Now that the stock market is going down, I feel like it’s a good time to write this without it sounding like sour grapes. The stock market is a shitty way to measure the economy. And the ways we measure the stock market are usually an unrepresentative sample of the market in general. A few dozen stocks, or even a few hundred don’t get at small business anything, or hiring, or wages.
The stock market is the best window into human herd behavior that modern science has.
Meanwhile, science has just proven that if you ask a half dozen Trump supporters whether Hillary Clinton should be impeached, five will say “yes,” three can’t explain why, and one will respond that impeaching her is a non-issue because she isn’t in office.
Well, one of out six isn’t bad. Um, yeah, it is.
Republicans’ “tax reform” plans are evolving in a familiar groove. To understand what’s happening, this is what you need to know:
1. There is no “plan.” They’re making one up as they go along.
2. Their primary objective is to pay off their party’s wealthy donors. Everything else is secondary to that.
3. The biggest problem is how to pay for it.
4. While their math comprehension is rudimentary, they grasp the concept of taking a little from many to give a lot to a few.
5. They’ve always intended to pay for it by taking health care away from the poor and middle class. But they realize that’s not enough and that they also have to raise middle class taxes.
6. To sell higher taxes to the public, they’re copying Detroit’s tried-and-true car selling tactics. Detroit figured out 100 years ago that the average American will gladly pay $2500 for a $1500 rebate if you give the suckers the rebate upfront, defer their first payment for 12 months, and then spread their payments over 5 to 7 years. This allows them to drive the car now and worry about paying for it later, and gives them the illusion of getting something for nothing. That works every time.
7. They can’t leave well enough alone and just fuck us over on taxes. The temptation to fold their hatred of Obamacare and abortion into it is simply too great to resist.
Sooo, the iteration we’re seeing this morning is the individual tax cuts will be temporary and the corporate tax cuts will be permanent, which is exactly where I thought they’d go when their tax bill ran into obstacles, as I knew it would. They still don’t have the votes, so I think in the end they’ll scrap individual “tax reform” altogether and run with corporate tax cuts alone. I believe they can pass that if it’s a “clean” bill not weighed down with other bullshit agendas.
Bad news: Richard Cordray is leaving the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Elizabeth Warren’s brainchild, on Nov. 30.
This means another fox in another henhouse.
Oh, look:
Another liberal – this time Matt Yglesias – is willing to admit that Bill Clinton was scum. That it’s not possible to shame the shameless into anything. And that 65 million people last year voted for a woman who aided and abetted a rapist for decades.
Bill Clinton should have resigned
Over the past 18 months, the combination of an excellent profile by Katie J.M. Baker and a cynical stunt by the Trump campaign has prompted a reconsideration of Juanita Broaddrick’s allegation that Bill Clinton raped her in 1978.
This is an important conversation to have, due to both the serious nature of the charges and their interplay with the commonplace progressive idea that we should “believe women” when they come forward with allegations of sexual assault.
Damage control is going great
Roy Moore’s attorney went on MSNBC this morning and tried to justify it by saying in other cultures arranged child marriage is common.
He also went racist by talking about host Ali Valeshi’s background, she’s Canadian of Indian descent implying that because she’s Muslim fucking 14 year olds should be acceptable to her
Legitimate Rape?
Evidence continues to grow that Trump is trying to force AT&T to deliver CNN into Rupert Murdoch’s unfriendly hands by holding its acquisition of Time/Warner hostage to a CNN divestment.
In addition, Sessions’ DOJ is threatening to sue to block the merger. Most legal experts who’ve vetted the case have concluded it’s meritless and DOJ would lose in court. This morning, we learned that DOJ has shopped its proposed antitrust suit to 18 state AGs and not gotten a single taker.
Wall Streeters, who know Trump as well if not better than the rest of us, don’t think Trump will be deterred and expect a court battle which AT&T eventually will win.
Meanwhile, a watchdog group is suing DOJ to find out if the White House is inappropriately influencing the lawyers in the Antitrust Division.
@ 6
Need you question the existence of legitimate rape?
You clearly need to watch The View more than you do.
Legitimate rape is different, than, say,
Whoopi On Roman Polanski: It Wasn’t ‘Rape-Rape’
All of the best artists are doing it these days.
@5 I beat you to it by 13 years. Since 2004, when this blog began, I’ve posted repeatedly that I never voted for Bill Clinton because of his character issues.
But I’ll bet Trump’s and Roy Moore’s character issues wouldn’t stop you from voting for them.
There’s two differences between you and me. Whatever mistakes I’ve made about GE, you’re a far bigger dumbfuck and you’re also a shameless hypocrite.
Most Ds are all for reexamining old cases of sexual misconduct.
Should bar people from public office. I will not vote for Bill Clinton again.
@ 7
The USA piece listed the litigant as ‘non-partisan’. Not having previously heard of Protect Democracy, I of course went to Der Googlemeister and found this:
Their Exec Dir has this in his bio:
Ian served as Associate White House Counsel to President Obama from 2009-2011.
Their legal director:
Justin also worked for Senator Sheldon Whitehouse as Senior Counsel on the staff of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Their DO:
Beau previously served in President Obama’s White House for 5.5 years, most recently as Senior Deputy Director of Operations and Director for Finance.
Their Comm Dir:
Jesse most recently was Special Assistant to President Obama and Director of Rapid Response in the White House, and served in the White House for all eight years of the Obama Administration.
Four additional Board members have prior ties to Team Obama and/or Team Schumer.
You know, it’s funny but I could not identify a conservative background in ANY of the people listed.
Your argument is a non-starter, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@2 Figures. Doctor Dumbfuck has posted 4,000+ pro-Putin hashtags claiming that Hillary is a crook and the poor sap still can’t name a single crime.
@5 dude – you mine as well bring up JFK. Why not go even further – I’m sure there are a bunch of dudes you can pin extra material affairs and sexual misconduct on…..but you might be limited to find a few that like little children.
And if you just want to talk about Scum in general – then all you have to do is bring up every past and present and future Repuke.
Live in the past because we know you want to forget about the future or of what little there is of it. Hahaahahah. Enjoy the stock market gains!
@ 10
I will not vote for Bill Clinton again.
If life were fair, Clinton would have Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit Disease, and thereby be unable to achieve erection again.
The View.
Daytime television talk.
40% of daytime viewers make less than $20,000 per year.
85% no college.
I’m sure it’s quite a struggle for media celebrity multi-millionaires to find a way to pretend to relate to that audience ofOxy crushing, disability cheats. But they gotta try or they might change the channel to reruns of Hee Haw.
@8 thanks for that explanation – I don’t feel so bad for your foal now.
@8 Using Roman Polanski to justify Roy Moore appears to be an original idea. At least I haven’t seen it used anywhere else. You should send it to Hannity, who needs all the help he can get. He might even pay you a finder’s fee.
OMG! Child and goat sex ring in Bush 41 White House!! Thousands of children and goats fucked in the ass and ears by deranged Republican leaders! Horrors exposed!!
Heh. Republicans have been buggering little kids and goats for a long, long time.
@11 “You know, it’s funny but I could not identify a conservative background in ANY of the people listed.”
Wow. Who would’ve guessed that group isn’t a bunch of Trump bootlickers? Explain how this disqualifies their lawsuit to find out if there’s inappropriate interference with DOJ’s antitrust vetting of the AT&T – Time/Warner merger.
Btw, I didn’t call them a “nonpartisan” group, I called them a “watchdog” group, which if you’re awake and paying attention, sorta implies they’re not friends of the Trump administration.
Anyway, “nonpartisan” is a term of art which in practice is appropriated by a wide range of partisan groups and individuals, including numerous Republican candidates who wish to conceal their party affiliation from voters because of problems with brand reputation.
Roman Polanski plead guilty and served some time. Yep, that was a shit show for all involved.
Forty years ago is these days.
“dude – you mine as well bring up JFK”
Doctor Dumbfuck will post anything and everything from the distant past to avoid talking about current events – Republican treason, child fucking and golden showers.
“It’s all Hillary’s fault. I have a flow chart.”
@14 Life isn’t fair; Roe v. Wade came too late for your mother to spare the world from you.
It wasn’t an argument it was a statement of fact. A watchdog group is suing. That’s bad news for team Pussy Grabber as discovery could find unexpected things. Federal Courts have been fairly deferential toward ‘non-patisan’ watchdog groups with FOIA requests. Or perhaps you’ve not heard of Judicial Watch.
Making popcorn. Could be a good show.
The new Republicans creed, “the younger, the better”.
“Conservative megachurch founder Bob Coy accused of molesting 4-year-old”
Will Doctor Dumbfuck ever find the courage to denounce Republican childfucking?? Not yet. Obviously.
Makes sense.
Hannity probably has to work the same audience as The View.
@24 There’s no “non-partisan” requirement in the FOIA statute or court rules. You could call yourself “[ ] Right [ ] Left Wing (check one) Witch Hunt Group” and still have standing.
@25 It’s clear Republicans like young girls. What everyone wants to know is whether they go after them while they’re still in the womb.
I think he was specifically referring to Goldberg’s excuse making.
Which was only a decade ago. So pretty current for Doctor Dumbfuck.
@28 That could explain why they’re so obsessed with abortion.
Odd that Doctor Dumbfuck can’t find the same lofty standard for Larry Klayman and his “results”.
@ 19
USA Today referred to the group as non-partisan. I wrote that in my first @ 11 sentence. Your reading comprehension is no better than your stock tips, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
I don’t take issue with the suit. I take issue with the description of the party bringing it by a news organization.
@32 “USA Today referred to the group as non-partisan.”
I’m not USA Today, dumbfuck. Your attack on my comment @7 was a swing and a miss. You’re out.
Which looks like this:
Really? Do we really have to host another pathological liar?
The Treason hashtags are bad enough. The Magical Hillary Time Machine is tedious. But normally when Doctor Dumbfuck is just blindly wrong he goes away for a little bit. Now he’s gonna double down like the Loonatic?
In other news, the Scottish Parliament is considering setting a minimum price for alcohol in Scotland. The Scottish lawmakers think that the poor are having access to alcohol at too low of a price, therefore the government needs to step in and be the nanny to prevent poor people from enjoying cheap alcoholic products.
We tried this on a grander scale back in 1920, and all it did was to make us all a nation of scofflaws and enable organized crime to get its start. While what the Scottish Parliament is trying to do may not be as severe as our Prohibition, it’s another example of government taking on powers that it is not entitled to have. There may be an admirable goal in mind, but it’s not government’s job to regulate people’s drinking habits even if it’s “helping” the poor.
Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe’s dictator, is under house arrest and apparently has been removed from effective power. But the coup leaders aren’t good guys. They’re longtime allies of Mugabe and this appears to be an internecine squabble. The general now in charge suppressed Mugabe’s 2008 election defeat and is responsible for past civilian massacres. And things won’t be hunky-dory in Zimbabwe anytime soon. The unemployment rate is 90% and a quarter of the population has left the country.
@34 Well, he’s wrong on three counts. Strike One, my comment @7 wasn’t an argument, it was a statement. Strike Two, I never characterized the group bringing the suit as “non-partisan.” Strike Three, it’s irrelevant. He’s out on strikes. See #33. And, of course, he’s still the witless dumbfuck he’s always been.
36 – Zimbabwe is a mess, plain and simple.
So perhaps he’ll go the fuck away for a while. Is it raining in Puget Sound country? That might be a problem for getting him away from the PC. Maybe we can all pitch in and buy him some decent rain gear.
Republicans have very little wiggle room under the $1.5 trillion deficit limit. The House or Senate version, I forget which, is up around $1.495 trillion, so they’re scraping for pennies. The GOP Senate leeches revised their bill today to bleed another $2.7 billion from the middle class by taxing small investors.
The GoFundMe for Fuckface Finger lady (Juli Briskman) has surpassed it’s goal and reached more than $100,000 in one week.
Pretty good payday for just raising one finger.
“Bernie Bernstein”?
That’s some hillbilly subtle.
@ 41
Pretty good payday for just raising one finger.
Still more work than YLB’s willing to do for a check.
Free means free, after all, and if there’s anyone who stands on principle for free shit, it’s YLB.
It turns out the GOP tax bill will trigger automatic cuts to Medicare. McConnell’s spokesman defends that by arguing the Democrats won’t allow those cuts to happen.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The key fact is Republicans need 60 Senate votes for any deficit over $1.5 trillion. Their scheme works likes this: (1) Stay within the $1.5 trillion by cutting Medicare, (2) let the Democrats restore the Medicare cuts via a separate spending bill, (3) then blame the Democrats for the deficits caused by that spending bill. Dishonest, but slick. I couldn’t dream this up.
But then, Ryan and McConnell have been doing this for a long time, plus they can draw on any number of rightwing think tanks to help them with the conceptual work that are funded by people like the Kochs, Mercers, Peter Thiel, and Paul Singer who believe as a matter of fundamental ideology that average Americans should work for $7.25 an hour with no pensions, health care, or disability compensation if they’re injured on the job.
@38 Zimbabwe is a country you flee from if you’re unfortunate enough to be a Zimbabwean. Kinda like Alabama.
@41 There’s probably someone out there willing to employ her, too. In fact, it won’t surprise me if she has to hire an assistant to help her open all the job offers flooding into her mailbox, given that roughly 70% of the country agrees with what she did and wish they could do it themselves. The other 30% live in trailer parks and don’t have any employees to begin with.
@43 “Still more work than YLB’s willing to do for a check.”
It’s almost more work than you do for your Medicare paychecks, too.
Aren’t we all surprised boob hasn’t been “me too”‘d to boob’s gulch by now?
There must be a multitude of pre-sales reps who have boob on their “kreep list”.
LOL! This from a kreep who crowed about the solar subsidies it fumbled and stumbled through.
McConnell’s tax bill just lost a GOP vote. It can survive only 1 more loss.
More defections seem likely, because the public opposes the bill by a 2-to-1 margin.
@48 How do we know harassment complaints aren’t piling up against him? After all, he isn’t in the office much lately. He’s been hiding in Oregon. Retiring to a remote horse farm is what doctors do when process servers are looking for them.
@49 “Free shit” is what Republicans give themselves every time they pass a budget or write a tax bill.
Ohio GOP state Rep resigns amid “inappropriate behavior” revelations.
For balance MN D state Rep is being pressured to resign for snapchatting dick picks.
“Why didn’t they come forward sooner?”
We’re in one of those rare sociological explosions where the previously acceptable (Just good ole boys being boys) has exploded as the bullshit it’s always been. Remember how fast we went from majority “Gay Marriage is gross and illegal” to “Well it’s legal and all but the most reactionary Christians still have a problem with it.”
Aly Raisman, Asia Argento, Juanita Broderick (yep), Anita Hill (yep), Ashley Judd and on and on. Your day is here and people are finally ready to believe you. And all the non famous women too.
Rock meet Hard Place
Alabama GOP is now in an emergency meeting and Roy Moore’s really amazing lawyer has a presser coming up. (Don Lemon squeezy Easy Peasey!)
But as the smarter legal minds have said, there is no mechanism for getting him off the ballot less than 30 days from an election. Today is day 29. That seems to be the one point of settled law. Roy Moore’s name, as the word net of the primary will be in the ballot.
Are they reckless enough to try to delay the election which would certainly end up in court with the GOP forced to say letting people vote is bad?
Are they going to urge a write in of Jeff Sessions and have a bunch of, “America is a Christian nation and the laws are based on the Ten Commandments and that child rapist is going to fight to get our bible in the government” types split enough of the vote that a D win is inevitable?
Either way this plays out, the GOP brand is taking on water and it’s nearly 2018.
“The Republican-controlled Senate confirmed President Donald Trump’s pick to run the Mine Safety and Health Administration on Wednesday, even though the nominee once ran a coal company that repeatedly violated mine safety laws.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hey coal miners. When you get what you voted for, am I supposed to feel sorry for you? Just asking. A final thought: Being unemployed sucks, but is better than being dead.
@54 Well, there’s always the Low Tax Looper precedent. Looper (prefers Republican Party) figured he’d be a sure bet to win a state senate seat if he was the only candidate on the ballot, so he murdered his opponent (preferred Democratic party) 29 days before the election.
Looper miscalculated. Although the victim couldn’t be replaced with another candidate per state law at the time, his widow ran as a write-in and got 95% of the vote. Even more unfortunately for Looper, a witness saw him commit the murder.
The problem faced by Alabama Republicans isn’t quite as messy. If they agree on a write-in candidate, and they all vote for that candidate, they’ll win and their senator won’t be Roy Moore.
@8 Jesus, Bob…you’re what? A year into retirement and you’re already admitting that you’re watching daytime TV? At this rate it’ll be less than a New York minute before you’re in one of those “memory care” places dropping trou halfway to the bathroom.
It’s entirely up to Professor Hill how she chooses to respond to the current events. And by all accounts she has happily moved on in her life from the disgraceful treatment she received at the hands of perverted hillbilly pedophile traitors in the US Senate and the media.
However, Justice Thomas should not be permitted to slip through the net on this. We’re stuck with him for the rest of his miserable life. And it might do the court a great deal of good to enjoy a good revisiting of his “moral character” now that a full third of the active court are women. Hill’s four corroborating witnesses may be available to shed additional light on that matter.
So it appears a 28 year old woman warranted an ass grab:
An Alabama woman claims GOP Senate nominee Roy Moore “grabbed” her buttocks while they were in his office over two decades ago, making her the sixth person to accuse the controversial Republican of sexual impropriety.
Better that than the tongue for a teen?
Boob would be an expert.
The HA trolls have failed again:
Jeff Sessions admits there is not enough evidence for the FBI to investigate Hillary Clinton
No evidence. No show trial to watch 24/7 on Faux Snooze. Sorry losers.
Oh wow here’s something the babbling butthole troll totally supports:
A robocall designed to appeal to the Moore voter’s anti-semitism. How Republican..
Based on the last media reporting of the new tax brackets, the following is the result
Taxable Income / Change in taxes owed
$19,000 / +20%
$77,000 / -12.83%
$156,000 / -10.05%
$237,000 / – 4.96%
$424,000 / -0.93%
$480,000 / -3.01%
$1,000,000 / -8.22%
$2,000,000 / -3.80%
$4,000,000 / +1.87%
See the trend.
Obviously the above doesn’t include the impact of changes to the deductions/credits, which could only make it worse or less as you go lower in earnings, as indicated and pointed out by others here.
I’m sure the purpose of eliminating the estate tax and other taxes that impact mostly the rich (the poor have nothing to leave once they die) is to correct the trend from somewhere between $2M and $4m and higher.
Oh and here is the kicker
$35,000 / -2.33%
Them hillbillies need to get out their Abaci.
Now that the stock market is going down, I feel like it’s a good time to write this without it sounding like sour grapes.
Weren’t you one of the HEAD HA DUMMOCRETINS touting how Obummer raised the Dow Jones from the low under GW Bush along with the sea level?
Till Next Time!
Both of the HA trolls shilled that Uranium One bullshit.
It took a Faux Snooze anchor to show how credulous are the HA trolls.
Well whaddya know.
Alabama emergency GOP meeting ended with the attendees sneaking out a side door and not issuing any kind of statement.
Translation, they’re as unconsensually fucked as a teenager who met Roy Moore in the 70s.
Given how craven the GOP is about “Party over Character” the only possible reason they’re trying so hard to ditch Moore is they have internal polling that says he’s going to get creamed. If almost a week after the revelations came out he was still leading the modern GOP would be totally cool with him continuing to run and win.
GOP governors fear 2018 wipeout; “even Trump’s closest allies seemed alarmed by the political environment facing Republicans in 2018.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What did they expect? That all the people against whom they’ve fomented bigotry and hate would vote for them? The GOP is heading for a well-deserved repudiation and millions will cheer when it happens.
Another GOP conspiracy theory goes “poof!”:
“The ex-British intelligence agent who authored the opposition research dossier on President Donald Trump and Russia did not pay the sources he used to compile the document, Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson testified to congressional Russia investigators, multiple sources familiar with the matter told CNN.”
Charlie Manson reported “gravely ill.” With any luck he’ll be dead by morning. Sure hope so.
@64 Should we tell Piddles that Obama isn’t president anymore? Nah. Let him figure it out, if he can.
I see the Senate bill includes a tax break for owners of private jets. That should go over well in suburbs under flight paths.
@60 Looks like the gutless wonder doesn’t want to run the risk of a grand jury returning a “no true bill.”
After 30 years of trying, they can’t even get her for a parking violation.
Carl economists would generally agree with, only the damn markets are a relatively good indicator on where the economy is going. They have yet to find their holy grail…ie some measure that gives a true picture of the economy. Sometimes they think they have something and the supposed rational human beings do something totally weird like go nuts over tulips.
And until there is a 5000 point drop in the market (all at once, whee) I advise not worrying too much. If it happens just remember it will be another 10,000 points until the lows of 1929 are hit comparatively. I don’t think investors have wrapped their heads around the fact a 500 or even 1000 point drop in a day is not that big of deal with where the market is, just they are likely to over react.
The market is due a correction, some profit taking, and it may be yet higher in a week.
@3 (6) I think your a little off on your rebate stuff as The model R came out in 1908 orinally sold at $825.00 but when Ford opened his moving assembly line system the price dropped to $525.00 and continued to drop to $345 in 1916 which clearly shows Ford was not relying on any kind of rebate program a 100 years ago.
I suspect Ford would support lower taxes in those days.
This tax proposal is not about the math but the politics, and the math is always base on assumptions which sometimes are not at all accurate. It’s a bit of a gamble, but they get 3 percent growth, Trump gets reelected and they hold power until 2022.
Worked out well for Reagan who was absolutely hated and despised his first two years in office. Worked so well there were surpluses for President Clinton a couple of years.
@7 \it is about damn time the justice department does some anti monopoly stuff, those so called experts maybe in for a surprise as there was not much in the way of anti monopoly action from the Obama justice department which seemed to carry on the policies of the previous administration.
So even if this action is for all the wrong and self centered reasons, hurray the Justice department is doing a major anti monopoly action. HURRRAY about fucking time. Go get em Sessions or whoever is in charge, and do more like Trump promised.
@9 But you are not able to vote for Roy Moore you got no vote in the Alabama Senate race. And it might behoove you to shut the fuck up if you want the Democratic candidate to have a fucking chance. Even the Republicans outsiders are giving Ray Moore more support in the state. Even if you don’t think southern, then think a little like Machiavelli and you would realize all this is some of the best pudding tang that Captain America (Your bud from Vietnam) could ever get, You and Roy check out any whore houses there in Saigon? She give you good time GI.
@13 If one were to go back too the last time the Senate actually voted to not seat a Senator it would be just all kinds of fun to find out how many Senators were married to 18 year olds and how many had actually married 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 year olds. Ironic fun facts would emerge.
One may also wonder if there are any Senators praying to God to not let that bastard Ray Moore win as it may put them in a poor lights should someone like check marriage records, old year books, ect.
@14 Should Bill Clinton ever run for office and you would be actually able to vote in the election please please remember that you will not vote for him. Man are you so screwed if he’s running against Donald Trump, there are not take backs. Gotcha as there is a circumstance you will vote for the Donald or are you just lying about not voting for Bill Clinton. Heck you have wanted for years to vote for the man.
@15 Reruns of Hee Haw could be better than what they have on. And it might even get a few of them off the couch to maybe get a better job, or find a rich millionaire Daddy or Mommy. That Roy Clark could perform such miracles on the banjo.
@17 Actually RR you need to tell people the truth. Back in 1979 a single male lawyer in a firm or DA office who was over 30 even if they had been Captain America in Nam would be seen as an odd duck or even heaven forbid gay. Now a sensible gay man would do exactly what Ray Moore did and chase them young women around in order spruce up their image. Especially in Alabama where them types ain’t welcome and certainly be an official or employee of our county government here.
Ray Moore is just a gay man who is being poorly judged these days by all. You should supporting him. Be gentle explaining this to his wife of many years. Don’t have Bubba do the explaining. Just have him available if we gotta hide her body.
@19 Could be for similar reasons why Boeing does advertising on major networks news shows. Although oddly none of us are in the market for any jetliners, or military equipment that they sell.
@36 It will get even more interesting should the Captains and Major or the upper NCO’s boot the current guys out of control. Still it appears the South African’s have the fix in, and will be quietly calling the shots, and Mugabe will be going off into retirement.
@37 In any case it’s time for Chuck Shumer to encourage and congratulate the Justice Department in this instance. He should take a page from the Japanese and tell Donald Trump what a fine job the anto monopoly section is doing and encourage more such actions against other companies in the future. He may have to go play a round of golf, make up a couple of cool hats and have some beef brisket at the clubhouse with Trump. I support the Justice Department doing it’s fucking job in this area where it’s sucked now for more than a decade. Help Trump fill out his bucket list of campaign promises.
@40 Oh they have mastered the Capital Hill two step. Careful they could be learning how to govern.
@45 Just remember anyone in Zimbabwe would put Alabama at the top of places to flee to if they could just walk there. And they would prefer it over Washington state.
@51 Better be a horse farm in Zimbabwe.
@53 It maybe a little premature to call this a set in stone definite sociological phenomenon. It could yet be like pet rocks, they were all the rage and then one Monday it was done. Though this one has the potential to be like the later stages of the French revolution, and go off the rails. Some bastards are getting just comeuppance. Some poor bastards are getting rolled. There are some Hollywood productions being shut down and that hits the guilty and the innocent, and at some point you gotta think of the poor gafers who are out of a job. The gafers man are some of the hardest workers in the entertainment industry, a real cornerstone of our economy. At this rate the economy of West Virginia could supplant Hollywood economically. There could be competition between Hollywood and West Virginia over heroin overdoses. Think of the gafers.
@54 Can Democrats resist turning it into a national election?
Alabamians like the SOB, heck some of the Republican grousing is helping him.
And it all come down to who gets people to the polls. Weather matters, but it’s an oddly dated election. Robo calls to fool voters about when to vote could be very effective, and there maybe some voter purge going on.
@56 What you leave out is that Loopers opponent was the incumbent and was expected to easily win reelection. In this case there is no incumbent. And Ray Moore is popular and well known in Alabama. His opponent is not that well known, and could be called a carpet bagger.
You took the time to type that?
Unless Bill decides to move to the Seattle Suburbs and run for a local or State House post there is no circumstance in which I can vote for Bill Clinton.
You’re familiar with the U.S. Constitution?
Doug Jones
Born Fairfield Alabama
BA PoliSci, University of Alabama
Doctorate of Law, Samford University
Private practice 13 years, Birmingham Alabama
U.S. Attorney Northern District of Alabama
If you’re going to be wrong, be spectacularly wrong.
(Interesting that Samford is a Private Baptist college in Alabama and Jones has been a congregant at the same baptist church for over 30 years but you know, the child fucker is clearly a better Christian, obviously,)
“Now that the stock market is going down…:
Dow rises more than 150 points as Wal-Mart and Cisco jump after earnings
Carl, when you begin to become less than distinguishable from Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, perhaps it’s time for HA moderators to place a cap on daily posting by any commenter.
@ 92
Good one.
Same link as @ 71:
The bill makes extensive modifications to the taxation of alcohol. It lowers a tax on barrels of beer brewed or imported. It also changes how aging periods for beer, wine and spirits are deducted. A tax credit on wine production limited to small domestic producers is extended to all wineries, and sparkling wine producers and importers become eligible for the credit as well. Taxes are also lowered on certain kinds of beverages, like mead.
One of the biggest winners is #CrookedHillary, given her alcohol consumption levels.
My last trip to Portland included a visit to the liquor store in Kenton on my way home. Sixteen purchased bourbon bottles probably saved me $120 compared with the same bottles were they purchased in WA state.
Next up on the hot seat: Al Franken.
Yet another demonstration of why internet polls are not a good idea.
Red Nation Rising @RedNationRising
Did you know Black Lives Matter (@/usblm) is conducting a poll on @POTUS’ performance thus far? You do now. | #RedNationRising
8:09 PM – Nov 15, 2017
This one ended up with Trump getting 69% approval before @usblm deleted it from its Twitter account.
If it hadn’t been deleted the conservative trolling probably would have Trump at 80% approval in it by now.
Looks like I’m going to have admit copping a feel off a young Amry trooper 11 years ago. It’s a witch hunt, obviuosly. I’m as innocent as the rest of those who are being accused.
@ 98
Hey, Al:
1. It’s spelled A-R-M-Y. We’ve known for years you don’t support the troops but you might at least spell the branches of the armed forces with some accuracy.
2. That’s not a trooper. That’s a journalist flying home from a war zone, which is why she was wearing military garb when you were acting like you were feeling her up.
3. The journalist in #2 is your current accuser. Good job with the provision of circumstantial evidence to support her claim.
I wonder if he yelled “Squeel like a Pig”.
See I have no problem with this Consensual activity. He’s actually a good looking guy.
But come on – he belongs to a Party that condemns this shit…..bunch of hypocrites, but they are all just in the closet. They are either doing it in the closet or they are so jealous that they aren’t doing it they get all homophobe upset.
Repukes need their own specialized shrinks.
Fuck ’em.
Hey asshole @99,
It was a typo that didn’t auto-correct. Go suck your own dick, shithead!
We’ll see how this all plays out just like we’ll see how Roy Moore, Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey and others turn out.
So fuck off!
@80 once in a while I actually shoot people. Not to kill them, but to make sure I don’t get called a fag. Perfectly acceptable.
Franken apologized. Other side of the aisle? Wait for hell to freeze over. The difference between libs and cons is that libs know it’s wrong, while cons brag about it.
@96 I’m waiting for your turn on the hot seat…..I’m sure it is coming sometime soon.
gman @ 102
So, your parents moved for the third time this year, I hear. How will you track them down this time?
Franken’s non-denial denial:
Asher Klein @kleinstar
Just got a response from @alfranken: “I certainly don’t remember the rehearsal for the skit in the same way, but I send my sincerest apologies to Leeann. As to the photo, it was clearly intended to be funny but wasn’t. I shouldn’t have done it.”
7:55 AM – Nov 16, 2017
@106….wrong usual.
Not sure if you are accusing me of being Al…..well it’s not me. So wrong.
Parents – nope, they’ve lived in the same house since 1963. And they’ll be visiting me on Thanksgiving, along with the rest of the Family, here in NYC. No need to track them down.
Other than that I have no clue what your fucking comment means.
But you might want to start looking for your horse – I hear he got word that you were headed to the barn and bolted like lightning.
How the trees doing?
@ 104
Franken apologized.
You realize it’s very, very, very early, don’t you?
What else has Franken done on camera? 20 years on SNL and no smoking
crack pipegun?Minnesota is very well represented with high-profile conservative bloggers. Ed Morrissey at HotAir. The attorneys at Powerline.
If this story has any legs at all we’ll see more very quickly.
Franken has now put out his own statement.
McConnell called for an ethics investigation.
Read Franken’s statement (and try not to laugh out loud when he mentions women looking up to him).
Franken called for an ethics investigation of himself. Of course he does. Only one woman on the Senate Ethics Committee, and it’s the chick whose husband in 2008 accused Barack of being a drug dealer.
It’s not complicated. If he’s a perp, he has to go.
As you point out, it’s early. And these are unique times. It would be truly wonderful if permanent social change is afoot. And if Al Franken has to resign to keep that momentum alive that’s worth it.
As always the issue remains about consent. There is considerable murkiness concerning the issue of consent in these allegations against Franken. And while I’m sure it remains a struggle for hillbilly pedophiles, there is no murkiness surrounding consent between a thirty year old top law enforcement officer and a high school freshman. If the extent of this is that Franken while working as a comedy entertainer pushed some boundaries during rehearsal of a sex scene involving other professionals, then an apology is probably appropriate and sufficient.
Trying to equate this, such as it is currently, with an adult male law enforcement officer beating up teen aged girls and trying to forcibly finger fuck them is beyond desperate.
Following up on the post @ 66
With less than four weeks until the special election and no sign that the party’s besieged nominee will exit the race, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and his top advisers are discussing the legal feasibility of asking appointed Sen. Luther Strange to resign from his seat in order to trigger a new special election.
That is one interesting scenario. Strange resigns, a placeholder is appointed, and a GOP primary possibly excluding Moore results.
Call it Torricelli Lite.
@108 Looks like you’re all primed to make shit up if there isn’t “more very quickly.” Like Hillary and uranium …
Nothing will happen to Franken.
@109 From Franken’s statement:
“I’m sorry … ashamed … I don’t know what was in my head … I feel disgusted with myself … it’s completely inappropriate … I am asking that an ethics investigation be undertaken, and I will completely cooperate with it.”
These are words you’ll never hear from Trump, Moore, or any other Republican. That’s the difference between Franken and them.
Hey Dumbfuck, when are you gonna apologize to your horse?
Conservative inbreeding:
One of the reporters in the piece @ 111 is a daughter of one of the Powerline bloggers @ 108 I mentioned.
Luke, you’re no Tim Russert. Chris, you’re no Mike Wallace.
Take your pick.
@110 It wouldn’t be an especially bad thing if every male member of Congress had to resign and was replaced with a woman.
I think he should be subjected to an investigation. That’s part of being a U.S. Senator. As bad as things have devolved under hillbilly pedophile traitor leadership, the U.S. Senate ought to remain true to its traditions of senior statesmanship and exemplary professional conduct. That doesn’t mean launching partisan witch hunts every time a member exaggerates their CV in a media account or blows grass clippings on a neighbor’s driveway. But it does mean being subjected to scrutiny and standards for limited and/or criminal personal conduct and all professional conduct.
This allegation about Franken concerns his professional conduct as a theatrical performer in the company of other professionals. It should be open game for a thorough examination.
MRI joke du jour:
Two hydrogen atoms are walking and talking.
1st atom: I’m really worried. I think I lost an electron.
2nd atom: That’s terrible. Are you certain?
1st atom: I’m positive!
@ 116
It’s part of your slippery slope to gun control. For a week each month you’d have a valid reason to prohibit weapons in Senate chambers.
@ 117
This allegation about Franken concerns his professional conduct as a theatrical performer in the company of other professionals.
So that would be your defense? That this is how things are done in Franken’s professional world?
Hell, Weinstein would love to use that defense. A lot of the directors have a casting couch. That’s why casting couch has been a commonly referred-to term for so many decades.
Try harder.
@111 Count on a dumbfuck to post a dumbfuck idea even Republicans admit won’t work:
“Because he’s an interim senator, aides to both Strange and the Senate GOP’s campaign committee say, Strange’s resignation would merely trigger appointment of a new interim senator to serve until the Dec. 12 election. Alabama’s GOP Gov. Kay Ivey agrees. ‘The election date is set for Dec. 12,’ Ivey told ‘Were [Strange] to resign, I would simply appoint somebody to fill the remaining time until we have the election.'”
The fact is, Doug Jones is going to be Alabama’s next senator. He has a 16-point lead (as of yesterday), is now over 50% in polls, and there’s nothing Republicans can do to prevent him from being legitimately elected.
@115 But you’re a real honest-to-gosh dumbfuck.
@117 “blows grass clippings on a neighbor’s driveway”
Bad idea if you live in a gated neighborhood inhabited by hard-core Republicans. Might get you some broken ribs if you’re lucky, or shot if you’re unlucky.
Poetic justice would be if Rand Paul’s physician-neighbor’s bad temper costs him his tax cut because Paul is unable to participate in the vote. With Sessions’ former seat about to flip, and Ron Johnson already a “no,” the GOPers can’t lose another vote.
@118 This is how doctors pass their time when they’re out of their patients’ hearing?
Well, here’s an astronomy joke.
Q: What caused the Big Bang?
A: Scientists in the previous universe decided to test their Big Bang theory. It worked.
@120 I’ll trade you Franken’s head on a platter for the head of every Republican currently in a public office who’s ever harassed or groped a woman without her consent.
That would be like buying stock and getting back $100 for every $1 you invested.
House GOP loses only 13 votes in passing the tax bill, 227-205.
Dow up 212 and still climbing as of this writing. Now Carl says measuring a few stocks or even a few hundred isn’t representative.
NASDAQ has 3,000+ stock components. NASDAQ is up even more than the DJIA and S&P 500.
“Hey Dumbfuck, when are you gonna apologize to your horse?”
Doctor Dumbfuck’s opinion on any of this doesn’t mean shit. 4,000+ times in these threads he’s posted hashtags in support of Putin’s stooge, an admitted pussy grabber who had nearly a score of women come out and share their stories of being sexually harassed by him. Doctor Dumbfuck has posted 4,000+ hashtags accusing a woman of being a crook and yet when confronted, he cannot name a single crime.
Rather than post opinions, he should post 4,000+ apologies.
“Senate Republicans’ proposed tax reform bill would increase Obamacare prices by an average of almost $2,000 per family in 2019, according to an analysis released Thursday.
“And the tax bill would lead to 1.8 million more people lacking health insurance in California than currently, another 1 million people becoming uninsured in Texas, and more than 800,000 newly uninsured in New York and Florida each, the report said. Cumulatively, 13 million more people nationally would become uninsured. …
“[T]he federal Medicare program could be subject to annual funding cuts that would start with $25 billion next year if the Senate tax bill becomes law. The cuts would result from automatic spending reductions triggered by the bill.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The GOP always intended to fund tax cuts for the uber-rich by taking health care away from the working and middle classes. Nothing’s changed. That’s still their plan. What else will they take from us, the next time they need money for something, say the next crooked banker bailout? Oh, I know — when they start World War 3, they’ll take our children to fight and die in it.
@128 You’re right, 13 votes is nothing compared to how many they’re going to lose a year from now.
@128 Still has to make it through the Senate, dummy. They’re starting out there with 1 vote to spare, and they’re about to lose that one in Alabama. They can’t afford even 1 more defection.
And you still think taxing the middle class to let the Trumps, Kochs, and Mercers pay no taxes is going to pass?
@128 My GE shares are down $30 today. My DowDuPont shares are up $600. I can suffer through days like this. It’s hard, but I’ll do it.
Whatever you do, don’t wait for an answer. Make up your own!
I defend nothing. I agree an investigation is appropriate.
Turn down the Hillbilly Hairtrigger from 11 for just a second. My point (and it’s pretty obvious) is that professional conduct is fair game for an investigation. But there ought to be limits on how much personal conduct is open to investigation by a body like the Senate. Do you really want some future majority launching an inquiry into whether a member who served sparkling wine to their adult children at the holidays has violated their state’s liquor laws? Digging into contested divorce proceedings or child custody battles? Who forgot their anniversary? Who missed the birth of a child to catch an overtime win? Parking tickets?
So you’re off target, and premature. Something your mail order ex-wives must have grown weary of. But you raise a point, just the same. Theatrical performance involves acting out behavior that in other circumstances may be criminal. Try watching Monica Belluci in Irreversible if you can. Actors are often called upon to do appalling things as part of a performance. They can say no. It can cost them a job. But it’s not the same as being asked to do the same thing in a hotel room with only a producer present.
Consent is everything. And even in a professional theatrical performance consent can be uncertain or even absent (Maria Schneider comes to mind). We don’t know more about what was going on in Franken’s USO show than has been reported by Ms. Tweeden. As she describes it, it was very unprofessional. If it comprises part of a pattern it’s serious to the point of censure or expulsion. If it’s a one time occurrence it can be argued convincingly that it is poor judgment in the context of the profession complicated by stress and fatigue.
This photo of Pat Garrett and William Bonney (aka Billy the Kid), which experts say is the real thing, could be worth “much more” than $5 million at auction.
The question is, who would spend that kind of money for a grainy old photograph? Why, the people the GOP House just raised your taxes to give a huge tax cut to, of course.
So Al Franken was/is a bad boy. He’s admitted to the behavior in so many words and apologized for it.
Bad behavior occurred in 2006. He wasn’t elected to the U.S. Senate until 2009.
Ethics investigation is in the cards. If boorish behavior persisted during his time in office, Franken should resign immediately.
Criminal statutes and statutes of limitation aside for the moment, Franken should serve out the term the people of Minnesota granted him. He should not ask for their vote again.
Hopefully Franken stays in office long enough to vote to convict the SEXUAL ASSAULTER IN CHIEF in an impeachment trial, not for sexual assault (there’s no evidence YET that’s happened in office) but for selling out this country to Russia to save the freak’s stupid, poorly run, all but bankrupt businesses.
Or like the Koch brother who spent many tens of millions of his tax free wealth on a fake wine collection?
They ain’t rich ’cause they smaht. They rich ’cause they rich.
It’s gotta pain poor Doctor Dumbfuck that while he is compelled to join that pathological lying loonatic in these comments and “IF”-defend Senator Aqualung, (R) Alabama, we have no problem calling for a full and thorough investigation of Franken, come what may.
Goes hand in hand with the compulsion to study Heather Heyer’s blood splatters for evidence of “crisis actors”, infrared images of the Koresh Kompound, and mailbox stickers.
Nothing is going to happen with Al Franken, Menendez, Sylvester Stallone or any of the others currently in the news cycle. These guys are like cockroaches – it’s just about impossible to kill them.
@ 136
YLB, explain your rationale for Franken’s continued presence in the Senate if his pre-Senate behavior was so bad that he should not run again.
His seat is considered ‘safe’ and were he to resign he would be replaced by another Democrat.
So if he behaved so badly he shouldn’t run again, is there any reason other than political that he should remain in the Senate until his term expires?
Is it worse that a Koch brother spent millions on fake wine than it is that many, many donors spent more than a billion on an awful Democrat presidential candidate?
Asking for a friend, @ 137.
howz it compare to the $20 million to $30 million per year over 25 years pumped into Larry Klayman to yield President PeePee, the Honorable Senator Aqualung (R) Louisiana, and Obamacare-forevah?
We don’t know if it will pass the Senate and if it does we don’t necessarily know what the final version will be but I read that under this proposed close to passing bill that the individual tax rates expire in 2025. Isn’t that interesting. Repukes seem to be setting this up so it becomes any issue during the 2024 campaign. Either they think they’ll lose in 2024 and are setting up democrats by later saying “see democrats want to raise your taxes”, when in reality they are designed to expire. Or they’ll need this to say hey re-elect a Repukes so that we can keep them from expiring. Something fishy there.
BREAKING NEWS — TransCanada’s Keystone Pipeline has ruptured and spilled at least 210,000 barrels of oil in South Dakota just four days before the Nebraska Public Service Commission is slated to decide whether to allow the company’s Keystone XL expansion pushed by President Dumkopf to cross the Oglalla Aquifer in that state.
@141 Why should the Kochs get a tax deduction for helping to elect someone as awful as Trump?
@140 I think every sexual harasser in Congress should resign immediately. This should apply to the executive branch, too.
@143 They claim Democrats won’t let the individual tax cuts expire. In fact, they’re counting on it, so they can blame Democrats for the huge deficits they’re creating that will dwarf anything Obama did.*
* Obama’s deficits saved America from another Great Depression. Trump’s deficits will save the rich from paying taxes. In GOP World, former bad, latter good (but must be blamed on Dems).
Wasn’t the Keystone Pipeline supposed to be completely safe? Isn’t that what they told us?
Well that argument just went blooey.
Clarification: News media report the spill is 210,000 gallons.
Well first let’s start with
And here’s why he should continue to serve out his term IF he can’t be prosecuted of a crime and he hasn’t acted like a DENSE asshole (e.g. like boob or Bob Packwood) while serving the people of Minnesota..
Maybe that’s why Minnesotans sent him there! What a concept! Who knows? Maybe they still want him to vote to IMPEACH another SEXUAL ASSAULTER for selling out this country.
No he shouldn’t ask the people of Minnesota for their vote again. There are other progressives who haven’t tainted themselves who can do a good job.. Hey are we for term limits?? Maybe so!
Did I say FUCK YOU BOOB??? Oh yeah I did! Bears repeating..
@140 Well, Sessions hasn’t resigned either, and comparing Sessions and Franken, as far as we know Franken isn’t a perjurer or a traitor, so he’s at least got that much going for him.
Your turn.
Well put. Unlike Roy Moore, Putin’s orange moron and other Republicans who have fucked up this way, and who all lie and attack their accusers, threatening to sue the fuck out of them, Franken readily apologized and his apology was accepted.
Looks like the lying son-in-law got caught lying again.
“The leaders of the Senate Judiciary Committee are calling on President Donald Trump’s adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner to turn over communications about WikiLeaks and a ‘Russian backdoor overture and dinner invite’ they say he failed to previously disclose to investigators.”
150, 152,
Also, 150, cute how Sesh completely ignores a perfectly legit question concerning his previous
testimonyperjury before the committee and instead pisses and moans like a bitch about his precious dignity.Now watch carefully as Fuckface puts this Russian traitor right back into the Senate. And Boob will defend that too. As will the rest of the hillbilly traitors.
@147 I was thinking the same thing – it must be Plan B, a back-up Plan to thinking that they will lose in 2024.
Seems NBC doesn’t agree with CNN!
Till Next Time!
@156 “Seems NBC doesn’t agree with CNN!”
Is this a problem? If so, why?
Vile Al Franken pictures are available. Al Franken is a sitting senator. What will DUMMOCRETINS do?
Prolly Nuthin!
Till Next Time!
“And, ‘I give the pills to Lesley Stahl. Then, when Lesley’s passed out, I take her to the closet and rape her,’” Franken said. “Or, ‘that’s why you never see Lesley until February.’ Or, ‘when she passes out, I put her in various positions and take pictures of her.’”
Al Franken is a sitting senator. What will DUMMOCRETINS do?
Till Next Time!
Roger senile idiot wabbit…
You offered CNN story above. NBC isn’t claiming what you “claim”.
Till Next Time!
Glad to see that the loon’s friends haven’t lynched him yet.
Seems shitstain steve wants Puddy lynched. It’s a common theme with shitstain steve!
Till Next Time!
He recalled writing a skit called “Seamen on Broadway” that was rejected from the Hasty Pudding show “by some preppie so they could take some other preppie’s skit.” Franken started to smile again, but his tone was serious, too serious. “It’s not preppies, cause I’m a preppie myself. I just don’t like homosexuals. If you ask me, they’re all homosexuals in the Pudding. Hey, I was glad when that Pudding homosexual got killed in Philadelphia.” The smile became so broad it pushed his eyes shut. He couldn’t stand it any longer. “Put that in, put that in,” Franken laughed, leaning over the desk. “I’d love to see that in The Crimson.”
Oh yeah that apology is what DUMMOCRETINS claim isall it’s needed. So if Roy Moore apologizes all is well HA DUMMOCRETINS?
AL Franken don’t like the hapless hanging human teabag licker?
Till Next Time!
Heh. Trump appointee disrespects the loon, calls blacks “lazy”.
@162 “wants Puddy lynched”
The entire Republican Party wants you lynched, in case you didn’t notice, but especially the Steve Bannon wing and Trump’s “fine people.” Not that stretching your neck could make you any stupider than you already are.
@163 How many teenagers did Franken rape?
@166 How many teenagers did Clinton rape with Jeffrey Epstein’s help?
@166 How many teenagers did Clinton rape with Jeffrey Epstein’s help?
Till Next Time!
The entire Republican Party wants you lynched, in case you didn’t notice
Apparently notices are not your strong suit useless moron. Well, then Roger idiot senile wabbit… Why haven’t JC Watts, Herman Cain, Tim Scott, Lloyd Marcus, Charles Payne, Omarosa Manigault, Charles Butler, Condoleezza Rice been lynched senile FOOL?
Till Next Time!
Hey shitstain steve…
News Flash…
Many DUMMOCRETIN blacks are lazy! DUMMOCRETIN identity politics!
Till Next Time!
Wherein cloistered superstitious cultist discovers The Aristocrats for the first time.
Wait till he hears Bob Saget tell it.
@171 Yeah, Bob Saget is sooooo filthy…
How do you like Gilbert Gottfried’s telling?
“Ewwww… Stop with the sweat already!!!”
As “jokes” go a helluvalot funnier than “Aqua Buddha”.
@166 @167 Right. You’ve got no argument, so you change the subject. A lame Puddy game that’s been played countless times.
@169 You forgot Colin Powell … hahahahaha
Roger senile idiot wabbit…
Yes and there goes your argument!
Now wait for the shitstain steve commenting Puddy answered a dead thread. Well shitstain… Roger left a dangling participle out there!
Sux to be you two!!!
Till Next Time!
Nice of the loon to drop by to hate on us. But soon he’ll be off again to be with his SDA satanic doomsday death cult doing unspeakable things to some poor defenseless goat. Sad!