diverse”
Vancouver Sucks@23
It isnt an anti discrimination bill, it is a special rights bill. And I think it will be defeated once we referendum it away…
Seeking the truthspews:
It strikes me funnty that both parties keep heading down the socialist path of dividing people into groups. This country was founded on the rights of INDIVIDUALS. Every time we pass a law banning discrimination someone pops in and calls it special rights. That’s a load of bull.
Government and Corporations (which are created by the Government) must be held to a high standard. That standard is that all people must be treated equally. To do anything else goes against everything this country stands for.
Vancouver Sucksspews:
Right Chuck. Washington is full of people who want to vote away protections from discriminatory and small minded judgements based on religion, race, disability or sexual orientation. Uh-huh. Sure.
Klake, will that bill stop all of the pending lawsuits around the state?
Comment by sgmmac— 1/28/06 @ 7:51 am
Sgmmac I belive it gives the state a free pass and if you have a claim againest any state agency you can not sue. Check out the RCW’s they will change.
then search for the RCWs that are nullified. The DSHS can now kill as many people through neglect and ineptitude as it wants and simply walk away. Yet if you do the same as a private business all hell breaks loose.
Who’s in charge in Olympia?
Many professionals will say that child molesting is not cureable, so I guess that is a sexual orientation protected by this bill?
It is my belief that homosexuality is a deviant behavior and I should not be bound to rent a MY house to one if I choose not to (personally as long as the rent check come I could care less) nor do I want one instructing (teching) young impressionable children. I shouldnt be bound as a private buisiness to hire gays if I choose not to.
Mark The Redneckspews:
I sure hope Ted The Swimmer can convince a few more of his kook friends to filibuster Alito. Get this bullshit over once and for all. Do the nuke option and put those assholes in their place. I’ll bet he’s in Sheets Byrd’s office right now trying to get him to change his mind.
Vancouver Sucksspews:
Chuck, you are so ignorant. Who does your typing? I suppose, because you claim to be a hetero (most vociferous homophobes tend to be closeted homosexuals)you think you have a right to walk around “tackle-out” and not be considered a perv? Pervs cross all boundaries. A Perv is a Perv. Here in Clark County, the pedophiles that have been exposed in our schools (several) were white, male, married, fathers from fundamentalist Christian churches.
Maybe – since pervs tend to come from fundamentalist churches – we ought to just discriminate against them?
If you want to be a bigot, move to a country that celebrates bigotry -like Saudi Arabia, or Syria, or Iran, or North Korea.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I see in the news this morning that Bush said a president who orders torture crosses a line. Does this mean he intends to resign?
Vancouver Sucks@32
Dont know, since I am not a “perv” as you say, or from any church, nor am I married…got rid of the wife years ago and raised my kids as a single dad…
What individual rights? You don’t have any individual rights in this state. This is the nanny state from hell and it’s getting worse every day. From goose livers, fire proof cigarettes, talking on a cell phone while driving to banning dishwasher soap with phosphorous, all individual freedoms are being outlawed.
But under your precious new bill, those pervs you refer to will be protected as a sexual orientation.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Under SB 6215, the state of Washington and any local government or public entity or contractor or agent of any public entity would not be responsible for any harm that it causes any person, no matter how outrageous the act, or how egregious the harm or injury caused.”
You haven’t read the bill, have you? This statement is flat wrong. The introductory section points out Washington has a patchwork of caselaw that creates uncertainty about when government is liable, because instead of following the practice of other states, Washington enacted a blanket waiver of sovereign immunity. This bill would bring Washington into line with standard practice. By its terms, it continues to waive sovereign immunity for governmental activities that have private counterparts, such as operating a hospital. It applies sovereign immunity to purely governmental functions with no private counterpart, and specifically mentions social services. Seems obvious that’s aimed at stopping the multi-million-dollar lawsuits against DSHS whenever some bastard kills a child.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Last fall, as chair of the No on I-330 campaign … Comment by klake— 1/27/06 @ 11:23 pm”
“Barbara Flye, chairwoman of the No on I-330 campaign, said … ”
Of course not! I fuck bunnies, not women! Idiot.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“The real reason that we can’t have the Ten Commandments in a
Courthouse is that you cannot post “Thou Shalt Not Steal,” “Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery” and “Thou Shall Not Lie” in a building full of lawyers, judges and politicians .. It creates a hostile work environment.”
I guess the Republicans figure it won’t stop them, because they can disregard it just like they disregard the Constitution, federal laws, and anything else that gets in their way.
What does the bill do when the government agency is directly at fault? Such as King County Coroner selling brains without permission?
Roger Rabbitspews:
“The DSHS can now kill as many people through neglect and ineptitude as it wants and simply walk away.”
Please explain how DSHS can predict what someone is going to do? Do they have a crystal ball? And since when is the state responsible for the actions of private citizens?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Kevin Carns @29
“Many professionals will say that child molesting is not cureable, so I guess that is a sexual orientation protected by this bill?”
Kevin, child molesting is not protected by this bill. And there’s more good news for you — it doesn’t criminalize parking your head up your ass, either.
Voter Advocatespews:
I agree MTR, let’s get the bullshit over with and go completely radical.
15 Dems have signed up for the filibuster, Obama and Menendez just signed on. Byrd won’t be needed, he’s playing kiss-and-makeup with his lover, Ted Stevens — he did say he loved him, after all. I want the cloture vote Tuesday to go down, so I’ll be phoning and faxing every likely opponent of Alito’s until then. Let’s see that asshole Frist break the Senate rules to get total gridlock.
If the Senate doesn’t do another thing until 2007, that’s fine with me.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Kevin Carns @35
“This is the nanny state from hell and it’s getting worse every day.”
Why are you still here? Don’t let the door hit your ass as you’re leaving. And defending talking on a cell phone while driving? Please. You need to find a better cause.
roger, I’m here because I’m madly in love with you!
Roger Rabbit@43
I think you are living in fantasy, when your liberal judges get this before them you are going to find
that child molesters cannot be cured, meaning that they arent in control of their sexual behavior, meaning it is part of their sexual orientation hence they will in fact be protected under this law.
Voter Advocatespews:
From goose livers, fire proof cigarettes, talking on a cell phone while driving to banning dishwasher soap with phosphorous, all individual freedoms are being outlawed.
Yeah. Pate, smokes, yakking in the fast lane and phosphorescent detergent, those are the real freedoms I need.
Who cares about the NSA snooping on my conversations, lost jobs, and poverty in old age if I can kill myself with consumer goods?
Brokeback legislation…
Roger Rabbitspews:
“What does the bill do when the government agency is directly at fault? Such as King County Coroner selling brains without permission?”
Your specific question is for the courts to answer, but to answer your general question, immunity from lawsuit and fault are two completely different things. There are two basic kinds of tort liability, strict liability and fault-based.
Strict liability is created by statute and applies to activities that are deemed inherently dangerous and therefore a person engaged in these activities is automatically liable for any injury resulting from the activity.
Fault-based liability breaks into two categories, negligence and deliberate tort. If you assault someone, that is a deliberate tort. If you run over someone with your car because you weren’t paying attention while talking on your cell phone, that is negligence.
If the sovereign immunity doctrine bars a lawsuit against a government entity, it doesn’t matter which type of liability is involved, unless the waiver statute distinguishes between them. For example, a statute might waive immunity for deliberate torts committed by a government official acting in his official capacity, but bar suit for negligent acts by the same official.
That’s why immunity laws need to be read carefully, in order to determine what claims they affect, and which are still allowed. That’s why you can’t make categorical, blanket statements like klake’s @2. Klake’s statement about what the bill would do is false. It’s not nearly as broad a bar on claims against state and local government as Barbara says.
Voter Advocate@48
What lost jobs? You mean like Boeing leaving liberal Washington? Mervins leaving Washington? Office Depot closing stores in…yes Washington again?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Kevin Carns @43
And I say that if you claim the gay rights bill bars prosecution of child molesters, you are completely and totally full of shit. But then, you always are, anyway.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I meant “Kevin Carns @47”
Voter Advocate@48
And yes I want to retain every fucking one of my freedoms whether I use them or not. The government listening to me while I am talking to a suspected terrorist is expected.
Voter Advocatespews:
And you’ll be happy when WalMart replaces Costco, too.
Just keep voting for the assholes who screw the middle-class, jerk. It ain’t about profit, it’s about greed.
Voter Advocatespews:
Do it a little faster and shut yourself up. A coffin lid should do it nicely.
Mervyn’s has been going down the drain in the highly competitive retail industry since their apex in the eightties.
Boeing has a big problem moving material between their various Puget plants due to traffic congestion, caused by you Eyman Horses Asses.
I don’t know anyone who would want to rent from Chuck or work for him. The special rights charge is lame: very soon the state law will embrace everybody’s sexual orientation.
And the Seattle Times reported yesterday on a case of a waiter who successfully challneged being fired after his employer decided to hire all gay waiters.
The law defines what “sexual orientation” means. Good grief. And Chuck, your freedom to speak your mind is intact.
The good news is that now anyone paying any attention to the facts of this know what a backwater the state Senate GOP is – except for Bill Finkbeiner.
And you’ll be happy when WalMart replaces Costco, too.
Just keep voting for the assholes who screw the middle-class, jerk. It ain’t about profit, it’s about greed.
Comment by Voter Advocate — 1/28/06 @ 11:54 am [Walmart’s profit are less than 3% of sales. Is that “greedy” in the social welfare state? I s”guvmnent” “greedy” when they take 30-40% of the average American family’s income in direct or indirect taxes? Voter, wake up! Your “Walmart is greedy” argument doesn’t fly.
Voter Advocatespews:
CEO Salary + Bonus (2004)
Wal-Mart: $5.3 million
Costco: $350,000
Average Pay
Wal-Mart: $9.68/hour
Costco: $16/hour
That’s greed
This talk by lefties about corruption is a hoot. If they were serious about corruption they would have put the Clinton administration behind bars. Keep whining hypocrits.
Ann Coulter is the Eva Braun pin-up girl for a new generation of angry, white right winger man-children.
Just imagine how bitter the Kevin Carns and associated Trolls will be when they get old, bald and fat!
Comment by LiberalRedneck— 1/28/06 @ 12:34 am
Who said we were angry. We have both the senate and the house and the presidency. The second justice will be voted in on Tuesday and we will have another one shortly. We just had a poll stating that 51% of the voters would definitely not vote for Hillary. What is there to be mad about. I am LMFAO. Hehehehehehe
Voter Advocate@61
Before the congestion became a serious problem(due to liberals neglecting the roads…not money) Frank Shrontz told the Seattle Rotary that Boeing will never again build a manufacturing facility in this state due to red tape and regulations encountered during building the Fredrickson plant.
Why is Mervins only closing Northwest stores??? You must work for state government…
I see in the news this morning that Bush said a president who orders torture crosses a line. Does this mean he intends to resign?
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 1/28/06 @ 11:04 am
No that means he plans to make it illegal for democrats to run for public office. Hehehehe
Seems obvious that’s aimed at stopping the multi-million-dollar lawsuits against DSHS whenever some bastard kills a child.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 1/28/06 @ 11:23 am
Roger I’m not a lawyer that is why it was introduce as a question. That’s for your point of view.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“No that means he plans to make it illegal for democrats to run for public office. Hehehehe”
That’s on his 2006 legislative agenda and will be announced in his SOU speech.
Dr. Espews:
“This talk by lefties about corruption is a hoot. If they were serious about corruption they would have put the Clinton administration behind bars. Keep whining hypocrits. [sic]”
Straw man.
Dr. Espews:
“Who said we were angry. We have both the senate and the house and the presidency. The second justice will be voted in on Tuesday and we will have another one shortly.”
Then what’s with all this bellyaching by the wingnut pundits about a supposed “liberal bias” in the media? It hasn’t stopped the GOP from pushing through its neo-fascist remake of the US.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The answer to your question is that SB 6215 is not a blanket imposition of sovereign immunity. It selectively expands sovereign immunity to bring Washington in line with most other states, no doubt prompted by several recent high-profile verdicts against DSHS for actions of private citizens on the tenuous basis that caseworkers should have done a better job of foreseeing what these people might do.
Then what’s with all this bellyaching by the wingnut pundits about a supposed “liberal bias” in the media?
Comment by Dr. E— 1/28/06 @ 1:19 pm
Oh that is called the truth.
Exhibit one: Memogate
Exhibit two: Newsweek
Exhibit three: Jason Blair NY Times
Do I need to go any further.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Kevin Carns @75
“Do I need to go any further.”
Yes. Why are you omitting the countless failures, fiascos, and scandals of the neoCON regime?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Here Kevin, I’ll help you:
Ignored 9/11 warnings
Started war against Iraq on false pretenses
Failed to capture Osama for 5 years
Body and vehicle armor fiascos
Torture scandal
Failure to plan for occupation of Iraq
Inability to defeat Iraqi insurgency
CIA agent identity scandal
Nigerian uranium fiasco
2001-2003 recession
Job losses
Record deficits
FDA approvals of dangerous drugs
Health care crisis
Privacy invasions
Enron energy market manipulation
Corporate scandals
Abramoff corruption scandal
Katrina fiasco
Medicare prescription drug fiasco
Pandering to rightwing religious hate groups
Anti-worker policies
CEO pay scandals
Lies, lies, and more lies
Dr. Espews:
“Exhibit one: Memogate [see this link]
Exhibit two: Newsweek
Exhibit three: Jason Blair NY Times
Do I need to go any further.”
Yes, you do. You could start by explaining why the Reagan administration abolished the FCC Equal Time Clause, along with the Fairness Doctrine, back in 1987. You’ll also have to explain the impact that media consolidation — in particular AM radio broadcasters, where most talk radio content occurs — has affected the proliferation of differing political viewpoings.
Arguments about a liberal “bias” in the print media, to me, ring pretty hollow: last I checked, you don’t need a license from the federal government to buy paper, print words on it, and sell it as “content”, journalistic or otherwise. You do need such a license to broadcast over the public airwaves.
Wanna do some research? Drive across the state of Washington on I-90 sometime and keep scanning the AM radio dial for “liberal” programming. Outside of Seattle and Spokane, you ain’t gonna find it.
Don’t like Newsweek? Read Time. Not right-wing enough for you? read the National Review. (If you want actual liberal content, then read The Nation.)
Don’t like the NY Times? Read the Washington Post. Not right-wing enough for you? Read the Washington Times.
Don’t like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, et al.? You might be searching for a while for an alternative.
Yes. Why are you omitting the countless failures, fiascos, and scandals of the neoCON regime?
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 1/28/06 @ 1:28 pm
Because the are lies.
Come on Dr E. You have ABC,NBC,SeeBS,CNN,CNBC on national TV. You have the NY Times, LA Times and every other major newspaper. You have NPR on radio. Why does little old talk radio bug you so much. Rush and all the others can’t help it if people tune in by the tens of millions. It is what the people want. Geesh it is all or nothing with these libs.
Don’t like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, et al.? You might be searching for a while for an alternative.
Comment by Dr. E— 1/28/06 @ 1:47 pm
No there is about a dozen local personalities on the radio two. Right wing radio is like gold. The market is still growing.
Dr. Espews:
Hmmm… let’s see… thumbing through my recently acquired copy of Robert O. Paxton’s The Anatomy of Fascism, I come across the following passage:
“…fascism is more plausibly linked to a set of ‘mobilizing passions’ that shape fascist action than to a consistent and fully articulated philosophy. At bottom is a passionate nationalism. Allied to it is a conspiratorial and Manichean view of history as a battle between the good and evil camps, between the pure and the corrupt, in which one’s own community or nation has been the victim. In this Darwinian narrative, the chosen people have been weakened by political parties, social classes, unassimilabale minorities, spoiled rentiers, and rationalist thinkers who lack the necessary sense of community.”
Care to comment?
Dr. Espews:
“You have ABC,NBC,SeeBS,CNN,CNBC on national TV. You have the NY Times, LA Times and every other major newspaper. You have NPR on radio. Why does little old talk radio bug you so much.”
Aside from NPR, which is more or less centrist, these are hardly liberal outlets. I find it almost laughable to call what passes for network “news” real journalism, especially if you compare, say, CBS news of 2006 with that of 1976 under Walter Cronkite, or if you compare it with legitimate news organizations found in other countries. We’ve moved away from substance in favor of style.
As far as my beef about talk radio, an increasing number of Americans get their “news” from talk radio, and many from that medium only. And if people are going to get the bulk of their news from a pathological liar like Bill O’Reilly, then they’re not getting any news whatsoever.
Dr. Espews:
Case in point: BBC Newsnight.
Go down to “General election 2005” in the left-hand column and watch the video of Jeremy Paxman ripping into Tony Blair. (FYI this was a series of interviews shown over the course of 3 nights, if I remember correctly.) We don’t have this kind of journalism in the US MSM. Not at all. Nothing. Zilch. IMO, interviews like this should be mandatory viewing in schools of journalism across the country.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Speaking of shooting yourself in the foot…
I saw a bumper sticker on a Volvo (what else) today. “Boxer-Obama 2008”. I think that would be great. Even better than nominating The Smartest Woman In The World. Ms. Boxer would make for some great political theater and some great quotes.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Hey -Did any of you moonbat feminists go see The Smartest Woman In The World yesterday? Dang, I missed it. I coulda had Cantwell come over to the trailer park so I could give her a lesson in free market economics and how the erl industry works. I guess she’ll hafta continue to make a fool of herself.
You better tune in to air america its not going to be there much longer so much for you leftist radio show LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOsers
Dr. Espews:
Sorry, pal, I get my information from a wide variety of sources in several differend media, and in more than one language. (Prolly more than I can say for you.) If Air America were to vanish, I’d still be a-okay with my daily information uptake.
87, YO, What? Can’t Franken and Air America steal anymore funds from inner city black kids to fund their six and seven figure salaries? Al Franken: Democrat poster boy. [Note Goldy refuses to discuss this issue on a thread]. Classically Democrat!
Boeing has a big problem moving material between their various Puget plants due to traffic congestion, caused by you Eyman Horses Asses.
Comment by Voter Advocate— 1/28/06 @ 12:02 pm
Wrong answer Voter Advocate=Dean Logan. Try again but put a little more thought in your answer. Who is the real villian for the traffic problems in the Northwest?
RR @ 45, ‘nanny state from hell’ is one of that xmashags favorite sayings. Maybe sgmac is xmashag in disguise
Voter Advocatespews:
Fuck you, fuck Frank Sorontz (whoever the hell he is) and the horses you rode in on.
You must be an ass kissing, capitalists dick sucking nitwit.
Dr. Espews:
“nanny state from hell”
Hmmmm… what would one call a state that thought for you? Like others have said before: vote Republican — it’s easier than thinking.
Hey -Did any of you moonbat feminists go see The Smartest Woman In The World yesterday? Dang, I missed it. I coulda had Cantwell come over to the trailer park so I could give her a lesson in free market economics and how the erl industry works. I guess she’ll hafta continue to make a fool of herself.
Comment by Mark The Redneck— 1/28/06 @ 3:18 pm
Mark The Redneck bad grammer and spelling is my trage mark what the hell are trying to do here?
HAMAS winning in Palestine would be like the GOP winning the state elections in Washington. Total disaster. That’s why I am proud that my state is BLUE and not CON
Yes Cougar, you won this state’s Queenship by such a remarkable amount that I truely doubt any Republican could ever even think they could capture such a Thrown. Give me a break! A Frickin Landslide it was!
Stay tuned for the two Superbowls next week!
The Seahawks controlling the NFL, and
The Republicans controlling the Supreme court.
Good times are here again!
Ready to take me up on my bet wabbit?
I see Kerry flew back in his private B52 just for Kerry’s last stand!
GS, I said nothing about the votes. I was talking about the 25+ years our state has been blessed without your wingnut bretherenn trying to destroy it. Long Live Big Blue Washington
Voter Advocate@92
Frank Shronz was the CEO of the Boeing Company before Phil Condit
You will play hell getting her back in office next election….
Dr. Espews:
“I see Kerry flew back in his private B52 just for Kerry’s last stand!”
I think most of you ‘Pugs wouldn’t be happy unless you found out he was travelling by horse-drawn carriage. And even then, you’d probably complain about the methane.
All you donks are invited to an American celebration on Tuesday when we vote in Justice Alito. The people voted for this in 04 and it is time to celebrate the will of the people.
Roger you are the expert what do you say?
SB 6215 is an attack on the rights of the people of Washington state.
Under SB 6215, the state of Washington and any local government or public entity or contractor or agent of any public entity would not be responsible for any harm that it causes any person, no matter how outrageous the act, or how egregious the harm or injury caused.
Last fall, as chair of the No on I-330 campaign, I helped defeat an initiative that would have weakened our civil justice system and worsened the quality of health care in our state. The voters said overwhelmingly that patient rights must be protected in both our civil justice and health care systems.
At the time, I found it hard to conceive of a more extreme attack on citizen rights. Unfortunately, SB 6215 is at the top of the list.
SB 6215 would apply to every public entity statewide: cities, counties, PUDs, local transit districts, school districts, port districts, public hospital districts, water districts, etc. What this means is that no matter how terrible the injury, no matter how negligent the provider or institution, SB 6215 would make them immune from action.
In Washington state, we have a strong value system around government accountability and protecting the rights of our citizens. I urge you to uphold these values and oppose SB 6215.
Ann Coulter is the Eva Braun pin-up girl for a new generation of angry, white right winger man-children.
Just imagine how bitter the Kevin Carns and associated Trolls will be when they get old, bald and fat!
With the recent ‘judgeship’ given to the chief prosecutor in the Abramoff case as a ‘reward’ (looks like to get him off of GWB and his cohorts backs) I wonder what will happen to the three ‘mob’ guys indicted for the murder of the casino ship fleet. Oh, never mind, GWB will probably give them ‘honorary judgeships’ to keep them quiet and hush the whole stinking mess.
My typo, #5 should read ‘the murder of the casino ship fleet’s owner’
Hey it’s a record day. I think we’ve actually gone 10 days since there’s been an indictment, arrest, conviction or guilty plea by some major republican politician! What a streak. Maybe the culture of corruption is finally getting what it deserves? Once we put these lying, worthless scumbags in jail, they’ll have no one left to fuck over but each other!
Even the wingNUTS and neoCONS are starting to see the light of day (not counting our personal wingNUTS YO, JCH, RUFUS, PRR, Momas and the long lost Mr. C and Josef). According to a recent ABC/WashPost survey
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Three in four Americans want President George W. Bush to disclose his aides’ links with disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff, a demand the White House has rejected so far, according to a poll published on Saturday.
The Washington Post said the demand was supported by clear majorities of both Republicans and Democrats in the Washington Post-ABC News poll conducted between January 23 and January 26.
Maybe there is hope for this once great country after all!!!!!!!!!
76% of those surveyed think GWB should release all dealings with Abramoff!!!
Any idiot knows the difference between getting a job and getting married. But Senator Luke Esser of Bellevue is not just any idiot.
So no sooner had the State Senate voted to end discrimination in hiring, housing in lending based on sexual orientation – and Luke Esser attacks the equal protections in our state constitution in a slimeball political stunt based on his apprantly passionate belief that people do not know the difference between getting a job and getting married.
I’m sure he won’t mind everyone knowing about this given his extremism on these topics.
And then what happened? 22 other state senators followed Luke Esser of Bellevue’s slimeball lead. All the Republican senators joined him except Kirkland’s Bill Finkbeiner. And so did two democrats: Mason County Commissioner Tim Sheldon and Grays Harbor County’s Jim Hargrove.
They lost by two votes.
“They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for Iraq. Why don’t
just give them ours? It was written by a lot of really smart guys,
it’s worked for over 200 years.
And, we’re not using it anymore.”
The real reason that we can’t have the Ten Commandments in a
Courthouse is
that you cannot post “Thou Shalt Not Steal,” “Thou Shalt Not Commit
Adultery” and “Thou Shall Not Lie” in a building full of lawyers,
and politicians ..
It creates a hostile work environment.
Putting all Republicans in jail won’t stop politicians from fucking people over. It’s an equal opportunity disease. In this state, the Democrats fuck everyone over – constantly.
Chuck, your post @ 10 is the first decent post you have written in your entire lifetime. Glad to know that you also think the RepubliCONS are corrupt
Klake, will that bill stop all of the pending lawsuits around the state?
Yes, look at Patty Murrys “donation” for instance….
“Putting all Republicans in jail won’t stop politicians from fucking people over.”
No, but it’d be a good start.
I see that Bush, faced with a quagmire in Iraq and plans for military action against Iran, has decided to do the logical: cut the size of the Army Reserve.
Dr. E @16
Good variation on the old lawyer joke.
Dr. E @17
That is a cut on paper. The force is 188,000 now, so they are cutting the funding target of 205,000. It is interesting to see the Reserves can’t meet their target levels, but if they can’t why fund it?
From your link above:
The Joint Strike Fighter engine is being built by General Electric and England-based Rolls Royce, and the plan to dump them as suppliers has triggered intense lobbying, including a handwritten note from British Prime Minister Tony Blair to Bush.
Lobbying is bad, right?
The concept of lobbying itself isn’t the problem, but rather the practices involved with it that have led to wide-scale corruption.
Al Gore flies into Sundance in a private Gulfsteam G5 using thousands of gallons of AVGAS, taks a V8 limo to an overheated “Almost Presidental Suite”, and that night delivers a “speech” on “Global Warming”. Classically funny! This is kind of like Teddy Kennedy giving driving lessons. [Mary Jo was unavailable for comment on this post.]
John Kerry is worried about “Global Warming, too. His private jet, [actually his wife’s], his 135 foot Chris Craft [actually his wife’s], his SUVs [actually his wife’s], his jet skis [maybe his] show us that “All Animals are equal, but some democrats are just a little more equal than others”. Classically funny!!
Do the NEA, AFLCIO, NAACP, and other leftists organizations count in the “lobbying” discussion?
#20 Yeah right. Or Laura Bush talking about the dangers of drinking and driving; or George Bush talking about patriotism; or Jerry Falwell talking about God.
#1 Sorry can’t join you on Tuesday. We’ll be celebrating the passage of the Anti-Discrimination bill.
what about Quotas…
Seattle council can’t bear anything but a lefty..woman, “diverse”
Vancouver Sucks@23
It isnt an anti discrimination bill, it is a special rights bill. And I think it will be defeated once we referendum it away…
It strikes me funnty that both parties keep heading down the socialist path of dividing people into groups. This country was founded on the rights of INDIVIDUALS. Every time we pass a law banning discrimination someone pops in and calls it special rights. That’s a load of bull.
Government and Corporations (which are created by the Government) must be held to a high standard. That standard is that all people must be treated equally. To do anything else goes against everything this country stands for.
Right Chuck. Washington is full of people who want to vote away protections from discriminatory and small minded judgements based on religion, race, disability or sexual orientation. Uh-huh. Sure.
Klake, will that bill stop all of the pending lawsuits around the state?
Comment by sgmmac— 1/28/06 @ 7:51 am
Sgmmac I belive it gives the state a free pass and if you have a claim againest any state agency you can not sue. Check out the RCW’s they will change.
then search for the RCWs that are nullified. The DSHS can now kill as many people through neglect and ineptitude as it wants and simply walk away. Yet if you do the same as a private business all hell breaks loose.
Who’s in charge in Olympia?
Many professionals will say that child molesting is not cureable, so I guess that is a sexual orientation protected by this bill?
It is my belief that homosexuality is a deviant behavior and I should not be bound to rent a MY house to one if I choose not to (personally as long as the rent check come I could care less) nor do I want one instructing (teching) young impressionable children. I shouldnt be bound as a private buisiness to hire gays if I choose not to.
I sure hope Ted The Swimmer can convince a few more of his kook friends to filibuster Alito. Get this bullshit over once and for all. Do the nuke option and put those assholes in their place. I’ll bet he’s in Sheets Byrd’s office right now trying to get him to change his mind.
Chuck, you are so ignorant. Who does your typing? I suppose, because you claim to be a hetero (most vociferous homophobes tend to be closeted homosexuals)you think you have a right to walk around “tackle-out” and not be considered a perv? Pervs cross all boundaries. A Perv is a Perv. Here in Clark County, the pedophiles that have been exposed in our schools (several) were white, male, married, fathers from fundamentalist Christian churches.
Maybe – since pervs tend to come from fundamentalist churches – we ought to just discriminate against them?
If you want to be a bigot, move to a country that celebrates bigotry -like Saudi Arabia, or Syria, or Iran, or North Korea.
I see in the news this morning that Bush said a president who orders torture crosses a line. Does this mean he intends to resign?
Vancouver Sucks@32
Dont know, since I am not a “perv” as you say, or from any church, nor am I married…got rid of the wife years ago and raised my kids as a single dad…
What individual rights? You don’t have any individual rights in this state. This is the nanny state from hell and it’s getting worse every day. From goose livers, fire proof cigarettes, talking on a cell phone while driving to banning dishwasher soap with phosphorous, all individual freedoms are being outlawed.
But under your precious new bill, those pervs you refer to will be protected as a sexual orientation.
“Under SB 6215, the state of Washington and any local government or public entity or contractor or agent of any public entity would not be responsible for any harm that it causes any person, no matter how outrageous the act, or how egregious the harm or injury caused.”
You haven’t read the bill, have you? This statement is flat wrong. The introductory section points out Washington has a patchwork of caselaw that creates uncertainty about when government is liable, because instead of following the practice of other states, Washington enacted a blanket waiver of sovereign immunity. This bill would bring Washington into line with standard practice. By its terms, it continues to waive sovereign immunity for governmental activities that have private counterparts, such as operating a hospital. It applies sovereign immunity to purely governmental functions with no private counterpart, and specifically mentions social services. Seems obvious that’s aimed at stopping the multi-million-dollar lawsuits against DSHS whenever some bastard kills a child.
“Last fall, as chair of the No on I-330 campaign … Comment by klake— 1/27/06 @ 11:23 pm”
“Barbara Flye, chairwoman of the No on I-330 campaign, said … ”
Of course not! I fuck bunnies, not women! Idiot.
“The real reason that we can’t have the Ten Commandments in a
Courthouse is that you cannot post “Thou Shalt Not Steal,” “Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery” and “Thou Shall Not Lie” in a building full of lawyers, judges and politicians .. It creates a hostile work environment.”
I guess the Republicans figure it won’t stop them, because they can disregard it just like they disregard the Constitution, federal laws, and anything else that gets in their way.
What does the bill do when the government agency is directly at fault? Such as King County Coroner selling brains without permission?
“The DSHS can now kill as many people through neglect and ineptitude as it wants and simply walk away.”
Please explain how DSHS can predict what someone is going to do? Do they have a crystal ball? And since when is the state responsible for the actions of private citizens?
Kevin Carns @29
“Many professionals will say that child molesting is not cureable, so I guess that is a sexual orientation protected by this bill?”
Kevin, child molesting is not protected by this bill. And there’s more good news for you — it doesn’t criminalize parking your head up your ass, either.
I agree MTR, let’s get the bullshit over with and go completely radical.
15 Dems have signed up for the filibuster, Obama and Menendez just signed on. Byrd won’t be needed, he’s playing kiss-and-makeup with his lover, Ted Stevens — he did say he loved him, after all. I want the cloture vote Tuesday to go down, so I’ll be phoning and faxing every likely opponent of Alito’s until then. Let’s see that asshole Frist break the Senate rules to get total gridlock.
If the Senate doesn’t do another thing until 2007, that’s fine with me.
Kevin Carns @35
“This is the nanny state from hell and it’s getting worse every day.”
Why are you still here? Don’t let the door hit your ass as you’re leaving. And defending talking on a cell phone while driving? Please. You need to find a better cause.
roger, I’m here because I’m madly in love with you!
Roger Rabbit@43
I think you are living in fantasy, when your liberal judges get this before them you are going to find
that child molesters cannot be cured, meaning that they arent in control of their sexual behavior, meaning it is part of their sexual orientation hence they will in fact be protected under this law.
From goose livers, fire proof cigarettes, talking on a cell phone while driving to banning dishwasher soap with phosphorous, all individual freedoms are being outlawed.
Yeah. Pate, smokes, yakking in the fast lane and phosphorescent detergent, those are the real freedoms I need.
Who cares about the NSA snooping on my conversations, lost jobs, and poverty in old age if I can kill myself with consumer goods?
Brokeback legislation…
“What does the bill do when the government agency is directly at fault? Such as King County Coroner selling brains without permission?”
Your specific question is for the courts to answer, but to answer your general question, immunity from lawsuit and fault are two completely different things. There are two basic kinds of tort liability, strict liability and fault-based.
Strict liability is created by statute and applies to activities that are deemed inherently dangerous and therefore a person engaged in these activities is automatically liable for any injury resulting from the activity.
Fault-based liability breaks into two categories, negligence and deliberate tort. If you assault someone, that is a deliberate tort. If you run over someone with your car because you weren’t paying attention while talking on your cell phone, that is negligence.
If the sovereign immunity doctrine bars a lawsuit against a government entity, it doesn’t matter which type of liability is involved, unless the waiver statute distinguishes between them. For example, a statute might waive immunity for deliberate torts committed by a government official acting in his official capacity, but bar suit for negligent acts by the same official.
That’s why immunity laws need to be read carefully, in order to determine what claims they affect, and which are still allowed. That’s why you can’t make categorical, blanket statements like klake’s @2. Klake’s statement about what the bill would do is false. It’s not nearly as broad a bar on claims against state and local government as Barbara says.
Voter Advocate@48
What lost jobs? You mean like Boeing leaving liberal Washington? Mervins leaving Washington? Office Depot closing stores in…yes Washington again?
Kevin Carns @43
And I say that if you claim the gay rights bill bars prosecution of child molesters, you are completely and totally full of shit. But then, you always are, anyway.
I meant “Kevin Carns @47”
Voter Advocate@48
And yes I want to retain every fucking one of my freedoms whether I use them or not. The government listening to me while I am talking to a suspected terrorist is expected.
And you’ll be happy when WalMart replaces Costco, too.
Just keep voting for the assholes who screw the middle-class, jerk. It ain’t about profit, it’s about greed.
Do it a little faster and shut yourself up. A coffin lid should do it nicely.
Roger Rabbit@53
I think you mean me…
54, actually.
Voter Advocate@55
This is a liberal state…
We all know it’s you, Kevin.
Mervyn’s has been going down the drain in the highly competitive retail industry since their apex in the eightties.
Boeing has a big problem moving material between their various Puget plants due to traffic congestion, caused by you Eyman Horses Asses.
I don’t know anyone who would want to rent from Chuck or work for him. The special rights charge is lame: very soon the state law will embrace everybody’s sexual orientation.
And the Seattle Times reported yesterday on a case of a waiter who successfully challneged being fired after his employer decided to hire all gay waiters.
The law defines what “sexual orientation” means. Good grief. And Chuck, your freedom to speak your mind is intact.
The good news is that now anyone paying any attention to the facts of this know what a backwater the state Senate GOP is – except for Bill Finkbeiner.
And you’ll be happy when WalMart replaces Costco, too.
Just keep voting for the assholes who screw the middle-class, jerk. It ain’t about profit, it’s about greed.
Comment by Voter Advocate — 1/28/06 @ 11:54 am [Walmart’s profit are less than 3% of sales. Is that “greedy” in the social welfare state? I s”guvmnent” “greedy” when they take 30-40% of the average American family’s income in direct or indirect taxes? Voter, wake up! Your “Walmart is greedy” argument doesn’t fly.
CEO Salary + Bonus (2004)
Wal-Mart: $5.3 million
Costco: $350,000
Average Pay
Wal-Mart: $9.68/hour
Costco: $16/hour
That’s greed
This talk by lefties about corruption is a hoot. If they were serious about corruption they would have put the Clinton administration behind bars. Keep whining hypocrits.
Voter Advocate@61
Ann Coulter is the Eva Braun pin-up girl for a new generation of angry, white right winger man-children.
Just imagine how bitter the Kevin Carns and associated Trolls will be when they get old, bald and fat!
Comment by LiberalRedneck— 1/28/06 @ 12:34 am
Who said we were angry. We have both the senate and the house and the presidency. The second justice will be voted in on Tuesday and we will have another one shortly. We just had a poll stating that 51% of the voters would definitely not vote for Hillary. What is there to be mad about. I am LMFAO. Hehehehehehe
Voter Advocate@61
Before the congestion became a serious problem(due to liberals neglecting the roads…not money) Frank Shrontz told the Seattle Rotary that Boeing will never again build a manufacturing facility in this state due to red tape and regulations encountered during building the Fredrickson plant.
Why is Mervins only closing Northwest stores??? You must work for state government…
I see in the news this morning that Bush said a president who orders torture crosses a line. Does this mean he intends to resign?
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 1/28/06 @ 11:04 am
No that means he plans to make it illegal for democrats to run for public office. Hehehehe
Seems obvious that’s aimed at stopping the multi-million-dollar lawsuits against DSHS whenever some bastard kills a child.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 1/28/06 @ 11:23 am
Roger I’m not a lawyer that is why it was introduce as a question. That’s for your point of view.
“No that means he plans to make it illegal for democrats to run for public office. Hehehehe”
That’s on his 2006 legislative agenda and will be announced in his SOU speech.
“This talk by lefties about corruption is a hoot. If they were serious about corruption they would have put the Clinton administration behind bars. Keep whining hypocrits. [sic]”
Straw man.
“Who said we were angry. We have both the senate and the house and the presidency. The second justice will be voted in on Tuesday and we will have another one shortly.”
Then what’s with all this bellyaching by the wingnut pundits about a supposed “liberal bias” in the media? It hasn’t stopped the GOP from pushing through its neo-fascist remake of the US.
The answer to your question is that SB 6215 is not a blanket imposition of sovereign immunity. It selectively expands sovereign immunity to bring Washington in line with most other states, no doubt prompted by several recent high-profile verdicts against DSHS for actions of private citizens on the tenuous basis that caseworkers should have done a better job of foreseeing what these people might do.
Then what’s with all this bellyaching by the wingnut pundits about a supposed “liberal bias” in the media?
Comment by Dr. E— 1/28/06 @ 1:19 pm
Oh that is called the truth.
Exhibit one: Memogate
Exhibit two: Newsweek
Exhibit three: Jason Blair NY Times
Do I need to go any further.
Kevin Carns @75
“Do I need to go any further.”
Yes. Why are you omitting the countless failures, fiascos, and scandals of the neoCON regime?
Here Kevin, I’ll help you:
Ignored 9/11 warnings
Started war against Iraq on false pretenses
Failed to capture Osama for 5 years
Body and vehicle armor fiascos
Torture scandal
Failure to plan for occupation of Iraq
Inability to defeat Iraqi insurgency
CIA agent identity scandal
Nigerian uranium fiasco
2001-2003 recession
Job losses
Record deficits
FDA approvals of dangerous drugs
Health care crisis
Privacy invasions
Enron energy market manipulation
Corporate scandals
Abramoff corruption scandal
Katrina fiasco
Medicare prescription drug fiasco
Pandering to rightwing religious hate groups
Anti-worker policies
CEO pay scandals
Lies, lies, and more lies
“Exhibit one: Memogate [see this link]
Exhibit two: Newsweek
Exhibit three: Jason Blair NY Times
Do I need to go any further.”
Yes, you do. You could start by explaining why the Reagan administration abolished the FCC Equal Time Clause, along with the Fairness Doctrine, back in 1987. You’ll also have to explain the impact that media consolidation — in particular AM radio broadcasters, where most talk radio content occurs — has affected the proliferation of differing political viewpoings.
Arguments about a liberal “bias” in the print media, to me, ring pretty hollow: last I checked, you don’t need a license from the federal government to buy paper, print words on it, and sell it as “content”, journalistic or otherwise. You do need such a license to broadcast over the public airwaves.
Wanna do some research? Drive across the state of Washington on I-90 sometime and keep scanning the AM radio dial for “liberal” programming. Outside of Seattle and Spokane, you ain’t gonna find it.
Don’t like Newsweek? Read Time. Not right-wing enough for you? read the National Review. (If you want actual liberal content, then read The Nation.)
Don’t like the NY Times? Read the Washington Post. Not right-wing enough for you? Read the Washington Times.
Don’t like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, et al.? You might be searching for a while for an alternative.
Yes. Why are you omitting the countless failures, fiascos, and scandals of the neoCON regime?
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 1/28/06 @ 1:28 pm
Because the are lies.
Come on Dr E. You have ABC,NBC,SeeBS,CNN,CNBC on national TV. You have the NY Times, LA Times and every other major newspaper. You have NPR on radio. Why does little old talk radio bug you so much. Rush and all the others can’t help it if people tune in by the tens of millions. It is what the people want. Geesh it is all or nothing with these libs.
Don’t like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, et al.? You might be searching for a while for an alternative.
Comment by Dr. E— 1/28/06 @ 1:47 pm
No there is about a dozen local personalities on the radio two. Right wing radio is like gold. The market is still growing.
Hmmm… let’s see… thumbing through my recently acquired copy of Robert O. Paxton’s The Anatomy of Fascism, I come across the following passage:
“…fascism is more plausibly linked to a set of ‘mobilizing passions’ that shape fascist action than to a consistent and fully articulated philosophy. At bottom is a passionate nationalism. Allied to it is a conspiratorial and Manichean view of history as a battle between the good and evil camps, between the pure and the corrupt, in which one’s own community or nation has been the victim. In this Darwinian narrative, the chosen people have been weakened by political parties, social classes, unassimilabale minorities, spoiled rentiers, and rationalist thinkers who lack the necessary sense of community.”
Care to comment?
“You have ABC,NBC,SeeBS,CNN,CNBC on national TV. You have the NY Times, LA Times and every other major newspaper. You have NPR on radio. Why does little old talk radio bug you so much.”
Aside from NPR, which is more or less centrist, these are hardly liberal outlets. I find it almost laughable to call what passes for network “news” real journalism, especially if you compare, say, CBS news of 2006 with that of 1976 under Walter Cronkite, or if you compare it with legitimate news organizations found in other countries. We’ve moved away from substance in favor of style.
As far as my beef about talk radio, an increasing number of Americans get their “news” from talk radio, and many from that medium only. And if people are going to get the bulk of their news from a pathological liar like Bill O’Reilly, then they’re not getting any news whatsoever.
Case in point:
BBC Newsnight.
Go down to “General election 2005” in the left-hand column and watch the video of Jeremy Paxman ripping into Tony Blair. (FYI this was a series of interviews shown over the course of 3 nights, if I remember correctly.) We don’t have this kind of journalism in the US MSM. Not at all. Nothing. Zilch. IMO, interviews like this should be mandatory viewing in schools of journalism across the country.
Speaking of shooting yourself in the foot…
I saw a bumper sticker on a Volvo (what else) today. “Boxer-Obama 2008”. I think that would be great. Even better than nominating The Smartest Woman In The World. Ms. Boxer would make for some great political theater and some great quotes.
Hey -Did any of you moonbat feminists go see The Smartest Woman In The World yesterday? Dang, I missed it. I coulda had Cantwell come over to the trailer park so I could give her a lesson in free market economics and how the erl industry works. I guess she’ll hafta continue to make a fool of herself.
You better tune in to air america its not going to be there much longer so much for you leftist radio show LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOsers
Sorry, pal, I get my information from a wide variety of sources in several differend media, and in more than one language. (Prolly more than I can say for you.) If Air America were to vanish, I’d still be a-okay with my daily information uptake.
87, YO, What? Can’t Franken and Air America steal anymore funds from inner city black kids to fund their six and seven figure salaries? Al Franken: Democrat poster boy. [Note Goldy refuses to discuss this issue on a thread]. Classically Democrat!
Boeing has a big problem moving material between their various Puget plants due to traffic congestion, caused by you Eyman Horses Asses.
Comment by Voter Advocate— 1/28/06 @ 12:02 pm
Wrong answer Voter Advocate=Dean Logan. Try again but put a little more thought in your answer. Who is the real villian for the traffic problems in the Northwest?
RR @ 45, ‘nanny state from hell’ is one of that xmashags favorite sayings. Maybe sgmac is xmashag in disguise
Fuck you, fuck Frank Sorontz (whoever the hell he is) and the horses you rode in on.
You must be an ass kissing, capitalists dick sucking nitwit.
“nanny state from hell”
Hmmmm… what would one call a state that thought for you? Like others have said before: vote Republican — it’s easier than thinking.
Hey -Did any of you moonbat feminists go see The Smartest Woman In The World yesterday? Dang, I missed it. I coulda had Cantwell come over to the trailer park so I could give her a lesson in free market economics and how the erl industry works. I guess she’ll hafta continue to make a fool of herself.
Comment by Mark The Redneck— 1/28/06 @ 3:18 pm
Mark The Redneck bad grammer and spelling is my trage mark what the hell are trying to do here?
HAMAS winning in Palestine would be like the GOP winning the state elections in Washington. Total disaster. That’s why I am proud that my state is BLUE and not CON
Yes Cougar, you won this state’s Queenship by such a remarkable amount that I truely doubt any Republican could ever even think they could capture such a Thrown. Give me a break! A Frickin Landslide it was!
Stay tuned for the two Superbowls next week!
The Seahawks controlling the NFL, and
The Republicans controlling the Supreme court.
Good times are here again!
Ready to take me up on my bet wabbit?
I see Kerry flew back in his private B52 just for Kerry’s last stand!
GS, I said nothing about the votes. I was talking about the 25+ years our state has been blessed without your wingnut bretherenn trying to destroy it. Long Live Big Blue Washington
Voter Advocate@92
Voter Advocate@92
Frank Shronz was the CEO of the Boeing Company before Phil Condit
You will play hell getting her back in office next election….
“I see Kerry flew back in his private B52 just for Kerry’s last stand!”
I think most of you ‘Pugs wouldn’t be happy unless you found out he was travelling by horse-drawn carriage. And even then, you’d probably complain about the methane.