I’m a slow reader. So it’s no bad mark against What Happened to say that I’m only about half way through. It’s still a mix of beautiful, funny, and harrowing. I guess Hillary Clinton had prerecorded a bit on the Grammys. According to parts of my Twitter, she was the worst for just showing up. I mostly feel sorry for people who think that, honestly. Hillary hate and misogyny mean you’re missing out.
It’s like the cut of the new Star Wars movie without the women. It seems like a terrible film: (minor spoilers) Kylo mostly talks to himself, sometimes shirtless. Then he gets into a fight and stares at a light saber that’s inexplicably floating. Luke tries to burn down a tree, after living alone for too long, and watching rocks fall. At some point they face off, and it helps like 5 people. Also, there’s a mutiny: Against who? How does it get resolved? Nobody knows.
Working for Hillary, OTOH, might mean you don’t have to miss out.
There’s no need to react to this email… Don’t want you jumping at me :) I’m thinking about you… Mercy I hope you’re having a good evening… I haven’t met anyone as amazing as you are in a very long time… And its [sic] ALL of you that’s amazing… The whole package [name redacted]. You have an internal and external poise and beauty that is so compelling. People are better off for knowing you. I count myself at the top of that list. You bring so much more into a relationship than I ever could… Look, I can’t type as much as I’d like on this bb. And you don’t want to hear it all… And you likely don’t benefit that much from what I have to say… I just want you to understand how valuable you are in the lives of people who encounter you and that its [sic] all of you that makes you that way… I hope you understand what I’m saying… You’re filling my mind tonight so I needed to share.
Hope, Joy, Celebration
This is the guy Hillary asked not to be fired for his unwelcome advances on a woman.
You’re filling my mind this morning, HA libbies, so I needed to share.
The best part of “What Happened” is that Hillary Clinton lost. Trump isn’t my choice and I didn’t vote for him, but I really, really didn’t like Hillary.
“The presidency’s in the bag?”
If Hillary were President, the #MeToo movement would not exist.
– Ann Althouse
Looks like the horse finally let Bob free after all the weekend activities.
2 – Hillary Clinton lost because she’s Hillary Clinton.
Yesterday FBI Director Wray read the Nunes memo.
Today McCabe’s gone.
Let the investigation go forward. If something wrong is found, the then House of Representatives can impeach Trump, and the Senate can try him.
Best to get this all over with by the end of the Summer. Justice delayed is justice denied.
We will see what we will see.
Stuff I’m reading links McCabe’s removal to the IG report and not the Nunes memo.
Which would be even better. Unless you’re a Democrat.
Remember, Clinton crony McAuliffe funneled $700,000 to the failed political campaign of McCabe’s wife.
Not a good day for y’all HA libbies.
It was always McCabe’s plan to be removed and hustled out of the building in disgrace.
Gotta love the NBC spin.
Tom Winter
NBC News: Multiple U.S. officials say that FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe is stepping down from his post today and taking “terminal leave” meaning that he will stay on until his retirement in March (that was always his plan) so he can receive full retirement benefits.
9:31 AM – Jan 29, 2018
That brings up government retirement systems. Defined benefit programs are no longer feasible, and we should convert those plans to defined contribution plans, like the 401-k plans so prevalent in the private sector. Government workers should experience the same financial risks as the private sector when it comes to retirement planning. They are not “special” or exempt from the machinations of life. In fact, most people are starting to realize government workers have a pretty good deal working for government.
As for the politicians, they should also be converted to defined contribution plans so they experience the same financial woes as the people they represent. In general, those folks who are on the government payroll have gotten a little arrogant and elitist over the past few decades, and it’s time to bring them back to reality. They are no more “special” or “superior” to anyone else living is this country.
@ 12
They are not “special” or exempt from the machinations of life.
Um, yes they are. Why else would they be treated so differently than the rest of us?
Bot harder, trolls!
@ 14
1. The polling period ended January 23. It was signed into law Dec 22. Three Federal holidays in that period of time. And a lot of announcements about wage increases and bonuses since the polling period ended.
2. Two percent, annualized, is a quarter of US adults.
3. You forgot to report on how many had their taxes cut.
Armageddon is apparently defined as tax cuts and raises and/or bonuses for workers. That’s for the clarification, Leader Pelosi.
How bad a day for Democrats is this turing out to be?
Well, for starters, this
Corrine Brown reports to prison
Former Democratic Rep. Corrine Brown surrendered to federal officials in Sumter County Monday, marking the official beginning of her five-year prison sentence.
The disgraced former Congresswoman was convicted in late 2017 on charges related to a sham charity for poor students from which she siphoned donations — lining her own pockets in the process.
is far from their worst news of the day.
Yabbut only a couple of million Americans got raises, bonuses, and/or benefits in the first three weeks of the year, so clearly the GOP is headed on a course for disaster.
Denial is amazing.
I’m sure there are people out there who think McCabe leaving it’s just a coincidence for getting rid of a secret society funny how the guy Trump has been railing about for a week suddenly disappears because “they are bringing in their own team.”
Yeah that’s gonna play well to voters not like it’s a loyalty purge or anything like that. I’m sure if we look hard enough will find someone on this board who believes that.Probably the same kind of person who thinks the person who didn’t win the presidency and didn’t fuck a porn star is newsworthy.
@ 17
Name me one porn star with the ability to get it up for Hillary Clinton.
Australian PM:
PRIME Minister Malcolm Turnbull has praised US President Donald Trump for delivering economic leadership around the world.
He pointed to a recent for Monetary Fund report which said the American tax cuts was lifting the world economy.
“Donald Trump is delivering on economic leadership,” he said.
So much for that supposed awkward initial phone conversation between the PM and Trump.
Not a good day, at all, for Democrats.
Feels very weak. Having to make excuses already. But at least you’re trying, comrade. Glorious Leader Putin is depending on you!
McCabe told family and colleagues this was his intention last fall. Under civil service rules he had to wait until this week for his accrued flex time and comp to run until his full retirement vests in March. The WH and Trumpanzees in Congress knew all this by November of last year. So all of the BENGHAZI! shrieking in the last four weeks was a bit like DEMANDING that the sun should rise.
@2 “Hillary Clinton lost. Trump isn’t my choice and I didn’t vote for him, but I really, really didn’t like Hillary.”
In other words, even though you didn’t vote to put Trump in, you didn’t vote to keep him out because you’d rather have him than Hillary in there, and now you’re claiming to be innocent of everything that Trump has visited on us. You’re no more innocent than a bystander who sees a woman being raped and doesn’t call the police. Fuck you.
At 19
It would be helpful to know something about AUS politics.
Malcom Turnbull is in a fight to keep his job. The most recent approval rating among Ausralian Voters is Approve 41% Disapprove 44%
Of course Australia being a Parliamentary Democracy the Liberal (conservative) party could lose some seats and cobble together a coalition with Turnbull still as PM. But so could Labor if they gain a few seats. Australia’s green party is likely to gain seats as well which won’t be helpful to any thought of a Liberal coalition.
Turnbull is required to call an election as early as August but no Later than May 2019.
You know who else thinks Trump is issuing in a great new era of economics? Xi Jinping
Internet comment threads about the Cleaveland Indians today are wonderful source of outpouring of goodwill toward all man and peace on earth
Demorat Victory News – Your bad news just got worse, Demorats. First Wray reads the FISA memo and boots McCabe;
Snip –
McCabe’s departure has been expected for months. ABC News reported last year that McCabe planned to retire in March 2018, when he becomes fully eligible for pension benefits.
His early departure also comes just a day after FBI Director Christopher Wray reviewed a memo drafted by House Intelligence Committee staffers that reportedly details FBI abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), in connection with its investigation of the 2016 presidential election.
Now another Mueller crook is busted;
BREAKING: Congress Investigating Mueller ‘Pitbull’ Andrew Weissmann For Media Leaks
Snip –
Paul Sperry of the New York Post reported, “BREAKING: Congress investigating Mueller “pit bull” investigator Andrew Weissmann for media leaks. Weissmann held April 11 private presser w major media–week before CNN, WaPo,NYT reported FISA on Page bolstered by dossier”
Now you know why Trump hasn’t fired Mueller, it’s a sting operation.
With McCabe out, my guess is that things don’t go a whole lot further than this.
McCabe is the FBI’s Lois Lerner.
Just your standard GOP competence in the era of 45.
“State of the Uniom”
Independent Counsel.
Stil on the job Only recused AG can do anything about that. Self inflicted wounds piling up.
She was awful. Truly, truly awful.
“So she overruled you personally?” CNN’s Brianna Keilar asked. At this point, there was a long pause and Doyle repeated, “I was overruled, yes.” Asked about the reasoning for that decision, Doyle refused to say. “You know, I really don’t want to divulge, you know, my private conversations or my private counsel to Hillary Clinton.”
It’s OK. We’ll wait for your book to come out, once everyone abandons Hillary the way they abandoned Weinstein.
Yabbut it wasn’t invested in the first 23 days of 2018 @ 14 so it doesn’t count, amirite?
Exxon Mobil to invest $50 billion in US over 5 years, citing tax reform
“These positive developments will mean more jobs and economic expansion across the United States in a myriad of industries.”
As part of the investment, Exxon plans to increase production in the Permian basin, a shale oil region in western Texas and eastern New Mexico where the low cost of production has attracted drillers. Exxon said it will expand its operations, make improvements to infrastructure and construct manufacturing sites, activities that it expects will generate thousands of new jobs.
Exxon doubled its holdings in the Permian last year through the acquisition of companies owned by the Bass family. The $5.6 billion acquisition ranked as the second largest deal in the U.S. oil and gas exploration and production space…
That bot account almost never posts without accompanying it with protestations of innocence.
I wouldn’t believe them even if they weren’t fake accounts purchased and curated by Russian FSB.
To the contrary Bob – I had a great day today.
Looks like your day was wonderful – sitting in your underware, posting here, while the wife plays with the horse.
“It would be helpful to know something about AUS politics.”
Actually it might be helpful if he knew anything at all. He’s never really right about anything and needs a washing machine to turn out his sentences.
@18 every_single_one_of_them.
they are paid to do a job and that job is to have sex. pay them enough money and each and every one of them would have it “up” for Mrs. Clinton.
and yes, you are a fucking treasonous idiot.
During the campaign at least 25 secret meetings between Russian government/ FSB affiliated individuals and at least 8 different Fuckface campaign officials, from the campaign manager to “the coffee boy” (aren’t they all?).
How many of those people later lied about those meetings when questions arose? All of them. How many of them lied under oath? At least five of the eight so far.
Did Russia lend a hand? Sure. Everyone admits it. Even Fuckface.
Did it payoff for Russia? Sure, at least a little. Putin is certainly better off with Fuckface than anyone else in the WH. And Fuckface has continued to go to bat for him, trying to get the sanctions removed, delaying all the new sanctions, and blocking them administratively. But Putin probably has himself to blame for that. He was too obvious. And he probably knows it. But there’s still plenty of time. And Fuckface hasn’t yet given up on dropping sanctions.
Why would anyone want to go to one of these shithole places.
People – you get get wet and dance in NYC. WTF are you doing?
The Nazis are coming. Get ready.
@35 Buddy I’m with you. But you have to do more than just that. Start to realize that the Nazis are coming. Get ready. Words alone aren’t going to cut it.
And Bob wants to know if libbies are having a bad day. Bob, get ready for real bad days to come.
Wednesday I have to go to a Project near by. Hopefully the Trump Rat is still there. A Kodak moment.
Even the Commie News Network has a play here about ex-FBI director Andrew McCabe… https://twitter.com/CNNPolitics/status/958120581853007872
Apparently you HA DUMMOCRETIN got it wrong again. Remember how flat beer froth claimed from the NY Slimes article last week that Trump was pressuing McCabe? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! It was the OIG report!
Sux to be so wrong for so long. Even changing its name doesn’t excuse itself for being wrong again!
Till Next Time!
Here’s more Commie News Network news… https://twitter.com/jayrosen_nyu/status/958029980566478848
CNN Jeffrey Toobin frets he was too tough on #CrookedHillary!
Till Next Time!
Wasn’t it amazing with all the Harvey Weinstein and friends harassment crapola in Hollyweird, men took the honors? https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/music/2018/01/29/grammys-president-women-need-step-up-after-men-sweep-years-awards/1073927001/
It’s in the USA Today so it’s hate right shitstain steve?
Till Next Time!
So Crazy Bernie could not dictate the questions so he runs? Really?
Of course this too is hate, right shitstain steve?
Till Next Time!
Soooooooooooooooooooo, now we know Obummer received email from the private Clinton email server. Hmmm… didn’t we learn from Obummer in 2016 he didn’t know anything about it?
Till Next Time!
They ought to give the “Movement” a name……like how about “The Nazi Movement”
“Names of campaign donors to be flashed during live stream of Trump’s State of the Union speech.”
““This is a movement,” the solicitation says. “It’s not about just one of us. It’s about ALL of us. Which is why your name deserves to be displayed during Tuesday night’s speech.” ”
The Nazis are coming.
Finally a NY Slimes editorial that is unique. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/29/opinion/nikki-haley-slutshaming-clinton-grammys.html
— When Matt Lauer subjected Hillary Clinton to a harsh interview, within 24 hours it was common knowledge that it was evidence of misogyny. But when Nikki Haley is smeared with the most base, sexist lie, it’s met with little more than a collective shrug. —
DAYUM Right, this is hateful shitstain steve! Hateful to Nikki Haley!
Till Next Time!
Take a look at the woman walking buy the Robot. She looks so happy not having to work anymore. And look how busy the street looks…….well not, probably because all the other humans are dead.
Sooooooooo we’re back to Nazi calling eh hapless hanging human tea bag licker?
Till Next Time!
Sooooooooo we’re back to Nazi calling eh hapless hanging human tea bag licker?
Till Next Time!
@47 when did they let you out?
@48 again, when did they let you out?
Yours truly,
HHHTBL the Communist
By the way why the hanging? Don’t tea bags soak. You don’t use the word hanging out of some suggestion? Ohhhh my, say it isn’t so. Love you honey….kisses.
Did you HA DUMMOCRETIN libtards see Patti Solis Doyle, #CrookedHillary’s campaign manager during 2008, admit on CNN that #CrookedHillary overruled her want of firing the campaign woman harasser? https://hotair.com/archives/2018/01/29/clintons-former-campaign-manager-overruled-decision-fire-burns-strider/
AMAZING. Such woman hatred eh shitstain steve?
Till Next Time!
Looks like we are going to see the memo!
Till Next Time!
By the way why the hanging? Don’t tea bags soak
You soak hanging human tea bags before their use?
Till Next Time!
OMG! The loon is really bringing the HATE! I declare this thread to be officially soiled!
Oh, and I see the Chrome-challenged loon gave us a double post head explosion of HATE @47,48. Sweet!
Attention! Attention! It’s not “Nazi-calling” when one is addressing an actual Nazi. Sorry, Godwin does not apply.
Sucks to be the hate-filled Nazi loon!
@6 Hillary Clinton lost because Trump voters are dumbasses. You can’t justify voting for someone of his character, temperament, and absence of experience and qualifications — no matter who the alternative is.
What happened to those Carrier jobs?
What are the “consequences” for Carrier? mmmmm?
A tax cut?
“The Memo.”
This one should be filled with factual information. Yesiree!
Obviously Republicans don’t support the police when they’re the ones being investigated.
Rats. Fire. Ship.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So far, as this article points out, 44 Republican representatives including 8 committee chairs have decided they don’t want to be re-elected.
I know I screwed up when I said walking “buy” instead of “by”, above in one of my comments.
But Puddy you are supposed to be smarter than me.
“You soak hanging human tea bags before their use?” Their? Their use?
@12 Tom or whoever you really are you bring up some points only you leave one large factor out. The reason government retirement is so good is because government workers are generally paid considerable less than they should be. Sure at the upper ranks they do well, but three, four and five star admirals and generals get a pay raise when they go over to the private side. Our best and brightest are not attacked to being teachers, soldiers, foreign service , ect, they become lawyers and MBA.s and this costs us socially, and financially. It’s a system where the Governor of Washington state is not the highest paid public employee, The highest paid is a college football coach. Who is the exception and not the rule. As most public employees are not paid what they should be. |And many really are among the best and brightest, and choose public service over self. Now if you want to also do all your saying on the retirement side, are you going to support increasing pay on the front side. For most public employees it’s only the retirement that in the long run keeps them at their desk. Take away their sure retirement (and since it’s working for the government it cannot be as risky as the private sector) then you hit the rank and file hard and you can’t keep them around as they will go to the private sector. Especially if the revolving door is kept wide open in your plans. You did not mention shutting that door, which you should have mentioned. Whether or not you are a conservative or liberal, anyone who wants good government should insist that insidious door be closed, or at least changed to a turn stile that some type of token must be used at.
Unfortunately our lawmakers and taxpayers are not willing to pay at the front end, so they offer generous retirement benefits. Your suggestions will not save money, and they could increase federal, state and local budgets, particularly if government workers insist on being paid what they are worth. Of course you being a slave owner might have a different opinion on what they are worth, and think them merely wage slaves, they may beg to differ.
@13 Since most are millionaires these days I suppose it’s whether you believe the rich are different like in the “Great Gatsby” or they are like you and I only with more money.
These kind of questions used to concern democrats, not so much anymore.
@14 A lot of people are not very chatty when it comes to what they are being paid, or if they got a pay raise. And since we are only a month into 2018, I doubt many medium and small business have digested the tax changes enough to decide whether to raise wages, and it may take a bit of effort on the workers part to keep the owners of capital honest. Maybe like in late February or March one might want to have that discussion with your employer.
Trumpies being asswipes.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Next time these racist fucks ask a Native American if he’s “illegal,” just show ’em this:
@18 there are suggestions it would not have to be a male porn star to satisfy Hilliary Clinton. She may go both ways. She could have been our first official bi President. Anything on that subject in her book, Carl? Any mention of porn stars? Cigars?
@64 Yep, that’s gotta be it, all those folks are getting pay raises and lying about it. And you wonder why we think you’re … never mind.
@19 Some are describing the President as the star of that uppity meeting in Switzerland, and Melania was a hit. Though there was plenty of snow. Probably some comments from participants about global warming while pointing at the record snow.
@21 Guess they won’t have to say don’t let the door hit you in the ass? This is normal though a little late in the process for when the WH transitions to a new administration, especially when the other party takes over. There are certainly suggestions the former WH overstepped its authority and used Americas spy agencies to spy on the opposition party, rather Putin like, so it appears President Obama received some lessons from some dictator or oligarch out there, could be he followed Putin’s note book for leaders who crush it, and are a hit in gay bookstores in unauthorized colanders. Not a lot of support for Pussy Riot in some gay places because of that bare shirted man on a horse photo. Putin ha a bit of knack for creating an image or a real good publicist.
And he like Siberian tigers, so Putin is not all bad in my book.
@22 If he voted here in Washington state which presumable he did, because this is a politics in Washington state blog or the Pacific Northwest, it doesn’t matter as his vote for or against was wasted once Hillliary got the most votes and got the states electoral collage votes. Yes there was a bit of contention on a couple of those votes, but no matter who he voted for anywhere on the continental west coast it was Hilliary Clinton who got the electoral collage votes, and everyone knew she would get those votes once she was nominated, rather boring election here after the Democratic convention. A few congressional races got more coverage. and frankly the whole west coast was take for granted and did not matter. At least Trump visited and did more than just fund raise. And frankly just for that reason the next Presidential election will be a big yawn after the Democratic convention. Good for the Democrats, but not so for the citizens of Washington state and the west coast. (I would say the same things if I were in Iowa about the Republicans.) I would rather see competitive elections here where neither party dominates, but that is not the pattern, though it usually takes a great depression to really turn things upside down here. That was when Washington went from being Republican to Democrat, and has stayed generally Democratic except for some competitive elections in the 50’s and 70’s.
@23 And the Australians remember WWII and China is acting much like Imperial Japan did, and their economic policy resembles the Japanese plan. Britain is not what it once was, so a PM from either of Australia’s major parties may be inclined to say nice things about Trump. The fact the Japanese actually bombed and invaded Australia is not known by many Americans. The Aussies clearly would prefer to play ball with the US and not China.
@24 It’s baseball. And its all rather silly, as it doesn’t work both ways. There is a football team called the Vikings, and it appropriates blond helmet wearing dudes with beards, and that is flat racist to people of Nordic descent and overlooks that Vikings are marauders and are not representative of that culture, just a subset of that cultures warriors who were murderous berserkers.
We have the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame. The Buccaners. The Pirates. The Cowboys, ect that are insulting and degrading to some group of people. Yet no griping from anyone on this group about that and what a wonderful day it would be if the Fighting Irish mascot were no more it is not representative of Celtic culture. They should be the Druids or the Tree Huggers.
@34 It’s also why they have a loli pop girl on the set to help out if things are a bit limp.
@41 It’s always fun where an event that is celebrating meritocracy runs into politics. There is always politics in these things, and money, but still for the award to have any meaning it has be awarded to someone deserving, and that means a least a veneer that the awards are given for talent, and are deserving. Which means the results one year may not reflect diversity.
@42 Of course the independent is not playing by the normal rules of the game. It’s entirely normal for a politician not to talk about another family member running for office, and if they do it’s not going to amount to much. No politician is going to talk about a family member who is under investigation or even an employee who is under investigation. Aside from the politics it opens up legal issues, as he has been told not to talk to the press by his spouses attorney or even whoever is running the investigation or even a judge. So the reporter is not going to get much of a response or a short terse response of can’t talk about it. Also it’s just a weekly, so a sitting Senator is not beholden to give them a independent interview. So not much egg of Sanders face, certainly not the crises of transparency that Puddy is trying to set up.
@42 Of course the independent is not playing by the normal rules of the game. It’s entirely normal for a politician not to talk about another family member running for office, and if they do it’s not going to amount to much. No politician is going to talk about a family member who is under investigation or even an employee who is under investigation. Aside from the politics it opens up legal issues, as he has been told not to talk to the press by his spouses attorney or even whoever is running the investigation or even a judge. So the reporter is not going to get much of a response or a short terse response of can’t talk about it. Also it’s just a weekly, so a sitting Senator is not beholden to give them a independent interview. So not much egg of Sanders face, certainly not the crises of transparency that Puddy is trying to set up.
@54 Umm you have to address actual NAZI’s in German. Actual NAZI’s are that nationality. All the others are well fake NAZI’s or wannabe NAZI’s that todays Germany would never allow to be citizens.
@59 The FBI and the Justice Department are not the police, and Congress is the only entity that can investigate either, turns out Congress is doing its job under the Constitution. You know that document that says three branches and they are separate and equal. And Congress provided the money that pays the bills, so you better keep Congress happy. Do you really need a primer on how things really work in DC?
@60 Good, though most expect they will be replaced by another Republican. I hope 44 Democratic house members would do the same. Sweep out some of the dead wood in Congress.
@67 Unfortunately some people do lie about getting a pay raise, often it’s to another place they have applied for a job, keep mom happy. People do lie about other things than sex.
While it maybe that you are just a party hack trying to get your talking points in, and you are going to repeat them as often as possible, you are doing it just way too early to be effective talking points. There are clearly some corporations that are happy about the tax bill, and they are putting some green in their employee’s wallets. Still it’s going to be six months before it will be known if a lot of working people got a pay raise. Or will get one. It takes a bit of time to repatriate the money and put it to work, or to buy back stock. Which may make your stock portfolio grow, and you generally buy and hold, so no workers helped or harmed, but other people are going to take the opportunity to sell stock back, and some of that money may go for another purpose, or for a business, or a new car.
Any economists are going to tell anyone who will listen that there is no way to know whether their predictions are correct for some months, or much of a boondoggle or success the tax cuts are. Yes it maybe a surprise that the tax cuts create three or more percent growth, or just some additional growth on top of what was already expected. Using the stock market as a barometer the economy for the next six months should do pretty well, and economically things will be good or pretty damn good come this November, which hurts Democrats.
What I’m saying that Dems need to bring their A game. Need to speak to a broad swath of Americans. If elections are really about the economy stupid then the Republican’s will remain in power in Congress. And it won’t matter for two years if the economy falls face first the day after the election. If main street is picking up and doing good between now and the election Dems cannot fool voters by fear mongering. It will backfire. Dems could do well supporting public unions and private unions in a big way, that will make Corporate Dems sponsors very unhappy, but that is what Democrats need to do. And tell those corporations Dems don’t need their money to win. We are not Republicans we are not Wall Street’s buddies, we are with the common man and with main street.
And anyone wanting a good investment should buy Cleveland Indian stuff with the Chief on it. Could be a better investment than stocks.
Is Libby’s Libby’s Libbys
on your
Table Table Table?