There are lots of ways to evade jury duty, which gives prospective jurors an opportunity to be creative. For example, motion toward the defendant, then tell the judge you’d like to “walk over there and punch him in the face.” That probably will get you excused.
The latest whip count shows 9 GOP senators are unwilling to vote for the latest iteration of their party’s scheme to raid Medicaid to finance tax cuts for the 0.1%. The provision to defund Planned Parenthood ensures no Democrats will vote for it.
In fact, that provision looks very much like a poison pill that was deliberately inserted to make sure no Democrats would vote for it.
There’s speculation that McConnell WANTS this bill to fail so he can move on to other things. There may be something to this. McC wasn’t born yesterday and knows how to count. So how could he manage to lose 9 votes from his own caucus, while ensuring he gets none from the Democrats?
By design, some people think.
Roger Rabbitspews:
There’ll be a budget when the anarchists calling themselves the Republican Party no longer want to terminate all taxes and shut down government in all its forms.
Dumbfuck @ 1
You aren’t evading jury duty by not being picked. You still wasted time by being there in the first place.
Don’t reply to the summons. Rather, make like YLB when the check arrives at the end of the meal, and simply behave as if it wasn’t intended for you.
Politically Incorrectspews:
I got called for jury duty for a murder trial. I got tossed out when I told the judge I believed the term “gun control” meant hitting your target. The prosecuting attorney wasn’t very happy with me either.
Politically Incorrectspews:
Some of the folks around me have expressed an interest in being gold and silver. I advise them to limit these purchases, should they choose to pursue them, to no more that 5 or 10 percent of their portfolio, as gold and silver can be volatile and require some pretty good discipline from which to profit in the long term. I also remind the people who want to go into precious metals and have seen all the commercials hyping them that, if it’s such a good investment, why are these metals people selling their stocks of gold and silver to anyone who wants to buy them? If they’re such good investments, why are they willing to share potential profits with total strangers? Wouldn’t it make more sense to hold onto the gold and silver and make more money in the future?
When I put it that way to potential buyers, their ardor for purchasing diminishes quite a bit. Still, there’s nothing wrong with having some gold and silver in one’s possession, just don’t overdo it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 You’re evading jury duty when you deliberately sabotage your chances of being picked. Of course, if the guy really feels that way about the defendant, then he shouldn’t be on the jury. But if he says that about ALL the defendants in ALL the cases he’s sent to, then the judges may begin to suspect he’s merely evading jury duty.
But you do have a point. Technically, expressing your true feelings about your fellow human beings isn’t “evading” jury duty. There are people who should never be on juries because they’re either stupid or prejudiced or both. I wouldn’t bet against you being one of them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
What happens to the money you give to a “Christian charity” run by one of the slimebuckets Trump surrounds himself with.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is the kind of people whom Doctor Dumbfuck and Puddy defend on a daily basis.
@5 & @7 – “Getting out of Jury Duty is easy, the trick is to say you’re prejudiced against all races. . . ” – Homer Simpson
but, seriously we need a system of educated and professional jurors or a true system of being judged by a “jury of our peers”.
the first – would keep the rest of us from being called out to miss work and potentially lie to avoid being seated. i was once called to duty for a black woman who might have sold crack at a bus stop. the witnesses being called, 9 cops. rather than say i don’t trust cops, so i won’t be a good juror – i said i have been through drug and alcohol counseling and i don’t feel comfortable with this prosecution. excluded, bye bye.
the second – if she had been judged by a jury of her peers, then EVERYONE of the jury would have been black, young, disadvantaged, possibly crack-addicted, etc. – a jury of your peers means people with the EXACT same experiences and background and while that is possible in this day and age, the courts don’t seem to understand the word “peer.”
so 1 or the other. . .
Venezuela is showing us once again that Socialism just doesn’t work. Eventually it runs out of other people’s money.
But if you’re looking to lose a few pounds, maybe Venezuela is just the place to do it. The average citizen has lost 19 pounds over the past year. The old Soviet Union did a better job at feeding its people.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Gee roger senile idiot wabbit… Using Daily Kooks for their biased FAKE NEWS SLIME?
“I believe in my bones, among the list, I agree with the list that Sam put out about why Hillary lost but I would add to that it was pretty hard to elect a woman after you’ve elected the first African-American president.”
Where is rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears to scream racism?
@9 “a jury of your peers means people with the EXACT same experiences and background”
Not in our legal system.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 “The old Soviet Union did a better job at feeding its people.”
Aren’t you forgetting the millions of people (mostly peasants) who starved to death under Stalin?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 “Fake news” is the new rightwing lexicon for reality denial.
Roger Rabbitspews:
So, Puddy attacks me for linking to Daily Kos, then in his next FIVE posts he links to Gateway Pundit … he probably doesn’t even realize what an ass that makes him.
Hypocrisy is every Republican’s middle name. In Puddy’s case, it’s his first and last names, too. From now on, just call him H. H. Hypocrisy.
So as RR has pointed out, willfully making statements or making actions to deliberately lead to your disqualification from jury duty can be construed as “evading”.
While I am sure you will split hairs on that statement, just stop and think for one unselfish moment how many people have died defending the US Constitution for selfish dumbfuck assholes like you that will simple not step up and be willing to perform their civic duty to serve on a jury. With that kind of selfish “me-first” and “I can’t be bothered to serve my country with a sense of civic pride and duty”, well then just get the fuck out, this country doesn’t need more people like you.
On the other hand, a person facing a trial buy jury would probably be grateful that a self-loathing and Unites States of America-hating person like you were not on their jury.
Yeah sure, it is an inconvenience to take time off from work, find parking, pay for lunch, all for a measly $10. I’m sure that would be a great thing to say to the grieving families of solders that have made the ultimate sacrifice, “Thank you for your service, for the sacrifice of your loved one’s life to defend our country, our freedoms, I’m sure it isn’t that big of inconvenience as compared to serving on a jury to which I can’t be bothered.”
Willfully trying to evade jury duty is shameful and a disgrace. Not a surprise from a person with your belief system.
Mark Adamsspews:
@1 Darn those informed New Yorkers. Could they like move the trial. Maybe to someplace like Georgia. Sure he can get a fair trial there. We are too informed here in the Northwest for there to be enough jurors to try this guy,
Mark Adamsspews:
@2 Then again maybe he and the President want to work on this with Democrats. Single payer baby!
Except Nancy Pelosi doesn’t think she is ready to go there.
Must be why on the national level Nancy is a dead parrot. Should she loose in the primary then finally you pet store sales men on here will have to stop telling me about her beautiful plumage, though you probably won’t admit she is a dead parrot.
Hey Senator Shumer sat next to a deployable truck driver at a baseball game and next month the Democrats are announcing a progressive muscular economic plan for America.
Mark Adamsspews:
@3 Normally it takes a divided government to create this kind of budget crises. There is now a deal, the sausage is hopefully made, lets see how the legislators react to the sausage. Gas pains would be a bad sign, and the Govnor is not going to have much chance to wield the veto pen on the budget, Will the courts be happy, and go great going guys, and close the case or go sorry not there yet, Increase the fines and create a constitutional crises, Always a possibility when one branch of government insists the other branch do it’s job. Fortunately the legislature has not yet said fuck you to the courts, could happen yet. Not likely our Supreme justices are political animals, and they can put the genie back in the bottle. Right?
Mark Adamsspews:
Still doing budget mumbo! I think the budget bunny hop is coming up.
Mark Adamsspews:
@6 I have no interest in being gold or silver. I wonder what these folks will do when we get around to mining the asteroids, or even the moon. Then again Brazil could be the break out nation, or heck because they are on the periphery North Korea.
Mark Adamsspews:
@9 Which is why Judge Nichols stated judges should just except the first 12 and the one or two extras. Doesn’t mean you don’t get rid of the crazies, but the first 12 random jurors is most like a good cross section of your peers.
As far as permanent jurors that is she set up in some European countries, Italy being one of them, seems there was some murder case that was all controversial.
The odd part about it is most of the time the jurors end up making the same decision the presiding judge does, though juries come with great potential for surprises.,
Of course we could like be a real democracy and have juries of 500 people or more and you throw in the white rock for innocent and the black for guilty, Then something similar for the sentence. Using some sort of a super majority, but this is the problem with true democracy as in who has the time. And prejudice doesn’t get you off the jury, Or gun control. Ect won’t get you out of jury duty, And all of us would probably end up on a jury two or three times a year or more.
Mark Adamsspews:
@10 Nigeria isn’t doing all that well either and they are extremely capitalist. Could be the underlying issue is them being economies set up to exploit natural resources.
Mark Adamsspews:
Earthquake at 1:40 felt it and did report to USGS. Must be the budget mumbo shaking things up.
Mark Adamsspews:
@11 If only there had been a real muck raker writing the story, Upton Sinclair would have used something even more derogatory, though red slime is pretty damn good. How Ammonia Meat, Yum.
Mark Adamsspews:
@13 That is a political hit job. It was his wife running. Probably result in a: We investigated, he was bad, he’s received ethical training in the area, and no further action will be taken.
Mark Adamsspews:
@18 Stalin exported grain, and the five year plans were successful, Now if you were among the 9 million peasants he decided to starve to death in 1932 and 133 that would suck, but the USSR was able to feed itself ad more most years that Stalin was in control, only he played by the rules for dictators, While choices have been made in Venezuela by the government that have contributed to the decline in agriculture, there is no deliberate plan by the government to starve peasants in this case. Just an overreliance on oil, and an economy that has become less diversified, They do have some disputes with Columbia and Panama.
Mark Adamsspews:
@21 He won’t find it as the responsibilities are assumd. Could be in the state constitution though. Perhaps he should look up the statute on avoiding jury duty, not pleasant, and fortunately for him the bell has probably tolled otherwise a prosecutor would have probable cause based on his statements here, though in the future a Prosecutor could find this interesting reading.
Federal jury trials are very rare, and you really don’t want to get out of that duty by avoiding as it would be a federal conviction, and I understand the pool is small, and they may invite a large number of subs to stay, odd how some of them could be folks the judge thought were trying to get out of jury duty.
Some irascible judge might tell him you will be a fine juror in this case as it did not involve any fire control. Though the defense attorney might scrub him.
Budget Smudget – we are all Russians now! You too Abigail.
Eddie Haskellspews:
Fake news. Introduce it so one can later claim it exists.
If you get rid of the media, like Republicans having been trying to do for years, then you can succeed with your Nazi ideas and the destruction of Democracy. Plain and simple.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Fake News is just the tip of the Russian Ice Berg.
Fuckface Von Russian Puppet is now giving WH press creds to “journalits” who are there to eaves drop on “liberal” reporters and dox them to gun toting Hillbilly Traitors like Jeremy Christian and Edgar Welch.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 A group of people (Republicans) who collectively evade military service (see, e.g., Donald Trump and most Republicans in Congress) probably won’t feel conflicted about evading jury duty, too. In fact, there’s not a whole lot in the Constitution they actually believe in. They’re certainly not fans of democracy (see, e.g., gerrymandering and voter suppression).
Roger Rabbitspews:
“President Donald Trump on Thursday announced a number of energy initiatives, including … efforts to make sure new coal plants are built overseas.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I don’t see how he’s going to “make sure” coal plants are built in other countries. Possibilities that come to mind include (a) create incentives by giving away our coal abroad in order to sustain coal mining jobs at home, which effectively amounts to our government providing subsidies to make climate change worse; (b) bribe their leaders to take our unwanted coal off our hands, which effectively amounts to fouling their nests at the expense of their citizens in order to feather our coal miners’ nests; (c) invade their countries and replace their governments with a colonial administration whose sole purpose is to build coal plants, although such an administration likely would also strip the subjugated countries of their resources at our government’s convenience.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Me hate liberals! Me gonna fuck with liberals by raising global temperatures! That’ll show ’em!”
(Wild cheering and applause from trailerpark Trump supporters trying to forget they just lost their food stamps and Medicaid.)
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 “Should she loose in the primary”
I don’t suppose we can realistically expect someone who thinks Pelosi is in danger of losing a primary to know how to spell “lose.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 “the Govnor is not going to have much chance to wield the veto pen on the budget”
Washington’s governor has line item veto authority.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Ed Murray isn’t running as a write-in and has endorsed Jenny Durkin.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@25 Sounds like the budget deal in Olympia is going to “preserve Democratic values” at the expense of paying “Republican taxes” which means King County and Seattle homeowners will have to subsidize schools in red counties even more than they already are. I assume that, in exchange, Republicans have agreed not to toss old people out of nursing homes for the next two years. But they will, of course, revisit this question in the next budget cycle when they need hostages again.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 “you throw in the white rock for innocent and the black for guilty”
We already have this system, in case you didn’t notice.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Now that Rex Tillerson is finding out what it’s like to work for Trump, I’ll bet he wishes he had his old job back.
then in his next FIVE posts he links to Gateway Pundit
Yes that’s right senile idiot wabbit… Full of videos displaying DUMMOCRETIN actions not seen on the leftist libtard pinhead FAKE NEWS sites where real news isn’t viewed.
This is why roger the senile idiot wabbit has a fit! The truth is not known in that wabbit!
Right now there is no intelligent elite country club thinking on this blog!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@47 Why would you expect liberal websites to promote Gateway’s bullshit propaganda? Are you really that stupid? (If we took a vote on that question here on HA, I think you can guess what the outcome would be.)
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
“NY Daily News: Trump attack on Brzezinski is ‘humiliation’ for US”
Guys, it is not Drumpf who is humiliating the United States – it’s the Drumpf supporters and defenders; such as the likes of Dumbfuck Doctors. And you have to let them know it. Forget about Drumpf – he has consumed every minute and every hour of peoples lives and the media. Forget about him. Instead, start talking about the supporters and defenders of the creepiness that has entered this World and everything Russia and the Right Wing Radical Religious Terrorists or better known as the American Taliban. Drumpf is a distraction that every conservative monster is hoping that will keep your attention diverted away from them.
Trump is working you morons like a big dog. You spend all your time running off at the mouth about Trump and his tweets while he’s going to fuck you all in the ass down the road.
Seattle Weekly weighs in on the dueling minimum wage studies.
The City Knew the Bad Minimum Wage Report Was Coming Out, So It Called Up Berkeley
Roger @ 1- Here’s how I got out of jury duty, they asked if I had experience with litigation-yes, did I have experience with expert witnesses-yes, what was my experience- sometimes you can believe them and sometimes you cannot- tossed me
In a 2015 interview with Fortune magazine, Cook said he plans to donate his fortune to philanthropy.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
@47 Why would you expect liberal websites to promote Gateway’s bullshit propaganda FACTUAL information?
DAYUM Roger senile idiot wabbit is a moron! These national videos are DUMMOCRETINS being exposed for their DUMMOCRETIN dumb ASS actions!
Post # – Activity
12 – MSNBC via NTK – libtard
13 – Newsweek – libtard
14 – CNN – King of FAKE NEWS – libtard
15 – New York Mag – libtard
16 – CNN – King of FAKE NEWS – libtard
FACTS, they suck when you are a libtard!
United States of Americaspews:
Correct, the responsibilities are assumed, so what? As it was pointed out, it is a question that is asked on the U.S. Citizenship test. For cryin’ out loud, we expect people that actually want to be U.S. citizens to know what the “assumed” responsibilities are. People that are “natural born” and lived here for their entire lives should know what their assumed responsibilities of being a citizens of their country are.
Doctor Dumbfuck is a doctor, he has no damn excuse for not knowing what the “assumed” responsibilities are. If he can’t recite them, why would anyone believe his interpretations of an x-ray? There is really no defending that level of ignorance or wilful deception.
And now I expect you to attack the source and ignore the facts. Where is the evidence that tax cuts stimulate the economy? Kansas? The Reagan cuts, followed by increases? Clinton with economic boom and no cuts? But Republican orthodoxy without factual backing says otherwise.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
“Pure nonsense” – but hey, that’s what fuckwad Nguyen Nazis are all about.
@59 Just what we need, a bigot on the Supreme Court, to restore the glorious society of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s time.
@60 More likely they did not like that I’d think and not just but expert testimony.
Accept expert testimony.
Also called for another DWI jury. Saw a guy excused when he said he drives drunk and could not convict someone else of that. Risky approach
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
To us Commies he’s done exactly jack shit so far.
If I gave a runny shit about “poor, aggrieved, racist, ignorant, white working class, opiate addicted high school dropouts” like you and the rest of the Orange Russian Cicus Clown’s rapidly shrinking mob of dancing monkeys, I might possibly be concerned. Since you folks seem to be the only people getting fucked over you might think about that between crushing lines of Oxy on the counter in your trailer.
Enjoy your next stop loss order, numbnuts.
Oh, and absolutely, thank you soooooo much for your service Pvt. Pyle.
Once again – how do you get everyone to believe that elections are rigged? You rig them yourselves. Just like fake news. And you kill two birds with one stone.
Puddy better watch his ass. The people he defends are coming for his Ass.
Eddie Haskellspews:
If you don’t want people to believe that grass is green, all you have to do is paint it another color or let it die, just like Democracy is dying.
Heil Hitler!
Mark Adamsspews:
@35 Russia was an early ally of the fledgling US, and they freed the serfs. Meanwhile Mark Adams is an American. I even have the helped win the cold war certificate from a grateful nation. We triumphed over the USSR. Now they are Russians. Have a rudimentary democracy, and are capitalist. Still they do behave like Russians. Heck you can go homestead in parts of Russia like Siberia. And Russian women are crazy. Gals if you like Russian men catch them young. They are trainable, and most Russian livers are certified for 50,000 liters of Vodka, so if they will accept moderation you can have a lot of fun. You have seen the videos so you know they are nuts, You like adventure and yes all Russian men think they are models so shirtless is a go to 20 Celsius below. (Yes some familiarization with metrics advised if you date a Russia.
While some caution is warranted this whole Russian thing is overblown, and Putin is not forever, he will drop out of power, probably in the next five years. Especially if Pussy Riot and their folks get rolling.
Mark Adamsspews:
@38 It’s equally true most Democrats in Congress never served in the military. Nor are their children in the military. Seems both parties are elitist in this and other areas. All congress members take the same oath to uphold the constitution, yet from time to time laws Patriot Act) get passed that are blatantly unconstitutional with members of both parties voting for the law. Congress actually taking back it’s role in declaring war, debating and actually insisting there be Congressional approval from the get go.
Making Puerto Rico the 51st state.
Still congress members do have legitimate reasons and ways to get out of jury duty. It’s right there in the constitution, though having either of Washington states Senators called up for jury duty and them showing up for it would be a total hoot, and good on so many levels.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
Down with Angela Merkle!!!
Conservatives beloved her, before hating her and now know she is weak. Down with the bleeding bitch!
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@78 that’s a good laugh there. Abigail is Russian but wants to stay in the closet.
Putin ain’t going anywhere, if anything he’s being joined by fuckwads like Drumpf.
Mark Adamsspews:
@39 What no GE stocks RR? GE likes new coal plants to be built anywhere in the world. Or even nuclear power plants. It should be no surprise when a Republican President supports the policies and does the things Republican presidents do.
Unfortunately for GE at this time it’s cheaper to generate electricity with wind or sun than with coal power plants. The markets have tipped toward renewables. So yes folks in West Virginia should go to school to work on wind turbines, and solar plants and move to where the work is. Leaving our coal in the ground for the bit we need for other industrial uses like coke, medicines, real coal fire ambiance in British or Irish style pubs, and fossils.
Mark Adamsspews:
@41 She is a dead parrot you pet store employee. Trying to tell me she has beautiful plumage does not change the fact you are nailing her to the swing in the cage,. Just admit she is a dead parrot, and tell your buds in the party to realize she is a dead parrot. Though it may take her losing in the primary to convince you and them she is a dead parrot. There was once a Washington state member of Congress from Spokane who was a dead parrot, but he too had beautiful plumage.
Mark Adamsspews:
@42 He may have the authority, but since a bill is not to his desk and may not get to his desk until tomorrow evening or at the last minute, he may have no choice but to sign or veto the whole thing, though he may have aides highlighting his most current copy of the proposed bill. Wow he could be playing the line item veto game with the Gov of Illinois to see who can do the most line item vetoes before the gong goes off and still sign the bill. Man there could be some very upset Canadians here in Washington state this coming Canada Day.
Mark Adamsspews:
@45 I had not noticed that we do trials in the same manner as “The Trial of Socrates” as told by Plato, Would you care to elaborate?
PS I don’t think many judges want to give juries stones as that is just asking for stones to be thrown, Aside from the potential injuries to jury members just think of the broken windows, and clearly from the statements of some folks on here, do they want to give jurors something they can throw at them.
Mark Adamsspews:
@51 You do know he’s dead. I don’t think he cares one way or the other for your loyalty and adulation.
Mark Adamsspews:
@53 Whichever one has Steve Martin playing banjo in their report is the superior report.
Dueling reports by experts (totally unbiased experts) are not going to trump Steve Martin and his Canyon Riders. And if you read either report you can then listen to Steve Martin on his banjo and feel better, Are you suggesting that a city government would try to give folks a hand job to get them to pay no attention to that report.
Mark Adamsspews:
@54 You also could have told them “My Cousin Vinney” is a great movie and a totally accurate portrayal of the American justice system and gotten tossed.
Mark Adamsspews:
@57 He could be Cuban and a good party member. The Cuban system does produce many fine doctors some are radiologists who can read x-rays, ect with the best of them, based on medical and scientific principles. Depending on skill, expertise and length of service their answers should closely match fraduates of Harvard or Oxford.
There are no duties and responsibilities directly stated in the US Constitution. It is also unique in that respect to any written constitution. It also lays the groundwork that the constitution is not for all citizens just those with property and lip service to the life and liberty. Not wanting to pay taxes, vote, serve in the military, serve on a jury, obey the law are a;; pretty American. And there are those who believe a higher law does supersede the constitution. And of course privacy is not mentioned,
These nuances are addressed in the materials given to people studying for a citizenship test. Just like with any high school or basic college test if you answer it how the teacher wants it answered you get the question right. Still immigrants don’t have to be constitutional experts and can get every one of those questions wrong and still pass, and the questions are not asked in a manner mentioning the constitution, but based on the statutes that say immigrants are to know these duties.
Lastly is the requirement that new citizens pass such a test constitutional in the first place? Isn’t taking the oath to becoming a citizen sufficient? Isn’t the test just a way to turn people away? No such test was required for the first 100 plus years of the US. Now most immigrants were from a few European nations, though we were a wee bit concerned about the Irish, but even they could get off boat and be a citizen in minutes. And from 1861 to 65 they could get immediate jobs with Uncle Sam carrying a gun. Talk about libera; immigration policy. Why should anyone liberty to become a US citizen be impeded by immigrations little old test, let them brown people from Mexico come across the border, take the oath, become a citizen, and get to work, and the Mexican government should respond in kind to any human being going south across the border, That would truly uphold UN and international law on human beings having true liberty to travel across borders especially as refugees.
Mark Adamsspews:
@61 Even more shocking is the fact that all Capitalists are liberals.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“So long as class remains unacknowledged as a key source of social disadvantage, Trump’s insults will feel to some of his supporters like a delicious poke-in-the-eye of elites.”
Fuck that.
When the entirety of the Republican establishment is currently engaged in scorched earth class warfare against these very people, laboring to kick 5 million disabled seniors and children out of nursing care and take access away from 20 million more, just to give a tiny tax cut to a handful of billionaires, Fuck That.
This is simply about bigotry, prejudice, and tribal identity. Five decades of dipping their toes into the pool just hasn’t been enough time to persuade these ignorant, uneducated, superstitious, pigs to move into the 21st century and join the human race. Times up. Fuck ’em. The challenge to the Democratic Party isn’t to decode hate. The challenge is to break down the tribal identities that urge so many moderate “conservatives” to run with the White Male Supremacist herd and vote against their values.
I’m willing to concede that probably most of the people who voted for Fuckface Von Russian-Puppet do not share most of his values. But they voted for him anyway, believing that somehow their perception of his identity would transcend his values. They rejected the Democratic candidate on that basis as well. Progressive voters, Democrats and Democratic candidates can break down those identity walls without abandoning our values. We know that our political and social values align with the majority of Americans and with the majority of voters. The way forward is to expose Republican identity politics for the charade that it is. Robbing working class health care for billionaire tax cuts is a perfect example. And it’s far more important the Fuckface’s Twitter account.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@67 If you think it’s a good idea to run over a purse snatcher with a car, and I’m not saying it isn’t, what do you suggest we do with people who try to steal billions from the Medicaid benefits of the poor? Run them over with a bulldozer? How about just running them over with an electoral tsunami in 2018?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@70 Yeah, every nutjob out there should have rapid-firing assault weapons with high-capacity magazines so we can enjoy more incidents like this: At least, that’s what Puddy and his ilk believe.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@72 He’s an amateur compared to Republicans. Stealing $2 million from the lottery, are you kidding? When there’s trillions to be made by looting Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@73 & 74 Pretty profitable the rest of the time, though. And you don’t get killed by the cops for jaywalking. That, by itself, is worth a little sunburn.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
reject words like “ban” and “control” in favor of words like “safety” and “community”. The idea is to retain the values we already know are winning while shifting the political and social identities. After all, it’s glaringly obvious that Republicans are cruel, inhumane, greedy, and oblivious to the lives of Real Americans. We should emphasize our goals of making our communities safe from random gun violence while ensuring the rights of every pig-ignorant, toothless sister-fucker to annihilate his entire trailer full of common law relatives with a single high cap clip.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@75 This, of course, is how Republicans try to atone for having put the gun in her killer’s hands.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@78 “Russians [h]ave a rudimentary democracy, and are capitalist.”
Bwaaahaaahaaaa Hooooheeeehaaawww Har har har har har !!!!!!!! ROFLMAO !!!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@79 The Patriot Act is not “blatantly unconstitutional,” however much some might wish it so. Most of it survived court challenges.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@82 Eh? GE is a major supplier of wind turbines and gas-fired generators. It’s also my 5th largest holding of 32 different stocks.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@83 She may look like a dead parrot, but she twitters like a live bird; as for the chances of her losing a primary, she routinely gets over 75% of her district’s total votes, so I doubt she loses sleep over that.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@84 You really are stupid. How do you manage to be so lame? You must work at it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@85 I think everyone else here got the simile, but because you missed it, I’ll spell it out for you: The white rock represents white people, and the black rock represents black people, and what my comment says is we have different justice for white people and black people. Do you wish to dispute that? Gawd you’re stupid.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@86 You’re not too good at interpreting sarcasm, either.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@87 Your attempt to fabricate a simile of your own needs work, too.
@ 91
Progressive voters, Democrats and Democratic candidates can break down those identity walls without abandoning our values. We know that our political and social values align with the majority of Americans and with the majority of voters.
And yet you continue to lose when your claims are put to the test.
Perhaps because in addition to not abandoning your values, you force them on others, causing many to look elsewhere for people with values they share.
Ah, but you still have a majority, you claim. After all, a whole 51% of white college-educated women voted for the first major-party female candidate for president.
If that’s not a statement of solidarity, what is?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@88 The way you do that is by saying, “I learned about the American legal system from ‘My Cousin Vinny.'”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@89 “There are no duties and responsibilities directly stated in the US Constitution.”
Wrong again. The President has two duties specified by the Constitution: To command the armed forces (Art. II,Sec. 1), and to report to Congress on the “state of the Union” and recommend measures he deems “necessary and expedient” (Art. II, Sec. 3).
It takes about 10 seconds to look up Article II on the internet. It’s not very long and you can read the entire Article in a minute or two. Are you too lazy to look things up before posting from the lip? It seems so.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@90 Are you trying to be facetious? If so, it’s unclear what point you’re trying to make.
You can’t understand similes.
You don’t recognize sarcasm when you see it.
You can’t construct a simile.
You can’t do simple research or fact-checking.
You can’t be coherently facetious.
You frequently get basic facts wrong.
Is there anything you can do right? Anything at all?
@ 108
Well, good one, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
By completely shifting the discussion to something else you found something that contradicts a statement made by someone else.
Are you trying to be facetious? If so, it’s unclear what point you’re trying to make.
Unless it’s to reinforce your assholiness.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@106 “Perhaps because in addition to not abandoning your values, you force them on others, causing many to look elsewhere for people with values they share.”
Says a guy who votes for people who want to force women to have babies and cram their religion down everyone’s throats.
Hypocrisy is every Republican’s first and middle names. See, e.g., Doctor H. H. Dumbfuck.
@ 111
None of what you wrote contradicts the statement you chose to highlight.
Thanks for playing.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@110 If you think I was being “facetious” @108, you’re as stupid as he is. Of course, we already knew that. However, that’s not saying you and he are the same. His stupidity has a certain quality of innocence to it that yours lacks.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@112 I take it you’re not denying what I said @ 111 then. Thanks for being honest about your totalitarian intentions.
Perhaps because in addition to not abandoning your values, you force them on others, causing many to look elsewhere for people with values they share.
Would those be the values of pussy grabbing? Accusing grieving Sandy Hook parents of a hoax? Executing Gulf War vets addicted to opiates? Or the values of kicking 90 year old ladies out of the nursing home to give Warren Buffet a tax cut he doesn’t want?
Real America does not share your values, Врач немой ебать. Your Russian owned pussy grabbing kleptocrat Cheeto Jesus is blowing your “heartland values” long con.
Correction: June 29, 2017 A White House Memo article on Monday about President Trump’s deflections and denials about Russia referred incorrectly to the source of an intelligence assessment that said Russia orchestrated hacking attacks during last year’s presidential election. The assessment was made by four intelligence agencies — the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Security Agency. The assessment was not approved by all 17 organizations in the American intelligence community.
FRANKEN: Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I want to thank both you and the ranking member for — for this hearing and these hearings.
And I want to thank General Clapper and — and Attorney General Yates for — for appearing today. We have — the intelligence communities have concluded all 17 of them that Russia interfered with this election. And we all know how that’s right.
CLAPPER: Senator, as I pointed out in my statement Senator Franken, it was there were only three agencies that directly involved in this assessment plus my office…
Hand picked analysts… hand picked conclusion! Obummer’s hand picked liar… There should be a new shout for those four dead Americans in Benghazi… “Remember the Video!”
This post is way too deep for roger senile idiot wabbit! Puddy expects that the moronic twit will skip by it because it will involve critical thought; something senility has shut down over the years with the dumb wabbit!
Whoa! The double posting loon is flinging hate like a monkey flings shit!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@117 Hahahaha!!! There goes Puddy – linking to Gateway Pundit again!!! Harharharharharhar!!!! Tee hee (giggle)
Roger Rabbitspews:
@123 He’s probably been eating crayons and inhaling WD-40.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I’m going with eating WD-40 and inhaling crayons.
That looks like some pure unadulterated hillbilly gas huffing lunacy. But I’ll just have to take someone else’s word for it. No fucking way I’m reading any of it. When it looks like that it’s like a Mr. Yuck, Bio-hazard warning label. I just stay clear. You never know with those types. They might have a box cutter.
United States of Americaspews:
Really? Doctor Dumbfuck is “possibly a Cuban” is your defense of the indefensible of a person that has attended college and medical school and not be able to deduce what the responsibilities are of a United States citizen as implied in the U.S. Constitution? Wow. You make Puddy look smart. When other commenters deride you by calling you “Abigail”, all they are really doing is insulting Abigail Adams. From hence forth you should be called “Lucy” with the distinct Cuban-American accent from the sitcom character Ricky Ricardo.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
@ 82 Mark on GE
You clearly know nothing about GE, specifically GE-Energy. GE has invested heavily in renewable energy development, they know the traditional energy sources are slowly going away. Two seconds of Google can get you this :
I can’t figure if it is ignorance or laziness, or both, on your part.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Poor roger senile idiot wabbit.
AS Puddy kicked your sorry ASS yesterday with The Gateway Pundit over libtard comments, this one today is speshul! WaPo reporter caught acting like a DUMMOCRETIN. His fingers were typing out their daily FAKE NEWS!
Hope you enjoyed it!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Two simple words will clear up your confusion:
Short Bus
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Yowsers! There it goes again!
It’s like Michelle Bachman and Alex Jones had a Mongoloid love child and dumped the fetid afterbirth into a comment box.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
That’s the best you can do Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom?
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
If you are not an elite country club loving FOOL then you must belong on the short bus!
My Country Club
No child molesters allowed. You’ll just have to settle for cruising teens at your cult “worship” tomorrow, while Врач немой ебать works the local Dairy Queen.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@133 ” … Puddy kicked your sorry ASS yesterday … ”
@132 Is that why you moved your headquarters out of Connecticut? Did you happen to pay any corporate taxes this year? Even by accident? The Chinese are kicking your ass in renewables. And what was that little project involving a nuclear power plant you walked away from.
Mark Adamsspews:
@131 Well back before the Civil War the citizen ship that counted was citizenship in the state you lived in or hailed from. Duties of Citizens came from the state constitutions. Doctors are not expected to be experts in political theory, but they do get to participate,. Political science is a soft science not a hard one. Different political scientists can read the same polls, and come to different conclusions. The fact Donald Trump is President makes political science at best a soft science. Unlike medical science where radiologists similarly situated should come to the same or nearly the same conclusions looking at the same x ray.
Mark Adamsspews:
@132 Bet GE makes a hell of a lot more money in this industry than on renewables. They are big player in the industrial military complex. They are a corporation and exist to make money for their owners the stockholders. They do put out very nice brochures.
@108 How lawyerly of you. You knew perfectly well the question was not duties of the President but duties of any citizen. If those are the only two duties listed then statement is correct. Unless you are the poor unfortunate bastard who is President then gee you have two duties in the Constitution. Wow,
Mark Adamsspews:
@92 I totally agree that is how at least the house is set up. Still voters prove election after election that incumbency is king.
Mark Adamsspews:
@98 Picked yourself off the floor yet? Perhaps they are better oligarchs than we are? We are just jealous. While their conservatives want to bring Stalin back or hope Putin is the second coming of Stalin Putin has to survive elections. His regime is showing cracks and he is far from being Dictator of Russia, sure he’s got some of the levers in his hands but not all. His regime is showing it’s age, and there are challengers. Pussy Riot has not gone away, Putin has to deliver something to the Russian people otherwise he’s done. He’s not likely to do well the next election, and of course the US would never interfere in a Russian election, or could there be payback.
Mark Adamsspews:
@99 How about the classified parts? Or the parts that make it difficult or impossible for citizens to challenge as the information they need to do a challenge is classified. And the government can neither confirm or deny information exists. And Judges have not pushed back. Still like statutes that get passed in the initial spasms of going to war eventually the courts get around to actually judging the laws. They do push back just takes awhile.
Mark Adamsspews:
@101 Well she has a contender and since California has the same system we do it’s just possible there will be two Democrats running for the seat. That will cause some wave in California. If she’s not losing a little sleep maybe she should be, and she needs to actually start being a leader and lead. Cold be a break from Speaker could be what she really needs. No one expect Tom Foley to loose his seat.
Mark Adamsspews:
@102 I’m doing something right as I got your goat. I do know the budget got passed and went to the Governor Inslee signed it, though I doubt very much he welded his veto pen on any line items in the 600 page bill. By the time he got the budget bill it was sign the thing or veto it entirely. He said he would sign already. The sausage is made, yea!
@103 Your simile is totally silly. I was referring to Athenian juries that were quite large. IN Socrates case the jury was 501 Juries were selected from all male citizens 30 years of age o older who offered themselves on the iven day for service. The jurors would cast black or white stones. I do not know if there were men of different races on the jury or not, only they were men of Athens. Your simile falls apart. If you sought to accuse me of racism then you are a knave of a rabbit. Sometimes black and white is just that and all cats after midnight.
Mark Adamsspews:
@!03 Yes there is institutional racism. Bravo. Of course only someone who is a racist would go there from what I was talking about. And someone who is an attorney should know better even if they retired. So what is your bar number?
And I expect you to give me your bar number or respond that you are not. Sop your either a liar, or dumb attorney.
Mark Adamsspews:
@109 I recognize a SOB wanting a fight. I can give you one. That what you want we can go right to town, You are putting fighting words on here. We can fight or we can have coffee or you prefer whiskey.
Mark Adamsspews:
@132 I know GE they have had plenty of cases like this. They remain right up there as a defense contractor. Guess it all boils down to the cost of doing business.
@141 I bought GE shares in 2009 for $6. What are they worth now, Mark? I don’t care whether they make washing machines or jet engines, as long as I make money.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@142 “Doctors are not expected to be experts in political theory, but they do get to participate,.”
Doctors who spout political nonsense also get to be ridiculed.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@142 “Unlike medical science where radiologists similarly situated should come to the same or nearly the same conclusions looking at the same x ray.”
You clearly don’t realize the practice of medicine is as much art as it is science. Any doctor will tell you that. For example, a treatment that works on 85% of the population may not work on the other 15%. That doesn’t mean anything’s wrong with the treatment, it simply means not all patients respond the same. And if you think diagnosing maladies is cut-and-dried, I invite you to try seeing back pain on an x-ray. As always, you are an idiot.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@144 “You knew perfectly well the question was not duties of the President but duties of any citizen.”
Because you made it perfectly clear that’s what you were asking, right? The context of your comment was questions on naturalization tests. So why wouldn’t I conclude you were commenting on what the Constitution says about the duties and powers of the various branches and offices of government?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@145 Of course, the fact the electoral process is manipulated by gerrymandering, creating “safe” districts, etc., has nothing to do with the fact people keep reelecting a Congress they claim to hate …
Roger Rabbitspews:
@146 Is Russia’s oligarchy something we should admire and aspire to?
I’ll believe Putin is “done” when he’s out of power. Meanwhile, he’s murdering journalists and opponents, and suppressing dissent, much the same as his Soviet predecessors did.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@147 A law is constitutional until a court having jurisdiction over a controversy affected by it rules that it isn’t.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@148 There have been other Democratic contenders in most of the primaries since 2008 and she has yet to get less than 70% of the total vote in those elections.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@149 “I’m doing something right as I got your goat.”
My pointing out that you don’t know what you’re talking about doesn’t equate with “getting my goat,” nor does it mean you’re doing anything right. And yes, the governor did exercise his line item veto power when signing this budget:
” Gov. Jay Inslee signed the budget, with a few line-item vetoes, …”
That’s easy for you to say if you’re white and not on the getting end of the racism in our policing and justice system.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
A case from 1985? How many other companies have had this issue? Boeing? McDonnell Douglas, Nothrup Grumman, Halliburton, KBR… This list of scandals of defense contractors is as long as the military industrial complex.
Again, you know little about GE, however you do show promise that you can use Google.
Companies move headquarters all the time. Remember Boeing? They moved their headquarters. So what? GE started out in New York, clearly they moved headquarters before.
Corporate taxes, 1-800-cry-me-a-river. Good for GE, they utilized the tax code to their advantage. They have an army of tax attorneys and accountants to work the tax code to their legal advantage. I’m pretty sure this is the same tax code that Trump touted (and complained at the same time) that HRC Clinton and her friends used to their advantage. This is why we will never see true tax reform because why would the rich vote to take away their golden goose.
Here is a tip, better not fly on a 737, they all come equipped from the factory with GE engines and GE flight management computers, the often have a Honeywell EGPWS, those three massive defense contractors might just conspire to screw you over. Hint, two out of three moved their corporate headquarters and all three have a Jack Welch connection.
Keep playing Lucy.
Mark Adamsspews:
@163 So RR since you brought this up unnecessarily and I’m already contemplating a complaint to the bar that you are practicing law without a license. Notice you have not given me a bar number.
You claim to have been an attorney who worked for the City of Seattle. (or do you mean KIng county?)
2. You maybe retired or semi retired.
3. You are acknowledging that attorneys use race as a way of determining who they want on a jury.
4. While you were an attorney you made such choices and during voir dire removed potential jurors from the pool, even if it would mean the defendant would not be judged by a jury of his or her peers.
5. You know of other attorneys in the office who still work there who select jurors based on their race.
You have at the very least used being an attorney as a way to bully people on the list. You have stated things which could e interpreted as advice to a lay man.
Now RR you want to talk or fight. Maybe I’m not as dumb as you think as I try not to make things too personal. I certainly have called dumb or stupid. Yu are perfectly capable of proving that yourself.
You have in the past clearly violated the list rules and think you are above them. Unless you are Goldie you should not be. It would be nice if Goldie would actually apply the list rules, but as he stated in 2007 it’s totally subjective though Carl and someone else can also apply the rules. Still you made comment in 2007 on his don’t feed the Trolls and you said you don’t count as Republicans suck. You have and have engaged in some very troll like behavior. I don’t have a problem if Goldy wants to take a hands off approach to folks on here, and it to be the wild wild west.
And for your information I do know that Radiologists do use science in what they do. If they are too sloppy or fail to use the science then they can lose their license to practice medicine. Sure like attorneys they have a professional organization that is sometimes overly reluctant to pull licenses from radiologists, which lets attorneys bring malpractice suits. Sure there is some gray area, but if a radiologist does not follow the proper procedure in doing an x-ray he or she is at risk of losing their medical license, just the same as when a physician or druggist administers the wrong drug and it kills a patient.
As far as political science goes an x-ray is far superior to the tools that are available to the political or social scientist.
Mark Adamsspews:
@164 Well thank you for making my real point which is politicians of both parties are in GE and other large corporations pockets, and are beholden to them. It has always been the case that some politicians are friendly to business often they are Republicans. Now that is more and more true of Democrats. Who at least are supposed to be on the side of workers, the environment, anti-war. At least that was the Democratic brand more or less at one time. Liberals have some wiggle room because if you are an American today we are all liberals as we defeated the evil USSR and communist China has discovered capitalism. Leaving North Korea as the last true believers. Still the people on this list are presumable Progressives some with a big P and other a little p. Seems neither party is representing Progressives or the common man very well in these United States. You are just trying to cloud the issues here. Makes me think you could be a GE shill isn’t that against the rules here. Perhaps if you are a paid sill. Is that what you are a paid GE shill? Or you are just worried about the value of your GE shares in your portfolio (I do have a IRA and GE shows up there). If your are just a shill paid or not you should be kicked off the list, but in all fairness that would mean the list owner would have to do some work to determine you are what you are, and do the appropriate action, and Goldie and Carl just you are not worth the time and effort that would take. Journalism actually takes some work and balls after all.
How To Get Out Of Jury Duty 102 (Advanced Course)
There are lots of ways to evade jury duty, which gives prospective jurors an opportunity to be creative. For example, motion toward the defendant, then tell the judge you’d like to “walk over there and punch him in the face.” That probably will get you excused.
The latest whip count shows 9 GOP senators are unwilling to vote for the latest iteration of their party’s scheme to raid Medicaid to finance tax cuts for the 0.1%. The provision to defund Planned Parenthood ensures no Democrats will vote for it.
In fact, that provision looks very much like a poison pill that was deliberately inserted to make sure no Democrats would vote for it.
There’s speculation that McConnell WANTS this bill to fail so he can move on to other things. There may be something to this. McC wasn’t born yesterday and knows how to count. So how could he manage to lose 9 votes from his own caucus, while ensuring he gets none from the Democrats?
By design, some people think.
There’ll be a budget when the anarchists calling themselves the Republican Party no longer want to terminate all taxes and shut down government in all its forms.
Dumbfuck @ 1
You aren’t evading jury duty by not being picked. You still wasted time by being there in the first place.
Don’t reply to the summons. Rather, make like YLB when the check arrives at the end of the meal, and simply behave as if it wasn’t intended for you.
I got called for jury duty for a murder trial. I got tossed out when I told the judge I believed the term “gun control” meant hitting your target. The prosecuting attorney wasn’t very happy with me either.
Some of the folks around me have expressed an interest in being gold and silver. I advise them to limit these purchases, should they choose to pursue them, to no more that 5 or 10 percent of their portfolio, as gold and silver can be volatile and require some pretty good discipline from which to profit in the long term. I also remind the people who want to go into precious metals and have seen all the commercials hyping them that, if it’s such a good investment, why are these metals people selling their stocks of gold and silver to anyone who wants to buy them? If they’re such good investments, why are they willing to share potential profits with total strangers? Wouldn’t it make more sense to hold onto the gold and silver and make more money in the future?
When I put it that way to potential buyers, their ardor for purchasing diminishes quite a bit. Still, there’s nothing wrong with having some gold and silver in one’s possession, just don’t overdo it.
@4 You’re evading jury duty when you deliberately sabotage your chances of being picked. Of course, if the guy really feels that way about the defendant, then he shouldn’t be on the jury. But if he says that about ALL the defendants in ALL the cases he’s sent to, then the judges may begin to suspect he’s merely evading jury duty.
But you do have a point. Technically, expressing your true feelings about your fellow human beings isn’t “evading” jury duty. There are people who should never be on juries because they’re either stupid or prejudiced or both. I wouldn’t bet against you being one of them.
What happens to the money you give to a “Christian charity” run by one of the slimebuckets Trump surrounds himself with.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is the kind of people whom Doctor Dumbfuck and Puddy defend on a daily basis.
@5 & @7 – “Getting out of Jury Duty is easy, the trick is to say you’re prejudiced against all races. . . ” – Homer Simpson
but, seriously we need a system of educated and professional jurors or a true system of being judged by a “jury of our peers”.
the first – would keep the rest of us from being called out to miss work and potentially lie to avoid being seated. i was once called to duty for a black woman who might have sold crack at a bus stop. the witnesses being called, 9 cops. rather than say i don’t trust cops, so i won’t be a good juror – i said i have been through drug and alcohol counseling and i don’t feel comfortable with this prosecution. excluded, bye bye.
the second – if she had been judged by a jury of her peers, then EVERYONE of the jury would have been black, young, disadvantaged, possibly crack-addicted, etc. – a jury of your peers means people with the EXACT same experiences and background and while that is possible in this day and age, the courts don’t seem to understand the word “peer.”
so 1 or the other. . .
Venezuela is showing us once again that Socialism just doesn’t work. Eventually it runs out of other people’s money.
But if you’re looking to lose a few pounds, maybe Venezuela is just the place to do it. The average citizen has lost 19 pounds over the past year. The old Soviet Union did a better job at feeding its people.
Gee roger senile idiot wabbit… Using Daily Kooks for their biased FAKE NEWS SLIME?
Sad and so typical!
“I believe in my bones, among the list, I agree with the list that Sam put out about why Hillary lost but I would add to that it was pretty hard to elect a woman after you’ve elected the first African-American president.”
Where is rujaxoffallthetimebuttnuthinappears to scream racism?
You just can’t make this BULLSHITTIUM up!
Another DUMMOCRETIN ignoring the rules?
Puddy guesses Erin Burnett is trying to give real news for a change…
When you get busted, blame it on white men and racism…
Live FAKE NEWS from CNN….
@9 “a jury of your peers means people with the EXACT same experiences and background”
Not in our legal system.
@10 “The old Soviet Union did a better job at feeding its people.”
Aren’t you forgetting the millions of people (mostly peasants) who starved to death under Stalin?
@11 “Fake news” is the new rightwing lexicon for reality denial.
So, Puddy attacks me for linking to Daily Kos, then in his next FIVE posts he links to Gateway Pundit … he probably doesn’t even realize what an ass that makes him.
Hypocrisy is every Republican’s middle name. In Puddy’s case, it’s his first and last names, too. From now on, just call him H. H. Hypocrisy.
@4 Traitorous Dumbfuck Doctor
Go back and read the United States Constitution. Better yet, try and pass the citizenship test for immigration into the United States. Serving on a jury is one of the nine responsibilities outlined in the U.S. Constitution:
So as RR has pointed out, willfully making statements or making actions to deliberately lead to your disqualification from jury duty can be construed as “evading”.
While I am sure you will split hairs on that statement, just stop and think for one unselfish moment how many people have died defending the US Constitution for selfish dumbfuck assholes like you that will simple not step up and be willing to perform their civic duty to serve on a jury. With that kind of selfish “me-first” and “I can’t be bothered to serve my country with a sense of civic pride and duty”, well then just get the fuck out, this country doesn’t need more people like you.
On the other hand, a person facing a trial buy jury would probably be grateful that a self-loathing and Unites States of America-hating person like you were not on their jury.
Yeah sure, it is an inconvenience to take time off from work, find parking, pay for lunch, all for a measly $10. I’m sure that would be a great thing to say to the grieving families of solders that have made the ultimate sacrifice, “Thank you for your service, for the sacrifice of your loved one’s life to defend our country, our freedoms, I’m sure it isn’t that big of inconvenience as compared to serving on a jury to which I can’t be bothered.”
Willfully trying to evade jury duty is shameful and a disgrace. Not a surprise from a person with your belief system.
@1 Darn those informed New Yorkers. Could they like move the trial. Maybe to someplace like Georgia. Sure he can get a fair trial there. We are too informed here in the Northwest for there to be enough jurors to try this guy,
@2 Then again maybe he and the President want to work on this with Democrats. Single payer baby!
Except Nancy Pelosi doesn’t think she is ready to go there.
Must be why on the national level Nancy is a dead parrot. Should she loose in the primary then finally you pet store sales men on here will have to stop telling me about her beautiful plumage, though you probably won’t admit she is a dead parrot.
Hey Senator Shumer sat next to a deployable truck driver at a baseball game and next month the Democrats are announcing a progressive muscular economic plan for America.
@3 Normally it takes a divided government to create this kind of budget crises. There is now a deal, the sausage is hopefully made, lets see how the legislators react to the sausage. Gas pains would be a bad sign, and the Govnor is not going to have much chance to wield the veto pen on the budget, Will the courts be happy, and go great going guys, and close the case or go sorry not there yet, Increase the fines and create a constitutional crises, Always a possibility when one branch of government insists the other branch do it’s job. Fortunately the legislature has not yet said fuck you to the courts, could happen yet. Not likely our Supreme justices are political animals, and they can put the genie back in the bottle. Right?
Still doing budget mumbo! I think the budget bunny hop is coming up.
@6 I have no interest in being gold or silver. I wonder what these folks will do when we get around to mining the asteroids, or even the moon. Then again Brazil could be the break out nation, or heck because they are on the periphery North Korea.
@9 Which is why Judge Nichols stated judges should just except the first 12 and the one or two extras. Doesn’t mean you don’t get rid of the crazies, but the first 12 random jurors is most like a good cross section of your peers.
As far as permanent jurors that is she set up in some European countries, Italy being one of them, seems there was some murder case that was all controversial.
The odd part about it is most of the time the jurors end up making the same decision the presiding judge does, though juries come with great potential for surprises.,
Of course we could like be a real democracy and have juries of 500 people or more and you throw in the white rock for innocent and the black for guilty, Then something similar for the sentence. Using some sort of a super majority, but this is the problem with true democracy as in who has the time. And prejudice doesn’t get you off the jury, Or gun control. Ect won’t get you out of jury duty, And all of us would probably end up on a jury two or three times a year or more.
@10 Nigeria isn’t doing all that well either and they are extremely capitalist. Could be the underlying issue is them being economies set up to exploit natural resources.
Earthquake at 1:40 felt it and did report to USGS. Must be the budget mumbo shaking things up.
@11 If only there had been a real muck raker writing the story, Upton Sinclair would have used something even more derogatory, though red slime is pretty damn good. How Ammonia Meat, Yum.
@13 That is a political hit job. It was his wife running. Probably result in a: We investigated, he was bad, he’s received ethical training in the area, and no further action will be taken.
@18 Stalin exported grain, and the five year plans were successful, Now if you were among the 9 million peasants he decided to starve to death in 1932 and 133 that would suck, but the USSR was able to feed itself ad more most years that Stalin was in control, only he played by the rules for dictators, While choices have been made in Venezuela by the government that have contributed to the decline in agriculture, there is no deliberate plan by the government to starve peasants in this case. Just an overreliance on oil, and an economy that has become less diversified, They do have some disputes with Columbia and Panama.
@21 He won’t find it as the responsibilities are assumd. Could be in the state constitution though. Perhaps he should look up the statute on avoiding jury duty, not pleasant, and fortunately for him the bell has probably tolled otherwise a prosecutor would have probable cause based on his statements here, though in the future a Prosecutor could find this interesting reading.
Federal jury trials are very rare, and you really don’t want to get out of that duty by avoiding as it would be a federal conviction, and I understand the pool is small, and they may invite a large number of subs to stay, odd how some of them could be folks the judge thought were trying to get out of jury duty.
Some irascible judge might tell him you will be a fine juror in this case as it did not involve any fire control. Though the defense attorney might scrub him.
How to get out of jury duty. Legitimately.
Budget Smudget – we are all Russians now! You too Abigail.
Fake news. Introduce it so one can later claim it exists.
If you get rid of the media, like Republicans having been trying to do for years, then you can succeed with your Nazi ideas and the destruction of Democracy. Plain and simple.
Fake News is just the tip of the Russian Ice Berg.
Fuckface Von Russian Puppet is now giving WH press creds to “journalits” who are there to eaves drop on “liberal” reporters and dox them to gun toting Hillbilly Traitors like Jeremy Christian and Edgar Welch.
@21 A group of people (Republicans) who collectively evade military service (see, e.g., Donald Trump and most Republicans in Congress) probably won’t feel conflicted about evading jury duty, too. In fact, there’s not a whole lot in the Constitution they actually believe in. They’re certainly not fans of democracy (see, e.g., gerrymandering and voter suppression).
“President Donald Trump on Thursday announced a number of energy initiatives, including … efforts to make sure new coal plants are built overseas.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I don’t see how he’s going to “make sure” coal plants are built in other countries. Possibilities that come to mind include (a) create incentives by giving away our coal abroad in order to sustain coal mining jobs at home, which effectively amounts to our government providing subsidies to make climate change worse; (b) bribe their leaders to take our unwanted coal off our hands, which effectively amounts to fouling their nests at the expense of their citizens in order to feather our coal miners’ nests; (c) invade their countries and replace their governments with a colonial administration whose sole purpose is to build coal plants, although such an administration likely would also strip the subjugated countries of their resources at our government’s convenience.
“Me hate liberals! Me gonna fuck with liberals by raising global temperatures! That’ll show ’em!”
(Wild cheering and applause from trailerpark Trump supporters trying to forget they just lost their food stamps and Medicaid.)
@23 “Should she loose in the primary”
I don’t suppose we can realistically expect someone who thinks Pelosi is in danger of losing a primary to know how to spell “lose.”
@24 “the Govnor is not going to have much chance to wield the veto pen on the budget”
Washington’s governor has line item veto authority.
Ed Murray isn’t running as a write-in and has endorsed Jenny Durkin.
@25 Sounds like the budget deal in Olympia is going to “preserve Democratic values” at the expense of paying “Republican taxes” which means King County and Seattle homeowners will have to subsidize schools in red counties even more than they already are. I assume that, in exchange, Republicans have agreed not to toss old people out of nursing homes for the next two years. But they will, of course, revisit this question in the next budget cycle when they need hostages again.
@27 “you throw in the white rock for innocent and the black for guilty”
We already have this system, in case you didn’t notice.
Now that Rex Tillerson is finding out what it’s like to work for Trump, I’ll bet he wishes he had his old job back.
then in his next FIVE posts he links to Gateway Pundit
Yes that’s right senile idiot wabbit… Full of videos displaying DUMMOCRETIN actions not seen on the leftist libtard pinhead FAKE NEWS sites where real news isn’t viewed.
This is why roger the senile idiot wabbit has a fit! The truth is not known in that wabbit!
Something that may correct the way libtards think… AI
Right now there is no intelligent elite country club thinking on this blog!
@47 Why would you expect liberal websites to promote Gateway’s bullshit propaganda? Are you really that stupid? (If we took a vote on that question here on HA, I think you can guess what the outcome would be.)
“NY Daily News: Trump attack on Brzezinski is ‘humiliation’ for US”
Guys, it is not Drumpf who is humiliating the United States – it’s the Drumpf supporters and defenders; such as the likes of Dumbfuck Doctors. And you have to let them know it. Forget about Drumpf – he has consumed every minute and every hour of peoples lives and the media. Forget about him. Instead, start talking about the supporters and defenders of the creepiness that has entered this World and everything Russia and the Right Wing Radical Religious Terrorists or better known as the American Taliban. Drumpf is a distraction that every conservative monster is hoping that will keep your attention diverted away from them.
Heil Hitler!
Trump is working you morons like a big dog. You spend all your time running off at the mouth about Trump and his tweets while he’s going to fuck you all in the ass down the road.
Seattle Weekly weighs in on the dueling minimum wage studies.
The City Knew the Bad Minimum Wage Report Was Coming Out, So It Called Up Berkeley
Haven’t read it yet, so FYI for now.
Roger @ 1- Here’s how I got out of jury duty, they asked if I had experience with litigation-yes, did I have experience with expert witnesses-yes, what was my experience- sometimes you can believe them and sometimes you cannot- tossed me
How how much most of these being libtards made…
In a 2015 interview with Fortune magazine, Cook said he plans to donate his fortune to philanthropy.
@47 Why would you expect liberal websites to promote Gateway’s
bullshit propagandaFACTUAL information?DAYUM Roger senile idiot wabbit is a moron! These national videos are DUMMOCRETINS being exposed for their DUMMOCRETIN dumb ASS actions!
Post # – Activity
12 – MSNBC via NTK – libtard
13 – Newsweek – libtard
14 – CNN – King of FAKE NEWS – libtard
15 – New York Mag – libtard
16 – CNN – King of FAKE NEWS – libtard
FACTS, they suck when you are a libtard!
Correct, the responsibilities are assumed, so what? As it was pointed out, it is a question that is asked on the U.S. Citizenship test. For cryin’ out loud, we expect people that actually want to be U.S. citizens to know what the “assumed” responsibilities are. People that are “natural born” and lived here for their entire lives should know what their assumed responsibilities of being a citizens of their country are.
Doctor Dumbfuck is a doctor, he has no damn excuse for not knowing what the “assumed” responsibilities are. If he can’t recite them, why would anyone believe his interpretations of an x-ray? There is really no defending that level of ignorance or wilful deception.
Here you go puddles:®ion=opinion-c-col-right-region&WT.nav=opinion-c-col-right-region
And now I expect you to attack the source and ignore the facts. Where is the evidence that tax cuts stimulate the economy? Kansas? The Reagan cuts, followed by increases? Clinton with economic boom and no cuts? But Republican orthodoxy without factual backing says otherwise.
“Pure nonsense” – but hey, that’s what fuckwad Nguyen Nazis are all about.
Gorsuch’s First Anti-Gay Dissent Has a Huge Factual Error—and Terrible, Dishonest Logic – Slate
@54 They probably didn’t like your looks, either.
@55 Liberals are capitalists, too. Get over it.
@59 Just what we need, a bigot on the Supreme Court, to restore the glorious society of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s time.
@60 More likely they did not like that I’d think and not just but expert testimony.
Accept expert testimony.
Also called for another DWI jury. Saw a guy excused when he said he drives drunk and could not convict someone else of that. Risky approach
To us Commies he’s done exactly jack shit so far.
If I gave a runny shit about “poor, aggrieved, racist, ignorant, white working class, opiate addicted high school dropouts” like you and the rest of the Orange Russian Cicus Clown’s rapidly shrinking mob of dancing monkeys, I might possibly be concerned. Since you folks seem to be the only people getting fucked over you might think about that between crushing lines of Oxy on the counter in your trailer.
Enjoy your next stop loss order, numbnuts.
Oh, and absolutely, thank you soooooo much for your service Pvt. Pyle.
This is how you do it! http://www.charlotteobserver.c.....73739.html
K2? Where did Puddy bring up taxes?
Roger senile idiot wabbit did!
K2? Where did Puddy bring up taxes?
Roger senile idiot wabbit did!
The libtard state of gun control! Pffft…
Puddy can hear headless racist lucy scream
It’s RIgged
It’s Rigged
No shit sherlock!
This is what happens in a big city run by libtards!
Puddy guesses it doesn’t pay to be a whitey after all…
Sad to be white in the summer!
Puddy guesses it doesn’t pay to be a whitey after all…
Sad to be white in the summer!
DUMMOCRETIN heads explode…
Once again – how do you get everyone to believe that elections are rigged? You rig them yourselves. Just like fake news. And you kill two birds with one stone.
Puddy better watch his ass. The people he defends are coming for his Ass.
If you don’t want people to believe that grass is green, all you have to do is paint it another color or let it die, just like Democracy is dying.
Heil Hitler!
@35 Russia was an early ally of the fledgling US, and they freed the serfs. Meanwhile Mark Adams is an American. I even have the helped win the cold war certificate from a grateful nation. We triumphed over the USSR. Now they are Russians. Have a rudimentary democracy, and are capitalist. Still they do behave like Russians. Heck you can go homestead in parts of Russia like Siberia. And Russian women are crazy. Gals if you like Russian men catch them young. They are trainable, and most Russian livers are certified for 50,000 liters of Vodka, so if they will accept moderation you can have a lot of fun. You have seen the videos so you know they are nuts, You like adventure and yes all Russian men think they are models so shirtless is a go to 20 Celsius below. (Yes some familiarization with metrics advised if you date a Russia.
While some caution is warranted this whole Russian thing is overblown, and Putin is not forever, he will drop out of power, probably in the next five years. Especially if Pussy Riot and their folks get rolling.
@38 It’s equally true most Democrats in Congress never served in the military. Nor are their children in the military. Seems both parties are elitist in this and other areas. All congress members take the same oath to uphold the constitution, yet from time to time laws Patriot Act) get passed that are blatantly unconstitutional with members of both parties voting for the law. Congress actually taking back it’s role in declaring war, debating and actually insisting there be Congressional approval from the get go.
Making Puerto Rico the 51st state.
Still congress members do have legitimate reasons and ways to get out of jury duty. It’s right there in the constitution, though having either of Washington states Senators called up for jury duty and them showing up for it would be a total hoot, and good on so many levels.
Down with Angela Merkle!!!
Conservatives beloved her, before hating her and now know she is weak. Down with the bleeding bitch!
@78 that’s a good laugh there. Abigail is Russian but wants to stay in the closet.
Putin ain’t going anywhere, if anything he’s being joined by fuckwads like Drumpf.
@39 What no GE stocks RR? GE likes new coal plants to be built anywhere in the world. Or even nuclear power plants. It should be no surprise when a Republican President supports the policies and does the things Republican presidents do.
Unfortunately for GE at this time it’s cheaper to generate electricity with wind or sun than with coal power plants. The markets have tipped toward renewables. So yes folks in West Virginia should go to school to work on wind turbines, and solar plants and move to where the work is. Leaving our coal in the ground for the bit we need for other industrial uses like coke, medicines, real coal fire ambiance in British or Irish style pubs, and fossils.
@41 She is a dead parrot you pet store employee. Trying to tell me she has beautiful plumage does not change the fact you are nailing her to the swing in the cage,. Just admit she is a dead parrot, and tell your buds in the party to realize she is a dead parrot. Though it may take her losing in the primary to convince you and them she is a dead parrot. There was once a Washington state member of Congress from Spokane who was a dead parrot, but he too had beautiful plumage.
@42 He may have the authority, but since a bill is not to his desk and may not get to his desk until tomorrow evening or at the last minute, he may have no choice but to sign or veto the whole thing, though he may have aides highlighting his most current copy of the proposed bill. Wow he could be playing the line item veto game with the Gov of Illinois to see who can do the most line item vetoes before the gong goes off and still sign the bill. Man there could be some very upset Canadians here in Washington state this coming Canada Day.
@45 I had not noticed that we do trials in the same manner as “The Trial of Socrates” as told by Plato, Would you care to elaborate?
PS I don’t think many judges want to give juries stones as that is just asking for stones to be thrown, Aside from the potential injuries to jury members just think of the broken windows, and clearly from the statements of some folks on here, do they want to give jurors something they can throw at them.
@51 You do know he’s dead. I don’t think he cares one way or the other for your loyalty and adulation.
@53 Whichever one has Steve Martin playing banjo in their report is the superior report.
Dueling reports by experts (totally unbiased experts) are not going to trump Steve Martin and his Canyon Riders. And if you read either report you can then listen to Steve Martin on his banjo and feel better, Are you suggesting that a city government would try to give folks a hand job to get them to pay no attention to that report.
@54 You also could have told them “My Cousin Vinney” is a great movie and a totally accurate portrayal of the American justice system and gotten tossed.
@57 He could be Cuban and a good party member. The Cuban system does produce many fine doctors some are radiologists who can read x-rays, ect with the best of them, based on medical and scientific principles. Depending on skill, expertise and length of service their answers should closely match fraduates of Harvard or Oxford.
There are no duties and responsibilities directly stated in the US Constitution. It is also unique in that respect to any written constitution. It also lays the groundwork that the constitution is not for all citizens just those with property and lip service to the life and liberty. Not wanting to pay taxes, vote, serve in the military, serve on a jury, obey the law are a;; pretty American. And there are those who believe a higher law does supersede the constitution. And of course privacy is not mentioned,
These nuances are addressed in the materials given to people studying for a citizenship test. Just like with any high school or basic college test if you answer it how the teacher wants it answered you get the question right. Still immigrants don’t have to be constitutional experts and can get every one of those questions wrong and still pass, and the questions are not asked in a manner mentioning the constitution, but based on the statutes that say immigrants are to know these duties.
Lastly is the requirement that new citizens pass such a test constitutional in the first place? Isn’t taking the oath to becoming a citizen sufficient? Isn’t the test just a way to turn people away? No such test was required for the first 100 plus years of the US. Now most immigrants were from a few European nations, though we were a wee bit concerned about the Irish, but even they could get off boat and be a citizen in minutes. And from 1861 to 65 they could get immediate jobs with Uncle Sam carrying a gun. Talk about libera; immigration policy. Why should anyone liberty to become a US citizen be impeded by immigrations little old test, let them brown people from Mexico come across the border, take the oath, become a citizen, and get to work, and the Mexican government should respond in kind to any human being going south across the border, That would truly uphold UN and international law on human beings having true liberty to travel across borders especially as refugees.
@61 Even more shocking is the fact that all Capitalists are liberals.
Fuck that.
When the entirety of the Republican establishment is currently engaged in scorched earth class warfare against these very people, laboring to kick 5 million disabled seniors and children out of nursing care and take access away from 20 million more, just to give a tiny tax cut to a handful of billionaires, Fuck That.
This is simply about bigotry, prejudice, and tribal identity. Five decades of dipping their toes into the pool just hasn’t been enough time to persuade these ignorant, uneducated, superstitious, pigs to move into the 21st century and join the human race. Times up. Fuck ’em. The challenge to the Democratic Party isn’t to decode hate. The challenge is to break down the tribal identities that urge so many moderate “conservatives” to run with the White Male Supremacist herd and vote against their values.
I’m willing to concede that probably most of the people who voted for Fuckface Von Russian-Puppet do not share most of his values. But they voted for him anyway, believing that somehow their perception of his identity would transcend his values. They rejected the Democratic candidate on that basis as well. Progressive voters, Democrats and Democratic candidates can break down those identity walls without abandoning our values. We know that our political and social values align with the majority of Americans and with the majority of voters. The way forward is to expose Republican identity politics for the charade that it is. Robbing working class health care for billionaire tax cuts is a perfect example. And it’s far more important the Fuckface’s Twitter account.
@67 If you think it’s a good idea to run over a purse snatcher with a car, and I’m not saying it isn’t, what do you suggest we do with people who try to steal billions from the Medicaid benefits of the poor? Run them over with a bulldozer? How about just running them over with an electoral tsunami in 2018?
@70 Yeah, every nutjob out there should have rapid-firing assault weapons with high-capacity magazines so we can enjoy more incidents like this: At least, that’s what Puddy and his ilk believe.
@72 He’s an amateur compared to Republicans. Stealing $2 million from the lottery, are you kidding? When there’s trillions to be made by looting Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security?
@73 & 74 Pretty profitable the rest of the time, though. And you don’t get killed by the cops for jaywalking. That, by itself, is worth a little sunburn.
reject words like “ban” and “control” in favor of words like “safety” and “community”. The idea is to retain the values we already know are winning while shifting the political and social identities. After all, it’s glaringly obvious that Republicans are cruel, inhumane, greedy, and oblivious to the lives of Real Americans. We should emphasize our goals of making our communities safe from random gun violence while ensuring the rights of every pig-ignorant, toothless sister-fucker to annihilate his entire trailer full of common law relatives with a single high cap clip.
@75 This, of course, is how Republicans try to atone for having put the gun in her killer’s hands.
@78 “Russians [h]ave a rudimentary democracy, and are capitalist.”
Bwaaahaaahaaaa Hooooheeeehaaawww Har har har har har !!!!!!!! ROFLMAO !!!!
@79 The Patriot Act is not “blatantly unconstitutional,” however much some might wish it so. Most of it survived court challenges.
@82 Eh? GE is a major supplier of wind turbines and gas-fired generators. It’s also my 5th largest holding of 32 different stocks.
@83 She may look like a dead parrot, but she twitters like a live bird; as for the chances of her losing a primary, she routinely gets over 75% of her district’s total votes, so I doubt she loses sleep over that.
@84 You really are stupid. How do you manage to be so lame? You must work at it.
@85 I think everyone else here got the simile, but because you missed it, I’ll spell it out for you: The white rock represents white people, and the black rock represents black people, and what my comment says is we have different justice for white people and black people. Do you wish to dispute that? Gawd you’re stupid.
@86 You’re not too good at interpreting sarcasm, either.
@87 Your attempt to fabricate a simile of your own needs work, too.
@ 91
Progressive voters, Democrats and Democratic candidates can break down those identity walls without abandoning our values. We know that our political and social values align with the majority of Americans and with the majority of voters.
And yet you continue to lose when your claims are put to the test.
Perhaps because in addition to not abandoning your values, you force them on others, causing many to look elsewhere for people with values they share.
Ah, but you still have a majority, you claim. After all, a whole 51% of white college-educated women voted for the first major-party female candidate for president.
If that’s not a statement of solidarity, what is?
@88 The way you do that is by saying, “I learned about the American legal system from ‘My Cousin Vinny.'”
@89 “There are no duties and responsibilities directly stated in the US Constitution.”
Wrong again. The President has two duties specified by the Constitution: To command the armed forces (Art. II,Sec. 1), and to report to Congress on the “state of the Union” and recommend measures he deems “necessary and expedient” (Art. II, Sec. 3).
It takes about 10 seconds to look up Article II on the internet. It’s not very long and you can read the entire Article in a minute or two. Are you too lazy to look things up before posting from the lip? It seems so.
@90 Are you trying to be facetious? If so, it’s unclear what point you’re trying to make.
You can’t understand similes.
You don’t recognize sarcasm when you see it.
You can’t construct a simile.
You can’t do simple research or fact-checking.
You can’t be coherently facetious.
You frequently get basic facts wrong.
Is there anything you can do right? Anything at all?
@ 108
Well, good one, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
By completely shifting the discussion to something else you found something that contradicts a statement made by someone else.
Are you trying to be facetious? If so, it’s unclear what point you’re trying to make.
Unless it’s to reinforce your assholiness.
@106 “Perhaps because in addition to not abandoning your values, you force them on others, causing many to look elsewhere for people with values they share.”
Says a guy who votes for people who want to force women to have babies and cram their religion down everyone’s throats.
Hypocrisy is every Republican’s first and middle names. See, e.g., Doctor H. H. Dumbfuck.
@ 111
None of what you wrote contradicts the statement you chose to highlight.
Thanks for playing.
@110 If you think I was being “facetious” @108, you’re as stupid as he is. Of course, we already knew that. However, that’s not saying you and he are the same. His stupidity has a certain quality of innocence to it that yours lacks.
@112 I take it you’re not denying what I said @ 111 then. Thanks for being honest about your totalitarian intentions.
A cousin of the crazed cretinous databaze deala? Hmmm…?
Would those be the values of pussy grabbing? Accusing grieving Sandy Hook parents of a hoax? Executing Gulf War vets addicted to opiates? Or the values of kicking 90 year old ladies out of the nursing home to give Warren Buffet a tax cut he doesn’t want?
Real America does not share your values, Врач немой ебать. Your Russian owned pussy grabbing kleptocrat Cheeto Jesus is blowing your “heartland values” long con.
WaPo… more FAKE NEWS!
Gooooooooooooooooooooolllllllly (Gomer Pyle)…
Correction: June 29, 2017 A White House Memo article on Monday about President Trump’s deflections and denials about Russia referred incorrectly to the source of an intelligence assessment that said Russia orchestrated hacking attacks during last year’s presidential election. The assessment was made by four intelligence agencies — the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Security Agency. The assessment was not approved by all 17 organizations in the American intelligence community.
Seems The NY Slimes and Susan Rice lied AGAIN!
FRANKEN: Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I want to thank both you and the ranking member for — for this hearing and these hearings.
And I want to thank General Clapper and — and Attorney General Yates for — for appearing today. We have — the intelligence communities have concluded all 17 of them that Russia interfered with this election. And we all know how that’s right.
CLAPPER: Senator, as I pointed out in my statement Senator Franken, it was there were only three agencies that directly involved in this assessment plus my office…
Hand picked analysts… hand picked conclusion! Obummer’s hand picked liar… There should be a new shout for those four dead Americans in Benghazi… “Remember the Video!”
Boom shaka laka
(Join the two lines for a great DUMMOCRETIN picture)
This post is way too deep for roger senile idiot wabbit! Puddy expects that the moronic twit will skip by it because it will involve critical thought; something senility has shut down over the years with the dumb wabbit!
FACTS… never a friend to DUMMOCRETINS!
Talking points…
When you can’t dazzle them with DUMMOCRETIN brilliance [doesn’t exist in this universe]; instead baffle them with DUMMOCRETIN BULLSHITTIUM”
(join the two lines together for another great DUMMOCRETIN picture)
17 agencies… Can DUMMOCRETINS name them?
DUMMOCRETINS don’t care about the truth! Never have and Never will!
FACTS… never a friend to DUMMOCRETINS!
This guy is a worse ASShole than roger senile idiot wabbit and that’s hard to do!
DAYUM Funny!
After the Holder/Obummer crime spree of the first six years of the Obummer sadministration?
Well Eric the Red… No one will ever unfairly question your actions and integrity because you were a buffoon as attorney general!
CNN screams James O’Keefe selectively edited his Project Veritas videos while burying the FACT CNN selectively edited its video ON PURPOSE!
And the non-elite non country club Real American People speak!
(join the two lines)
The Chrome-challenged loon is bringing his double-post head explosions of hate!
Seems Ed Murray and Socialist Sawant shopped for a libtard academic to rebut the well done UW study!
FACTS… never a friend of a libtard!
Where is the latest double post of FACTS again shitstain steve?
Ruh Ro Raggie… Little Chucky Schumer wants to meet on health care now that another insurer is bailing?
And here are the FACTS…
Whoa! The double posting loon is flinging hate like a monkey flings shit!
@117 Hahahaha!!! There goes Puddy – linking to Gateway Pundit again!!! Harharharharharhar!!!! Tee hee (giggle)
@123 He’s probably been eating crayons and inhaling WD-40.
I’m going with eating WD-40 and inhaling crayons.
That looks like some pure unadulterated hillbilly gas huffing lunacy. But I’ll just have to take someone else’s word for it. No fucking way I’m reading any of it. When it looks like that it’s like a Mr. Yuck, Bio-hazard warning label. I just stay clear. You never know with those types. They might have a box cutter.
Really? Doctor Dumbfuck is “possibly a Cuban” is your defense of the indefensible of a person that has attended college and medical school and not be able to deduce what the responsibilities are of a United States citizen as implied in the U.S. Constitution? Wow. You make Puddy look smart. When other commenters deride you by calling you “Abigail”, all they are really doing is insulting Abigail Adams. From hence forth you should be called “Lucy” with the distinct Cuban-American accent from the sitcom character Ricky Ricardo.
@ 82 Mark on GE
You clearly know nothing about GE, specifically GE-Energy. GE has invested heavily in renewable energy development, they know the traditional energy sources are slowly going away. Two seconds of Google can get you this :
I can’t figure if it is ignorance or laziness, or both, on your part.
Poor roger senile idiot wabbit.
AS Puddy kicked your sorry ASS yesterday with The Gateway Pundit over libtard comments, this one today is speshul! WaPo reporter caught acting like a DUMMOCRETIN. His fingers were typing out their daily FAKE NEWS!
Hope you enjoyed it!
Two simple words will clear up your confusion:
Short Bus
Yowsers! There it goes again!
It’s like Michelle Bachman and Alex Jones had a Mongoloid love child and dumped the fetid afterbirth into a comment box.
That’s the best you can do Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom?
If you are not an elite country club loving FOOL then you must belong on the short bus!
Waytogo Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom
My Country Club
No child molesters allowed. You’ll just have to settle for cruising teens at your cult “worship” tomorrow, while Врач немой ебать works the local Dairy Queen.
@133 ” … Puddy kicked your sorry ASS yesterday … ”
Really? See @135.
@132 Is that why you moved your headquarters out of Connecticut? Did you happen to pay any corporate taxes this year? Even by accident? The Chinese are kicking your ass in renewables. And what was that little project involving a nuclear power plant you walked away from.
@131 Well back before the Civil War the citizen ship that counted was citizenship in the state you lived in or hailed from. Duties of Citizens came from the state constitutions. Doctors are not expected to be experts in political theory, but they do get to participate,. Political science is a soft science not a hard one. Different political scientists can read the same polls, and come to different conclusions. The fact Donald Trump is President makes political science at best a soft science. Unlike medical science where radiologists similarly situated should come to the same or nearly the same conclusions looking at the same x ray.
@132 Bet GE makes a hell of a lot more money in this industry than on renewables. They are big player in the industrial military complex. They are a corporation and exist to make money for their owners the stockholders. They do put out very nice brochures.
@108 How lawyerly of you. You knew perfectly well the question was not duties of the President but duties of any citizen. If those are the only two duties listed then statement is correct. Unless you are the poor unfortunate bastard who is President then gee you have two duties in the Constitution. Wow,
@92 I totally agree that is how at least the house is set up. Still voters prove election after election that incumbency is king.
@98 Picked yourself off the floor yet? Perhaps they are better oligarchs than we are? We are just jealous. While their conservatives want to bring Stalin back or hope Putin is the second coming of Stalin Putin has to survive elections. His regime is showing cracks and he is far from being Dictator of Russia, sure he’s got some of the levers in his hands but not all. His regime is showing it’s age, and there are challengers. Pussy Riot has not gone away, Putin has to deliver something to the Russian people otherwise he’s done. He’s not likely to do well the next election, and of course the US would never interfere in a Russian election, or could there be payback.
@99 How about the classified parts? Or the parts that make it difficult or impossible for citizens to challenge as the information they need to do a challenge is classified. And the government can neither confirm or deny information exists. And Judges have not pushed back. Still like statutes that get passed in the initial spasms of going to war eventually the courts get around to actually judging the laws. They do push back just takes awhile.
@101 Well she has a contender and since California has the same system we do it’s just possible there will be two Democrats running for the seat. That will cause some wave in California. If she’s not losing a little sleep maybe she should be, and she needs to actually start being a leader and lead. Cold be a break from Speaker could be what she really needs. No one expect Tom Foley to loose his seat.
@102 I’m doing something right as I got your goat. I do know the budget got passed and went to the Governor Inslee signed it, though I doubt very much he welded his veto pen on any line items in the 600 page bill. By the time he got the budget bill it was sign the thing or veto it entirely. He said he would sign already. The sausage is made, yea!
Carl, we have a budget. The Orca has landed.
@103 Your simile is totally silly. I was referring to Athenian juries that were quite large. IN Socrates case the jury was 501 Juries were selected from all male citizens 30 years of age o older who offered themselves on the iven day for service. The jurors would cast black or white stones. I do not know if there were men of different races on the jury or not, only they were men of Athens. Your simile falls apart. If you sought to accuse me of racism then you are a knave of a rabbit. Sometimes black and white is just that and all cats after midnight.
@!03 Yes there is institutional racism. Bravo. Of course only someone who is a racist would go there from what I was talking about. And someone who is an attorney should know better even if they retired. So what is your bar number?
And I expect you to give me your bar number or respond that you are not. Sop your either a liar, or dumb attorney.
@109 I recognize a SOB wanting a fight. I can give you one. That what you want we can go right to town, You are putting fighting words on here. We can fight or we can have coffee or you prefer whiskey.
@132 I know GE they have had plenty of cases like this. They remain right up there as a defense contractor. Guess it all boils down to the cost of doing business.
@141 I bought GE shares in 2009 for $6. What are they worth now, Mark? I don’t care whether they make washing machines or jet engines, as long as I make money.
@142 “Doctors are not expected to be experts in political theory, but they do get to participate,.”
Doctors who spout political nonsense also get to be ridiculed.
@142 “Unlike medical science where radiologists similarly situated should come to the same or nearly the same conclusions looking at the same x ray.”
You clearly don’t realize the practice of medicine is as much art as it is science. Any doctor will tell you that. For example, a treatment that works on 85% of the population may not work on the other 15%. That doesn’t mean anything’s wrong with the treatment, it simply means not all patients respond the same. And if you think diagnosing maladies is cut-and-dried, I invite you to try seeing back pain on an x-ray. As always, you are an idiot.
@144 “You knew perfectly well the question was not duties of the President but duties of any citizen.”
Because you made it perfectly clear that’s what you were asking, right? The context of your comment was questions on naturalization tests. So why wouldn’t I conclude you were commenting on what the Constitution says about the duties and powers of the various branches and offices of government?
@145 Of course, the fact the electoral process is manipulated by gerrymandering, creating “safe” districts, etc., has nothing to do with the fact people keep reelecting a Congress they claim to hate …
@146 Is Russia’s oligarchy something we should admire and aspire to?
I’ll believe Putin is “done” when he’s out of power. Meanwhile, he’s murdering journalists and opponents, and suppressing dissent, much the same as his Soviet predecessors did.
@147 A law is constitutional until a court having jurisdiction over a controversy affected by it rules that it isn’t.
@148 There have been other Democratic contenders in most of the primaries since 2008 and she has yet to get less than 70% of the total vote in those elections.
@149 “I’m doing something right as I got your goat.”
My pointing out that you don’t know what you’re talking about doesn’t equate with “getting my goat,” nor does it mean you’re doing anything right. And yes, the governor did exercise his line item veto power when signing this budget:
” Gov. Jay Inslee signed the budget, with a few line-item vetoes, …”
@150 “Your simile is totally silly.”
That’s easy for you to say if you’re white and not on the getting end of the racism in our policing and justice system.
A case from 1985? How many other companies have had this issue? Boeing? McDonnell Douglas, Nothrup Grumman, Halliburton, KBR… This list of scandals of defense contractors is as long as the military industrial complex.
Again, you know little about GE, however you do show promise that you can use Google.
Companies move headquarters all the time. Remember Boeing? They moved their headquarters. So what? GE started out in New York, clearly they moved headquarters before.
Corporate taxes, 1-800-cry-me-a-river. Good for GE, they utilized the tax code to their advantage. They have an army of tax attorneys and accountants to work the tax code to their legal advantage. I’m pretty sure this is the same tax code that Trump touted (and complained at the same time) that HRC Clinton and her friends used to their advantage. This is why we will never see true tax reform because why would the rich vote to take away their golden goose.
Here is a tip, better not fly on a 737, they all come equipped from the factory with GE engines and GE flight management computers, the often have a Honeywell EGPWS, those three massive defense contractors might just conspire to screw you over. Hint, two out of three moved their corporate headquarters and all three have a Jack Welch connection.
Keep playing Lucy.
@163 So RR since you brought this up unnecessarily and I’m already contemplating a complaint to the bar that you are practicing law without a license. Notice you have not given me a bar number.
You claim to have been an attorney who worked for the City of Seattle. (or do you mean KIng county?)
2. You maybe retired or semi retired.
3. You are acknowledging that attorneys use race as a way of determining who they want on a jury.
4. While you were an attorney you made such choices and during voir dire removed potential jurors from the pool, even if it would mean the defendant would not be judged by a jury of his or her peers.
5. You know of other attorneys in the office who still work there who select jurors based on their race.
You have at the very least used being an attorney as a way to bully people on the list. You have stated things which could e interpreted as advice to a lay man.
Now RR you want to talk or fight. Maybe I’m not as dumb as you think as I try not to make things too personal. I certainly have called dumb or stupid. Yu are perfectly capable of proving that yourself.
You have in the past clearly violated the list rules and think you are above them. Unless you are Goldie you should not be. It would be nice if Goldie would actually apply the list rules, but as he stated in 2007 it’s totally subjective though Carl and someone else can also apply the rules. Still you made comment in 2007 on his don’t feed the Trolls and you said you don’t count as Republicans suck. You have and have engaged in some very troll like behavior. I don’t have a problem if Goldy wants to take a hands off approach to folks on here, and it to be the wild wild west.
And for your information I do know that Radiologists do use science in what they do. If they are too sloppy or fail to use the science then they can lose their license to practice medicine. Sure like attorneys they have a professional organization that is sometimes overly reluctant to pull licenses from radiologists, which lets attorneys bring malpractice suits. Sure there is some gray area, but if a radiologist does not follow the proper procedure in doing an x-ray he or she is at risk of losing their medical license, just the same as when a physician or druggist administers the wrong drug and it kills a patient.
As far as political science goes an x-ray is far superior to the tools that are available to the political or social scientist.
@164 Well thank you for making my real point which is politicians of both parties are in GE and other large corporations pockets, and are beholden to them. It has always been the case that some politicians are friendly to business often they are Republicans. Now that is more and more true of Democrats. Who at least are supposed to be on the side of workers, the environment, anti-war. At least that was the Democratic brand more or less at one time. Liberals have some wiggle room because if you are an American today we are all liberals as we defeated the evil USSR and communist China has discovered capitalism. Leaving North Korea as the last true believers. Still the people on this list are presumable Progressives some with a big P and other a little p. Seems neither party is representing Progressives or the common man very well in these United States. You are just trying to cloud the issues here. Makes me think you could be a GE shill isn’t that against the rules here. Perhaps if you are a paid sill. Is that what you are a paid GE shill? Or you are just worried about the value of your GE shares in your portfolio (I do have a IRA and GE shows up there). If your are just a shill paid or not you should be kicked off the list, but in all fairness that would mean the list owner would have to do some work to determine you are what you are, and do the appropriate action, and Goldie and Carl just you are not worth the time and effort that would take. Journalism actually takes some work and balls after all.
This song is about you dude enjoy
and fuck you too.
Hey GE political contributions:
What GE admits to.
And they love their stockholders so much