I had a thought in the last few minutes of yesterday’s game that I’ve had a few times when a team is down 9 or 10 points with a few minutes left and driving. I wonder if it might make more sense to just kick the field goal as soon as you get within the kicker’s range. Like 2nd and 5 but you made it to somewhere that you trust the kicker, just bring him on.
My thinking is that you save however much time you would have taken if you get closer but still get the field goal. So if you can get the ball back, you have more time, and you know it’s 4 down territory the whole way.
The downsides are: (a) When there are 10 points: 2 touchdowns wins but a touchdown and a field goal only sends it to overtime. So maybe it only works on 9 points.(b) It maybe sends a message to your offense that you don’t trust them. I don’t think that’s true. Maybe tell them you’re going to go for 2 if they score if that will make a difference. (c) Something something momentum. Every football announcer talks about momentum like it’s a thing so 7 points is momentumier than 3. But I don’t buy momentum as a thing. (d) The other team only needs to get a field goal to put it away. Maybe, but the point here is that you trust your defense. If the other team can get to field goal range, they’ve probably eaten enough clock that the game would be over if you’d dilly dallied around for a few minutes before kicking the field goal.
I’m sure there are others downsides that I haven’t thought of. Generally the coaches who live and breathe this stuff know more than some jerk who has seen like half of the games. But the open threads are fast becoming a random thoughts column, so here’s another one.
301 days since foreign-born Wall Street fraudster Raphael Cruz set out to seize the White House. And still he continues to stonewall Republican voters about his citizenship status while accepting millions from the Wall Street crooks.
When autonomous cars works as forecasted, do you realize how much disruption this may cause? Besides negating live taxi and bus drivers, there will also be much less need for tow trucks, traffic reporters, EMS workers, auto insurance agents, and cops who write speeding tickets. Think of what this will do to municipalities who live for speed traps.
This terrible economy is all Obama’s fault!
@2 everyone will be free of work, we will all go to the beach each day and sun ourselves,
So Bernie Sanders is proving to be a tax and spend DUMMMOCRETIN… http://time.com/4183856/bernie.....alth-care/
PuddyCommentariat: Strange thing about Heilary’s attacks: She is just like Bernie. http://www.fredericknewspost.c.....690a5.html
Golly Being Teabagged Again, seems this action is something you must condone since you always agree with barbarianism… http://www.jpost.com/page.aspx.....eid=441695
PuddyCommentariat: Remember what Bill Maher said…
Bill Maher is a hero to HA DUMMOCRETINS!
The loon is working himself into a lather, foaming at the mouth. He thinks Michael Bay movies are reality, including alien invasions. I see a massive head explosion coming soon, maybe this morning.
Hey, she was just a Jewish west bank settler. http://www.jpost.com/Arab-Isra.....rby-441826
No problem because HA DUMMOCRETIN love their Palestinians!
He thinks Michael Bay movies are reality, including alien invasions.
Such are the projections from the pressurized mind of TPPS! Irrational rants are all that are left with the amount of pressure packed in that neanderthal cranial orifice!
Oh, yeah, the loon is working himself up for another massive head explosion. Evidently the disintegration of Carson’s grift campaign must have been too much for what’s left of his feeble mind. I wonder how much of his money the loon lost to the grifter? Judging by all the nonsensical hate he’s been spewing lately, probably a lot! With all of the loon’s money in his hands, the grifter can probably afford gold-plated faucets for the laundry sink now.
Jesse Hagopian @JessedHagopian
I’m joining #MLKDay press conference of folks abused by cops-on corner where I was pepper sprayed. https://www.facebook.com/JesseHagopianForSEAPres/posts/917511321631131 … #BlackLivesMatter
On corner where you obliviously walked through a police action, cell phone stuck to your face as you spoke with mommy.
With that lack of awareness you likely wouldn’t have seen a cop running up into your face to spray you, and yet that’s what you claimed until video evidence clearly proved otherwise.
“On corner where you obliviously walked through a police action”
What bullshit. He was walking parallel to a police line along with others, talking on his phone and not even looking at the cops when one of them, and only one of them, lost her cool and started pepper-spraying him and only him.
You hate blacks. We get that. But if you have to make shit up, Bob, then you have nothing, and you’ve never once talked about that event without making shit up.
TPPS @10 is projecting again.
Psych 101 Projections!
“Psych 101 projections”
What a loser! When the batshit crazy loon steals my schtick, he only reveals to everybody here just how effective it’s been.
Heh. Just like when the babbling jackass babbles about goats. Project much? It’s a Psych 101 thang.
@ 12
You’re right, Steve, he was walking more or less parallel to a police line and talking on his cell phone. Does that seem wise to you? Because while walking within about six feet of a police action, he wasn’t at all watching what was happening. That’s the contributory negligence.
If he had been paying attention, he would have heard the police officer shout, repeatedly, “Stand back!”, before (needlessly, I’ll agree) discharging her pepper spray. BTW the officer hit a woman wearing a blue scarf next to Hagopian, probably hit someone in a light blue jacket behind them, and the officer wasn’t even looking at Hagopian when the spray started, as she was spraying a broad arc. Steve, alleging she sprayed ‘only him’ is making shit up. The video:
Whether or not Hagopian had a right of way is irrelevant. You might have a green ‘walk’ light but you’re still a dumbfuck if you don’t look both ways before stepping into the street from the sidewalk. Hagopian could have been significantly further away from where he was, he could have listened to the police officer’s command.
He didn’t. And then he went home and posted a false account on Facebook.
While you’re alleging I made shit up, Steve, perhaps give thought to Goldy’s subsequent comments, wherein
without firsthand knowledge he offered an informed conjecture that Hagopian was specifically targeted for having been an organizer. In Goldy’s mind, it wasn’t just a poorly trained cop, it was a full-out conspiracy against Hagopian. And yet, to you, I’m the one making shit up.
The cop behaved stupidly to do what she did. Hagopian behaved stupidly to walk that close to a police action while not paying attention to what was happening around him.
What happens when charter schools start teaching some bullshit religion? If they aren’t taking public money and parents are forced to use them, President Ted Cruz gets to brainwash the children about imaginary Jesus. Game over.
Tea Party loser fantasizes about shooting school kids, gets banned from school grounds.
“I can’t even begin to explain how someone goes from discussing a bond article, talking about construction at the school, to detailing how he would commit a mass shooting at our elementary school,” said Jason Cipriano, Hampstead School Board chairman. “I can’t speak to him and his mentality, or how he got there. All I can say is that I am very disturbed.”
If anyone thinks that’s bad, the fantasies the batshit crazy loon comes up with must really be something else. I’d bet that the loon fantasizes about killing lots of Americans, especially us, who he calls DUMMOCRETIN scum. After all, he considers himself to be the “disinfectant”, someone who kills bacteriological scum. That’s how he views us, just human scum who the not-quite-human disinfectant loon wants to kill.
Head explosions TPPS? You are the one who stole that from Puddy. Apparently you forgot
Been used by Puddy for years!
What happens when charter schools start teaching some bullshit religion?
U mean evolution?
HA DUMMOCRETINS evolved from apes. Puddy was created in the image of Adam, created by the hand of God!
@5 We already know you’re a genius who invests his money by stuffing it under a mattress, so it comes as no surprise that you won’t pay $2,000 more taxes to save $5,000 of insurance premiums.
@20 Yeah, we are, but that still puts us several levels higher in the biological order than you and your phyla.
“Does that seem wise to you?”
Nothing I’d do myself, but I’d be pissed as hell if it happened to me.
“alleging she sprayed ‘only him’ is making shit up”
An irrelevant point for which I’ll stand corrected without revisiting the video.
“And then he went home and posted a false account on Facebook.”
He wasn’t looking at the cops so he merely had a wrong impression of what happened. Quite understandable. From the distance he was from them and for the zero threat he presented, I might have assumed the same as he did.
“perhaps give thought to Goldy’s subsequent comments”
If you want to bash Goldy for that, then go for it. I bash him myself. But that’s not what you do with this incident. Your posts always go after the victim. Was it wise of him to walk parallel to the police line? Probably not. But he did not approach the line, he was not a threat, and there’s no excuse at all for what the cop did to him.
@11 It doesn’t surprise me that Bickle thinks talking on a cell phone deserves getting pepper sprayed in the face, although we all know Hagopian’s actual crime was walking while black.
@15 “Does that seem wise to you?”
Not really. It’s almost always a bad idea for black people to exercise their constitutional rights in this country. For example, look what happens when they try to vote.
Imagine if there is truth to this? http://www.breitbart.com/big-g.....-of-women/
@16 I can hardly wait to hear what Republicans will say about charter schools when Muslims decide they want them, too.
And the loon is the disinfectant which kills scum. Got it.
Understand this. If the loon were to ever try to disinfect me, that is, try to kill me, my friend Mr. Detonics .451 magnum will remove his fucking head.
@17 When are authorities going to start having these people committed? The public isn’t safe while they remain at large.
“You are the one who stole that from Puddy. Apparently you forgot”
Right. The loon was the one to tag Mr. Klynical as a goatfucker and then he tagged himself as a loon who projects too much. Whatever.
Again senility has a strong control of R senile. Puddy said repeatedly that the stock market money is in the bank. Does R senile read and comprehend? NOPE!
R senile claimed Puddy didn’t get dividend checks. Everyone knows once you pass the stock ownership threshold date you get a dividend check. Useless BULLSHITTIUM from R senile.
Bernie will tax the middle class so his universal insurance gets implemented. And what does R senile write? G I B B E R I S H!
You really need medical ASSistance R senile… http://www.alz.org/alzheimers_.....ptions.asp
@19 “What happens when charter schools start teaching some bullshit religion? U mean evolution?”
Hooboy! I saw this one coming several comments ago! Anyone with Puffy’s investing acumen is bound to be an all-encompassing science denier, too.
Since nearly all modern medicine is based on some aspect of evolutionary theory, I’d like to see these people practice what they claim to believe, by eschewing doctors and modern prescription drugs and relying solely on chants, rituals, and rubbing their bodies with tree bark. That would thin out their population in no time, and then we wouldn’t have to listen to their perpetual whining anymore.
Spike Lee boycotting the Oscars because Hollyweird exhibiting their white privilege. Do HA DUMMOCRETIN agree?
– Spike Lee has decided to skip the Academy Awards on February 28 due to the overwhelmingly white nominations.
– ‘How is it possible for the 2nd consecutive year all 20 contenders under the actor category are white? And let’s not even get into the other branches. 40 white actors in 2 years and no flava at all. We can’t act?! WTF!!’
@23 “Your posts always go after the victim.”
But Steve, that’s what Republicans do, they victimize people (or praise other victimizers, e.g., bully cops) and then blame the victims. It’s completely in character for them.
“We already know you’re a genius who invests his money by stuffing it under a mattress”
He gave it all to Carson’s grift campaign. Carson then turned the loon’s money into more gold faucets for his mansion and maybe a painting or two of a blue-eyed Baby Jesus stroking Ben’s head.
@26 Given it comes from Breitbart, I don’t think we have to worry about that. Breitbart is the right’s National Enquirer.
@28 You have a Detonics 45? I’m envious! New model or old model?
@31 “Puddy said repeatedly that the stock market money is in the bank.”
Then you’re even stupider than I thought, because you apparently believe bankers are more trustworthy than mattresses. How many mattresses ride around in limos paid for with your money?
@ 23
Your posts always go after the victim.
I “went after” a victim who initially claimed a cop purposefully pepper-sprayed him in the face and ran up to him in order to do it. Turned out he was collateral damage and that he was partly responsible for his own predicament.
I called out Goldy, who offered conjecture that the victim was specifically targeted by police.
Remove those inaccuracies from their original claims, and there’s really not much to go after at all, Steve.
Puddy understands a crazed senile wabbit like R senile claiming to have evolved from some worthless animal critter.
So R senile is one of those Darwin evolution medicine believers because medicine is evolving hence gotta be by Darwin!
Puddy was a product of Adam created in the image of God! God gives man the intelligence to invent not Charles Darwin!
An older one. A friend worked for Detonics in Bellevue at the time.
Wow more white privilege on display… http://www.dailymail.co.uk/fem.....ction.html
– ‘Like how you’re going to have an African-inspired collection but not put black girls in it,’ Sharpay Evans wrote on Twitter.
Gotta love how progressive DUMMOCRETINS eat each other!
Random thought, do people give bathroom scales negative Amazon reviews just because the tell the truth?
“Turned out he was collateral damage and that he was partly responsible for his own predicament.”
Horseshit. He was not threatening the police line in any way, so in no way was he responsible for being pepper-sprayed. It was an over-zealous cop who was at fault. You never come here to talk about how the cop “was stupid to do what she did”. It has to be pried out of you. You never mention Goldy. Instead, you always show up to attack the victim of that incident, a black man. Your attempts to make the victim look like he had it coming to him, which he didn’t, inform a reader in no way what really happened. Rather, it paints a quite different picture. For me, it paints a picture of a white racist trying too damned hard to blame an innocent black.
There are no doubt blacks out there who are actually worthy of of your criticisms. Try focusing on them and leave innocent victims of police abuse out of it. It just leaves you coming off as a racist.
More white privilege… http://www.dailymail.co.uk/fem.....ancis.html
– Is this the world’s most exclusive club? Princess Charlene of Monaco visits the Vatican in an all-white outfit – one of only SEVEN people allowed to wear the colour while meeting the Pope
Marco Rubio was the GOP’s only plausible candidate, but he’s imploding under the weight of personal scandals (he’s mismanaged his personal finances in a manner calling into question his basic honesty) and incompetent campaigning. For Democrats, the 2016 campaign is entertainment, because the probable outcome is already clear. The only thing still up in the air is whether our next president will be Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders.
@40 Okay, have it your way, you didn’t evolve like us; I’ll give you that you were dropped into the world, but not by who you think.
@41 Wow! I’m green with envy! I’m stuck with a lightweight, customized, short-barreled version of the Model 1911 by Colt because it was all I could afford at the time.
Random thought.
Do the cool kids at Redmond’s Rosa Parks elementary sit at the back of the bus?
@43 Brilliantly insightful question. The answer is yes. First, you start with the cheapest scale Amazon sells, because these people (a) have no money and (b) expect everything to be free (federal land, federal irrigation water, federal electricity, taxpayer-funded private schools, etc.).
Then you read the reviews:
“It exploded after using two weeks” (1 star; maybe the user exceeded its weight limit?)
“Cheap piece of garbage” (4 stars — why?)
“Wrong deco print” (3 stars — I’ll bet her looks are nothing to shout about, either, or she wouldn’t be buying a scale)
“Nice scale for the price” (4 stars from the only Democrat in this crowd)
“Shattered into a bunch of pieces” (A 3 star rating for something that broke? Gotta be another Republican)
The trick to selling bathroom scales to Republicans, of course, is to make one that lies like hell. If it denies basic science while lowballing their weight, that’s even better. Also, it has to have a “Made In China” label on it.
@45 Rich royals think they can get into Heaven by wearing white when they go see the Pope? Who cares? Can’t you find anything else to talk about the morning after a Democratic debate in which Bernie kicked Hillary’s butt?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Btw, this CNN opinion piece explains Bernie’s role in the campaign. He won’t be the nominee or president, but his agenda will accompany Hillary into the White House.
So who was the liar, Clarence Thomas or Anita Hill? While the truth can’t be known beyond any doubt, the weight of evidence points to Thomas being the liar:
“Four female witnesses waited in the wings to reportedly support Hill’s credibility, but they were not called, due to what the Los Angeles Times described as … “aggressive, gloves-off” Republicans …. Hill agreed to take a polygraph test. The results supported the veracity of her statements; Thomas declined the test. … Doubts about [Hill’s] veracity of … were furthered by American Spectator writer David Brock in his 1993 book The Real Anita Hill, though he later recanted the claims he had made, described his book as ‘character assassination’, and apologized to Hill. After interviewing a number of women who alleged that Thomas had frequently subjected them to sexually explicit remarks, Wall Street Journal reporters Jane Mayer and Jill Abramson wrote a book which concluded that Thomas had lied during his confirmation process.”
Therefore, he should resign.
Adam and Eve were stumbling around in the dark until Raven stole the light back from the Grey Eagle.
Equally plausible.
Stadium blackmail is behind the St. Louis Rams’ move to Los Angeles. The city and county of St. Louis together pay $12 million a year on the stadium built for the Rams in 1995, which the team rents for a piddling $500,000 a year. True to form, the NFL decreed that stadium wasn’t good enough and demanded a new one before the bonds were paid off. Then the bidding war began. St. Louis offered to spend $1 billion on a new stadium. Los Angeles won with a bid of $3 billion. There’s good news for St. Louis residents in this. First, (a) they won’t get stuck with the tab for the new stadium, and (b) the NFL will never burn them again, because the mayor announced last week the city is through with the NFL and is turning its back on the league for good.
If only I could understand. Puffy posts a story of two Transgender woman being stoned by three North African men, and accused me of condoning the behavior.
Not sure why he thinks I would condone this and not be repulsed by the three Notth Africans (for many more reasons than just this particular incident). Nor am I a conservative that probably has the same views as the three North Africans, as demonstrated by right wing (typically, although I’m sure some black pastors in Harlem vote democratic, I would think).
I think Puffy’s actions against me here today isn’t anything more meaningful than him being upset with me for me calling him an Ape (to put it nicely).
Puffy – do you even work? Or do you steal for a living?
Here you go, Bob, the kind of news you like to hear about.
“Disruptive labor market changes, including the rise of robots and artificial intelligence, will result in a net loss of 5.1 million jobs over the next five years in 15 leading countries, according to an analysis published in Davos on Monday.
The projection by the World Economic Forum (WEF), which is holding its annual meeting in the Swiss ski resort this week, assumes a total loss of 7.1 million jobs, offset by a gain of 2 million new positions.”
Oops! My bad. Not all of the news was good.
“the biggest negative losses likely to be in healthcare”
Let’s see…hmm…shall we replace with a robot the cute waitress or shall we replace the over-paid radiologist one never even gets to meet? I imagine even Bob can see where this one is headed.
@26 I heard it was tens and hundreds of thousands.
@33 at least spike lee isn’t as stupid as a gay republican.
Poort Being Teabagged Again can’t fathom it.
“If only I could understand.” it cried.
Well Being Teabagged Again let’s clear the air.
You along with all your moronic twit friends denigrate Puddy every time Puddy puts forth illegal muslim actions in Europe or America. How many times has Puddy been called an islamophobe. So naturally it leaves one to think if Puddy is an islamophobe and you agree with that sentiment, you have to condone their stoning actions from Puddy’s post.
See how simple that is Being Teabagged Again?
@59 leave the Muslims alone. Would you?
Well, it’s not the only reason, but that’s why I’m a Dunce. I meant “…are taking public money.”
” Does that seem wise to you?”
Guess what? You just conceded negligence. So Bob, if you worked for Stafford Frey instead of grifting Medicaid, you’d have just given the plaintiff half his case without even sitting down in a dep and opening your files.
Maybe you picked up the term in one of your many malpractice defenses. But that doesn’t mean you understand. You can’t simultaneously admit to negligence (to which plaintiff is contributing) while denying it. If you admit that the LEO is negligent in her deployment of chemical aerosol weapon, then we all can simply proceed to ignore each and every one of your posts from here on out claiming that Hagopian caused the officer to defend herself. If that were the case, she would not be negligent. But she is, as you have admitted.
So now we can simply concentrate on your assertion that Mr. Hagopian, by his actions, contributed to his own injuries.
“Because while walking within about six feet of a police action, he wasn’t at all watching what was happening.”
In terms of the law in our state, Mr. Hagopian is responsible for his actions over which he exercises control. At the time of the incident in question police using amplified speakers were ordering people on the street to disperse, to confine themselves to the sidewalk, and in the case of this specific incident, were in the process intercepting a portion of those thousands of dispersing citizens and divert them away from a medical response on one of the streets through which they were being ordered to disperse. Mr. Hagopian was, in other words, obeying police commands. He paid enough attention to notice the sudden appearance of the bicycle police line and turn aside. And he was moving in the direction indicated by the police. In that sense, he was under police control, acting in accordance to their orders, and moving along the sidewalk to the street indicated by police in an effort to leave the area.
So what you have left is, he was talking on his phone.
Good luck with that one, counselor.
I’d say you are over litigating this one, Bob. Since the Chief has already admitted that this violated policy, you can watch carefully as the city settles with Mr. Hagopian. Learn from that. And if you want to bash Goldy for exaggerations in his reporting on the events, do so. But don’t pretend that talking on the phone justifies this. The actual professionals in law enforcement have already denied that claim. Regardless of whether Goldy or Mr. Hagopian got some of the facts wrong at the time, the facts as we know them today make the SPD fully liable for Mr. Hagopian’s injuries.
Is Puffy just upset that Christians can’t openly kill an LGBT person? Is he jealous of Muslims?
When Bernie Sanders and Heilary were asked what were their priorities neither claimed keeping the American homeland safe. Now why is that? Why would anyone trust them to keep the homeland safe if it is not a priority to them?
Taxing the
richmiddle class is a big priority so they have have universal health care.Taxing the
richmiddle class is a big priority so they have have Climate change is a priority.Taxing the
richmiddle class is a big priority so they have have “shovel ready” public works jobs is a priority.Kate’s Law? Who cares if you are a DUMMOCRETIN
Illegal aliens running amok? Who cares if you are a DUMMOCRETIN
Porous borders with ISIS trying to come in? Who cares if you are a DUMMOCRETIN
Is Puffy just upset that Christians can’t openly kill an LGBT person? Is he jealous of Muslims?
Wrong questions Being Teabagged Again!
Try again!
Apparently the DUMMMOCRETIN debate was so bad YouTube viewership was abysmal.
When the debacle started at 9 PM, less than 300,000 people were tuned in to YouTube. At the 10:20 PM mark, there were a whopping 349,015 people watching. Immediately after the debacle ended at 11 PM and the DUMMOCRETIN spin ANALysis began, only 214,713 people were watching.
It was a boring as the vomit man picking his nose to scratch that one brain cell!
“Carson then turned the loon’s money into more gold faucets for his mansion and maybe a painting or two of a blue-eyed Baby Jesus stroking Ben’s head.”
That’s good. But I suspect you’re giving the troll more financial credit than it deserves. Between all the various tithings, it sounds like it doesn’t have that much left to go around. Probably only enough for a few bowls of fancy mixed nuts on board the chartered campaign jets. Or maybe some delicious, sinful, secret beef jerky.
But I’m sure every jar of nickles counts to a real pro like Carson.
Oops. It looks like it’s turning into a gang bang:
Poor Raphael is about to be surrounded. Are indictments next? Maybe he should flee back to Canada where he came from before it’s too late.
The article says America could learn a thing or two. Really? Don’t they know we have a bunch of Puffballs in this Country.
@68 I’d rather see him paddle a one man and one woman (one seat for him and one for his wife) row boat, with half an oar, to Cuba.
“Maybe he should flee back to Canada where he came from before it’s too late.”
He’s going to end up being a man without a country. When we deport him, we’ll have to ship him somewhere. I prefer Somalia, but Canada will probably have to do.
Boy this isn’t a big surprised. The fat pig doesn’t like anyone telling him what he should or can eat.
These guys are like a bunch of ants at a picnic
@55 I remember reading about an African village girl who was stoned for adultery, and later her body was exhumed and the autopsy revealed she died a virgin. This sort of thing happens a lot in Pakistan, too. These incidents are a powerful reminder of what can happen when ignorance and religious zealotry combine to drive behavior. We have these potentially dangerous mobs in our country, too — and politicians who think little of stirring them up. They are no better or less dangerous than the Muslim fanatics whose “solution” to everyday social frictions is blood lust.
@73 Try slug bait — if the feds park a huge vat filled with beer at the front gate they’ll crawl into it and drown.
@62 I’m fascinated by Bob’s argument that merely being in proximity to “police action” constitutes negligence. I guess what he means is that innocent law-abiding citizens have a legal duty to avoid the police when they’re out in public. This is necessarily so because the basic rule of negligence is, no duty = no liability.
Hey Puffy – Look!
Just like your favorite AirBnb
@66 Yeah, there’s still a few viewers like me who watch on You Tube because we don’t own TVs, but most of the 10.2 million viewers just turned on their TVs. Your bloviating aside, this debate was one of the most watched Democratic primary debates in history.
It’s also worth mentioning that the debate was jointly sponsored by NBC and You Tube, and online viewers like me had a choice between live streaming from NBC or You Tube, so you’re probably counting only half the live streamers, and maybe less than that. I thought the picture quality was a little better from You Tube, which is why I chose their live stream over NBC’s.
Of course, it’s not good news for Rethugs that Democratic voters are interested and engaged in this campaign. It means they’ll have to double down on vote suppression, ballot box stuffing, and Election Day dirty tricks. But their prospects are so bad even that won’t be enough. So when Hillary wins the White House, expect to hear a lot of rants about secession, civil war, and “marching on Washington” to stage a coup. Also, the House Idiot Caucus will begin clamoring for an impeachment resolution within 30 seconds after she’s inaugurated.
@78 cont’d – And, of course, they’ll threaten to move to Canada, which has a liberal government and universal health care.
@71 True, he renounced his Canadian citizenship, so if a court determines he’s not a U.S. citizen, he’ll end up stateless. I doubt Cuba would take him. The Republic of Texas might.
‘fraid I must admit that he probably is a citizen.
But as it stands, that alone does not qualify. According to the Constitution “naturalized” citizens may not be President. That is not in dispute. The legal question concerns the status of a person born abroad to one or more citizen parents. By Congressional statute such a person is granted citizenship (according to the powers granted Congress in Article I). But some originalist scholars of the Constitution insist that this statutory process created by Congress is, for the purposes of Article II, merely another form of “naturalization”. If that is so then Raphael Cruz is a “naturalized” citizen. And may not be President. But sadly, he gets to stay.
I merely suggest that it might be wise for Canadian born Mr. Cruz to return to the country of his birth to avoid prosecution for bribery and fraud.
@81 Brazil is better. Because (a) no extradition treaty, and (b) bribery and fraud is common there, so he’d blend right in.
Of course, here in the USA, his fellow Republicans see nothing wrong with failing to report $1.5 million of “loans.”
Being Teabagged Already,
AirBnB is your thing ya moron!
Those Heilary and State Department email lies are getting deeper and deeper… http://dailycaller.com/2016/01.....v-account/
So many in State knew back in 2011!
At times like these it’s really important for everyone to keep in mind that no matter how angry and disappointed old white people may be, and no matter how reactionary, bigoted, and populist the Republican primary may be, this isn’t a real thing.
Nope. Not real.
Nope. Not real.
This Redfield thing might be just the excuse The Donald needs to go independent. That is in the unlikely event that the Wall Street Canadian can overtake him.
Either way, works for me!
The thugs who hijacked a federal wildlife refuge in Oregon are so arrogant they’re brazenly driving stolen government vehicles into town to get supplies. That’s what it took to finally get one of them arrested.
The Oregon Moron continues to forget the angry white people are running for the DUMMOCRETIN party nomination!
@89 No, the angry white people are flashing guns and stealing public property in Nevada and Oregon, and showing up for Trump rallies everywhere.