Sure is too bad for IBM’s workers, but if the Republicans keep screwing the working class like this, the capitalist bunny will be tooling around in Puget Sound on a 100-foot yacht equiped with a personal masseuse any day now.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Vietnam war helicopter pilot Hugh Thompson Jr., reviled by rightwing militarists for stopping the slaughter of Vietnamese villagers at My Lai by threatening to shoot the American troops who were killing the unarmed civilians, died today in a VA hospital of cancer at age 62. Three decades after the incident, the Army grudgingly awarded Thompson the Soldier’s Medal.
Buy 3M!
My Left Footspews:
Happy Saturday! Well, I checked the (un)Sound Politics site and no mention of the estate tax Keystone Kops act that that Rightwingnuts pulled this week. Wonder why that is? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I’m trying to dream up a few Democratic commercials for the next election. We show clips of Robertson talking all that crazy taliban shit superimposed by pictures of prominent religious conservatives and ask America if they really want to risk living in a theocracy.
No bids yet?
Already have that one. I am looking for the Scotty 1994 limited edition. IT is a tough Franklin Mint world out there. A real Romulan eat Kingon world.
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
My Left Foot@#4 I think they’re all at a bar somewhere. They have so many sorrows to console themselves over.
Roger Rabbit@#2 I wish I had known at the time that we had such principled members of our armed services. I served, but with anguish, knowing the Viet Nam conflict to be a criminally motivated escapade. I was particularly influenced by the opportunity to speak at length to Sir Richard Allen, the Ambassador to Indo-China ( as it was called at the time of his service) for the British Empire. He served in that capactiy for nearly two decades. He left me with no illusions about the criminal folly of the US engaging in a land war on Asian soil.
“The bigger challenge to this budget is the long-term deficits driven by mandatory spending, or what they call “entitlements.” And these entitlements include Social Security and Medicare, both of which are growing faster than our ability to pay for them. The cost of these programs are growing faster than the economy. The cost of these programs are growing faster than the rate of inflation. The cost of these programs are growing faster than the population is growing. It’s unsustainable growth, because a lot of people like me are getting ready to retire.”
Hmmm, really, George?
What I’d then like to know is whehter the cost of our military program is growing faster than the economy. You never hear any Repubs bitching about that.
Captain Ed sez, “Give me wingnut delusions or give me death!”.
I have some Franklin stuff. eBay is an addiction, I am getting ready to list some stuff to clean out my garage. It is time to “unclutter” my house, it will be tough, but I gotta do it.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Here you are folks—
The 2005 Statewide Valuations for 2006 Property Taxes are out.
Can you find this summary anywhere on the Internet??? NO.
Why is that? Because KingCo once again has figured out a way to TAKE from the rest of the State.
The Statewide Assesed Values have increased by 3.455%
Our Friends in KingCo have only increased by 1.76%….approx. 48% LESS than the state average.
What this means is a significant shift of the State Portion of Property Taxes from KingCo to the rest of the State.
Some other Counties are going to get hammered….
For example, Clallam County is up 11.7%
Jefferson County is up 5.8%
Counties where the disparity between average wages and cost of living will grow even wider due to this tax shift.
This is what happens with the current LEFTIST PINHEADED agenda manifest in the Growth Management Act. Only the wealthy can live “rural” lives is exactly where we are heading.
Just like in Amsterdam……
All the worker bees like in a RAT MAZE in the CITY.
The ELITE live in the beautiful, wide-open Country Villa’s.
The ELITE also have their FLAT in the City….but certainly do not want the other mere RATS to ever have a Country Villa like them!
@ 10 They worry that the “entitlements” otherwise known as social contracts are “growing faster than the economy.”
One good answer to that problem, get rid of the inept and criminal Republicfucks and get the economy growing faster!
Senator Windfall is donating tainted Abramoff money she got. When will Dimbulb? Dimbulb was #9 on a list of 500 people who got the money? Has she no ethics at all?
Mr Relevantspews:
Oh what a sad day in our Nations history. Pitiful Mr. DeLay has decided to step aside as speaker of the house. Doesn’t that just brin tears to all of our eyes? (Or in the case of MTYD a new drip to your thing)
Left Turnspews:
It’s a great day! Dumbass Delay is GONE! If nothing else happens this year that’s bad for the GOP, this coward, giving up his power, will go down as a great moment, second only to the moment when we see him in jail where he and other traitors like him belong! What a punk. Quitter!
Delay hasn’t lost his power…… he just agreed not go after his seat after his acquittal.
I say get rid of welfare and arm yourself to the hilt because
they would be coming to raid your fridge. About three weeks
we could end welfare and crime. BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM
reload….BLAM BLAM BLAM still moving… BLAM BLAM BLAM.
Not that I have an opinion.
All the events of this last week prove are WE WERE RIGHT and you fucking right-wing trollfucks are wrong.
You’re wrong…the wheels are coming off of this clusterfuck and you’re STILL to stupid to see it.
Holy Pope on a Rope (NOT you Richard)!!!
Just what IS it going to take for you too sede how evil, corrupt and bent on domination this cabal has become?
And a “special” note to my dear correspondent, MtR…you are a damned fucking liar and YOU are what’s making this system fucked up. You and the rest of your self-serving greedy asshole cronies. Your “Fuck ALL of you as long as I GET MINE!!!!” bullshit. Rot In Hell you piece of shit. Or prison. Prison would be better. I’ll come visit. THAT’s what JESUS would do.
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
@23 Don’t hold your breath. Fitzmas is coming. The prosecutorial team has announced that they will be vetting Preston,Gates,& Ellis, now that Abramoff has copped a plea. What they find will determine if DeLay faces further criminal charges.
A short trip through Google on the subject of Abramoff,Delay, and Saipan will probably convince you that this is only Tommyboys first attempt at damage control, on the order of cutting his foot off to escape the beartrap. . . .
rujax, how do you really feel?
Mark The Redneckspews:
Rujux – I work for what I get, and I am SAFT of you worthless stupid lazy assholes demanding a piece of what I earn. Fuck you. If you want what I got, do what I do.
sgmmac “he just agreed not go after his seat after his acquittal.”
No, he has given up on returning to house leadership after he is behind bars.
@ 28, I want no part of your trailor home, and I have no desire to scratch your nuts all day.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Rujax – I’ve asked before and I’ll ask again. Make the moral case that you are entitled to take what I earn.
Lazy stoopid fuck.
We shall see, the good thing is we all get to talk about it……..
Seriously, sgmmac, DeLay has stated that he will run for his seat again in November.
That does remain to be seen.
YOu earn what you do because of the investments of others. If you have any involvement in international trade, the ports, rails and highways provide for you from others. Your education did not spring forth out of your sheer brilliance. There are school systems (and even private systems) which are built upon the efforts of others. Your narrow little world view doesn’t allow you to see how others have helped you get where you are.
But I know I’m wasting my time interacting with you. You have proven are impervious to any outside thoughts
Lots of other Gregoire and Preston Gates ties too….look at some of her appointments.
Mark The Redneckspews:
K – Uh-huh… that and the fact that it’s a whole lot easier to steal money than it is to earn it.
@ 35 WOW! I have never seen a “smoking Gun” post like that before!
Not only is there no Gun, but there ain’t no smoke.
What on earth did you think that URL was supposed to outrage us about, Mr. Cyn-Irr?
@ 36 “it’s a whole lot easier to steal money than it is to earn it.”
I’ll have to take your word for that.
MTR – The Lord Buddha says “Even if a fool lived with a wise man all his life, he would still not recognise the truth, like a wooden spoon cannot recognise the flavour of the soup.”
I didn’t know he knew you….
Mr. Cynicalspews:
And David McDonald, Partner with Preston Gates was Gregoire’s lead attorney in the election contest, wasn’t he?
Seems like Gregoire has an awful lot of ties to the Preston-Gates Law Firm which has gotten a whole lot of business from the State thru Gregoire…..
With The Preston Gates Firm being right in the middle of this investigation, perhaps there will be a little local dot connecting going on. It will be interesting to see where all the cow chips fall.
I’m done with you. Your refusal to honestly engage makes it a waste of time. You ignore what you don’t like and change the subject. Same thing you did on the thread after asking for what Sen. Murray has done. Get responses and ignore them.
Your self-centered world view shows the bankrupcy of your ideas.
Good bye
Mark The Redneckspews:
I acknowledged that Senator Dimbulb redid what somebody else did. Is that it? Is that what passes for “leadership”. OK. You made my point.
Your argument for taking my money was stupid. C’mon… make the case that you are entitled to take a piece of what I earn to make up for your own stupid decisions.
I keep seeing stupid crap posted here about “tax cuts for the rich”. WTF is wrong with that? Since the bottom half pays only 4% of taxes, who else would get tax cuts except for us “rich” guys?
Mark The Redneckspews:
Fire – So um… wooden spoons are your justification for feeling entitled to take my money? Oh…
Voter Advocatespews:
@19, Donna
Seeing the evidence of Bush going down the drain just causes me to be proven, how to say it, correct about everything.
Hear that, you trolls? You’re all wrong, and I’m right neener, neener!
Since the bottom half pays only 4% of taxes, who else would get tax cuts except for us “rich†guys?
If ever there was a “pulled from the butt” neocon fact there is one.
For the Cluelessspews:
Redneck – if you’re 100 percent behind all the pork that the Republicans are approving being spent in defense, highways, etc – then pony up freeloader – after all it’s your sorry butt that is being saved from the evil swarthy guys with the mustaches and your luxury SUV needs a halfway decent road to ride on.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey Goldy, how come I was having trouble posting last night? Are the NSA spooks behind this? Hey you NSA guys, if you’re messing with my computer, screw yourselves you unpatriotic fucks! What do you say about people who get their rocks off by abusing cute furry little animals? Sheesh.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Cynical-Idiot @40
“And David McDonald, Partner with Preston Gates was Gregoire’s lead attorney in the election contest, wasn’t he?”
No, he wasn’t. He’s a party official, and was the intervenor on behalf of the Democratic Party official in the case.
“Seems like Gregoire has an awful lot of ties to the Preston-Gates Law Firm which has gotten a whole lot of business from the State thru Gregoire …”
The Democrats were represented by attorneys from Perkins Coie, dumbass.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey MTR — Question for ya — let’s say mom spends all her time in bars, sleeps with a different man every Friday night, and refuses to work for a living … but 2 little kids depend on her for parenting and life’s necessities … should we give the kids welfare or let ’em starve?
Roger Rabbitspews:
MTR — it isn’t your money anymore after the government takes it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
P.S. — no refunds.
Roger Rabbitspews:
P.S. 2 – since it’s the Republicans who are now taking your money and spending it, you need to talk to them about it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
P.S 3 – make sure you’re standing in a bucket of water and sticking your finger in a socket when you do.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Roger Rabbitspews:
MTR @28
“I am SAFT of you worthless stupid lazy assholes demanding a piece of what I earn. Fuck you. If you want what I got, do what I do.”
When did any of us ask for 1 cent of your money? You’re delusional, man. We’re not taking your money, the government is, and the government is run by Republicans, so talk to them about it. Make sure you’re standing in a bucket of water with your finger in a socket when you do. You sure complain a lot for a guy who won’t even pay an honest gambling debt. Loser.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Delay hasn’t lost his power…… he just agreed not go after his seat after his acquittal.”
And if he’s not acquitted?
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Roger Rabbit@#2 I wish I had known at the time that we had such principled members of our armed services.”
Oh, don’t worry, your expectations of the military were largely fulfilled. Thompson was a misfit, trust me on this, and was suitably vilified and hated by the rightwing, GOP-voting, Bush-licking warmonger militarists who make up much of our military — much in the same fashion as they hated, and threatened the life of, the guy who blew the whistle on their seamy torture/murder operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Gitmo. These guys would be a good fit in almost any of history’s armies, but especially in Hitler’s or Stalin’s armies.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Which reminds me — why does prr spit on Vietnam veterans?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Oh, and before I forget, prr is a nazi.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Sadly, some of our service members have trouble distinguishing right from wrong.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“‘The bigger challenge to this budget is the long-term deficits driven by mandatory spending, or what they call “entitlements.” And these entitlements include Social Security and Medicare, both of which are growing faster than our ability to pay for them. The cost of these programs are growing faster than the economy. The cost of these programs are growing faster than the rate of inflation. The cost of these programs are growing faster than the population is growing. It’s unsustainable growth, because a lot of people like me are getting ready to retire.’ Hmmm, really, George?”
I have an idee — since everybody else (e.g., IBM) is eliminated defined benefit pensions, let’s eliminate his. He doesn’t need it, and he sure as hell hasn’t earned it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Why should a CEO who has cost his shareholders and customers $6 trillion of debt in 8 years get a pension? We should take it out of his pay.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Roger Rabbit has posted 100% of the last 17 comments. If you don’t like it, your armadillo is waiting for you!!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Will Dr. Hasatings continue to twiddle his thumbs?”
Doc hears no evil, sees no evil, and certainly speaks no evil — even though he’s up to his neck in evil.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Rabbit @49 – The kids should be taken away and placed in a loving home and mom should be sterilized.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“MtR…you are a damned fucking liar and YOU are what’s making this system fucked up. You and the rest of your self-serving greedy asshole cronies. Your ‘Fuck ALL of you as long as I GET MINE!!!!’ bullshit. Rot In Hell you piece of shit. Or prison. Prison would be better. I’ll come visit. THAT’s what JESUS would do.”
Only reason I’d visit MTR in prison is to collect a gambling debt.
For those of curious minds seeking the truth(this of course excludes MTR), those with the lowest 50% of the wealth in the USA (the bottom 50%) pay 35% >/b> of all federal income taxes. As of 2002 (it could only be a higher percentage now)
This does not include state income, or SALES taxes, sin taxes, hotel, airport, loitering, breathing taxes.
Hmmmm … wellllll … maybeeeee … I might visit MTR in prison if I was doing research to write a book about serial liars, but I kinda doubt I’d get much useful information from him.
Roger Rabbitspews:
MTR sez: “Rabbit @49 – The kids should be taken away and placed in a loving home”
My God! We AGREE on something! I’m sure glad you feel that way, because DSHS is in DIRE need of foster parents! Thanks for volunteering! Please click on this link to submit your application for a foster parent license here.
Altho — to be honest — given your hatred of women, you’re probably not licensable … but give it a try anyway.
Goldy, I do not want to seem ungrateful, but a post preview option would be helpful, so embarrassing TAG fuck ups like mine above could be reduced.
I will gladly help fund the upgrade. :)
Roger Rabbitspews:
If Bush gets his way, wage earners will pay ALL the taxes, and people who derive their income from capital gains, dividends, interest, rents, and other unearned income will pay nothing.
Roger Rabbit has posted 22 of the last 25 posts. If you don’t like that, visit MTR and his invisible hand will whack you off (so the other prisoners won’t see it). Hell, visit MTR anyway, it gets lonely in prison. Better do it quick, though, before the other inmates whack him for not paying his gambling debts.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Correction, Rogre Rabbit has posted 23 of the last 27 posts. If you don’t like that …
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey MTR … how about it … are you gonna volunteer to be a foster parent? Or are you just an empty suit … a mouth … all hat, no cattle?
Roger Rabbitspews:
And if we run out of American kids needing foster homes, I can fix you up with as many African and/or South American orphans as your heart desires. I’m in touch with relief organizations who have an inventory of around a billion of ’em.
RR @ 71, you make a great point. The 35% tax share for the bottom 50% only includes INCOME, not “scratch my balls and complain about the lazy poor while I get my dividend check and inheritance” wealth.
Roger Rabbitspews:
So what’s your answer, MTR? Are you gonna sign up to be a foster parent? Or no? I thought so. You just take, give nothing back, a fucking
@ 72 thanks. I will give that a try.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Yeah, now watch, MTR will be griping any moment now about the estate tax he didn’t have to pay when he inherited his old man’s $100 million family farm.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I get the feeling MTR wasn’t a sharecropper’s son, if he’s doing as well as he claims,
Roger Rabbitspews:
In the GOP version of upwardly-mobile America, the main predictor of your future wealth and prosperity is who your parents were.
Roger Rabbitspews:
If MTR’s theory of correlation between wealth and morality is correct, the emperical data should show a zero crime rate among the upper class.
Gregoire and Preston Gates are clearly joined at the hip.
Gregoire appointments.
McDonald’s involvement.
All kinds of gravy train bond and other business.
Frankly, I think we are entering a time where a whole bunch of unseemly fecal matter is going to float to the top….and neither Party will be immune.
Our future elections will have R’s and D’s proclaiming:
Left Turnspews:
We all know that REPUBLICAN lobbist Jack Abramoff gave an OVERWHELMING majority of his money to REPUBLICANS. So REPUBLICANS have a problem. They either have to defend him, they have to say that ALL his donations were okay, including the ones to DEMS, or they have to say ALL his donations were NOT okay, including the ones to REPUBLICANS.
I will flat out right now trade every single Democrat that Jack gave money to in return for EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN that Jack gave money to. That would put 60 seats in Dems’ hands in the Congress and 8 Senate seats in our hands. Fair trade for me.
I think we are entering a time where a whole bunch of unseemly fecal matter is going to float to the top….and neither Party will be immune.
You keep thinking that. But it sounds like desperation to me.
Mark The Redneckspews:
You wacky wibruls kwack me up…. I was just out doing some errands. Saw a car with a bumper sticker… I kid you not… that said “Boxer-Obama 2008”. Crack me up.
That would be a great show to have the kookiest of the kooks run for President. Obama might be OK, but he could never overcome the baggage she’d bring. TSWITW gonna have her hands full with Kerry and Boxer. Oh yeah… and Dean.
GOP garnteed to win in 08.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Dimbulb got more money from Abramoff than all FUWA GOP politicians COMBINED ! ! Look it up.
She should be ashamed. She should be investigated. She should resign.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Wabbit and others… I’m not opposed to paying taxes. Even though you try to misrepresent what I’m saying, I’m OK with paying a fair share. My bitch is with the notion that the system should be progressive. What possible moral justification is there for some to pay more dollars and a higher proportion than others? Why should some get a free ride? Why punish those who are productive and successful? Makes no sense.
MTVYD, maybe what you say in 89 is true (doubtful) but you are definitely opposed to paying gambling debts…..and definitely unlucky with all those rake scars. Pay your bet FREELOADER
If he’s not acquitted, there may be a lot of politicians in jail – everywhere…….
Mark The Redneckspews:
…it’s just that the reality is vaginas make us men .
Comment by GBS— 12/29/05 @ 5:44 pm
…vaginas do indeed make us men.
Comment by Donnageddon— 12/29/05 @ 5:55 pm
Go do something with yourself…….. get off the vagina kick already!
Roger Rabbitspews:
“If he’s not acquitted, there may be a lot of politicians in jail – everywhere……”
… and 95% of them will be Republicans.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey Mac — get a clue — influence peddling and bribery are illegal. What part of the word “illegal” don’t you comprehend?
All of it, it seems, as we;ve had this problem with you concerning Bush’s illegal wiretapping, too.
Illegal = crime
Comprende? Ahhh, forget it, you’re a basket case.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“What possible moral justification is there for some to pay more dollars and a higher proportion than others?”
Possible reasons:
1. Ability to pay is the fairest system
2. The market system is a less than perfect way to distribute society’s wealth
3. Those who have more, benefit more from what taxes pay for
4. Preventing undue concentration of wealth
5. How about simply because you’re a fucking asshole?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Actually, a doubt that MTR is a fucking asshole. Given his attitude toward women, he’s much more likely an unfucking asshole. Even though everyone is constantly telling him to get fucked, it’s probably been a long time since he’s been fucked. In fact, that’s likely his whole fucking problem.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey MTR, unfuck yourself, you unfucking asshole!
Roger Rabbitspews:
There … see … I didn’t use a swear word. If you put “un” in front of it, you un-swear it. Therefore, “unfuck” is not a bad word! Saying “unfuck” un-bads it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Roger Rabbit is cleaning up his language to become more socially respectable.
Speaking of polls……..
I thought this had some interesting points for all of the “poll worshiping” libs that can’t make a decision before consulting wth one.
How To Rig A Poll (or, Breaking Down The Latest AP/Ipsos Poll)
Posted by Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. on Friday, 06 January 2006 (17:07:43) EST
Contributed by bulldogpundit
You’ll likely be hearing orgasmic Democrats and the MSM crowing about this AP Ipsos poll which has the headline “Voters Seem More Ready To End GOP Control Of Congress”. The poll shows the following:
Wrong Track – 65%/Right Track – 32%
Bush Approval Rating – 59% Disapprove/40% Approve
Who Do You Want To Control Congress – 49% – Democrats/36%- Republicans
Sounds bad, huh? Well, as we’ve said before you (and the GOP leaders) shouldn’t use these polls as any kind of indicator as to what could happen in 2006, which is certainly how the MSM will spin it.
But here’s what you won’t see in the news stories. – the demography of the poll respondents
First, only 81% of respondents were even eligible to vote, and there’s no indication of how many of them actually went to the polls in 2004..
1. Party Leanings – The poll is slanted 52-40% towards Democrats, even though the voters in the 2004 election were split evenly at 37% between Republicans and Democrats.
2. Religion – Next, a whopping 19% of respondents had “no” religion, while in 2004 only 10% of voters had “no” religion, and they voted overwhelmingly for Kerry (+36%).
3. Age of Respondents In this poll 31% of the respondents were between 18-34, even though the 18-29 year olds (a slightly smaller demo) only made up 17% of the electorate in the 2004 election. I think it’s pretty safe to say that by including 30-34 year olds that number would have come close to the IPSOS sample.
4. Income Level of Respondents – This one is amazing. In this poll 15% of respondents made under $15,000 per year. In 2004, only 8% of voters were in this income bracket, and voted 63-36% for Kerry.
5. Marital Status – In this poll, only 56% of respondents are married. In 2004, 63% of voters were married, and voted 57-42% for Bush.
6. Geography – In this poll, only 17% of respondents were from “rural” areas. In 2004, 25% of voters were from rural areas, and voted 57-42% for Bush.
7. Race – In this poll, there were 71% white respondents and 12% Hispanic respondents. In 2004, 77% of voters were white, and only 8% Hispanic. Bush won the white vote 58-41% and Kerry the Hispanic vote 53-44%.
We’re not saying the GOP is going to have an easy time in 2006, but when you read slanted polls like this you really wonder if the purpose of conducting it was to get good results, or push an agenda. Given the history of the AP/Ipsos poll, my bet is on the latter.
I don’t know what affinity (if any) Gregoire has for Preston Gates, although I suspect if you dug into it, you’d find that Davis Wright Tremaine (the GOP’s lawyers) get bond business and their lawyers get appointed to state posts, too.
You said David McDonald was the Dems’ lead attorney in the election contest. I said you’re full of shit, McDonald was the Democratic official who was the named party on behalf of the Dems to the lawsuit, and was NOT a member of the Dems’ legal team. He was a party to the lawsuit, not a lawyer representing a party in the lawsuit, get it?
This is a simple statement of fact, as to which only one of us can be right. You are not right. I said so. Next.
Left Turnspews:
HA HA HE HE HO HO Sorry I just can’t stop laughing thinking about Delay being run out of town on a rail by his own party, republicans being indicted right and left and the right wing inbred kool aid drinking dingbats trying to put some sort of positive spin on the fact that everyone of their heros is a cowardly criminal! HA HA HA HE HE HE HO HO HO!
Mark The Redneckspews:
Wabbit – You’re full of shit as usual. Try again.
1. Ability to pay is the fairest system
This is halfway to grouchoandharpoism. Care to go the rest of the way? What’s wrong with everybody paying same share of income? Who the fuck are you to decide how much I should pay and why I should pay more than most others?
2. The market system is a less than perfect way to distribute society’s wealth
Really? What’s a better way? Grouchoandharpoism? Do tell….
3. Those who have more, benefit more from what taxes pay for
I got what I have through education and hard work. I get no more benefit from taxes than anyone else. If you want what I’ve got, do what I do. If you’re too lazy or stoopid, tough shit.
4. Preventing undue concentration of wealth
What’s wrong with concentration of wealth? Why not let people enjoy the fruits of THEIR work? Why should others reap the benefit from what I do? Further, how do you figure that’s an entitlement?
5. How about simply because you’re a fucking asshole?
So then you should give away 100% of your money since you’re a complete and total fucking asshole?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Do you believe David McDonald was:
[ ] 1. Legal counsel in the election contest lawsuit, or
[ ] 2. A party to the lawsuit.
Only ONE answer is correct!
[Hint #1: Answer (2) is Roger Rabbit’s position.]
[Hint #2: Roger Rabbit is right.]
[Hint #3: Mr. Cynical-Idiot is full of shit.]
From the clues provided above, you should be able to deduce that Answer (2) is the correct answer!!! If you answered (1), something is seriously wrong with you, and you should have yourself sterilized so you don’t reproduce and infect the world with some more of your defective DNA.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Who the fuck are you to decide how much I should pay”
A voter.
“and why I should pay more than most others?”
Because it’s the law, and you go to jail if you don’t.
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA Eat shit, whiner!!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
104 (continued)
“Really? What’s a better way?”
Take from rich assholes and give to generous, lovable, cute, fluffy, little bunnies like, um, moi.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“I get no more benefit from taxes than anyone else.”
Au contraire, you can afford to buy more gas than I can, therefore you use the roads more than I do. In addition, you pollute the air more than I do, and not just because you drive a bigger car, drive it more, and consume more — I’m referring here to the methane pollution you are constantly blowing out of your ass. And how about paying your gambling debts, welsher?
Roger Rabbitspews:
So Stefan — question for you — I know you read this blog, dude … why aren’t you going to share the loot from your lawsuit against Dean Logan and KCE with the generous donors to your “legal action fund” who paid for the lawsuit? Is it because:
a. you’re a selfish prick, or
b. you can’t hold a job and need the money, or
c. both of the above?
Roger Rabbitspews:
“What’s wrong with concentration of wealth? Why not let people enjoy the fruits of THEIR work?”
I suppose you would have us believe that wealth comes from hard work, and concentrated capital doesn’t lead to further concentration of capital, or that market manipulation, monopoly, and imbalances of bargaining power between capital and labor, or large pools of capital and small pools of capital, have nothing to do with who ends up with the wealth?
Roger Rabbitspews:
I would suggest the correlation between hard work and economic reward is either tiny or non-existent, as I’ve noticed that many of the people who have the most money do little or no work, and many of the people who have the least money have to work harder than anyone else, for the longest hours, and the most disagreeable jobs. So tell me again how hard work leads to wealth, MTR.
Roger Rabbitspews:
In the real market, there’s a lot more correlation between how lucky you are in a casino or the stock market, than there is between how hard you work and how much money you end up with.
So don’t feed us that “hard work” bullshit, MTR. Republicans don’t work hard, and that’s a fact.
Roger Rabbitspews:
If Republicans work so fucking hard, how come so many of them have so much time to pursue politics as a hobby? If hard work leads to wealth, how come we have no millionaire waitresses, truck drivers, or janitors self-financing their campaigns for U.S. Senate or Congress? Hmmmm?
Roger Rabbitspews:
MTR is so full of shit he makes your eyeball rattle in your skull.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Wabbit – Typical librulism. Politics based on greed, hate, envy, covetousness and a total lack of understanding on how wealth is created.
I think the reason you guys hate wealthy people so much is that it reminds you what pathetic losers you are. You hate seeing it rubbed in your face that you just aren’t as good. 50% of the people are below average, and most of them are libruls.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Which if the following is most true?
[ ] 1. MTR is full of shit.
[ ] 2. MTR is twice full of shit.
[ ] 3. MTR is full of shit at least 3 times as much as anybody else.
[ ] 4. MTR is not only 4 times as full of shit as anybody else, he’s a bet welsher, too.
[ ] 5. MTR needs to get laid in the worst way, but never will because he has an irrational fear of vaginas.
Roger Rabbitspews:
[ ] 6. MTR has an irrational superiority complex that just won’t quit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
MTR — the answer to all your questions is in post #107.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Anybody can be a waitress, truck driver or janitor. Hell, even delerious moonbats can do that. It’s the invisible hand at work. High supply leads to low prices. If you want to make money, invest in yerself and get some skills that are in high demand and short supply. Seems to work pretty well.
Wabbit, tell me…. are you really a lawyer? I mean… did you pass the bar and hold a license? Or are you a wannabe “paralegal”. C’mon… be honest.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Speaking of polls, a recent poll shows that 100% of Republicans are stupid, lying, assholes. Another recent poll shows 99.98% of them haven’t been laid even once in the last 10 years. Finally, a third recent poll shows that 101.3% of Republicans, when they do have sex, prefer to fuck armadillos of their own gender.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Wabbit, tell me…. are you really a lawyer? I mean… did you pass the bar and hold a license? Or are you a wannabe “paralegal”. C’mon… be honest.”
What do you think? I just told you that I want you to give me all your money in return for nothing. What do you think??
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Pentagon Study Links Fatalities to Body Armor
“Published: January 7, 2006
“A secret Pentagon study has found that as many as 80 percent of the marines who have been killed in Iraq from wounds to the upper body could have survived if they had had extra body armor. Such armor has been available since 2003, but until recently the Pentagon has largely declined to supply it to troops despite calls from the field for additional protection, according to military officials.”
A recent scientific study concluded that MTR’s rectal opening is 99.98% of his total body weight, and that he’s a bet welsher.
Roger Rabbitspews:
In case I forgot to mention it, prr is a nazi.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Here is a hint to identify Roger Rabbit—————
If you see 2 people talking in a room…and one looks bored out of his f*cking mind and on the verge of SUICIDE…….
well, the OTHER one is Roger Rabbit!
Roger Rabbitspews:
I’m not responsible for your depression, Cynical. If I were you, I’d be depressed too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey Cynical, did you buy NOV at $58 like I told you to do? It’s over $70 now.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I mean, what’s there to NOT be depressed about, if you’re a BIAW shill? Rossi lost his election lawsuit. Nethercutt got his ass kicked. So did David Irons Jr. So did Jim West. Cantwell is kicking McGavick’s ass in the polls. Doc Hastings is an embarrassment to his district. Not too fucking much to be happy about these days if you’re Mr. Cynical.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Even worse, the chickenshit probably didn’t buy NOV when I told him to. Now he has to pay $70 for it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Ya shudda listened to the Rabbit, Cyn.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Prr is a nazi.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Anybody can be a waitress, truck driver or janitor.”
Horse shit! Let’s see YOU be a waitress. Especially for a boss like you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey MTR, how many years has it been since you’ve had to work an entire shift on your feet, taking care of 20 tables at once and trying to remember who got their coffee warmup and who didn’t? Huh?
Besides that, if all your brag is even 1% true, you wouldn’t know the first thing about living on a waitress’s income.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey MTR, let’s see YOU back a 50-foot trailer into a loading dock with 1 foot of clearance on each side. Then try it in the dead of night, dead of winter, on black ice. To make it interesting, let’s throw in a 90-degree turn into the loading dock after coming through an 8-foot-wide gate.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey MTR, I don’t think that was you I saw chaining up a 16-wheeler in Snoqualmie Pass in blowing snow. You’re too chickenshit to get your hands cold.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey MTR — when was the last time you snaked a wad of tampons out of the sewer pipe in a girls’ dorm? Think you can replace a trap under a sink? How about sweeping and mopping the floors and emptying the trash containers in six 10-floor office buildings in one 8-hour shift? You got what it takes to do that? Huh?
Roger Rabbitspews:
MTR is too chickenshit to mop up a bathroom floor after the toilet overflowed.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I’ll bet MTR wouldn’t last one shift as a nursing home orderly.
Roger Rabbitspews:
He wouldn’t make it as an ambulance driver or grocery night stocker, either.
Roger Rabbitspews:
And he probably doesn’t know a transfer case from a transmission, or a pinion gear from a differential.
Roger Rabbitspews:
MTR is a useless unfuck.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Roger Rabbit posted 17 of the last 17 comments. If you don’t like that, unfuck you.
For the Cluelessspews:
112 has to be the crowning moment of MTR’s commenting career. The more money you got must mean your better – guess that goes for Drug /Crime/War Lords, lotto winners and idiot sons of east coast oil and banking money.
Mrs. Roger Rabbitspews:
I’m not feeding you any more carrots, Roger. They make you hyper.
Roger Rabbitspews:
If Republicans are rich, how come they’re so immoral?
Hey, you liberal bastards! I’m hosting the next edition of the Carnival of the Liberals, and would like to invite everyone to submit their best liberal writing. This blog has been going for a couple of months now, and it’s doing quite well. If you’ve ever accidentally stumbled onto my blog, you know pretty much anything goes, so don’t be afraid to submit your stuff. Hope to see your stuff soon. JR.
Janet Sspews:
For the record, I don’t think patty should give back the money. No one else needs to either, if it was given legally. Just because Abramoff directed the tribes to give to leaders in both parties doesn’t mean it is unethical. The only reason everyone is falling over themselves to give it all back is the pr.
There is a basic right – it is even written in the Bill of Rights – you get to petition your govt. Unless someone did something for the money, as it appears several repubs did, this is nothing more than making sure you are represented. Even the wealthy get to exercise their constitutional rights. And Patty can keep it. Too bad maria is too scared and spineless to do the same.
Roger Rabbitspews:
CARROTS!!! Where’s my CARROTS?!!! I want CARROTS!!!!!!! I need a carrot fix!!!! CARROTS!!! Where’s my CARROTS?!!! I want CARROTS!!!!!!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
You just don’t GET it, Janet. Abramoff isn’t about campaign contributions. Abramoff is about buying congressmen’s votes. It’s unfucking ILLEGAL!!!
Let’s try this word, then maybe you’ll understand:
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey Janet — if bribing congressmen is a constitutional right, how come Abramoff is going to jail for 10 years? How come Duke Cunningham is in the slammer? How come DeLay has been indicted? Why all these investigations and subpoenaes?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Some people are so stupid you wonder if it’s deliberate.
Janet Sspews:
So, you are saying that patty was bri-bed, as was Reid, but they are refusing to give it all back because they are what? And Maria is admitting she accepted bri-bes? Aren’t you the one that was ranting that dems can’t be bri-bed because they aren’t in power?
This is amazing, I give you an opening to be rational and you talk carrots.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey Janet, let’s try a little “petition your government” experiment.
Step 1. Janet writes a letter to Congressman X saying, “I’d like you to vote for House Bill XYZ.”
Step 2. After Janet gets a letter from Congressman X saying, “Dear constituent, thank you for your recent communication, your input is very valuable to us and deeply appreciated,” a rich business sends a letter to Congressman X saying, “If you vote against House Bill XYZ, I’ll pay you a million dollars,” with a certified bank check for $1 million drawn on a Carribbean bank enclosed.
Step 3. Now guess which way Congressman X votes:
[ ] a. For House Bill XYZ
[ ] b. Against House Bill XYZ
Ya, Janet, you go ahead and petition your government and see how far you get, if guys on the other side of your issue are writing checks drawn on Caribbean banks to congressmen.
Janet Sspews:
Admit it. Patty is keeping it because she isn’t up for reelection. Maria is giving it back because she is.
RR – your argument lacks logic. Donations have always been tied to issues. If given according to the law, they are legal. You are a great lawyer. You should know that.
Politics is messy. Giving money to a staffer’s wife is illegal. Giving money to Maria to retire campaign debt is legal. We may or may not like it, but that’s how it works. But why am I explaining this to the smartest man in the universe?
Janet Sspews:
Admit it RR – you just declared that maria and patty took bri=bes, and now you are too embarrassed to correct yourself.
The silence is deafening.
For the Cluelessspews:
Tiresome wingnut talking points – again!
For the Cluelessspews:
Janet S – Do you have some talking points ready for this story?
WASHINGTON — In a case that echoes the Jack Abramoff influence-peddling scandal, two northern California Republican congressmen used their official positions to try to stop a federal investigation of a wealthy Texas businessman who provided them with political contributions.
The congressmen, John T. Doolittle and Richard W. Pombo, joined forces with former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay of Texas to oppose an investigation by federal banking regulators into the affairs of Houston millionaire Charles E. Hurwitz, documents recently obtained by the Los Angeles Times show. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation was seeking $300 million from Hurwitz for his role in the collapse of a Texas savings and loan that ultimately cost taxpayers $1.6 billion.
The investigation was ultimately dropped.
From Sunday’s LA Times. It just doesn’t end with these Republicans.
Janet Sspews:
How clear can I make this? Those who did something wrong deserve to have the book thrown at them. If Delay blocked a valid investigation, he should be dealt with appropriately.
That doesn’t change the fact that Abramoff gave or arranged to give perfectly legal donations to a lot of congress people. I am trying to figure out a reason why the dems are falling all over themselves to give them back, except for political calculations. I find nothing wrong, just trying to resolve why Patty keeps them, but Maria finds it necessary to return them.
At the bottom of this is the constitutional right to petition your govt. Just like campaign finance reform has gone very far astray, lobbying might fall down the same rabbit hole. Dems are very careful about not letting their right to privacy be abridged by illegal wire tapping, but seem not to care that their freedom of political speech is being violated every day.
And please stop the talking points comments. If you can offer a plausible argument, then let’s hear it. Who cares where I get my ideas?
Roger Rabbitspews:
CARROTS!!!! I waaaaant CARROTS!!!!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Janet — for the umpteenth time:
Campaign contribution = legal
Paying congressman to vote a certain way = illegal
God, you’re stupid. Yes, it’s possible, in fact likely, that politicians received both campaign contributions (legal) and bribes (illegal) from Abramoff. So you can’t determine the legality or propriety simply by whether they got money from Abramoff. In each case, the question is whether the politician traded his or her vote in Congress for the money.
Really? What issues were my donations to Kerry/Edwards tied to?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Oh, I know — here’s the issue — George W. Bush is a lying, corrupt, incompetent, warmongerer whose presidency is an unmitigated disaster for all Americans, including those who support him.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey Janet, I have an idea! Why don’t you do what Abramoff did, then see if the prosecutor likes your legal theory.
“A secret Pentagon study has found that as many as 80 percent of the marines who have been killed in Iraq from wounds to the upper body could have survived if they had had extra body armor.”
And 100% would have been avoided if THE POOR SOTS HADN’T BEEN SENT THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE.
Dr. Espews:
Hey Roger, I got some carrots sitting in the fridge. Just hop on up to my place and help yourself — but make sure you take a shit on Stefan’s lawn first.
Dr. Espews:
My neighbors also have a few munchies left in their garden that they’re gonna plow under tomorrow, you might stop by there too. They have a old dog who’s arthritic, legally blind, and can’t really hear anymore, so I think you’ll be safe. Just FYI.
Sen Barak Obama is in Iraq and there is an article about the body armor for the Marines, it seems that they don’t want to wear it and they think their lives would be in greater danger if they wear more body armor. The greater the weight of the Kevlar, LBV, weapons, body armor, ammo, etc, the slower they move and they lose body mobility.
You didn’t answer my question about problems with posting. Several times in the last two days when I hit the post button, the post disappears and it says something about high traffic volumn and to try back later………….
Voter Advocatespews:
Is this an apples to apples comparison?
” The camouflage Kevlar vest, which alone can stop rounds from a 9mm handgun, weighs 8.4 pounds, while each of the plates weighs 4 pounds. At 16.4 pounds, Interceptor body armor is a third lighter than the 25-pound flak jacket from the Vietnam era, but it provides far more protection.”
How much do the side plates weigh? They must be lighter than the front and back plates, which would put the weight still less than the flak jacket, no?
Mobility must also be a factor, but mnay troops would take what the complainers have, since most troops don’t have the front and back ceramic at all. There is plenty of approval from live troops who were hit while wearing the improved helmets and jackets.
Mobility is especially limited when dead.
Meanwhile…. 12 more Americans die in Iraq. Hey all you Repugnants, how much longer do you think we are going to be in Iraq? How many more Americans will die? What are YOU willing to pay for this “noble cause”? Are YOU willing to sacrifice a son or daughter? Are you willing to sacrifice your right to privacy, your right to be secure in your place, your right to own a gun, your right to free speech? YOU are the party in charge… so please tell me what I have to do for this “noble cause”….
Daddy Lovespews:
RR –
I might be crazy for doing so, but I agree with what I see to be Janet S’s point, and also with yours on bribery. Campaign contributions are legal and ethical. Bribery is so not.
I’ver senn four very common scenarios.
1) A person (hereafter rferred to as “you” for convenience) contributes to a politician without connection to any particular vote or action.
2) A politician does something you like, so you make a campaign contribution after the fact to thank and encourage them. Less often used as a bribe because the crooks usually like the cash first.
3) You make a contribution, and AFTER that the politician does somehting you like. More often used for bribery becuse the crooked pol gets the money up front, but requires communication of the issue and your preferred vote or action. High risk of “appearance of impropriety.”
4) You buy a restaurant and provide free space and food for the Speaker of the House and the House Majority Leader to do business and hold fundraisers, then fly the Majority Leader to Scotland for all-expense-paid golf trips or to all-expense-paid to Russia to meet with oil executives and lobbyists for oil interests. OR you send money to a friend of the Interior Secretary to get her to lobby her firends for you. No “official” campaign contributions, but a LOT of money floating around.
Daddy Lovespews:
Another item from the AP poll, but take into account jaybo’s surprisingly accurate comment on the demographics behind it:
“56 percent of respondents in an AP-Ipsos poll said the government should be required to first get a court warrant to eavesdrop on the overseas calls and e-mails of U.S. citizens when those communications are believed to be tied to terrorism.“
Those comments were from the news article I read and they were from Marines. A lot of the new armor ceramic plates are failing to stop bullets, the ceramic armor on the new Stryker vehicle also has failed many ballistic tests.
You, politicians, and government bureaucrats can continue to use soldiers to gain your political points. but you do them a grave disservice when you try to design their equipment without their input and their experience. I saw 30 years of screwed up Army equipment because no one bothered to talk to the soldiers who had to use the crap!
eggmac – WTF are you talking about? I know the soldiers who drive and man the Strykers and they, all of them, tell me it is absolutely the best thing since sliced bread. I know you never rode in a M113, but it was a rolling coffin. I saw the equipment in the Army and the training and the morale and the spirit of the Army sky-rocket over my tenure. Do you have a link about the failing ceramic armor or the failure of the Stryker? Please post. As far as “King of Battle”, they got some of the newest and best equipment of all of us…. Lastly, if you have ever seen any of the major manufacturers design teams for new equipment, you will notice MANY retired officers and NCOs. (remember to post those links…)
The Bush Residency is a long national nightmare that we won’t wake up from until 2008 and no I don’t favor impeachment unless Darth Cheney agrees to leave the White House with the Resident.
Janet Sspews:
So Roger says that Patty and Maria accepted bri-bes. Now there’s a good dem!
Hey Janet, show me where I said that. You’re wingnut to the bone — dumb as a rock, and you make shit up.
Dr. Espews:
Hope you feel better. I’ll leave the back door open for you, the carrots are on the bottom shelf in the fridge.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I was having the same problem, so it appears to be at the server end — or maybe Bush’s domestic spies are messing with the web site. I’m sure we’re all on their watch list.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Gee, thanks!!!! :D :D :D
Roger Rabbitspews:
“You, politicians, and government bureaucrats can continue to use soldiers to gain your political points. but you do them a grave disservice when you try to design their equipment without their input and their experience. I saw 30 years of screwed up Army equipment because no one bothered to talk to the soldiers who had to use the crap!”
Hey Mac — when I was in The Nam, I never saw an M-16 you could put two whole magazines through before the @#%&*! thing jammed. Have they fixed that, or is the 16 still a POS?
Roger Rabbit@55
The money taken is not from the federal level, the state and local LIBERAL government are who are killing us with exorbant taxes!
Mark The Redneckspews:
Hey, didja see the Times agrees with me that Dimbulb should give back the tainted Ambramoff money? Geez, you’d think she’d know better. Oh yeah… it’s Dimbulb. Never mind.
Did any of you have any luck thinking of something she has done in 3 terms that required razor sharp perception, innovative solutions and bold leadership? Geez, I thought one of you might talk about the 100,000 teacher thing, but you didn’t.
Annoying background noise @183, but no content.
Mark The Redneckspews:
K – Huh? Times agrees with me and that’s not “content”? They agree that she got shitloads of money that you guys didn’t know about and that’s not content?
Name something she’s done. Anything… You can’t can you? She’s just another useful idiot.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Legislature starts tomorrow. Anybody know what the girlz got planned?
Let’s put them in two categories:
1) Stealing money
2) Taking away rights.
For the Cluelessspews:
Redneck @ 185
We’ve discussed this already. Where were you? I’ll throw you a couple of bones. First: Veterans. Second: Port Security.
Mark The Redneckspews:
OK. Somebody said she restored money for veterans. So in your mind, that required razor sharp perception, innovative solution and bold leadership. Hmmmm….
And on the port security thing, didn’t the 911 commission just say that nothing substantive has been done on that? Give me something specific that she’s done. Isn’t it a fact that ports are as vulnerable now as they’ve always been? Cite something specific.
For the Cluelessspews:
Hey Wingnuts,
Total bill for the Resident’s excellent adventure in Iraq:
You wanted this right? This guy (Saddam) was pretty mean. He had a mustache. He fired guns in the air while dissin’ Murka. I mean we flew planes on his northern and southern frontiers and took pot-shots at him when we felt the urge and had his economy in the tank with sanctions but we had to send in the infantry. I mean that’s the manly Republican way of doing things. Isn’t it?
Mr. Stiglitz told the London Guardian newspaper that despite the staggering costs laid out in their paper the economists had erred on the side of caution. “Our estimates are very conservative, and it could be that the final costs will be much higher. And it should be noted they do not include the costs of the conflict to either Iraq or the U.K.”
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Once again, the LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS are on their way to snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory!! Phil Talmadge has dropped out of race for State Democratic Party Chairman and this was in today’s P-I:
“Talmadge said he was told that Gregoire didn’t intend to take sides in the chairmanship race, “which didn’t really answer the question I had posed. And frankly, I think governors have a right to have state party chairs that they feel comfortable with.”
Talmadge said he only got into the race in late December at the urging of state Sen. Margarita Prentice of Seattle, an old friend of his and a personal enemy of Pelz, a former state Senate colleague.”
Pelz, a hairline-challenged admirer of Fidel Castro, will clearly give hope to the Republican Party. Pelz…who “fancies” himself a Seattle Progressive, will certainly be the “Howard Dean” conservatives so desperately hope will take over the State Dems.
For the Cluelessspews:
Redneck @ 188
Ok one more bone. You know what she had to do to get homeland security money for the Port of Seattle that IIRC, had been promised and then reneged?
She had to put a hold on one of Bush’s political appointees. She used one of the few tools available to a Senator in the minority. She used some leverage. In order to protect the people of Seattle whose port is closer to downtown than most places she took a risk that probably came back on her.
What would George “Term Limits” Nethercutt have done?
Yes, I’m proud I threw the lever for her.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Clueless – Are the ports safer because of her actions? Did anything actually get done? Name one thing that has been implemented that makes ports safer.
C’mon… her record is at best unremarkable.
Janet Sspews:
Roger – Let’s take this one step at a time.
I asked why Patty and Maria should give back legal donations made to their campaigns. It looks bad, but there is nothing wrong with the money.
You said:
You just don’t GET it, Janet. Abramoff isn’t about campaign contributions. Abramoff is about buying congressmen’s votes. It’s unfucking ILLEGAL!!!
Let’s try this word, then maybe you’ll understand:
What part am I missing? You are very clearly saying that all donations made by Abramoff were bri-bes. Therefore, the money given to Patty and Maria were bri-bes. That is the only conclusion that can be made from your statement.
I happen to disagree. I think they are both honorable, ethical senators, whom I happen to disagree with. OBviously you think differently.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Janet -Have you lost your mind? Abramoff was a lobbyist. He represented special interest groups. He schmoozed politicians to get them to vote in a way that would make his customers happy. He plied politicians with money to “encourage” them to see it his way. If that’s not a bri-be, what is?
For the Cluelessspews:
192 – Facts are useless on you Redneck. Like Lakoff says, facts just “bounce” off your “frame”.
Are the ports safer? Are they worse?
Patty Murray works for all of us, not just the Republican special interests. Washington is safer and vets are better off because of her – among lots of other things. I think her record stands up well next to just about any other Senator in the minority (or the majority for that matter) taking into account how long she’s been there.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Clueless – What “facts”? You haven’t named one fucking thing she’s done. Not one. Just saying “lots of other things” is totally unconvincing. If there are so many name some.
Voter Advocatespews:
You righties are going to have to dig a little more to get a Dem/Abramoff bribery connection.
Like, did Patty’s former chief of staff set up a lobbying firm and hire the senator’s husband at a salary of $50K per year to select charities for the firm to give donations to that was never given? Anything like that? You know, like the jobs DeLay’s wife and daughter got.
Patty and the rest of the Dem leaders aren’t giving the money back because they don’t have an election to worry about in 2006, Cantwell does.
For the Cluelessspews:
196 – “You haven’t named one fucking thing she’s done.”
You’re proving my point – facts don’t matter to you.
I named TWO things. I went into detail on one of those things. If you can’t see it, then I won’t go into it further with you. Go to her website and look for other things she’s done. I won’t be your wet nurse.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I said @161: “Yes, it’s possible, in fact likely, that politicians received both campaign contributions (legal) and bribes (illegal) from Abramoff.”
Janet S said @198: “You are very clearly saying that all donations made by Abramoff were bri-bes.”
Janet S is
[ ] a. Stupid
[ ] b. A liar
[ ] c. Both of the above
[ ] d. Too stupid to be a liar*
* She reminds me of a federal judge’s remarks several years ago as he was sentencing an Idaho GOP congressman to prison: “I have doubts about the jury’s verdict, because frankly I think you’re too stupid to form a criminal intent.”
Daddy Lovespews:
MTR 199
“Abramoff was a lobbyist.”
WAS is right. Now he’s a pre-convict.
“He represented special interest groups. He schmoozed politicians to get them to vote in a way that would make his customers happy. He plied politicians with money to “encourage” them to see it his way.”
All correct. But you seem to be assuming that there is a non-existent equivalence between Jack Abramoff’s actions and those of his clients. First, Abramoff personally never donated a dime to any Democrat. Second, his clients, including the Indian tribes whom he defrauded, only hired him to act as an agent for their interests. Sometimes he asked them to give money to a particular person or organization, and they did so. However, they also acted on their own or through other, non-crooked lobbyists. There has not yet been a shred of evidence presented by anyone that any Democrat ever received money that Abramoff tred to funnel their way.
You see, Mark, Democrats have traditionally received the majority of Indian tribal donations because they tend to champion their interests. Abramoff’s talent and his GOP-sponsored mission was to pry tribal donations away from Democrats and toward Republicans. I know that doesn’t fit the narrative that your GOP controllers want you to try to establish, but it just unfucking IS the way it is.
But if you have actual evidence of Abramoff himself personally communicating with the tribes to funnel contributions from his clients to Democrats, please present it. I’m pretty sure it doesn’t exist.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The reason Indians tend to support Democrats more than Republicans is because some Republicans (e.g., our own Slade Gorton and his sidekick Jim Johnson) are racist Indian haters.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I get no end of chuckles out of the realization that Native American votes put Maria Cantwell over the top in her 2,200-vote victory over Senator Slade, who spent his entire public career shamelessly pandering to the anti-Indian rednecks in our state.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Mark The Redneckspews:
Daddy – Put down the kook aid. You sound like the fool that does Dimbulb’s PR. (Geez, there’s a job that must suck.)
One of the lobbyist’s jobs is to direct money from clients. That’s what they do. You and Dimbulb are trying to hide behind a technical veil. Doesn’t work. Dimbulb takes money from criminals.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Clueless – That fact that you can’t make a coherent argument does not mean that I am wrong.
Roger Rabbitspews:
MTR — it doesn’t mean you’re right, either.
Roger Rabbitspews:
MTR’s invisible hand has been getting quite a workout lately.
Mark The Redneckspews:
So Wabbit – You occasionally make coherent posts. Give me some concrete specific examples of where Senator Dimbulb has shown razor sharp perception to recognize problems, the abiliy to devise ingeneious solutions to them, and exhibit bold leadership to make the solutions a reality.
Good luck…
Mark The Redneckspews:
Look, my only point here with the Dimbulb diatribe is that her record is at best unremarkable and the kindest thing that can be said about her is that she has been a faithful useful idiot.
For the Cluelessspews:
razor sharp perception to recognize problems, the abiliy to devise ingeneious solutions to them, and exhibit bold leadership to make the solutions a reality
Redneck, this is bullshit. Murray has perceived inadequacy in serving the needs of veterans but of course that kind of perception is not “sharp” enough for you. She has worked with Senators on both sides of the aisle to put veteran’s needs on a higher priority but of course that’s not “ingenious” enough for you. Finally she’s shown leadership on re-prioritizing veterans issues but that’s not “bold” enough for you.
Murray and Cantwell will never be good enough for you Redneck. You know that. We know that. So why don’t you just go back to pleasuring yourself with the “invisible hand”?
Dimbulb debate
I can’t believe its even an argument. She’s pathetic…
When did you last hear her say something intelligent?
Crap; maria is bright (just misguided). patty is both dumb and misguided.
Janet Sspews:
But no one has answered why Maria is giving it all back but Patty refuses to. Either the money is tainted or it isn’t. If it isn’t, why give it back? If it is, how did it get accepted in the first place? And why won’t Patty give it back?
The last time these two went separate directions, the Times declared they were both right. I think it was on a vote regarding Iraq. So are they both right this time? The money is bad, but I’m keeping it, or not?
For the Clueless-
Debate with MTR is like debate with a black hole, ideas go in but never come out. If you bother to respond to his diatribes with a rebuttal, he changes the subject. A waste of time. He is either chronologically or intellectually juvenile.
Ignore him.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“One of the lobbyist’s jobs is to direct money from clients. That’s what they do. You and Dimbulb are trying to hide behind a technical veil. Doesn’t work. Dimbulb takes money from criminals.”
So do you. Pull out your wallet. Take out a dollar bill. Now prove that dollar bill has never been in the possession of a thief, robber, drug dealer, gangster, or other criminal.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Seems to me the “Senator Dimbulb” argument was over when the voters re-elected Murray last year by a crushing margin.
Roger Rabbitspews:
In the wake of Nethercutt’s devastating election loss, MTR and righton are reduced to mere name calling and posturing. Hey, I can posture too — how’s this for a bunny posture? (middle toe of right front paw extended forward and held up in air)
Mr. Cynicalspews:
You are a master of ILLUSIONS!
There are at most 10 of us who post and maybe 30-40 who visit your Blog…MAYBE!
I’m afraid you are beginning to actually believe their is some vast viewing audience to HA. There is not. Roger makes nearly 1/2 the Posts and them claims victory for HA based on number of posts. Several of the phantom posters post under multiple identities. We all laugh…no one in their right mind actually takes this seriously….do they?
Roger Rabbit—Rog certainly takes a looooooong time to make his POINTLESS!
Clueless–Clueless is a prime candidate for natural DE-SELECTION!!!
rujax—If you gave rujax a penny for his thoughts, you’d certainly be entitled to change.
headless lucy–Some people DRINK from the fountain of knowledge…clearly lucy only gargles!
And so it goes…………..
Goldy, do you really believe your fellow self-proclaimed Progressives follow you anywhere???????? Perhaps they do…but only out of MORBID CURIOSITY!!!!!!!!!
The LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS are known for setting low personal standards…..and then CONSISTENTLY failing to achieve them! Most of you KLOWNS are so dimwitted that it probably takes you 2 hours to watch 60 Minutes!!
And so it goes……………..
Goodnight MTR, PACMAN, JANET, ZIP, PUDSTER, SGMMAC……unfortunately for the KLOWNS on this Blog, the wheel is turning….but the hamster is obviously DEAD!
Here’s my problem with the Senator Murray attacks. On the one hand there is an assertion that she is dumb and ineffectual. On the other, she is accused of accepting tainted money from the most powerful, best connected lobbiest in Washington, presumably so she can deliver something. He does not pay out for nothing.
Do these local contributors to this site know more of her influence and power (or lack thereof) than the vaunted Jack A? Or is there a fundamental flaw in their arguement?
DO their other arguements rest on similarly flawed assumptions?
Mark The Redneckspews:
K – Dimbulb got money from Abramoff because she can be bought. I mean… it’s not like she has any coherent guiding principles to guide her voting. So she’s an easy mark for lobbyists. Makes perfect sense.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Roger makes nearly 1/2 the Posts and them claims victory for HA based on number of posts.”
So what? The same 15 rednecks vote for the GOP in every election, and the GOP claims a mandate. Why should Republicans be the only people with bullshit statistics? We want our fair share of bullshit statistics! Republicans want a monopoly on every fucking thing. Screw you, Cynical! If I want to run up Goldy’s stats, I’ll do it! and there’s nothing you can do about it.
Hey you NSA spooks — I know you’re reading this — fuck you unpatriotic fascist pigs!
Roger Rabbitspews:
“K – Dimbulb got money from Abramoff because she can be bought. I mean… it’s not like she has any coherent guiding principles to guide her voting. So she’s an easy mark for lobbyists. Makes perfect sense.”
You oughta know, MTR — given your vast experience as a person who can be bought and has no guiding principles, you should know one when you see one, huh?
For the Cluelessspews:
218 – Agreed. Lump in righton (WrongOne) in that category.
Voter Advocatespews:
You assholes ran George Nethercutt for Senate for crissakes. The man can’t even speak for himself. A complete nebbish tool of the K Street Project.
Give it up, you have absolutely nothing in this state, if anywhere.
Voter Advocatespews:
Howard Dean bitch slapped Wolf Blitzer on Late Edition today, he may as well slap you GOP troll bitches, too.
BLITZER: Should Democrats who took money from Jack Abramoff, who has now pleaded guilty to bribery charges, among other charges, a Republican lobbyist in Washington, should the Democrat who took money from him give that money to charity or give it back?
DEAN: There are no Democrats who took money from Jack Abramoff, not one, not one single Democrat. Every person named in this scandal is a Republican. Every person under investigation is a Republican. Every person indicted is a Republican. This is a Republican finance scandal. There is no evidence that Jack Abramoff ever gave any Democrat any money. And we’ve looked through all of those FEC reports to make sure that’s true.
BLITZER: But through various Abramoff-related organizations and outfits, a bunch of Democrats did take money that presumably originated with Jack Abramoff.
DEAN: That’s not true either. There’s no evidence for that either. There is no evidence…
BLITZER: What about Senator Byron Dorgan?
DEAN: Senator Byron Dorgan and some others took money from Indian tribes. They’re not agents of Jack Abramoff. There’s no evidence that I’ve seen that Jack Abramoff directed any contributions to Democrats. I know the Republican National Committee would like to get the Democrats involved in this. They’re scared. They should be scared. They haven’t told the truth. They have misled the American people. And now it appears they’re stealing from Indian tribes. The Democrats are not involved in this.
BLITZER: Unfortunately Mr. Chairman, we got to leave it right there.
Howard Dean, the chairman of the Democratic Party, always speaking out bluntly, candidly.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Voter – Everything Dean said is wrong. Abramhoff gave millions to Dems. That’s not even in dispute. He’s trying to play the same game Dimbulb is with some of it coming from clients instead of directly from him, but that doesn’t wash. It’s a lobbyist’s job to tell clients where to direct money to get favors. That’s what they do.
And Dimbulb is still guilty.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Voter – I’m thrilled that you hold Howard Dean in such high regard. GOP is guaranteed to continue to win with him at the helm. LMAO.
Plus everything he said is demonstrably untrue. Look it up.
Fire One,
I know many of the Officers and NCOs on those fielding and training teams. The I Corps staff section I worked in was very involved in everything Stryker the entire time I was stationed at Fort Lewis until my mandatory retirement. The Stryker is one of the better fielded pieces of equipment because of those teams with retirees. The Stryker had many problems and changes were made. The Brigade CSM who went through the first fielding is one tough guy and last I heard he was working on one of the Stryker teams as a contractor. It has only been the last 10 years or so that NCOs have been involved. It is still too often that Officers do the advance party and recon stuff.
I never rode in a M113 and yes, they ARE dogs, the first vehicle I was licensed on was a Jeep in 1974. I did ride in Gamma Goat once or twice!
You are right about the changes in the Army and most of those changes as far as training goes is due to the NCO Corps and the NCOES system. The years under President Carter were the worst that I saw. The drawdown after the first Gulf War was pretty ugly too.
My point was this….. the soldiers that stuck using the equipment are the ones with the most valid input. It certainly isn’t politicians, civilians and people who have never put on a uniform. Infantry soldiers carry over 100 pounds of equipment on their backs. The Army has been trying to lighten that load for years and it hasn’t really worked yet. The LBV equipment that was given to the Stryker soldiers in the fielding had/has a good concept, but it wasn’t holding up to the field use. A year later a lot of it was falling apart and people were working on fixes for it when I retired. Developing, testing and fielding equipment is a long complicated process. There isn’t a warehouse somewhere with hundreds of thousands of body armors waiting to get on a soldier or marine’s back.
Your conslusions are pure speculation. There is NO evidence (again as Dr. Dean said) that Abramoff ever directed a contribution to a Democrat. Got some evidence? I didn’t think so.
We DO know things like that A href=””>Abramoff gand Scanlon funneled more than $4 million to Ralph Reed and the Christian Coalition. You see that amount? But you think your “logic” dictates that he MUST have been behind a few thousand to Patty? Prove it. Show us. Put up or shut up. We have plany of evidence of Republican corruption. Show us your evidence. There is nothing there.
This is a Republican scandal. Republicans are going to jail. The Republicans are ciorrupt though and though their political machine.
Daddy Lovespews:
Hey, I forgot to mention. Abramoff was a “Bush Pioneer,” meaning that he raised more than $100,000 in campaign contributions for Bush’s 2004 campaign. Now, clearly these are contributions solicited by and “bundled” by Jack Abramoff and thus indisputably “Abramoff-related;” the Bush campaign confirms this notion by it’s use of the Pioneer title for Casino Jack. Bush returned $6000. Are you going to call for the president to return the $94,000 in Abramoff-related contributions that he received?
Note the I present evidence to bolster my contention that these contributions are “Abramoff-related” and directly channeled by jack Abramoff to the President’s campaign. Where’s yours?
Daddy Lovespews:
Hey, I forgot to mention. Abramoff was a “Bush Pioneer,” meaning that he raised more than $100,000 in campaign contributions for Bush’s 2004 campaign. Now, clearly these are contributions solicited by and “bundled” by Jack Abramoff and thus indisputably “Abramoff-related;” the Bush campaign confirms this notion by it’s use of the Pioneer title for C-asino Jack. Bush returned $6000. Are you going to call for the president to return the $94,000 in Abramoff-related contributions that he received?
Note the I present evidence to bolster my contention that these contributions are “Abramoff-related” and directly channeled by jack Abramoff to the President’s campaign. Where’s yours?
ASSes: Patty received money because she was on the Bureau of Indian Affairs subcomittee. All of them received Indian money from the Abramoff gang. While Jack didn’t directly send his own money to Dems, he had his cronies send it. It seems to me that you lefties are fixated on the Abramoff contributions but the JD are looking at all contributions as they have in other investigations.
Daddy Lovespews:
Puddy –
It’s Maria Cantwell who’s on the Senate Committee for Indian Affairs.
“While Jack didn’t directly send his own money to Dems, he had his cronies send it.”
Really? How do you know that he HAD them send it? You should really contact the DOJ with your information.
Daddy Love go back and see when Patty was on the Senate Subcommittee on Interior. That’s when she received the bulk of her money. I realize Daddy Love you are two-dimensional. The Senate Subcommittee on Interior (SSOI) which has jurisdiction over funding for the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Senator Murray is a former member of the Senate Subcommittee on Interior.
Hey leftwing moonbats: Dow above 11,000. Nothing to say CluedinLess&LessASS or windbagASS?
MTR: I actually found some “wonderful” Patty Murray achievements. Part 1:
A resolution designating the week of February 7 through February 11, 2005, as “National School Counseling Week”.
A resolution designating August 13, 2005, as “National Marina Day”.
A resolution designating the month of November 2005 as the “Month of Global Health”
A joint resolution authorizing special awards to World War I and World War II veterans of the United States Navy Armed Guard.
A bill to enhance and improve benefits for members of the National Guard and Reserves who serve extended periods on active duty, and for other purposes.
A bill to enhance ecosystem protection and the range of outdoor opportunities protected by statute in the Skykomish River valley of the State of Washington by designating certain lower-elevation Federal lands as wilderness, and for other purposes.
A bill to amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to improve the provisions of items and services provided to Medicare beneficiaries residing in States with more cost-effective health care delivery systems.
A bill to extend the authorization for the ferry boat discretionary program, and for other purposes.
A bill to provide for secondary school reform, and for other purposes.
A bill to amend the Head Start Act to address the needs of victims of child abuse and neglect, children in foster care, children in kinship care, and homeless children.
A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to provide improved benefits for veterans who are former prisoners of war.
A bill to appropriate $1,975,183,000 for medical care for veterans.
Part 2 eaten by filter MTR.
MTR, why did I search for Patty’s accomplishments? Look at Part 1 and the first three entries!
Interesting, Goldy not too fast to post more of Patty’s great accomplishments?
How ’bout that Vermont “60 days for raping a girl for four years” judge? I wonder if that’s progressive justice in action?
For the Cluelessspews:
Puddy Freep Koresh or TripleP @ 240:
Huh, you say something Puddy Pod Person? Something about the Dow being where it was 4 YEARS AGO?
Daddy Lovespews:
Puddy @ 239
Thanks for answering a question I didn’t ask. How about answering what I DID ask:
“While Jack didn’t directly send his own money to Dems, he had his cronies send it.”
Really? How do you know that he HAD them send it? You should really contact the DOJ with your information. But the truth is, you have NO evidence of any kind that Jack Abramoff directed any money Patty Murray’s or Maria Cantwell’s way. Just admit it.
BTW, Patty Murray won an award from the Northwest Native American Business Development Center in 2001 titled “For Senator Murray’s Earnest and Effective Efforts in Restoring Funding to Northwest Indian Communities” AND has been working actively to pass the Indian Health Care Improvement Act. Indian tribes would be fools NOT to give her contributions, since she is working on their behalf. They want her re-elected. Duh.
Daddy Lovespews:
Puddybud @ 244
WHy not tell the whole story? It’s not “60 days for raping a girl for four years.” It’s “60 days plus mandatory treatment backed up by a life sentence.”
“…Judge Cashman explained that he is more concerned that Hulett receive sex offender treatment as rehabilitation. But under Department of Corrections classification, Hulett is considered a low-risk for re-offense so he does not qualify for in-prison treatment.So the judge sentenced him to just 60 days in prison and then Hulett must complete sex treatment when he gets out or face a possible life sentence.
Daddy_Love: Answer in filter!
I did tell the whole story but Goldy isn’t posting it!
Sure is too bad for IBM’s workers, but if the Republicans keep screwing the working class like this, the capitalist bunny will be tooling around in Puget Sound on a 100-foot yacht equiped with a personal masseuse any day now.
Vietnam war helicopter pilot Hugh Thompson Jr., reviled by rightwing militarists for stopping the slaughter of Vietnamese villagers at My Lai by threatening to shoot the American troops who were killing the unarmed civilians, died today in a VA hospital of cancer at age 62. Three decades after the incident, the Army grudgingly awarded Thompson the Soldier’s Medal.
Buy 3M!
Happy Saturday! Well, I checked the (un)Sound Politics site and no mention of the estate tax Keystone Kops act that that Rightwingnuts pulled this week. Wonder why that is? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Buy Star Trek Collectible Plates!
I’m trying to dream up a few Democratic commercials for the next election. We show clips of Robertson talking all that crazy taliban shit superimposed by pictures of prominent religious conservatives and ask America if they really want to risk living in a theocracy.
No bids yet?
Already have that one. I am looking for the Scotty 1994 limited edition. IT is a tough Franklin Mint world out there. A real Romulan eat Kingon world.
My Left Foot@#4 I think they’re all at a bar somewhere. They have so many sorrows to console themselves over.
Roger Rabbit@#2 I wish I had known at the time that we had such principled members of our armed services. I served, but with anguish, knowing the Viet Nam conflict to be a criminally motivated escapade. I was particularly influenced by the opportunity to speak at length to Sir Richard Allen, the Ambassador to Indo-China ( as it was called at the time of his service) for the British Empire. He served in that capactiy for nearly two decades. He left me with no illusions about the criminal folly of the US engaging in a land war on Asian soil.
From GWB’s “speech” yesterday:
“The bigger challenge to this budget is the long-term deficits driven by mandatory spending, or what they call “entitlements.” And these entitlements include Social Security and Medicare, both of which are growing faster than our ability to pay for them. The cost of these programs are growing faster than the economy. The cost of these programs are growing faster than the rate of inflation. The cost of these programs are growing faster than the population is growing. It’s unsustainable growth, because a lot of people like me are getting ready to retire.”
Hmmm, really, George?
What I’d then like to know is whehter the cost of our military program is growing faster than the economy. You never hear any Repubs bitching about that.
Erratum: “whehter” = “whether”
Hey Puddy Freep,
Your hero Captain Ed is an ignorant chickenhawk.
Captain Ed sez, “Give me wingnut delusions or give me death!”.
I have some Franklin stuff. eBay is an addiction, I am getting ready to list some stuff to clean out my garage. It is time to “unclutter” my house, it will be tough, but I gotta do it.
Here you are folks—
The 2005 Statewide Valuations for 2006 Property Taxes are out.
Can you find this summary anywhere on the Internet??? NO.
Why is that? Because KingCo once again has figured out a way to TAKE from the rest of the State.
The Statewide Assesed Values have increased by 3.455%
Our Friends in KingCo have only increased by 1.76%….approx. 48% LESS than the state average.
What this means is a significant shift of the State Portion of Property Taxes from KingCo to the rest of the State.
Some other Counties are going to get hammered….
For example, Clallam County is up 11.7%
Jefferson County is up 5.8%
Counties where the disparity between average wages and cost of living will grow even wider due to this tax shift.
This is what happens with the current LEFTIST PINHEADED agenda manifest in the Growth Management Act. Only the wealthy can live “rural” lives is exactly where we are heading.
Just like in Amsterdam……
All the worker bees like in a RAT MAZE in the CITY.
The ELITE live in the beautiful, wide-open Country Villa’s.
The ELITE also have their FLAT in the City….but certainly do not want the other mere RATS to ever have a Country Villa like them!
@ 10 They worry that the “entitlements” otherwise known as social contracts are “growing faster than the economy.”
One good answer to that problem, get rid of the inept and criminal Republicfucks and get the economy growing faster!
Will Dr. Hasatings continue to twiddle his thumbs?
Those of you of the GOP persuasion should use your influence with him!
@ 10 Little Georgie “The Killer” Bush said “a lot of people like me are getting ready to retire.”
Sooner than you planned, Killer. Sooner than you planned.
Watch the Nation’s Tolerance for Bushism Spiral Down, and Down, and Down. . .
VA @ 18 I Love That Chart!
Senator Windfall is donating tainted Abramoff money she got. When will Dimbulb? Dimbulb was #9 on a list of 500 people who got the money? Has she no ethics at all?
Oh what a sad day in our Nations history. Pitiful Mr. DeLay has decided to step aside as speaker of the house. Doesn’t that just brin tears to all of our eyes? (Or in the case of MTYD a new drip to your thing)
It’s a great day! Dumbass Delay is GONE! If nothing else happens this year that’s bad for the GOP, this coward, giving up his power, will go down as a great moment, second only to the moment when we see him in jail where he and other traitors like him belong! What a punk. Quitter!
Delay hasn’t lost his power…… he just agreed not go after his seat after his acquittal.
I say get rid of welfare and arm yourself to the hilt because
they would be coming to raid your fridge. About three weeks
we could end welfare and crime. BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM
reload….BLAM BLAM BLAM still moving… BLAM BLAM BLAM.
Not that I have an opinion.
All the events of this last week prove are WE WERE RIGHT and you fucking right-wing trollfucks are wrong.
You’re wrong…the wheels are coming off of this clusterfuck and you’re STILL to stupid to see it.
Holy Pope on a Rope (NOT you Richard)!!!
Just what IS it going to take for you too sede how evil, corrupt and bent on domination this cabal has become?
And a “special” note to my dear correspondent, MtR…you are a damned fucking liar and YOU are what’s making this system fucked up. You and the rest of your self-serving greedy asshole cronies. Your “Fuck ALL of you as long as I GET MINE!!!!” bullshit. Rot In Hell you piece of shit. Or prison. Prison would be better. I’ll come visit. THAT’s what JESUS would do.
@23 Don’t hold your breath. Fitzmas is coming. The prosecutorial team has announced that they will be vetting Preston,Gates,& Ellis, now that Abramoff has copped a plea. What they find will determine if DeLay faces further criminal charges.
A short trip through Google on the subject of Abramoff,Delay, and Saipan will probably convince you that this is only Tommyboys first attempt at damage control, on the order of cutting his foot off to escape the beartrap. . . .
rujax, how do you really feel?
Rujux – I work for what I get, and I am SAFT of you worthless stupid lazy assholes demanding a piece of what I earn. Fuck you. If you want what I got, do what I do.
sgmmac “he just agreed not go after his seat after his acquittal.”
No, he has given up on returning to house leadership after he is behind bars.
@ 28, I want no part of your trailor home, and I have no desire to scratch your nuts all day.
Rujax – I’ve asked before and I’ll ask again. Make the moral case that you are entitled to take what I earn.
Lazy stoopid fuck.
We shall see, the good thing is we all get to talk about it……..
Seriously, sgmmac, DeLay has stated that he will run for his seat again in November.
That does remain to be seen.
YOu earn what you do because of the investments of others. If you have any involvement in international trade, the ports, rails and highways provide for you from others. Your education did not spring forth out of your sheer brilliance. There are school systems (and even private systems) which are built upon the efforts of others. Your narrow little world view doesn’t allow you to see how others have helped you get where you are.
But I know I’m wasting my time interacting with you. You have proven are impervious to any outside thoughts
Here is some interesting reading regarding the Tobacco Settlement, Gregoire and the under-fire Law Firm of Preston, Gates:
What a tangled web we weave huh!
Lots of other Gregoire and Preston Gates ties too….look at some of her appointments.
K – Uh-huh… that and the fact that it’s a whole lot easier to steal money than it is to earn it.
@ 35 WOW! I have never seen a “smoking Gun” post like that before!
Not only is there no Gun, but there ain’t no smoke.
What on earth did you think that URL was supposed to outrage us about, Mr. Cyn-Irr?
@ 36 “it’s a whole lot easier to steal money than it is to earn it.”
I’ll have to take your word for that.
MTR – The Lord Buddha says “Even if a fool lived with a wise man all his life, he would still not recognise the truth, like a wooden spoon cannot recognise the flavour of the soup.”
I didn’t know he knew you….
And David McDonald, Partner with Preston Gates was Gregoire’s lead attorney in the election contest, wasn’t he?
Seems like Gregoire has an awful lot of ties to the Preston-Gates Law Firm which has gotten a whole lot of business from the State thru Gregoire…..
With The Preston Gates Firm being right in the middle of this investigation, perhaps there will be a little local dot connecting going on. It will be interesting to see where all the cow chips fall.
I’m done with you. Your refusal to honestly engage makes it a waste of time. You ignore what you don’t like and change the subject. Same thing you did on the thread after asking for what Sen. Murray has done. Get responses and ignore them.
Your self-centered world view shows the bankrupcy of your ideas.
Good bye
I acknowledged that Senator Dimbulb redid what somebody else did. Is that it? Is that what passes for “leadership”. OK. You made my point.
Your argument for taking my money was stupid. C’mon… make the case that you are entitled to take a piece of what I earn to make up for your own stupid decisions.
I keep seeing stupid crap posted here about “tax cuts for the rich”. WTF is wrong with that? Since the bottom half pays only 4% of taxes, who else would get tax cuts except for us “rich” guys?
Fire – So um… wooden spoons are your justification for feeling entitled to take my money? Oh…
@19, Donna
Seeing the evidence of Bush going down the drain just causes me to be proven, how to say it, correct about everything.
Hear that, you trolls? You’re all wrong, and I’m right neener, neener!
If ever there was a “pulled from the butt” neocon fact there is one.
Redneck – if you’re 100 percent behind all the pork that the Republicans are approving being spent in defense, highways, etc – then pony up freeloader – after all it’s your sorry butt that is being saved from the evil swarthy guys with the mustaches and your luxury SUV needs a halfway decent road to ride on.
Hey Goldy, how come I was having trouble posting last night? Are the NSA spooks behind this? Hey you NSA guys, if you’re messing with my computer, screw yourselves you unpatriotic fucks! What do you say about people who get their rocks off by abusing cute furry little animals? Sheesh.
Cynical-Idiot @40
“And David McDonald, Partner with Preston Gates was Gregoire’s lead attorney in the election contest, wasn’t he?”
No, he wasn’t. He’s a party official, and was the intervenor on behalf of the Democratic Party official in the case.
“Seems like Gregoire has an awful lot of ties to the Preston-Gates Law Firm which has gotten a whole lot of business from the State thru Gregoire …”
The Democrats were represented by attorneys from Perkins Coie, dumbass.
Hey MTR — Question for ya — let’s say mom spends all her time in bars, sleeps with a different man every Friday night, and refuses to work for a living … but 2 little kids depend on her for parenting and life’s necessities … should we give the kids welfare or let ’em starve?
MTR — it isn’t your money anymore after the government takes it.
P.S. — no refunds.
P.S. 2 – since it’s the Republicans who are now taking your money and spending it, you need to talk to them about it.
P.S 3 – make sure you’re standing in a bucket of water and sticking your finger in a socket when you do.
MTR @28
“I am SAFT of you worthless stupid lazy assholes demanding a piece of what I earn. Fuck you. If you want what I got, do what I do.”
When did any of us ask for 1 cent of your money? You’re delusional, man. We’re not taking your money, the government is, and the government is run by Republicans, so talk to them about it. Make sure you’re standing in a bucket of water with your finger in a socket when you do. You sure complain a lot for a guy who won’t even pay an honest gambling debt. Loser.
“Delay hasn’t lost his power…… he just agreed not go after his seat after his acquittal.”
And if he’s not acquitted?
“Roger Rabbit@#2 I wish I had known at the time that we had such principled members of our armed services.”
Oh, don’t worry, your expectations of the military were largely fulfilled. Thompson was a misfit, trust me on this, and was suitably vilified and hated by the rightwing, GOP-voting, Bush-licking warmonger militarists who make up much of our military — much in the same fashion as they hated, and threatened the life of, the guy who blew the whistle on their seamy torture/murder operations in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Gitmo. These guys would be a good fit in almost any of history’s armies, but especially in Hitler’s or Stalin’s armies.
Which reminds me — why does prr spit on Vietnam veterans?
Oh, and before I forget, prr is a nazi.
Sadly, some of our service members have trouble distinguishing right from wrong.
“‘The bigger challenge to this budget is the long-term deficits driven by mandatory spending, or what they call “entitlements.” And these entitlements include Social Security and Medicare, both of which are growing faster than our ability to pay for them. The cost of these programs are growing faster than the economy. The cost of these programs are growing faster than the rate of inflation. The cost of these programs are growing faster than the population is growing. It’s unsustainable growth, because a lot of people like me are getting ready to retire.’ Hmmm, really, George?”
I have an idee — since everybody else (e.g., IBM) is eliminated defined benefit pensions, let’s eliminate his. He doesn’t need it, and he sure as hell hasn’t earned it.
Why should a CEO who has cost his shareholders and customers $6 trillion of debt in 8 years get a pension? We should take it out of his pay.
Roger Rabbit has posted 100% of the last 17 comments. If you don’t like it, your armadillo is waiting for you!!!
“Will Dr. Hasatings continue to twiddle his thumbs?”
Doc hears no evil, sees no evil, and certainly speaks no evil — even though he’s up to his neck in evil.
Rabbit @49 – The kids should be taken away and placed in a loving home and mom should be sterilized.
“MtR…you are a damned fucking liar and YOU are what’s making this system fucked up. You and the rest of your self-serving greedy asshole cronies. Your ‘Fuck ALL of you as long as I GET MINE!!!!’ bullshit. Rot In Hell you piece of shit. Or prison. Prison would be better. I’ll come visit. THAT’s what JESUS would do.”
Only reason I’d visit MTR in prison is to collect a gambling debt.
For those of curious minds seeking the truth(this of course excludes MTR), those with the lowest 50% of the wealth in the USA (the bottom 50%) pay 35% >/b> of all federal income taxes. As of 2002 (it could only be a higher percentage now)
This does not include state income, or SALES taxes, sin taxes, hotel, airport, loitering, breathing taxes.
Source: Congressional Budget Office
25 (continued)
Hmmmm … wellllll … maybeeeee … I might visit MTR in prison if I was doing research to write a book about serial liars, but I kinda doubt I’d get much useful information from him.
MTR sez: “Rabbit @49 – The kids should be taken away and placed in a loving home”
My God! We AGREE on something! I’m sure glad you feel that way, because DSHS is in DIRE need of foster parents! Thanks for volunteering! Please click on this link to submit your application for a foster parent license here.
Altho — to be honest — given your hatred of women, you’re probably not licensable … but give it a try anyway.
Goldy, I do not want to seem ungrateful, but a post preview option would be helpful, so embarrassing TAG fuck ups like mine above could be reduced.
I will gladly help fund the upgrade. :)
If Bush gets his way, wage earners will pay ALL the taxes, and people who derive their income from capital gains, dividends, interest, rents, and other unearned income will pay nothing.
BarkingDog – Use this to preview links:
Roger Rabbit has posted 22 of the last 25 posts. If you don’t like that, visit MTR and his invisible hand will whack you off (so the other prisoners won’t see it). Hell, visit MTR anyway, it gets lonely in prison. Better do it quick, though, before the other inmates whack him for not paying his gambling debts.
Correction, Rogre Rabbit has posted 23 of the last 27 posts. If you don’t like that …
Hey MTR … how about it … are you gonna volunteer to be a foster parent? Or are you just an empty suit … a mouth … all hat, no cattle?
And if we run out of American kids needing foster homes, I can fix you up with as many African and/or South American orphans as your heart desires. I’m in touch with relief organizations who have an inventory of around a billion of ’em.
RR @ 71, you make a great point. The 35% tax share for the bottom 50% only includes INCOME, not “scratch my balls and complain about the lazy poor while I get my dividend check and inheritance” wealth.
So what’s your answer, MTR? Are you gonna sign up to be a foster parent? Or no? I thought so. You just take, give nothing back, a fucking
@ 72 thanks. I will give that a try.
Yeah, now watch, MTR will be griping any moment now about the estate tax he didn’t have to pay when he inherited his old man’s $100 million family farm.
I get the feeling MTR wasn’t a sharecropper’s son, if he’s doing as well as he claims,
In the GOP version of upwardly-mobile America, the main predictor of your future wealth and prosperity is who your parents were.
If MTR’s theory of correlation between wealth and morality is correct, the emperical data should show a zero crime rate among the upper class.
Ooops, Houston we have a problem with the data …
Gregoire and Preston Gates are clearly joined at the hip.
Gregoire appointments.
McDonald’s involvement.
All kinds of gravy train bond and other business.
Frankly, I think we are entering a time where a whole bunch of unseemly fecal matter is going to float to the top….and neither Party will be immune.
Our future elections will have R’s and D’s proclaiming:
We all know that REPUBLICAN lobbist Jack Abramoff gave an OVERWHELMING majority of his money to REPUBLICANS. So REPUBLICANS have a problem. They either have to defend him, they have to say that ALL his donations were okay, including the ones to DEMS, or they have to say ALL his donations were NOT okay, including the ones to REPUBLICANS.
I will flat out right now trade every single Democrat that Jack gave money to in return for EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN that Jack gave money to. That would put 60 seats in Dems’ hands in the Congress and 8 Senate seats in our hands. Fair trade for me.
You keep thinking that. But it sounds like desperation to me.
You wacky wibruls kwack me up…. I was just out doing some errands. Saw a car with a bumper sticker… I kid you not… that said “Boxer-Obama 2008”. Crack me up.
That would be a great show to have the kookiest of the kooks run for President. Obama might be OK, but he could never overcome the baggage she’d bring. TSWITW gonna have her hands full with Kerry and Boxer. Oh yeah… and Dean.
GOP garnteed to win in 08.
Dimbulb got more money from Abramoff than all FUWA GOP politicians COMBINED ! ! Look it up.
She should be ashamed. She should be investigated. She should resign.
Wabbit and others… I’m not opposed to paying taxes. Even though you try to misrepresent what I’m saying, I’m OK with paying a fair share. My bitch is with the notion that the system should be progressive. What possible moral justification is there for some to pay more dollars and a higher proportion than others? Why should some get a free ride? Why punish those who are productive and successful? Makes no sense.
MTVYD, maybe what you say in 89 is true (doubtful) but you are definitely opposed to paying gambling debts…..and definitely unlucky with all those rake scars. Pay your bet FREELOADER
If he’s not acquitted, there may be a lot of politicians in jail – everywhere…….
…it’s just that the reality is vaginas make us men .
Comment by GBS— 12/29/05 @ 5:44 pm
…vaginas do indeed make us men.
Comment by Donnageddon— 12/29/05 @ 5:55 pm
Go do something with yourself…….. get off the vagina kick already!
“If he’s not acquitted, there may be a lot of politicians in jail – everywhere……”
… and 95% of them will be Republicans.
Hey Mac — get a clue — influence peddling and bribery are illegal. What part of the word “illegal” don’t you comprehend?
All of it, it seems, as we;ve had this problem with you concerning Bush’s illegal wiretapping, too.
Illegal = crime
Comprende? Ahhh, forget it, you’re a basket case.
“What possible moral justification is there for some to pay more dollars and a higher proportion than others?”
Possible reasons:
1. Ability to pay is the fairest system
2. The market system is a less than perfect way to distribute society’s wealth
3. Those who have more, benefit more from what taxes pay for
4. Preventing undue concentration of wealth
5. How about simply because you’re a fucking asshole?
Actually, a doubt that MTR is a fucking asshole. Given his attitude toward women, he’s much more likely an unfucking asshole. Even though everyone is constantly telling him to get fucked, it’s probably been a long time since he’s been fucked. In fact, that’s likely his whole fucking problem.
Hey MTR, unfuck yourself, you unfucking asshole!
There … see … I didn’t use a swear word. If you put “un” in front of it, you un-swear it. Therefore, “unfuck” is not a bad word! Saying “unfuck” un-bads it.
Roger Rabbit is cleaning up his language to become more socially respectable.
Speaking of polls……..
I thought this had some interesting points for all of the “poll worshiping” libs that can’t make a decision before consulting wth one.
How To Rig A Poll (or, Breaking Down The Latest AP/Ipsos Poll)
Posted by Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. on Friday, 06 January 2006 (17:07:43) EST
Contributed by bulldogpundit
You’ll likely be hearing orgasmic Democrats and the MSM crowing about this AP Ipsos poll which has the headline “Voters Seem More Ready To End GOP Control Of Congress”. The poll shows the following:
Wrong Track – 65%/Right Track – 32%
Bush Approval Rating – 59% Disapprove/40% Approve
Who Do You Want To Control Congress – 49% – Democrats/36%- Republicans
Sounds bad, huh? Well, as we’ve said before you (and the GOP leaders) shouldn’t use these polls as any kind of indicator as to what could happen in 2006, which is certainly how the MSM will spin it.
But here’s what you won’t see in the news stories. – the demography of the poll respondents
First, only 81% of respondents were even eligible to vote, and there’s no indication of how many of them actually went to the polls in 2004..
1. Party Leanings – The poll is slanted 52-40% towards Democrats, even though the voters in the 2004 election were split evenly at 37% between Republicans and Democrats.
2. Religion – Next, a whopping 19% of respondents had “no” religion, while in 2004 only 10% of voters had “no” religion, and they voted overwhelmingly for Kerry (+36%).
3. Age of Respondents In this poll 31% of the respondents were between 18-34, even though the 18-29 year olds (a slightly smaller demo) only made up 17% of the electorate in the 2004 election. I think it’s pretty safe to say that by including 30-34 year olds that number would have come close to the IPSOS sample.
4. Income Level of Respondents – This one is amazing. In this poll 15% of respondents made under $15,000 per year. In 2004, only 8% of voters were in this income bracket, and voted 63-36% for Kerry.
5. Marital Status – In this poll, only 56% of respondents are married. In 2004, 63% of voters were married, and voted 57-42% for Bush.
6. Geography – In this poll, only 17% of respondents were from “rural” areas. In 2004, 25% of voters were from rural areas, and voted 57-42% for Bush.
7. Race – In this poll, there were 71% white respondents and 12% Hispanic respondents. In 2004, 77% of voters were white, and only 8% Hispanic. Bush won the white vote 58-41% and Kerry the Hispanic vote 53-44%.
We’re not saying the GOP is going to have an easy time in 2006, but when you read slanted polls like this you really wonder if the purpose of conducting it was to get good results, or push an agenda. Given the history of the AP/Ipsos poll, my bet is on the latter.
Cynical-Idiot @84
I don’t know what affinity (if any) Gregoire has for Preston Gates, although I suspect if you dug into it, you’d find that Davis Wright Tremaine (the GOP’s lawyers) get bond business and their lawyers get appointed to state posts, too.
You said David McDonald was the Dems’ lead attorney in the election contest. I said you’re full of shit, McDonald was the Democratic official who was the named party on behalf of the Dems to the lawsuit, and was NOT a member of the Dems’ legal team. He was a party to the lawsuit, not a lawyer representing a party in the lawsuit, get it?
This is a simple statement of fact, as to which only one of us can be right. You are not right. I said so. Next.
HA HA HE HE HO HO Sorry I just can’t stop laughing thinking about Delay being run out of town on a rail by his own party, republicans being indicted right and left and the right wing inbred kool aid drinking dingbats trying to put some sort of positive spin on the fact that everyone of their heros is a cowardly criminal! HA HA HA HE HE HE HO HO HO!
Wabbit – You’re full of shit as usual. Try again.
1. Ability to pay is the fairest system
This is halfway to grouchoandharpoism. Care to go the rest of the way? What’s wrong with everybody paying same share of income? Who the fuck are you to decide how much I should pay and why I should pay more than most others?
2. The market system is a less than perfect way to distribute society’s wealth
Really? What’s a better way? Grouchoandharpoism? Do tell….
3. Those who have more, benefit more from what taxes pay for
I got what I have through education and hard work. I get no more benefit from taxes than anyone else. If you want what I’ve got, do what I do. If you’re too lazy or stoopid, tough shit.
4. Preventing undue concentration of wealth
What’s wrong with concentration of wealth? Why not let people enjoy the fruits of THEIR work? Why should others reap the benefit from what I do? Further, how do you figure that’s an entitlement?
5. How about simply because you’re a fucking asshole?
So then you should give away 100% of your money since you’re a complete and total fucking asshole?
Do you believe David McDonald was:
[ ] 1. Legal counsel in the election contest lawsuit, or
[ ] 2. A party to the lawsuit.
Only ONE answer is correct!
[Hint #1: Answer (2) is Roger Rabbit’s position.]
[Hint #2: Roger Rabbit is right.]
[Hint #3: Mr. Cynical-Idiot is full of shit.]
From the clues provided above, you should be able to deduce that Answer (2) is the correct answer!!! If you answered (1), something is seriously wrong with you, and you should have yourself sterilized so you don’t reproduce and infect the world with some more of your defective DNA.
“Who the fuck are you to decide how much I should pay”
A voter.
“and why I should pay more than most others?”
Because it’s the law, and you go to jail if you don’t.
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA Eat shit, whiner!!!
104 (continued)
“Really? What’s a better way?”
Take from rich assholes and give to generous, lovable, cute, fluffy, little bunnies like, um, moi.
“I get no more benefit from taxes than anyone else.”
Au contraire, you can afford to buy more gas than I can, therefore you use the roads more than I do. In addition, you pollute the air more than I do, and not just because you drive a bigger car, drive it more, and consume more — I’m referring here to the methane pollution you are constantly blowing out of your ass. And how about paying your gambling debts, welsher?
So Stefan — question for you — I know you read this blog, dude … why aren’t you going to share the loot from your lawsuit against Dean Logan and KCE with the generous donors to your “legal action fund” who paid for the lawsuit? Is it because:
a. you’re a selfish prick, or
b. you can’t hold a job and need the money, or
c. both of the above?
“What’s wrong with concentration of wealth? Why not let people enjoy the fruits of THEIR work?”
I suppose you would have us believe that wealth comes from hard work, and concentrated capital doesn’t lead to further concentration of capital, or that market manipulation, monopoly, and imbalances of bargaining power between capital and labor, or large pools of capital and small pools of capital, have nothing to do with who ends up with the wealth?
I would suggest the correlation between hard work and economic reward is either tiny or non-existent, as I’ve noticed that many of the people who have the most money do little or no work, and many of the people who have the least money have to work harder than anyone else, for the longest hours, and the most disagreeable jobs. So tell me again how hard work leads to wealth, MTR.
In the real market, there’s a lot more correlation between how lucky you are in a casino or the stock market, than there is between how hard you work and how much money you end up with.
So don’t feed us that “hard work” bullshit, MTR. Republicans don’t work hard, and that’s a fact.
If Republicans work so fucking hard, how come so many of them have so much time to pursue politics as a hobby? If hard work leads to wealth, how come we have no millionaire waitresses, truck drivers, or janitors self-financing their campaigns for U.S. Senate or Congress? Hmmmm?
MTR is so full of shit he makes your eyeball rattle in your skull.
Wabbit – Typical librulism. Politics based on greed, hate, envy, covetousness and a total lack of understanding on how wealth is created.
I think the reason you guys hate wealthy people so much is that it reminds you what pathetic losers you are. You hate seeing it rubbed in your face that you just aren’t as good. 50% of the people are below average, and most of them are libruls.
Which if the following is most true?
[ ] 1. MTR is full of shit.
[ ] 2. MTR is twice full of shit.
[ ] 3. MTR is full of shit at least 3 times as much as anybody else.
[ ] 4. MTR is not only 4 times as full of shit as anybody else, he’s a bet welsher, too.
[ ] 5. MTR needs to get laid in the worst way, but never will because he has an irrational fear of vaginas.
[ ] 6. MTR has an irrational superiority complex that just won’t quit.
MTR — the answer to all your questions is in post #107.
Anybody can be a waitress, truck driver or janitor. Hell, even delerious moonbats can do that. It’s the invisible hand at work. High supply leads to low prices. If you want to make money, invest in yerself and get some skills that are in high demand and short supply. Seems to work pretty well.
Wabbit, tell me…. are you really a lawyer? I mean… did you pass the bar and hold a license? Or are you a wannabe “paralegal”. C’mon… be honest.
Speaking of polls, a recent poll shows that 100% of Republicans are stupid, lying, assholes. Another recent poll shows 99.98% of them haven’t been laid even once in the last 10 years. Finally, a third recent poll shows that 101.3% of Republicans, when they do have sex, prefer to fuck armadillos of their own gender.
“Wabbit, tell me…. are you really a lawyer? I mean… did you pass the bar and hold a license? Or are you a wannabe “paralegal”. C’mon… be honest.”
What do you think? I just told you that I want you to give me all your money in return for nothing. What do you think??
“Pentagon Study Links Fatalities to Body Armor
“Published: January 7, 2006
“A secret Pentagon study has found that as many as 80 percent of the marines who have been killed in Iraq from wounds to the upper body could have survived if they had had extra body armor. Such armor has been available since 2003, but until recently the Pentagon has largely declined to supply it to troops despite calls from the field for additional protection, according to military officials.”
For complete story, see
A recent scientific study concluded that MTR’s rectal opening is 99.98% of his total body weight, and that he’s a bet welsher.
In case I forgot to mention it, prr is a nazi.
Here is a hint to identify Roger Rabbit—————
If you see 2 people talking in a room…and one looks bored out of his f*cking mind and on the verge of SUICIDE…….
well, the OTHER one is Roger Rabbit!
I’m not responsible for your depression, Cynical. If I were you, I’d be depressed too.
Hey Cynical, did you buy NOV at $58 like I told you to do? It’s over $70 now.
I mean, what’s there to NOT be depressed about, if you’re a BIAW shill? Rossi lost his election lawsuit. Nethercutt got his ass kicked. So did David Irons Jr. So did Jim West. Cantwell is kicking McGavick’s ass in the polls. Doc Hastings is an embarrassment to his district. Not too fucking much to be happy about these days if you’re Mr. Cynical.
Even worse, the chickenshit probably didn’t buy NOV when I told him to. Now he has to pay $70 for it.
Ya shudda listened to the Rabbit, Cyn.
Prr is a nazi.
“Anybody can be a waitress, truck driver or janitor.”
Horse shit! Let’s see YOU be a waitress. Especially for a boss like you.
Hey MTR, how many years has it been since you’ve had to work an entire shift on your feet, taking care of 20 tables at once and trying to remember who got their coffee warmup and who didn’t? Huh?
Besides that, if all your brag is even 1% true, you wouldn’t know the first thing about living on a waitress’s income.
Hey MTR, let’s see YOU back a 50-foot trailer into a loading dock with 1 foot of clearance on each side. Then try it in the dead of night, dead of winter, on black ice. To make it interesting, let’s throw in a 90-degree turn into the loading dock after coming through an 8-foot-wide gate.
Hey MTR, I don’t think that was you I saw chaining up a 16-wheeler in Snoqualmie Pass in blowing snow. You’re too chickenshit to get your hands cold.
Hey MTR — when was the last time you snaked a wad of tampons out of the sewer pipe in a girls’ dorm? Think you can replace a trap under a sink? How about sweeping and mopping the floors and emptying the trash containers in six 10-floor office buildings in one 8-hour shift? You got what it takes to do that? Huh?
MTR is too chickenshit to mop up a bathroom floor after the toilet overflowed.
I’ll bet MTR wouldn’t last one shift as a nursing home orderly.
He wouldn’t make it as an ambulance driver or grocery night stocker, either.
And he probably doesn’t know a transfer case from a transmission, or a pinion gear from a differential.
MTR is a useless unfuck.
Roger Rabbit posted 17 of the last 17 comments. If you don’t like that, unfuck you.
112 has to be the crowning moment of MTR’s commenting career. The more money you got must mean your better – guess that goes for Drug /Crime/War Lords, lotto winners and idiot sons of east coast oil and banking money.
I’m not feeding you any more carrots, Roger. They make you hyper.
If Republicans are rich, how come they’re so immoral?
Are you having a problem posting?
Hey, you liberal bastards! I’m hosting the next edition of the Carnival of the Liberals, and would like to invite everyone to submit their best liberal writing. This blog has been going for a couple of months now, and it’s doing quite well. If you’ve ever accidentally stumbled onto my blog, you know pretty much anything goes, so don’t be afraid to submit your stuff. Hope to see your stuff soon. JR.
For the record, I don’t think patty should give back the money. No one else needs to either, if it was given legally. Just because Abramoff directed the tribes to give to leaders in both parties doesn’t mean it is unethical. The only reason everyone is falling over themselves to give it all back is the pr.
There is a basic right – it is even written in the Bill of Rights – you get to petition your govt. Unless someone did something for the money, as it appears several repubs did, this is nothing more than making sure you are represented. Even the wealthy get to exercise their constitutional rights. And Patty can keep it. Too bad maria is too scared and spineless to do the same.
CARROTS!!! Where’s my CARROTS?!!! I want CARROTS!!!!!!! I need a carrot fix!!!! CARROTS!!! Where’s my CARROTS?!!! I want CARROTS!!!!!!!
You just don’t GET it, Janet. Abramoff isn’t about campaign contributions. Abramoff is about buying congressmen’s votes. It’s unfucking ILLEGAL!!!
Let’s try this word, then maybe you’ll understand:
Hey Janet — if bribing congressmen is a constitutional right, how come Abramoff is going to jail for 10 years? How come Duke Cunningham is in the slammer? How come DeLay has been indicted? Why all these investigations and subpoenaes?
Some people are so stupid you wonder if it’s deliberate.
So, you are saying that patty was bri-bed, as was Reid, but they are refusing to give it all back because they are what? And Maria is admitting she accepted bri-bes? Aren’t you the one that was ranting that dems can’t be bri-bed because they aren’t in power?
This is amazing, I give you an opening to be rational and you talk carrots.
Hey Janet, let’s try a little “petition your government” experiment.
Step 1. Janet writes a letter to Congressman X saying, “I’d like you to vote for House Bill XYZ.”
Step 2. After Janet gets a letter from Congressman X saying, “Dear constituent, thank you for your recent communication, your input is very valuable to us and deeply appreciated,” a rich business sends a letter to Congressman X saying, “If you vote against House Bill XYZ, I’ll pay you a million dollars,” with a certified bank check for $1 million drawn on a Carribbean bank enclosed.
Step 3. Now guess which way Congressman X votes:
[ ] a. For House Bill XYZ
[ ] b. Against House Bill XYZ
Ya, Janet, you go ahead and petition your government and see how far you get, if guys on the other side of your issue are writing checks drawn on Caribbean banks to congressmen.
Admit it. Patty is keeping it because she isn’t up for reelection. Maria is giving it back because she is.
RR – your argument lacks logic. Donations have always been tied to issues. If given according to the law, they are legal. You are a great lawyer. You should know that.
Politics is messy. Giving money to a staffer’s wife is illegal. Giving money to Maria to retire campaign debt is legal. We may or may not like it, but that’s how it works. But why am I explaining this to the smartest man in the universe?
Admit it RR – you just declared that maria and patty took bri=bes, and now you are too embarrassed to correct yourself.
The silence is deafening.
Tiresome wingnut talking points – again!
Janet S – Do you have some talking points ready for this story?
WASHINGTON — In a case that echoes the Jack Abramoff influence-peddling scandal, two northern California Republican congressmen used their official positions to try to stop a federal investigation of a wealthy Texas businessman who provided them with political contributions.
The congressmen, John T. Doolittle and Richard W. Pombo, joined forces with former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay of Texas to oppose an investigation by federal banking regulators into the affairs of Houston millionaire Charles E. Hurwitz, documents recently obtained by the Los Angeles Times show. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation was seeking $300 million from Hurwitz for his role in the collapse of a Texas savings and loan that ultimately cost taxpayers $1.6 billion.
The investigation was ultimately dropped.
From Sunday’s LA Times. It just doesn’t end with these Republicans.
How clear can I make this? Those who did something wrong deserve to have the book thrown at them. If Delay blocked a valid investigation, he should be dealt with appropriately.
That doesn’t change the fact that Abramoff gave or arranged to give perfectly legal donations to a lot of congress people. I am trying to figure out a reason why the dems are falling all over themselves to give them back, except for political calculations. I find nothing wrong, just trying to resolve why Patty keeps them, but Maria finds it necessary to return them.
At the bottom of this is the constitutional right to petition your govt. Just like campaign finance reform has gone very far astray, lobbying might fall down the same rabbit hole. Dems are very careful about not letting their right to privacy be abridged by illegal wire tapping, but seem not to care that their freedom of political speech is being violated every day.
And please stop the talking points comments. If you can offer a plausible argument, then let’s hear it. Who cares where I get my ideas?
CARROTS!!!! I waaaaant CARROTS!!!!!
Janet — for the umpteenth time:
Campaign contribution = legal
Paying congressman to vote a certain way = illegal
God, you’re stupid. Yes, it’s possible, in fact likely, that politicians received both campaign contributions (legal) and bribes (illegal) from Abramoff. So you can’t determine the legality or propriety simply by whether they got money from Abramoff. In each case, the question is whether the politician traded his or her vote in Congress for the money.
What is between Janet S’s ears?
[ ] 1. Concrete
[ ] 2. Compressed air
[ ] 3. Methane gas
[ ] 4. Oatmeal
[ ] 5. Wood pellets
[ ] 6. Pig shit
[ ] 7. Nothing
“If you can offer a plausible argument”
Bribery is illegal. Sheesh.
“Donations have always been tied to issues.”
Really? What issues were my donations to Kerry/Edwards tied to?
Oh, I know — here’s the issue — George W. Bush is a lying, corrupt, incompetent, warmongerer whose presidency is an unmitigated disaster for all Americans, including those who support him.
Hey Janet, I have an idea! Why don’t you do what Abramoff did, then see if the prosecutor likes your legal theory.
“A secret Pentagon study has found that as many as 80 percent of the marines who have been killed in Iraq from wounds to the upper body could have survived if they had had extra body armor.”
And 100% would have been avoided if THE POOR SOTS HADN’T BEEN SENT THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE.
Hey Roger, I got some carrots sitting in the fridge. Just hop on up to my place and help yourself — but make sure you take a shit on Stefan’s lawn first.
My neighbors also have a few munchies left in their garden that they’re gonna plow under tomorrow, you might stop by there too. They have a old dog who’s arthritic, legally blind, and can’t really hear anymore, so I think you’ll be safe. Just FYI.
Sen Barak Obama is in Iraq and there is an article about the body armor for the Marines, it seems that they don’t want to wear it and they think their lives would be in greater danger if they wear more body armor. The greater the weight of the Kevlar, LBV, weapons, body armor, ammo, etc, the slower they move and they lose body mobility.
You didn’t answer my question about problems with posting. Several times in the last two days when I hit the post button, the post disappears and it says something about high traffic volumn and to try back later………….
Is this an apples to apples comparison?
” The camouflage Kevlar vest, which alone can stop rounds from a 9mm handgun, weighs 8.4 pounds, while each of the plates weighs 4 pounds. At 16.4 pounds, Interceptor body armor is a third lighter than the 25-pound flak jacket from the Vietnam era, but it provides far more protection.”
How much do the side plates weigh? They must be lighter than the front and back plates, which would put the weight still less than the flak jacket, no?
Mobility must also be a factor, but mnay troops would take what the complainers have, since most troops don’t have the front and back ceramic at all. There is plenty of approval from live troops who were hit while wearing the improved helmets and jackets.
Mobility is especially limited when dead.
Meanwhile…. 12 more Americans die in Iraq. Hey all you Repugnants, how much longer do you think we are going to be in Iraq? How many more Americans will die? What are YOU willing to pay for this “noble cause”? Are YOU willing to sacrifice a son or daughter? Are you willing to sacrifice your right to privacy, your right to be secure in your place, your right to own a gun, your right to free speech? YOU are the party in charge… so please tell me what I have to do for this “noble cause”….
RR –
I might be crazy for doing so, but I agree with what I see to be Janet S’s point, and also with yours on bribery. Campaign contributions are legal and ethical. Bribery is so not.
I’ver senn four very common scenarios.
1) A person (hereafter rferred to as “you” for convenience) contributes to a politician without connection to any particular vote or action.
2) A politician does something you like, so you make a campaign contribution after the fact to thank and encourage them. Less often used as a bribe because the crooks usually like the cash first.
3) You make a contribution, and AFTER that the politician does somehting you like. More often used for bribery becuse the crooked pol gets the money up front, but requires communication of the issue and your preferred vote or action. High risk of “appearance of impropriety.”
4) You buy a restaurant and provide free space and food for the Speaker of the House and the House Majority Leader to do business and hold fundraisers, then fly the Majority Leader to Scotland for all-expense-paid golf trips or to all-expense-paid to Russia to meet with oil executives and lobbyists for oil interests. OR you send money to a friend of the Interior Secretary to get her to lobby her firends for you. No “official” campaign contributions, but a LOT of money floating around.
Another item from the AP poll, but take into account jaybo’s surprisingly accurate comment on the demographics behind it:
“56 percent of respondents in an AP-Ipsos poll said the government should be required to first get a court warrant to eavesdrop on the overseas calls and e-mails of U.S. citizens when those communications are believed to be tied to terrorism.“
Those comments were from the news article I read and they were from Marines. A lot of the new armor ceramic plates are failing to stop bullets, the ceramic armor on the new Stryker vehicle also has failed many ballistic tests.
You, politicians, and government bureaucrats can continue to use soldiers to gain your political points. but you do them a grave disservice when you try to design their equipment without their input and their experience. I saw 30 years of screwed up Army equipment because no one bothered to talk to the soldiers who had to use the crap!
eggmac – WTF are you talking about? I know the soldiers who drive and man the Strykers and they, all of them, tell me it is absolutely the best thing since sliced bread. I know you never rode in a M113, but it was a rolling coffin. I saw the equipment in the Army and the training and the morale and the spirit of the Army sky-rocket over my tenure. Do you have a link about the failing ceramic armor or the failure of the Stryker? Please post. As far as “King of Battle”, they got some of the newest and best equipment of all of us…. Lastly, if you have ever seen any of the major manufacturers design teams for new equipment, you will notice MANY retired officers and NCOs. (remember to post those links…)
Hey Wingnuts,
It’s pretty conclusive.
Gore won Florida in 2000.
The Bush Residency is a long national nightmare that we won’t wake up from until 2008 and no I don’t favor impeachment unless Darth Cheney agrees to leave the White House with the Resident.
So Roger says that Patty and Maria accepted bri-bes. Now there’s a good dem!
Janet S = Liar, liar, pants on fire!!
Hey Janet, show me where I said that. You’re wingnut to the bone — dumb as a rock, and you make shit up.
Hope you feel better. I’ll leave the back door open for you, the carrots are on the bottom shelf in the fridge.
I was having the same problem, so it appears to be at the server end — or maybe Bush’s domestic spies are messing with the web site. I’m sure we’re all on their watch list.
Gee, thanks!!!! :D :D :D
“You, politicians, and government bureaucrats can continue to use soldiers to gain your political points. but you do them a grave disservice when you try to design their equipment without their input and their experience. I saw 30 years of screwed up Army equipment because no one bothered to talk to the soldiers who had to use the crap!”
Hey Mac — when I was in The Nam, I never saw an M-16 you could put two whole magazines through before the @#%&*! thing jammed. Have they fixed that, or is the 16 still a POS?
Roger Rabbit@55
The money taken is not from the federal level, the state and local LIBERAL government are who are killing us with exorbant taxes!
Hey, didja see the Times agrees with me that Dimbulb should give back the tainted Ambramoff money? Geez, you’d think she’d know better. Oh yeah… it’s Dimbulb. Never mind.
Did any of you have any luck thinking of something she has done in 3 terms that required razor sharp perception, innovative solutions and bold leadership? Geez, I thought one of you might talk about the 100,000 teacher thing, but you didn’t.
Annoying background noise @183, but no content.
K – Huh? Times agrees with me and that’s not “content”? They agree that she got shitloads of money that you guys didn’t know about and that’s not content?
Name something she’s done. Anything… You can’t can you? She’s just another useful idiot.
Legislature starts tomorrow. Anybody know what the girlz got planned?
Let’s put them in two categories:
1) Stealing money
2) Taking away rights.
Redneck @ 185
We’ve discussed this already. Where were you? I’ll throw you a couple of bones. First: Veterans. Second: Port Security.
OK. Somebody said she restored money for veterans. So in your mind, that required razor sharp perception, innovative solution and bold leadership. Hmmmm….
And on the port security thing, didn’t the 911 commission just say that nothing substantive has been done on that? Give me something specific that she’s done. Isn’t it a fact that ports are as vulnerable now as they’ve always been? Cite something specific.
Hey Wingnuts,
Total bill for the Resident’s excellent adventure in Iraq:
Oh somewhere between 1 and 2 trillion.
You wanted this right? This guy (Saddam) was pretty mean. He had a mustache. He fired guns in the air while dissin’ Murka. I mean we flew planes on his northern and southern frontiers and took pot-shots at him when we felt the urge and had his economy in the tank with sanctions but we had to send in the infantry. I mean that’s the manly Republican way of doing things. Isn’t it?
Mr. Stiglitz told the London Guardian newspaper that despite the staggering costs laid out in their paper the economists had erred on the side of caution. “Our estimates are very conservative, and it could be that the final costs will be much higher. And it should be noted they do not include the costs of the conflict to either Iraq or the U.K.”
Once again, the LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS are on their way to snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory!! Phil Talmadge has dropped out of race for State Democratic Party Chairman and this was in today’s P-I:
“Talmadge said he was told that Gregoire didn’t intend to take sides in the chairmanship race, “which didn’t really answer the question I had posed. And frankly, I think governors have a right to have state party chairs that they feel comfortable with.”
Talmadge said he only got into the race in late December at the urging of state Sen. Margarita Prentice of Seattle, an old friend of his and a personal enemy of Pelz, a former state Senate colleague.”
Pelz, a hairline-challenged admirer of Fidel Castro, will clearly give hope to the Republican Party. Pelz…who “fancies” himself a Seattle Progressive, will certainly be the “Howard Dean” conservatives so desperately hope will take over the State Dems.
Redneck @ 188
Ok one more bone. You know what she had to do to get homeland security money for the Port of Seattle that IIRC, had been promised and then reneged?
She had to put a hold on one of Bush’s political appointees. She used one of the few tools available to a Senator in the minority. She used some leverage. In order to protect the people of Seattle whose port is closer to downtown than most places she took a risk that probably came back on her.
What would George “Term Limits” Nethercutt have done?
Yes, I’m proud I threw the lever for her.
Clueless – Are the ports safer because of her actions? Did anything actually get done? Name one thing that has been implemented that makes ports safer.
C’mon… her record is at best unremarkable.
Roger – Let’s take this one step at a time.
I asked why Patty and Maria should give back legal donations made to their campaigns. It looks bad, but there is nothing wrong with the money.
You said:
You just don’t GET it, Janet. Abramoff isn’t about campaign contributions. Abramoff is about buying congressmen’s votes. It’s unfucking ILLEGAL!!!
Let’s try this word, then maybe you’ll understand:
What part am I missing? You are very clearly saying that all donations made by Abramoff were bri-bes. Therefore, the money given to Patty and Maria were bri-bes. That is the only conclusion that can be made from your statement.
I happen to disagree. I think they are both honorable, ethical senators, whom I happen to disagree with. OBviously you think differently.
Janet -Have you lost your mind? Abramoff was a lobbyist. He represented special interest groups. He schmoozed politicians to get them to vote in a way that would make his customers happy. He plied politicians with money to “encourage” them to see it his way. If that’s not a bri-be, what is?
192 – Facts are useless on you Redneck. Like Lakoff says, facts just “bounce” off your “frame”.
Are the ports safer? Are they worse?
Patty Murray works for all of us, not just the Republican special interests. Washington is safer and vets are better off because of her – among lots of other things. I think her record stands up well next to just about any other Senator in the minority (or the majority for that matter) taking into account how long she’s been there.
Clueless – What “facts”? You haven’t named one fucking thing she’s done. Not one. Just saying “lots of other things” is totally unconvincing. If there are so many name some.
You righties are going to have to dig a little more to get a Dem/Abramoff bribery connection.
Like, did Patty’s former chief of staff set up a lobbying firm and hire the senator’s husband at a salary of $50K per year to select charities for the firm to give donations to that was never given? Anything like that? You know, like the jobs DeLay’s wife and daughter got.
Patty and the rest of the Dem leaders aren’t giving the money back because they don’t have an election to worry about in 2006, Cantwell does.
196 – “You haven’t named one fucking thing she’s done.”
You’re proving my point – facts don’t matter to you.
I named TWO things. I went into detail on one of those things. If you can’t see it, then I won’t go into it further with you. Go to her website and look for other things she’s done. I won’t be your wet nurse.
I said @161: “Yes, it’s possible, in fact likely, that politicians received both campaign contributions (legal) and bribes (illegal) from Abramoff.”
Janet S said @198: “You are very clearly saying that all donations made by Abramoff were bri-bes.”
Janet S is
[ ] a. Stupid
[ ] b. A liar
[ ] c. Both of the above
[ ] d. Too stupid to be a liar*
* She reminds me of a federal judge’s remarks several years ago as he was sentencing an Idaho GOP congressman to prison: “I have doubts about the jury’s verdict, because frankly I think you’re too stupid to form a criminal intent.”
MTR 199
“Abramoff was a lobbyist.”
WAS is right. Now he’s a pre-convict.
“He represented special interest groups. He schmoozed politicians to get them to vote in a way that would make his customers happy. He plied politicians with money to “encourage” them to see it his way.”
All correct. But you seem to be assuming that there is a non-existent equivalence between Jack Abramoff’s actions and those of his clients. First, Abramoff personally never donated a dime to any Democrat. Second, his clients, including the Indian tribes whom he defrauded, only hired him to act as an agent for their interests. Sometimes he asked them to give money to a particular person or organization, and they did so. However, they also acted on their own or through other, non-crooked lobbyists. There has not yet been a shred of evidence presented by anyone that any Democrat ever received money that Abramoff tred to funnel their way.
You see, Mark, Democrats have traditionally received the majority of Indian tribal donations because they tend to champion their interests. Abramoff’s talent and his GOP-sponsored mission was to pry tribal donations away from Democrats and toward Republicans. I know that doesn’t fit the narrative that your GOP controllers want you to try to establish, but it just unfucking IS the way it is.
But if you have actual evidence of Abramoff himself personally communicating with the tribes to funnel contributions from his clients to Democrats, please present it. I’m pretty sure it doesn’t exist.
The reason Indians tend to support Democrats more than Republicans is because some Republicans (e.g., our own Slade Gorton and his sidekick Jim Johnson) are racist Indian haters.
I get no end of chuckles out of the realization that Native American votes put Maria Cantwell over the top in her 2,200-vote victory over Senator Slade, who spent his entire public career shamelessly pandering to the anti-Indian rednecks in our state.
Daddy – Put down the kook aid. You sound like the fool that does Dimbulb’s PR. (Geez, there’s a job that must suck.)
One of the lobbyist’s jobs is to direct money from clients. That’s what they do. You and Dimbulb are trying to hide behind a technical veil. Doesn’t work. Dimbulb takes money from criminals.
Clueless – That fact that you can’t make a coherent argument does not mean that I am wrong.
MTR — it doesn’t mean you’re right, either.
MTR’s invisible hand has been getting quite a workout lately.
So Wabbit – You occasionally make coherent posts. Give me some concrete specific examples of where Senator Dimbulb has shown razor sharp perception to recognize problems, the abiliy to devise ingeneious solutions to them, and exhibit bold leadership to make the solutions a reality.
Good luck…
Look, my only point here with the Dimbulb diatribe is that her record is at best unremarkable and the kindest thing that can be said about her is that she has been a faithful useful idiot.
razor sharp perception to recognize problems, the abiliy to devise ingeneious solutions to them, and exhibit bold leadership to make the solutions a reality
Redneck, this is bullshit. Murray has perceived inadequacy in serving the needs of veterans but of course that kind of perception is not “sharp” enough for you. She has worked with Senators on both sides of the aisle to put veteran’s needs on a higher priority but of course that’s not “ingenious” enough for you. Finally she’s shown leadership on re-prioritizing veterans issues but that’s not “bold” enough for you.
Murray and Cantwell will never be good enough for you Redneck. You know that. We know that. So why don’t you just go back to pleasuring yourself with the “invisible hand”?
Dimbulb debate
I can’t believe its even an argument. She’s pathetic…
When did you last hear her say something intelligent?
Crap; maria is bright (just misguided). patty is both dumb and misguided.
But no one has answered why Maria is giving it all back but Patty refuses to. Either the money is tainted or it isn’t. If it isn’t, why give it back? If it is, how did it get accepted in the first place? And why won’t Patty give it back?
The last time these two went separate directions, the Times declared they were both right. I think it was on a vote regarding Iraq. So are they both right this time? The money is bad, but I’m keeping it, or not?
For the Clueless-
Debate with MTR is like debate with a black hole, ideas go in but never come out. If you bother to respond to his diatribes with a rebuttal, he changes the subject. A waste of time. He is either chronologically or intellectually juvenile.
Ignore him.
“One of the lobbyist’s jobs is to direct money from clients. That’s what they do. You and Dimbulb are trying to hide behind a technical veil. Doesn’t work. Dimbulb takes money from criminals.”
So do you. Pull out your wallet. Take out a dollar bill. Now prove that dollar bill has never been in the possession of a thief, robber, drug dealer, gangster, or other criminal.
Seems to me the “Senator Dimbulb” argument was over when the voters re-elected Murray last year by a crushing margin.
In the wake of Nethercutt’s devastating election loss, MTR and righton are reduced to mere name calling and posturing. Hey, I can posture too — how’s this for a bunny posture? (middle toe of right front paw extended forward and held up in air)
You are a master of ILLUSIONS!
There are at most 10 of us who post and maybe 30-40 who visit your Blog…MAYBE!
I’m afraid you are beginning to actually believe their is some vast viewing audience to HA. There is not. Roger makes nearly 1/2 the Posts and them claims victory for HA based on number of posts. Several of the phantom posters post under multiple identities. We all laugh…no one in their right mind actually takes this seriously….do they?
Roger Rabbit—Rog certainly takes a looooooong time to make his POINTLESS!
Clueless–Clueless is a prime candidate for natural DE-SELECTION!!!
rujax—If you gave rujax a penny for his thoughts, you’d certainly be entitled to change.
headless lucy–Some people DRINK from the fountain of knowledge…clearly lucy only gargles!
And so it goes…………..
Goldy, do you really believe your fellow self-proclaimed Progressives follow you anywhere???????? Perhaps they do…but only out of MORBID CURIOSITY!!!!!!!!!
The LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS are known for setting low personal standards…..and then CONSISTENTLY failing to achieve them! Most of you KLOWNS are so dimwitted that it probably takes you 2 hours to watch 60 Minutes!!
And so it goes……………..
Goodnight MTR, PACMAN, JANET, ZIP, PUDSTER, SGMMAC……unfortunately for the KLOWNS on this Blog, the wheel is turning….but the hamster is obviously DEAD!
Here’s my problem with the Senator Murray attacks. On the one hand there is an assertion that she is dumb and ineffectual. On the other, she is accused of accepting tainted money from the most powerful, best connected lobbiest in Washington, presumably so she can deliver something. He does not pay out for nothing.
Do these local contributors to this site know more of her influence and power (or lack thereof) than the vaunted Jack A? Or is there a fundamental flaw in their arguement?
DO their other arguements rest on similarly flawed assumptions?
K – Dimbulb got money from Abramoff because she can be bought. I mean… it’s not like she has any coherent guiding principles to guide her voting. So she’s an easy mark for lobbyists. Makes perfect sense.
“Roger makes nearly 1/2 the Posts and them claims victory for HA based on number of posts.”
So what? The same 15 rednecks vote for the GOP in every election, and the GOP claims a mandate. Why should Republicans be the only people with bullshit statistics? We want our fair share of bullshit statistics! Republicans want a monopoly on every fucking thing. Screw you, Cynical! If I want to run up Goldy’s stats, I’ll do it! and there’s nothing you can do about it.
Hey you NSA spooks — I know you’re reading this — fuck you unpatriotic fascist pigs!
“K – Dimbulb got money from Abramoff because she can be bought. I mean… it’s not like she has any coherent guiding principles to guide her voting. So she’s an easy mark for lobbyists. Makes perfect sense.”
You oughta know, MTR — given your vast experience as a person who can be bought and has no guiding principles, you should know one when you see one, huh?
218 – Agreed. Lump in righton (WrongOne) in that category.
You assholes ran George Nethercutt for Senate for crissakes. The man can’t even speak for himself. A complete nebbish tool of the K Street Project.
Give it up, you have absolutely nothing in this state, if anywhere.
Howard Dean bitch slapped Wolf Blitzer on Late Edition today, he may as well slap you GOP troll bitches, too.
BLITZER: Should Democrats who took money from Jack Abramoff, who has now pleaded guilty to bribery charges, among other charges, a Republican lobbyist in Washington, should the Democrat who took money from him give that money to charity or give it back?
DEAN: There are no Democrats who took money from Jack Abramoff, not one, not one single Democrat. Every person named in this scandal is a Republican. Every person under investigation is a Republican. Every person indicted is a Republican. This is a Republican finance scandal. There is no evidence that Jack Abramoff ever gave any Democrat any money. And we’ve looked through all of those FEC reports to make sure that’s true.
BLITZER: But through various Abramoff-related organizations and outfits, a bunch of Democrats did take money that presumably originated with Jack Abramoff.
DEAN: That’s not true either. There’s no evidence for that either. There is no evidence…
BLITZER: What about Senator Byron Dorgan?
DEAN: Senator Byron Dorgan and some others took money from Indian tribes. They’re not agents of Jack Abramoff. There’s no evidence that I’ve seen that Jack Abramoff directed any contributions to Democrats. I know the Republican National Committee would like to get the Democrats involved in this. They’re scared. They should be scared. They haven’t told the truth. They have misled the American people. And now it appears they’re stealing from Indian tribes. The Democrats are not involved in this.
BLITZER: Unfortunately Mr. Chairman, we got to leave it right there.
Howard Dean, the chairman of the Democratic Party, always speaking out bluntly, candidly.
Voter – Everything Dean said is wrong. Abramhoff gave millions to Dems. That’s not even in dispute. He’s trying to play the same game Dimbulb is with some of it coming from clients instead of directly from him, but that doesn’t wash. It’s a lobbyist’s job to tell clients where to direct money to get favors. That’s what they do.
And Dimbulb is still guilty.
Voter – I’m thrilled that you hold Howard Dean in such high regard. GOP is guaranteed to continue to win with him at the helm. LMAO.
Plus everything he said is demonstrably untrue. Look it up.
Fire One,
I know many of the Officers and NCOs on those fielding and training teams. The I Corps staff section I worked in was very involved in everything Stryker the entire time I was stationed at Fort Lewis until my mandatory retirement. The Stryker is one of the better fielded pieces of equipment because of those teams with retirees. The Stryker had many problems and changes were made. The Brigade CSM who went through the first fielding is one tough guy and last I heard he was working on one of the Stryker teams as a contractor. It has only been the last 10 years or so that NCOs have been involved. It is still too often that Officers do the advance party and recon stuff.
I never rode in a M113 and yes, they ARE dogs, the first vehicle I was licensed on was a Jeep in 1974. I did ride in Gamma Goat once or twice!
You are right about the changes in the Army and most of those changes as far as training goes is due to the NCO Corps and the NCOES system. The years under President Carter were the worst that I saw. The drawdown after the first Gulf War was pretty ugly too.
My point was this….. the soldiers that stuck using the equipment are the ones with the most valid input. It certainly isn’t politicians, civilians and people who have never put on a uniform. Infantry soldiers carry over 100 pounds of equipment on their backs. The Army has been trying to lighten that load for years and it hasn’t really worked yet. The LBV equipment that was given to the Stryker soldiers in the fielding had/has a good concept, but it wasn’t holding up to the field use. A year later a lot of it was falling apart and people were working on fixes for it when I retired. Developing, testing and fielding equipment is a long complicated process. There isn’t a warehouse somewhere with hundreds of thousands of body armors waiting to get on a soldier or marine’s back.;hl=en
I forgot this link, although I didn’t read it here last night, it’s the same story.
MTR @ 209
Nice. Attack me.
As I said, AND as Dean said, it is demonstrably true that Abramoff never gave a cent to any Democrat. Ever.
Your conslusions are pure speculation. There is NO evidence (again as Dr. Dean said) that Abramoff ever directed a contribution to a Democrat. Got some evidence? I didn’t think so.
We DO know things like that A href=””>Abramoff gand Scanlon funneled more than $4 million to Ralph Reed and the Christian Coalition. You see that amount? But you think your “logic” dictates that he MUST have been behind a few thousand to Patty? Prove it. Show us. Put up or shut up. We have plany of evidence of Republican corruption. Show us your evidence. There is nothing there.
This is a Republican scandal. Republicans are going to jail. The Republicans are ciorrupt though and though their political machine.
Hey, I forgot to mention. Abramoff was a “Bush Pioneer,” meaning that he raised more than $100,000 in campaign contributions for Bush’s 2004 campaign. Now, clearly these are contributions solicited by and “bundled” by Jack Abramoff and thus indisputably “Abramoff-related;” the Bush campaign confirms this notion by it’s use of the Pioneer title for Casino Jack. Bush returned $6000. Are you going to call for the president to return the $94,000 in Abramoff-related contributions that he received?
Note the I present evidence to bolster my contention that these contributions are “Abramoff-related” and directly channeled by jack Abramoff to the President’s campaign. Where’s yours?
Hey, I forgot to mention. Abramoff was a “Bush Pioneer,” meaning that he raised more than $100,000 in campaign contributions for Bush’s 2004 campaign. Now, clearly these are contributions solicited by and “bundled” by Jack Abramoff and thus indisputably “Abramoff-related;” the Bush campaign confirms this notion by it’s use of the Pioneer title for C-asino Jack. Bush returned $6000. Are you going to call for the president to return the $94,000 in Abramoff-related contributions that he received?
Note the I present evidence to bolster my contention that these contributions are “Abramoff-related” and directly channeled by jack Abramoff to the President’s campaign. Where’s yours?
ASSes: Patty received money because she was on the Bureau of Indian Affairs subcomittee. All of them received Indian money from the Abramoff gang. While Jack didn’t directly send his own money to Dems, he had his cronies send it. It seems to me that you lefties are fixated on the Abramoff contributions but the JD are looking at all contributions as they have in other investigations.
Puddy –
It’s Maria Cantwell who’s on the Senate Committee for Indian Affairs.
“While Jack didn’t directly send his own money to Dems, he had his cronies send it.”
Really? How do you know that he HAD them send it? You should really contact the DOJ with your information.
Daddy Love go back and see when Patty was on the Senate Subcommittee on Interior. That’s when she received the bulk of her money. I realize Daddy Love you are two-dimensional. The Senate Subcommittee on Interior (SSOI) which has jurisdiction over funding for the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Senator Murray is a former member of the Senate Subcommittee on Interior.
Hey leftwing moonbats: Dow above 11,000. Nothing to say CluedinLess&LessASS or windbagASS?
MTR: I actually found some “wonderful” Patty Murray achievements. Part 1:
A resolution designating the week of February 7 through February 11, 2005, as “National School Counseling Week”.
A resolution designating August 13, 2005, as “National Marina Day”.
A resolution designating the month of November 2005 as the “Month of Global Health”
A joint resolution authorizing special awards to World War I and World War II veterans of the United States Navy Armed Guard.
A bill to enhance and improve benefits for members of the National Guard and Reserves who serve extended periods on active duty, and for other purposes.
A bill to enhance ecosystem protection and the range of outdoor opportunities protected by statute in the Skykomish River valley of the State of Washington by designating certain lower-elevation Federal lands as wilderness, and for other purposes.
A bill to amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to improve the provisions of items and services provided to Medicare beneficiaries residing in States with more cost-effective health care delivery systems.
A bill to extend the authorization for the ferry boat discretionary program, and for other purposes.
A bill to provide for secondary school reform, and for other purposes.
A bill to amend the Head Start Act to address the needs of victims of child abuse and neglect, children in foster care, children in kinship care, and homeless children.
A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to provide improved benefits for veterans who are former prisoners of war.
A bill to appropriate $1,975,183,000 for medical care for veterans.
Part 2 eaten by filter MTR.
MTR, why did I search for Patty’s accomplishments? Look at Part 1 and the first three entries!
Interesting, Goldy not too fast to post more of Patty’s great accomplishments?
How ’bout that Vermont “60 days for raping a girl for four years” judge? I wonder if that’s progressive justice in action?
Puddy Freep Koresh or TripleP @ 240:
Huh, you say something Puddy Pod Person? Something about the Dow being where it was 4 YEARS AGO?
Puddy @ 239
Thanks for answering a question I didn’t ask. How about answering what I DID ask:
“While Jack didn’t directly send his own money to Dems, he had his cronies send it.”
Really? How do you know that he HAD them send it? You should really contact the DOJ with your information. But the truth is, you have NO evidence of any kind that Jack Abramoff directed any money Patty Murray’s or Maria Cantwell’s way. Just admit it.
BTW, Patty Murray won an award from the Northwest Native American Business Development Center in 2001 titled “For Senator Murray’s Earnest and Effective Efforts in Restoring Funding to Northwest Indian Communities” AND has been working actively to pass the Indian Health Care Improvement Act. Indian tribes would be fools NOT to give her contributions, since she is working on their behalf. They want her re-elected. Duh.
Puddybud @ 244
WHy not tell the whole story? It’s not “60 days for raping a girl for four years.” It’s “60 days plus mandatory treatment backed up by a life sentence.”
“…Judge Cashman explained that he is more concerned that Hulett receive sex offender treatment as rehabilitation. But under Department of Corrections classification, Hulett is considered a low-risk for re-offense so he does not qualify for in-prison treatment.So the judge sentenced him to just 60 days in prison and then Hulett must complete sex treatment when he gets out or face a possible life sentence.
Daddy_Love: Answer in filter!
I did tell the whole story but Goldy isn’t posting it!
Two posts eaten in this link alone.