– I’m always more willing to look at a candidate who Cascade endorses, and occasionally they’ve tipped the scale for me, so it would be sad to not have that any more.
– I don’t know how realistic the prospect of a $15 minimum wage would be for Oregon, but the fact that its opponents are into the scare tactics phase probably means something good for its chances.
– Chart of the Day: An uptick in threats against abortion providers
– I am not on a jury, and I didn’t contribute much here. Best of all possible worlds! I did get some reading done in the jury room. Pit? Juror dumping ground?
– My mustache is better than either the Senate Majority Leader’s or the Speaker’s. Also, I haven’t just had a mustache in like 5 years.
Mitt Romney ducks out.
“It’s best to give other leaders in the party the opportunity”
He probably couldn’t get funding from the Koch brothers. I guess out of that $900 million they have promised to the Republican candidates for this next election cycle, there just wasn’t enough left over. Their boy is Scott Walker.
If the Democrats, and Hillary, run away from President Obama in 2016, they will lose. They should have learned the lessons of the last election. When you lack the courage of your convictions, you don’t lead. And people want a leader.
Some doctors will no longer see patients who refuse vaccinations
90% chance of infection if you are not vaccinated and exposed to the virus. Only 1% chance if you are vaccinated. Which group are you in? Your children?
@ 1
Or, perhaps Sean Trende is right about the potential for a brokered GOP convention.
This isn’t a bad move on Romney’s part. He doesn’t have to run a third primary campaign, he’s done the right thing assuming a clear GOP nominee emerges from the primary season, and he’s right there, rested, healthy, and tested, if he’s called upon come convention time.
Oh, and no Candy Crowley.
I wish taxpayers would subsidize my profits, too.
@4 A brokered convention would choose a candidate who ran in the primaries and caucuses, not some guy loitering and picking his nose out in the hallway.
@4 there always seems to be silver linings in your clouds, but doom and gloom on the clouds of others. Are you delusional?
@5 I wonder if the United States could be named in any law suits brought upon by NFL players for health issues that football leaves you with because they subsidize this stupid game.
I have some conservative friends that are football fans that agreed with the NFL players suing the NFL over injuries. I thought this was contrary to a conservatives beliefs. I think the players need to be accountable for their actions, they loved receiving their paycheck over the injuries that they were having.
If I had a real reason to hour out on disability, those same people would question wether I really needed the assistance. Even if I paid into disability insurance
Did gladiators sue Nero? Maybe they didn’t have class-actions lawyers back then.
“I am not on a jury, and I didn’t contribute much here. Best of all possible worlds! I did get some reading done in the jury room. Pit? Juror dumping ground?”
Jury duty is known as the “cattle call” and the jurors’ waiting room is the “corral.”