You would think that despite all the very real differences between Democrats and Republicans that the legislature could come together and figure out getting rape kits tested. But it turns out that testing rape kits isn’t free. And while real progress was made last session, it’s still not there and we still need to pay for them.
So the new bill going through the legislature is mostly to the good. But Seattlish explains why an admissions tax on strip clubs is not the best way to pay for rape kits.
Stolen from someone else’s Facebook feed
This is day 303 since the foreign born Wall Street insider, Rafael Cruz launched his campaign for President. And Cruz continues to conceal his birth origin from Republican primary voters.
The nutjobs in my extended family were talking at dinner last night about how “13 Hours” didn’t stick it Hillary quite like they planned. It got me thinking.
Our resident babbling Jackass always posts how “Great” Fox news is when 3% of the population are watching as opposed to 2% of the population watching some other network.
Huh, “13 hours” got hammered. A SciFi movie that’s been in theaters for 5 weeks out grossed it by $10M and had a higher per screen average. Leonardo DiCaprio battles the elements released four weeks ago almost doubled it. A rapper and a comedian pretending to be cops absolutely destroyed it.
Slashfilm says the average price of a movie ticket is $8.38 based on gross sales that means less than 2 million people saw the film. That means .8% of adult Americans saw it.
Yep, it’s going to just destroy Hillary. This film is going to totally change the game. Bengaaaaaaazi!
@1 I wonder if Trump’s kids are whores, drunks, and criminals like the Palins?
Palin a no show…..
She probably just wanted a check from Trump and he told her to go fuck off.
Comment from the Article – “She heard Snidely Whiplash and Nell had tied Track to the tracks, and Mama Grizzly had to go rescue her cub.” I corrected the spelling mistakes….yeah, me, I know how to spell.
This crew will definitely be a governing success. Soon Puffy will spell Amerika correctly.
When we could be blessed with Trump as President or any other Republican candidate, do we really care about this anymore?
I don’t. Who gives a flying fuck!
maybe her water broke and she had to fly back to Wasilla to give birth.
@1 Blue-collar Republicans would follow Adolf Hitler if they thought he could bring back their factory jobs by slapping on tariffs and deporting immigrants.* Therefore, Trump functions as a Hitler replacement to some extent.
* Adolf probably would have a tough time selling Jew-bashing to this crowd, though, as they’ve been conditioned to love Israel.
@3 “Our resident babbling Jackass always posts how “Great” Fox news is when 3% of the population are watching as opposed to 2% of the population watching some other network.”
These calculations say 95% of the population are not getting news and information from anywhere. Scary if true.
@6 Now is the time to invest in Aleutian Islands beachfront property while it’s still cheap.
If Sanders’ views are supposedly so absurd and easy to campaign against, then why are they increasingly popular?
Universal healthcare.
Increased taxation of wealth.
Free college tuition.
Campaign finance reform.
Increased federal minimum wage.
Immigration reform.
Reduced reliance on military force.
@ 11
If Sanders’ views are supposedly so absurd and easy to campaign against, then why are they increasingly popular?
Well, up until a week or so ago, Hillary hasn’t had any reason to ask him how he’s going to pay for it.
Nothing is “free” and you know it.
@3 All the Republicans seeking validation for their Benghazi mythology will go see it, then come out of the theater feeling cheated because Hillary isn’t even in it. They expect a Countess Bathory biopic.
@12 “Nothing is “free” and you know it.”
You oughta know, doc. Now be a good little boy and go cash your Medicare reimbursement checks before they bounce.
While we’re on the subject of “free” stuff, can we talk about all the federal subsidies that western ranchers get at the expense of city dwellers? And since we’re giving them all that free stuff, can we at least keep our wildlife refuges? Pretty please?
Oh, right.
Cause we only need to “pay” for stuff when it doesn’t benefit global corporations and the very wealthy. And Bob. Supply side! Yay!
Don’t look now Bob. But I think even your own base has stopped believing in your voodoo economic bullshit. We’ve bought more than a few fake wars, dozens of tax cuts for the wealthy, enough nuclear devices to obliterate our enemies 1000 times over, long range super-sonic bombers that can’t fly in the rain, a 400 ship navy with nothing to do but get lost in Iranian waters, and a high-tech border fence that doesn’t do shit, just for starters, and all of it paid for on the credit card. And the sky hasn’t fallen. I think we can send a few more kids to college. Some crazy people think that might even boost workforce productivity, improve the economy, and increase tax revenues.
But I’m sure they have it all backwards. Right?
Tax cuts for Bob. That’s the ticket!
I think the tax to test rape kits should be added to alcohol sales. Blaming strip clubs is absurd right wing moralizing bullshit. If you’re looking to tax rapist perverts, try churches.
@12 nothing is for free – really, how did we and do we pay for homeland security, an Iraq War, and giving tax cuts away to everyone..
are you really concerned how we pay for it? The Mexicans will pay for it ALL!
@13 hopefully at a theater where you can open carry.
@17 and if the strips clubs didn’t serve beer nobody would even go to them, nor would they end up raping because of the beer. Tax beer to the hilt. I don’t drink it and it causes a lot of health issues and causes taxpayers mighty. Tax them big time. Beer should be banned all together. Kills people. Bunch of drunk fucks like the Palins!
@17 I think this testing should be funded like other law enforcement expenses. Protecting the public from crime shouldn’t rely on a special tax. That’s one of government’s most basic responsibilities and should be supported by general revenues.
@16 Who’s going to design Bob’s futuristic weapons if nobody goes to college? Who will pay the Medicare taxes that supply his income if nobody has a living-wage job?
@20 “Beer should be banned altogether” Yeah, that worked out so well the last time. I’m sure beer drinkers wouldn’t mind an extra penny to capture rapists. Then again…
Sarah says it’s Obama’s fault that her drunken spawn beats his girlfriend and wants to kill himself.
@24 It couldn’t be she’s lousy parent. At least she hasn’t blamed Obama for all the little bastards.
Who says it has to work out well. It’s not like we have other laws that work out well. How’s the war on marijuana working out. How well do the drunk driving laws work out -it’s not like people aren’t getting killed by drunk drivers anymore.
Some would like a law or constitutional amendment banning same sex marriage. Why? To protect the sanctity of marriage? Yeah that’s working out well and a great reason to fight that fight. We all know straight people are getting less divorces because there is such a great demand for sanctimony.
We should probably ban some people from having babies too.
Much more reason to ban alchahol than marriages and marijuana. And I don’t smoke marijuana.
yes, yes, yes. All that is perfectly true, etc.
Except of course for, you know…
Astonishing, really, when you think about it. How such an unremarkable thing, possessed by more than half of our citizens, yet regarded with such suspicion, wonder, and utter confusion, that we basically refuse to deal.
@ 24&25
Personality disorders are thought to be caused by a combination of these genetic and environmental influences. Some people may have genes that make them vulnerable to developing antisocial personality disorder and life situations may trigger its development.
Trick Palin (very interesting connotations to that name) is a classic sociopath. He, like so many other Republican Conservatives, seem to have a total lack of awareness about how humans respond to things on an emotional level. Everyone has similar reactions, but some how the Bible-Thumpers and Racists all seem to believe that they are somehow above all that, and can respond appropriately on a non-emotional level that supersedes the emotional response. That they can “remove” themselves from the normal emotional responses to things.
This of course, is total, utter bullshit, and symptomatic of their delusional structure. They believe that they can “rise above” that emotional reaction, and wall those emotions off from their visible reaction. This is why they openly sneer at people who just had a close relative or friend murdered. This is why they can stand on a still-smoking pile of rubble that once was a pair of 1100 foot tall buildings, and sing the praises and wonders of America while the whole world watches on television, and consider that a positive image to project to people.
Trick (or was it Track? Maybe Truck, I dunno, who cares) was pretty much given the option of joining the Army, specifically because he (along with a few of his friends) was arrested for cutting the brake lines on the school busses for the local district.
From that link I posted above:
Complications, consequences and problems of antisocial personality disorder include:
Aggressiveness leading to verbal or physical violence
Gang participation
Reckless behavior
Risky sexual behavior
Child abuse
Alcohol or substance abuse
Gambling problems
Being in jail or prison
Homicidal or suicidal behaviors
Relationship difficulties
Occasional periods of depression or anxiety
School and work problems
Strained relationships with health care providers
Low social and economic status, and homelessness
Premature death, usually as a result of violence
So, when I need information along these lines, I do what some people do, and that is, I called my Mom on the phone. She was a psychologist for 30+ years and pointed me at the website above.
She pretty much ran the gamut, so to speak of various job functions during her career and this put her in contact with huge numbers of “interesting” people: Sociopaths, recovering drug addicts, alcoholics, recently released convicts who did real, hard time, etc. A few killers, rapists and bank robbers and such. The dinner-table conversations were a lot more interesting in retrospect than they were at the time. Kids don’t care about that shit, really. But there were some things that caught my attention over the years.
One of them being, that Cutting brake lines on a car, or on a school bus is a specific indicator of homicidal ideation and is specifically noted during the intake process that creates the foundation of how the patient is going to be diagnosed and treated by mental-health professionals. This is actually a common thread amongst schizophrenics and sociopaths who are getting too big and becoming too crazy for people to handle in normal, day-to-day interaction. They do shit like that; they cut brake lines on their parent’s cars, they put weed killer in the peanut butter or mayonnaise, they set fires and such. This is while they are still young teenagers and often the simpler actions come in the years before they are teenagers.
That being said,
Although the precise cause of antisocial personality disorder isn’t known, certain factors seem to increase the risk of developing or triggering it, including:
Diagnosis of childhood conduct disorder
Family history of antisocial personality disorder or other personality disorders or mental illness
Being subjected to verbal, physical or sexual abuse during childhood
Unstable or chaotic family life during childhood
Loss of parents through traumatic divorce during childhood
History of substance abuse in parents or other family members
Men are at greater risk of having antisocial personality disorder than women are.
Now, it is already pretty obvious that Sarah is a raging alcoholic, the various videos that she herself created during her little dalliance with the internet show that in graphic terms. I’d be willing to bet that her husband is as well, and alcohol seems to be a major aspect of every “incident” that this family has been involved with, such as that party thing that happened a couple of summers ago. So, it would follow that the Palins have always been alcoholics. That sort of behavior does not emerge in people when they get into their 30s or 40s, that behavioral pattern is highly visible in such individuals by the time they are in their late teens. Everyone knew the teenage lush when they were in High School. I remember there being at least a couple of dozen at the three I went to.
Sarah Palin is what that looks like when it grows bigger and gets more money. These people are fucking nuts.
I read the transcript of her remarks in full, and it is just amazing.
I used to give her some credit for not really believing her bullshit but being clever enough to know how to manipulate and exploit the mouth breathers. But comments like these reveal a particular kind of insanity. It isn’t clever. It’s reactionary. It’s psychopathic.
She takes what are basically very sad, painful, personal, family events arising from circumstances the best most experienced professionals are at a loss to fully explain, and she projects a cause onto an “enemy”. And she seeks to score debate points in the process. It’s a very ugly thing. But more than that it describes a fairly pathological thought process that puts herself, her identity, and her concerns at the center of everything, even her own son’s personal pain. Histrionic ideation, massively inflated sense of self-importance, and stunning lack of empathy for her own child. These kids need to forget about the money and get as far away from that woman as they can as fast as they can.
@26 If you ban alcohol there won’t be any babies. That’s just the way you stupid humans are. You have to get drunk to procreate, and you procreate when you get drunk.
Some of you guys should come clean. Some of you guys might not be virgins.
Senator Skidmark.
Bernie at home! Sanders gets interviewed for a People Magazine spread – while he does his own laundry
Read more:
“I said, I don’t have any problem with Starbucks if they choose to opt out of this policy as long as the post a sign that says ‘We don’t require our employees to wash their hands after leaving the restrooms.’ The market will take care of that.”
Yeah, you go on with your bad self ya fuckin’ moron.
Jesus H Christ in a horse-drawn popsicle truck. Where the fuck do these imbeciles come from?
Oh, yeah. They’re Christian Conservatives: “There is no such thing as ‘germs’, Germs are Gods way of punishing the wicked. Germs are what anti-God and Jesus hating people think make people sick, but we all know it is God that chooses who lives and who dies.”
I don’t know whether I should shit myself or go blind.
@33 So how does this work? Can they opt out of posting a sign, too? If not, who enforces the sign requirement? The government? Isn’t that regulation, too? Aren’t you just substituting one type of regulation for another? I think the senator trapped himself in a circular argument.
I know what a regulation-free society looks like. It’s called “the jungle.”
@33 It’s time for Americans to take a good long look at what living in a Republican society would be like.
1. People will be allowed to sell guns to criminals and mental defectives, who will take them into theaters, shopping malls, and elementary schools.
2. Your neighbors won’t be required to vaccinate their children, and half of your children (and theirs) won’t make it to age 5.
3. You’ll have to grow your own food.
4. Any company that makes a lifesaving drug can force you to sign over your house and all your other property in exchange for your life.
5. Gunfights over parking spaces will be common, but parking will be free for survivors.
6. There will be no taxes, but no one will read or write, and everyone will drive off-road vehicles.
7. Most things will glow in the dark.
@36 Basically, every man for himself. With police used to harass and jail everybody who isn’t white. Government lucre only for Republicans and their military/industrial/fossil fuel friends. And endless wars that kill needlessly and cost vast sums. And water, air, and earth poisoned so badly our children never grow brains. Which will ensure more Republican knuckle draggers.
Remember how the Oregon Moron wanted to blame the Flint Michigan water problem on the Republican Governor?
Well it seems Obummer’s EPA knew of the problem and hid the data! We also know the Flint City Government in order to save money decided to use the river water.
IT WAS NOT FORCED BY THE STATE as the Oregon Moron was trying to tell everyone!
Amazing the lies from the Oregon Moron on this!
@ The Schizo @ 38
Well it seems Obummer’s EPA knew of the problem and hid the data! We also know the Flint City Government in order to save money decided to use the river water.
You are flat out lying, again. The EPA did do its job, it informed local and State officials of the problem. That is all it is required, and allowed to do, by law. The Governors office had final, and absolute authority to make decisions and the Governors office told the local city officials that it would not authorize any further treatment of the water being used due to the increased costs. It was specifically the Governors office that attempted to hide the increased lead levels in the city water supply, after being informed of the problem by the EPA. The Governor and his lackey who took control of the City government bear total responsibility for this. They had final, operational authority. The local City Council was completely toothless and all decisions they made had to be approved by the Governors office before being implemented.
They knew full well that the river being used to supply water to the city was contaminated before any upgrades to the system were even proposed. The Flint River was deemed completely contaminated by industrial waste and unusable for human consumption back in the 1970s. It was the Governors office that specifically refused to allow funding to treat the contaminated water to prevent the lead leeching that occurred. It was the Governors office that set absolute limits on how much of the States money could be spent on the whole process of rebuilding the City’s water supply system.
But, why should you care? It was only niggers that were affected, and we all know what you think about “those people”.
You can take the trash out of the trailer, but not the trailer out of the trash.
Where the fuck do these folks come off believe that they have any credibility in this world? They’re a standing joke. She could have spent some of her grifted millions getting mental-health treatment for her lunatic son, but instead spent it on pretty and useless things like jewelry, fancy clothes, expensive cars and booze. Lots and lots of booze.
I’ll be the voice of reason here.
We can all agree that PTSD and other behavioral issues among veterans who have been in combat zones is a very real thing. I have no reason to doubt that it is an issue in Track Palin’s life.
I could also easily assign blame on the need to go adventuring in Iraq because something in league with Al Qaeda something WMD something something Saddam aided 9-11.
But 41 Republican senators filibustered VA funding increases. Republicans only passed VA funding under mass pressure in 2014. But then again, Sarah is a grifter millionaire and aren’t we told by every republican that what you don’t need is a handout you need to stand on your own? Why didn’t you try to get Track counseling. Or did you and he refused to go?
Why are you using your son as a political too? Oh, right, nothing is too sleazy for Mama Grizzly.
I believe it’s Obama’s fault that the loon has become batshit insane.
The GOP death cult…
“Ted Nugent Calls For Clinton And Obama To Be Hanged Over Benghazi”
I have a sincere wish.
Ted Nugent cracked the top 40 once almost 40 years ago. Rather than react to every loon thing he does, just ignore him and he can go back to touring the small casino circuit playing the hit to 150-175 militiamen a night and fade back into obscurity.
Nobody actually likes his music. They want to be there the night he tells the truth so hard that people talk about it. Don’t take the bait.
Well done.
Perhaps the saddest thing here is to contemplate the fates of these children whose mother sees them as nothing more than lifelike animated stage props in the lunatic political theater of her creation. Whatever suffering the boy is going through from his deployment has got to be nothing compared to the damage that woman has done.
Though this mass terror attack was obviously the result of calculated malfeasance by state officials, a better question is why the fuck haven’t state officials done anything?
They didn’t just discover the poisoning. This is a showcase opportunity for a Republican administration to demonstrate how their conservative principles in action support poor communities.
And what do they do for Flint? They dismember, conceal, obstruct, delay, and when all that fails they call the Federal govt for help.
Maybe this is because Republicans are full of shit?
That troll is probably taking talking points from Stabby McBeltbuckle.
But hey! At least Carson has mentioned Flint. The rest of the field of “Compassionate Conservatives” are eerily silent considering the scope of the disaster.
@40 classic example of a whore all coked up.
An insightful essay about the downside of the unregulated “sharing” economy.
“The standard ride-sharing or courier app’s business model looks something like this: Once you’ve got a steady supply of drivers invested in the app, start lowering their pay.
It happens inconspicuously through “upgrades” to the app, which can often change fare and payment rates. Only drivers with enough extra time to carefully analyze their earnings will notice that the new terms don’t work in their favour.””
Like this
“In January 2015, Uber announced it would guarantee earnings of between $10 and $26 an hour depending on peak hours. But to qualify you have to accept 90% of all ride requests, accept one ride per hour and be online for 50 minutes of each hour worked. The idea is to reward loyalty and prevent drivers from having Uber and Lyft open at the same time. The thing is, if you’re working 40 or 50 hours a week with one company, that looks a lot less like a gig and a lot more like full-time employment.”
They are employers, using loopholes to hack the system.
An insightful essay about the downside of the unregulated “sharing” economy.
“When you start a shift driving for Uber, the first thing you do is look for hotspots. Why doesn’t Uber just tell its drivers exactly where rides are needed? Giving direct orders would transform their independent contractors into employees with rights and benefits. … the ride-share app companies want to avoid the responsibilities of being full-blown employers.
Postmates once allowed their drivers to see the details of an order before accepting a job. This was great for couriers because we could estimate how much money we would make on an order. It also meant we could reject bad jobs, which created a situation where it could take a long time—or even be impossible—to find a courier who would accept a low-paying job. Postmates responded by “updating” the app to a “blind system” in which we could still accept or reject jobs, but without enough information to determine whether it would be worth our time or not (e.g., a huge grocery store order).”
This is a one sided contract, with the employee having all the power. Is this fair? Should it be regulated?
It’s beginning to look as if Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Timothy McGinty rigged his Grand Jury proceedings over the Tamir Rice shooting.
Turns out the jury never voted a no-bill.
Turns out they never voted at all.
According to the prosecutor, the jury led by McGinty just informally agreed without bothering to create a public record of their result.
Uh huh.
@51 is that legal? Is it double jeopardy to reopen this?
from what I’ve seen reported about the law in Ohio, as County Prosecutor McGinty has discretion. So it would appear that the grand jury was a political fig leaf, and that this shit is perfectly legal.
Having previously stated in the media that the g.j. had voted a no-bill, McGinty is now claiming that instead the jury agreed (with who? Each other?) the shooting was justified. And since they considered the shooting justified, no further proceedings. As you may know, g.j. proceedings are sealed. Disclosure is a criminal offense. So we may never know how things unfolded.
Double jeopardy? I dunno. But to even get to that you’d first have to get the County Prosecutor out of the way. I don’t see that happening.
You or I jump the curb, drive up into a playground, jump out and shoot a twelve year old and a prosecutor asks a g.j. for a bill of indictment. It’s just that simple. No preliminaries needed.
But things are obviously different if you wear blue.
Ammon Bundy’s rump republic in Oregon has a new name:
The Cowliphate.
@38 “‘So far, all roads lead to Lansing when it comes to accountability,’ Democratic U.S. Rep. Dan Kildee, who represents the Flint area, said Wednesday. …
“Famed environmental activist Erin Brokovich told CNN the city’s emergency manager and the governor should be held responsible. ‘We gave them a protocol a year ago as well on exactly how to avoid this disaster and they did not want to listen,’ she said.”
Let the chips fall.
@41 “I could also easily assign blame on the need to go adventuring in Iraq because something in league with Al Qaeda something WMD something something Saddam aided 9-11.”
This is why we have to elect people capable of keeping facts straight, no matter how much we may dislike them for other reasons. We already have enough veterans with PTSD. We don’t need more.
@45 What? You don’t expect Palin to spend her millions on her son’s mental health needs, do you? I think you misoverestimated her. Besides, there’s no cure for having a crazy mother.
@46 Conservative principles dictate profiting from it. Someone is selling a lot of bottled water right now.
Public Education is a communist plot!
Once upon a time, years ago when I was in my 20’s, I used this exact line, repeatedly in discussions with the cognitively deficient neonazi conservative folks I came in contact with. I was being facetious, they would call me crazy for accusing them of believing that.
Now we know otherwise don’t we. It’s only a matter of time before you start seeing the TeaBaggists throwing firebombs into schools and libraries. It’s what they’ve always done before.
“Universal education is the most corroding and disintegrating
poison that liberalism has ever invented for its own destruction.”
– Adolf Hitler, “Mein Kampf ”
Same as it ever was.
@52 A grand jury decision is not an acquittal, and double jeopardy doesn’t apply to grand juries, just as a prosecutor’s decision to not file charges doesn’t preclude doing so in the future.
so all that needs to be done is to convince a large enough proportion of a generally supremacist white majority population in the county to elect a write-in candidate.
As confident as I am of that potential, I’m equally confident that McGinty plodding along with the g.j. until just after the filing deadline is a coincidence.
He’s sharp as a tack!
He’s an intellectual heavy weight!
He worked his way through Ivy League schools to graduate on top!
He’s argued cases in front of the Supreme Court!
He let his family’s health insurance lapse.
You are flat out lying, again. The EPA did do its job, it informed local and State officials of the problem.
Puddy loves it when the vomit producer drops his smelly farts…
PuddyCommentariat: So she resigned. If the EPA was free and clear why did she resign vomit man? And why did the state take over the city finances of all these DUMMOCRETIN run cities?
Yeah, we all know the answer. DUMMOCRETINS in power are TOXIC to your health!
Got a call from a friend and co-worker this morning at work today, just to really say hello, but he first comment to me was about Hillary Clinton – and something to do about something she posted on her Facebook account that had to do with classified information. I told him I knew nothing, that I hadn’t heard about it, and then I told him I didn’t care, regardless. He went on about how dishonest she was. my response was, and who isn’t? He couldn’t answer. He’s from Ohio, and his choice of a candidate is Kaisch, whom I wouldn’t choose but i wouldn’t be unhappy with if a Democrat lost, and I’ve told him that and he knows it.
In past discussions with him, I’ve offered to him that I’ve never liked Rahm Emanuel. Something about the gut that I don’t like from the first day I’ve heard about him, although on occasion I’ve probably agreed with him on positions. I didn’t like him even before Obama became President and Emanuel was part of his campaign for President. And I kind of like the guy less today. One day, my friend, asked me if it was a choice between Emanuel or Kasich for President would I vote for Kasich. And I told him probably, yes, Kaisch.
Typically, if it was something that I knew about and could offer a different perspective, something that was opposite to the hysteria knee jerk reaction that conservative have about anything a democrat does, like Ebola, etc., etc., etc. But this time I said I don’t give a shit if she is dishonest and whatever bad she’s done in the past.
Now, my friend, who says he’s an independent, and complains more about Democrats than Republicans, he pretty much gives them a free pass, unless you really drill him, and he can’t defend them, says he voted for Obama twice.
So this morning I said to him after his complaint, why do you care you would never voter for her. And he said, well we will end up with Trump, and it will be her fault. I ten said that that will be his problem and not mine and again I said I don’t give a shit. I told him that it is the fault of all the Republicans of why we even have a Trump and not one viable good Republican candidate and he should blame his own beloved assholes.
I truly think the response to a Republican (or Independent) crying about Hillary is – who gives shit. And that you could care less if she actually was convicted of murder.
I mean we have one Candidate that claims he stabbed a relative and he’s proud of it because it God turned him around. And he also believes in grain silos in Egypt, and not one Republican supported had to respond to that.
We have Marco Rubio who supported and helped out his Brother-in-law drug dealer, and not one of his supporters had to answer for that.
We have three of the candidate sit with a pastor at a fundraiser for them and listen to the guy calling about killing of gay people, right after the San Bernadino killings that we all have to be so against, and not one of their supporters had to answer to it.
We have Republicans candidates (probably all of them) who deny climate change, and the freedom to marry who you want, and not one of their supporters have to answer to it.
On, and on, an on – Illegal raping Mexicans, all Muslims are killers, etc., etc., etc., and not one of their supporters has to answer to all the hate and divisiveness.
So, I say fuck it. Hillary could be a committed killer who served 10 years in jail, and I say to them I don’t give a shit. Try it. It stops them in their tracks, and you don’t have to waste your time debating them. Actually, I think I’ve seen a news clip with a Trump supporter being asked a similar question that questioned Trump’s character, and the answer was the same, that she didn’t care.
This is the way to go – tell them that you don’t fucking give a shit. And if Martin O’Malley was caught on a public bus masturbating – all the more reason to vote for the guy!
@64 – you are the smelly fart. you are even the same color as the smelly fart.
Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Timothy McGinty wasn’t endorsed by the Cuyahoga County Democratic Party either!
No Republican candidate filed in the race, so the Democratic nominee is likely to become prosecutor. AGAIN!
Cuyahoga County, one of R senile’s favorite places. You can google search R senile’s Cuyahoga County prognostications or you could ask the clueless crazed databaze cretin. His search prowess is unparalleled here on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
I found a pretty useful tick tock that details the history of the decision process for the Flint poisoning.
Although Mich. Public Radio had originally prepared this for a comprehensive documentary they were doing, most of the content was edited out. The producers concluded that it was fairly irrelevant since it was ultimately the state DEQ’s responsibility to ensure safe drinking water. That’s actually true everywhere, not just in Michigan. Federal Clean Water Act. Another one of those “unfunded mandates” the trolls bitch about.
Anyway, it becomes quite clear that the decision to pump from the Flint River was entirely down to the Guv’s appointed money stooge. And that what prompted the decision was absolutely a desire to cut costs.
Michigan Radio?
You mean DUMMOCRETIN Radio NPR! They are pining for a Michigan DUMMOCRETIN legislature sweep in 2016!
Heilary is still using that evasive email answer! She did not send or receive marked as classified materials. The latest is now “marked”. Yet her server had emails containing documents even the Intelligence community leaders in Congress would have needed additional security clearances for. Above Top Secret materials on this server!
The IG was appointed by Obummer! No wonder why she deleted the emails on the server and hoped no one would find them.
Now I see Trump is saying “The Establshment” isn’t bad.
Thanks Crud.
Man republicans can get their supporters to eat shit after convincing them that the shit doesn’t taste good. The American public is pretty stupid. Nothing but silliness. This is what happens when you don’t have any ideas or plan on governing anything.
Teabaggers Teabaggers Again. These people should all be deported to some fucking other place, maybe that 9th planet that was just discovered.
Well I just listened to Trumps Presser. Sounded much more respectable than his rallies.
Maybe I should give him a little advice – he should stick to just press conferences than rallies, he would get more support.
“You mean DUMMOCRETIN Radio NPR! They are pining for a Michigan DUMMOCRETIN legislature sweep in 2016!”
Republicans just poisoned the citizens of Flint and will probably end up killing more school children than all the school shooters combined, and in what’s left the loon’s mind, that means Democrats are scum. Of course, the loon still thinks he’s the fucking disinfectant who’s going to kill all the scum posting here at HA.
Who needs ISIS when wingnut terrorists can’t be fucking happy unless the Americans they hate are dead or dying, even their kids?
“Oregon ranchers who sparked standoff threatened to wrap official’s son in barbed wire and drown him”
The GOP has become nothing but a death cult.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present you with the current state of the Republican Party:
“National Review … will publish a special issue on Friday opposing Donald Trump’s bid for the presidency …. The issue … comes as conservative pundits and GOP leaders debate which of the two leading Republican candidates — Trump and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz — poses the greater threat to the party.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!!! Who ever would have thought it would come to this! The GOP grassroots finally figured out who’s been fucking them over for the last 35 years! And now, the GOP has an anti-oligarch mob on its hands! HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!!!
@73 “Of course, the loon still thinks he’s the fucking disinfectant who’s going to kill all the scum posting here at HA.”
We’re all still here, so he must be buying the Chinese counterfeit stuff.
I really do believe the FBI is going about this the right way in Harney County.
I know it’s frustrating. But these folks and their supporters are absolutely obsessed with violent confrontation. They fantasize about it nearly constantly. And it’s really too bad for the local community. After all, the more hard work and progress that land managers and wildlife managers have to sacrifice to these cowpussy domestic terrorists, the less flexibility they have in dealing with local land users. It’s really just a tragedy for the local community born out of the selfish vanity of outsiders.
But it would be a whole lot worse for Harney County and for all the other BLM and Refuge neighbors if these death cultists got their wish for a blood soaked Armageddon.
If that were to happen I’m worried we’d see this same kind of thing repeat itself over and over again all over the country. So let’s just be patient and let the FBI do their thing,document the fuck out of these idiots, wait the poseurs out, and lock ’em up one by one in a year or two. No hurry at this point in time.
@74 well it looks likes we are stuck with Trump. They must really hate Crud. He caused the whole problem that the Republicsn Party had today. And Crud has a problem with his citizenship.
What I don’t get is Sarah Palin. She, along with Crud, caused the whole problem with their party.
We are stuck with her too. Which is just as bad as having been stuck with Crud. Thank God he is gone. I do t think I could fathom ever having him as a president and hopefully his father dies off quick now, and I mean literally die.
RNC Ditches ‘National Review’ For Insulting Trump
The defeat of Ted Crud and everything associated with it, or the rise and fall(too early to say that? I dont think so) of it, is the greatest political story of our lifetime.
Yeah, because this is how every coder active felt Capitalism and not communism or socialism should work.
This is truly an upside down world. Maybe it needed to be. But I say it only gets more fucked up from here.
I’m sure the duck isn’t suggesting to force them but what he will say he is saying that we need to make the business climate here more palatable to make apple make shit here. Drill baby drill for lower wages and no taxes.
How nice. A little part of Somolia right in the middle of America.
We do have bigger issues than global warming.
I’m glad Pres. Obama isn’t doing anything about this, I hope the next Pres. has to deal with it.
Why didn’t Obama raise Palin’s son better?