It’s so frustrating that the legislature that only gave Sound Transit limited funding options is now trying to restructure them to make it less effective. I mean honestly. It’s bad enough that the Republicans are doing it, and that legislators outside of the boundary seem so excited about it. But Democrats in the ST boundary are particularly bad.
regarding yesterday’s riveting discussion of carrying around construction drawings in the back seat of ones car, and more. Or not.
If the tab people used the Kelley Blue Book values for assessing tab fees for Sound Transit, resistance might drop a lot. As it is now, they’re are using fairly tale valuations so the can get more money out of us who will probably never use their stupid light rail system.
…resistance might drop a lot.
Yes, people who have been on the losing side of ST votes for twenty years and have yet to accept it will magically lower their opposition if they receive a small reduction in the taxes they pay toward a project they have always & forever vehemently rejected.
You must regard your readers with some truly world-class contempt if you expect us to believe such obvious garbage.
If you don’t like your constituents, maybe you shouldn’t hold public office?
And now we learn Mike Pence used a private email server while governor. Lock him up.;&
Hypocrisy is every Republican’s middle name.
Roger Rabbit will take a break from HA next week to have surgery for an internal bleeding problem. Don’t get your hopes up, trolls. Most hares, even old mangy ones, survive this procedure.
@5 not shocked at all to find any GOP using private emails, they are the revolutionaries in everything they say they are against….it’s what makes them so in tune on being able to jump on someone else when they do the same thing. They are the master of creating labels – they invented the Brother P-Touch Label Maker. No surprised there.
No surprises either now when someone new or more information comes out about Putin/Russia/Drumpf people
@6 Good luck Rog.
@8 Thanks. I appreciate it.
@ 4
If you don’t like your constituents, maybe you shouldn’t hold public office?
I think this is what concerns all those Dem senators facing re-election in red states next year, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@10 Who elected them in the first place, Doctor Dumbfuck? The tooth fairy? I don’t see them running away from town halls or going into hiding like Republicans are doing. Do you suppose there might be a problem with the GOP agenda?
No CrookedPence hashtags? No lecture on how his lack of security is the reason he lost the popular vote? Quelle surprise.
A reflexively servile obedience is the hallmark of an HA troll.
Live on your knees.
@12 after “Live on your knees” you should add “and open wide”
@5: Huh? Really?
It is legal (in fact, could be argued based upon IN law it was REQUIRED) for Pence to use private e-mail in these cases.
Hillary? Illegal AND against the regulations SHE CREATED for her to use private e-mail.
But hey, I wouldn’t expect a hare-brained Leftist to understand the “subtleties” of legal versus illegal.
@14 I’m sure you, Drump, Pence, and other righty pinheads can rationalize building the Keystone XL pipeline with foreign steel, too, if you think hard enough. Promises are made to be broken.
@14 From your link: “It’s legal in Indiana to use a private email account for work. In fact, you could argue Pence may have needed a private account: It’s illegal in Indiana for a government official to use her or his official account for political business.”
Yes, well, the difference between “official business” and “political work” may be too subtle for you and WaPo, so that makes us even.
“Clinton exclusively used her private email account for work, something no secretary of state had done before. There’s no evidence Pence exclusively used his private email account for work, nor that his use of it was any more or less than past governors of Indiana.”
In other words, he didn’t get himself pregnant, he was only half-pregnant.
“Pence — and on much of this we have to take him at his word — says he’s preserving the emails ‘consistent with Indiana law.”
Clinton claimed her withheld emails were personal. Republicans wouldn’t take her word for it. Why should we accept Pence at his word? That’s a double standard.
“Pence’s office says he did not communicate about classified information. Again, we have to take him at his word.”
Not really, since his emails were hacked. We’ll be getting them from Wikileaks via Moscow any day now.
“We do know that some of the emails handed over to the Indianapolis Star were blocked out for confidentiality, and Gov. Eric Holcomb declined to release others because, according to the Indianapolis Star, ‘the state considers them confidential and too sensitive to release to the public.'”
Hmmm. Personal emails, understandable. Official business? Not so much. What is Pence hiding?
“The FBI felt there was enough in Clinton’s email account to launch a criminal investigation into her treatment of classified information. Of course, the result of that investigation was that they decided not to prosecute her for any kind of crime.”
Since Clinton was investigated by the FBI, and they found no evidence warranting criminal prosecution, we KNOW she didn’t commit a crime. Meanwhile …
“There is absolutely no investigation related to Pence, which brings us back to the original reason these two situations are fundamentally different: Using a private account if you’re the governor of Indiana, where it’s legal to do so and you’re ostensibly dealing with much less-sensitive information, is much different than using a private email account exclusively to do work as secretary of state,who has access to many if not most of the nation’s top secrets.”
… what we have here is an assumption by a blogger/journalist who hasn’t seen Pence’s emails that he did nothing wrong. How can she possibly know that? She can’t. But this may be too subtle to make an impression on pinheads.
@15 It’s probably to be expected the same thing will happen with whatever gets built of Trump’s Wall.
I know conservatives sometimes get accused of “wrapping themselves in the flag”, but check out the lining of Sean Spicer’s coat…
Sounds like a damn good idea to me. I’m one of those folks who will never see the damn light rail completed in his/her lifetime (unless I can make it to 120), so how about valuing the stupid car tabs based on the REAL economic value of the car?
ArtFart @18
Relating to the Flag on clothing the Flag Code says:
“The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery.” and ” No part of the flag should ever be used as a costume or athletic uniform.”
Spicer should be fired at once for showing such disrespect to the flag.
Do not blame ST for using a formula mandated by state law.
Complain to the goat fucking RETHUGs in Olympia.
Oh wait, they don’t like hearing from constituents.
worthless lying sister-fucking hillbilly piece of shit:
-The Federal Records Act: amended after she left office – no criminal violation
-FOIA: absolutely no evidence that she withheld or destroyed any relevant documents and JWs deep yearning to go on a fishing expedition does not a criminal violation make; see Kissinger v. Reporters Committee ,445 U.S. 136 (1980)
-NARA: every single cabinet level appointee preceding Clinton was in possible violation of at least one NARA adminstrative regulation, but like Clinton relied exclusively on agency specialists for compliance, plus, also, this is not a criminal code but an administrative regulation which grants State 25 years to turn records over
-Section 1924 Of Title 18 — Classified Information: mens rea – learn it, know it, live it. Flowing from a still ongoing and historically unprecedented investigation at vast taxpayer expense extending over many years (BENGHAZIIIII!) no evidence has been produced showing any criminal intent.
This zombie lie needs to be beaten until it’s head falls off.
I don’t give a flying fuck who’s to blame – I just want the damn thing fixed.
A quick primer on mes rea for hillbillies.
In may U.S. localities, when one of you ignorant, backward, racist, drunken, hillbillies leaves your loaded semi-automatic street-sweeper shotgun leaning against the refrigerator in such a manner that the next time you reach for a cold 16 oz Keystone Light it falls over and blows the head off of your mongoloid offspring you will not be charged with murder.
You may well be charged with a crime. And certainly in the enlightened and progressive areas of our fine nation you will go down for some hard time (in Alabama you might get a free set of steak knives). But as these attendant circumstances do not support an inference of intent it won’t be homicide.
“regarding yesterday’s riveting discussion of carrying around construction drawings in the back seat of ones car, and more. Or not.”
Max and I exchanged a mere handful of words a few years ago which informed each of us that the other is among a handful of the very best at what we do. Best, as on the entire fucking planet. We share a respect that far transcends politics. Nothing you’ve written tells me that you’re anywhere near being in our league.
Response from Cupertino Electric, one the best ECs in the nation, on the subject of hard-copy prints.
Me, “Do you guys still use hard-copy prints out in the field or does everybody use tablets, phones or whatever?”
Cupertino, “We, including myself, use prints.”
You’re a scheduler. I can respect that. But you should quit pretending that you have a fucking clue what Max and I do for a living and how best we should do it.
“Do you always blow snots out at change? Are you the progressive, I think you said you are?”
Three things to say about that. One, I’ve got a decade of comments in these threads that attest to my political views. Two, our work has nothing the fuck to do with politics. Three, the worst fucking GC I’ve ever worked with was Morse-Diesel out of NYC.
3 – I don’t really care about who reads this,shitty little blog, but you are a progressive asshole, and that’s the worst kind of asshole there is.
3 – I don’t really care about who reads this,shitty little blog,
Let me guess: You are a home schooled hillbilly.
but you are a progressive asshole, and that’s the worst kind of asshole there is.
One might wonder why you are bitching on a progressive blog.
Trying to show off your expertise? Still waiting.
Looking for respect? Not gonna happen.
Looking for goats? Talk to the LOON.
A racist asshole is the worst kind of asshole.
And sadly for the hillbillies, “racist asshole” is synonymous with Republican.
More Putingate unraveling:
growing Teapublican chorus calling for Comrade-Pissident Bumblefuck to release his tax returns.
Heading out for popcorn now.
growing Teapublican chorus calling for Comrade-Pissident Bumblefuck to release his tax returns.
Wonder when the TEAHADISTS will be called “progressive assholes.”
If your fragile, swollen, and painfully-tender vanity means you can’t stand being called out on your obvious and utter b.s., then don’t throw it around here. You’re welcome.
As mentioned in other comments here in this very thread, you can petition the legislature to change the method of vehicular worth validation that ST must use. Republicans in our legislature are always looking for new reasons to “reform” ST out of existence, and are especially keen to do so shortly after we taxpayers approve another ST project. Give ’em your best ideas!
Fondest wishes to Roger Rabbit for a good outcome and speedy recovery..
Fellow HA heroes, the sun sets at 5:58pm.. The babbling buttwipe troll has been absent for a while so unless it shows up soon to spew and babble its krap there will be no countdown to HA thread FREEDOM!!! at sunset..
It’s been so nice without the senseless noise from that idiot troll. Wow.. So nice..
Wishing you the best, Roger.
@32 I just hope the loon is okay. Those last head explosions of his were really something else.
Best wishes, Roger. Your work here today by itself merits a day off.
Maybe when Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is back he’ll understand that when a guy gets shot in the chest, he wasn’t fleeing at the time.
31 – You’re still a fucking progressive asshole.
27 – and YOU are just a little dick!
I’ve seen a lot of news about the homeless people in Seattle. Well, they’re just like stray cats and dogs. If they can find a free meal and a place to hang out, they’ll stick around. Maybe if Seattle was less accommodating, the homeless would go elsewhere.
Its been my experience that generally homeless people are everywhere in the U.S. They are just a whole lot easier to see in places with very expensive real estate.
Because land values in such places are very, very high they are actually much less accomodating to those who cannot pay. And that is why you see them in tents and doorways.
@2 @19 @23 It’s too late for that. Car tab fees based on inflated car values is what the voters passed, and once the bonds are sold, any initiative or legislation impairing the revenue stream will be held unconstitutional. We’re stuck with the inflated car tab fees.
@22 The bottom line is that Hillary Clinton is the most investigated person on earth, and people who hate her so much they chanted “Lock her up!” at their national convention have failed to nail her for so much as a parking ticket.
Again, if your poor widdle fee-fees can’t stand it when you get called out for your bullshit, then stop flinging bullshit. Problem solved. You’re welcome.
It’s always fun to imagine how many of the Clintons’ political enemies would be breaking rocks in the sun if we’d subjected them to a fraction of the scrutiny the Clintons have received.
Given how not one of the Clintons’ enemies have ever been able to make any accusation stick, a string of failures which is a quarter-century long and counting, it really testifies to the utterly pathetic gullibility of Clinton-haters such as our trolls here. Will they let themselves get played for another quarter of a century?
Pass the popcorn!
“Pass the popcorn!”
After dropping thousands of hashtags on us, poor Doctor Dumbfuck still can’t come up with a single Clinton crime. Not one! And now it looks like the entire Trump administration is destined to spend 10 to 20 in the slammer! SAD!
“Conservatives Face A Choice On Obamacare: Trump Or Their Principles”
A misleading headline, for sure. Republicans have no principles.
Dipshit posted
“Owners don’t want hard copies of as-built drawings.”
really? you better go talk to the world’s largest airplane builder about that. They do not accept electronic as-builts…hard copies ONLY.
that said, most other projects now electronic copies are used.
ok….sorry Steve, I am done on that one now.