I should have noted the passage of the Reproductive Parity Act in the Senate earlier. Since it has passed the House multiple times, it should be law by the end of the session.
Democratic lawmakers revealed that a “whistleblower” who congressional Republicans once suggested would reveal damning evidence against Hillary Clinton had actually never even mentioned Clinton to the FBI.
Democrats now say that senior Justice Department officials told House Oversight and Government Reform Committee staffers in a December 15 briefing that the whistleblower had offered no evidence about Clinton. The Justice Department officials also said during the briefing that they considered the whistleblower, who has been identified in media reports as William Campbell, too unreliable to use as a witness due to inconsistencies in his story
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 Another GOP talking point turns out to be fiction. This is news? Reason left the GOP long ago, and all that’s left now is tribal loyalty.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
It shows how much real progress is waiting to be made once we get Roypublicans out of the way. There is a ton of built up momentum across the board. But progress will depend on delegitimizing decades of conservative racism, sexism, xenophobia, and superstition.
@ 1
Did you read the letter?
Page 5, lines 2-3.
DOJ is still pursuing charges and the Clinton link is still there. They’re just not using this guy because they consider his actions evidence of unreliability – he did things and concealed them. Not unlike Steele, a formerly reliable individual who bacame a hack for pay.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
According to Doctor Dumbfuck, Steele “did things and concealed them”.
He just can’t say precisely what right now. You’ll just have to trust him. Mmkay?
“formerly reliable”
Easy to say, but your evidence of that is what?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 You certainly conjure imaginative false equivalencies. If you’d been born earlier, I could see you writing “Lincoln is a political hack not unlike Jefferson Davis,” or “let’s not forget that Churchill and Stalin are both politicians.” Where did you get this talent?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Say, doc, we missed you yesterday. I gather you were busy. Margin calls are a bitch, aren’t they? Feeling a little lighter today?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 Evidence? Are you kidding? He’s got nothing. He can’t even pull a decent turd out of his ass.
Bless your heart.
Nunes lies on Fox News. Knowingly. (Why was she on the Sunday shows)
GOP caught red handed concealing evidence.
In page 5 justice confirms no evidence of impropriety by Secretary Clinton
But you’re hanging your hat on the investigation is still being open. You’re so cute.
@ 5,6,7,9
Steele had participated in undisclosed meetings with the husband of a former Democrat political aspirant and his financial backers were initially undisclosed. He shared information with journalists while claiming he had not.
Once credible, then not-so-much.
I drew a parallel to the former FBI guy involved in the Clinton-U thing. Since he passed FBI background checks he was once credible. And now, apparently @ 1, not-so-much.
@ 8
Yesterday I bought for my wife’s account. What’s a bitch is when your spouse gives you an incorrect user name.
“No, honey, you left out a letter.”
Dow went up 200 points while I was trying to log in.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 I’m sorry you experienced technical difficulties while I was backing up the truck. I feel for ya, doc. Sounds like you could use a better rabbit’s foot, although mine aren’t available.
P.S., why didn’t you have that info taped to your computer? You’re supposed to verify it ahead of time.
P.P.S., forget your HA password, too?
You make Steele the issue. He’s not. The question is whether or not the evidence he gathered is collaborated or not. Address that. What has been supported by collaborating evidence? What hasn’t?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Market’s not doing much right now. Been squatting at +270 to +350 for the last 2 hours. I’m waiting for Unilever and Novartis to go down more before I spring for them. Meanwhile just browsing stupid troll comments on a political blog I’m known to frequent during my idle time.
This is beginning to look more like a flash crash than a correction. I doubt it’ll come all the way back up, at least not right away, but a month from now it may be like it never happened and it’ll be all but forgotten.
I suspect what maybe happened is macho boys who like to play games with other people’s money got their shorts yanked down. Also, fund managers who know better were forced to sell when the rubes panicked and pulled their money out.
These things feed on themselves and snowball pretty fast once they get going. On days like that, it’s like coming across an overturned candy delivery truck. All you have to do is scoop up the free sweets.
Better Stillspews:
Cackle, cackle little hens!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 “You make Steele the issue. He’s not.”
Of course he does, because ad hominem is what Repukes always do when they can’t win on the merits, which is more or less all the time.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 It’s what we do around here. What do you do?
@ 14
No idea.
And I agree with you that Steele’s not the issue. The professionalism of the FBI and DOJ regarding their treatment of Steele’s information is the issue.
A lot of people on the right are calling for release of the FISA court applications regarding Page. It’s one way to determine what FBI/DOJ bias there may have been.
When the allegations against Steve Wynn surfaced a couple of weeks ago the market overreacted.
It was a good time to sell naked puts.
Wynn’s out as of last night and today WYNN is up nearly 8%.
I’ve never directly owned a casino stock.
“DOJ is still pursuing charges and the Clinton link is still there.”
That’s why I continue to buy 2 Powerball tickets every Wednesday and Saturday…..The link (the ticket) is still there, I even put it in my wallet each time (just before tossing it out).
@12 sounds like a losers position.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 Well, lost out, anyway.
Roger Rabbitspews:
More trouble for GOP in Trumpland.
“Democrats flipped a Missouri state House seat Tuesday [in a special election], marking the 35th seat that has changed from red to blue since Donald Trump became president.”
@19 now if Page were gay, then maybe their would be some bias going on. And then that bias would have been perfectly fine.
@ 23
Written by a guy whose idea of a ‘winner’s position’ is when the catheter finds right hole.
Roger Rabbitspews:
And elsewhere.
“Oregon State Sen. Jeff Kruse (R) repeatedly groped women ― sometimes while on the Senate floor or in the governor’s office ― despite repeated warnings … several Republican state legislators have called on Kruse to resign …. ”
If every man who ever grouped a woman resigns, the unemployment rate is going to sky rocket. Not good for the Drumpster Dumpster.
Roger Rabbitspews:
This case raises intriguing issues. Under anti-discrimination laws, is declining to make a product different from refusing to sell a product? And if so, is motive relevant, or is production always optional with the producer, regardless of his/her reasons?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m not sure I wouldn’t side with the judge on this call. I don’t care for the outcome, but in terms of legal principle, he might be right. I question whether courts can force manufacturers to manufacture under the rubric of non-discrimination. Can you really make someone make something, as opposed to making them sell something that’s already made? Interesting question.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@28 Why not send all of the misbehaving boys back to their playpens? That would create opportunities for women who want to move up. And we might have fewer pointless wars if all our politicians are women.
Ok guys have fun….back to work for me.
“The professionalism of the FBI and DOJ regarding their treatment of Steele’s information is the issue.”
The only evidence of a lack of professionalism I’m aware of are some texts which the GOP takes out of context in an attempt to discredit the investigation, and in doing so, display a willingness to discredit the entire FBI and DOJ as institutions. And yet, immediately after learning of the texts, Mueller dropped the guy. Professionalism at work, Doctor.
Here you try to discredit the investigation, as well as the entire FBI and the DOJ, and seemingly it’s only because of where the investigation might lead. I support the investigation, FBI and DOJ because I want to know what really happened, letting the chips fall where they may.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
actually, most of what you posted there either isn’t true, or can only be said to be true when larded with mountains of qualifying statements taking it well beyond your original context.
Is that really your response?
DOJ’s Mikerin source lied to the FBI about the extent of his criminal activities. Are you saying Steele is engaged in criminal activities and lied to the FBI about it? DOJ’s Mikerin source reported details about his criminal activities to the FBI that were in contradiction to facts already known to the FBI. Are you saying Steele’s report contains statements that are known to be false?
I doubt Robert Mueller is developing his cases based upon either testimony from Michael Steele or any memos or reports from Michael Steele. But thanks at least in part to Michael Steele he probably has primary sources.
#owngoal #youbuiltthattoo
Roger Rabbitspews:
@31 I’m sorry you have to work. I’m a capitalist, so I don’t work or produce anything, instead I live off the fat of the land.
@ 32
The only evidence of a lack of professionalism I’m aware of are some texts which the GOP takes out of context in an attempt to discredit the investigation, and in doing so, display a willingness to discredit the entire FBI and DOJ as institutions.
OK, now do Bruce Ohr.
Then do Andrew McCabe.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey doc, if you’re really true to your hilariously named “notadumbfuck” investing method, i.e. do the opposite of what Roger Rabbit does, then sell Novartis for 84.83 and sell Unilever for 53.87 right now.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@35 Why do you hate FBI agents for keeping tabs on Russians? Are you one of Putin’s sleeper agents? When did you come to the U.S.? Whose identity did you assume? Are you a real doctor or a poser like that Frank Abignale guy?
Next up: New York will end breeding and importation of gerbils because gman and his friends can’t stop shoving the cute little critters into their rectumsgerbilling, wherein they become trapped and necessitate ER visits for removal.
Lawmakers want to ban laundry detergent from looking tasty
It’s one way to determine what FBI/DOJ bias there may have been.
Now you’re echoing Shortbus? Jesus that’s a helluva decline, even for a Trumpublican like you.
We’ve been over this. Claims of bias are bullshit. Other than the text messages from agents reassigned and facing discipline there is nothing else to it. But so what if there were?
You claim to be the kid of an LA prosecutor. Did he ever prosecute drug cases based at least in part on evidence arising from search of premise? Were the warrant apps based on sworn affidavits of criminal co-conspirators or rival drug dealers? You know it happens all the time. It does not constitute a fatal flaw to trigger exclusion. Law enforcement rely on bias to motivate cooperation. And as for the bias of the officers themselves? Are you fucking (Cough! Gorrillas in the Mist. Cough!) kidding us? If LE bias formed the basis for a fatally flawed warrant app you’d never get another warrant against another organized criminal ever again (much less against a racial minority).
IRL the kind of legal challenge you are mounting here requires real evidence and real facts, not just allusions to “concerns”. And the proper venue comes in the form of a pre-trial challenge to exclude. So are you really concerned about the civil rights of a career Russian spy? #FREECARTERPAGE!
@35 And why should they rise above the level of nothingburgers in regards to Mueller’s investigation? It is, after all, the investigation which is your target. You want it stopped because of where it might lead. There’s no other reason I can see.
Better Stillspews:
I’m a capitalist, just like U!
@34 Little bit of a slow day, before I leave a bit early, but work isn’t all that bad.
@38 lol, that was a pretty good one Bob. But I wonder why they don’t just skip the ER visit for the extraction and just have someone fist them and go after that little gerbils.
I fixed it for plural – I didn’t want to assume that only one gerbil would need be extracted.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“White House staff secretary Rob Porter has resigned following newly published reports alleging that he physically abused his two ex-wives.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The main point is Trump’s vetting process — if he has one — didn’t screen out this alleged wife beater. These incidents occurred years ago; these allegations aren’t new. Everything points to Trump and his chief of staff not caring about them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Why shouldn’t Cadet Bone Spurs put on a military parade?
The Russians have their May Day, and the French have their Bastille Day. When he picks a date, Trump should declare it a national holiday and call it Capitalism Day or Billionaires Day.
If the Russkies and Frogs have big parades for their proletariats, then Trump should do one for capitalism’s overlooked 1%, who make the stock market great.
After all, America is a land where government of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich shall never perish as long as the lobbyists reign.
@ 39
Here’s the Senate’s criminal referral of Steele to DOJ:
@41 I’m glad to hear someone besides me has wised up to this system. If you can’t lick ’em, join ’em.
Well, this should make some of you breathe a lot more easily.
Gilead Sciences Inc.’s GILD, +3.41% once-a-day HIV regimen has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration, the company said Wednesday afternoon. The regimen, Biktarvy, is intended for HIV patients who are new to treatment and will cost $35,859, similar to other single-tablet HIV therapies, said Mizuho analyst Salim Syed. The approval happened a few days earlier than expected, and the safety label for the product is clean, he said. Biktarvy is expected to become a “gold standard” HIV regimen for patients new to treatment because it has a high barrier to resistance, no liver toxicity issues, few potential drug-drug interactions, a small pill size and a rapid start to therapy, said RBC Capital Markets analyst Brian Abrahams.
Once each day he has unprotected sex with a stranger.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Can you point to any statement of information from Senator Grassley’s mean-girl letter that constitutes actual evidence of any criminal act on the part of Mr. Steele?*
Asking for a friend who isn’t holding his breath. #FREECARTERPAGE!
*Even the authors of the mean-girl letter admit that, at most, what they allege through circumstance merely would serve as grounds for “further investigation” by the DOJ.
Buthey! Whatever it takes to distract you hillbillies from the results of the FISA surveillance. I wonder if it was always this easy to play you idiots and we just never saw it before?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@48 You pontificate about other people’s sexual proclivities when the Humane Society has a backlog of complaints against you?
Also, if you followed your own investing advice, you would’ve sold Boeing at 129 and Lockheed at 85. Yes, I know I’m profiteering with Republican warmongering. Just because I profit from it doesn’t mean I’m in favor of it.
Apparently there’s a budget deal.
Apparently the Dreamers aren’t part of it.
You know, I care far less about spending discipline now that I’m retired and YLB’s kids are about to enter the workforce. Load those little fuckers up with as much debt as they can manage. Then pile on a bit more, and a bit more after that.
Thanks, YLB!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
…I care far less about spending discipline rising interest rates, falling equity prices, declining dollar, and the threat of the double bubble…
“Oy vey! Can I get a senior discount? I’m on a fixed income, you know? This bread crust is too hard.”
You know, I care far less about spending discipline now that I’m retired and my daughter is about to enter the workforce. Load the little fucker up with as much debt as she can manage. Then pile on a bit more, and a bit more after that. And wait until I claw back everything I gave the little “fucker” for support and job training.
And when that AI tech hits, woo boy, will she be up shit creek..
Thanks, my own kid.. Serves you right for not choosing a better parent.
And thank you boob for showing “the world” (in the other freak’s parlance) what you care about “the world” you’re planning with every dying breath to leave to future generations, i.e. nothing but misery and pain.
klown lunatic psycho/sicko-phants to the american greed class!
Roger Rabbitspews:
So if your neighbor has a name that sounds Arab-y, and looks like an Aa-rab, he must be a Moo-slem, right?
“An Oklahoma man accused of fatally shooting his Lebanese neighbor was convicted Wednesday on first-degree murder and hate crime charges. … Prosecutors say Majors fatally shot Jabara after bombarding him and his family for years with racial epithets, including ‘filthy Lebanese’ and ‘Moo-slems.’ The Jabaras are Christian.”
“The lawyers for former Trump campaign adviser Rick Gates [explained] why they’d like to quit his case Wednesday: … ‘Irreconcilable differences have developed with the client which make our effective representation of the client impossible.’ … [This] does little to clear up the mystery about Gates’ fractured legal representation.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Could be something as simple as the client insisting, “I’ve been lying all along, so why can’t I lie in court, too?”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@51 “I care far less about spending discipline now that I’m retired and YLB’s kids are about to enter the workforce.”
First of all, I take it you don’t have kids of your own. If you did, they’d look like unicorns. But mainly, how can you as a Republican have less spending discipline now than you and your ilk ever did? In this context a number less than zero isn’t possible.
@47 there’s no price for love Bob, I still love you and always will.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“What can I say? Bitch was clumsy.
Especially after I knocked her around.”
Very fine people. The best.
@48 you shouldn’t call yourself a stranger…..after 30 days, everyday, you and I can start to call each other buddies.
Politically Incorrect the "Pathetic" Millionairespews:
Be careful with your in-sink garbage disposal. Fibrous veggies can get them plugged up in a New York minute. Lettuce is one of the biggest offenders. Just put that stuff in a recycle bucket, a compost heap or in the garbage.
The market is flip-flopping around. I’ll sit tight and maybe make a buy when things are down a bunch for the day. I might even do a bit of selling in some of my portfolios if there’s a big run-up in one particular area of the market.
The national debt is in excess of $20 trillion now. Its time to stop arguing who’s responsible and start moving towards paying it down. If interest rates tick up a bit later in the year (which is likely) we could be paying $500 billion a year just in interest charges to service the debt load. Interest is a dead weight on the budget because it does not accomplish anything except make us atone for past mistakes. It’s not like paying interest is some sort of Keynesian stimulus package or some supply side miracle for the economy. It’s just the charge for using debt, and we’ve been using too much debt in the last 20 years.
It was only a matter of time before they got tired of the insufferable jerk.
What’s next after no longer caring about a growing deficit Bob? Does it lead to starting to love Fascism? Well, when that happens you better hope Humpty Dumpty is strong otherwise your new leader could be Putin or even the dear leader of North Korea.
@62 for him the death penalty would be good.
Demorat Death March News – Smoking Gun – Carter Page Was A Demorat Agent, FISA Warrant Was A Hillary Campaign Scam
Arrogant and stupid Demorats use a former Clinton official to infiltrate Trump campaign and set up the FISA Warrant
Headline –
BREAKING: Carter Page – The Linchpin to Deep State Spying on Trump – Was Member of Clinton Transition Team
Carter Page previously worked with the Clinton Administration transition team in 1992-1993 while serving as a Research Fellow on the House Armed Services Committee (HASC) on Capitol Hill. During his Fellowship, HASC Chairman Les Aspin was selected by President Clinton as the Secretary of Defense in December 1992. From May 1993 – December 1994, Carter went on to serve as the Arms Control Action Officer for Counterproliferation Policy in the Nuclear Affairs and International Negotiations Branch of the Navy Staff in the Pentagon.
“paying it down”
yeah let’s ask those that make like tons of money to contribute a couple of pennies….we’ll pay it off all right.
I’ve been talking about the deficit since 2003 with a Conservative friend of mine (guy is a brain dead college wrestler and football player); he told me that deficits are good and that you don’t want the government to run a surplus. But he kind of changed his tune when the Black guy became President. And now he no longer cares again.
Not only I say Good Luck, but welcome to the Party.
Huh! So Hope Hicks not only gets off on being passed around amongst freaks in the WH for sex, she likes it rough. This will serve her well in prison, I’m sure.
My goodness. Troll @65 is a special kind of stupid, huh?
I bet Bob’s horse has a pussy hat that he wears when Bob leaves for the house.
Everyone at the Whitey House needs to go through a lie detector test. They claim everything is false, then prove it to us, show us that you are the ones with the truth………ahhhh, but you can’t…..I seeee said the blind man….I see through the walls with my blind bad eyes.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
He makes Shortbus look like a Rhodes Scholar.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
The official Roypublican response is that the two ex-wives are liars, they are part of a conspiracy involving the FBI/Mueller/Strzok, they are both fat, and Hope is great and really knows how to make a pint of Sephora concealer look “natural” and “fresh”.
So Hope Hicks likes the rough types: first Corey Lewandowski and now this Porter freak..
There’s your in, boob..
Our local HA misogynist troll freak’s trophy wife awaits. You can’t make this shit up.
We’re busted. It’s over, I tell you. The special kind of stupid @65 has outed our conspiracy against Trump which originated a quarter century ago. It started with the Clintons, of course, who groomed Carter Page in 1992-94 as a Manchurian Bozo to be unleashed on the world 25 years later. So nefarious and far seeing were the Clintons in their devious and dastardly plan to transform America into a nation where women wear pussyhats and black men kneel at NFL games, thus destroying the very fabric of our society and thwarting any attempts by the future President Orange Buffoon to Make America Great Again!
Those types really know how to loot the Treasury and make the rich ever richer. Drumpf material, hands down.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Thanks to the ceaseless tantrums of the Roypublican Man-Baby and the utter inability of the Roypublican Party Apparatchiks to appease him, the public now knows (1) that the DOJ and FBI applied for a warrant from the FISA Court for authorization to electronically surveil Page beginning on October 21, 2016, as well the purported grounds on which the government sought the warrant; (2) the FISA Court granted the DOJ and FBI’s application on October 21, 2016; (3) the DOJ and FBI thrice requested extensions from the FISA Court to continue surveilling Carter Page; and (4) the FISA Court thrice authorized continued surveillance of Carter Page.
This is all in the public domain now thanks to politically motivated stunts from people like Devin Nunes, Charles Grassley, and Lindsey Graham carried out at the urging of the White House.
Wanna know what else that means? It means there is scarcely any reason for the FISA Court to maintain classified seal on any related application materials under sec. 215. They have it within their authority as granted under the statute and in the public interest of transparency to either publish the warrant application materials, or to publish a public statement explaining the basis for the grant.
So this Porter freak never got a security clearance?
Watch out! FBI klownspiracy spinning on its way from the HA trolls!
So this shit was known about Porter a long time ago and didn’t become an issue until the nasty pictures came out?
Real shit show being run by this unapologetic liar Kelly.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@75 Huh. Even Charlie Sheen’s prison inmate character (“Wild Thing”) won’t pitch for Trump’s team, so they had to go to this guy. They have nobody else in their bullpen.
@74 Heh. Too funny! Asshole1 reminds me of that old troll freak GS who was an idiot birther and thought the US was becoming Greece and thought he’d escape to Canada.
The trolls love talk about high priced and over budget and delays associated with transportation projects but silent on things like this.
Shock Trials or No, the Navy’s Newest Supercarrier Is Still an Unreliable Debacle – The Drive
Goes to show you that they are hot air knuckle dragink breathing bitches!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Haven’t you heard? Its time to stop arguing who’s responsible… etc. etc.
The EEEN-DEEE-PEN-DUNCE trolls need a hug. Their Daddy Putin comes home drunk and “bad” touches them.
Mark Adamsspews:
Carl there is no guarantee it will pass the house. Usually it’s the Senate that holds things up, but once something passes there it can be the house. And a bill has to make it out of committee.
I think the challenge to the bill would come after passage and it being signed. It’s going to get challenged by the Catholic church as they are going to object to paying for abortion. Same with other religious folks who will bring suit.
It may also invigorate opponents. And it’s subject to being repealed in a future legislative session.
Mark Adamsspews:
@14 That todays CIA has a lot in common with the CIA of 1960’s and early 70’s? HOw about that Brennen guy now a big shot news guy. A CIA project has come to full fruition!!!
Mark Adamsspews:
@27 Hey the Senate floor is the best place for the Suma Kutra!! Time to educate todays youth!!!
Mark Adamsspews:
@28 Keep that in mind if there is ever a draft. Since being gay isn’t going to get you out, then a good grope might do it. This should be interesting if it’s a gay guy doing the groping.
Mark Adamsspews:
@30 And enough women will choose to do all the jobs? Also there is no reason to assume women would mean a more peaceful Earth, history gives plenty of examples where women are as prone to violence as men are. Some even like being referred to as grizzly bears.
Mark Adamsspews:
@32 Why do you support the FBI? Maybe the US would be better off without the FBI. There is no constitutional requirement for the FBI. Plenty to criticize about the FBI. And you probably don’t really know what the FBI does. After Prohibition was repealed perhaps the FBI should have been disbanded, but of course J Edgar got his agents into the drug war, to maintain his kingdom.
The DOJ of course is necessary in order for the executive to perform the functions assigned to it.
Mark Adamsspews:
@33 He worked for he majesties Government in MI5 as a spy, he didn’t work as a spy because the Brits are nice. He should immediately be suspect whatever he tells anyone in a report or otherwise. And he must have gotten the ok to do the work from her majesty’s government which makes the work suspect. And yes the requirement on Mueller was to investigate all possible collusion and interference in our election from any foreign government. That includes friends such as Great Britain.
Mark Adamsspews:
@34 Good have you set up that helping African American’s fund yet for Puddy and me?
Mark Adamsspews:
@39 Part of the problem here you are mixing what is intelligence information, and what is criminal. The Church committee findings revealed serious issues, and made recommendations that separated the two. That way intelligence could not be used in criminal matters. Investigators would have to get the information through other means. 911, the Patriot Act and time has weakened the separation of the two. That is a great deal of the current situation. This has now allowed a political party to use intelligence resources to track it’s political opponents, beyond what Richard Nixon, it was wrong when he did, and it’s just as wrong now. When done by a Democratic politician against a Republican. Or you all need to start to admit tricky Dick was right and was a great President, and knew what he was doing. As you are all walking in his great footsteps. Hope you like catchup on your eggs.
Mark Adamsspews:
@41 I work for a living, so fuck you and the capitalist rabbit.
Mark Adamsspews:
@56 Not necessarily as Gates does not have to testify in his defense some rights thing. Could be the attorneys don’t want to go to trial as their client has told the government to go to hell. Judge should tell them be at trial.
@79 Now that he’s in Canada, he can’t come back, because immigration isn’t allowed anymore. From anywhere. He might be a criminal, or worse, a food stamp freeloader.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@89 Haven’t you heard? Capitalists don’t share. At least not unless they get a tax deduction, and the GOP platform of abolishing taxes on capitalists would pretty much kill that.
@91 Somebody has to work, so we thank you for your service.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Selling refrigerators to people living in cold climates is easy when they were born without a brain.
I see the DJIA is down about 200 pts right now. Maybe it is still just going through its “correction”….that high previous experienced must have just been Fake News. Or maybe Wall Street was just taking a bunch of Opioids pushed by Humpty Dumpty and the Repukes.
Can we start a pool going on how low the DJIA will go? Anyone interested?
I’ll take 23,666.
Herman wants 23,999
Tomorrow is Friday, aren’t Fridays historically down days?
Rut Rhow – it’s beginning a descent.
A good time to just saddle up that horse and take a good trot around the farm.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Nunes has been conducting a separate and independent operation within the committee, under the direction of the White House since the naming of the Special Prosecutor last year. The primary purpose of that operation has been to use the committee investigative resources to discover as much as possible about what the Special Prosecutor has learned about the campaign’s criminal activities and what leads are being pursued. And then feed that intel back to the White House.
Now at the end of the day every defense attorney knows that they get to see it all through discovery once a criminal indictment is filed. And to be fair there are legitimate reasons why a defense might want an early peek. But we all know what’s going on here. And this sure as fuck isn’t about preparing a legitimate criminal defense.
Up to now, the risk for Nunes has been that if he or Republican staff under his supervision, cross certain statutory lines they might be charged with obstruction. So they’ve had to walk a careful line. A line that Nunes tip toed over last year when he performed his late night unmasking interpretive dance at the insistence of the Man-Baby. His recusal pantomime was enough to quell the ethics committee and provide cover for Sesh.
But now it looks like Nunes and his Republican staff intend to get seriously busy. And they can’t have any minority staff around to see them reading stolen documents and suborning perjury.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I see the ST editorial board is on an anti-union rant again.
i see that Roger Dumfuck Rabbit’s recommended stock, GE, is faring nicely again.
He recommended it and informed us it was one of his larger holdings back on the 20th of October, when it was at $23.81. It had risen that day and Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit inexplicably used that one-day upward move in the stock price as part of the basis for his recommendation.
Those “barnacles” in the House and Senate like Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell are the reason we should enact term limits to get more diversity into both branches of the legislature.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@101 The DJIA peaked at 26616 on Jan. 26 (intraday high, not close). It’s down about 8% from there. A moderate correction in the 10% – 12% range would take it down to 23422 – 23955, which corresponds closely to your and Herman’s estimates. A 15% correction would go farther down to 22624.
I think we’ve seen the bulk of the decline, but what happens next depends a lot on what long-term interest rates do next (which are set in the bond market, as opposed to the Fed’s overnight discount rate, which isn’t the driver this time. The “Yellen put” is over, folks).
The 10-year rate blowing through 2.7% is what started this whole thing, pushed by signs of rising inflation, and the bond market will continue to drive it.
That’s really difficult to predict; the TY is bouncing around a lot right now. In addition, there’s a lot of volatility noise. Keep your eye on the ball; the TY is driving this, so ignore the volatility.
Stocks were overdue for a correction. It doesn’t really matter what triggered it, but the bond market was the most likely trigger, and that’s what happened. Logic says the correction should slice the top off frothy valuations as rising bond yields compete for investment dollars. Fund flows give us some clues about this; a lot of money leaving stock funds and going into bond is a tell. But it’s more complicated than that. Once it was triggered, this correction began feeding on itself because of margin calls, short squeezes, etc. That makes it difficult to evaluate how far it’ll go.
What we’re seeing right now looks like bottom bouncing, but 8% doesn’t seem like enough to wring out the excesses, so it could ooze lower over the next 2-3 weeks. Therefore 23600 seems like a good ballpark guess.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@105 “Roger Dumfuck Rabbit’s recommended stock, GE … ”
That lie is getting tired. I didn’t tell Newt to buy GE; I told you to short it. Time to push the “Ignore” button. You’re starting to sound like Puddy. And the broken record player @107, too.
It’s over when the cash on the sidelines decides the profit opportunity from the selloff is sufficiently large.
Until then the cash stays on the sidelines.
Roger Rabbitspews:
When trolls don’t have new conspiracy theories to peddle, they hit the “repost” button. Being silent when they have nothing to say never occurs to them. They love hearing themselves talk too much.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@110 Being a dumb rabbit, I tend to buy on the way down instead of on the way back up, and I’ve offloaded about 50% of my cash since Friday. How did the horse auction go? All your margin calls settled now?
@ 111
Being silent when they have nothing to say never occurs to them. They love hearing themselves talk too much.
This from the failed attorney with 100,000+ posts.
ohh my – down 650 pts and its getting close to 4:00pm.
Wow. Look at the put options on Costco right now.
If you’re willing to buy 1,000 shares in January (or perhaps sooner) at $173 per, you can collect a $11,500 (or more) premium right now.
Costco, which pays its employees so much more than other retailers.
Serious, what could possibly go wrong?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@115 Sure, use a garden-variety stock market correction to attack Costco employees’ wages. In your world, everybody except doctors should work for $7.25/hr., and you begrudge that.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I don’t intend to get into an IQ contest with Doc — I’m not that mean. Suffice to say I wouldn’t let a Trump voter manage my money. Somebody that dumb probably shouldn’t be managing his own money, either. He should get one of his kids to do it.
Rog – you ever hear of investopedia? I never have….came across it after wanting to know more about the TY you mentioned….looks like a good site for someone like myself.
Mrs. Rabbit wonders if Doctor Dumbfuck listens to Alex Jones. I wouldn’t put it past him. She also speculates he wears a tinfoil hat to protect his noggin from solar radiation. That wouldn’t surprise me either.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@118 Yes, and I also keep a copy of this at my computer.
According to Sec. Tillerson teenage hackers in Moldova “may have” a constitutional right to interfere in our elections on behalf of the Republican Party.
At the same time, brown skinned people in America have absolutely no constitutional right to refuse a random body cavity search. And reproductive aged women in Amercia have absolutely no constitutional right to refuse a vagina probing.
@ 118
If it’s an investment site populated by shills, not only has Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit heard of it, he’s posted on it.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Porter-the-Wife-Beater was allowed to remain in place in a highly sensitive security position on the WH staff for a year after the FBI uncovered his violent criminal past. Chief of Staff Kelly claims he didn’t know about all the beatings, even though the FBI background check uncovered them.
Could it be that Kelly can’t read either?
Maybe all the Republican Party needs is a phonics program.
@ 123
Jake Tapper had some nice commentary yesterday.
The slide began with Clinton but it clearly has accelerated.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@122 I do that when you’re out in the barn assfucking your wife’s horse, so how would you notice?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1124 “The slide began with Clinton but it clearly has accelerated.”
Yes, WH criminality plunged downhill faster than Eddie the Eagle on the ski jump after Clinton lost, and has been accelerating ever since.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Suggesting that Panetta knew about the blowjob but played dumb?
Suggesting that Panetta knew about high level staff beating up their wives?
Suggesting that Clinton beat up Lewinsky?
Or merely suggesting that Doctor Dumbfuck will use any excuse to bring up the name Clinton in relation to a Republican scandal.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Democrats are now looking to flip 100+ House seats.
Here’s the real reason why you won’t get that $4,000 raise Trump promised every American @NickHanauer
via @attn#Maddow #MSNBC#POTUS45
But CVS employees just did. They also got parental leave.
CVS to hike wages, introduce paid parental leave with windfall from new tax law
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is the kind of respect for human life you get from elected sheriffs in states full of Trump voters.
I mean, the guy was stupid and reckless to make the cops chase him like this, but that didn’t give them a license to execute him like they do in communist countries.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Yep, these are Trump’s financial markets now.
“There’s a not-so-quiet rebellion going on in the bond market … the government’s deficit spending [is] creating more and more Treasury supply. So, the bond market has entered a zone of no return ….”
I see it as possible that the DOW will start building a base of support at the 10% correction level. But it hasn’t even reached that yet, but I’m pretty sure it will. If it goes past that, the 200 day ma is next at 22,775. I believe if it goes below the 200 day ma, 18,000 is where it’s headed. That’s the nearest level of meaningful support to be found below the 200 day ma.
The 13 day ma is really taking a dive. I’m watching for it to cross the 50 day ma. Or not. I’m certainly not seeing any “buy” signals yet. But if technical analysis was a perfect predictor of the market and individual stock performance, all technical traders would be filthy rich, and they’re not.
“Come November that’s gonna hurt.”
LMFAO! You’re so silly, Doc. That’s some funny shit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@130 Sorry. Already lent mine to Rob Porter. Or was it Tom Price? Or Sean Spicer? Can’t keep track anymore.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@133 Technical analysis is 70% voodoo. The only reason it sometimes works a little bit is because humans are habitually stupid. You can almost predict the next war, too.
I could be wrong, Doc, but I somehow see the Trump GOP 2018 campaign slogan “Jews shall not replace us” as not going over very well with the electorate this year.
‘You’re a Nazi’: CNN’s Alisyn Camerota destroys Republican candidate after he calls Holocaust a ‘scam’
Nazis, wife beaters and child-molesters. Good luck with that, Doc.
I wonder what PI is buying today….or did he decide to start shopping on Rodeo Drive?
@136 I respectfully disagree. Technical analysis has served me quite well. But it’s only one of the available tools I used when I was trading.
A good war is all we need now to be distracted….oh well. I thought we could give peace a chance.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
given that Fuckface wants regular big missile parades and accuses the folks who won’t applaud him of treason, I wonder how he’s going to react to dozens of Roypublican House members asking him to stay the fuck away from their districts this year?
There’s already a bunch of pre-planning for visits to CA going on.
There’s gotta be some way to prod that infantile fat fuck into visiting WA 3 & 8 this year. Pre-teen beauty pageant?
Does this mean the empty suit is part of the derp state? Run to the daily white nationalist whiner, matt sludge report or the hatestheonlyway pun-idjit to get the low down.
I mean it figures: Drumpf sure made dear brother Jeb look like a deer in the headlights.
CVS to hike wages, introduce paid parental leave with windfall from new tax law
Yawwn.. Balding and limp boob can’t conceive that some corps are doing this because they have no other choice.
When some competitors outsource jobs to low wage places, all others follow suit.
When some competitors draw good employees by offering better pay and perks, other competitors follow suit to keep from losing their people. It’s expensive to find and train replacements.
Kind of basic.. If the economy was in recession, they wouldn’t be doing this. The tax scam just lessens the pain for corps.
In the meantime google “layoffs” in the news and plenty of corps are laying off people.
“The Trump administration is considering making it harder for foreigners living in the United States to get permanent residency if they have received certain public benefits such as food assistance, in a move that could sharply restrict legal immigration.”
That’s just Doctor(?) Dumbfuck hoping we all forgot about the Aetna merger and that CVS is still just a liddle ol’ corner drug store.
CVS spent much of the last two years laying off workers.
But never mind that. I’m sure those no longer CVS workers are reacting well to the tax cut.
And come to think of it…Obamacare made everyone schedule all their workers to 29 hours? Boob said so. CVS doing the same?
@155 There’s hardly enough votes in these raises and bonuses to elect a Republican dogcatcher. There’s a blue tsunami coming and even Putin can’t stop it.
“Conservative explodes with righteous fury on White House staff for protecting abusers like Trump”
“The bottom line of this is that they protected an abuser, and guess what, it’s a job qualification to work in the White House, to protect someone who talked favorably about sexual assault on the Access Hollywood tapes,” she said. “That’s the job qualification in the White House.”
“This is the same president who laughs along with Howard Stern when he says disgusting things about his daughter,” Carpenter continued. “I don’t know how people in the White House let this man date [communications director] Hope Hicks… They protect abusers. There’s no way of getting around it.”
“If you tolerate people who do this to people they say they love, what will they do to the people they don’t know? This matters to a normal person. These people don’t have restraint. It’s disgusting to watch.”
That’s a Republican woman talking, Doctor. Go ahead and mark my words. America’s women are going to bury your party this fall, and they’re going to do it with a vengeance.
Rand Paul is talking about the deficit.
The Tax bill he championed adds 1.4trillion to the deficit if the rosey growth projections pan out. (They won’t)
Neither of the Paul’s should ever be taken seriously.
Politically Incorrect the "Pathetic" Millionairespews:
A bad day in the markets. I’m just going to sit tight and ride it out.
Politically Incorrect the "Pathetic" Millionairespews:
159 – Don’t take anyone seriously when it comes to the national debt. Neither party is really interested in paying it down/off. Repaying debt means no money to spend in one’s state/district in order to get elected and re-elected ad infinitum.
@162 Ignorance and racism on full display. And I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt on the ignorance, which is generous of me as I have no reason to believe it.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
In the wake of the Puusssy Grabber Tape, the Stormy Daniels confessions, the Wife-Beater-in-the-White-House, the 15 sexual assault accusers, the pageant victims, and the Delaware LLC setup to fund hush-money-for-sex…
…just how “outlandish” is the PeePee Tape claim?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
The Navy Seal who put down Bin Laden just told Roypublican Pissident Bone-Spurs that his tank parade tantrum is bullshit.
@165 Not outlandish enough to bother most of America’s evangelicals. If it was intended as an insult to the Kenyan usurper, as it appears to have been, they’d probably love the PeePee tape and cheer the moron for having done it.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Long as the Russian hookers weren’t male or intersex, and long as he’s on board for the involuntary vagina probes, the thumpers are cool widit.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
The parade is a stupid idea and a complete waste of money to feed the ego of a petulant child.
If Trump really cared about our troops/veterans, he would take that money and effort and put it towards the VA. Trump and his ilk are too self-absorbed to do that.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The main point is Trump’s vetting process — if he has one — didn’t screen out this alleged wife beater.
Screen out? Hell! Wife beating is a DUMPSTER WH job qualifier.
Nope.. Not even close.. Read the words of “that unpopular preznit”, the man-baby, the orange shit-gibbon:
“The president is the leader, and he’s got to get everybody in a room and he’s got to lead,” he said.
“In 25 years, in 50 years, 100 years from now, when … they talk about the government shutdown, they’re going to be talking about the president of the United States,” he added. “They’re not going to be talking who the head of the House was, the head of the Senate. … I really think the pressure is on the president.”
The orange freak said it.. Not me.. But wait for it!
Balding and limp boob will be here to babble:
“Bill Clinton”..
“that bitch”..
Roger Rabbitspews:
The rich will get 80% of the $1.5 trillion of tax cuts, or $1.2 trillion, over 10 years.
Prompted by rising interest rates fueled by inflation fears stemming partly from the tax cuts, the stock market just wiped out $2.5 trillion of paper wealth, 80% or $2.0 trillion owned by the rich, in 10 days.
Doesn’t look like a good return on investment to me.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@169 “The parade is a stupid idea and a complete waste of money”
That’s precisely its appeal. Waste taxpayer money on parades so it can’t be spent on the poor. Starve the beast.
@98 Yes, but allegedly you are a Democratic capitalist. Still a chance to shame you into sharing.
Hope you didn’t take a drubbing today, hopefully it’s just a normal reset. Full panic can always ensue, I don’t think bots can panic, but they are contributing. They are programmed that way.
Mark Adamsspews:
@99 People in cold climates need refrigerators. They may not need freezers six months of the year, but they need refrigerators. Admiral Byrd took refrigerators to Antarctica. And we have them at the south pole.
Mark Adamsspews:
@102 You are missing one point that those who already own 100 shares of GE, Boeing, ect will still own 100 shares of the same stock tomorrow no matter if the stock goes up or down. Even if the stock becomes a penny stock holders still own 100 shares. As RR has pointed out buying over a long period of time and holding is the best strategy. Sure your stock gets kicked when it’s down, but on those great days it goes up you are right there. In any case you still got 100 shares of ownership in a company. Sometimes that is even enough where the leadership may listen to you.
Mark Adamsspews:
@103 This whole thing really is not a criminal case, it’s politics. To compare it to a criminal process with constitutional protections misses the point entirely. In the end it’s Congress that would have to impeach and then remove the President. While it’s clothed loosely as a trial process it’s not. It’s pure politics and is about the removal from office, and nothing more. Doesn’t even mean the President is even guilty of the charges that congress laid against him. It does mean after the removal the criminal process can start, and the former President can be charged, and found guilty or innocent. It’s entirely possible the person will be found completely innocent of the charges.
The fact Trump has orange hair could be a high crime or misdemeanor if Congress says it is and Congress can remove him from office for that. This means it’s all politics.
Though for real fun Michigan legislature could impeach the Democratic judges on the Michigan Supreme Court. That get to the truth of what impeachment is about, and why it’s so hard to do under the US Constitution.
Mark Adamsspews:
@107 Odd that wasn’t your position when you alive. You thought the people in their wisdom would impose term limits on office holders frequently.
Mark Adamsspews:
RR and Godwinha are arguing like a couple of Pinochle players over the stock market. One of them screwed up the hand, and the other players are sitting pretty with their $10 at a penny a point.
Mark Adamsspews:
@121 Of course it could be that old bugaboo of national sovereignty. The security forces of Moldova reserve the right to abuse their citizens. The wine is good though. Maldova is investment ready. Tillerson knows of some youth there who could use some capital investment.
@123 You miss the point of security checks. It is about trustworthiness and ability to keep secrets, not that someone is a wife beater, Wife beaters can keep secrets, and if they don’t hide the event are not subject to being blackmailed. You can be a very bad person, but have a high security clearance.
Mark Adamsspews:
@125 A real rabbit would be in the house fucking his wife.
Or you are not a Philadelphia lawyer?
Mark Adamsspews:
@128 And NBC news would not have a reason to make it look like a horse race of an election? NBC would not have a bias?
Of course knowing the Democrats 70 of the seats they are looking to flip are in Democratic hands.
Mark Adamsspews:
@145 For someone with no skin in the game you are overly excited about the losses. It does come across as unseemly and highly political to be celebrating the DOW JONES getting pummeled. Especially when all the world’s stock markets are not happy camp grounds at the moment.
You are in New York where the stock market is, and where a couple of trillion just disappeared, and there could be a broker looking for a little pay back, after all people kill over $10 in New York city, and you know the right people a hit can be had for $100.
Mark Adamsspews:
@169 Only by law he would not be able to give it to the VA. Which is a separate pot of money separate from the DOD. Sure there are costs involved in doing a parade in DC, yet relatively shifting it to the troops recreation would not buy a lot of ping pong tables. The Air Force fly by at the Superbowl probably cost more than any parade, though that would probably be part of any parade in DC. And if you all are so gung ho about this then maybe you should tell Seattle that the Blue Angels are not welcome come next Seafair. Any parade in Washington DC would be justified for the same reason the Blue Angels exist to give public exhibitions, and would come out of that pool of money. I doubt the price of any parade in DC would top a million, and DC would get stuck with a bill. The Blue Angels budget in 2011 was 37 million so the expense of a parade in Washington is not excessive. It can be justified to promote recruiting for the military. Letting the public see what it pays for.
@173 Not to worry the Pentagon is going to be spending a lot of money on an audit ordered by Congress, and the first trial run of the audit is a mess. When the logistical arm of the military can’t find $800 million why are you all worried about the cost of a parade in Washington DC?
All Trump has to is go down to the basement and fill out the requisition forms for a parade, and it will happen and no one will know how it got paid for.
I apologize for the link. NPR must have a problem as I did hear the story on NPR today, and it’s the right headline, only it’s not the right story.
Mark Adamsspews:
No one talked about the expense of fly-bys for events like the Superbowl
And the fight you all are going to have is the expense of a parade in Washington DC thinking there is some great cost saving if it doesn’t take place. There is not, and plenty of money in the fly over, advertising for recruits, ect to pay for a parade.
Fucking ground pounders are probably excited about it. Army loves parades.
Record deficits.
Record debt levels.
And once again it’s those Republukins who done it, ya hillbillies.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
From Raj Shah’s first ever press briefing regarding Hope Hicks’ Wife Beater Boyfriend: “There weren’t any concerns that could compromise national security or interfere with operations here in the White House.”
Then ten seconds later when asked about FBI concerns about Wife-Beater-Blackmail that prevented sec clearance he says: “I’m not gonna get into any specifics of the investigation itself.. This is not our process. This is the process the U.S. government uses across agencies and has existed over numerous administrations.”
Starts by specifically commenting on the results of the background investigation. Then when confronted about the specifics of the background investigation he backpedals and points at a squirrel.
This one’s going places.
The finest people.
Sara set a pretty low bar for White House briefings. Raj could not meet it.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
@186, @188
I’m fine with canceling all the stupid stadium fly-overs and such, they serve no real purpose.
The Blue Angels at least demonstrate tactical maneuvers aircraft capabilities. Stadium fly-overs do no such thing, except maybe the missing-man formation.
The Daytona 500 is coming up, maybe they could put a target in the lake at the speedway and when they do a fly-over they could make it a bombing run, really give the crowd a show!
During a parade by Trump, would the Armed Forces be able to demonstrate tactical maneuvers? Probably not. Like anyone needs to practice drill in large columns and to see tanks parade by with there barrels protruding like phallic symbols.
I realize the VA and DOD come from different budgets, it it they optics that make it look bad. They kind find money to pay for Trumps tin-pot-dictator parade but can’t find money to fix the VA. Simply shameful.
Better yet, they should spend the money on training so our ships stop hitting commercial shipping and running aground on reefs in the Pacific near China/Asia.
I see what we are paying for all the time, just watch the news. Most of the wars going on are proxy wars for the military industrial complex, poor countries are the proving grounds we could never do at home.
We can now bust into cackling laughter when someone brings up Clinton Russia Uranium.
@1 Another GOP talking point turns out to be fiction. This is news? Reason left the GOP long ago, and all that’s left now is tribal loyalty.
It shows how much real progress is waiting to be made once we get Roypublicans out of the way. There is a ton of built up momentum across the board. But progress will depend on delegitimizing decades of conservative racism, sexism, xenophobia, and superstition.
@ 1
Did you read the letter?
Page 5, lines 2-3.
DOJ is still pursuing charges and the Clinton link is still there. They’re just not using this guy because they consider his actions evidence of unreliability – he did things and concealed them. Not unlike Steele, a formerly reliable individual who bacame a hack for pay.
According to Doctor Dumbfuck, Steele “did things and concealed them”.
He just can’t say precisely what right now. You’ll just have to trust him. Mmkay?
“formerly reliable”
Easy to say, but your evidence of that is what?
@4 You certainly conjure imaginative false equivalencies. If you’d been born earlier, I could see you writing “Lincoln is a political hack not unlike Jefferson Davis,” or “let’s not forget that Churchill and Stalin are both politicians.” Where did you get this talent?
Say, doc, we missed you yesterday. I gather you were busy. Margin calls are a bitch, aren’t they? Feeling a little lighter today?
@6 Evidence? Are you kidding? He’s got nothing. He can’t even pull a decent turd out of his ass.
Bless your heart.
Nunes lies on Fox News. Knowingly. (Why was she on the Sunday shows)
GOP caught red handed concealing evidence.
In page 5 justice confirms no evidence of impropriety by Secretary Clinton
But you’re hanging your hat on the investigation is still being open. You’re so cute.
@ 5,6,7,9
Steele had participated in undisclosed meetings with the husband of a former Democrat political aspirant and his financial backers were initially undisclosed. He shared information with journalists while claiming he had not.
Once credible, then not-so-much.
I drew a parallel to the former FBI guy involved in the Clinton-U thing. Since he passed FBI background checks he was once credible. And now, apparently @ 1, not-so-much.
@ 8
Yesterday I bought for my wife’s account. What’s a bitch is when your spouse gives you an incorrect user name.
“No, honey, you left out a letter.”
Dow went up 200 points while I was trying to log in.
@13 I’m sorry you experienced technical difficulties while I was backing up the truck. I feel for ya, doc. Sounds like you could use a better rabbit’s foot, although mine aren’t available.
P.S., why didn’t you have that info taped to your computer? You’re supposed to verify it ahead of time.
P.P.S., forget your HA password, too?
You make Steele the issue. He’s not. The question is whether or not the evidence he gathered is collaborated or not. Address that. What has been supported by collaborating evidence? What hasn’t?
Market’s not doing much right now. Been squatting at +270 to +350 for the last 2 hours. I’m waiting for Unilever and Novartis to go down more before I spring for them. Meanwhile just browsing stupid troll comments on a political blog I’m known to frequent during my idle time.
This is beginning to look more like a flash crash than a correction. I doubt it’ll come all the way back up, at least not right away, but a month from now it may be like it never happened and it’ll be all but forgotten.
I suspect what maybe happened is macho boys who like to play games with other people’s money got their shorts yanked down. Also, fund managers who know better were forced to sell when the rubes panicked and pulled their money out.
These things feed on themselves and snowball pretty fast once they get going. On days like that, it’s like coming across an overturned candy delivery truck. All you have to do is scoop up the free sweets.
Cackle, cackle little hens!
@14 “You make Steele the issue. He’s not.”
Of course he does, because ad hominem is what Repukes always do when they can’t win on the merits, which is more or less all the time.
@16 It’s what we do around here. What do you do?
@ 14
No idea.
And I agree with you that Steele’s not the issue. The professionalism of the FBI and DOJ regarding their treatment of Steele’s information is the issue.
A lot of people on the right are calling for release of the FISA court applications regarding Page. It’s one way to determine what FBI/DOJ bias there may have been.
When the allegations against Steve Wynn surfaced a couple of weeks ago the market overreacted.
It was a good time to sell naked puts.
Wynn’s out as of last night and today WYNN is up nearly 8%.
I’ve never directly owned a casino stock.
“DOJ is still pursuing charges and the Clinton link is still there.”
That’s why I continue to buy 2 Powerball tickets every Wednesday and Saturday…..The link (the ticket) is still there, I even put it in my wallet each time (just before tossing it out).
@12 sounds like a losers position.
@22 Well, lost out, anyway.
More trouble for GOP in Trumpland.
“Democrats flipped a Missouri state House seat Tuesday [in a special election], marking the 35th seat that has changed from red to blue since Donald Trump became president.”
@19 now if Page were gay, then maybe their would be some bias going on. And then that bias would have been perfectly fine.
@ 23
Written by a guy whose idea of a ‘winner’s position’ is when the catheter finds right hole.
And elsewhere.
“Oregon State Sen. Jeff Kruse (R) repeatedly groped women ― sometimes while on the Senate floor or in the governor’s office ― despite repeated warnings … several Republican state legislators have called on Kruse to resign …. ”
If every man who ever grouped a woman resigns, the unemployment rate is going to sky rocket. Not good for the Drumpster Dumpster.
This case raises intriguing issues. Under anti-discrimination laws, is declining to make a product different from refusing to sell a product? And if so, is motive relevant, or is production always optional with the producer, regardless of his/her reasons?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m not sure I wouldn’t side with the judge on this call. I don’t care for the outcome, but in terms of legal principle, he might be right. I question whether courts can force manufacturers to manufacture under the rubric of non-discrimination. Can you really make someone make something, as opposed to making them sell something that’s already made? Interesting question.
@28 Why not send all of the misbehaving boys back to their playpens? That would create opportunities for women who want to move up. And we might have fewer pointless wars if all our politicians are women.
Ok guys have fun….back to work for me.
“The professionalism of the FBI and DOJ regarding their treatment of Steele’s information is the issue.”
The only evidence of a lack of professionalism I’m aware of are some texts which the GOP takes out of context in an attempt to discredit the investigation, and in doing so, display a willingness to discredit the entire FBI and DOJ as institutions. And yet, immediately after learning of the texts, Mueller dropped the guy. Professionalism at work, Doctor.
Here you try to discredit the investigation, as well as the entire FBI and the DOJ, and seemingly it’s only because of where the investigation might lead. I support the investigation, FBI and DOJ because I want to know what really happened, letting the chips fall where they may.
actually, most of what you posted there either isn’t true, or can only be said to be true when larded with mountains of qualifying statements taking it well beyond your original context.
Is that really your response?
DOJ’s Mikerin source lied to the FBI about the extent of his criminal activities. Are you saying Steele is engaged in criminal activities and lied to the FBI about it? DOJ’s Mikerin source reported details about his criminal activities to the FBI that were in contradiction to facts already known to the FBI. Are you saying Steele’s report contains statements that are known to be false?
I doubt Robert Mueller is developing his cases based upon either testimony from Michael Steele or any memos or reports from Michael Steele. But thanks at least in part to Michael Steele he probably has primary sources.
#owngoal #youbuiltthattoo
@31 I’m sorry you have to work. I’m a capitalist, so I don’t work or produce anything, instead I live off the fat of the land.
@ 32
The only evidence of a lack of professionalism I’m aware of are some texts which the GOP takes out of context in an attempt to discredit the investigation, and in doing so, display a willingness to discredit the entire FBI and DOJ as institutions.
OK, now do Bruce Ohr.
Then do Andrew McCabe.
Hey doc, if you’re really true to your hilariously named “notadumbfuck” investing method, i.e. do the opposite of what Roger Rabbit does, then sell Novartis for 84.83 and sell Unilever for 53.87 right now.
@35 Why do you hate FBI agents for keeping tabs on Russians? Are you one of Putin’s sleeper agents? When did you come to the U.S.? Whose identity did you assume? Are you a real doctor or a poser like that Frank Abignale guy?
Next up: New York will end breeding and importation of gerbils because gman and his friends can’t stop
shoving the cute little critters into their rectumsgerbilling, wherein they become trapped and necessitate ER visits for removal.Lawmakers want to ban laundry detergent from looking tasty
Now you’re echoing Shortbus? Jesus that’s a helluva decline, even for a Trumpublican like you.
We’ve been over this. Claims of bias are bullshit. Other than the text messages from agents reassigned and facing discipline there is nothing else to it. But so what if there were?
You claim to be the kid of an LA prosecutor. Did he ever prosecute drug cases based at least in part on evidence arising from search of premise? Were the warrant apps based on sworn affidavits of criminal co-conspirators or rival drug dealers? You know it happens all the time. It does not constitute a fatal flaw to trigger exclusion. Law enforcement rely on bias to motivate cooperation. And as for the bias of the officers themselves? Are you fucking (Cough! Gorrillas in the Mist. Cough!) kidding us? If LE bias formed the basis for a fatally flawed warrant app you’d never get another warrant against another organized criminal ever again (much less against a racial minority).
IRL the kind of legal challenge you are mounting here requires real evidence and real facts, not just allusions to “concerns”. And the proper venue comes in the form of a pre-trial challenge to exclude. So are you really concerned about the civil rights of a career Russian spy?
@35 And why should they rise above the level of nothingburgers in regards to Mueller’s investigation? It is, after all, the investigation which is your target. You want it stopped because of where it might lead. There’s no other reason I can see.
I’m a capitalist, just like U!
@34 Little bit of a slow day, before I leave a bit early, but work isn’t all that bad.
@38 lol, that was a pretty good one Bob. But I wonder why they don’t just skip the ER visit for the extraction and just have someone fist them and go after that little gerbils.
I fixed it for plural – I didn’t want to assume that only one gerbil would need be extracted.
“White House staff secretary Rob Porter has resigned following newly published reports alleging that he physically abused his two ex-wives.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The main point is Trump’s vetting process — if he has one — didn’t screen out this alleged wife beater. These incidents occurred years ago; these allegations aren’t new. Everything points to Trump and his chief of staff not caring about them.
Why shouldn’t Cadet Bone Spurs put on a military parade?
The Russians have their May Day, and the French have their Bastille Day. When he picks a date, Trump should declare it a national holiday and call it Capitalism Day or Billionaires Day.
If the Russkies and Frogs have big parades for their proletariats, then Trump should do one for capitalism’s overlooked 1%, who make the stock market great.
After all, America is a land where government of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich shall never perish as long as the lobbyists reign.
@ 39
Here’s the Senate’s criminal referral of Steele to DOJ:
@41 I’m glad to hear someone besides me has wised up to this system. If you can’t lick ’em, join ’em.
Well, this should make some of you breathe a lot more easily.
Gilead Sciences Inc.’s GILD, +3.41% once-a-day HIV regimen has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration, the company said Wednesday afternoon. The regimen, Biktarvy, is intended for HIV patients who are new to treatment and will cost $35,859, similar to other single-tablet HIV therapies, said Mizuho analyst Salim Syed. The approval happened a few days earlier than expected, and the safety label for the product is clean, he said. Biktarvy is expected to become a “gold standard” HIV regimen for patients new to treatment because it has a high barrier to resistance, no liver toxicity issues, few potential drug-drug interactions, a small pill size and a rapid start to therapy, said RBC Capital Markets analyst Brian Abrahams.
Patient Zerogman.gman has his own once-a-day @ 47 HIV regimen.
Once each day he has unprotected sex with a stranger.
Can you point to any statement of information from Senator Grassley’s mean-girl letter that constitutes actual evidence of any criminal act on the part of Mr. Steele?*
Asking for a friend who isn’t holding his breath.
*Even the authors of the mean-girl letter admit that, at most, what they allege through circumstance merely would serve as grounds for “further investigation” by the DOJ.
Buthey! Whatever it takes to distract you hillbillies from the results of the FISA surveillance. I wonder if it was always this easy to play you idiots and we just never saw it before?
@48 You pontificate about other people’s sexual proclivities when the Humane Society has a backlog of complaints against you?
Also, if you followed your own investing advice, you would’ve sold Boeing at 129 and Lockheed at 85. Yes, I know I’m profiteering with Republican warmongering. Just because I profit from it doesn’t mean I’m in favor of it.
Apparently there’s a budget deal.
Apparently the Dreamers aren’t part of it.
You know, I care far less about spending discipline now that I’m retired and YLB’s kids are about to enter the workforce. Load those little fuckers up with as much debt as they can manage. Then pile on a bit more, and a bit more after that.
Thanks, YLB!
“Oy vey! Can I get a senior discount? I’m on a fixed income, you know? This bread crust is too hard.”
And thank you boob for showing “the world” (in the other freak’s parlance) what you care about “the world” you’re planning with every dying breath to leave to future generations, i.e. nothing but misery and pain.
That’s a klownservatic for ya!
klown lunatic psycho/sicko-phants to the american greed class!
So if your neighbor has a name that sounds Arab-y, and looks like an Aa-rab, he must be a Moo-slem, right?
“An Oklahoma man accused of fatally shooting his Lebanese neighbor was convicted Wednesday on first-degree murder and hate crime charges. … Prosecutors say Majors fatally shot Jabara after bombarding him and his family for years with racial epithets, including ‘filthy Lebanese’ and ‘Moo-slems.’ The Jabaras are Christian.”
Kinda reminds you of this guy:
“The lawyers for former Trump campaign adviser Rick Gates [explained] why they’d like to quit his case Wednesday: … ‘Irreconcilable differences have developed with the client which make our effective representation of the client impossible.’ … [This] does little to clear up the mystery about Gates’ fractured legal representation.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Could be something as simple as the client insisting, “I’ve been lying all along, so why can’t I lie in court, too?”
@51 “I care far less about spending discipline now that I’m retired and YLB’s kids are about to enter the workforce.”
First of all, I take it you don’t have kids of your own. If you did, they’d look like unicorns. But mainly, how can you as a Republican have less spending discipline now than you and your ilk ever did? In this context a number less than zero isn’t possible.
@47 there’s no price for love Bob, I still love you and always will.
“What can I say?
Bitch was clumsy.
Especially after I knocked her around.”
Very fine people. The best.
@48 you shouldn’t call yourself a stranger…..after 30 days, everyday, you and I can start to call each other buddies.
Be careful with your in-sink garbage disposal. Fibrous veggies can get them plugged up in a New York minute. Lettuce is one of the biggest offenders. Just put that stuff in a recycle bucket, a compost heap or in the garbage.
The market is flip-flopping around. I’ll sit tight and maybe make a buy when things are down a bunch for the day. I might even do a bit of selling in some of my portfolios if there’s a big run-up in one particular area of the market.
The national debt is in excess of $20 trillion now. Its time to stop arguing who’s responsible and start moving towards paying it down. If interest rates tick up a bit later in the year (which is likely) we could be paying $500 billion a year just in interest charges to service the debt load. Interest is a dead weight on the budget because it does not accomplish anything except make us atone for past mistakes. It’s not like paying interest is some sort of Keynesian stimulus package or some supply side miracle for the economy. It’s just the charge for using debt, and we’ve been using too much debt in the last 20 years.
Well wouldn’t you know it!
The big kahuna from the country that can do no wrong has been accused of doing wrong:
It was only a matter of time before they got tired of the insufferable jerk.
What’s next after no longer caring about a growing deficit Bob? Does it lead to starting to love Fascism? Well, when that happens you better hope Humpty Dumpty is strong otherwise your new leader could be Putin or even the dear leader of North Korea.
@62 for him the death penalty would be good.
Demorat Death March News – Smoking Gun – Carter Page Was A Demorat Agent, FISA Warrant Was A Hillary Campaign Scam
Arrogant and stupid Demorats use a former Clinton official to infiltrate Trump campaign and set up the FISA Warrant
Headline –
BREAKING: Carter Page – The Linchpin to Deep State Spying on Trump – Was Member of Clinton Transition Team
Carter Page previously worked with the Clinton Administration transition team in 1992-1993 while serving as a Research Fellow on the House Armed Services Committee (HASC) on Capitol Hill. During his Fellowship, HASC Chairman Les Aspin was selected by President Clinton as the Secretary of Defense in December 1992. From May 1993 – December 1994, Carter went on to serve as the Arms Control Action Officer for Counterproliferation Policy in the Nuclear Affairs and International Negotiations Branch of the Navy Staff in the Pentagon.
“paying it down”
yeah let’s ask those that make like tons of money to contribute a couple of pennies….we’ll pay it off all right.
I’ve been talking about the deficit since 2003 with a Conservative friend of mine (guy is a brain dead college wrestler and football player); he told me that deficits are good and that you don’t want the government to run a surplus. But he kind of changed his tune when the Black guy became President. And now he no longer cares again.
Not only I say Good Luck, but welcome to the Party.
Huh! So Hope Hicks not only gets off on being passed around amongst freaks in the WH for sex, she likes it rough. This will serve her well in prison, I’m sure.
My goodness. Troll @65 is a special kind of stupid, huh?
I bet Bob’s horse has a pussy hat that he wears when Bob leaves for the house.
Everyone at the Whitey House needs to go through a lie detector test. They claim everything is false, then prove it to us, show us that you are the ones with the truth………ahhhh, but you can’t…..I seeee said the blind man….I see through the walls with my blind bad eyes.
He makes Shortbus look like a Rhodes Scholar.
The official Roypublican response is that the two ex-wives are liars, they are part of a conspiracy involving the FBI/Mueller/Strzok, they are both fat, and Hope is great and really knows how to make a pint of Sephora concealer look “natural” and “fresh”.
So Hope Hicks likes the rough types: first Corey Lewandowski and now this Porter freak..
There’s your in, boob..
Our local HA misogynist troll freak’s trophy wife awaits. You can’t make this shit up.
We’re busted. It’s over, I tell you. The special kind of stupid @65 has outed our conspiracy against Trump which originated a quarter century ago. It started with the Clintons, of course, who groomed Carter Page in 1992-94 as a Manchurian Bozo to be unleashed on the world 25 years later. So nefarious and far seeing were the Clintons in their devious and dastardly plan to transform America into a nation where women wear pussyhats and black men kneel at NFL games, thus destroying the very fabric of our society and thwarting any attempts by the future President Orange Buffoon to Make America Great Again!
He’s on to us. It’s over, guys.
Andrew Puzder will never ever be Secretary of Labor..
But Drumpf will never ever stop trying to find a job in its disadministration for this violent, misogynist freak.
Those types really know how to loot the Treasury and make the rich ever richer. Drumpf material, hands down.
Thanks to the ceaseless tantrums of the Roypublican Man-Baby and the utter inability of the Roypublican Party Apparatchiks to appease him, the public now knows (1) that the DOJ and FBI applied for a warrant from the FISA Court for authorization to electronically surveil Page beginning on October 21, 2016, as well the purported grounds on which the government sought the warrant; (2) the FISA Court granted the DOJ and FBI’s application on October 21, 2016; (3) the DOJ and FBI thrice requested extensions from the FISA Court to continue surveilling Carter Page; and (4) the FISA Court thrice authorized continued surveillance of Carter Page.
This is all in the public domain now thanks to politically motivated stunts from people like Devin Nunes, Charles Grassley, and Lindsey Graham carried out at the urging of the White House.
Wanna know what else that means? It means there is scarcely any reason for the FISA Court to maintain classified seal on any related application materials under sec. 215. They have it within their authority as granted under the statute and in the public interest of transparency to either publish the warrant application materials, or to publish a public statement explaining the basis for the grant.
#owngoal #youbuiltthattoo
So this Porter freak never got a security clearance?
Watch out! FBI klownspiracy spinning on its way from the HA trolls!
So this shit was known about Porter a long time ago and didn’t become an issue until the nasty pictures came out?
Real shit show being run by this unapologetic liar Kelly.
@75 Huh. Even Charlie Sheen’s prison inmate character (“Wild Thing”) won’t pitch for Trump’s team, so they had to go to this guy. They have nobody else in their bullpen.
@74 Heh. Too funny! Asshole1 reminds me of that old troll freak GS who was an idiot birther and thought the US was becoming Greece and thought he’d escape to Canada.
The trolls love talk about high priced and over budget and delays associated with transportation projects but silent on things like this.
Shock Trials or No, the Navy’s Newest Supercarrier Is Still an Unreliable Debacle – The Drive
Goes to show you that they are hot air knuckle dragink breathing bitches!
Haven’t you heard?
Its time to stop arguing who’s responsible… etc. etc.
The EEEN-DEEE-PEN-DUNCE trolls need a hug. Their Daddy Putin comes home drunk and “bad” touches them.
Carl there is no guarantee it will pass the house. Usually it’s the Senate that holds things up, but once something passes there it can be the house. And a bill has to make it out of committee.
I think the challenge to the bill would come after passage and it being signed. It’s going to get challenged by the Catholic church as they are going to object to paying for abortion. Same with other religious folks who will bring suit.
It may also invigorate opponents. And it’s subject to being repealed in a future legislative session.
@14 That todays CIA has a lot in common with the CIA of 1960’s and early 70’s? HOw about that Brennen guy now a big shot news guy. A CIA project has come to full fruition!!!
@27 Hey the Senate floor is the best place for the Suma Kutra!! Time to educate todays youth!!!
@28 Keep that in mind if there is ever a draft. Since being gay isn’t going to get you out, then a good grope might do it. This should be interesting if it’s a gay guy doing the groping.
@30 And enough women will choose to do all the jobs? Also there is no reason to assume women would mean a more peaceful Earth, history gives plenty of examples where women are as prone to violence as men are. Some even like being referred to as grizzly bears.
@32 Why do you support the FBI? Maybe the US would be better off without the FBI. There is no constitutional requirement for the FBI. Plenty to criticize about the FBI. And you probably don’t really know what the FBI does. After Prohibition was repealed perhaps the FBI should have been disbanded, but of course J Edgar got his agents into the drug war, to maintain his kingdom.
The DOJ of course is necessary in order for the executive to perform the functions assigned to it.
@33 He worked for he majesties Government in MI5 as a spy, he didn’t work as a spy because the Brits are nice. He should immediately be suspect whatever he tells anyone in a report or otherwise. And he must have gotten the ok to do the work from her majesty’s government which makes the work suspect. And yes the requirement on Mueller was to investigate all possible collusion and interference in our election from any foreign government. That includes friends such as Great Britain.
@34 Good have you set up that helping African American’s fund yet for Puddy and me?
@39 Part of the problem here you are mixing what is intelligence information, and what is criminal. The Church committee findings revealed serious issues, and made recommendations that separated the two. That way intelligence could not be used in criminal matters. Investigators would have to get the information through other means. 911, the Patriot Act and time has weakened the separation of the two. That is a great deal of the current situation. This has now allowed a political party to use intelligence resources to track it’s political opponents, beyond what Richard Nixon, it was wrong when he did, and it’s just as wrong now. When done by a Democratic politician against a Republican. Or you all need to start to admit tricky Dick was right and was a great President, and knew what he was doing. As you are all walking in his great footsteps. Hope you like catchup on your eggs.
@41 I work for a living, so fuck you and the capitalist rabbit.
@56 Not necessarily as Gates does not have to testify in his defense some rights thing. Could be the attorneys don’t want to go to trial as their client has told the government to go to hell. Judge should tell them be at trial.
@63 And you too can learn to love the bomb.
For Jeff
82 -94,
Sure, Ralph.
Looks like Nunes is pulling up the drawbridge.
@79 Now that he’s in Canada, he can’t come back, because immigration isn’t allowed anymore. From anywhere. He might be a criminal, or worse, a food stamp freeloader.
@89 Haven’t you heard? Capitalists don’t share. At least not unless they get a tax deduction, and the GOP platform of abolishing taxes on capitalists would pretty much kill that.
@91 Somebody has to work, so we thank you for your service.
Selling refrigerators to people living in cold climates is easy when they were born without a brain.
I see the DJIA is down about 200 pts right now. Maybe it is still just going through its “correction”….that high previous experienced must have just been Fake News. Or maybe Wall Street was just taking a bunch of Opioids pushed by Humpty Dumpty and the Repukes.
Can we start a pool going on how low the DJIA will go? Anyone interested?
I’ll take 23,666.
Herman wants 23,999
Tomorrow is Friday, aren’t Fridays historically down days?
Rut Rhow – it’s beginning a descent.
A good time to just saddle up that horse and take a good trot around the farm.
Nunes has been conducting a separate and independent operation within the committee, under the direction of the White House since the naming of the Special Prosecutor last year. The primary purpose of that operation has been to use the committee investigative resources to discover as much as possible about what the Special Prosecutor has learned about the campaign’s criminal activities and what leads are being pursued. And then feed that intel back to the White House.
Now at the end of the day every defense attorney knows that they get to see it all through discovery once a criminal indictment is filed. And to be fair there are legitimate reasons why a defense might want an early peek. But we all know what’s going on here. And this sure as fuck isn’t about preparing a legitimate criminal defense.
Up to now, the risk for Nunes has been that if he or Republican staff under his supervision, cross certain statutory lines they might be charged with obstruction. So they’ve had to walk a careful line. A line that Nunes tip toed over last year when he performed his late night unmasking interpretive dance at the insistence of the Man-Baby. His recusal pantomime was enough to quell the ethics committee and provide cover for Sesh.
But now it looks like Nunes and his Republican staff intend to get seriously busy. And they can’t have any minority staff around to see them reading stolen documents and suborning perjury.
I see the ST editorial board is on an anti-union rant again.
i see that Roger Dumfuck Rabbit’s recommended stock, GE, is faring nicely again.
He recommended it and informed us it was one of his larger holdings back on the 20th of October, when it was at $23.81. It had risen that day and Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit inexplicably used that one-day upward move in the stock price as part of the basis for his recommendation.
GE today?
Down another 2.8%, now at $14.83.
My Notadumbfuck Method of investing.
Even more important in a down market.
Enjoy the ride,
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Democratic congress(wo)man, quoted by Bloomberg, about Pelosi:
Virtually everyone trying to win seats outside of California feels she has hurt their chances.
She really should have stopped to nap. It wouldn’t have been the first time we’ve seen an 80 year old woman napping on camera
in that chamber.
Those “barnacles” in the House and Senate like Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell are the reason we should enact term limits to get more diversity into both branches of the legislature.
@101 The DJIA peaked at 26616 on Jan. 26 (intraday high, not close). It’s down about 8% from there. A moderate correction in the 10% – 12% range would take it down to 23422 – 23955, which corresponds closely to your and Herman’s estimates. A 15% correction would go farther down to 22624.
I think we’ve seen the bulk of the decline, but what happens next depends a lot on what long-term interest rates do next (which are set in the bond market, as opposed to the Fed’s overnight discount rate, which isn’t the driver this time. The “Yellen put” is over, folks).
The 10-year rate blowing through 2.7% is what started this whole thing, pushed by signs of rising inflation, and the bond market will continue to drive it.
That’s really difficult to predict; the TY is bouncing around a lot right now. In addition, there’s a lot of volatility noise. Keep your eye on the ball; the TY is driving this, so ignore the volatility.
Stocks were overdue for a correction. It doesn’t really matter what triggered it, but the bond market was the most likely trigger, and that’s what happened. Logic says the correction should slice the top off frothy valuations as rising bond yields compete for investment dollars. Fund flows give us some clues about this; a lot of money leaving stock funds and going into bond is a tell. But it’s more complicated than that. Once it was triggered, this correction began feeding on itself because of margin calls, short squeezes, etc. That makes it difficult to evaluate how far it’ll go.
What we’re seeing right now looks like bottom bouncing, but 8% doesn’t seem like enough to wring out the excesses, so it could ooze lower over the next 2-3 weeks. Therefore 23600 seems like a good ballpark guess.
@105 “Roger Dumfuck Rabbit’s recommended stock, GE … ”
That lie is getting tired. I didn’t tell Newt to buy GE; I told you to short it. Time to push the “Ignore” button. You’re starting to sound like Puddy. And the broken record player @107, too.
It’s over when the cash on the sidelines decides the profit opportunity from the selloff is sufficiently large.
Until then the cash stays on the sidelines.
When trolls don’t have new conspiracy theories to peddle, they hit the “repost” button. Being silent when they have nothing to say never occurs to them. They love hearing themselves talk too much.
@110 Being a dumb rabbit, I tend to buy on the way down instead of on the way back up, and I’ve offloaded about 50% of my cash since Friday. How did the horse auction go? All your margin calls settled now?
@ 111
Being silent when they have nothing to say never occurs to them. They love hearing themselves talk too much.
This from the failed attorney with 100,000+ posts.
ohh my – down 650 pts and its getting close to 4:00pm.
Wow. Look at the put options on Costco right now.
If you’re willing to buy 1,000 shares in January (or perhaps sooner) at $173 per, you can collect a $11,500 (or more) premium right now.
Costco, which pays its employees so much more than other retailers.
Serious, what could possibly go wrong?
@115 Sure, use a garden-variety stock market correction to attack Costco employees’ wages. In your world, everybody except doctors should work for $7.25/hr., and you begrudge that.
I don’t intend to get into an IQ contest with Doc — I’m not that mean. Suffice to say I wouldn’t let a Trump voter manage my money. Somebody that dumb probably shouldn’t be managing his own money, either. He should get one of his kids to do it.
Rog – you ever hear of investopedia? I never have….came across it after wanting to know more about the TY you mentioned….looks like a good site for someone like myself.
Mrs. Rabbit wonders if Doctor Dumbfuck listens to Alex Jones. I wouldn’t put it past him. She also speculates he wears a tinfoil hat to protect his noggin from solar radiation. That wouldn’t surprise me either.
@118 Yes, and I also keep a copy of this at my computer.
According to Sec. Tillerson teenage hackers in Moldova “may have” a constitutional right to interfere in our elections on behalf of the Republican Party.
At the same time, brown skinned people in America have absolutely no constitutional right to refuse a random body cavity search. And reproductive aged women in Amercia have absolutely no constitutional right to refuse a vagina probing.
@ 118
If it’s an investment site populated by shills, not only has Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit heard of it, he’s posted on it.
Porter-the-Wife-Beater was allowed to remain in place in a highly sensitive security position on the WH staff for a year after the FBI uncovered his violent criminal past. Chief of Staff Kelly claims he didn’t know about all the beatings, even though the FBI background check uncovered them.
Could it be that Kelly can’t read either?
Maybe all the Republican Party needs is a phonics program.
@ 123
Jake Tapper had some nice commentary yesterday.
The slide began with Clinton but it clearly has accelerated.
@122 I do that when you’re out in the barn assfucking your wife’s horse, so how would you notice?
@1124 “The slide began with Clinton but it clearly has accelerated.”
Yes, WH criminality plunged downhill faster than Eddie the Eagle on the ski jump after Clinton lost, and has been accelerating ever since.
Suggesting that Panetta knew about the blowjob but played dumb?
Suggesting that Panetta knew about high level staff beating up their wives?
Suggesting that Clinton beat up Lewinsky?
Or merely suggesting that Doctor Dumbfuck will use any excuse to bring up the name Clinton in relation to a Republican scandal.
Democrats are now looking to flip 100+ House seats.
So much winning!
I suppose every American won’t.
Goldy Retweeted
Here’s the real reason why you won’t get that $4,000 raise Trump promised every American @NickHanauer
via @attn#Maddow #MSNBC#POTUS45
But CVS employees just did. They also got parental leave.
CVS to hike wages, introduce paid parental leave with windfall from new tax law
By November Democrats will be down to protesting, “Yabbut not all of your dreams came true.”.
That’s how silly this unwillingness on the part of libbies to face the reality of the tax law’s benefits is becoming.
Every single one of your fucks in Congress voted against it.
Come November that’s gonna hurt.
Do any of you guys have any spare cardboard boxes and a hand truck you can loan out?
Asking for John Kelly.
A Tennessee sheriff ordered his deputies to shoot a fleeing shoplifting suspect to avoid damaging his patrol cars.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is the kind of respect for human life you get from elected sheriffs in states full of Trump voters.
I mean, the guy was stupid and reckless to make the cops chase him like this, but that didn’t give them a license to execute him like they do in communist countries.
Yep, these are Trump’s financial markets now.
“There’s a not-so-quiet rebellion going on in the bond market … the government’s deficit spending [is] creating more and more Treasury supply. So, the bond market has entered a zone of no return ….”
I see it as possible that the DOW will start building a base of support at the 10% correction level. But it hasn’t even reached that yet, but I’m pretty sure it will. If it goes past that, the 200 day ma is next at 22,775. I believe if it goes below the 200 day ma, 18,000 is where it’s headed. That’s the nearest level of meaningful support to be found below the 200 day ma.
The 13 day ma is really taking a dive. I’m watching for it to cross the 50 day ma. Or not. I’m certainly not seeing any “buy” signals yet. But if technical analysis was a perfect predictor of the market and individual stock performance, all technical traders would be filthy rich, and they’re not.
“Come November that’s gonna hurt.”
LMFAO! You’re so silly, Doc. That’s some funny shit.
@130 Sorry. Already lent mine to Rob Porter. Or was it Tom Price? Or Sean Spicer? Can’t keep track anymore.
@133 Technical analysis is 70% voodoo. The only reason it sometimes works a little bit is because humans are habitually stupid. You can almost predict the next war, too.
I could be wrong, Doc, but I somehow see the Trump GOP 2018 campaign slogan “Jews shall not replace us” as not going over very well with the electorate this year.
‘You’re a Nazi’: CNN’s Alisyn Camerota destroys Republican candidate after he calls Holocaust a ‘scam’
Nazis, wife beaters and child-molesters. Good luck with that, Doc.
I wonder what PI is buying today….or did he decide to start shopping on Rodeo Drive?
@136 I respectfully disagree. Technical analysis has served me quite well. But it’s only one of the available tools I used when I was trading.
A good war is all we need now to be distracted….oh well. I thought we could give peace a chance.
given that Fuckface wants regular big missile parades and accuses the folks who won’t applaud him of treason, I wonder how he’s going to react to dozens of Roypublican House members asking him to stay the fuck away from their districts this year?
There’s already a bunch of pre-planning for visits to CA going on.
There’s gotta be some way to prod that infantile fat fuck into visiting WA 3 & 8 this year. Pre-teen beauty pageant?
I wonder if he rides a horse on his Dude Ranch.
I can see why he needs a call girl – no other human would probably go near the ugly fucker.
But everyone loves a good parade – especially the head Clown.
Holly Shit!
800 pts down….15 minutes to go.
What does Friday bring….is it the 13th tomorrow?
Hey boob and leetle sidekick babbling butthole:
The empty suit you voted for twice just said Russia meddled in the 2016 election:
Does this mean the empty suit is part of the derp state? Run to the daily white nationalist whiner, matt sludge report or the hatestheonlyway pun-idjit to get the low down.
I mean it figures: Drumpf sure made dear brother Jeb look like a deer in the headlights.
Yawwn.. Balding and limp boob can’t conceive that some corps are doing this because they have no other choice.
When some competitors outsource jobs to low wage places, all others follow suit.
When some competitors draw good employees by offering better pay and perks, other competitors follow suit to keep from losing their people. It’s expensive to find and train replacements.
Kind of basic.. If the economy was in recession, they wouldn’t be doing this. The tax scam just lessens the pain for corps.
In the meantime google “layoffs” in the news and plenty of corps are laying off people.
DJIA closes down 1,033 points at 23860.
“The Trump administration is considering making it harder for foreigners living in the United States to get permanent residency if they have received certain public benefits such as food assistance, in a move that could sharply restrict legal immigration.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It isn’t just illegals Trump is targeting anymore. He can no longer claim this is a campaign against illegals.
And Kansas is making it hard to get hard.
Republicans are the problem. Humpty Dumpty is a rouge interloping maniac.
And right after the game the went to their locker room to have tide pods.
Well done parents. #MAGA
Hey Coach! Don’t spread my legs!
That’s just Doctor(?) Dumbfuck hoping we all forgot about the Aetna merger and that CVS is still just a liddle ol’ corner drug store.
CVS spent much of the last two years laying off workers.
But never mind that. I’m sure those no longer CVS workers are reacting well to the tax cut.
And come to think of it…Obamacare made everyone schedule all their workers to 29 hours? Boob said so. CVS doing the same?
@155 There’s hardly enough votes in these raises and bonuses to elect a Republican dogcatcher. There’s a blue tsunami coming and even Putin can’t stop it.
“Conservative explodes with righteous fury on White House staff for protecting abusers like Trump”
“The bottom line of this is that they protected an abuser, and guess what, it’s a job qualification to work in the White House, to protect someone who talked favorably about sexual assault on the Access Hollywood tapes,” she said. “That’s the job qualification in the White House.”
“This is the same president who laughs along with Howard Stern when he says disgusting things about his daughter,” Carpenter continued. “I don’t know how people in the White House let this man date [communications director] Hope Hicks… They protect abusers. There’s no way of getting around it.”
“If you tolerate people who do this to people they say they love, what will they do to the people they don’t know? This matters to a normal person. These people don’t have restraint. It’s disgusting to watch.”
That’s a Republican woman talking, Doctor. Go ahead and mark my words. America’s women are going to bury your party this fall, and they’re going to do it with a vengeance.
Rand Paul is talking about the deficit.
The Tax bill he championed adds 1.4trillion to the deficit if the rosey growth projections pan out. (They won’t)
Neither of the Paul’s should ever be taken seriously.
A bad day in the markets. I’m just going to sit tight and ride it out.
159 – Don’t take anyone seriously when it comes to the national debt. Neither party is really interested in paying it down/off. Repaying debt means no money to spend in one’s state/district in order to get elected and re-elected ad infinitum.
Nope. Nothing racist to see here.
Fox News Exec Opinion Piece pretends Olympic Trials competitions don’t exist and rails against the Asians, blacks and gays on the 2018 Winter team.
Sure, Jan.
@162 Ignorance and racism on full display. And I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt on the ignorance, which is generous of me as I have no reason to believe it.
In the wake of the Puusssy Grabber Tape, the Stormy Daniels confessions, the Wife-Beater-in-the-White-House, the 15 sexual assault accusers, the pageant victims, and the Delaware LLC setup to fund hush-money-for-sex…
…just how “outlandish” is the PeePee Tape claim?
The Navy Seal who put down Bin Laden just told Roypublican Pissident Bone-Spurs that his tank parade tantrum is bullshit.
@165 Not outlandish enough to bother most of America’s evangelicals. If it was intended as an insult to the Kenyan usurper, as it appears to have been, they’d probably love the PeePee tape and cheer the moron for having done it.
Long as the Russian hookers weren’t male or intersex, and long as he’s on board for the involuntary vagina probes, the thumpers are cool widit.
The parade is a stupid idea and a complete waste of money to feed the ego of a petulant child.
If Trump really cared about our troops/veterans, he would take that money and effort and put it towards the VA. Trump and his ilk are too self-absorbed to do that.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The main point is Trump’s vetting process — if he has one — didn’t screen out this alleged wife beater.
Screen out? Hell! Wife beating is a DUMPSTER WH job qualifier.
So the government is shut down again…
Is it Rand Paul’s fault???
Nope.. Not even close.. Read the words of “that unpopular preznit”, the man-baby, the orange shit-gibbon:
The orange freak said it.. Not me.. But wait for it!
Balding and limp boob will be here to babble:
“Bill Clinton”..
“that bitch”..
The rich will get 80% of the $1.5 trillion of tax cuts, or $1.2 trillion, over 10 years.
Prompted by rising interest rates fueled by inflation fears stemming partly from the tax cuts, the stock market just wiped out $2.5 trillion of paper wealth, 80% or $2.0 trillion owned by the rich, in 10 days.
Doesn’t look like a good return on investment to me.
@169 “The parade is a stupid idea and a complete waste of money”
That’s precisely its appeal. Waste taxpayer money on parades so it can’t be spent on the poor. Starve the beast.
Nancy Pelosi is a dead parrot.
Maybe not if she survives the primary.
@98 Yes, but allegedly you are a Democratic capitalist. Still a chance to shame you into sharing.
Hope you didn’t take a drubbing today, hopefully it’s just a normal reset. Full panic can always ensue, I don’t think bots can panic, but they are contributing. They are programmed that way.
@99 People in cold climates need refrigerators. They may not need freezers six months of the year, but they need refrigerators. Admiral Byrd took refrigerators to Antarctica. And we have them at the south pole.
@102 You are missing one point that those who already own 100 shares of GE, Boeing, ect will still own 100 shares of the same stock tomorrow no matter if the stock goes up or down. Even if the stock becomes a penny stock holders still own 100 shares. As RR has pointed out buying over a long period of time and holding is the best strategy. Sure your stock gets kicked when it’s down, but on those great days it goes up you are right there. In any case you still got 100 shares of ownership in a company. Sometimes that is even enough where the leadership may listen to you.
@103 This whole thing really is not a criminal case, it’s politics. To compare it to a criminal process with constitutional protections misses the point entirely. In the end it’s Congress that would have to impeach and then remove the President. While it’s clothed loosely as a trial process it’s not. It’s pure politics and is about the removal from office, and nothing more. Doesn’t even mean the President is even guilty of the charges that congress laid against him. It does mean after the removal the criminal process can start, and the former President can be charged, and found guilty or innocent. It’s entirely possible the person will be found completely innocent of the charges.
The fact Trump has orange hair could be a high crime or misdemeanor if Congress says it is and Congress can remove him from office for that. This means it’s all politics.
Though for real fun Michigan legislature could impeach the Democratic judges on the Michigan Supreme Court. That get to the truth of what impeachment is about, and why it’s so hard to do under the US Constitution.
@107 Odd that wasn’t your position when you alive. You thought the people in their wisdom would impose term limits on office holders frequently.
RR and Godwinha are arguing like a couple of Pinochle players over the stock market. One of them screwed up the hand, and the other players are sitting pretty with their $10 at a penny a point.
@121 Of course it could be that old bugaboo of national sovereignty. The security forces of Moldova reserve the right to abuse their citizens. The wine is good though. Maldova is investment ready. Tillerson knows of some youth there who could use some capital investment.
@123 You miss the point of security checks. It is about trustworthiness and ability to keep secrets, not that someone is a wife beater, Wife beaters can keep secrets, and if they don’t hide the event are not subject to being blackmailed. You can be a very bad person, but have a high security clearance.
@125 A real rabbit would be in the house fucking his wife.
Or you are not a Philadelphia lawyer?
@128 And NBC news would not have a reason to make it look like a horse race of an election? NBC would not have a bias?
Of course knowing the Democrats 70 of the seats they are looking to flip are in Democratic hands.
@145 For someone with no skin in the game you are overly excited about the losses. It does come across as unseemly and highly political to be celebrating the DOW JONES getting pummeled. Especially when all the world’s stock markets are not happy camp grounds at the moment.
You are in New York where the stock market is, and where a couple of trillion just disappeared, and there could be a broker looking for a little pay back, after all people kill over $10 in New York city, and you know the right people a hit can be had for $100.
@169 Only by law he would not be able to give it to the VA. Which is a separate pot of money separate from the DOD. Sure there are costs involved in doing a parade in DC, yet relatively shifting it to the troops recreation would not buy a lot of ping pong tables. The Air Force fly by at the Superbowl probably cost more than any parade, though that would probably be part of any parade in DC. And if you all are so gung ho about this then maybe you should tell Seattle that the Blue Angels are not welcome come next Seafair. Any parade in Washington DC would be justified for the same reason the Blue Angels exist to give public exhibitions, and would come out of that pool of money. I doubt the price of any parade in DC would top a million, and DC would get stuck with a bill. The Blue Angels budget in 2011 was 37 million so the expense of a parade in Washington is not excessive. It can be justified to promote recruiting for the military. Letting the public see what it pays for.
@173 Not to worry the Pentagon is going to be spending a lot of money on an audit ordered by Congress, and the first trial run of the audit is a mess. When the logistical arm of the military can’t find $800 million why are you all worried about the cost of a parade in Washington DC?
All Trump has to is go down to the basement and fill out the requisition forms for a parade, and it will happen and no one will know how it got paid for.
I apologize for the link. NPR must have a problem as I did hear the story on NPR today, and it’s the right headline, only it’s not the right story.
No one talked about the expense of fly-bys for events like the Superbowl
Yet the 1 hour flight tome of the Thunderbirds is $112,540 an hour.
And the fight you all are going to have is the expense of a parade in Washington DC thinking there is some great cost saving if it doesn’t take place. There is not, and plenty of money in the fly over, advertising for recruits, ect to pay for a parade.
Fucking ground pounders are probably excited about it. Army loves parades.
Dilly Dilly
One ad that makes me think of HOrses Ass, definitely the pit of misery.
174 -189,
Sure, Ralph.
Record deficits.
Record debt levels.
And once again it’s those Republukins who done it, ya hillbillies.
From Raj Shah’s first ever press briefing regarding Hope Hicks’ Wife Beater Boyfriend:
“There weren’t any concerns that could compromise national security or interfere with operations here in the White House.”
Then ten seconds later when asked about FBI concerns about Wife-Beater-Blackmail that prevented sec clearance he says:
“I’m not gonna get into any specifics of the investigation itself.. This is not our process. This is the process the U.S. government uses across agencies and has existed over numerous administrations.”
Starts by specifically commenting on the results of the background investigation. Then when confronted about the specifics of the background investigation he backpedals and points at a squirrel.
This one’s going places.
The finest people.
Sara set a pretty low bar for White House briefings. Raj could not meet it.
@186, @188
I’m fine with canceling all the stupid stadium fly-overs and such, they serve no real purpose.
The Blue Angels at least demonstrate tactical maneuvers aircraft capabilities. Stadium fly-overs do no such thing, except maybe the missing-man formation.
The Daytona 500 is coming up, maybe they could put a target in the lake at the speedway and when they do a fly-over they could make it a bombing run, really give the crowd a show!
During a parade by Trump, would the Armed Forces be able to demonstrate tactical maneuvers? Probably not. Like anyone needs to practice drill in large columns and to see tanks parade by with there barrels protruding like phallic symbols.
I realize the VA and DOD come from different budgets, it it they optics that make it look bad. They kind find money to pay for Trumps tin-pot-dictator parade but can’t find money to fix the VA. Simply shameful.
Better yet, they should spend the money on training so our ships stop hitting commercial shipping and running aground on reefs in the Pacific near China/Asia.
I see what we are paying for all the time, just watch the news. Most of the wars going on are proxy wars for the military industrial complex, poor countries are the proving grounds we could never do at home.