A lot of us were shocked when the Islamic Center of the Eastside was burned. (video autoplays) Thank goodness they have a suspect in custody, but it still must be horrible for the people who use the facility. It’s a helplessness and not knowing who in your community would maybe be on their side. Even if it’s only a small fraction, it’s got to be scary as fuck.
If you want to do something a bit more tangible, this is the place I’ve seen on social media to donate to the repairs.
Watch out! The loon is back in a state of Peak Hate and he’s even more batshit insane than ever!
SPPS @1 has demonstrated once again it doesn’t have command of any FACTS whatsoever!
So SPPS can view along with others a web site previously published by Puddy that has Obummer in “messianic terms”. This web site is so plainly written even the hanging human teabag licker can comprehend it!
Butt the question is? Will SPPS comprehend this compendium of FACTS? Sux to have six times the horsemanure pressure between the ears and behind the eyes! That’s Sextuple Pressure Packed Steve!
That must be what it looks like when a sister-fucking hillbilly Trailer Trump American traitor goes just a bit too far with the glue huffing.
Maybe the only people laughing more than us Elites would be the Russian oligarchs who now own these ignorant shit stains.
Happy MLK Day!
What an intelligent guy.
This MLK Quote Sums Up The Rise Of White Supremacy Post-Trump
Puts the fuckwads we have in power today to shame. We evolve bacwards likevthe Ape
It’s less shocking when you consider that the police weren’t investigating it as terrorism and that the text in the donation page to which Carl linked didn’t allege anything in particular, and in fact stated that regardless of the cause the mosque would need to be rebuilt.
No one tried to capitalize on it. Which is very weird. Refreshingly weird.
It also is less shocking when you consider the number of previous property damage instances attributed to the guy who did this one:
A homeless man with a history of mental illness and damaging property is suspected of setting fire to a Bellevue mosque over the weekend, police said Sunday.
The man has a long history of causing property damage, including three incidents since 2016 before the alleged arson, according to court documents filed by King County prosecutors. In June, he was charged with malicious mischief in the first degree, a felony, for breaking a window at NikeTown in downtown Seattle.
It’s almost as if some people have learned that blaming everything on conservatives before the facts are in doesn’t advance their own cause very well, or something.
A homeless man with a history of mental illness and damaging property is suspected of setting fire to a Bellevue mosque over the weekend, police said Sunday.
SPPS @1 struck again?
Ohhhh… Puddy thought that was mindless man!
Puts the fuckwads we have in power today to shame.
Obummer is a “fuckwad” hanging human teabag licker?
Thanks for playing!
Instead of placing blame, maybe we should focus on healing people who have been hurt. Today of all days.
A mosque burns in the Puget Sound area and no one seizes a perceived advantage.
From the absence of an immediate denouncement of the right for this hate crime I suspected it was a cause determined pretty much right away, and there was nothing for reporters to sensationalize. So we learned it was a 37 year-old man, but nothing more about him. No adjectives.
What is truly surprising is that I reviewed the Friday Night Multimedia thread on HA just now, and no one from HA – not even Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit – tried to seize advantage from it, either.
Well done, all.
Seems one of the hanging human teabag licker’s simian family got frisky!
Looks like many DUMMOCRETINS will not have a home after May 2017… http://nypost.com/2017/01/14/t.....-year-run/
I’m not sure which bottle blonde I’m more interested in helping to heal.
Or #LyinMonica?
Monica Crowley to forgo post in Trump White House
Neither will end up in the White House.
Instead of placing blame, maybe we should focus on healing people who have been hurt
Well dunceman, that’s not the DUMMOCRETIN way!
Well put. Healing where healing can be accomplished.
But we should always keep in mind one of the hardest lessons we Elites have learned over the last 50 years.
There’s no healing racist hillbilly. It’s incurable.
Monica Crowley to forgo post in Trump White House
Unlike a certain DUMMOCRETIN senator caught plagiarizing staying senator and eventually becoming VPOTUS!
Republicans have scruples. DUMMOCRETINS love power!
Priebus: No plans to remove Comey
Obama’s got a little less than four days to do it himself, then.
Maybe if Obama fires Comey, no one will notice that he pardons #CrookedHillary.
School employee fired for correcting student’s spelling.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I hope it eventually dawns on these school administrators that they’ve turned their community into a laughingstock.
Hey DUMMOCFRETINS, especially fools like the vomit producing deadfrog…
Six Have Strong Ties To The Democrats
The seventh is a foreigner, and the eighth backed Marco Rubio, a first for Larry Ellison, being in the DUMMOCRETIN fold before 2016!
“It is obscene for so much wealth to be held in the hands of so few when 1 in 10 people survive on less than $2 a day,” said Winnie Byanyima, executive director of Oxfam International, who will be attending the meeting in Davos. “Inequality is trapping hundreds of millions in poverty; it is fracturing our societies and undermining democracy.”
Just think vomit producing deadfrog fool, there goes that Occupy Wall Street Republican argument!
Some schools suck because the people running them are morons.
Those moronic people running them 99% of the time are DUMMOCRETINS early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger dumbfuck wabbit!
Glad to notice you actually recognized a FACT for a change!
@16 Why would Hillary need a pardon, unless the new regime intends to throw people in jail without charges, trials, or convictions? Are you expecting that? Should we?
Can you say partisan DUMMOCRETIN Nazi Brownshirts?
Video shows anti-Trump activists plotting to set off stink bombs, sprinklers at inaugural fetes
Nothing new here. DUMMOCRETINS are haters!
@2 Comprehending stupidity doesn’t make it less stupid.
@4 From the linked article: “Trump did not lose the election”
Trump did lose the election, by over 2.8 million votes, but was put in power anyway by one of the last remaining vestiges of the slavery system.
@5 @9 And here’s Boob complaining about his tribe not being blamed for a mosque fire. Maybe you need a bigger “kick me” sign, Boob.
@6 And here’s the loon warbling incomprehensibly, although that’s hardly something new.
@12 @15 The Trump Ten Pins have already begun to fall, this one on a plagiarism rap, and he’s not even in office yet. That has to be some kind of world record. Oh, and if you want to see how his approval ratings are doing, check this out. Another world record:
@18 Does it shock you that 6 of the 8 richest men in the world support Democrats? It shouldn’t. They didn’t get rich by being stupid like you.
@ 26
Your memory doesn’t function any better than your penis, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Gregg Withdraws as Commerce Secretary Nominee
Although Trump’s nominees haven’t been as stellar as those of Obama. James Comey, for instance. That guy was a clear winner. All the Dems who backed him last summer? They really, really like him.
A lot of Democrats won’t be attending the inauguration on Friday, and I can’t blame them. There is high potential for some pretty violent activity, so why risk getting hurt just to see Trump take the oath of office?
It’s the easier to just stay home.
“Call it democracy, or call it democratic socialism, but there must be a better distribution of wealth within this country for all God’s children.” – Speech to the Negro American Labor Council, 1961.
Unlike a DUMMOCRETIN senator who was caught plagiarizing and eventually became VPOTUS eh early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger dumbfuck wabbit @26?
Sure is amazing what lengths DUMMOCRETINS will take to keep their own in power, eh early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger dumbfuck wabbit?
@ 30
I love MLK’s Birthday. It’s the one day each year during which HA libbies mention religion in other than a mocking manner.
This is funny…
Politico admits White House Press Corp been asleep last 8 years
early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger dumbfuck wabbit @27,
Once again you purposefully miss the point. DUMMOCRETINS scream about income and wealth inequality. We have dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252 @30 and SPPS and the vomit producing deadfrog screaming about it on HA DUMMOCETINS!
With that link we know FACTUALLY know who are the ones being inequitable early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger dumbfuck wabbit?
It’s DUMMOCRETINS of course!
Sux to be the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger dumbfuck wabbit!
@19 This particular school district happens to be one of your 1%.
“Like much of the South, Frederick County has long since gone Republican — it last went for a Democratic President in 1964 …. ‘Frederick is a conservative community, generally speaking,’ says Al Weinberg, a former journalism professor at Hood College and onetime publisher of the local edition of the Gazette. ‘There’s no way you can say it is anything but that.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Sorry to shove it up your stupid ass like this, Putz; but, as you pointed out, facts are FACTS.
It no doubt would please MLK to know that his son _______________________________.
Sean SpicerVerified account
Today we observe the birthday of #MartinLutherKing – @realDonaldTrump will meet with Martin Luther King III to discuss his legacy #MLKDAY
4:26 AM – 16 Jan 2017
And that his niece _______________________________________.
Dr. Martin Luther King’s Niece Endorses DONALD TRUMP – “I Fully Agree with So Many Things That He’s Saying”
I left the sentences incomplete so as not to interfere with y’all’s enjoyment of this day honoring Dr. King.
@21 Washington Times? “Project Veritas investigation?” You mean THESE guys? hahahahahahahaha
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is an old story, reported a week ago. Sorry to shove it up your stupid ass like this, Putz; but maybe you’d be more current on the news if you read real newspapers.
This makes Rabbit 2, Puddy 0. Somebody besides the Dallas Cowboys is having a bad day.
New rule on HA, it seems. Anything a week old is too old.
Someone should tell Darryl before Friday night.
@28 Gregg withdrew AFTER Obama was inaugurated. Also, he was a Republican (one of three Obama nominated to cabinet positions). And he declined the position because of policy differences, not because he got caught plagiarizing a Ph.D. dissertation. So I don’t see the parallels, Boob. Please explain what relevance Gregg’s declination has to a high-profile Trump sycophant being forced out by misconduct even before starting work.
@28 “Although Trump’s nominees haven’t been as stellar as those of Obama.”
I’m sure you didn’t mean it this way, but you can say that again.
@29 But you’ll be there, right, Jack? You’re not going to let the prospect of a few friendly street brawls scare you away, are you? After all, fistfights are good clean fun. They’ve even been successfully commercialized.
@30 It’s always been hard to get some people to listen.
Fistfights? Well, surely.
Just don’t stomp
anyone. ’cause that could get someone hurt. Or their wig dislodged. Or their sign pushed askew. Or something.
I just thought of another good thing about MLK Bday.
Today’s a weekday during which we don’t have to see Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit lie about how much the stock market has made him during the day.
But don’t fret. He still brought his big floppy shoes and the big red plastic nose.
@31 That’s a real “gotcha” you’ve got there, Puddy. Biden was caught plagiarizing a British pol’s speech, and it forced him out of the 1988 presidential race, probably costing him any real chance of ever being president. Crowley got caught plagiarizing her dissertation/book, and it forced her out of Trump’s nascent administration. Sounds pretty even to me. Neither one of them will have a government job next week.
42 – No, I won’t be there on Friday. As I’ve said before, I did not vote for Trump.
@ 46
Gee. Not getting a high-profile job you wanted because you behaved badly, years ago.
So, you’re saying it might not have been the Russians…
@19 This particular school district happens to be one of your 1%.
Really early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger dumbfuck wabbit?
You really need to check your FACTS… Joy Schaefer Incumbent
Seems the only Republican in the race was blocked by other DUMMOCRETINS!
Hmmm… Katie Groth recently retired was a Republican butt then went DUMMOCETIN and was appointed to the Frederick School Board.
Hmmm… Kenneth Kerr currently serves as the chair of the English department at Frederick Community College. To be the chair of a community college department in a blue state is a Republican early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger dumbfuck wabbit? Rose was the only candidate who identified as a Republican.
Hmmm… Michael Bunitsky is a retired teacher, member of the NEA. That alone says enough! Rose was the only candidate who identified as a Republican.
Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo, once again early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger dumbfuck wabbit FACTS prove you VERY WRONG AGAIN!
Call Puddy a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahambulance
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Puddy is ahead – 2
early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger dumbfuck wabbit – 0
Using HuffPo to discuss real FACTS is hilarious!
@32 The main thing MLK taught us about religion is that it didn’t save him from being shot or prevent his people’s churches being bombed and burned by your affinity groups.
It’s looking like I may never have a government job again. Well, so be it. I’m OK financially.
maybe this is why teachers formed unions?
@33 Can’t blame ’em. For 8 years, there were no scandals or clusterfucks to report. The most exciting news the journos could dig up was that the stock market tripled while Obama was president.
Puddy’s having a really, really bad day. His ass is taking an unbelievable pounding. It’s being handed to him every 60 seconds.
Sounds pretty even to me.
No, because Biden became VPOTUS.
FACTS suck eh early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger dumbfuck wabbit?
So easy to SMACKDOWN the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger dumbfuck wabbit!
She can now wear female prison undergarments, including a sports bra, and “subdued cosmetics.” In early 2015, she was permitted to get speech therapy to feminize the tone and pitch of her voice and began cross-sex hormone therapy prescribed, Mr. Strangio said, by an endocrinologist brought in from the military’s Walter Reed hospital.
Since then, Ms. Manning wrote, she has developed breasts and curvier hips. “There have been significant changes since I’ve been taking the hormones, and I am happy with them,” she said.
If Bradley/Chelsea Manning can have speech therapy to help him/her stop sounding like a man, can someone give YLB some typing therapy so he’ll stop coming off as a woman?
@34 I didn’t miss the point at all. Even Buffet says the rich should pay more taxes. GOP policy is to borrow from China so they can pay less. Buffet’s saying he doesn’t want it. It isn’t hypocritical for a guy who’s adept at making lots of money to say Republican taxes coddle the rich too much.
Once again the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger dumbfuck wabbit shot it’s puny wad too early and dropped the ball before the goal line @54!. Post #49 delivered the big smackdown!
@36 I have Republican relatives, too, but that doesn’t diminish in any way my stature as a Democratic party hack and liberal propagandist.
early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger dumbfuck wabbit @57,
You missed the point of the article. Well you are senile! It’s about DUMMOCRETINS and their wealth not about paying taxes early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger dumbfuck wabbit!
early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger dumbfuck wabbit is as stooooooooooooooooopid as evah!
Oh, lookie. Dems already have a scapegoat for Trump’s re-election.
Markey said Trump and allies want to crush King’s dream. So what to do? “I believe Dr. King would want us to fight,” Markey said.
Well, at least the blame won’t fall on Pelosi or Lewis. They’re so old they’d die of the shame.
@44 Stomping on people’s heads is a police prerogative. Ordinary citizens aren’t allowed to do that.
@ 59
@36 I have Republican relatives, too, but that doesn’t diminish in any way my stature as a Democratic party hack and liberal propagandist.
In which Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit acknowledges that he can sink no lower.
That’s how much scalpers were getting for 2008 VIP inauguration tickets. $4500 for reserved. Up to $1000 for general public.
And just over to my right on this screen, with only a few days left to go, I can still get a free ticket for the installation of Vlad’s Tax Cheating Golden Showering Perverted Hand Puppet.
I reckon they just have more important things to do!
@45 I’ve never lied about how much I make in the stock market. The proof of this is that I post these numbers knowing you’ll ridicule them. Why would I make up ammunition for you to use against me? A more interesting question is what would motivate you to attack my puny profits as “lies” unless you’re doing even worse than me?
If Bradley/Chelsea Manning can have speech therapy to help him/her stop sounding like a man, can someone give BOOB some typing therapy so he’ll stop coming off as a REAL DOCTOR?
The primary difference is Dr. King seemed to have actually read the bible and didn’t make things up out of whole cloth.
Unlike prosperity gospel, kill aid to the poor is Christian, hate your neighbor, bear false witness, alcohol is prohibited, Jesus was a republican, God hates fags types.
There’s a difference between using religion as a ladder and using religion as a club.
@63 Oh, I could sink MUCH lower. I could be you or Puddy. Not that I would ever consider doing anything that low.
The early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger dumbfuck wabbit had a really, really bad day. His arschloch has been spread wide open and took an unbelievable pounding. It’s being handed to him every femtosecond!
Sux to be the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger dumbfuck wabbit!
God hates fags types.
Wrong again dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252.
God loves everyone who does His will. His will is outlined in the Bible and what the Holy Spirit guides you into His truth and His Son Jesus. God hates SIN! Sin is outlined in the Bible through what Jesus said and how the Holy Spirit guided His prophets in the Old and New Testaments!
Apparently you have issues with that since you clearly are uneducated in what God is and what God does for everyone.
@69 The conservative tribe’s newest plagiarist. Are you so lame that I have to write your material for you? Appears so.
No early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger dumbfuck wabbit! Puddy takes untruths and deliver TRUTH. See #49
S M A C K D O W N!
Who defined sin? Men. In this specific case men like Leviticus and the Apostle Paul who’s secondary source material is the root of a particular view of American Christianity that holds the alleged letters of a follower of their savior as more important that the scant words attributed to the savior.
What’s most fun about you Piddles is you believe that anyone who rejects Christianity hasn’t studied it. For you it isn’t possible to be raised in a conservative Christian or Evangelical tradition, be well versed in the NT and come to the conclusion that it isn’t valid.
Who defined sin? Men.
Wrong answer dr DIPSHITTIUM! Puddy realizes with your leader that would be the answer you posit!
Try again!
Most of what pig ignorant racist hillbillies call sin is what Vlad’s Tax Cheating Golden Showering Perverted Hand Puppet calls fun.
And the fun is only getting started!
The Bible is the Old and New Testament! You seem to forget that dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252!
Well I’ll be damned!
Turns out I misjudged Vlad’s Tax Cheating Golden Showering Perverted Hand Puppet.
Turns out Hillbilly Jesus has a jobs plan after all!
@11 Unfortunately it becomes harder for you to join the circus, you may have to go to Russia to join one. Not too many Syrians going for those job opportunities in the circus industry, an industry that Russia is really big in.
Hmm can America be great without Ringling Brothers? Well they didn’t have Jackie Gleason around to buy the big top.
@72 ROFLMAO hahahahahahahahahaha
@16 Maybe Comey has taken lessons from a former FBI director and has files (dossiers) on President Obama, and others in congress.
ROTLRHMBBAO https://www.google.com/search?q=black+man+laughing+gif
Real people not fake drawings!
@77 They’re probably gonna have to pay people to fill the inaugural stands, too, as the free tickets don’t seem to be selling like hotcakes.
Yeah early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger dumbfuck wabbit @82, because every entertainer that wants to perform is Nazi Brown Shirt attacked by those ever loving progressive DUMMOCRETINS! And anyone who wants to come to the inauguration is attacked and called a racist.
Gotta love how Nazi tactics work in 2017. Right out of Saul Alinsky’s playbook! Nothing new under the sun!
@80 His Obama dossier would put most people to sleep. No scandals, mistresses, or bribes! Spying on the president has been a boring job for the last 8 years, but that’s about to change. It will soon be the most coveted assignment in the Bureau.
@17 And aren’t you glad you aren’t the District’s attorney? Isn’t this a case where the judges face when reading the posts would be priceless?
@83 “anyone who wants to come to the inauguration is … called a racist”
Well, they are, aren’t they? Except for the janitors.
@85 Attorneys and judges, like poker players, have to keep a straight face no matter what.
Hillbilly Jesus has it covered.
@88 Shouldn’t that be “@83”?
This blatant corruption is the hallmark of today’s America. Be real proud of yourselves red state voters:
@1 So if it were 9 men or 10 that would be better? Inequity is a problem, but the mere fact men own more wealth than half the world isn’t the main causes of the inequity the article mentions. A lot of inequity has to do with corruption, and not being born in a lot of the southern world.
Also a lot of wealth these guys own is paper wealth. Like stock in Microsoft, stock goes up and down and that affects who is the richest.
It’s not a new problem, and was a concern of the founders. It’s something that Capitalism exacerbates. We like winners in America even though most of us realize a flatter wealth distribution would be better.
Still like climate change we are not really into the sacrifices we should be taking. Doing things like building high speed trains and having muscular public transport, and people giving up having a private automobile, walking to work, and spitting on those who have a private automobile and double spit if they have a chauffeur (never spit at the chauffeur). Ok might not happen until the oil runs out.
“every entertainer that wants to perform is Nazi Brown Shirt”
Now, now, hillbilly. There’s no need for all that.
They don’t have to be Nazis to be stupid fizzy beer drunk glue huffing trailer trash, utterly devoid of any dignity or respectability.
Maybe they just want to get their pussies grabbed. Or maybe they’re looking to expand their Russian audience. Or maybe they want to get peed on. That’s part of the package too, you know. Don’t be so narrow minded. These are your people, after all.
@90 Blatant corruption is what they have in Mexico, Nigeria, Chad, and Sudan. Did our lawmakers go along? And how about our lawmakers who gave Boeing that sweetheart deal, and how many lawmakers did we the voters turn out over that? Seems we the people have a role here.
he’s flying them in Friday morning from Kubinka.
“every entertainer that wants to perform is Nazi Brown Shirt ATTACKED” you fool Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom!
Good try. The little girly boi fetid gaseous crazed databaze cretin arschloch tried that yank out of context BULLSHITTIUM to no avail too!
Sex to be the Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom!
@20 Well if there are bunch of pink slips given out at our intelligence agencies the week after the inauguration. Then maybe Hilliary will be wishing she had that pardon in her pocket. Politically Obama should take a page out of Bill Clinton’s playbook and issue Hilliary a pardon just as Bill did with ex-CIA chief Deutsch.
@23 When the voters that count voted Trump won. The vestiges you complain about are the result of something called compromise. Something you want to act like is not possible with Republicans and certainly is impossible with the track you state on here. If you don’t like how Trump won you are obligated to change it, only you cannot. It takes Congress or a Constitutional convention (perhaps dangerous) to propose changes, and then the states vote. What compromises are you willing to accept for states to further give up their rights to make a popular vote palatable? And also how is such a vote going to be done? Is the Federal government going to conduct the election? Should the Federal Government take up all Federal elections? So Federal elections would be separate from state and local elections.
A simpler solution would be the insistence that the number of Representatives in the House no longer be artificially frozen, but that the US Constitution be followed and the number of members goes up (or down) with population after the 10 year census. States may be more willing to split up votes based on percentage rather than winner take all. It really is their choice and most states choose for the first 9 elections to have the legislature choose electors, so much for your 1 person 1 vote theory and folks in Massachusetts got to choose two electors one from their district and a state wide so they got two votes. How unfair of them getting two when the voters of Pennsylvania only got one in the same election, but folks in Georgia didn’t get to vote in an election for a really long time.
so you don’t have any problem with them wanting to get their pussies grabbed, looking to expand their Russian audience, or wanting to get peed on.
Good. Acceptance is good. You need to come to terms with these things. This is who you people are now. A revolutionary movement of fairly uncouth hillbillies with neither honor nor dignity.
@23 Apparently because Trump plays golf he understood the rules of the election better than Clinton and won. Or it could be Clinton was a really bad candidate that managed to lose against her preferred opposition candidate.
wanting to get peed on.
Got Proof?
So you have no problem with Nazi Brown Shirt attacks Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom?
Thanks for playing!
@28 The game of circular chairs continues. It does every time we have a new President. Not everyone of any President picks ends up in the seat, it’s not at all unusual for nominees to drop out for one reason or another. Hire a illegal alien to wash your car, watch your kids, or clean your house you may drop out of being a nominee or face the heat of a Congressional hearing. Not fun when you have egg on your face, and the possibility of rejection. Oh for the good old days when Congress was in charge but generally let the President pick who they wanted and then ground them down.
@29 That is disrespectful of the office. It’s also disrespectful to the service members, and other professional government employees who must be there. It’s disrespectful of the Chief Justice who normally gives the oath of office to the incoming President with no regard to office. To those who are voted into government shame on them for not attending. And it’s going to be pretty darned warm. Citizens can choose to attend or smooze, and it’s a great chance to pick up someone of the opposite or same sex. And for most HA folks well we are on the wrong coast, but if you attend bully for you.
@32 Martin Luther King was a good man, a preacher, and a sincere believer. I’d have cup of Joe with him if I could .
Congressional DUMMOCRETINS are against the peaceful transition of power!
@33 Puddy has a point here. The press was also asleep during parts of Bill Clinton’s term. This does seem to give substance to claim of journalists having a bias. Though at times they were napping during the Reagan and Bush years.
@35 Doesn’t really matter the school administration has had a stupid moment based on what is publicly known. If you were the District’s attorney you would not want to defend the school, and your best advice would be to hire the person back yesterday. Not that the school board would do that (Democrat, Republican or Socialist) as that would a loss of face. Meanwhile the attorney representing the employee has a slam dunk case, and you wish you were him. So please no more rose colored glasses, as attorneys are supposed to set aside the political preferences to assist their client. I think we can agree based on what we know the school administration blew it. We can only hope our school administrators can learn from their experience. Though it’s far more likely they will emulate it.
@46 Biden will have retirement pay and shows plagiarism is not forever. Couple of years the woman could run for public office. The American voter has been known to five second, third or more chances. See Biden.
Whoa! Massive loon head explosion @49!
@53 Or the administration was very successful in keeping them on the right pages of the music handed out by the Press Secretary. The goal of all administrations. When very successful it’s a sign of collusion, and journalists not doing their real job. Being more like the hacks in China PRC government calls journalists.
@57 Of course that is about income. At least Buffet will admit if he has no income this year he is still extremely wealthy. He will admit that just maybe there is a point where an individual annual income is enough. Be nice if more Democrats would say that and maybe use real numbers like Roosevelt and Truman. I think it was like $50,000 in 1933 for Roosevelt. That was a lot of money in those days.
@64 Weep for the scalpers!
The bunch of deplorables are sending Talledega College Marching Band to Trump’s inauguration. http://insider.foxnews.com/201.....auguration
Meanwhile DUMMOCRETIN Progressive Nazi Brown Shirt Race Baiting Trailer Trash like Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom called the band director and college president all types of DUMMOCRETIN names and they are standing tall! DUMMOCRETINS called for the removal of the president and band director due to political correctness conceived by NAZI Brown Shirt types like Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom!
Donations are over $500,000 and climbing!
wrong again. And again, and again. This is getting fairly tiresome.
And at this point you are on record acknowledging that these “winner take all” laws are not part of the Constitution nor part of the USC. So it’s very odd that you persist in making these very, very false claims about winner take all, directly or otherwise. That’s wrong. It’s wrong to make things up just to sound smarter than you really are. You should probably feel some shame for that.
The feature of our Presidential elections that allows a candidate to be elected President despite having lost the popular vote by a margin of more than 2.5 million votes resides in a collection of 48 state laws that order all of the state’s electoral votes to be awarded to a single candidate. That’s not in the Constitution. It’s in state laws. We’ve been over this in detail previously, so it’s unfair to the rest of the class to force them to rehash this just for the slow ones. Go back and review your previous lessons.
Had the 538 electors been awarded in each state on a proportional basis according to that state’s popular vote totals, then Hillary Clinton would (probably) be sworn in as the next President – barely. The difference has nothing whatsoever to do with the Constitution. It is the result of anti-democratic state laws passed over 100 years ago during the gilded age. Laws that can be changed without a vote of Congress or a Constitutional Convention.
Sheesh! Stop with the fakakta electoral college already. You just look ridiculous!
@63 When in quicksand Republicans and Democrats sink equally. I can prove this theory when it warms up, the limited quicksand in these parts is frozen, and I will need a couple volunteers. Will beer or coffee incentivize volunteers for this experiment? We can film for u tube. Don’t invite that Adam guy though that might make this too much fun.
@84 Come on Hoover didn’t much care about who was in the white house. His dossier could be useful or not, but he was more interested in the folks in Congress and who might be in Congress as that was and still is where the power is. He saw a lot of Presidents come and go and some of them didn’t like Hoover but he survived them, and the point of is so far Obama has not fired Comey as a lot of Democrats are demanding. Maybe he has something in his dossier after all. Could be a conspiracy or even fake news. Or at this point if he’s fired there is no dossier, and if he is not Comey has something on Obama and it’s juicy!
Don’t need proof! Ha! :-D
You stupid pig ignorant hillbilly sister-fuckers drowned “proof” eight years ago in the Doughboy pool under five murky feet of Birfer Truth, Sandy Hook Truth, Jade Helm, and other Sov Cit lunacy!
It’s all 100% Reality TV perception from now on. And as far as the majority of American Reality TV viewers are concerned:
Barron has autism.
Ivanka is BBC curious.
Melania won’t move into the White House because some dirty black family used the bathrooms.
And Comrade-President Elect Traitor is into water sports.
All this is yours to enjoy! Mine too!
“So you have no problem with Nazi Brown Shirt attacks “
Nope. Sure don’t.
Are you really this stupid? (Yes, of course you are)
None of you beer drunk toothless hillbillies is going to guilt or shame me. For that to be even remotely possible I’d have to consider you potentially my equal or equivalent in some meaningful human terms.
I’ll call you any fucking names I feel like and enjoy doing it. I’m Elite! I get to do that! That’s how that works!
Nazis? Fuck we should have more respect for Nazis than for Trailer Trump Americans. For one thing, they dressed better.
@114 I know if you take 30 or 40 minutes on Wikepedia and look up the Presidential elections between 1794 and 136 you are in for a shock. State legislations are free to give out electors as they see fit. They could auction them off and that would be constitutional. That is what the constitution says. It would be nice if you would be consistent and insist that the other parts of the constitution as written be followed, Then we would have no states with only 1 representative, California would have even more representatives, and the person that got the most votes from voters would be in the White House. I’m just saying as long as we have an electoral college then the number of representatives we have in the house should not be frozen, but should also increase. There was a proposed amendment that representatives would represent 50,000 and a state would get a representative for each 50,000 if so Hilliary would have been voted in assuming that the candidates would not have changed their behavior, which they probably would have so it’s entirely possible Trump could have won the popular vote as well as the electoral college, but he did not need to do that in part because we are not abiding by the US constitutions requirement to increase the number of Representatives in the House after each 10 year census. Hilliary did not lose because of the electoral college or even the first past the post system, but because we are not abiding by the Constitution as put together. Insisting that the Constitution be followed and applied as written is far easier than trying to change it. Lets apply the Constitution and put more butts in the house after the upcoming 2020 census. Repeal the unconstitutional law freezing the house at the current number. Washington state will get a few more Representatives, and maybe Puerto Rico will get statehood.
Or you all like the current system where your candidate got sandbagged?
CBS News actually gave Obummer a smackdown on the red line!
For that to be even remotely possible I’d have to consider you potentially my equal or equivalent in some meaningful human terms.
Trust Puddy… You, being a progressive Nazi brown shirt loving DUMMOCRETIN elite by your own words puts you at the whale shit level in the Marianas Trench level! SCUM of the Earth!
That’s why Donald Trump becomes President on Friday Noon! This is why Occupy Wall Street failed and we slap the vomit producing deadfrog all over this blog! This is why dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252 is laughed at every day. And… this is why the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger dumbfuck wabbit is chuckled at due to its senility!
Do you see how easy that was?
Oh right. I forgot. To your sect the bible is the direct dictation of your lord and is literal.
Except for the parts that aren’t.
You follow a pick and choose sect and the laws of Bronze Age man reflect the laws of your God and not the other way around.
I think I’ll call you a “Chicken or Egg” Christian.
Except for the parts that aren’t.
Since you seem to know the parts of the Bible Puddy pick and chooses to select, what Bible parts dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252?
Puddy will wait! Demonstrate that white Bible privilege!
You are the “Chicken or Egg” evolutionist.
remember this?
“Puddy don’t need to forgive nobody.”
Game set match.
136???? Wha?
I’ve done all I can here. Cleaning up the undemocratic features of our current system does not rely on votes in Congress or Constitutional Conventions. Because the most significant features in our current system that skew results have nothing to do with the Constitution. There is nothing inconsistent about focusing on addressing the most undemocratic elements of our system first. State winner take all laws deprive most U.S. voters of any meaningful voice in the selection of President. That is the focus of NPV.
P.S. I don’t have “a candidate”. For all you or I know had the undemocratic winner take all laws not been in effect the race would have been decided in the House of Representatives (very possible). Who wins or loses is less important to me than getting people to stop pretending that the Electoral College as set forth in the Constitution is the problem. It isn’t . Stop pretending it is. No vote in Congress needed to fix. No Constitutional Convention needed to fix.
Thou shalt not bear false witness.
“This is from Wikipedia!”
You lied about that and doubled down when caught foisting a fake right wing legal opinion site as Wikipedia
“Puddy don’t need to forgive nobody.”
Sure do dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252. Butt it says in the Bible one MUST forgive.
Sux to be dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252!
SLAM DUNK! Game set match.
Do we need to go into your Pride? Fancy rental cars, world travel.
Yep that’s some Ild Testament breaking there.
How to you say….check mate.
You lied about that and doubled down when caught foisting a fake right wing legal opinion site as Wikipedia
WikiPedia is left wing. Look it up fool!
On this blog Puddy pays a part. Sux to be dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252!
SLAM DUNK! Game set match.
So ask YLB….
When I wondered about you forgiving a 60s public figure and you said you didn’t have to you were
A. LYING and lying is prohibited in your bible
B. Refusing to take a biblical requirement literally.
Which part did you pick and choose?
A or B
@93 Well yeah, now that you mention it, the travesty of a racist bigoted misogynistic ignoramus liar like Trump getting elected (in a fashion) to the highest office of our land results from people voting for him, and the characters and intellects of those voters can be deduced in somewhat the same way that astronomers can deduce how far from light a dark object is.
So you admit to bearing false witness.
Keep typing. Keep trying. Your lord is watching. Allegedly.
Do we need to go into your Pride? – Where is that dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252? Puddy glad to be given a chance to see the world. Fancy cars comes with the continual weeks on the road. It’s called STATUS ya moron! You have to renew that status every year. Travel and you’ll get it.
Puddy has met people who are 4 Million milers on Delta. Now that’s status!
Sux to be you!
Yep that’s some Ild Testament breaking there. – And you know this how dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252?
How to you say….check mate. That’s Puddy’s line and it works with those last three BULLSHITTIUM posts you threw up!
Keep trying! Sux to be dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252!
SLAM DUNK! Game set match.
So you admit to bearing false witness.
Where did Puddy do that? This is fake like you! Oh wait, you really do HATE people! My bad!
Sorry dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252 @130.
Puddy don’t play your silly gotcha games!
Sux to be dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252!
Ild Testament – Is that some Anton LeVey stuff dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252?
Never heard of that testament!
I’ve been on every continent except Antarctica. I just don’t need to tell people about it 20-30 times a year.
Wanna see a picture of me performing in The Sydney Opera house as a teen? Wanna see a picture of me with Pope John Paul II at the Vatican as a child. How about the one shaking his hand when I was 29? You ever meet the president of Italy or the U.S Ambassador from Pakistan or Madelleine Albright?
Want to see me above the Arctic circle, at Machu Picchu, on a beach in Asia, having a beer in Belgium or a steak Tartare in Paris?
Pride Piddles. It’s what leads you to believe you are superior and your bible calls it a deadly sin.
Picking and choosing several times today alone.
You seem to forget dr DIPSHITTIUM checkmate-252, is that Puddy has a stalker on this blog. Living vicariously everywhere Puddy goes, tracking everywhere Puddy does. So Puddy lets that stalker know about places it will never see!
Puddy don’t play an instrument so Puddy at the Sydney Opera house as a spectator with family. Puddy isn’t Catholic so Rome and the Seven Hills was a visit. Now you want to talk Monza, Silverstone or Nurburgring, we can have a conversation. How about the place where William Wallace died? Puddy met Clinton’s Secretary of the Treasury on a flight from WA DC to Frankfurt. Tried to understand the tax and spend of DUMMOCRETINS butt to no avail. No world leaders just ex military peeps all over the world. The delay was figuring out how many different military countries Puddy met over the years. At least 50 countries. Those are much better people to interact with!
See ya!
Ok. You ever sit next to Major Winters of Band of Brothers fame on a plane?
Ever take in an Opera at La Scala?
Toured Auschwitz and crossed through checkpoint Charlie when it was still there?
Watch AC Roma play Juventus in Rome?
Been to a match at Old Trafford?
Been to the District 6 museum?
Eaten Haggis Neeps and Taties at a pub a few miles from the Wallace monument?
Hell I have my family tartan kilt so a trip to Scotland really doesn’t impress me. Been to a wedding in Edinbergh Castle wearing that kilt.
Been to Blarney Castle and Stonehenge?
Can you sail a boat solo from Santa Monica to Catalina?
The constant need to boast is your problem we’re discussing Piddles. Your bible forbids it but you don’t follow that part.
You need to believe your life experiences are superior to everyones. I’m going to South America for fun four weeks from tomorrow. Looking forward to some Ceviche and Cusquena. No Amazon Jungle hiking this time. Sticking to a couple big cities.
Maybe I’ll post from there so your lurker can see my IP.
@138 So what? I shook Jimmy Carter’s hand. Can you say that?
@97 “When the voters that count voted Trump won.”
Well, that’s actually the entire basis of your argument, isn’t it? That some votes either shouldn’t count, or should count less. For example, that an Alaska voter’s vote should count 2.9 times as much as a California voter’s vote, which it does under the Electoral College system. What’s really amazing is that the 39 million residents of California consent to be governed by a leader chosen under a system like this even though he got 2.8 million fewer votes nationwide AFTER his party did everything they could to prevent Democratic-leaning voters from voting in states where they can control the election process. Likewise, the 44 Democratic and 2 independent senators got over 20 million more votes than the 54 GOP senators (67.8 million vs. 47.1 million). You really should count yourself lucky that we put up with, and consent to be governed by, a system like this.
Where is Boob when you need him? I state my salary in the process of telling PissCan how stupid and wrong a statement that he made regarding all Liberals are lazy non working people looking for handouts. I get accused of bragging….but Puff Balls the big Ape over there is bragging how he is this world traveler driving fancy cars (maybe he’s Boob’s Chaufer).
Another month or two I’ll get my promotion – I’ll be sure to brag about it and let everyone here know!
I pissed on Drumpf….anyone else do that?
He had his mouth wide open.
@100 “Got Proof?”
I consider it very unlikely that a highly reputable British spy, universally acknowledged by his fellow spies as one of the best in the profession, would either fabricate information or report unreliable information to his Republican employers. Thus, the information in the memos, while not “verified” by secondary sources, probably would satisfy the “more likely true than not” evidentiary standard used in American civil trials, and probably also would fend off a libel suit by Trump against the spy in the British courts, where the person accused of libel must prove the truth of his assertions (the reverse of the American system); but, in my opinion, ut likely would not satisfy the “beyond a reasonable doubt” standard required to criminally prosecute Trump in U.S. courts on bribery or treason charges. In other words, Trump is in a similar position as O.J. Simpson, who was acquitted in his criminal trial but held liable for civil damages, and everyone knows Simpson is guilty. Show me someone who doesn’t believe Trump paid Russian prostitutes to pee on him and I’ll show you a Republican who would deny climate change even if the ocean was boiling right in front of his very own eyes. So, the answer to your question is that there is credible evidence, sufficient to convince most objective-minded people, that Trump did these things. If you choose to call that “proof” in a vernacular sense, I won’t object to that characterization.
@135 There goes the squid running for cover in a cloud of ink. We’ve seen this before many times.
@119 “you all like the current system where your candidate got sandbagged?”
Whether we like it or not, why don’t we just follow it? I’m pretty sure the original framers didn’t intend for electors to vote for someone like Trump. They expected the electors to be smarter than that.
Damn! The HA trolls are so OBSESSED with yours truly.. Yawwwwwnn.. Yours truly is kinda busy these days. Not too much time to comment.. Awww..
They miss me!
All I know is that it’s pretty peaceful around here on Friday after sunset..
The countdown will commence the closing seconds of 4:52 pm on Friday..
Yours truly loves that time of the week! There’s no babbling jackass lying about why it brags about all the places it has farted.
Emperor Baby Fists plans to fire the commander of the D.C. National Guard the moment he’s sworn in, right in the middle of the inaugural ceremonies. This is unusual. I wonder what he’s up to? Something sinister? Maybe, like Hitler, he intends to take personal command? And then order the troops to mow down protesters?
Yeah fetid arschloch, we miss you like cancer, tuberculosis, syphilis and the plague. Got it?
Well checkmate-252,
That’s nice! We can compare pictures someday!
Emperor Baby Fists plans to fire the commander of the D.C. National Guard the moment he’s sworn in, right in the middle of the inaugural ceremonies.
You better check your sources early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger dumbfuck wabbit! Once again the libtards are wrong!
“we miss you ”
Awwww. Can’t stop talking about me.. Yours truly is living “rent free” in the black hole between the babbling jackass’ holes on either side of its pinhead!
Babbling jackass: join us on Friday after sunset!
Just like you did in years past. I can prove this. Need the link?