The Obama administration’s administrative directive on trans students is great first and foremost on its own. It’s tough enough navigating high school no matter who you are. But if you’re a trans person and even pooping can be a mined field, this will hopefully make things a bit easier.
On top of that, it’s great for how much it makes the right people sad. Oh my God, do I love asshole tears.
Long powerful piece
“American society has made it perfectly clear: if you are poor, it’s your own damn fault.”
The reason conservatives always attack the children is because children tell the truth. They can’t be coerced, the way adults can be, with job loss or loss of housing. That makes them a danger to a false ideology, one based on third century lies.
I wonder if some Sanders delegates are Republican moles, because they behave like Republicans:
“The Nevada Democratic Convention turned into an unruly and unpredictable event, after tension with organizers led to some Bernie Sanders supporters throwing chairs and to security clearing the room, organizers said.”
This certainly looks like Republican behavior. But here’s the dead giveaway:
“State party officials said the [disqualified] delegates didn’t provide acceptable identification and did not meet the May 1 deadline to register as Democrats.”
This looks like guys in German uniforms showing up for D-Day briefings, doesn’t it? They’re not registered Democrats, they have no ID, half of them probably don’t have birth certificates and the other half are felons, and they’re throwing chairs. If that isn’t a Republican crowd, what is?
The story out today, from a conservative leaning New York real estate journal about Trump getting the STAR tax credit is interesting
It implies one of two things. Either Trump is thoroughly lying every time he talks about how rich he is OR he’s sheltering millions in income to make his adjusted taxable income less than 500k to get a $300 tax break.
So which is it Donald? Are you a liar or are you a tax evading cheapskate?
@4 The financial journalists at CNBC suspect Trump’s tax returns could spell big trouble for him.
Why? Because “refusing to release the documents suggests that Trump may indeed be hiding the fact that he is not as fabulously wealthy as he claims.” And that would be damaging because “Trump’s entire campaign is built around the idea that he is a massively successful business titan who can fix what’s wrong with America in the same way he always wins in life.”
In other words, releasing his tax returns would expose him as a fraud, like the man behind the curtain in “Wizard of Oz”: “Democrats can and will argue if Trump doesn’t release the returns that his fundamental claim to the presidency is built on lies.”
And what are the odds of that? Very high, it seems:
“At this point, the Trump campaign seems to have made the calculation that living with that line of attack is less risky than revealing the actual truth.”
We’ve all met, or at least heard of, these promoters. The poseurs who leverage bluster and braggadocio into success by employing them as tools to lure suckers to buy into their schemes. And when their schemes blow up they take the money and run. That’s Donnie Trump in a nutshell.
Actually it’s relatively easy to manipulate children when it comes to truth. Take a look at McMartin preschool trial over at Wiki.
The other reason it is interesting is a story like this will get the attention of the IRS. Die-hard conservatives will say, “Obama’s IRS is targeting Republicans!” but most people will wonder, “Why isn’t the IRS looking more carefully at billionaires (allegedly) who are filing tax returns under $500k.”
Out of his own mouth, “I fight very hard to pay as little tax as possible.” (May 13, 2016)
That’s a campaign ad right there. (people humming Star Spangled Banner softly) From black to image of Trump with Tail Emplazoned campaign 737 Voiceover Donald Trump’s actual voice “I fight hard to pay as little tax as possible.disolve to broken inner city disolves to soldiers in Iraq Voiceover Donald Trump’s actual voice “I fight hard to pay as little tax as possible. Disolve to Overhead Mar-Al-Lago, Chyron overlay “Donald Trump’s $54 million dollar Estate” disolve to Exterior, Trump Tower Voiceover Donald Trump’s actual voice “I fight hard to pay as little tax as possible. Zoom in on Still Image of Donald Trump, teeth bared index finger up voiceover “Donald Trump says he is a billionaire and wants to run the United States of America but he doesn’t want to pay his taxes to keep our water safe, pave the roads leading to his golf courses and equip our troops at war.disolve to black. Voiceover Donald Trump’s actual voice “I fight hard to pay as little tax as possible.” Iris up to waiving American Flag. Vocievover Donald Trump fights for Donald Trump. Voiceover Donald Trump’s actual voice “I fight hard to pay as little tax as possible.” Voiceover “I’m Hillary Clinton (Bernie Sanders), You’ve seen my tax returns and I approve this message.”
Somebody should pay me for this. I could edit that in a couple hours.
The respective dream teams for our trolls:
boob: Barron-Zimmerman 2016.
babbling jackass: Miller-Nugent 2016.
Trolls, print out yer bumperstickers!
That’s funny. The defense comes down to, “Not every woman I interact with is offended by me therefore I don’t have to consider the feelings of ANY woman I’ve harassed in the work place or creeped out in public. They all just can’t take a joke, right?”
Trump ’16, protecting the rights of men to be assholes!
@6 Well, you’re right. They are human. But when they tell the truth about who they are, we are forced to listen.
Another RepubliKKKlan state circling the shit hole:
@2, I disagree, conservatives go after children for the same reason they go after minorities or women or gays or the poor or trans, They go after who ever is most helpless and least able to fight back.
Another rich tax-dodging free rider. Pheww. How can anyone vote for these people? Much less the working stiffs who are paying this guy’s taxes for him? (Because if he doesn’t pay, they have to.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The rich don’t pay their way, and never have. That’s how they get rich, and the whole point of being rich is having the power to make the poor pay your share of the freight.
Thse people are the Devil’s work.
Billy Graham’s Daughter: God Sends Terror ‘To Show Us We Need Him’
Same way ISIS operate