Yeah they’ll be out their expressing heaps of FAUX OUTRAGE over the tax policy of George Bush. Facts – not that any right winger cares – are the policy hasn’t changed since 93. All of a sudden it’s a problem???
Not Getting Itspews:
So…let me get this straight. Since Obama has become President my taxes have gone down, we’re spending MORE on the military…especially directly on the troops….and the right wing is upset? ROTFLMAO
Bush spent like a drunk monkey and vastly increased the power and intrusiveness of Federal government (always over ruling state laws, increasing Federal powers over states) and I didn’t hear a word from these wingnuts then. The last two Federal Departments (Homeland Security, and EPA) were created by Republicans by the way. The last major domestic welfare program was created by a Republican (medicare drug benefit). Nixon, Reagan, Bush H.W, and Bush W all left office with the Federal government bigger than when they started. Why these folks think Republicans make smaller less intrusive government is beyond me. I know they TALK about it (forever) but in reality they’ve NEVER done it. MAYBE they will some day, but it’s never happened yet.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The American Colonists pitched crates of English tea into Boston Harbor. But 21st century Republicans, who have to pay for the tea themselves, are only willing to invest 10 cents each in their demonstration. It seems they’re only ten-cent patriots when they can’t vandalize other people’s tea.
proud leftistspews:
It’s unusual for Puddy not to be devoting his every waking hour to this blog. Let us hope he did not get involuntarily committed to a secure facility for folks who just don’t think right. We’d miss him terribly if that were the case.
Puffybutt is busy tonight meeting at the chapter of Oreo cookies where he’s pulling a train on all the real Black men in Seattle. He’ll be back tomorrow to tell us more lies about his pals in the GOP.
proud leftistspews:
Dammit, Jon,
Why do you want to get our teabagging trolls all atwitter? Do you think you are helping them along the path to righteousness and truth that they should–indeed, must–follow? Have mercy, man, it ain’t easy being a troll nowadays. There are fewer and fewer of them, even Joe Scarborough is telling Norm Coleman to give it up–the long and the short of it is that it ain’t easy being wingie anymore. We need to soften our hearts, and beckon them to come to the light.
Be nice; I’m speaking about government accountability and transparency at the noontime “tea party” in Bellevue. I’m available to speak on open government at your favorite progressive gathering any time!
Sir Eustace Tennyson D'Eyncourtspews:
Chuck Norris doesn’t teabag women, he potato sacks them…..
Hate to break it to you Toby. The pendulum isn’t swinging back the GOP’s way. Ever. (From his website “But the pendulum swings, and will eventually swing back, as it did in 1980 and 1994”) The GOP wore out their welcome big time. Republicans will be lucky if they escape being fed to the lions…. You can thank Rove, and Newt, DeLay, and of course the lying shrub.
Some people still think Republicons belong in government. I think they belong in prisons. Every single one of them. RICO.
@8 “Let us hope he did not get involuntarily committed to a secure facility for folks who just don’t think right.”
Why do you hope that? The nuthouse is a perfect place for him.
“We’d miss him terribly if that were the case.”
To be perfectly honest, I wouldn’t miss him at all.*
* Hey, just kidding! Puddy, when you finish fucking yourself, come back because we’re bored.
proud leftistspews:
Toby @ 11
You’re a rational fellow. Might I offer two words of advice? Switch sides.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 The best thing to do with a troll who’s down is kick him in the balls, or if you can’t reach that high, his ankles.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 Toby, in case you haven’t noticed, some of us here aren’t very nice. Especially the feral wildlife element whose natural habitat has been usurped by — phew! — Republicans. But then, you have to consider who and what we’re dealing with.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 Prisons are too good for Republicans. We need highway work done. Put ’em on chain gangs. Let ’em learn how to work.
Broadway Joespews:
That was a good one. Someone needs to get a picture of the Chuckster with a pair of tall potato sacks at his feet to put on t-shirt with that fact…..
Don Joespews:
FYI, the IRS will be sending me a check for $4,037.00.*
So, if any of you wingnuts can’t afford a tea bag or two, let me know.
*Actually, they’ll be depositing it directly into my checking account, but only the anal-retentive among us would care about such details.
Sir Eustace Tennyson D'Eyncourtspews:
13. All Facts Support My Positions spews:
Hate to break it to you Toby. The pendulum isn’t swinging back the GOP’s way. Ever. (From his website “But the pendulum swings, and will eventually swing back, as it did in 1980 and 1994″) The GOP wore out their welcome big time. Republicans will be lucky if they escape being fed to the lions…. You can thank Rove, and Newt, DeLay, and of course the lying shrub.
Some people still think Republicons belong in government. I think they belong in prisons. Every single one of them. RICO
You must have skipped History and Poly Sci classes – The pendulum has swung back and forth for over 150 years in American politics – and it will do so again. Good or bad, its how things work – each party wears out its welcome in due course – power corrupts, ALL of them.
Also, how patriotic of you – lets lock up everyone who has a different political bent.
Joe McCarthy a relative of yours?
Sir Eustace Tennyson D'Eyncourtspews:
19. Broadway Joe spews:
That was a good one. Someone needs to get a picture of the Chuckster with a pair of tall potato sacks at his feet to put on t-shirt with that fact…..
Unfortunately, photoshop is not my friend.
If you get the big box of Lipton’s at Costco it’s more like 2.5¢
I’m with Proud Leftist, I’m sure we can make room for you in the tent.
It looks like they still have some layout issues to workout, but the Post Globe looks to be a good replacement for the morning paper.
Wingnuts are blithering idiotsspews:
I guess Puddybud is too busy with preparations to “teabag” today. Too busy to add me to his list:
Anyone know where the party in Seattle is located .
I want to take two signs there. YES on More Tax and YES on National Health Care.
Politically Incorrectspews:
The pendulum does swing back and forth. I’ve seen it happen several times in my lifetime. The Democrats will eventually fall out of favor, usually over fighting amongst themselves. The Republicans will get their act together and win the White House again in the future. That’s the way it goes.
Yes, bringing back the chain gang sounds like an excellent idea, but for all prisoners, not just Republicans. If we were to use our prison labor rather than keep those guys locked up, we might be able to keep illegal aliens out because there would be no work for them. After all, I’m told that illegals do the work that Americans won’t do. Forcing prisoners to do that work would eliminate the reason for illegally entering and working in the US. Imagine that – Mexico and other countries might have to actually change from being third world shit-holes to modern nations.
Earl Greyspews:
TeaBaggin’ HA Ha Ha neocons are so f#cking stupid.
Daddy Lovespews:
First,it’s not a pendulum. Parties are not changeless monoliths. What happens is that a party comes into power on the strength of a popular agenda, which appeals to a broad coalition that forms its majority.
Then, over time, the party achieves its goals. After that, they have lessening appeal, though they usually stick to pushing a more extreme version of the same agenda hat brough them into power. Eventuallyn they are overtaken by a different party with a different agenda they wan to achieve, and who build a coalition to whom these plans appeal.
However, the newly energized majority Democratic coalition is backing an extremely popular agenda and seem to be a ways from achieving all of their goals. Likewise, the bitter, ever more extreme rump white Southern Evengelical Republican Party is a long ways from even admitting that they have a problem, let alone developing an agenda to appeal to a broad new coalition of DIFFERENT people from its previous coalition.
Give them at least thirty years. They lost the new generation, which seems to have turned “liberal.”
Daddy Lovespews:
Re: the “tea party” non-movement…
It’s really sad seeing a lot of frighened lower-class whites allowing their fears of economic insecurity to be manipulated by the lackeys of the rich to support the agenda of the rich.
It’s absolutely gobsmacking to realize that these people really believe that taxes are being raised on the when they just received a tax cut, or that government spending to replace the consumer spending they can no longer afford in order to temporarily prop up the American economy is a problem.
Even more gobsmacking is the realization that five months ago doubling the national debt and bailing out Henry Paulson’s buddies was supported by Republicans and no big deal.
It’s really sad seeing a lot of frighened lower-class whites allowing their fears of economic insecurity to be manipulated by the lackeys of the rich to support the agenda of the rich.
Sadly, this describes the Republican ‘base’ since about 1980, not just the ‘teabaggers’. Though you might think some of these folks would look at who is trying to hype these ‘tea parties’ (Hint to the trolls here: Dick Armey’s PR firm is not the conservative equivalent of and recognize how they are being used. On the other hand, maybe I’m just a bad person, but I don’t give these folks credit for being intelligent enough to see how they are being played.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
All Facts & the other KLOWNS–
I hate to break it to you, but the pendullum has swung.
From today’s Rasmussen:
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 35% of the nation’s voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-three percent (33%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of +2 (see trends). Democrats and Republicans are now tied on the Generic Congressional Ballot.
Let’s see, Obama was +32 at Inauguration and is now +2…and the R’s & D’s are deadheat on Generic Ballot vs. huge Dem lead 3 months ago.
I’m just sayin’
Keep up the good work Toby. Your awesome!
These Atheist Progressive KLOWNS only enjoy hearing themselves talk.
That’s why I call ’em KLOWNS!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Goldy and his Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats have a hard time remembering back to 1994. Too much of that cheap pot!
My favorite sign from today’s event in Olympia:
“If God wanted socialism, we wouldn’t need the 2nd Amendment”
Hard to add anything to that.
Glad it’s your favorite there, sport. It makes no logical sense whatever.
Broadway Joespews:
Give Pudz a shout. He’s the photoshop expert around these parts.
Chris Stefanspews:
But that and a $2 cup of coffee isn’t going to gain you fools a single seat in the US Congress or Senate from this state in 2010.
Hell I’m doubtful you’ll see much in the way of gains in the Legislature in 2010 either. At least in King County.
So please wingnuts stay right on that train to crazytown. The more you idiots sound like Beck, Limbaugh, Rep Bachmann, or Rep Sali the more likely the democrats are to consolidate and hold their power.
Piper Scottspews:
The Evergreen Freedom Foundation today sponsored a Tax Day Tea Party – Push Back No Tax rally on the steps of the State Capitol building in Olympia. The Washington State Patrol estimated there were 5,000 in attendance making it the largest rally of this type in anyone’s memory.
People from all over Western Washington gathered in the finest American tradition to exercise their First Amendment rights of speech and to petition the government for redress of grievances.
The crowd was festive, but definitely not pleased with the current state of excessive spending and taxation – and they were furious with notions of higher or new taxes, particularly a state income tax.
Officials of the Washington State Patrol remarked on how well behaved the crowd was. They kept out of the flower beds, left no litter, and generally respected state property. And why shouldn’t they? It is, after all THEIR property.
After listening enthusiastically to speakers for 90 minutes, many of the assembled mass went into the Capitol building to find individual representatives and senators in order to give them a tea bag symbolizing the mood and thinking of the crowd.
It was a non-partisan event. Elected officials of BOTH major political parties addressed the crowd. In fact, the crowd seemed equally disgusted with all politicians who support profligate spending and confiscatory taxes irrespective of party label.
Some 300 such events took place or are still going on around the country. In Atlanta, 15,000 attended. Washington state saw almost 30 events, some large, some, like the one in Lake City, small. But all focused on the same message: government is out of control, and the people want it back.
As we all know…The people united will never be defeated…
A great day to be an American…
The Piper
PS: You can see me on KOMO 4
Broadway Joespews:
My question is, where were these people when the last administration spent without any conscience whatsoever? You can say all you want about ‘tax-and-spend’, but at least we know you have to make money in order to spend it.
While there’s plenty of blame to be laid at the feet of the last administration, this train wreck’s taken twenty-eight years to happen, and D’s and R’s are equally responsible for not seeing what was bound to happen sooner or later, when a feckless leader lets his cronies seize the opportunity to make a quick buck, only to have reality come crashing down upon them.
It’s no surprise that the last two presidents to create such situations are ranked near the bottom of the survey of best Presidents:
Subsequently, almost naturally, the President that helmed America’s recovery from the Great Depression ranks third on this list. Should Obama follow in the footsteps of FDR, I would think similar kudos would follow. But fear not, R’s. Your boy Dubya still isn’t the worst President ever, believe it or not. That honor went to James Buchanan, who basically fiddled while America burned in the first flames of the Civil War.
Teabaggers are astroturf toolsspews:
Did you see Puddybud at the teabagging event? I was hoping he could add me to his list.
A bunch of the former PI folks have launched their new website:
God help us if the teabaggers look up the current slang definition of “teabagging.”
Jim, a genuine musician who has not and will not ever attempt to operate a bagpipe assembly.
2. Could a bagpipe assemply be viewed as a large plaid prosthetic teabag filled with hot air?
Where’s Puddybud? I was hoping he could add me to the list he keeps:
Yeah they’ll be out their expressing heaps of FAUX OUTRAGE over the tax policy of George Bush. Facts – not that any right winger cares – are the policy hasn’t changed since 93. All of a sudden it’s a problem???
So…let me get this straight. Since Obama has become President my taxes have gone down, we’re spending MORE on the military…especially directly on the troops….and the right wing is upset? ROTFLMAO
Bush spent like a drunk monkey and vastly increased the power and intrusiveness of Federal government (always over ruling state laws, increasing Federal powers over states) and I didn’t hear a word from these wingnuts then. The last two Federal Departments (Homeland Security, and EPA) were created by Republicans by the way. The last major domestic welfare program was created by a Republican (medicare drug benefit). Nixon, Reagan, Bush H.W, and Bush W all left office with the Federal government bigger than when they started. Why these folks think Republicans make smaller less intrusive government is beyond me. I know they TALK about it (forever) but in reality they’ve NEVER done it. MAYBE they will some day, but it’s never happened yet.
The American Colonists pitched crates of English tea into Boston Harbor. But 21st century Republicans, who have to pay for the tea themselves, are only willing to invest 10 cents each in their demonstration. It seems they’re only ten-cent patriots when they can’t vandalize other people’s tea.
It’s unusual for Puddy not to be devoting his every waking hour to this blog. Let us hope he did not get involuntarily committed to a secure facility for folks who just don’t think right. We’d miss him terribly if that were the case.
Puffybutt is busy tonight meeting at the chapter of Oreo cookies where he’s pulling a train on all the real Black men in Seattle. He’ll be back tomorrow to tell us more lies about his pals in the GOP.
Dammit, Jon,
Why do you want to get our teabagging trolls all atwitter? Do you think you are helping them along the path to righteousness and truth that they should–indeed, must–follow? Have mercy, man, it ain’t easy being a troll nowadays. There are fewer and fewer of them, even Joe Scarborough is telling Norm Coleman to give it up–the long and the short of it is that it ain’t easy being wingie anymore. We need to soften our hearts, and beckon them to come to the light.
Be nice; I’m speaking about government accountability and transparency at the noontime “tea party” in Bellevue. I’m available to speak on open government at your favorite progressive gathering any time!
Chuck Norris doesn’t teabag women, he potato sacks them…..
…..just sayin’
Hate to break it to you Toby. The pendulum isn’t swinging back the GOP’s way. Ever. (From his website “But the pendulum swings, and will eventually swing back, as it did in 1980 and 1994”) The GOP wore out their welcome big time. Republicans will be lucky if they escape being fed to the lions…. You can thank Rove, and Newt, DeLay, and of course the lying shrub.
Some people still think Republicons belong in government. I think they belong in prisons. Every single one of them. RICO.
As far as being nice Toby, when has a single Republislimebag ever been nice to anyone that disagreed with them? Fraud is their only true quality.
(crickets chirping)
Republicans are a disease.
After what their “trickle down / deregulation” ideology has done for America, they should be treated like regular vermin.
@8 “Let us hope he did not get involuntarily committed to a secure facility for folks who just don’t think right.”
Why do you hope that? The nuthouse is a perfect place for him.
“We’d miss him terribly if that were the case.”
To be perfectly honest, I wouldn’t miss him at all.*
* Hey, just kidding! Puddy, when you finish fucking yourself, come back because we’re bored.
Toby @ 11
You’re a rational fellow. Might I offer two words of advice? Switch sides.
@10 The best thing to do with a troll who’s down is kick him in the balls, or if you can’t reach that high, his ankles.
@11 Toby, in case you haven’t noticed, some of us here aren’t very nice. Especially the feral wildlife element whose natural habitat has been usurped by — phew! — Republicans. But then, you have to consider who and what we’re dealing with.
@13 Prisons are too good for Republicans. We need highway work done. Put ’em on chain gangs. Let ’em learn how to work.
That was a good one. Someone needs to get a picture of the Chuckster with a pair of tall potato sacks at his feet to put on t-shirt with that fact…..
FYI, the IRS will be sending me a check for $4,037.00.*
So, if any of you wingnuts can’t afford a tea bag or two, let me know.
*Actually, they’ll be depositing it directly into my checking account, but only the anal-retentive among us would care about such details.
13. All Facts Support My Positions spews:
Hate to break it to you Toby. The pendulum isn’t swinging back the GOP’s way. Ever. (From his website “But the pendulum swings, and will eventually swing back, as it did in 1980 and 1994″) The GOP wore out their welcome big time. Republicans will be lucky if they escape being fed to the lions…. You can thank Rove, and Newt, DeLay, and of course the lying shrub.
Some people still think Republicons belong in government. I think they belong in prisons. Every single one of them. RICO
You must have skipped History and Poly Sci classes – The pendulum has swung back and forth for over 150 years in American politics – and it will do so again. Good or bad, its how things work – each party wears out its welcome in due course – power corrupts, ALL of them.
Also, how patriotic of you – lets lock up everyone who has a different political bent.
Joe McCarthy a relative of yours?
19. Broadway Joe spews:
That was a good one. Someone needs to get a picture of the Chuckster with a pair of tall potato sacks at his feet to put on t-shirt with that fact…..
Unfortunately, photoshop is not my friend.
If you get the big box of Lipton’s at Costco it’s more like 2.5¢
I’m with Proud Leftist, I’m sure we can make room for you in the tent.
It looks like they still have some layout issues to workout, but the Post Globe looks to be a good replacement for the morning paper.
I guess Puddybud is too busy with preparations to “teabag” today. Too busy to add me to his list:
Anyone know where the party in Seattle is located .
I want to take two signs there. YES on More Tax and YES on National Health Care.
The pendulum does swing back and forth. I’ve seen it happen several times in my lifetime. The Democrats will eventually fall out of favor, usually over fighting amongst themselves. The Republicans will get their act together and win the White House again in the future. That’s the way it goes.
Yes, bringing back the chain gang sounds like an excellent idea, but for all prisoners, not just Republicans. If we were to use our prison labor rather than keep those guys locked up, we might be able to keep illegal aliens out because there would be no work for them. After all, I’m told that illegals do the work that Americans won’t do. Forcing prisoners to do that work would eliminate the reason for illegally entering and working in the US. Imagine that – Mexico and other countries might have to actually change from being third world shit-holes to modern nations.
TeaBaggin’ HA Ha Ha neocons are so f#cking stupid.
First,it’s not a pendulum. Parties are not changeless monoliths. What happens is that a party comes into power on the strength of a popular agenda, which appeals to a broad coalition that forms its majority.
Then, over time, the party achieves its goals. After that, they have lessening appeal, though they usually stick to pushing a more extreme version of the same agenda hat brough them into power. Eventuallyn they are overtaken by a different party with a different agenda they wan to achieve, and who build a coalition to whom these plans appeal.
However, the newly energized majority Democratic coalition is backing an extremely popular agenda and seem to be a ways from achieving all of their goals. Likewise, the bitter, ever more extreme rump white Southern Evengelical Republican Party is a long ways from even admitting that they have a problem, let alone developing an agenda to appeal to a broad new coalition of DIFFERENT people from its previous coalition.
Give them at least thirty years. They lost the new generation, which seems to have turned “liberal.”
Re: the “tea party” non-movement…
It’s really sad seeing a lot of frighened lower-class whites allowing their fears of economic insecurity to be manipulated by the lackeys of the rich to support the agenda of the rich.
It’s absolutely gobsmacking to realize that these people really believe that taxes are being raised on the when they just received a tax cut, or that government spending to replace the consumer spending they can no longer afford in order to temporarily prop up the American economy is a problem.
Even more gobsmacking is the realization that five months ago doubling the national debt and bailing out Henry Paulson’s buddies was supported by Republicans and no big deal.
It’s really sad seeing a lot of frighened lower-class whites allowing their fears of economic insecurity to be manipulated by the lackeys of the rich to support the agenda of the rich.
Sadly, this describes the Republican ‘base’ since about 1980, not just the ‘teabaggers’. Though you might think some of these folks would look at who is trying to hype these ‘tea parties’ (Hint to the trolls here: Dick Armey’s PR firm is not the conservative equivalent of and recognize how they are being used. On the other hand, maybe I’m just a bad person, but I don’t give these folks credit for being intelligent enough to see how they are being played.
All Facts & the other KLOWNS–
I hate to break it to you, but the pendullum has swung.
From today’s Rasmussen:
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Let’s see, Obama was +32 at Inauguration and is now +2…and the R’s & D’s are deadheat on Generic Ballot vs. huge Dem lead 3 months ago.
I’m just sayin’
Keep up the good work Toby. Your awesome!
These Atheist Progressive KLOWNS only enjoy hearing themselves talk.
That’s why I call ’em KLOWNS!
Goldy and his Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbats have a hard time remembering back to 1994. Too much of that cheap pot!
My favorite sign from today’s event in Olympia:
“If God wanted socialism, we wouldn’t need the 2nd Amendment”
Hard to add anything to that.
Glad it’s your favorite there, sport. It makes no logical sense whatever.
Give Pudz a shout. He’s the photoshop expert around these parts.
But that and a $2 cup of coffee isn’t going to gain you fools a single seat in the US Congress or Senate from this state in 2010.
Hell I’m doubtful you’ll see much in the way of gains in the Legislature in 2010 either. At least in King County.
So please wingnuts stay right on that train to crazytown. The more you idiots sound like Beck, Limbaugh, Rep Bachmann, or Rep Sali the more likely the democrats are to consolidate and hold their power.
The Evergreen Freedom Foundation today sponsored a Tax Day Tea Party – Push Back No Tax rally on the steps of the State Capitol building in Olympia. The Washington State Patrol estimated there were 5,000 in attendance making it the largest rally of this type in anyone’s memory.
People from all over Western Washington gathered in the finest American tradition to exercise their First Amendment rights of speech and to petition the government for redress of grievances.
The crowd was festive, but definitely not pleased with the current state of excessive spending and taxation – and they were furious with notions of higher or new taxes, particularly a state income tax.
Officials of the Washington State Patrol remarked on how well behaved the crowd was. They kept out of the flower beds, left no litter, and generally respected state property. And why shouldn’t they? It is, after all THEIR property.
After listening enthusiastically to speakers for 90 minutes, many of the assembled mass went into the Capitol building to find individual representatives and senators in order to give them a tea bag symbolizing the mood and thinking of the crowd.
It was a non-partisan event. Elected officials of BOTH major political parties addressed the crowd. In fact, the crowd seemed equally disgusted with all politicians who support profligate spending and confiscatory taxes irrespective of party label.
Some 300 such events took place or are still going on around the country. In Atlanta, 15,000 attended. Washington state saw almost 30 events, some large, some, like the one in Lake City, small. But all focused on the same message: government is out of control, and the people want it back.
As we all know…The people united will never be defeated…
A great day to be an American…
The Piper
PS: You can see me on KOMO 4
My question is, where were these people when the last administration spent without any conscience whatsoever? You can say all you want about ‘tax-and-spend’, but at least we know you have to make money in order to spend it.
While there’s plenty of blame to be laid at the feet of the last administration, this train wreck’s taken twenty-eight years to happen, and D’s and R’s are equally responsible for not seeing what was bound to happen sooner or later, when a feckless leader lets his cronies seize the opportunity to make a quick buck, only to have reality come crashing down upon them.
It’s no surprise that the last two presidents to create such situations are ranked near the bottom of the survey of best Presidents:
Subsequently, almost naturally, the President that helmed America’s recovery from the Great Depression ranks third on this list. Should Obama follow in the footsteps of FDR, I would think similar kudos would follow. But fear not, R’s. Your boy Dubya still isn’t the worst President ever, believe it or not. That honor went to James Buchanan, who basically fiddled while America burned in the first flames of the Civil War.
Did you see Puddybud at the teabagging event? I was hoping he could add me to his list.
I so much want to be on his list.