The legislature started Monday, and I haven’t done a what are you hoping to see post. So here it is: Ideally they’ll fix McCleary without crushing social services. As long as I’m dreaming, I’d like to see the Reproductive Health Act, or whatever they’re calling it now, pass.
I’m afraid that even with a Democratic governor and one house of the legislature controlled by Democrats, I’ll be mostly defense. So I’m a bit worried that some charter school measure will pass (constitutionality of the initiative be damned). I’m a bit more worried that we’ll have massive cuts to pay for McCleary. I’m a bit worried that there will be smaller cuts to social services and we won’t even get significant education funding.
So that’s me, how about y’all?
Bernie’s policy popularity is getting to Hillary, her tone and body language is showing stress.
Day 296 since the foreign born extremist Rafael Cruz declared his intention to seize the White House, and still the troubling questions about his citizenship go unanswered.
1 less Trump supporter. Or 2 if the other guy gets locked up soon.
See guns keep you safe against your friends. Against your enemies – well that’s another story. But you can definitely count on them to keep you safe amongst your friends.
Puffy’s support for this wench shows that he is nothing more than a RINO. A true conservative wouldn’t put up with her nonsense.
Thought Exercise:
A Russian Patrol boat strays into U.S. Waters and is intercepted by a U.S. Warship. President Obama orders the Navy to invite a much larger Russian ship into U.S. waters to retrieve their Sailors and their ships rather than capturing, investigating and releasing the ship and crew in about 24 hours.
“Good Job Mr. President. You handled that just right.” Not a single Republican elected official or Wing Nut media personality.
Funny, anyone remember U.S. Airmen being held for 11 days?
Funny, as of this moment has no mention of Iran releasing the ships and sailors on their front page or even in the really small text “Breaking News” section.
It’s almost as if they want their readers to still think Iran is really sticking it to President Obama. Almost.
Nah, they wouldn’t do that. They report, you decide. Or Fair and Ballanced. Or something.
I can’t imagine our trolls find it pleasant to be lectured to about their racism by one of their own. Haley’s response is obviously stumping for the Bush/Rubio/Christie/Kasich Klown-Kar-Trailer. She’d better wake up before it’s too late. The Trump/Cruz extremist majority in her party aren’t stirred up about “not enough tax cuts for the rich”. Trump is kicking their asses for a reason. And it isn’t because the moderates are split.
“Q19 Who would you prefer as the Republican
candidate if you had to choose between just
Jeb Bush and Donald Trump?
Jeb Bush 29%
Donald Trump 60%
Not sure 11%”
I like the look of that Not Sure fella.
@2 There’s always been a threat of invasion from Canada because that border was left unsecured. He probably walked across.
@3 Meanwhile a guy points a loaded rifle at cops serving an eviction notice and now his 12-year-old daughter is dead.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: More proof (how much do we need?) that guns don’t make anyone safer; rather, the presence of a gun makes it vastly more likely that someone will get shot.
Moreover, it sounds like this guy is one of those lawless yahoos who think if you don’t pay the mortgage or rent, it’s okay to squat, and when the cops come with the eviction order, it’s okay to threaten their lives.
Some people have real authority issues. Wonder if this guy was home schooled? Or maybe is a product of a charter school?
@6 It’s there now, in small type, at the bottom of the page, where you have to scroll down to see it, with the following lede line:
“Kerry uses Iran freeing U.S. sailors to tout nuke deal”
Republicans are becoming very strange. After flirting with a Putin/Netanyahu ticket, they’re now choosing between a reality television star and a Canadian.
So let’s see. Trump is attacked by both Obama and the Republican establishment. Any bets he uses that to win Iowa? This plays into his hands perfectly. Which may be what Obama wanted, but I doubt it’s what Republicans wanted.
For all of you up North in the land of retail weed, us folks down here in Orygun just want to thank you for all the care packages sent to the Mighty Patriots occupying Burns, OR. I’d like to give a special shout out to the great people at for keeping the dildos and butt plugs arriving through some pretty tough weather. I know the boys there are really appreciating those supplies right about now.
Way to go, America!
@9 you mean guns just don’t go “bang bang”?
SPD Seizes Guns!
I’m going to set the over/under on how long the NRA takes to spin this into a fundraising appeal at six days.
I’m just so relieved to see that some Y’all-Qaeda ammosexual is going to get their arsenal back. I feel much safer now.
@11 “a reality television star”
Don’t you mean ex-star? I thought he was fired from that gig.
Keeping in mind that polls are fluid, especially as we get nearer to actual voting, Nate Silver projects:
Hillary has 73% odds of winning the Iowa caucuses and 53% odds of winning the New Hampshire primary.
Ted Cruz has a 48% chance of winning Iowa, Trump 28%, and Rubio 18%; in New Hampshire, the order is reversed, with Trump at 39% odds, Rubio at 23% odds, and Cruz at 13% odds.
Man these fucking illegal immigrants are a pain in the ass or face or bsgina I guess.
Exclusive: Mount Sinai doc accused of ejaculating on patient
A madman who killed 2 people and wounded 9 more in a Louisiana movie theater and then committed suicide left a note thanking accused church shooter Dylan Roof for killing 9 “niggers” but said he should have targeted liberals instead.
“Right to life” notwithstanding, Republicans think it’s okay to kill babies if there’s money to be made from it.
@21 when they aren’t killing babies they are supporting sexual predators and abusers.
I’m not the only one who’s tired of conservatives acting like babies.
Roger @ 21- You must have forgotten that Republicans only care about babies BEFORE they are born.
Gravitational Wave Rumors in Overdrive
I took a tour of LIGO Hanford about 14 years ago.
It is located (of course) on the Hanford Reservation.
Well worth a visit if you believe in real science.
About LIGO Hanford:
What the Governor stops big bertha and it’s just silence on this blog?!? No sink holes be damned drive that sucker forward and watch Seattle become like No Name city in “Paint Your Wagons.” Maybe Clint Eastwood can come up and sign during the festivities.
@13 tell the dicks they are welcome.
Though I hear the local economy in the nearby towns is humming and the cash registers are ringing. Guess main street is a little puzzled over if it’s supposed to be upset or happy. Guess they will just have to adopt Voltaire’s smile. Tell the FBI and all take your time as the spring thaw isn’t for a couple of months.
You mean this…
Governor stops Bertha in its tunneling tracks after sinkhole forms near troubled Seattle project
A Sinkhole Opened Up After Bertha Started Digging Again Last Night
(sarcasm)I don’t see what the big deal is., Nobody could have imagined anything like this could have happened. (/sarcasm)
They should kill this thing like they killed the monorail and figure a plan B to replace the viaduct. Wasn’t there a cut and cover version?