Welcome back, Carl. Things are starting to get interesting. Last night, Jimmy Kimmel was wondering out loud whether Drumpf would make it to Friday. On the homefront, Puffybutt and Doctor Dumbfuck are nowhere to be seen. They’re probably seeking asylum on a goat farm somewhere, but having a hard time because no goats will take them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“On Tuesday, hours after President Donald Trump refused to blame white nationalists for the violence in Charlottesville, a federal court ruled that congressional districts drawn by Texas Republicans after the 2010 election were enacted with ‘racially discriminatory intent’ against Latino and African American voters. This is the seventh time since 2011 that a federal court has found that Texas intentionally discriminated against minority voters ….”
@5 Well, if he wants to go all Biblical and all that, do unto others what they do unto you, or something like that. Unsure of the exact wording; I’m getting old and forgetful. Hey, I’m not advocating that, I’m merely discussing religion here.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
How long until they complain about those, “damn activist judges?”
Roger Rabbitspews:
CBS News interviewed 3 Trump supporters, all women, to find out why they’re sticking with him. Basically they’re saying morality doesn’t matter, only the policies they support do.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Note these are not ordinary voters. In the comments below the article, a reader identified one of them as a Republican Party official and another as a Tea Party organizer. They claim to think for themselves, but what you get from them is scripted talking points. I’m a Democratic Party hack and liberal propagandist, but I have the honesty to admit it.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
@8 “Basically they’re saying morality doesn’t matter, only the policies they support do.”
Not surprising. Look at how many people Hitler got to follow his policies, despite how brutal they were.
As you contemplate what happened in Charlottesville, remember that Republican legislators in several states have proposed bills that would shield drivers who **unintentionally** run over protesters from civil liability.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: How do you “unintentionally” run over protesters blocking a street? Do these states license blind people to drive?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
According to to the overwhelmingly chosen leader of the GOP, things like this, and this are our cherished “history and culture”.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
doubtful in the modern era that such a defense could be very successful in most cases similar to #TrumpCar.
Your modern car records with great precision every single operator input along with very accurate timestamping and geolocation. What you did, where you did it, and when you did it is all being recorded. And is of course also subject to criminal discovery in the event the vehicle is used as a murder weapon. Mr. Fields’ operator inputs are a matter of record to be easily corroborated with dozens of on-scene videos and photos. At this point, that the act was deliberate is probably not being much debated by prosecutors. I would rather suspect that they are looking very very carefully and Mr. Fields’ activities and communications in the hours, days, weeks and months prior to the attack to learn to what extent the attack was planned or coordinated and who else might have been involved in whatever capacity. But the GOP has his back. That’s for sure. In the midst of Fuckface’s ongoing racist rage-tweets, the alt-Right base of the GOP is gleefully anticipating a Presidential pardon.
“These fine people had a permit and then these other’s showed up amd both sides, both sides.”
That’s not how public parks work. You can have a permit and have an event but that doesn’t mean people who just happen to not know about the event and go to that park can’t use it. It doesn’t mean that the only people allowed to go to the park are those that agree with the event. That’s not in any way how public property works.
In any event turns out there was a permit for a counter protest in McGuffy park a few blocks away.
So GrandWizardTrump was makin’ shit up (lying) in order to provide cover for Nazis who just wanted to sing Kumbaya in Emancipation park and in no way showed up itching for combat. I mean everyone wears protective headgear and carries weapons, both bludgeoning and firearms, to a peaceful protest.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Tony Schwartz, who helped Trump write “The Art of the Deal” (and now admits he “helped create a monster”), says Trump’s children suffer from Stockholm Syndrome and predicts Trump will resign in exchange for immunity from prosecution. “The Russia stuff will be huge,” he wrote. “He doesn’t want to go to jail.”
Fuckface is frankly tardy to the disinformation party. Within less than an hour of video of the #TrumpCar attack going viral, literally tens of thousands of robotic and human curated social media accounts began launching disinformation into the global media sphere about the attack and the surrounding protests. Fuckface is just another hate-media programmed meat robot reliably repeating the bullshit.
The real danger are the people behind those accounts. Hate media companies and advocacy shops large and small backed by #MercerMoney, Russian FSB, and quite literally millions of small donors like our own trolls and some of our neighbors. They write checks and click links based on manufactured fear and outrage without ever looking beneath the surface. Their QVC lack of impulse control is a national security threat.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Trump says Confederate monuments are about “history.” If so, why did Baltimore, a northern city, erect a statue of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson in 1948? This may explain why:
“The vast majority of Confederate monuments were erected after the turn of the twentieth century … [they] announced white victory in a 40-year struggle to … deny African American political influence. Key to this process was the disenfranchisement of nearly all African Americans and a significant number of white southerners, too.”
The late 1940s witnessed an orgy of monument-building and racial violence, some of it directed against returning black soldiers. Far removed from honoring “southern heritage,” many of these monuments are modern assertions of white supremacy, only dating back to the eve of the civil rights revolution. That explains why white supremacists are so attached to them.
Trump says Confederate monuments are about “history.”
So is Lee Harvey Oswald. Don’t see any statues in any parks.
Statues and monuments erected in public parks and plazas are about a whole lot more than just history, and every intelligent non-Hillbilly/Traitor person already knows this intuitively. The fact that this is even being debated is a victory for these pigs.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Monday’s eclipse begins in Seattle at 9:08 am, peaks at 10:20 am, and ends at 11:38 am. Seattle will experience 92% totality. Weather is expected to be partially cloudy.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I see from some ad choices margin ads that Judicial Watch is now trying to fund it’s $35 million per year slap suit operation by drumming up fear of The Derp State.
I cant think of a way they could make the gullibility of their financial supporters any more obvious. And given all we have learned about conservatives in the past few days, I expect that gullibility to only worsen.
@19 The ads I usually see here are mostly from recent internet searches, nearly always related to my work.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Not on HA. But yes, that is partly how ad choices works. In my case it is probably due to my browser history since I visit some alt-Lite sites to monitor which direction the lying is going.
Speaking of which, it is far less coordinated these last few days. Lots of flip flopping as the White Power voters struggle to synthesize a “morally” consistent justification for supporting Nazis and the Klan. “Change the Subject” would probably prevail if only Fuckface would let it.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Weeping White Supremacist Christopher Cantwell, featured in this masterful profile and documentary from Vice media is yet another example that tests the myth of “the aggrieved white male facing economic uncertainty”.
Cantwell grew up in very wealthy Stony Brook, in Suffolk County, NY where he dealt drugs to the mostly rich student body at the local prep schools that he attended. That along with a vast array of petty offenses, some violent, all drug and alcohol fueled, got him tossed into jail by the time he was 19. He was in and out of jail and court ordered rehab for some years during which time, despite all his early advantages provided by the establishment, he came to despise all authority. He became a fervent Libertarian and ran for Congress, before gradually becoming the “fine person” seen on video referring to anti-Nazi protesters as “black assholes behaving like savages”.
There is, of course, a trust fund. Most of it went up his nose or paid for his lawyers and stints in rehab.
Roger Rabbitspews:
In Durham, North Carolina, dozens of people are standing in line at a police station waiting to turn themselves in for toppling a Confederate statue. Apparently they’re proud of having committed this crime.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Trump’s response to today’s terrorist attack in Barcelona? He trotted out a debunked and discredited internet fable about General Pershing and “bullets dipped in pig’s blood.” What an idiot.
MAGA = Morons Are Governing America
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 The poor sap can’t even get a date. Maybe that’s what he’s really upset about.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Might as well pardon Trump. He can’t get a fair trial. Two-thirds of Americans think he’s a dick. You’ll never find an impartial juror, let alone 12 impartial jurors.
Roger Rabbitspews:
This is exactly what you expect from Maine’s execrable governor. Maine is a beautiful state, but I would never live in a place with voters who would elect Paul LePage to anything.
A senior fellow at the liberal-leaning Brookings Institution calculates that Trump could be as little as 6 Senate votes away from removal. Of course, the House has to impeach him first, but that seems almost a given if Democrats win House control in 2018.
Funny you mention it but if you spend a little time looking at a bunch of images from Charlottesville one thing starts to stand out.
Where are the women?
To be sure there certainly are a smattering of women among the Alt-Right and there are a handful in the photos but this is an overwhelmingly male thing. Because no one has had it harder in Obama’s (And Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan’s) America than white men. The browns and the Jews are so powerful they are taking over everything. Everything including 1 of 45 Presidents, 3 of 50 Governors, 9 of 100 Senators….
Did the now irrefutable racism of the GOP finally drive the trolls away or will the complete loon come back in a few more days and tell us how he was soooooooo busy flying with a mileage upgrade and driving a fancy rental car to keep up with the thing he does all day six days a week.
Reminds me of an old sketch comedy joke about a tour guide in Berlin. “Nein. Nothing happened her in dee Tirties and Forties. Vee Vere all on VACATION!”
@Myself 30
There’s certainly a lot of common ground between flat out Nazis and run of the mill Men’s Rights Warriors.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Very high overlap with Libertarian and MRM.
It’s like, if you’re Libertarian and you have a dick you’re a job loss and a half bottle away from being a Nazi. If you have a dick but it’s small, you’re already there.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@33 I’ve always wondered what made Nazis different from the rest of us. I should have known. I thought it was small brains. Well, that too.
Just kidding. No matter what else happens, the one thing we can count on is that Fuckface will somehow manage to resupply the humiliation heaped on his backers.
At least Gary Cohn gets a Fed appointment out of it. Врач немой ебать will spend the rest of his miserable life digging around in that orange pile of horseshit searching for his tax-cut pony.
Welcome back, Carl. Things are starting to get interesting. Last night, Jimmy Kimmel was wondering out loud whether Drumpf would make it to Friday. On the homefront, Puffybutt and Doctor Dumbfuck are nowhere to be seen. They’re probably seeking asylum on a goat farm somewhere, but having a hard time because no goats will take them.
“On Tuesday, hours after President Donald Trump refused to blame white nationalists for the violence in Charlottesville, a federal court ruled that congressional districts drawn by Texas Republicans after the 2010 election were enacted with ‘racially discriminatory intent’ against Latino and African American voters. This is the seventh time since 2011 that a federal court has found that Texas intentionally discriminated against minority voters ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: More proof the GOP is a party of racists.
@2 I knew all along. Humpty Dumpty told me so.
@2. Obviously, they need to install different judges. /s
This obese hick was one of those defended by Trump yesterday.
Justin Moore, grand dragon for the Loyal White Knights of the KKK, “I’m sorta glad that them people got hit and I’m glad that girl died.”
@5 Well, if he wants to go all Biblical and all that, do unto others what they do unto you, or something like that. Unsure of the exact wording; I’m getting old and forgetful. Hey, I’m not advocating that, I’m merely discussing religion here.
How long until they complain about those, “damn activist judges?”
CBS News interviewed 3 Trump supporters, all women, to find out why they’re sticking with him. Basically they’re saying morality doesn’t matter, only the policies they support do.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Note these are not ordinary voters. In the comments below the article, a reader identified one of them as a Republican Party official and another as a Tea Party organizer. They claim to think for themselves, but what you get from them is scripted talking points. I’m a Democratic Party hack and liberal propagandist, but I have the honesty to admit it.
@8 “Basically they’re saying morality doesn’t matter, only the policies they support do.”
Not surprising. Look at how many people Hitler got to follow his policies, despite how brutal they were.
As you contemplate what happened in Charlottesville, remember that Republican legislators in several states have proposed bills that would shield drivers who **unintentionally** run over protesters from civil liability.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: How do you “unintentionally” run over protesters blocking a street? Do these states license blind people to drive?
According to to the overwhelmingly chosen leader of the GOP, things like this, and this are our cherished “history and culture”.
doubtful in the modern era that such a defense could be very successful in most cases similar to #TrumpCar.
Your modern car records with great precision every single operator input along with very accurate timestamping and geolocation. What you did, where you did it, and when you did it is all being recorded. And is of course also subject to criminal discovery in the event the vehicle is used as a murder weapon. Mr. Fields’ operator inputs are a matter of record to be easily corroborated with dozens of on-scene videos and photos. At this point, that the act was deliberate is probably not being much debated by prosecutors. I would rather suspect that they are looking very very carefully and Mr. Fields’ activities and communications in the hours, days, weeks and months prior to the attack to learn to what extent the attack was planned or coordinated and who else might have been involved in whatever capacity. But the GOP has his back. That’s for sure. In the midst of Fuckface’s ongoing racist rage-tweets, the alt-Right base of the GOP is gleefully anticipating a Presidential pardon.
“These fine people had a permit and then these other’s showed up amd both sides, both sides.”
That’s not how public parks work. You can have a permit and have an event but that doesn’t mean people who just happen to not know about the event and go to that park can’t use it. It doesn’t mean that the only people allowed to go to the park are those that agree with the event. That’s not in any way how public property works.
In any event turns out there was a permit for a counter protest in McGuffy park a few blocks away.
So GrandWizardTrump was makin’ shit up (lying) in order to provide cover for Nazis who just wanted to sing Kumbaya in Emancipation park and in no way showed up itching for combat. I mean everyone wears protective headgear and carries weapons, both bludgeoning and firearms, to a peaceful protest.
Tony Schwartz, who helped Trump write “The Art of the Deal” (and now admits he “helped create a monster”), says Trump’s children suffer from Stockholm Syndrome and predicts Trump will resign in exchange for immunity from prosecution. “The Russia stuff will be huge,” he wrote. “He doesn’t want to go to jail.”
Fuckface is frankly tardy to the disinformation party. Within less than an hour of video of the #TrumpCar attack going viral, literally tens of thousands of robotic and human curated social media accounts began launching disinformation into the global media sphere about the attack and the surrounding protests. Fuckface is just another hate-media programmed meat robot reliably repeating the bullshit.
The real danger are the people behind those accounts. Hate media companies and advocacy shops large and small backed by #MercerMoney, Russian FSB, and quite literally millions of small donors like our own trolls and some of our neighbors. They write checks and click links based on manufactured fear and outrage without ever looking beneath the surface. Their QVC lack of impulse control is a national security threat.
Trump says Confederate monuments are about “history.” If so, why did Baltimore, a northern city, erect a statue of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson in 1948? This may explain why:
“The vast majority of Confederate monuments were erected after the turn of the twentieth century … [they] announced white victory in a 40-year struggle to … deny African American political influence. Key to this process was the disenfranchisement of nearly all African Americans and a significant number of white southerners, too.”
The late 1940s witnessed an orgy of monument-building and racial violence, some of it directed against returning black soldiers. Far removed from honoring “southern heritage,” many of these monuments are modern assertions of white supremacy, only dating back to the eve of the civil rights revolution. That explains why white supremacists are so attached to them.
Trump says Confederate monuments are about “history.”
So is Lee Harvey Oswald. Don’t see any statues in any parks.
Statues and monuments erected in public parks and plazas are about a whole lot more than just history, and every intelligent non-Hillbilly/Traitor person already knows this intuitively. The fact that this is even being debated is a victory for these pigs.
Monday’s eclipse begins in Seattle at 9:08 am, peaks at 10:20 am, and ends at 11:38 am. Seattle will experience 92% totality. Weather is expected to be partially cloudy.
I see from some ad choices margin ads that Judicial Watch is now trying to fund it’s $35 million per year slap suit operation by drumming up fear of The Derp State.
I cant think of a way they could make the gullibility of their financial supporters any more obvious. And given all we have learned about conservatives in the past few days, I expect that gullibility to only worsen.
@19 The ads I usually see here are mostly from recent internet searches, nearly always related to my work.
Not on HA. But yes, that is partly how ad choices works. In my case it is probably due to my browser history since I visit some alt-Lite sites to monitor which direction the lying is going.
Speaking of which, it is far less coordinated these last few days. Lots of flip flopping as the White Power voters struggle to synthesize a “morally” consistent justification for supporting Nazis and the Klan. “Change the Subject” would probably prevail if only Fuckface would let it.
Weeping White Supremacist Christopher Cantwell, featured in this masterful profile and documentary from Vice media is yet another example that tests the myth of “the aggrieved white male facing economic uncertainty”.
Cantwell grew up in very wealthy Stony Brook, in Suffolk County, NY where he dealt drugs to the mostly rich student body at the local prep schools that he attended. That along with a vast array of petty offenses, some violent, all drug and alcohol fueled, got him tossed into jail by the time he was 19. He was in and out of jail and court ordered rehab for some years during which time, despite all his early advantages provided by the establishment, he came to despise all authority. He became a fervent Libertarian and ran for Congress, before gradually becoming the “fine person” seen on video referring to anti-Nazi protesters as “black assholes behaving like savages”.
There is, of course, a trust fund. Most of it went up his nose or paid for his lawyers and stints in rehab.
In Durham, North Carolina, dozens of people are standing in line at a police station waiting to turn themselves in for toppling a Confederate statue. Apparently they’re proud of having committed this crime.
Trump’s response to today’s terrorist attack in Barcelona? He trotted out a debunked and discredited internet fable about General Pershing and “bullets dipped in pig’s blood.” What an idiot.
MAGA = Morons Are Governing America
@22 The poor sap can’t even get a date. Maybe that’s what he’s really upset about.
Jury selection is a bitch. Ask any defendant. Well, some defendants.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Might as well pardon Trump. He can’t get a fair trial. Two-thirds of Americans think he’s a dick. You’ll never find an impartial juror, let alone 12 impartial jurors.
This is exactly what you expect from Maine’s execrable governor. Maine is a beautiful state, but I would never live in a place with voters who would elect Paul LePage to anything.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
A senior fellow at the liberal-leaning Brookings Institution calculates that Trump could be as little as 6 Senate votes away from removal. Of course, the House has to impeach him first, but that seems almost a given if Democrats win House control in 2018.
Funny you mention it but if you spend a little time looking at a bunch of images from Charlottesville one thing starts to stand out.
Where are the women?
To be sure there certainly are a smattering of women among the Alt-Right and there are a handful in the photos but this is an overwhelmingly male thing. Because no one has had it harder in Obama’s (And Bush II, Clinton, Bush I, Reagan’s) America than white men. The browns and the Jews are so powerful they are taking over everything. Everything including 1 of 45 Presidents, 3 of 50 Governors, 9 of 100 Senators….
Did the now irrefutable racism of the GOP finally drive the trolls away or will the complete loon come back in a few more days and tell us how he was soooooooo busy flying with a mileage upgrade and driving a fancy rental car to keep up with the thing he does all day six days a week.
Reminds me of an old sketch comedy joke about a tour guide in Berlin. “Nein. Nothing happened her in dee Tirties and Forties. Vee Vere all on VACATION!”
@Myself 30
There’s certainly a lot of common ground between flat out Nazis and run of the mill Men’s Rights Warriors.
Very high overlap with Libertarian and MRM.
It’s like, if you’re Libertarian and you have a dick you’re a job loss and a half bottle away from being a Nazi. If you have a dick but it’s small, you’re already there.
@33 I’ve always wondered what made Nazis different from the rest of us. I should have known. I thought it was small brains. Well, that too.
I wonder why they left off the Tiki Torches?
Careful. You’ll jinx it.
Just kidding. No matter what else happens, the one thing we can count on is that Fuckface will somehow manage to resupply the humiliation heaped on his backers.
At least Gary Cohn gets a Fed appointment out of it. Врач немой ебать will spend the rest of his miserable life digging around in that orange pile of horseshit searching for his tax-cut pony.