DeadlyShoe: When did your melanin kick in so you can speak for blacks? When did your hair turn kinky curly? Oh it didn’t? Well then don’t talk for black people cuz you ain’t black.
I bet you are one of those who despise us in the winter but want to get that dark tan to be just like us in color in the summer.
Democratic balcks are the real racists because they support a bunch of white guys running a regime of do nothingness for blacks in the inner city. While you are spouting off so much DeadlyShoe, please tell us what great programs the 40 year Democratic controlled Congress put in place to help my people? What great programs did the Democratic Congress pass to help inner city poverty? What great programs did the Democratic Congress pass to keep young black men in school? Oh, yes, I could ask many more questions DeadlyShoe but why waste my energy on you toadstool?
I’m waiting for those smart answers from your pea-brain DeadlyShoe… What a dipshit.
write to the P-I and give ’em the link to the Stranger story.
This is the problem David Brock outlines in the Republican Noise Machine. Once the Rethugs can get a “credible” organization like the AP to repeat something they score a huge victory. The AP reprints Hutcherson’s lies and the P-I reporter, Iwasaki, treats it as credible info.
Check out the fake “sex offender notification” mail piece by the Speaker’s Roundtable, this one against Rep. Deb Wallace, D-Vancouver. Image on-line and available at
Your comment is utterly irrelevant to the issue I raise, which is the conduct of the Speaker’s Roundtable, a political action committee in Washington state.
You get a postcard in the mail that says “sex offender notification” and you’re going to think it’s from the government.
But it’s too late for you. The story is out there, and it’s possible that the GOP finally went too far. Good luck defending this one.
Very yucky, Jon. GOP SOP though, just taken to somewhat of an extreme.
GS- They don’t need nor want you to speak for them.
GS. What is your opinion? Did you ever study US History? Hillary saying that the R’s political methodology is like a ‘plantation’ is actually very TRUE. No conversations with anyone but themselves, they make all the rules, they play by a different set of rules, they are omnipotent in their own eyes, they are above the law, they get their own tax breaks…need I go on. The US Congress, last bastion of PLANTATION like authority by the RebupliCONS
Proud to be an Assspews:
Is it therefore OK for other mayor’s to call for “Vanilla” Cities?
Comment by GS— 1/21/06 @ 1:06 am
Not really. Since we already have plenty of them, it seems rather pointless.
Is it therefore OK for other mayor’s to call for “Vanilla” Cities?
Agree 100% Proud to be an Ass. But the one thing that the RepubliCONS do not remember…. is he apologized for an ‘incorrect’ statement. Hillary has no need to apologize for her comments.
(Damn, you are up early!)
Thank goodness for Senator Clinton calling the racist republicans on the carpet for their “plantation” style of management. Congrats to her. While the extremely retarded – extreme right wing have tried (as usual) to turn this around on her, Senator Clinton has told the truth and it had big impact on the audience that the GOP was hoping to woo. The blacks will never be republican voters. They know the GOP is the party of Hitler, the party of hate and the party of the KKK.
Daddy Lovespews:
I think Nagin was way off base with his “chocolate” and “god wants it that way” comments, because of their too-obvious offensive potential. I don’t know if I’d call it racist for a black man to use the term chocolate or to express the opinion/wish for what was a majority black city to return to that proportion. DC has been known by its majority black residents as the Chocolate City for decades. Nagin’s comment could easily have been a mere wish for the city’s recovery. And don’t think that the LA GOP wouldn’t prefer the city and state to be much less black from now on.
Hillary, on the other hand, used a “code word.” Nothing wrong with that, one just needs to be aware of what she’s sayiong by using it. As we can understand what Reagan and Bush meant when they talked about “states rights” (white supremacy) in the South, Hillary was saying that the GOP has become the party of the Massa and is aligned with the whites who do not believe in black equality. I think she’s more or less right, and black voters sure as hell know what she means. Although they didn’t really need her to tell them, they love to hear someone prominent say it out loud.
I love the libs excusing Mayor Ray [Chocolate City] and Queen Bitch Hillary [Plantation]. They love KKK Byrd [Nigger], but Trent Lott needs to resign!! Classic!! Democrats: idiots!!!
Mark The Redneckspews:
Hey I think I know where we can find Bin Laden. Feds should go to Hyannisport and arrest Ted The Swimmer. OBL’s video this week had all the same crap that The Swimmer says. They must be the same guy.
If that’s not it, then maybe The Smartest Woman In The World is OBL in drag. You think?
Mark The Redneckspews:
Left and Daddy – Do you think Murka would be a better place if the whole country was run like Nawlins?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Excuse me, GS, but you GOP ratfuckers are responsible for 99.8% of the political slime going around these days. Don’t try to pawn your side’s subhuman behavior off on the Democrats. This kind of crap is strictly a Republican show. Fuck you and your ilk!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Clumsy, MTR, very clumsy. Try again.
Roger Rabbitspews:
12 et al.
The blacks understand what Hillary means by “plantation;” the problem is, most whites don’t. Republicans not only want to bring back black slavery, but they want to put chains on white workers, too. They won’t be satisfied until monarchy is restored, and the rest of us are all indentured serfs.
Roger Rabbitspews:
That’s why liberals must arm. If these ratfuckers go too far, we may have to take them out.
Roger Rabbitspews:
MTR — how about if you go live happily ever after in Murka, and leave our America alone?
For the Cluelessspews:
All these wingnuts have the same talking point stategy. OBL releases a tape, the wingers say he sounds like a Dem or a lefty. This distracts from the total absolute failure of the Shrub policies that have loaded 3 trillion more debt on us and our kids not to mention all the dead bodies and missing body parts.
I wonder where they get their talking point orders from?
Particle Manspews:
RR- Do rabbits have opposable thumbs? Cuz its hard to hold a gun without them. I know I had mine removed. This also helps me from making a fist. Hitchhiking is a bitch though.
Some of you good people need to go listen to P-Funk w/ George Clinton– Chocolate City indeed. It is interesting that so many immediately took the comment to mean a city for african americans, rather than a city of racially mixed people as the original phrase (actually in the press conference that following the mayor made that exact point) and song suggested decades ago. Seattle is a chocolate city as are most of the US’s great metropolitan regions. Maybe he should have said Neopolitan??
And i am w/ GS on this one. Let us call out to those “Vanilla” Cities; last time i checked my vanilla tree seed pods and the extracts made from them, they were pretty dark brown. OOOHH wait, GS meant “vanilla ice cream” cities. Nevermind.
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
I wonder, is GS priss in drag? Or if they are two, who gets the top “bunk”?
The Democrats prove once again that they side with our enemies first.
Bob Schieffer: Osama bin Laden Used John Kerry’s Talking Points
9/11 mastermind Osama bin Laden may have borrowed some of Sen. John Kerry’s talking points for the audiotaped message he released on Thursday – veteran CBS newsman Bob Schieffer said Saturday.
Asked whether bin Laden had expressed “almost the same” sentiments that Kerry did during an appearance on Schieffer’s “Face the Nation” broadcast in December, the CBS anchorman told WABC Radio’s Mark Simone: “Well, he did. That’s exactly right.”
Back then, Kerry complained to Schieffer: “There is no reason that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids.”
In his message, bin Laden also complained that the U.S. was terrorizing Iraqi innocents, saying that “the oppressive measures adopted by the U.S. Army and its agents” show “there is no difference between this criminality and Saddam’s criminality, as it has reached the degree of raping women and taking them as hostages instead of their husbands.”
Schieffer said he wasn’t sure whether bin Laden was consciously borrowing from Kerry, but he added it was possible.
“You can never know about things like that,” he told Simone. “But these people seem to have tremendous access. And television being what it is, and now with satellites and so forth, these things go all over the world. Perhaps he did.”
One thing is for sure, a vote for the democrats is a vote for Al-Qaeda.
RR, Do you live in a “Chocolate City”? If, not, why not? Are you a racist?
Byrd [“Nigger”]/Hillary [“Plantation”] 2008!! And ABC, CBS, NBC, LA Times, NY Time, San Fran Cronicle, and the Wash Post will all scream that Trent Lott is a racist!!!
For the Cluelessspews:
a vote for the democrats is a vote for Al-Qaeda.
Right on cue jaybo with the latest NewsWacks talking point. A check in the amount of 10 cents from the RNC is on its way.
There’s just no limit to the depths you wingnuts will descend.
KKK Byrd/”Plantation” [You KNOW what I mean!]Hillary 2008. Donna Brazille [“Don’t let the white boys win!] will manage their campaign!! Sheala Jackson Lee [“Move the Mars rover over to where the astronauts left the flag!”] can be the NSA!!!!
Roger Rabbit Can be the Lanny Davis [Clinton suck up!].
Marion Berry can head the DEA!!!
Jaybo, you are ABSOLUTELY correct. How come Jesse Jackson
doesn’t bitch about the fact that there are not enough white
players in the NFL. I played football in 9th grade. I need
some reparations. We need a white entertainment channel also.
Al-Qaeda Kerry!! [Gee, they talk and sound the same!!!] a vote for the democrats is a vote for Al-Qaeda.
Right on cue jaybo with the latest NewsWacks talking point. A check in the amount of 10 cents from the RNC is on its way.
There’s just no limit to the depths you wingnuts will descend.
Comment by For the Clueless — 1/21/06 @ 11:58 am
Do you think the Marin County dad who is begging for his traitor son to be pardoned is a Democrat or Republican? [Are there ANY Republicans in Marin County?]
Did New Orleans blacks really eat each other 48 hours aftyer Katrina? [Does one use A1 sauce or Heinz 57 sauce when eating one’s neighbor?]
For the Cluelessspews:
Jaybo votes for lies, debt, dead bodies and amputations. Evil makes him feel warm and secure.
You are a fucking retard. White people OWN the teams, douchebag.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“RR- Do rabbits have opposable thumbs? Cuz its hard to hold a gun without them. I know I had mine removed. This also helps me from making a fist. Hitchhiking is a bitch though.”
Try sticking out your dick. Some horny chick might pick you up.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Republicans must love Osama, because they keep letting him get away.
Particle Manspews:
Ouch. No sense of humor has RR
Roger Rabbitspews:
Au contraire, I think it’s funny that Republicans, who love to call liberals “traitors,” turned out to be traitors.
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
J-Hole@25 I think Preznit Bumbler has Osama’s sat-phone on speed-dial. When he need more wing-nut talking points he just calls him up.
“We need a white entertainment channel also.”
Start one up, mark. No one is stopping you.
Congratulations to NBC and FOX(wow) in the Houston area for having the courage to stand up to DeLay! They will begin airing the ‘advertisement’ concerning DeLay and his corruption on Sunday. The NBC affiliate decided to ask their viewers whether to run the spot or not. Viewers heavily supported the airing of the spot (73% of 2360 through an internet survey) It is rather amazing that FOX has decided to run it. I wonder what happened. Maybe DeLay didn’t give them enough kickbacks!
The typical lack of objectivity that is exhibited by you moonbats is stunning.
You will never have the ability to comprehend the simple fact that Fox can actually be trying to show both sides of the issues in an attempt to be objective.
I, for one, am not surprised at all the Fox will air something that could take a critical look at Rep. Delay. They do it all the time.
I find it especially humorous that you moonbats are actually thinking about attacking CNN for making an attempt to show two sides of an issue by giving air time to conservative perspectives.
If all of you are really the “purveyors of truth”, what are you afraid of?
If you maintain your beliefs on superstitions and fables, then I guess I can understand your feelings. Funny how the truth has a way of cutting through the BS, isn’t it…………
You must not watch FOX news, they run “liberal” commercials all the time. They also have “liberal” commentators on shows all the time, every day…….
There are black Republicans in high places, despite the fact that only 10% of the black population is Republican. Who are the prominent Democrat blacks, as 90% of blacks are Democrats? Democrats prefer to keep them on the plantation, in the welfare line, whatever.
For the Cluelessspews:
“liberal” commercials
They’ll take money from anyone especially liberals – less money for liberals to spend on their agenda. Money and power means everything to Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes.
“liberal” commentators
Pffft. Anyone who stammers and looks squirelly (Colmes) or is totally irrelevant (Caddell, Estrich) or a freak (van Susteren the Scientologist). Bottom line these so called “liberals” embarrass themselves and act as punching bags for the money.
They are vichy liberals allowed to play to script for pay from a corrupt right-wing propaganda organ.
For the Cluelessspews:
Fox can actually be trying to show both sides of the issues
A local affiliate in Houston? Probably the same impact as doing the same in Seattle. If it is a local affiliate then they’re only playing to their audience. I hear even the people in DeLay’s district are about to toss that bugman on his ass.
In which case, the right-wing noise machine will cut DeLay loose for the good of the “cause”.
For the clueless,
Actually I was talking about Bob Bechel, the silver headed guy who cracks me up, but I can’t think of his name right now. They also have a female named Mary who slams the Bush Administration every time she’s on………..
There are black Republicans in high places, despite the fact that only 10% of the black population is Republican. Who are the prominent Democrat blacks, as 90% of blacks are Democrats? Democrats prefer to keep them on the plantation, in the welfare line, whatever.
It is GOP SOP to recruit people of a minority to bash that minority.
Michelle Malkin says internment was a good thing; these GOP blacks say Democrats are the real racists… ad nauseam.
Imagine that, the Leon County (FLORIDA) elections supervisor has asked ‘hackers’ to break into his Diebold voting machines and see if they can change the results. Not once but on four separate occasions in the past year. And guess what, each time they could break the system and change the results with no one knowing. The last time he had 8 people vote on a question: Can Diebold machines be hacked? Actual votes 2 yes and 6 no. The final result when they opened the machines and tabulated: 7 yes and 1 no. For story go to:
Maybe that’s how GWB pulled such a surprise in 2000!
Maybe that’s how Gregoire pulled such a scam in 2004!
Those amazing Diebold counting machines in King County that go home with Democrat poll judges and are ran by Democrat workers in KCRE!
Mark The Redneckspews:
“We’ve got to ask, why is this man so popular around the world? Why are people so supportive of him in many countries that are riddled with poverty? He’s been out in these countries for decades, building schools, building roads, building infrastructure, building day care facilities, building health care facilities, and the people are extremely grateful. We haven’t done that.”
Dimbulb on OBM. We should be proud of her…
Deadly Shoe @ 52,
A perfect example of those “fables” I referenced earlier.
Condi said it best when she responded to someone asking her about others questioning her ethnicity. She responding to the question by saying; “I don’t need anyone to tell me how to be black”.
In truth, it is the new racism that is now a part of the liberal mindset. If you are a minority you have to be monolithic in your thinking or you are a traitor to your race.
I believe that any ethnic group should be deeply offended by this thinking. Notice how deadly shoe (and the rest of them) never say that whites are traitors to their race because they don’t think alike.
Like I said, it’s the new racism and it’s all radical leftists that promote it.
Bad day for liberals in Canada. If america hating doesn’t work there, why do the liberal elites think it will work here?
“Maybe that’s how Gregoire pulled such a scam in 2004! Those amazing Diebold counting machines in King County that go home with Democrat poll judges and are ran by Democrat workers in KCRE!”
Mac, you’ve just marked yourself as either (a) a complete idiot, or (b) a shameless liar (your choice).
1. King County uses paper ballots. PAPER BALLOTS. Got that? This fact is significant.
2. Every one of those paper ballots was counted by hand in the 2004 governor’s race — not once, but at least 3 times (by 3 different counting teams), and many 5 or 6 times.
3. The hand counting process worked this way. A Democrat counted the ballots, wrote his total on a piece of paper, and handed it to the official recorder (a county employee). A Republican did the same thing. Unless their counts agreed exactly, the count was thrown out, and the precinct was recounted. This process was repeated for every precinct at least 3 times, by different teams, and all the counts had to agree. Mac — that hand count was not off by even 1 vote.
Now tell me again how the Democrats stole the election by rigging the counting machines? You don’t know what you’re talking about.
Oh yeah, one more thing — the difference between the three counts was that each count added more ballots the Diebold machines failed to read. The number of miscounted votes — i.e., votes that changed from Rossi to Gregoire or vice versa — was virtually non-existent, almost zero.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Jaybo – Racism, fear, hate, envy, greed, intolerance…. that’s what librulism is all about. They have cornered the market on all those things…
Roger Rabbitspews:
Next, Mac or one of the other GOP shills will reassert the false GOP claim that military voters were disenfranchised. To head this off at the pass, let me reiterated that of more than 14,000 military/overseas ballots cast in King County, only 16 were disqualified for arriving late, and none of these are definitely known to have been military votes. They all could have been civilians living overseas.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Broken record. Somebody turn off the damn machine. Just pull the plug on that background noise.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I see Redneck is projecting again this morning. He must have put LSD in his coffee.
For the Cluelessspews:
america hating – jaybo and MTR’s code word for the slightest antipathy towards the horrible failure of Bush’s policies.
Any sane person would react in total disgust to what Bush has done to this country but not jaybo and MTR!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Wonder how willing those conservative Canadian voters will be to send Canadian soldiers to Iraq to help us out?
Wonder how willing those conservative Canadian voters will be to resolve outstanding trade disputes on U.S. terms?
Wonder how willing those conservative Canadian voters will be to give up their universal health care, accept lower wages, open their doors to a flood of cheap-labor immigrants?
Wonder how willing those conservative Canadian voters will be to repeal Canada’s gun control laws? (Private individuals can’t own handguns there.)
What jaybo doesn’t realize is that a Canadian “conservative” is almost indistinguishable from an American Democrat.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Canada simply doesn’t have right-wing rednecks who promote war, personal greed, ignorance, and Taliban government. Canadian conservatives would never elect a Bush. They’re smarter than half of the U.S. population.
Which policy are you referring to as a failure? The economy is great, unemployment is low, virtually no terrorist attacks have happened in the US since 911, Saddam is standing trial for his crimes…which policy has failed?
“we need more taxes and more government until the private sector just quits!” Roger Rabbit [Atlas has Shrugged]
For the Cluelessspews:
UpChuck @ 66
Where do I start? First let’s start with YOU. You were wrong on the election contest and wrong about I-912. Couldn’t you ever ask yourself if you’re wrong about Bush?
1) A failure on the economy. The economy produced over 200 thousand jobs a month under Clinton’s watch – Bush a tenth of that – a little over 20 thousand. Not nearly enough jobs to meet the demands of those entering the workforce. The unemployment figure is misleading. Millions of people have given up looking for work. What has taken up the slack? Debt. American families routinely use home equity debt to make ends meet which will blow up in their faces when interest rates rise. The only areas of job growth are housing, health care and government (over a million jobs grew in government under Bush’s watch, really conservative huh?). See the Dow Jones lately? Not a very good vote of confidence in the future.
2) A failure on national security. Terrorism was Clinton’s top priority as he left office. Bush wanted a Star Wars system. The result: 9/11 on Bush’s watch. He went into Iraq on a trumped up threat from WMD which evaporated – his real reason is that he wanted a huge American police station in the Middle East to safeguard oil supplies for globalization.
3) A failure in Iraq. Iraq is steadily descending into civil war and sectarian violence. Saddam is gone but it’s a total delusion that Iraq is going to magically transform into an American-style democracy unless you believe everything you see on Faux News. As for Afghanistan, last I heard, it was backsliding.
As a result of braindead economic and national security policies, America is 3 trillion more in the hole, over 2000 men and women in uniform are dead and thousands more are missing body parts. The future is highly uncertain. The housing bubble is going to blow any moment if it hasn’t started already. Corruption is so rampant even the Bush DOJ is too busy to keep up.
As for no terrorist attacks on Bush’s watch – almost all Jihadis who sign up for Al Qaeda can’t speak a freakin’ word of English. The 9/11 attackers all had English and now we’re looking for them to the point of turning away muslim students from studying in this county. Any idiot could do that.
Everywhere you look failure, failure, failure.
It takes time to heal someone from the mental disease called liberalism. Be patient and give it some time.
For the Cluelessspews:
Mental disease? – jaybo’s sick from listening to Savage-Weiner.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Jaybo – But they first have to admit that librulism is a disease. And then they have to admit the infection. Then they can seek treatment. The treatment is tough sometimes, because you have to have the courage to find and understand the truth. Most of them lack the strong moral character required to heal.
As a book seller,
I just cannot get enough of the book titles “Do Gooders” or my personal favorite “Do As I Say (Not As I Do) : Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy” I’m ordering more shelves!
Keep up your “do gooder” and “hyprocrisy” BS folks you are making me rich!
For the Cluelessspews:
(G)aseous (S)h*thead,
Wow you must be the only bookseller in these parts to carry every wingnut title from Regnery – they churn them out like sausages, cribbing chapter titles from RNC talking points.
No actually I have not ever carried such books until recently, because no matter which side wrote them they had no long lasting value. That is not true now, and I will carry what has value.
Before you Clueless attempt to tell me what I carry, and how to make my business work in your tax happy climate, get a F’n clue
and finally GO SEAHAWKS
Congratulations, Seahawks! What a stomping after being dismissed as pretenders…
Congratulations seahawks! Happy that Capitalism is still alive somewhere in this liberal town!
Now go get me in Detroit!
Mark The Redneckspews:
Now that the Seahawks have finally “arrived” and stadium sellouts and TV are garnteed for many years, will Paul Allen repay the generous gifts given to him by the taxpayers for that fucking stadium?
Prolly not…
No, unfortunately he will not, no more so then Queen Christine, when the 1.8 Billion dollar surplus came in. They are two peas in a pod! they will kepp it and spend it all, and then come back for more!
Mark The Redneckspews:
Gs – Yeah, And by the beliefs of librulism that makes us “greedy”.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Let’s take it out of his parking revenues.
Roger Rabbitspews:
76 (continued)
At fifty bucks a pop, that shouldn’t take very long.
Roger Rabbitspews:
77, 78
I take it, then, you Republicans are going to combat greed by not raising the prices of:
a. food
b. medical care
c. gasoline
d. heating fuels
e. housing
f. everything else
Seems like Michael Moore doesn’t share your perspective on the conservative movement in Canada.
Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 9:39 a.m. EST
Michael Moore Fears ‘Canadian Bush’
Anti-American propagandist Michael Moore weighed in on the Canadian election Friday night on his Web site.
Moore lamented the predicted success of Stephen Harper’s Conservative Party in Monday’s election and urged Canadians not to vote for the candidate who shares George Bush’s worldview.
“These are no ordinary times,” Moore proclaimed. “And as you go to the polls on Monday, you do so while a man running the nation to the south of you is hoping you can lend him a hand by picking Stephen Harper because he’s a man who shares his world view?”
“Do you really want to help George Bush by turning Canada into his latest conquest?” Moore asked.
For the Cluelessspews:
(G)aseous (S)hithead @ 75:
I’ll tell you whatever I feel like. You’ve been coming here for a long time spewing nonsense, wrong on the election contest, wrong on I-912, wrong on the female-abusing liar Irons Jr.
And wrong on the wingnut propaganda books you stock in your store.
If you don’t like the taxes or regulation here, go to Idaho – that’s a red state paradise, right? (Pun intended!) Oops, they have an income tax. The ultimate definition of hell for wingnuts.
And why are you cheering for the SEATTLE Seahawks? The SEATTLE Seahawks? Oh I get it. You and your pals call them the CASCADIA COUNTY Seahawks. Very reality-based.
DeadlyShoe: When did your melanin kick in so you can speak for blacks? When did your hair turn kinky curly? Oh it didn’t? Well then don’t talk for black people cuz you ain’t black.
I bet you are one of those who despise us in the winter but want to get that dark tan to be just like us in color in the summer.
Democratic balcks are the real racists because they support a bunch of white guys running a regime of do nothingness for blacks in the inner city. While you are spouting off so much DeadlyShoe, please tell us what great programs the 40 year Democratic controlled Congress put in place to help my people? What great programs did the Democratic Congress pass to help inner city poverty? What great programs did the Democratic Congress pass to keep young black men in school? Oh, yes, I could ask many more questions DeadlyShoe but why waste my energy on you toadstool?
I’m waiting for those smart answers from your pea-brain DeadlyShoe… What a dipshit.
pest,adorned Kannada delimiting appeases sterilizes.awoke Bairdi
I see the PI is still saying Hutcherson was on Focus on the Family.
write to the P-I and give ’em the link to the Stranger story.
This is the problem David Brock outlines in the Republican Noise Machine. Once the Rethugs can get a “credible” organization like the AP to repeat something they score a huge victory. The AP reprints Hutcherson’s lies and the P-I reporter, Iwasaki, treats it as credible info.
Rep. Dave Reichert is funtionally retarded. You know, like Corky from Life Goes On. Why so, you say? He doesn’t know what the POW/MIA flag means.
Check out the fake “sex offender notification” mail piece by the Speaker’s Roundtable, this one against Rep. Deb Wallace, D-Vancouver. Image on-line and available at
A new low, even for Republicans.
Talk about lows for democrats?
How about Hillary’s “Plantation” and the Mayor of New Orleans repeated “Chocolate City”
It is time for a bit of outrage on these racist comments.
Is it therefore OK for other mayor’s to call for “Vanilla” Cities?
Your comment is utterly irrelevant to the issue I raise, which is the conduct of the Speaker’s Roundtable, a political action committee in Washington state.
You get a postcard in the mail that says “sex offender notification” and you’re going to think it’s from the government.
But it’s too late for you. The story is out there, and it’s possible that the GOP finally went too far. Good luck defending this one.
Very yucky, Jon. GOP SOP though, just taken to somewhat of an extreme.
GS- They don’t need nor want you to speak for them.
GS. What is your opinion? Did you ever study US History? Hillary saying that the R’s political methodology is like a ‘plantation’ is actually very TRUE. No conversations with anyone but themselves, they make all the rules, they play by a different set of rules, they are omnipotent in their own eyes, they are above the law, they get their own tax breaks…need I go on. The US Congress, last bastion of PLANTATION like authority by the RebupliCONS
Is it therefore OK for other mayor’s to call for “Vanilla” Cities?
Comment by GS— 1/21/06 @ 1:06 am
Not really. Since we already have plenty of them, it seems rather pointless.
Is it therefore OK for other mayor’s to call for “Vanilla” Cities?
Agree 100% Proud to be an Ass. But the one thing that the RepubliCONS do not remember…. is he apologized for an ‘incorrect’ statement. Hillary has no need to apologize for her comments.
(Damn, you are up early!)
Thank goodness for Senator Clinton calling the racist republicans on the carpet for their “plantation” style of management. Congrats to her. While the extremely retarded – extreme right wing have tried (as usual) to turn this around on her, Senator Clinton has told the truth and it had big impact on the audience that the GOP was hoping to woo. The blacks will never be republican voters. They know the GOP is the party of Hitler, the party of hate and the party of the KKK.
I think Nagin was way off base with his “chocolate” and “god wants it that way” comments, because of their too-obvious offensive potential. I don’t know if I’d call it racist for a black man to use the term chocolate or to express the opinion/wish for what was a majority black city to return to that proportion. DC has been known by its majority black residents as the Chocolate City for decades. Nagin’s comment could easily have been a mere wish for the city’s recovery. And don’t think that the LA GOP wouldn’t prefer the city and state to be much less black from now on.
Hillary, on the other hand, used a “code word.” Nothing wrong with that, one just needs to be aware of what she’s sayiong by using it. As we can understand what Reagan and Bush meant when they talked about “states rights” (white supremacy) in the South, Hillary was saying that the GOP has become the party of the Massa and is aligned with the whites who do not believe in black equality. I think she’s more or less right, and black voters sure as hell know what she means. Although they didn’t really need her to tell them, they love to hear someone prominent say it out loud.
I love the libs excusing Mayor Ray [Chocolate City] and Queen Bitch Hillary [Plantation]. They love KKK Byrd [Nigger], but Trent Lott needs to resign!! Classic!! Democrats: idiots!!!
Hey I think I know where we can find Bin Laden. Feds should go to Hyannisport and arrest Ted The Swimmer. OBL’s video this week had all the same crap that The Swimmer says. They must be the same guy.
If that’s not it, then maybe The Smartest Woman In The World is OBL in drag. You think?
Left and Daddy – Do you think Murka would be a better place if the whole country was run like Nawlins?
Excuse me, GS, but you GOP ratfuckers are responsible for 99.8% of the political slime going around these days. Don’t try to pawn your side’s subhuman behavior off on the Democrats. This kind of crap is strictly a Republican show. Fuck you and your ilk!
Clumsy, MTR, very clumsy. Try again.
12 et al.
The blacks understand what Hillary means by “plantation;” the problem is, most whites don’t. Republicans not only want to bring back black slavery, but they want to put chains on white workers, too. They won’t be satisfied until monarchy is restored, and the rest of us are all indentured serfs.
That’s why liberals must arm. If these ratfuckers go too far, we may have to take them out.
MTR — how about if you go live happily ever after in Murka, and leave our America alone?
All these wingnuts have the same talking point stategy. OBL releases a tape, the wingers say he sounds like a Dem or a lefty. This distracts from the total absolute failure of the Shrub policies that have loaded 3 trillion more debt on us and our kids not to mention all the dead bodies and missing body parts.
I wonder where they get their talking point orders from?
RR- Do rabbits have opposable thumbs? Cuz its hard to hold a gun without them. I know I had mine removed. This also helps me from making a fist. Hitchhiking is a bitch though.
Some of you good people need to go listen to P-Funk w/ George Clinton– Chocolate City indeed. It is interesting that so many immediately took the comment to mean a city for african americans, rather than a city of racially mixed people as the original phrase (actually in the press conference that following the mayor made that exact point) and song suggested decades ago. Seattle is a chocolate city as are most of the US’s great metropolitan regions. Maybe he should have said Neopolitan??
And i am w/ GS on this one. Let us call out to those “Vanilla” Cities; last time i checked my vanilla tree seed pods and the extracts made from them, they were pretty dark brown. OOOHH wait, GS meant “vanilla ice cream” cities. Nevermind.
I wonder, is GS priss in drag? Or if they are two, who gets the top “bunk”?
The Democrats prove once again that they side with our enemies first.
Bob Schieffer: Osama bin Laden Used John Kerry’s Talking Points
9/11 mastermind Osama bin Laden may have borrowed some of Sen. John Kerry’s talking points for the audiotaped message he released on Thursday – veteran CBS newsman Bob Schieffer said Saturday.
Asked whether bin Laden had expressed “almost the same” sentiments that Kerry did during an appearance on Schieffer’s “Face the Nation” broadcast in December, the CBS anchorman told WABC Radio’s Mark Simone: “Well, he did. That’s exactly right.”
Back then, Kerry complained to Schieffer: “There is no reason that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids.”
In his message, bin Laden also complained that the U.S. was terrorizing Iraqi innocents, saying that “the oppressive measures adopted by the U.S. Army and its agents” show “there is no difference between this criminality and Saddam’s criminality, as it has reached the degree of raping women and taking them as hostages instead of their husbands.”
Schieffer said he wasn’t sure whether bin Laden was consciously borrowing from Kerry, but he added it was possible.
“You can never know about things like that,” he told Simone. “But these people seem to have tremendous access. And television being what it is, and now with satellites and so forth, these things go all over the world. Perhaps he did.”
One thing is for sure, a vote for the democrats is a vote for Al-Qaeda.
RR, Do you live in a “Chocolate City”? If, not, why not? Are you a racist?
Byrd [“Nigger”]/Hillary [“Plantation”] 2008!! And ABC, CBS, NBC, LA Times, NY Time, San Fran Cronicle, and the Wash Post will all scream that Trent Lott is a racist!!!
a vote for the democrats is a vote for Al-Qaeda.
Right on cue jaybo with the latest NewsWacks talking point. A check in the amount of 10 cents from the RNC is on its way.
There’s just no limit to the depths you wingnuts will descend.
KKK Byrd/”Plantation” [You KNOW what I mean!]Hillary 2008. Donna Brazille [“Don’t let the white boys win!] will manage their campaign!! Sheala Jackson Lee [“Move the Mars rover over to where the astronauts left the flag!”] can be the NSA!!!!
Roger Rabbit Can be the Lanny Davis [Clinton suck up!].
Marion Berry can head the DEA!!!
Jaybo, you are ABSOLUTELY correct. How come Jesse Jackson
doesn’t bitch about the fact that there are not enough white
players in the NFL. I played football in 9th grade. I need
some reparations. We need a white entertainment channel also.
Al-Qaeda Kerry!! [Gee, they talk and sound the same!!!] a vote for the democrats is a vote for Al-Qaeda.
Right on cue jaybo with the latest NewsWacks talking point. A check in the amount of 10 cents from the RNC is on its way.
There’s just no limit to the depths you wingnuts will descend.
Comment by For the Clueless — 1/21/06 @ 11:58 am
Do you think the Marin County dad who is begging for his traitor son to be pardoned is a Democrat or Republican? [Are there ANY Republicans in Marin County?]
Did New Orleans blacks really eat each other 48 hours aftyer Katrina? [Does one use A1 sauce or Heinz 57 sauce when eating one’s neighbor?]
Jaybo votes for lies, debt, dead bodies and amputations. Evil makes him feel warm and secure.
@ 27
You are a fucking retard. White people OWN the teams, douchebag.
“RR- Do rabbits have opposable thumbs? Cuz its hard to hold a gun without them. I know I had mine removed. This also helps me from making a fist. Hitchhiking is a bitch though.”
Try sticking out your dick. Some horny chick might pick you up.
Republicans must love Osama, because they keep letting him get away.
Ouch. No sense of humor has RR
Au contraire, I think it’s funny that Republicans, who love to call liberals “traitors,” turned out to be traitors.
J-Hole@25 I think Preznit Bumbler has Osama’s sat-phone on speed-dial. When he need more wing-nut talking points he just calls him up.
“We need a white entertainment channel also.”
Start one up, mark. No one is stopping you.
Congratulations to NBC and FOX(wow) in the Houston area for having the courage to stand up to DeLay! They will begin airing the ‘advertisement’ concerning DeLay and his corruption on Sunday. The NBC affiliate decided to ask their viewers whether to run the spot or not. Viewers heavily supported the airing of the spot (73% of 2360 through an internet survey) It is rather amazing that FOX has decided to run it. I wonder what happened. Maybe DeLay didn’t give them enough kickbacks!
The typical lack of objectivity that is exhibited by you moonbats is stunning.
You will never have the ability to comprehend the simple fact that Fox can actually be trying to show both sides of the issues in an attempt to be objective.
I, for one, am not surprised at all the Fox will air something that could take a critical look at Rep. Delay. They do it all the time.
I find it especially humorous that you moonbats are actually thinking about attacking CNN for making an attempt to show two sides of an issue by giving air time to conservative perspectives.
If all of you are really the “purveyors of truth”, what are you afraid of?
If you maintain your beliefs on superstitions and fables, then I guess I can understand your feelings. Funny how the truth has a way of cutting through the BS, isn’t it…………
You must not watch FOX news, they run “liberal” commercials all the time. They also have “liberal” commentators on shows all the time, every day…….
There are black Republicans in high places, despite the fact that only 10% of the black population is Republican. Who are the prominent Democrat blacks, as 90% of blacks are Democrats? Democrats prefer to keep them on the plantation, in the welfare line, whatever.
“liberal” commercials
They’ll take money from anyone especially liberals – less money for liberals to spend on their agenda. Money and power means everything to Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes.
“liberal” commentators
Pffft. Anyone who stammers and looks squirelly (Colmes) or is totally irrelevant (Caddell, Estrich) or a freak (van Susteren the Scientologist). Bottom line these so called “liberals” embarrass themselves and act as punching bags for the money.
They are vichy liberals allowed to play to script for pay from a corrupt right-wing propaganda organ.
Fox can actually be trying to show both sides of the issues
A local affiliate in Houston? Probably the same impact as doing the same in Seattle. If it is a local affiliate then they’re only playing to their audience. I hear even the people in DeLay’s district are about to toss that bugman on his ass.
In which case, the right-wing noise machine will cut DeLay loose for the good of the “cause”.
For the clueless,
Actually I was talking about Bob Bechel, the silver headed guy who cracks me up, but I can’t think of his name right now. They also have a female named Mary who slams the Bush Administration every time she’s on………..
There are black Republicans in high places, despite the fact that only 10% of the black population is Republican. Who are the prominent Democrat blacks, as 90% of blacks are Democrats? Democrats prefer to keep them on the plantation, in the welfare line, whatever.
It is GOP SOP to recruit people of a minority to bash that minority.
Michelle Malkin says internment was a good thing; these GOP blacks say Democrats are the real racists… ad nauseam.
Imagine that, the Leon County (FLORIDA) elections supervisor has asked ‘hackers’ to break into his Diebold voting machines and see if they can change the results. Not once but on four separate occasions in the past year. And guess what, each time they could break the system and change the results with no one knowing. The last time he had 8 people vote on a question: Can Diebold machines be hacked? Actual votes 2 yes and 6 no. The final result when they opened the machines and tabulated: 7 yes and 1 no. For story go to:
Maybe that’s how GWB pulled such a surprise in 2000!
Maybe that’s how Gregoire pulled such a scam in 2004!
Those amazing Diebold counting machines in King County that go home with Democrat poll judges and are ran by Democrat workers in KCRE!
“We’ve got to ask, why is this man so popular around the world? Why are people so supportive of him in many countries that are riddled with poverty? He’s been out in these countries for decades, building schools, building roads, building infrastructure, building day care facilities, building health care facilities, and the people are extremely grateful. We haven’t done that.”
Dimbulb on OBM. We should be proud of her…
Deadly Shoe @ 52,
A perfect example of those “fables” I referenced earlier.
Condi said it best when she responded to someone asking her about others questioning her ethnicity. She responding to the question by saying; “I don’t need anyone to tell me how to be black”.
In truth, it is the new racism that is now a part of the liberal mindset. If you are a minority you have to be monolithic in your thinking or you are a traitor to your race.
I believe that any ethnic group should be deeply offended by this thinking. Notice how deadly shoe (and the rest of them) never say that whites are traitors to their race because they don’t think alike.
Like I said, it’s the new racism and it’s all radical leftists that promote it.
Bad day for liberals in Canada. If america hating doesn’t work there, why do the liberal elites think it will work here?
“Maybe that’s how Gregoire pulled such a scam in 2004! Those amazing Diebold counting machines in King County that go home with Democrat poll judges and are ran by Democrat workers in KCRE!”
Mac, you’ve just marked yourself as either (a) a complete idiot, or (b) a shameless liar (your choice).
1. King County uses paper ballots. PAPER BALLOTS. Got that? This fact is significant.
2. Every one of those paper ballots was counted by hand in the 2004 governor’s race — not once, but at least 3 times (by 3 different counting teams), and many 5 or 6 times.
3. The hand counting process worked this way. A Democrat counted the ballots, wrote his total on a piece of paper, and handed it to the official recorder (a county employee). A Republican did the same thing. Unless their counts agreed exactly, the count was thrown out, and the precinct was recounted. This process was repeated for every precinct at least 3 times, by different teams, and all the counts had to agree. Mac — that hand count was not off by even 1 vote.
Now tell me again how the Democrats stole the election by rigging the counting machines? You don’t know what you’re talking about.
Oh yeah, one more thing — the difference between the three counts was that each count added more ballots the Diebold machines failed to read. The number of miscounted votes — i.e., votes that changed from Rossi to Gregoire or vice versa — was virtually non-existent, almost zero.
Jaybo – Racism, fear, hate, envy, greed, intolerance…. that’s what librulism is all about. They have cornered the market on all those things…
Next, Mac or one of the other GOP shills will reassert the false GOP claim that military voters were disenfranchised. To head this off at the pass, let me reiterated that of more than 14,000 military/overseas ballots cast in King County, only 16 were disqualified for arriving late, and none of these are definitely known to have been military votes. They all could have been civilians living overseas.
Broken record. Somebody turn off the damn machine. Just pull the plug on that background noise.
I see Redneck is projecting again this morning. He must have put LSD in his coffee.
america hating – jaybo and MTR’s code word for the slightest antipathy towards the horrible failure of Bush’s policies.
Any sane person would react in total disgust to what Bush has done to this country but not jaybo and MTR!
Wonder how willing those conservative Canadian voters will be to send Canadian soldiers to Iraq to help us out?
Wonder how willing those conservative Canadian voters will be to resolve outstanding trade disputes on U.S. terms?
Wonder how willing those conservative Canadian voters will be to give up their universal health care, accept lower wages, open their doors to a flood of cheap-labor immigrants?
Wonder how willing those conservative Canadian voters will be to repeal Canada’s gun control laws? (Private individuals can’t own handguns there.)
What jaybo doesn’t realize is that a Canadian “conservative” is almost indistinguishable from an American Democrat.
Canada simply doesn’t have right-wing rednecks who promote war, personal greed, ignorance, and Taliban government. Canadian conservatives would never elect a Bush. They’re smarter than half of the U.S. population.
Which policy are you referring to as a failure? The economy is great, unemployment is low, virtually no terrorist attacks have happened in the US since 911, Saddam is standing trial for his crimes…which policy has failed?
UpChuck@66 Your “Reality Index” just hit Zero.
“we need more taxes and more government until the private sector just quits!” Roger Rabbit [Atlas has Shrugged]
UpChuck @ 66
Where do I start? First let’s start with YOU. You were wrong on the election contest and wrong about I-912. Couldn’t you ever ask yourself if you’re wrong about Bush?
1) A failure on the economy. The economy produced over 200 thousand jobs a month under Clinton’s watch – Bush a tenth of that – a little over 20 thousand. Not nearly enough jobs to meet the demands of those entering the workforce. The unemployment figure is misleading. Millions of people have given up looking for work. What has taken up the slack? Debt. American families routinely use home equity debt to make ends meet which will blow up in their faces when interest rates rise. The only areas of job growth are housing, health care and government (over a million jobs grew in government under Bush’s watch, really conservative huh?). See the Dow Jones lately? Not a very good vote of confidence in the future.
2) A failure on national security. Terrorism was Clinton’s top priority as he left office. Bush wanted a Star Wars system. The result: 9/11 on Bush’s watch. He went into Iraq on a trumped up threat from WMD which evaporated – his real reason is that he wanted a huge American police station in the Middle East to safeguard oil supplies for globalization.
3) A failure in Iraq. Iraq is steadily descending into civil war and sectarian violence. Saddam is gone but it’s a total delusion that Iraq is going to magically transform into an American-style democracy unless you believe everything you see on Faux News. As for Afghanistan, last I heard, it was backsliding.
As a result of braindead economic and national security policies, America is 3 trillion more in the hole, over 2000 men and women in uniform are dead and thousands more are missing body parts. The future is highly uncertain. The housing bubble is going to blow any moment if it hasn’t started already. Corruption is so rampant even the Bush DOJ is too busy to keep up.
As for no terrorist attacks on Bush’s watch – almost all Jihadis who sign up for Al Qaeda can’t speak a freakin’ word of English. The 9/11 attackers all had English and now we’re looking for them to the point of turning away muslim students from studying in this county. Any idiot could do that.
Everywhere you look failure, failure, failure.
It takes time to heal someone from the mental disease called liberalism. Be patient and give it some time.
Mental disease? – jaybo’s sick from listening to Savage-Weiner.
Jaybo – But they first have to admit that librulism is a disease. And then they have to admit the infection. Then they can seek treatment. The treatment is tough sometimes, because you have to have the courage to find and understand the truth. Most of them lack the strong moral character required to heal.
As a book seller,
I just cannot get enough of the book titles “Do Gooders” or my personal favorite “Do As I Say (Not As I Do) : Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy” I’m ordering more shelves!
Keep up your “do gooder” and “hyprocrisy” BS folks you are making me rich!
(G)aseous (S)h*thead,
Wow you must be the only bookseller in these parts to carry every wingnut title from Regnery – they churn them out like sausages, cribbing chapter titles from RNC talking points.
No actually I have not ever carried such books until recently, because no matter which side wrote them they had no long lasting value. That is not true now, and I will carry what has value.
Before you Clueless attempt to tell me what I carry, and how to make my business work in your tax happy climate, get a F’n clue
and finally GO SEAHAWKS
Congratulations, Seahawks! What a stomping after being dismissed as pretenders…
Congratulations seahawks! Happy that Capitalism is still alive somewhere in this liberal town!
Now go get me in Detroit!
Now that the Seahawks have finally “arrived” and stadium sellouts and TV are garnteed for many years, will Paul Allen repay the generous gifts given to him by the taxpayers for that fucking stadium?
Prolly not…
No, unfortunately he will not, no more so then Queen Christine, when the 1.8 Billion dollar surplus came in. They are two peas in a pod! they will kepp it and spend it all, and then come back for more!
Gs – Yeah, And by the beliefs of librulism that makes us “greedy”.
Let’s take it out of his parking revenues.
76 (continued)
At fifty bucks a pop, that shouldn’t take very long.
77, 78
I take it, then, you Republicans are going to combat greed by not raising the prices of:
a. food
b. medical care
c. gasoline
d. heating fuels
e. housing
f. everything else
Seems like Michael Moore doesn’t share your perspective on the conservative movement in Canada.
Monday, Jan. 23, 2006 9:39 a.m. EST
Michael Moore Fears ‘Canadian Bush’
Anti-American propagandist Michael Moore weighed in on the Canadian election Friday night on his Web site.
Moore lamented the predicted success of Stephen Harper’s Conservative Party in Monday’s election and urged Canadians not to vote for the candidate who shares George Bush’s worldview.
“These are no ordinary times,” Moore proclaimed. “And as you go to the polls on Monday, you do so while a man running the nation to the south of you is hoping you can lend him a hand by picking Stephen Harper because he’s a man who shares his world view?”
“Do you really want to help George Bush by turning Canada into his latest conquest?” Moore asked.
(G)aseous (S)hithead @ 75:
I’ll tell you whatever I feel like. You’ve been coming here for a long time spewing nonsense, wrong on the election contest, wrong on I-912, wrong on the female-abusing liar Irons Jr.
And wrong on the wingnut propaganda books you stock in your store.
If you don’t like the taxes or regulation here, go to Idaho – that’s a red state paradise, right? (Pun intended!) Oops, they have an income tax. The ultimate definition of hell for wingnuts.
And why are you cheering for the SEATTLE Seahawks? The SEATTLE Seahawks? Oh I get it. You and your pals call them the CASCADIA COUNTY Seahawks. Very reality-based.