As both a veterinarian and former elk rancher, Idaho Republican gubernatorial candidate Rex Rammell must be pretty familiar with manure. So why can’t he seem to avoid stepping in it even deeper?
After criticizing Gov. Butch Otter for not buying the first grey wolf hunting tag that went on sale, he responded to an audience question about “Obama tags” by saying “Obama tags? We’d buy some of those.”
Of course, when criticized for, you know, threatening the life of the president, Rammell excused himself in typical wingnut fashion, by claiming it was just a “joke.” And now, I suppose to reinforce the point, he sends out the following Tweet this morning:
Obama hunting tags was just a joke! Everyone knows Idaho has no jurisdiction to issue tags in Washington D.C.
Ha, ha.
I remember a news story from my youth, when after President Reagan was shot, a university student wrote in a school paper that he wished Hinckley had succeeded, only to find himself dragged out of his dorm room by armed federal agents in the middle of night. Hell, I remember during the Bush administration when just wearing an anti-war t-shirt to a Bush rally was enough provocation to get you arrested.
But Obama? No tags necessary, for in the land of the free and home of the wingnuts, it’s apparently always open season on Democratic presidents.
If he gets dragged out of bed by armed federal agents he’ll just cry and complain like the pathetic wuss he is. This is the guy that didn’t have the brains to run an elk ranch successfully.
Back in the 90’s I ran across a “joke” that was being circulated by some neo-nazi groups. It was a hunting tag for people based on skin color. So, Otter isn’t even using original material for his “humor”.
@2 It wasn’t Otter who made the comments, it was Rammell – who’s running a fringe campaign for governor against him. Sad thing is, the Tweet is probably because 1) Rammell just knows Secret Service won’t bother him, because IOIYAR, and 2) His contributions and polling numbers are probably way up as a result of his 15 minutes.
Or, as Glenn Beck used to say before he got famous, “I’m just sayin’ what everyone’s thinkin’.” In East Idaho they’re probably wondering what the fuss is about. Doesn’t everyone want to shoot the President of the United States?
@3 BAD typo on my part. White presidents only get impeached and slighted by conspiracy theories. “Black” presidents get threats on their life as a “joke”. Anyone who says the race dialogue is over is delusional; but we are getting to see what was hidden for a long, long, time.
Oh, Goldy. You know it’s only because he’s Presidentin’ While Black! You know it isn’t like this country has a history of lynching or anything like that!
you get it.
Finally someone gets it.
This isn’t really about political ideology. It isn’t really about “big gubmint” totalitarianism, or CEO bailouts, or birth certificates, or right-to-bear, or tea bagging, or “America’s future”, or deficits, or anything remotely having to do with the legitimate business of government.
It’s about this.
I agree…death threats, even as a joke, as waaaaaaaaaay out of bounds.
Bush never publicized the threats against him.
We really don’t know the quantity or types of threats he received.
Lots of left-wing blogs “speculate” but they don’t really know.
Someday they will be released.
It’s a political crapshoot for Obama to have his minions squeal everytime someone says something ridiculous like Rammell. Eventually, folks will tire of his strategy to gain sympathy and be viewed as courageous by publicizing these threats.
Time will tell.
Is Rammell wrong? YUP.
Is Obama having his hatchetmen publicize these things and blow air on the fire to try to gain sympathy and be viewed as courageous? YUP.
Well ROTCODDAM, if it was about a skit in Blazing Saddles then “the messiah” was smart to choose ol Big Mouth Biden. Sure is amazing how lefties take movie clips and claim it’s about real life. So when does “the messiah” gain Superman powers? But ROTCODDAM, you were never calling on your friends of another color persuasion to stop this.
BTW Puddy agrees with Cynical. Rammell is a fool! But then again so was Randi Four Gunshots Rhodes. See what your friends said about that at DUmmy FUnnies.
Or do you remember “Bush is the disease. Death is the cure” or the call for fragging their CiC military officer: “We Support Our Troops, When They Shoot their Officers.”
7 – Nice speech Klyn.. The first sentence anyway. Now let’s see you make it at your local wingnut hangout in MT.
As for rest, the conspiracy theory about Obama’s “minions” – anybody who supports Obama is going to talk this up. It confirms what we’ve known about the right wing for decades and why they should NEVER be allowed to run the government.
Threats? I can’t recall a single Dem politician during Bush’s term who said something that stupid. McCain says his constituents should respect the President and he gets booed. An idiot like Rammell or Jesse Helms back in the day (remember what he said?) says crap like that and he gets cheers.
You wingnuts will shoot first, ask questions later, if at all – based on what makes you FEEL good. That was Iraq in a nutshell!
6 – Wow. That was hilarious! And pretty much the state of the right wing mentality these days.
As long as the Republicans keep saying stupid shit, we have little to worry about.
One day Lynn Jenkins will find her “great white hope”.
And we’ll beat that fool too.
I do recall when Bush had his minions squeal everytime someone said something ridiculous like “Bush is the disease. Death is the cure”. But I guess I missed it when liberals and progressives banded together to tell the minions to shut the fuck up because complaining about political assassinations is “bad politics”.
All squinty and short of breath — again!?
Doesn’t pudpulling hurt after awhile?
spongebob wondermoron moronically farted
Puddy has always claimed wondermoron has memory issues.
““I can think of only one Republican who can be a problem-solver. And that would be Vice President (Dick) Cheney, if he will just take George on a hunting trip.”.” – Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear 2008
So easy when your opponent is so sleazy.
Slutz@12: Ejaculation Emancipation on your mind again? That’s 14 times in the last 24 hours. Is hair growing in your palm yet?
Of course spongebob wondermoron forgot this…”Secret Service Checks ‘Most Likely to Assassinate Bush’ Caption”
13 – Not even in the same league as buying tags to hunt a black man.
Such a sick fool you are.
I hope your ugly party finds its “great white hope”. Not looking good right now.
15 – LMAO!! The chicken has found a hatchling! Politician?
Nice try – NOT!
What the “gun nuts” don’t seem to realize is that liberals have backed gun control since the 60s since it was our guys (the Kennedy brothers, MLK) who were getting shot. Gun control was an attempt to use the rule of law to stop this violence. The alternative of course was the Black Panther Party and the Weather Underground, which perhaps weren’t such bad ideas considering where the other side has gone.
I’ll give the pudwhacker props for at least trying.
It can’t be easy.
Wading waist high into your own filth to stand and invite everyone who can hear you to come join you on the beach.
But there’s a real reason why the GOP and freaked out conservatives have had to rely on faux patriotism and coded language (Mr. Rammell excepted). While it may tug compellingly at deep troughs of human emotion, in the end race hatred is very, very ugly.
Poor Stupes. His hatred for Obama is pathetic. It grows more intense every day.
Obama’s idealism, gifts, smarts and ambition carried him to the highest office in the land.
Where did Stupes’ ambition carry him? To a confab with a fellow right wing screamer in Edmonds and..
the comment threads at
I guess better to project all that fear, hate and loathing at all us lefty-leaning folks and at Obama then deal with his own ugly self.
Carry on fool.
Grrrrreat movie, @16. But then there’s Lee, the Great White Dope.
re 7: “Bush never publicized the threats against him.
We really don’t know the quantity or types of threats he received.
Lots of left-wing blogs “speculate” but they don’t really know.
Someday they will be released.”
The ‘secret information’ BS again. You can be sure Rove would have made any threats very public — not because he feared for the life of the president- but because it would be a useful political tool.
Knowledge of things going on in the real world was so secret in the Bush administration, even they didn’t know about it.
Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…. Loose lips!!
Right you are, D-R, especially when it’s in your end.
Told you last week about the laff riot on Stephanie Miller when Rude Pundit said that townhalls are infested with a bunch of old Jews who resemble Hanukkah in Hell.
Stephanie and her noises guy and her goy toy Chris Lavoi laughed and laughed at Rude Pundit rudeness. Nobody started yelling for a sponsor boycott, maybe because nobody else was listening. No sorrowful vignettes on NPR about left-wing racist insensitivity.
But imagine if any Republican anywhere, or mangledtruth here, had said or written anything like that. There’d be wall-to-wall batshittiness for days.
But, hey. Everybody knows there are no enemies to the left of the left and no racists on the left. Not even on the leftover left of Stephanie Miller, who was abandoned by Republicans and raised by rodents.
Pudpuller @14:
As opposed to the encrusted hair in your brain from the mental masturbation you try to pass off as relevant comment?
always open season on Democratic presidents … which explains Reagan’s near-death experience via Hinkley, and the assassinations of McKinley, Garfield, and Lincoln. Democrats every one.
Meanwhile, one Democrat president was bagged and tagged during open season. John Kennedy was killed by a silly little Communist who was sort of like some of you.
Oh, for fuck’s sake! A Republican gubernatorial candidate just made jokes about Obama hunting tags in a public town hall! And then it was published in a news outlet. Because it is, you know, news.
This isn’t a blog comment, or a man on the street. People are a little pissed off, no, make that plenty pissed off that a Republican office-seeker is joking about supporting the notion of someone hunting and killing the president.
“Hatchetmen,” my ass. Name them. Name ONE. Name someone who is “blow[ing] air on the fire” and accompany your identification with sufficent evidence that you can prove that he/she is doing so as part of a coordinated conspiracy and not as someone who is just, you know, plenty fucking pissed off that a Republican office-seeker is joking about someone hunting and killing the president.
You are just pulling this one right out of your ass.
(I’m glad we can say ass in here. I tried it at seattlepi . com and they wouldn’t let me post it ’til I changed it to “rear end.”)
23 DM
You want Stephanie Miller boycottted? Have at it. What’s stopping ya?
Just wait’ll John Kerry, who is bullshit with a bad perm, hears about this! Tires of his big-ass SUV will be spitting gravel in the K-Mart parking lot as Kerry arrives in camo and lug-soled boots: “Outta my way, man. Came here to get me a huntin’ license.”
Cynical et. al.
Death threats? Obama gets 30 a day. How many have they made public? Um, none, motherfuckers.
What’s stopping me? Don’t know the first thing about boycottting.
As usual, Daddy, we don’t know wot the f*ck you’re talking about, and suspect you don’t know what you’re talking about, either.
15 Pud
Yeah, that kid got rousted by the Secret Service. Think they’re going after Rammell?
You’re getting soft HMNT. “sort of like”? I thought your whole jihad here at was to assert “exactly like”.
Shape up. Read some more Horowitz.
13: Yep, those pictures of Black Panthers carrying shotguns suddenly made the Republicans all turn into “Law and Order” candidates. I still remember the howls from conservative right-wing whites when those pictures were published: “Look! They’ve got GUNS! Why haven’t they been arrested???!!!!”
ROTCODDAM, you brought up a movie. Puddy delivered “real life”.
@3 Reminds me of English Bob’s line in Clint Eastwood’s movie, “The Unforgiven”: “Why not shoot the president?”
Republicans, like English Bob, think democracy is a crock and pine for a restoration of the monarchy.
@7 “Bush never publicized the threats against him.”
So far as I know, Obama didn’t publicize this, so what’s your point? In any case, Bush didn’t have to content with opposition party candidates telling assassination “jokes” to their already-hyper audiences, either. That’s like lighting matches at a gas station.
@7 (continued) “It’s a political crapshoot for Obama to have his minions squeal everytime someone says something ridiculous like Rammell. Eventually, folks will tire of his strategy to gain sympathy and be viewed as courageous by publicizing these threats.”
What’s your basis for this statement? This incident was reported by the news media. That’s how I found out about it — and became the first rabbit to post about it on this blog. What’s your evidence that the White House “publicized” this incident or used it to “gain sympathy”? Proof please, with links.
Here I thought, for a second, that Cynical was actually going to post something sensible and responsible … then he goes and loads it full of so much bullshit that it’s … well, it’s just another Cynical clown comment. Move along, folks, there’s nothing to see here.
@13 It’s not Beshears’ fault Cheney is a bad shot. How about taking some responsibility for your side’s marksmanship? After all, aren’t you Republicans supposed to be the gun experts? If Bush did go hunting with Cheney, he’d have nothing to worry about, because Republicans are much better at shooting off their mouths than they are at shooting real guns. When they want to shoot someone, they conscript the working class to do it for them, so they can continue to enjoy their deferments.
@18 Yeah, imagine the outcry from the right if the Black Panthers had spent 100 years lynching whites.
@19 “in the end race hatred is very, very ugly”
It may not be a bad thing to remind ourselves (and others) from time to time just how ugly it is. WARNING: THESE IMAGES ARE GRAPHIC!
@25 “John Kennedy was killed by a silly little Communist who was sort of like some of you.”
No, none of us are anything like Lee Harvey Oswald. None of us are anything like you and your ilk, either.
Aren’t they just sweet little bastards.
@33 Maybe what we need is some gun-totin’ Black Panthers picketing some of these rightwing hatefests.
This cretin is a real fuckhead too. Bet he goes to the same church. Probably a goat-fucker like puddy, stamn and cyniklown. Fucking goats with the sheets on. Nice. Especially for the colonel’s favorite chicken. No lack of irony there, huh.
29. Daddy Love spews:
Why does Obama even broadcast the “30 a day”??
For sympathy!! Orchestrated by the Chicago/Hyde Park Corruption Machine!
Heck, I wouldn’t put it past Rahmmie to be orchestrating most of those 30/day!
Corrupt bastards.
Obama is undermining our safety as a Nation with his CIA probe political Grandstanding.
I’ll bet Leon Panetta will quit soom if they don’t back off.
Our CIA kept this Country safe since 9/11.
It’s not a job for pansy-asses like Obama.
Cheney got it right…100%!
Even Eric Holder is setting himself up for failure!
Holder has very low favorable ratings..very weak. And he is taking on the CIA which has high ratings.
As this whole thing plays out…it will clobber Holder and Obama with him.
If Panetta quits and bitchslaps Obama…I doubt Obama will be able to recover.
Funny how rethuglicants whine about enforcing laws until Democrats start investigating the criminal enterprise known as the “Bush Administration”.
Get used to it.
Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Gonzales and the whole hee-haw gang ought to be indicted…and probably will be.
@ 48…
If all you watch is Faux news.
Super-size that Whopper!!
Listen, you have zero legal experience….except that time you went to Court for exposing yurself at the Retirement Home.
Holder & Obama are going to decimate the CIA and make America very, very vulnerable.
They should be looking ahead…not behind.
They should be asking the CIA how in the heck they kept America safe from attacks the past 8 years….not going on some morale deflating witchhunt for political pusposes to shift the debate & news away from the Health Care debacle.
That’s what they are trying to do.
Oh really?
The clown prince of trolls conveniently fforgets the flaunting of the rule of law by georgie porgy and his band of theiving assholes.
They were liars, cheats and thieves. They started a war that bankrupted this country.
Either the cyniklown is too stupid to figure that out or he’s a defense contractor.
Either way he’s a goat fucking prick.
Another nobody “Republican” says something stupid, and liberals attempt to tar all Republicans…
He’s a tool.
Heh – and the right wingnuts complain THEY are victimized by government, while the hippies and lefties get away with almost anything.
It doesn’t help that a lot of rednecks go into law enforcement.
@6 Where the hell is Count Basie, now that we need him?