– Get your shit together, SPD.
– It’s Pope Francis Who Should Apologize on Abortion
– The plutocrats and the social conservatives will probably be fine together.
by Carl Ballard — ,
– Get your shit together, SPD.
– It’s Pope Francis Who Should Apologize on Abortion
– The plutocrats and the social conservatives will probably be fine together.
Pope Francis should apologize for abortion?
When, in the past 2,000 years, has it really mattered what the Catholic Church did or said? The whole organization is a relic that needs to fade into history.
The “Christian values” column explains the carrot approach to recruiting new adherents to the religion. Show these needy people generosity, kindness, love and you have new members who then pass it forward. But today’s “Christian values”, as shown by the right wing whites, are hateful, bigoted, racist and increasingly walled-off. Which explains why people are dropping religion altogether. Normally, as history has repeatedly shown, this was when they turn to violence, or the stick. All religions do this. The Roman empire employed this tactic. Join us either by choice or by force. If we use force it will be ugly.
“It’s Pope Francis Who Should Apologize on Abortion”
As a Mormon/Lutheran agnostic and a known commie/fascist/socialist dummocretin scum, I can’t say that I have much use for the pope. That said, I can’t say that I cotton to the attitude of that blogger and it strikes me that everybody in that thread, both sides, have some serious fucking issues they need to work on.
Holy strange bedfellows, kindred spirits and common ground! Hating on the pope. You know, Carl, so do Ben Carson and our batshit crazy loon when they embrace the Seventh Day Adventist belief that the pope is the Antichrist.
Kim Davis backed down this morning, saying she won’t “take action” against deputy clerks who comply with the court order, but asserting that “any marriage license issued by my office is not issued or authorized by me.” In other words, she’s decided to not violate the judge’s orders to not interfere, which is sufficient to avoid being in contempt and going back to jail. Nobody gives a damn what she thinks of the licenses issued by her deputies; the only thing that matters is they’re issued; regardless of what she says, the courts will treat them as legal and valid. It’s over, except for the shouting, which will never be over until the bigots die off.
Another failed experiment with conservative government is over. Australia’s conservative prime minister has been replaced by a moderate. A herd of conservative cabinet ministers likely will follow him out the door. It didn’t even require an election. The conservatives were fired by their own party.
Meanwhile, here at home, the Democrats appear to have a new frontrunner, at least in the New Hampshire and Iowa polls.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m not sure what this means. It’s probably premature to speculate that Hillary’s campaign is collapsing, or that she won’t be the nominee after all. But it’s clear that a lot of grassroots Democrats like Bernie’s message and/or are seeking a Hillary alternative. Polling for Biden, who’s not even in the race, tends to confirm the latter. How much of this is a result of Republicans’ relentless potshots at Hillary, and how much reflects real problems with her as a candidate? I don’t know. How realistic is it to think 2008 will repeat itself, when she’s busy locking up superdelegates, which may create an insurmountable wall for other candidates? I don’t know, but her superdelegate strategy clearly is a hurdle for her Democratic competitors. I just don’t know where this is going, but at this stage, I think we have to assume that Bernie is a phenomenon, not a juggernaut, more of a Eugene McCarthy than an RFK.
ABC polling confirms Hillary is losing Democratic support.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This doesn’t look like a purely polling phenomenon to me, especially considering she was the frontrunner in 2008 and lost in the primaries. Her candidacy has problems, and I don’t believe it’s just history or baggage or GOP attacks, I think her freezing personality turns people off. Even her smile is cold. I’m not saying she wouldn’t be a good president — certainly far better than any Republican clown — or that she isn’t the right person to deal with the country’s and world’s problems — she’s probably better qualified for the job than anyone else in the field. And likeability really isn’t that big a factor in who gets elected; American voters look for competence, and have a history of electing presidents they don’t like, and not liking the leaders they elect. So maybe this is just a pre-primary tantrum, and people will get it out of their systems, and then nominate and elect her. That’s often how things play out in U.S. politics. Our elections normally aren’t popularity contests.
@7 But this isn’t good news for The Donald: “Even as Trump’s lead for his party’s nomination has grown, six in 10 Americans see him as unqualified to serve as president and as many say he lacks the personality and temperament to succeed in the job. His rating for empathy is far worse than Clinton’s; for honesty and trustworthiness, slightly worse.”
So what’s the deal with SPD? It’s been 14 months since a cop with a history of making racist comments arrested an elderly black guy who was minding his own business for Walking While Black on a Seattle sidewalk, and the cop is still on paid administrative leave and collecting her cop salary? I’m not so sure Seattle’s shiny new police chief has the backbone to reform Seattle’s violent and racist cop culture. I understand there has to be an investigation, a Loudermill hearing, and all that; and that the cop will sue the city if she’s fired; but 14 months? Does due process really take this long, or is Chief O’Toole just avoiding dealing with the issue because she’s afraid of blowback from within the ranks? Screw the cops, they’ve gotten away with treating (black and law abiding) citizens like this for far too long, and it’s way past time to crack down on them. That’s what the DOJ intervention was all about, now let’s do something to change things.
That photo makes McMorris-Rodgers look like she’s high on drugs.
Ehhhh, who gives a Fuck. There are gay issues to deal with, God Damn it. And what the fuck do we need a polar bear for, if we have one then that’s too many.
Polar Bear’s Shocking Appearance May Be Tied To Climate Change http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....35934.html
For all those that don’t know me – just a little sarcasm and bad cynasim.
Good thing I don’t reproduce, I’d probably be extremely upset.
Not sure why there was a need for all the leading zero’s, it’s not like we are going to need any of them. Was it wishful thinking?
You know, Carl, so do Ben Carson and our batshit crazy loon when they embrace the Seventh Day Adventist belief that the pope is the Antichrist.
So did your hero Martin Luther Triple S.
Si do many of these non-Adventists Triple S. http://www.charismanews.com/op.....antichrist
So did John Wesley – founder of the Methodist church! Called him “the Man of Sin”
So did Thomas Cranmer – the Archbishop of Canterbury
So did the Scottish reformer John Knox – made a slave for his beliefs
So did the “prince of preachers” Charles Spurgeon.
So did John Calvin.
So all of these great Christians are bat shit crazy or it is you are the bat shit crazy one Triple S? Seems history has proven you to be the bat shit crazy one! That’s why you are known as Triple S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN!
@ 12
We’re all going to have to go IPv6 sometime.
early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit @9,
That’s what happens when you have libtards in charge of city police in a libtard led city!
Too scared to do anything because the progressives are looking over their shoulders.
Too scared to do anything because the ACLU are looking over their shoulders.
Too scared to do anything because the union thugs are looking over their shoulders.
Libtards just have too many masters to answer to so nothing gets done!
Obummer has not met the requirements of the Corker-Cardin Bill to this date. Tom Cotton found about the side deals and they still haven’t been vetted by the US Legislature!
Well there’s a humdinger of a comment.
Allow me to translate Piddleworld:
Progressives are politically correct
Progressives hate cops
Progressives run the city
The city can’t fire a politically incorrect cop because….something about progressives being racists and loving cops.
Makes perfect sense.
Makes perfect sense. Yes it does checkmate @17. Most libtard led big cities have a racist police department. We’ve seen their “reactions” over the years! And whom runs the big cities checkmate? Hmmm…?
You have a better reason crackerjack doc dr checkmate? Always all blather with no lather! A trainwreck a minute!
Puddy guesses you’ve been here since around February 2009.
3,477,951 train wrecks to date… / 525949 minutes/year = 6.61 years. See how it works crackerjack doc dr checkmate?
“Does due process really take this long… ?”
I just gotta ask:
How many of you folks would be afforded any significant degree of “due process” in your jobs if you were accused of workplace misconduct?
That’s one of many reasons why you should consider having a unionized job. Yep, some people will be shielded incorrectly but on the other hand a manager who just doesn’t like you can’t make shit up in order to fire you.
Allow me to translate Piddleworld.
Getting a debate oponent to accidentally endorse your arguement = Trainwreck
Or right, Piddles is the AWESOMEST!
Another EPIC FAYLE for checkmate… 6.61 years and counting… Your translations fall flat every day, every minute! Jimmy Fallow kicks Steven Colbert’s ASS in the 18-54 demographic and that’s a win for CBS and crackerjack box doc dr checkmate. Per crackerjack box doc dr checkmate.
Oh lookie here… Colbert beat Letterman’s total viewership on this date from 2014. Yippie checkmate wins! Ohhh… Fallon kicked his ASS big time by double digits after the first night! Ohhh…
Please keep playing the fool for everyone here dr checkmate! It’s 3,477,952 checkmate trainwrecks and counting!
I’m not a big fan of posts adding pictures of people looking off. Especially women. I almost didn’t link to the piece because of that, but I thought the general point was worth making.
President Trump has his supporters completely fooled – doesn’t surprise me. He’s got Republicans voting for a former Democrat. He’s one good bullshitter and brainwasher.
He panders to Evangelicals – because he loves the Bible so much he doesn’t know one verse.
He panders to African Americans by telling everyone how Ben Carson is so great, the guy in second, but is convincing everyone that all the other Republican candidates are losers (He’s really wrong because Ben Carson should be included)
He’s been able to get his supporters to hate Hedge Fund Managers – not one of his supporters would have applauded if a Democrat said it, and are too stupid to realize that Democrats always proposed that against the party they supported.
He like oil, but is kind of implying that he’s not going to let any domestic product be shipped on the market.
No they hate China – even though they didn’t have any problems with the Mittster doing business with them.
They no longer cheer against the 47% – the working families that don’t earn enough to have to pay taxes.
I’m not sure this guy is that smart or whether Republicans are that stupid. And some Democrats that plan to vote for this guy.
More Illegal immigrant hating – how about all the crime by regular Americans.
Too Funny, he just got the audience applaud, very lightly, getting smart foreigners to come over to help push our economy.
Now he’s got everyone applauding that he knows how to build. He wants to build road, bridges, etc. etc.
Didn’t Republicans not want to pay taxes for that stuff? They would never want to spend a penny….but now – spend, spend, spend.
“Jimmy Fallow kicks Steven Colbert’s ASS in the 18-54 demographic”
What stupid motherfucker. It’s a commie-liberal late-nite show landscape, and wingnuts aren’t welcome because you’re all a bunch of stupid motherfuckers without any intelligence, wit or a sense of humor. Heh. Obviously sucks to be you, asshole.
Too funny! Trump just ripped all the Republican presidential candidates new orifices in his speech in front of 20,000 cheering Texans, tossing in a complete eviscerations of Karl Rove and George Will for good measure. LMFAO! No wonder Fox News isn’t showing it. All the liberal-fascist late-nite hosts will be having a field day with this one, including Cobert. Understand this. Whatever share each show gets, their viewers will all be laughing at you stupid fucking Republicans. That’s gotta really suck for a batshit crazy loon.
I’ll go out an a limb here – but I think Trump becomes President with 58-65% of the Vote. I’m not sure why or how I come up with that number. Maybe it’s driven by fear – I don’t know.
Funny – Never tolerate the stain…..should have said never tolerate the shit stains.
Another day, more polls. Nationally, it’s all Trump. Carson up slightly, but no longer gaining on Trump. Everyone else down except Rubio, who, heh, surged from 5.5 to 5.8 in the RCP average. Huckabee’s KIm Davis stunt didn’t seem to help as he’s down. Walker and Fiorina each only got 2% in the ABC poll, a point less than Rand Paul. Ouch!
It’s apparently a Trump wingnut world and the rest of the GOP candidates only live in it.
But I’m also starting to think the only one that has a chance against Trump is Bernie Sanders.
I wonder when Trump will start to bash Bernie Sanders…..I haven’t heard him say anything about Bernie, he talks more about Hillary.
I’m sure there is some verse in the Bible that supports this….but of course that would just be a loophole….although discrimination is discrimination, sadly there isn’t even a Bible verse that could support this – this, if True, is just an example of racist bigots being bigots….but I’m sure the bigots are bigots all around…..most likely they only support the lily white hypocrites.
@30 I’m not sure we need polls anymore, at this point.
Meanwhile in real news… There is a 5 month gap … the apparition of Rose Mary Woods reappears http://legalinsurrection.com/2.....on-emails/
PuddyCommentary: These Clintonistas really think everyone is a LIV like her swooning DUMMOCRETINS! Judicial Watch is doing yeoman’s work here!
It’s apparently a Trump wingnut world and the rest of the GOP candidates only live in it.
Oh my Triple S is living up to his name! That’s why you are known as Triple S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN!
Wait for the right time to use something as needed! 25% of black respondents say they would vote for Trump over Clinton. Of course to a Mormon/Lutheran libtard such as Triple S, those 25% blacks live in wingnut world.
No wonder Fox News isn’t showing it. All the liberal-fascist late-nite hosts will be having a field day with this one, including Cobert.
First you can’t even spell his name right!
Oh but they did until O’Reilly because O’Reilly is number #1 in Cable News shows!
What stupid motherfucker. It’s a commie-liberal late-nite show landscape, and wingnuts aren’t welcome because you’re all a bunch of stupid motherfuckers without any intelligence, wit or a sense of humor.
Oh my Triple S is living up to his name! That’s why you are known as Triple S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN! Triple S head went
Call Puddy a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahambulance
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Ferguson Commission completed its report. Small victory for the protesters. Fight fire with fire!
Puffy is here – I’m leaving….good for the night…I’ll check in tomorrow to see what more insane, meaningless comments of his.
Puffy – you should give the Donald a tip, he should move away from Hillary and start bashing Bernie now.
Oh look, one of Puffy’s Breitbart pals got arrested by the FBI for pretending to be a terrorist.
The James Blake case just keeps getting worse.
Sarah Palin’s Russian isn’t any better than her geography.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Never forget the GOP nominated this twit for Vice President of the United States. Why would any thinking person ever vote Republican? GOP = the party of stupid.
@18 “Most libtard led big cities have a racist police department.”
The obvious way to solve that is by disbanding the police department and starting over with recruits who aren’t racist bullies. That’s what a progressive city manager would do.
“Oh but they did until O’Reilly because O’Reilly is number #1 in Cable News shows!”
LMFAO! at the stupid motherfucking batshit crazy loon!! Colbert has more than a million more viewers, all young, vibrant, intelligent progressives, than O’Reilly with his pathetic audience of dying, bitter old white conservatives. Your future sucks, fool! LMFAO! at the stupid motherfucking batshit crazy loon!!
Call Puddy a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahambulance
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa”
The stupid motherfucking batshit crazy loon is reduced to cutting & pasting his own stupid fucking batshit crazy psycho-rants. OMG! How fucking psycho is that?? Too funny!
Oh look, one of Puffy’s Breitbart pals got arrested by the FBI for pretending to be a terrorist.
Breitbart pal? Stoooooooooooopid as evah!
DAYUM early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Puddy covered this last week.
The early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit is as slow as sloth these days!
Triple S is demonstrating why he is Triple S in #43 and #44! Triple S can’t answer why Triple S thinks 25% of the black population are racist wingnut loons!
That’s why you are known as Triple S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN!
That’s what a progressive city manager would do.
So the Seattle Mayor Ed Murray isn’t progressive enough for you?
So if Trump is this misogynist racist why is Heilary losing wimens support? http://legalinsurrection.com/2.....ong-women/
Remember this? http://chicksontheright.com/bl.....arding-is-voting-with-her-vagina-and-she-wants-you-to-know-all-about-it
Oh lookie here… Friends of HA DUMMOCRETINS were going to stage an attack out of their mosque! Butt butt butt it’s a holy place! http://legalinsurrection.com/2.....rshippers/
Legal Insurrection? That’s that always wrong wing whacko site that made the babbling jackass all Liz Warren deranged.
How’d that work out?
@1 From the time Constantine converted and made the church in Rome equal or superior to the church in what is now Istanbul the Catholic church enjoyed great political, economic and social power. Through the reformation and generally through much of the 18th century and only the rise of the modern Italian state and the final dismemberment of the Papal States leaving only the Vatican and few locations in and near Rome. Oh the church does have a ambassador in the US and one at the United Nations. And the United States has an ambassador at the Vatican and one or two Presidents have kissed and kneeled to the papal ring.
Oh and there will be 80,000 screaming fans for the Pope in October in New York. He will be speaking to Congress. Having a chit chat with President Obama. Gee more popular than the Beetles so maybe a Beetles comment on the pope was true at the time but isn’t today.
Seems kinda significant, but not like the salad days when that dude Michangelo painted ceilings and did marble statues, and the gold and the Medici’s.
@2 Just ask Cicero that was the Roman Empire not the Roman Republic which only used just war. The Romans generally didn’t cloak the political join us or die in religious tones. Just ask the followers of Hannibal, and what happened to his capital city. Nothing religious in what happened there. And that is under Cicero’s Republic.
@6 Unfortunately there is no such thing as a locked up super delegates . They will jump boat like a bunch of rats if the voting goes against Hillary. Unless she has good blackmail material on them such as photos of them in a lip lock with Donald Trump.
If the Super delegates were to usurp the voters decision it would break the Democratic party within and give the Republicans a strong tactic of her being appointed by the powerful and they (who are normally guilty of appointing) with a cast of so many hopefuls sans Rick Perry will point that out continually. She loses the voters she will lose those super duper folk as well. Rats know what to do in a sinking boat, so do politicians of both parties.
@54 Well she does probably have Bill Clinton’s vote tied up.
@41 in Italy, that Country that’s shaped like a Boot, they have a word for women like Sarah Palin, it is “butanna”.
Hey HA DUMMOCRETINS, looks like another of those St Louis County friends of yours killed a cop… http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2015.....estern-ky/ Shanks’ Facebook photos show that he participated in the Ferguson protests/riots and attended Michael Brown’s funeral. He rode to the memorial service with friends in a rented limousine.Mugshot provided.
The batshit crazy loon is full of hate at 6:00AM in the fucking morning. What a fucking loser.
Yes, Puddy is here; commenting on the hate of progressive DUMMOCRETINS killing another cop. Puddy sees you have no problem with that Triple S!
Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN!
We’ve seen the batshit crazy freak cheer every death of an unarmed black. We’ve seen him cheer as America-hating wingnuts trained their firearms on our own government at the Bundy ranch. He cheers America-hating Texas wingnuts who push for secession on the ballot.
Polls now reveal that 40% of you America-hating wingnuts don’t even want elections. You want a revolution, a violent takeover of our nation’s government, and that’s why a batshit crazy loon such as yourself to come here to spew your batshit insane hatred of America from morning to fucking night.
You worthless piece of shit. You weep faux tears for that cop even as you spew hate and agitate for the deaths of millions of Americans. You can take your goddamned batshit crazy fucking freak show and go to fuck yourself with it.
Waaaaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah call Puddy a Call Puddy a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahambulance @59!
When called on it we see Triple S scooping the fourth helping of shit! Makes up some phony baloney horsesASS manure and throws it up as a lookie here moment. Puddy caught you BIG TIME sucka. Calling hate on a Hands Up Don’t Shoot Ferguson fool killing a cop. Yes, Triple S doesn’t care so it’s a Psych 101 projection in #59!
That’s why you are known as Triple S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN!
You want a revolution, a violent takeover of our nation’s government blah blah blah…
– Where has Puddy advocated anything like those freakazoids the vomit producer loves?
Prove IT! Grow some marbuls and ax the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch for a crazed databaze replay! Yet so far Triple S hasn’t demonstrated Triple S has a set of marbuls.
No rebuttal whatsoever from the batshit crazy loon. Nah, he only comes back to perform his unfunny batshit insane babbling jackass routine. What’s truly funny, though, is the batshit crazy loon has absolutely no clue just how pathetic his lame, tired act has become. The batshit insane babbling jackass must not have received the Wasilla hillbilly’s orders to “speak American”. Oh, wait, that was only for the immigrants she hates, not for her loyal batshit fucking insane wingnut worshippers who somehow never managed to learn how to string together even two fucking words in their own native language.
I think yesterday I went out on a limb and said that Trump wins with 60-65% of the vote. I’m going further out on the limb, I think it could be as high as 70%.
Ellen White reallyreallyreallyreally disapproves of fuckwad jizzing all over these threads.
Jesus too.
fuckwad ought to stop it.