I’ve been trying to cut down on my time on the Internet. Not a complete shut down, but just not faffing around. Anyway. Turns out that I am once again writing some nonsense from the bus rather than having written anything in advance. Sorry, but it might be better for me.
Too bad Cheech and Chong didn’t have your advice. But they might not have blown just air into the victim’s mouth…
Speaking of buses, a few Democrats aren’t about to let #CrookedHillary throw them under one without some pushback.
Democrats to Clinton: The DNC’s data was fine — you just used it wrong
And don’t miss this:
Despite her loss, the associate said, she was pleased to leave the party without a debt “and she turned over her email list and her data, something that Bernie Sanders did not do and has not done. Because we’ve got to have this in one place so people can utilize it.”
First, her data sucked. Her data told her not only not to go to Wisconsin, but also told her that Arizona was worth her time at a point when there was so little of it left.
Second, can anyone really blame Sanders for not turning over his data to the DNC, which might very well use it to give him a future butt-fucking similar to what the DWS-led DNC did in ’15 and ’16?
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Bradd Jaffy ✔ @BraddJaffy
Wow — tomorrow’s @NYDailyNews
View image on Twitter 16h
Nothing to “Wow” about if you’ve been around long enough.
NYDN used a variation at least as far back as 1975:
Last time I checked, NYC is still around and seems to be doing fairly well.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Nick Cassella @Nick_Cassella
Fuck you Rick.
Annnndddddd, another liberal signals his tank is empty.
“Crooked Hillary”, quite a joke when compared to the Trump crime family.
@ 5
In a world in which Trump raped a 13 year-old girl but Bill Clinton didn’t rape Juanita Broaddrick, I see your point.
Wasn’t the purpose of the ban to allow time to develop “extreme vetting”, whatever the heck that means? Wasn’t that supposed to be done within 120 days? Why isn’t that done so the ban is no longer necessary? Or was it really just about the headlines?
OOOPS! Sorry. The lat post was supposed to comment on a Lifehacker post. I’ll try to wake up before posting in the future.
I could do without that greeter. YLB thinks that dude works way too hard, anyway.
Serving Customers in New Ways: Walmart Begins Testing Associate Delivery
Walmart has strength in numbers with 4,700 stores across the U.S. and more than a million associates. Our stores put us within 10 miles of 90% of the U.S. population. Now imagine all the routes our associates drive to and from work and the houses they pass along the way. It’s easy to see why this test could be a game-changer.
We’re starting small with three test stores – two in New Jersey and one in northwest Arkansas – but the response from associates and customers has been great. Many orders are being delivered the next day, and associates love having the option to earn more cash while doing something that’s already part of their daily routine.
Soon they’ll be pouring the BlueDEF into the tank, too.
“In a world in which Trump raped a 13 year-old girl but Bill Clinton didn’t rape Juanita Broaddrick, I see your point.”
I’d think by now you’d be as tired of your bullshit as I am. For decades we’ve lived in a world in which baseless accusations have flown in from the right as though they came from an alternate universe. Hillary and her space baby murdered Vince Foster. Fine. So now Trump has raped a 13 year-old, all Republicans fuck goats and you’re a fucking traitor. How stupid are you? Don’t you know it’s all true?
So you don’t like the world you live in, the one which you helped create? It bothers you now that the world is one in which lies are truth and truth is lies? Tough shit. You helped build this world. Live with it and STFU.
Payback is a bitch, you fucking traitor.
@ 10
Payback is a bitch, you fucking traitor.
Funny you should mention that, Steve.
The DJIA, S&P500, and NASDAQ indices each touched all-time highs today.
Or, as Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit will tell you after he’s done re-re-re-re-re-using his catheter, “Major market indices are off their highs as a result of Trump’s…”
Paging Doctor Dumbfuck. Paging Doctor Dumbfuck.
Clean-up at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
How stupid are you?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder…..same can be said for stupidity….let Boob behold his fucking Stupidity.
“The DJIA, S&P500, and NASDAQ indices each touched all-time highs today.”
Where the fuck have you been? Just wake up after a twenty year slumber? Hell, the indices did that when First Lady Hillary Clinton and her space baby were on a murder spree and when a Kenyan usurper was president. Now it happens when a treasonous Russian stooge is president. Your point is what?
Let’s see – Drumpf likes to make ties and hats in china (because the other stuff is probably too complicated to manage for this Hillbilly and the other Hillbillies) with cheap Chinese labor. Even to the point where mystery surrounds people who investigate bad labor practices who involve his interests.
So why not give China more shit to do and just invest with the Chinese. Why make America great again (LONG LIVE IRELAND! – TRUE HOME OF THE FREE AND THE BRAVE).
That a boy Drumpfie.
Keep up the good work – this economy will be humming along bigly soon.
@ 14
Your point is what?
My point is that payback seems not to be occurring.
Steve, ya gotta go full Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. “Liberals must arm.”
Payback won’t come until the pitchforks come out. Meanwhile, throw another Delmonico on the grill for me, will ya, Steve?
Politics can only have a temporary effect on the stock market. What matters is earnings and increasing those earnings.
Well past time for Jimmah to Eat A Peach.
The HillVerified account @thehill 37m37 minutes ago
Jimmy Carter to attend rock star Gregg Allman’s funeral http://hill.cm/PUrB32s
A sitting president of the United States and his grown children and the First Lady are personally, I feel, personally trying to ruin my life forever. Forever,” she said.
“Mom, the whole thing started when he hit me back.”
Steve, ya gotta go full Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. “Liberals must arm.”
Actually, I was first armed at age 17 when I was playing in black night clubs, a sawed off at both ends Stevens 12 Gauge that fit nicely under my sports coat. I made a quick-release holster out of a bicycle inner-tube. One night a black guy came up to me during a break and pulled his jacket back to reveal a snub-nosed S&W .38 in a shoulder holster as though to intimidate me. I gave him the eye as I pulled my jacket back and showed him my shotgun. Not a word passed between us, but you should have seen the look on his face when he saw what I was carrying. He turned and walked away, probably thinking he needed a bigger gun. Never saw him again. These days I have a Detonics .451 magnum.
@ 21
These days I have a Detonics .451 magnum.
Yeah, it’s always the least-hung dudes who drive the biggest trucks, too.
You were probably the guy who added the word “inch” to this decal back in the late 70s.
Lisa Bloom ✔ @LisaBloom
Proud to announce that I represent Kathy Griffin. We will be holding a press conference tomorrow morning. Here’s the details.
5:15 PM – 1 Jun 2017
In other news, Murphy Brown has called a press conference to defend herself against Vice President Quayle’s criticism of her very publicly arrived upon decision to be an unwed mother.
“Yeah, it’s always the least-hung dudes who drive the biggest trucks, too.”
Me and my little Mazda PU are flattered, I’m sure.
In other news, DR DUMBFUCK attempts a successful colonoscopy at home, but now has head stuck up ass, butt dials 911.
Film at 11:00…
Long Live Ireland. True home of the Free and the Brave, where they don’t blow Russians.
What’s funnier than Griffin tearfully claiming it was Trump and not she who footed that own-goal against herself?
RAQQA, Syria — The self-proclaimed Islamic State has issued a statement condemning self-proclaimed comedian Kathy Griffin, accusing her of “cultural appropriation” after she posed for a photograph with a mock severed head of President Donald Trump.
The group, which has been protective of its brand ever since taking over vast swaths of Iraq and Syria and establishing itself as the premier beheading agency in the Middle East, said it was deeply disturbed by Griffin’s “ignorant and offensive” use of a “sacred Islamic State tradition.”
“This is just another example of a privileged white woman culturally appropriating the proud custom of a marginalized people. Beheadings are our thing, not your thing,” said the statement, which was released on Telegram.
Read more: http://www.duffelblog.com/2017.....z4isqAGEmT
@27 I do hope you know that’s satire. The site does have some funny stuff on it.
Satire? Really, Steve?
So’s this guy: @SeanSpicier
Kathy Griffin made an ass of herself. Not by doing that stupid stunt with the fake severed head of Trump, but by claiming she’s the victim of Trump. What pure, unmitigated gall!
That’s like going to one of the Indian casinos, putting your entire life savings down on red at the roulette table, losing it all, and then blaming your freshman stats professor because he or she didn’t explain risk/reward in gambling, especially when it comes to roulette.
What an ass for the ages! Her career is finished. Hope she put away some retirement money because she’s gonna need it!
“Satire? Really, Steve?”
With writers with names like Lee Ho Fuk, Saltysam and Dick Scuttlebutt, and articles like “Sean Spicer begs Navy Reserve for multi-year deployment to anywhere remote” and “45 dead after oxygen sucked out of room during Pentagon planning session”, yeah, it might be satire.
Lee Ho Fuk
Wrong again shitstain steve… It’s Ho Lee Fuk! Friend of the horsesASS!
Kathy Griffin, the bully, is now claiming what again? What a train wreck!
Gloria Allred wasn’t available so get the daughter Lisa Bloom!
Ho Lee Fuk! The loon is back and he’s bringing the hate!
So scanning today’s updates, it occurs to me, it no longer matters what went on with the contacts between Trump’s chumps and the Russians. The Russians now have what they wanted, the ability to threaten Trump. They can now put out whatever story they want, and it’s their word against trumpsters. Who is more believable, or believable at all?
I hope great Britain doesn’t close their borders just because of a few stab wombs
Carl Ballad and all of you the computer is your friend! The internet is your friend!
@7 Actually this is where the whole ban thing was headed once challenged in court and a Federal judge in Seattle turned prior court rulings on their heads, basing his ruling on dicta in a previous case. Where in the past the court has ruled the President can refuse members of a religion admittance tot he United States. Just as the President can refuse admittance to Japanese citizens when we go to at with them, and it’s ok to throw Japanese Americans into camps. Oh that part we meant all those German and Italians too, but only a few hundred of them. Mostly embassy personnel stuck in the US at the beginning of the war and some others with some (weak in some cases) belief they were actually spies.
Lets not speak about the fact that their former white neighbors of these Japanese citizens profited from the Japanese removal from the west coast. Guess that could be some of us on here. Not me though I’m not a native North westerner. Of course that means a region facing it’s own racism that was often more focused on Native American’s and Asians than African American’s.
@10 Actually we live in a world that sometime in the past our lawmakers have decided to infantilize teenagers. In great part this was to combat child labor and a good fight that Progressives fought. Still in that previous world 13 year olds could choose to have sex and marry. They were considered adults. This bias is in the bible, but most cultures have considered 13 year olds adults and may have more to do with biology. After all if your on the Savannah in your band of hunter gatherers with a life expectancy of 25 maybe 13 is the right age to get knocked up, and biology, and using the theories of Darwin supports this view, and our legislators who did not use science, but the Christian view on virginity placed this above all so you two and others on here can have this finger pointing bull shit rather than discuss the actual policies. Perhaps even using science and facts to change our policies in a post pill world to allow the downtrodden female sex to enjoy the fruits of science and control their own bodies as they wish. If they wish to be a baby factory at a young age they can,. If they just want to enjoy sex at a young age they can,. If they come from a faith that values virginity well they can go down that road too, For us guys well we can be the Randy Dandies that most of us have always been. There are a lot more of us who are like St Augustine as young men (the things he did at 13 or 14 would make you blush) than our supposed current batch of male teens who must all be Eagle Scouts of the highest caliber, if what you all are saying is true.
The truth is there is more truth in the comedy of Mel Books as in I do it, You do it, we like to do it, so do it. Than in some of the crap on this list, and how our laws may not be working to make our society what we desire and want out of our social contract. I want to be a Randy Dandy and find women who also want to be Randy and Dandy. If some of you ant something different well please speak up.
@12 There is always cleanup at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, especially after that one time the British stopped by and had a party, that was short lived. Mother nature kicked their butts (not the Irish or even us Americans). Each and every occupant would rather you not notice that clean up is needed or constantly occurring, or what is even done in the White House. Then there was President Jackson and he was a jackass extraordinaire.
@15 Well none of those 1 billion Chinese do one key thing. None of them are voters here. China is not going to be the lion of fighting climate change. Nicaragua is and it refused to join because most of the partners in the accord are unwilling to approach climate change with the effort that is truly needed. Nicaragua is on pace to have 90 percent of it’s energy through renewables. It’s geographically lucky, but China is not about to go for such a goal, and it’s current numbers it’s reporting may not be accurate and the Chinese maybe out rightly lying. It’s difficult to verify any of their economic numbers as they are not a Capitalistic system, as they are still a Communist System that exists solely for the Chinese Communist Party. So if you invest in China please make sure your party membership is paid up.
@16 And still low inflation which runs against economic theory. Well the 10 percent are doing well. Wonder how much of any income growth is going to that 10%. Wonder why they want low taxes on that 10%. Well no Roosevelt in sight to tell those folks you all can live on a couple hundred grand a year and the rest of your income is taxable as 200 grand is all you need., If Trump gets us into a war with China or even North Korea and him being a businessman may well be able to tell the 10 percent this. Bet they are dreading more Korean missile, and atomic tests. They really ought to bribe the current leader of North Korea. Then again the guy may actually believe in the grandeur of the peoples struggle against Capitalist Americans.
@18 Lee has anyone told you that you are dead. So are you the ghost in the machine? Ummm Goldy you a dead person on here. Hey Lee did you vote in the last election?
Is this Zombie Land and not Horses Ass?
@21 Are yo sure you were in the right kind of club? Sounds like you all were engaged in showing off who had the bigger penis. Of course you had the potential of being most embarrassed if things had gone sideways and you missed the guy. Guy in Portland recently demonstrated the utility of a 3 and a half inch folding knife. Knives do require you to get up close and personal though. Not the best choice when going to the Ok Corral. Still the Magnificent Seven (original) has a guy into knives.
@23 That was a fun one. The VP took on a fictional character who was easily able to have a baby, to speak about the epidemic of in wed mothers who were on welfare. How did that work out? The show ran it’s course, and we still have the underlying issues. LIke sex, the pill, abortion, unwed mothers, wed mothers, people wanting to live their lives without the government in the bedroom, ect.
So what does some woman doing a joke that it appears she is delivering a head to Attila the Hun. So far I’ve missed the punch line to the joke. Don’t suppose she has had a visit from the Secret Service in which case she may need the attorney. Could be an interesting case n Federal Court.
@25 Those guys in the responder trucks run into this all the time. It’s not news at all, though they talk about such things after work, and it’s truly amazing what they find stuck up someone’s butt at home. Then there are the drug smugglers who swallow condom filled packs of cocaine to get through airports,. They especially like to shot guy a number of mules through at one time. Hoping one or two get through. So if your using cocaine do you want to know where your cocaine has been? Probably not.