It’s obviously horrendous that we’ve set up a system where you have to drive for hours if you want an abortion. I do wonder how much we as a state can do. If people are driving to Yakima, a city not on the border, maybe there are ways to encourage more clinics closer to Idaho and Oregon. It’s probably the part of the state that’s the most hostile to that sort of thing.
The woman may have driven from Twin Falls to Yakima for an abortion, but abortions are performed in Twin Falls. Abortions are performed in Boise. Abortions are performed in other locations in Idaho.
In Idaho, as in several other states, abortions are illegal beyond the 20 week gestation period. It may be that the woman drove to another state because what she needed was illegal in Idaho.
Which is a different argument.
I can drive to the corner to pick up a gallon of milk, 24/7. It’s more of a drive, and limited availability, if what I seek is raw, unfiltered goat’s milk.
“Which is a different argument.”
Eh, you’re probably right on this one. It’s not like the Car-Hater above or Seattlish revealed much detail in the story. Just a whine.
“if what I seek is raw, unfiltered goat’s milk”
In your case, your goatfucking friend the loon could fix you up.
One of the things we could use is better birth control use, especially for the poor. I’ve heard researchers are working on birth control for men, which might turn out to be a new era for the MRA and MGTOW folks.
@ 4
I hear not voting translates into birth control.
Did you really write a post, whining about the fact that a woman may have to drive a few hours in order to murder her unborn child? Holy shit, you evil left-wing schmucks really do live in some fucked up fantasy land.
Roe v. Wade has been decided, just like Citizens United.
Here’s your next Benghazi scandal.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This will be a golden opportunity for Republicans to demonstrate, once again, that they’re flaming hypocrites.
@7 That’ll go over well with women voters.
@1 The drive is even farther if you want to fuck the goat. As far as I know, the nearest fuckable goats are in Montana, although there may be some in Idaho, and possibly even one or two in Enumclaw (with the horses).
@5 Well, now we know how Boob spends his spare time down in the basement xray lab: Searching the internet for titillating videos of women young enough to be his grandchildren.
@6 Why not? Your crowd goes to the ends of the earth to kill innocent and unsuspecting people in their villages. Why should we be better than you?
Here’s a little human-interest story: The world’s longest-serving flight attendant has been on the job since 1957. That’s not a typo.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Probably can’t afford to retire. After all, America has mostly been run by Republicans since 1968.
Next time I think I will come back in life as a doctor……apparently he doesn’t have to do any real work in life and can spend his time ripping off the tax payers….PissCan should have done that too, instead of living in his Mom’s basement.
Boob the Goat Pussy Grabber! Way to go Boob!
Hahaha you loser Republicans and Trumpanzees! You wouldn’t be staring at your asshole if you knew which was up.
Meet your new Treasury Secretary, the guy who’s going to rescue you from the Obama recovery.
“Here, some highlights of Mnuchin’s company’s work:
“Changing the locks on Leslie Parks’s Minneapolis house, during a blizzard.
“Allegedly refusing to negotiate with Greg Horoski and his wife, Diane Yano-Horoski, when the couple fell behind on payments due to Horoski getting sick; treating them, in the words of Judge Jeffrey Spinner, to ‘mortifying abuse’; and generally acting in a manner that was not only ‘inequitable, unconscionable, vexatious and opprobrious’ but also ‘harsh, repugnant, shocking and repulsive.’ …
“Allegedly sending a homeowner’s name to a debt collector who proceeded to ‘call her 81 times in a single day.’
“And the pièce de résistance: reportedly foreclosing on a 90-year-old woman, Ossie Lofton, who owed the bank 30 cents but sent a check for 3 cents.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yep, that’s who Trump voters have entrusted our government to. Hey, Trumpanzees, you built this.
My God! Enough already, just pick a fucking person, or tell us when you finally do. We don’t need to keep hearing about it for fucking weeks on end.
Looks like the Administration is going to be so efficiently run by the Fascist Pig Nazi(s).
@12- Zip it Hippie.
@19 That’s all you got? What we have here is a troll telling the Rabbit to shut up. You must be new here. hahahaha
Time to go clean my AR-15 and load more ammo into 100-round drums, in case the fascists come looking for me.
@18 You heard about the private meeting of billionaires in Florida last week, didn’t you? Here’s the picture: Trump told the hicks they were screwed by Wall Street and he was going to set it right. So the dummies voted for him, and guess what, Wall Street billionaires are now going to run the country.
Have the rubes noticed that yet? It’s not too late for them to contact their duly elected Electors and tell them to vote for Romney or Kasich.
Here’s something else: Trump isn’t stupid and he’s probably being told by his advisors to stay on his best behavior until Dec. 19, because he isn’t actually elected until the Electors vote. After that, he can do whatever he fucking feels like doing, and I predict we’re going to see a real change in his demeanor and attitude after that date. That’s when his true colors will emerge. But his cabinet selections are already giving us a preliminary look at what that will be.
We can look forward to four years of the boys in the Billionaires Club running America, Inc., for their own personal benefit, and to hell with everyone else. Unless something happens in the Electoral College, the hicks just put the same people who ripped them off in 2007-2009 in charge of their future.
@18 He should pick Romney. I’m not in love with that guy, but I’d rather have him at State than any of the other people being floated. At least Romney isn’t insane, and who knows, he might be able to keep Preznit Drumpf from doing something rash or incredibly stupid.
This is flying under most people’s radar, but Trump is considering two Democratic senators for cabinet slots, Manchin of West Virginia and Heitkamp of North Dakota, both of whom will be replaced by Republicans if they give up their Senate seats. This would cancel out the D’s election gain of 2 senators, and keep the Senate makeup at 54 Rs – 46 Ds + Is, exactly what it was before the election, and make it much harder to block Trump’s appointees or Ryan’s legislation. Obviously the D’s badly need Manchin and Heitkamp to stay in the Senate, but there’s a damn good choice both of them would accept cabinet posts in a Trump administration, since they come from solidly red states that are heavily dependent on energy industries.
@23…Yup, must really suck to be a Demonrat right now. Why don’t you snowflakes sit down, have a nice little drum circle in a safe-space, make sure you have on your anti-microaggression helmets and let sane America run things for awhile.
Don’t know what a Demon-rat is unless you mean an Alt-Right Rethug. Please elucidate.
Would be a good term for them considering their beliefs.
HA heroes (zeroes need not apply)…
Join me today at Sunset, 4:19 pm (4 whole minutes earlier than last Friday) for cocktails and conversation..
Oh sure some zeroes will make their appearance. They always do but NOT the babbling jackass troll. Fridays after sunset is babbling jackass free! A time of the week to savor..
Unless it drops a load under an alias…
I won’t be able to stick around too long as I have to make a Costco run. But I’ll be here for the countdown and submit a cocktail recipe.
Teafagged, Little Dick, or whatever you call yourself,
Not sure why you feel you need to keep coming at me, but ok, I will play along.
And speaking of basements….or should I say career in the basement…..
College degree(or so you say): check
28 years at same employer: check
Occupation: scheduler. Huh? Thats a task for framers on disability or newbies fresh out of college.
Either you speak with fork tongue about your qualifications, or your career has been one disappointing fuck show.
Chillin in moms basement
10.. 9.. 8.. 7.. 6.. 5.. 4.. 3…
No babbling jackass …
Savor it fellow heroes.. The lack of annoying noise… no babbling nonsense..
It’s the best!
Ok, the typical martini is a one-dimensional cocktail..
The following cocktail combines different liquors to achieve a balanced effect and is simple but representative of a two-dimensional cocktail..
10 ml Dark Rum
25 ml Light Rum
20 ml Gin
30 ml Vodka
1 tsp Cognac
20 ml Lemon Juice, fresh
30 ml Pineapple Juice
15 ml Natural Brown Sugar Syrup
4-5 drops Angostura Bitters
Combine all ingredients and shake with ice. Add a cherry if you like. Serve on the rocks with a straw..
So how is this balancing effect accomplished? The following is a bit of an oversimplification:
Light Rum brings fire and bite. Increases the perception of alcohol
Dark Rum is caramel, orange and warm. It’s heavy and adds sweetness.
Gin adds complexity and dryness. It plays well with liqueurs..
Vodka of course is a neutral spirit. It dilutes flavors but maintains alcohol level..
Cognac adds richness and depth. It masks an excessive syrup taste.
Mixologists claim this cocktail is very drinkable but a little too well balanced. The character of a notable cocktail comes from a controlled departure from balance. A bit of eccentricity if you will.
Next week I’ll submit a more eccentric version of this drink..
When I get back from Costco, I’ll put up a recipe for the Natural Brown Sugar Syrup…
I gotta drive so no sip for me.. Enjoy fellow heroes!
@24 You’ll soon find out how “sane” you were on Nov. 8 …
@27 “Not sure why you feel you need to keep coming at me,…”
Okay, we apparently have a new troll here, who hasn’t received the briefing. As HA’s unofficial greeter, it is my solemn duty to inform new trolls of HA’s ad hoc posting rules, which are as follows, and please pay particular attention to Rule No. 4:
1. This is a liberal blog.
2. Anyone can post here, except JCH.
3. There is no censorship.
4. As liberals, our mission is to verbally kick the living shit out of the rightwing America-hating traitors who troll here.
5. No mercy for wingnuts!
6. Our non-negotiable terms are unconditional surrender, and there will be trials.
7. klake is a nazi.
Any questions?
Clueless Roger….you couldnt kick the shit out of your own colostomy bag.
@32 I suspect there aren’t many participants here who actually remember Klake. No matter since it appears we have a new supply of Nazis.
@30 Interesting. Sounds a little like what Oliver’s at the Mayflower serves as an old fashioned.
@21 Oh, yeah…we’re really gonna be partyin’ like it’s 2001 now, aren’t we? Just remember how that all ended up in 2008. This time around the excesses and the resulting pain could be even worse, and when we remind the True Believers about it they’ll probably still reply, “But-but-but-BenGHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHZI!!”
@ 23
This is flying under most people’s radar, but Trump is considering two Democratic senators for cabinet slots, Manchin of West Virginia and Heitkamp of North Dakota…
It was on my radar more than 24 hours before you thought to mention it, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You could have saved yourself the typing and just pasted this:
@ 35
I just looked at the Oliver’s drink menu and recipes. The Old Fashioned isn’t on there, but the other drinks listed at least contain the correct primary liquor and so I would assume that Oliver’s Old Fashioned is made with bourbon or rye, rather than with rum.
You got the sweet stuff and the bitters right, tho.
@ 36
Little point to bringing up Benghazi these days, Art.
She lost.
Bet it shows up in someone’s memoirs sometime soon.
@ 32
4. As liberals, our mission is to verbally kick the living shit out of the rightwing America-hating traitors who troll here.
If Kellyanne Conway be believed, this is one of the reasons #CrookedHillary lost. She should have been trying to connect with Middle America and instead she was talking about alt-right entities few had ever heard about or cared about.
There’s a great audio exchange between the principal strategists of the two campaigns, which occurred at an event at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government this week. I listened to about seven wonderful minutes.
The audio is at this link:
and the exhanges I’m referring to start at 1:36 (that’s 96 minutes into it) and continue for awhile. You get to hear Jennifer Palmieri cry. You get to hear Conway at her best. You get to hear, specifically, what #CrookedHillary’s inner circle thinks of Bannon.
Read the whole thing, and listen as long as you want. It’s awesome audio.
It should even make the Multimedia Extravaganza. But it won’t, because no one listens to what I say. Or so I am told.
Everyone who posts here is a troll because they are looking for an argument. It doesn’t matter if it’s a liberal, a conservative or a libertarian -they’re all trolls.
@33 Getting restless in there?
@37 You were bragging about it, I was warning about it, that’s two different things.
@39 You’ve got your own Benghazi to worry about.
But I’ll bet we won’t see Trey Gowdy or any of the other GOP hypocrites holding hearings about this.
@40 Middle America will get what it voted for, and they can’t say they didn’t know what they were voting for, because they were warned.
@41 Sorry, but you don’t get to define terms here. On this blog, liberals are “resident posters,” and conservatives are “trolls.” That’s the way it’s always been, and that’s how it still is.
@35 The old fashioned has experienced a surge in popularity due to the TV show, MadMen…
Ok back from shopping and dinner.. Here’s how to make Natural Brown Sugar Syrup for the Balancing Act cocktail @ 30..
Add equal parts of demerara sugar and water to a saucepan, Heat while stirring until dissolved. Then add 10 drops of pure vanilla extract per cup of solution. Pass the solution through a fine mesh sieve before bottling it. Store in the refrigerator..
Try mixing a little of this syrup with a quality dark rum and a twist of lemon.. If you’ve been using those crap commercial syrups with high fructose syrup (horrors!), this will fill you in on what you’ve been missing.
So nice without the noise from that obnoxious babbling jackass…
Life is good (Drumpf notwithstanding)…
Hope everyone is caught up on their yard work.. It’s gonna be cold!!!
” this is one of the reasons #CrookedHillary lost.”
You and your hashtags can kiss your Glorious Leader’s ass. You knew better than to support that SOB but your penchant to spew snide got the better of you. So if worse comes to worse, I’m going to put it all on you. For an outed troll, Doctor, that’s not a good thing.
@ 50
Please show me, Steve, where I voiced support for Trump prior to the election.
Don’t think you can.
Unemployed Gimmie-Dat Flaming Faggot.
@40. No, you are right, no one listens to what you say because it’s always spin and always wrong.
@51. Yeah Steve, tell the Fox in Sheep’s clothing.
Bickle would be a great cabinet member of the New Nazi’s Party.
@44 hopefully one big nuclear bomb drops on this country and that way they will not have to worry about their own Benghazi
Just make RU-486 and “the morning after pill” easily available over the internet.