– Bus Chick tells the best stories.
– I’m still digesting Ta-Nehisi Coates’s Why Do So Few Blacks Study the Civil War?
– Ron Swanson is a great character, but nobody should base their presidential campaign on him. Also, all of the men in the race should grow a mustache.
This is soooooooooo funny and telling!
[Deleted: Copied material not used consistent with fair use — see HA Comment Policy]
Obama has 42% Strong Disapproval Rating. That is huge at this point in time.
Obama is exposed as merely another politician who lacks any ability or desire to help the American people other than give more handouts.
When FoxNews gives him the highest overall Approval Rating at -6..you know he’s in deep trouble despite the ugly class-warfare nonsense.
Read and weep fools, the poll of polls-
For once I actually agree with George Will
And yet, you don’t have anyone that can beat him. Mittens is at, what, 23% among Republicans and Republican’s in the house are at 12 or 13%.
Why would we weep? It’s not like you see any of us championing Obama. He’s the least bad option at best.
Do the words “lesbian bondage strip club” ring a bell?
Larsen staffers made a plain vanilla bad choice and, unlike Republicans, Larsen dealt with the problem.
Obama’s still doing better than Bush!
Bush’s disapproval rating was above 40% for his entire second term, so the idea that a poor rating for Obama is somehow good for people that hold your view on the world is a non-starter.
So who the fuck is this asshole?
JoJo from a couple days ago, or another in a long, looooooong line of one comment wonders.
Listen dickweed…there will be NOT ONE person here who will give a flying fuck about you or your “opinion”.
There is NO Republican legislator or staffer who has ANY moral high ground.
Larsen CANNED these idiots tout suite…NOT like corrupt fuckhead Republicans who tolerate ALL KINDS of bad behavior well after said behavior becomes known.
Oh…and Obama’s numbers?
This President will CRUISE to re-election. Only morons like Freddie the K here think that one of the “Insane Klown Posse” the Goopers run against BHO have a snowball’s chance in hell of winning.
Complete streets are (hopefully) coming to Spokane.
Votes coming up in the planning commission on the 14th and the Spokane city council on the 19th.
I thought this was interesting.
What do you think puddy’s or the [insert name here of the guy in the first post] idea of a just society is?
And I still think HA should have someone writing from Spokane. We should be working to keep the 3rd LD blue and to turn the 5th CD blue again.
@9 My guess of most trolls here idea of a just society is a strongly libertarian one with a lot of social Darwinist influences.
It is Just for everyone to keep their money. The only purpose of government is to lock up anyone who steals from the just and a strong military. No government regulations on anything else. Everything else is up the individual. A pay as you go society. A buyer beware society. No public school, no public roads, no public health, no public art, no public libraries, no public defenders, etc. The poor are only helped by charities and churches. If you are poor, blame yourself. You are poor because you are lazy. No minimum wage. No work rules. No 40 hour work week. Courts are paid by litigants. No election regulations. No drug regulations. No Health and safety regulations. No zoning laws. No privacy regulations. Debtor’s prison.
I imagine their idea of a Just society being a lot like the 1880s with a 21st century veneer. Great for the wealthy and the powerful and their sycophants, but unpleasant for the rest of us.
I think Bachmann should grow a mustache.
Which one?
Mr. or Mrs.?
Mr. To hide the stretch marks.
Steve Benen over at Washington Monthly has one (with video) that will make you chuckle.
Another Perry flub: 8 Supreme Court justices?
The title underplays the stupidity of this former front runner for the NotRomney race.
Returning from Tacoma at noon today, I heard a discussion on the radio. Some pundits were crediting Gingrich’s rise in the polls to the simple fact that he was not Romney, and he’s picking up a little from each of the other candidates as they either drop out or drop from serious consideration.
At least one part of my previous prediction is still holding true: the GOP Evangelicals are NEVER going to go along with a Mormon president. Heck, they will even vote for an ethically-challenged Catholic before they vote for a Mormon!
10 reasons Christians should reject Romney
I’m starting to wonder if the Republicans are going to have a nominee to run against Obama.
Guns don’t kill people and for the most part healthy, law abiding people, don’t kill people, but guns sure do make it easier for the whack jobs and the thugs to kill people.
From the Freeper comment threads that @17 posted.
“At least one part of my previous prediction is still holding true: the GOP Evangelicals are NEVER going to go along with a Mormon president. Heck, they will even vote for an ethically-challenged Catholic before they vote for a Mormon!”
I think you’re correct there. The Republicans are mostly Protestants, and they view the LDS Church as an upstart, way out of the mainstream of good old, fire and brimstone American Protestantism. Yep, a strict Catholic has a better chance with the conservatives of the Republican Party than Mitt Romney does.
Personally, I’d rather vote for a good Wiccan.
NPR Tries to Track Down Those Millionaire Job Creators
“So who the fuck is this asshole?”
The same old Klown. He couldn’t hide teh stupid if his life depended on it.
I’m guessing the wingnut freeper means sex education in schools when he says “it”, but the crazy paranoid schizophrenia is strong with that one.
Nobody tell him Karl Marx was married and had 7 children, Engels married twice, Lenin was married, Trotsky was married..
@24 They’re just full-bore whack into into projection and denial, seeing pedophiles everywhere, and yet never taking note of the one they see every time they look in the mirror.
Good one, Michael.
I hope she does…
BTW this guy is a leftist, a regular libtardo champeen. Keith Odormann loves him so much he’s a “regular” on Odormann’s show!
The social Darwinist influences were put forth by HG Wells and his eugenicist friends.
Social evolution is leftist thought! You guys are the ones who promulgate evolution and natural selection. Think Charles Darwin! Think Margaret Sanger!
For you historical morons… who was Charles Darwin’s mentor?
Thomas Malthus
Who was devoted follower of Thomas Malthus?
Margaret Sanger
Remember… history is history! Facts are facts!
Keep trying blue john. At least you are a libtard thinker unlike the empty skull jackASSes such as rujax and ylb and ekim!
Everbody’s BITCH is really citing oooold news.
Pelosi already fired back at the venal and corrupt former Speaker that she, House Minotity Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Ca) did not NEED to use priveleged information for the ethics inversigation of the corrupt former Speaker of the House Gingrich. PUBLIC documants were enough to embarrass the Newt.
PS…after the Ron Paul and Mitt Romney campaigns get done with the Newt there won’t be much left to pick over. Newt is seriously damaged goods. Must make the puddywuddyduddypussy blue. Look…puddywuddyduddypussy hazz a sad.
Thanks for the Civil War history article. I am certain rujax and Stupid Solution Steve received a history lesson!
Golly the empty skull jackASS rujax missed the point again @29!
What is he now 5,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 out of 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000!
Wait for it…
EVERYBODY’S bitch HAD no point.
Get it, BITCH?
Right on time! Jonathan Turley made the point! You are as ignorant as ever!
Thanks for playing rujax!
The loon. A self-loathing black who chose thirty pieces of silver over his so-called peeps and who now cheers as his racist Overlords suppress the black vote.
I thought that crowd was all about “family values”…
A thrice married right wing philanderer is now ok with them it seems now.. So many of their “family values” politicians (Vitter, Craig, Foley, etc..) have been turned out only the too-nutso-crazies and Mormons are left.
Gun don’t kill people but they sure make it easier for thugs and psychopaths to kill people part II.
Ms. Nancy did neither thing the guy you linked to claimed. But, she did act without dignity or class, so she fits right in with the Republicans in the house.
Or anywhere East of the mountains. Do you know anyone from there who can write, who would fit in, and would be willing?
Oh Michael,
You missed the same point. Turley is a leftist. HE made a great point. Read closely.
Are you as stooooopid as rujax?
Try again!
Interesting story out of New Zealand. The final count in the election that saw the Center-Right National Party and it’s two coalition partners returned to power, has just come out. The final count usually changes one or two seats, and for the Green Party, 11% entitles them under the Mixed-Member Proportional Representation system they have used for 20 years(and voted to keep in a referendum), to 14 seats in the 120 seat parliament. (The version New Zealand adopted, sets the threshold at 1 district seat of 5% of the total party vote for winning proportional seats). 14th on the NZ Green Party list, is New Zealand’s first deaf MP.
The NZ Voters also rejected a move by the very government they re-elected, to go back to First Past the Post, Winner Take All(pretty much the system we use). The vote was not even close, 57%.
I don’t know anyone off the top of my head, but you might send an email to the folks at http://spovangelist.com/ or get in touch with Mariah McKay. http://www.facebook.com/mariahrosemckay
NBA kills Chris Paul trade to the Lakers.
Hey rujax, when the libtardo MSM retreads their standard dogma preachers the ratings slide… Seems they never learn! Witness Amanpour on ABC News “This Week”. She is full of the standard leftist dogma kook-aid and the ratings have slid even worse then when George Steponallofus took over for the king of objective newscasters David Brinkley.
If she leaves then we’re left with renown leftists David Gregory and good ol Bob Schieffer. I hope they don’t bring back Sam “Yes I’m a Leftist who likes Al Jazeera” Donaldson.
Can you imagine if ABC whitey house correspondent Jake Tapper took over This Week? DUMMOCRAPTS would boycott the show because someone would actually force them to answer tough questions and then rujax could make his silly point. Tapper is ruthless against both sides. He’s a rare person in the land of libtardo MSM!
Butt alas, that prolly won’t happen!
re 28: Come on, Bubby. Thomas Malthus???? And you leave out that fuckin’ Commie, Jethro Tull?
He must be rotating in his grave!
re 44: Conservatiardiccis — I’m goin’ Latin, too.
Too Dumb To Be President
“In yet another campaign … slip-up, Texas Gov. Rick Perry produced headlines today during an important editorial board interview with the Des Moines Register … for … a mealy-mouthed screw up.
“‘Montemayor?’ he said, struggling to name one of the nine Supreme Court justices. He went on to blast the court as ‘eight unelected and frankly unaccountable judges.’ There are nine.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Apparently the 96% of Republican voters who don’t support Perry agree he’s too dumb to be president.
Too Dumb To Be President
“In yet another campaign … slip-up, Texas Gov. Rick Perry produced headlines today during an important editorial board interview with the Des Moines Register … for … a mealy-mouthed screw up.
“‘Montemayor?’ he said, struggling to name one of the nine Supreme Court justices. He went on to blast the court as ‘eight unelected and frankly unaccountable judges.’ There are nine.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Apparently the 96% of Republican voters who don’t support Perry agree he’s too dumb to be president. He also got the voting age wrong. (Psst! It’s not 21!)
Owebama change – Recession/Depression
Average US Family Lost $21K in 6 Months Due To Property Values, Stock Market
Read more: http://www.myfoxdc.com/dpp/mon.....z1g7SnQrow
Yes headless, Thomas Malthus.
A follow up to the story from New Zealand I posted. A little bit on the backgound of the change of voting system.
The Bitch’s critical thinking skilss are about on par with the “Rick’s”…Santorum and Perry.
@52 The self-loathing loon couldn’t possibly speak intelligently about Malthus and the influence of his Essay on the Principle of Population on both Darwin and Wallace. The incoherent babbling of names is all he’s got.
Malthus. Darwin. heh. It’s all about the loon’s black peeps. He loves his peeps. You know, those same peeps who are having their votes suppressed as the self-loather cheers on the evil fascist bastards doing it to them. But that’s what self-loathers do with their self-loathing selves. They sell out, and they sell out cheap. Hell, in the loon’s case, all he gets is a few pieces of silver tax cut and an occasional stroke from his masters.
Yep. I love my peeps more than you do. You are a bystander Stupid Solution Steve. You don’t remember the NAACP convention in 2008 when anti-abortion blacks were ignored by the NAACP.
From the 2010 Census
Blacks make up 38901938 + 14000000 estimated lost through abortion from the CDC we’d have almost 53 million people in America and there would be over 322 Million US citizens. We’d have a more powerful voice in politics.
Oh yeah Al Gore would have won the whitey house 2000.
So I ask,
Where is the “beloved” NAACP?
Where is Jesse Jackson on this?
Where is Al Sharpton on this?
Where is John Lewis on this?
Where is Emanual Cleaver on this?
Where is Jeremiah Wright on this?
Where is Maxine Waters on this?
Where is the HA reservation dweller rujax on this?
Now back to Malthus, Darwin and Sanger. It’s too bad Stupid Solution Steve can’t change historical facts. Just like the DUMMOCRAPTIC Party is trying to change the historical fact of supporting strange policies like eugenics in the past.
Sucks to be Stupid Solution Steve and rujax. They can’t attack Puddy all they want but the facts are the facts.
The Prosecution Rests Your Honor. These are two historical losers. They still can’t tell Puddy what great events happened in 1968 that MikeBoy Scout won’t hire a black born after 1968.
I’m still shocked that Stupid Solution Steve and rujax didn’t press MikeBoyScout on that stupid comment! I noticed MikeBoyScout hasn’t answered why either. He just threw something stupid out there and I was the only one to question his “motives”!
A real black man did question MikeBoyScout’s “motives”. These two fakirs, Stupid Solution Steve and rujax, said nothing!
Still laughing at YOU, bitch.
Moronic idiot@55,
That’s all you got? Another attack? DNC Playbook time!
What a lunatic!
Where is the “beloved” NAACP?
Um, they’re probably out there combating attempts by the loon’s masters to suppress the black vote.
And where is the loon? Is he fighting for his peeps? Nah! He’s spending his thirty pieces of silver.
The loon pretends to care about his so-called peeps and abortions with his incoherent babbling about Maltus this, and Sanger that. Horseshit. Around these parts, we judge a loon by his acts, not his lying words. The truth is clear. The loon doesn’t give a fuck whether his peeps live or die. But he does care about making damned sure they never get the chance to vote. Yeah, the loon loves his peeps.
The black vote is being suppressed by the loon’s master. Where is the loon? Feeding from his master’s hand.
It not like the self-loather is just a traitor to his race which, of course, he is. Eagerly aligning himself with hatred and greed, he’s really a traitor to all things good and decent in this world.
I loved the story about the Maryland Gubenatorial Candidate from last year whose campaign manager was doing robocalls to suppress the African American vote. Could not believe Ehrlich would stoop that low as to have a campaign manager who would do something like that. He was the Governor that wanted to scrap the controversial e-voting machines in 2006. Then again, last year he was running for his office he lost in that election.
In Australia, you could face fines for not voting, as it is compulsory. Still, turnout is only as high as 95%, sometimes a little lower. The Liberal Party the last time they were in Government tried to find a way around it, by limiting the hours for last minute voting registration to the night the election date was declared, instead of an extra week. (By the way, the Liberal Party of Australia is a conservative party. The Center-Left party in Australia is the Labor Party).
It’s not ANOTHER attack…it’s the SAME ONE.