I hope that the next Supreme Court nominee gets questioned about how racist Donald Trump is. It seems to me that only 5 people think Donald Trump’s Muslim ban might not have been a Muslim ban. Unfortunately, they made up a bare minimum of the Court majority. How we figure out how racist Donald Trump is going forward will determine how many acts of collective punishment the United States takes under his Presidency.
It seems to me that only 5 people think Donald Trump’s Muslim ban might not have been a Muslim ban.
“It seems to me that only five people made Donald Trump president. I mean, I don’t know anyone who voted for him.”
Keep it up, Pauline. This is how you’ll get more Trump.
I really should give
Pauline KaelCarl a break. After all, it seems to me that only one person made Donald Trump president.And for that, Hillary, we thank you.
In fewer than 12 hours, Merrick Garland’s dream will become reality.
“we thank you”
We? I take it you mean you, Putin and Kim Jong Un.
Giuliani’s veiled threats against Michael Cohen are a sure sign that Mueller has flipped Cohen.
Oh, and if you had to choose between believing Trump or Cohen, who would you believe?
Yes, I know that’s a silly question. Yes, it’s intended to be.
@1 Make it six people. But that’s what makes a dumbfuck a dumbfuck.
@2 Nice try, but we’re not letting 63 million dumbfucks off the hook. Especially you. No amnesty for racists.
@ 5
Yes, I know that’s a silly question. Yes, it’s intended to be.
When you’re playing to YLB and other unserious
twatstwits, it’s necessary.The GOP tax cut fiasco is playing out exactly as economists predicted: Deficits are soaring, inflation is rising, shareholders are reaping the benefits of record stock buybacks and fat dividend raises, wages remain stagnant, and a short-term GDP bump lasting a few quarters seems likely to turn into a recession by late 2019 or early 2020 — just in time for the next presidential election — when the Fed clamps down on inflation by boosting interest rates.
Who would’ve thought? Certainly not the Republican hoi-polloi living in a dreamworld all their own. As for the GOP elite, I think they knew, but didn’t care as long as the billionaires got theirs. And did they ever!
@8 “unserious twits”
Self loathing again? You should get counseling for that. You’ll feel better about yourself if you do.
@ 9
1. You didn’t mention jobs.
2. As far as rising inflation – the inflation rate during December 2017 was 0.2%. The inflation rate in May 2018, the last month for which statistics are available, was 0.2%.
3. It will be awhile before the Feds ‘clamp down on inflation’. The 10-year note rate has actually fallen over the past two months.
Other than that, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, you’re still wrong.
I’m glad that you take your coming here to revel in the demise of our nation’s democracy seriously, Doctor. I take it seriously, too.
The market is so concerned about a tariff war with China that Deere and CAT, two manufacturers with a substantial sales presence in China, are up smartly today.
Deere is up 3.25%
CAT is up 3.5%
Tesla announced that it will need to raise prices for vehicles sold in China by 20%. Yet TSLA is up 1.3% on the day.
It’s like all of this worry is being perpetuated without basis.
@ 12
The demise in our nation’s democracy, Steve?
Was an election not held? Was the US Constitution not followed last time around?
I think, Steve, you were referring instead to the demise in our nation’s Democrats.
As for reveling in that, Steve, I’m guilty.
So fuckin’ guilty.
Wow, the market is doing so well today I’ll bet even pathetic Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s portfolio is up on the day.
@11(3) You forgot to mention the 10-year rate has nearly doubled since mid-2016. And perhaps you should look at a rate inversion chart, too. What always happens right before a recession? Rate inversion.
@13 @15 “Stocks traded higher on Monday as … concerns over a trade war between the U.S. and key partners dissipated for the moment.”
The key phase here is “for the moment.” Wall Street still believes Trump is posturing and a real trade war won’t happen. So much for Efficient Market Theory. I’ve always maintained that the stock market offers opportunities to trade the idiocy of you stupid humans. So far, that has worked pretty well for me, today being no exception.
Iowa is wallowing in despair @ 9 due to the federal tax cuts.
Federal tax changes boost Iowa revenue growth
Net income tax revenue, which grew nearly $241 million, or 7.2 percent, for the year, made up the bulk of revenue growth, LSA reported. Sale tax revenue increased $69 million and insurance and other taxes were up $1.3 million.
Meanwhile, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is wallowing in urinary and rectal catheter leakage.
@18 How are their pork sales to China doing?
@ 16
You forgot to mention the 10-year rate has nearly doubled since mid-2016.
You forgot to mention, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, that the majority of that near-doubling occurred prior to Trump’s inauguration.
January 22, 2017 the 10-year note rate was 2.484%. It’s now 2.861%.
Which means, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, that the majority of that near-doubling which has you trembling so occurred under…
wait for it…
And we haven’t even begun talking about the unwinding of QE3 and its effects upon the bond market.
Thanks for playing, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. You’ve been a tremendous help.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, the yield curve began to flatten some time in early 2014. See figure 6 in this:
In September of last year the Fed felt it safe enough to begin unwinding QE3 by selling into the bond market rather than purchasing from the bond market.
So far the Fed has sold $200B of assets into the market. The Fed continues to shed assets at a rate of about $400B/year. Now why, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, if there was concern about a recession any time soon, would the Fed flood the market with assets that only push up the interest rate?
Yes, eventually there will be a recession. Nothing new. If you were truly concerned about it, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit you wouldn’t be bloviating about all of the stocks you continue to buy.
Although you were stupid enough to bloviate about your moronic decision to continue to hold GE until last month.
@21 “your moronic decision to continue to hold GE until last month”
That’s nothing compared to your moronic decision to not short GE at 23. And because I paid $6 for my GE stock, I did make a profit — a rather nice one at that.
You can’t teach a dumbfuck anything.
@20 @21 Obama isn’t responsible for piling stimulus on top of a full-employment economy, nor did he peddle austerity as an antidote for the worst downturn since the 1930s.
That was your tribe, in both instances. I’ll take his economics over your idiotic wack-o-nomics any day.
You can’t teach dumbfucks anything.
Sleep well tonight, doc, in the knowledge that dumbfucks are in charge of the nuclear codes. If you don’t wake up tomorrow, well, dumbfuckery has consequences.
@ 22
A guy walks around with a hole in his pocket. Since October he lost more than $10,000 from that hole, all the while knowing that hole was there.
You see, when he learned there was a hole there was more than $23,000 in that pocket. Last October he was told in no uncertain terms that he was going to lose a shitload of money from that hole. ’cause it’s a really big, fuckin’ hole.
In June, after being berated repeatedly about the hole and all of the money he is losing by not doing something about it, he finally pulls out $13,000 and stuffs it into another pocket.
Then he tries to tell us that, hey, it’s all good, because years and years ago that pocket had only $6,000 deposited into it.
So really, you see, he’s a smart guy. Not because he lost $10,000 in the past six months, but because over a couple of decades or so before that he ended up with $7,000 more than he originally put into that pocket.
Next up: Newt asks Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit for his opinion on Dockers.
@25 I retired, oh, about 15 years before you did. I’m not a Trumpist white supremacist dumbfuck, either. Enough said.
You can’t teach a dumbfuck anything.
@25 I figure your loss from not shorting GE at 23 to be about $50.
Make California take ’em.
Bottleneck of 700,000 migrants wait in Libya to cross the Mediterranean to Europe after Italy turned boats away
What could possibly go wrong?
@ 27
I figure your family’s eventual loss because you held on to GE way too long is university tuition for one grandchild for one year.
You are hurting your family, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. It’s something to be ashamed of, not something to be bragging about on HA.
Pity for them that you don’t comprehend how poorly you invest.
2020 is just not that far away.
At Least One Democrat Senator Says He’s ‘Open to Voting Yes’ for Trump’s Supreme Court Pick
@29 I don’t have any grandchildren. My fortune will go to charity.
@29 “pity how poorly you invest”
Sez the dumbfuck who had to work 15 years longer than I did, votes Republican, and has grandchildren that look like Mister Ed.
@30 “Open to” isn’t the same as “voting for.” But you’re right, 2020 isn’t that far away; go ahead and overturn Roe v. Wade — no fur off my back, I’ll never need an abortion — and see what happens. Even Tomi Lahren is smarter than you, and that’s really insulting.
@14 “Was an election not held?”
Yes, and your candidate got 3 million fewer votes, your party holds a Senate majority by a bare 1-vote margin, and has a nearly unbroken string of special election defeats, yet you’re governing like America is a one-party banana republic.
I think that’s what Steve was talking about.
Just remember, turnabout is fair play, so don’t complain when a fed up public elects socialists who implement redistributionist policies. And if you can put radicals on the Supreme Court with 50 votes, so can we when our turn comes.
The socialists are coming for your horse, doc, so you’d better get a blowup doll for backup.
The Georgia GOP cannibal primary is getting interesting:
“Another secret recording is shaking up [the] primary runoff in the governor’s race. Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle’s campaign was already rocked last month by the release of a secretly recorded conversation in which Cagle said he backed what he called ‘bad public policy’ for political gain. Cagle’s runoff opponent, Secretary of State Brian Kemp, released another snippet of that conversation Monday.
“In this 50-second piece, Cagle can be heard candidly discussing the GOP primary’s sharp turn to the right, saying the five-man race came down to ‘who had the biggest gun, who had the biggest truck and who could be the craziest.’
“Kemp said … the newly released recording ‘exposes Cagle’s real opinion of Republican voters in Georgia.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: They should vote for Cagle. He understands his constituents.
If you want to know if Trump really is the champion of the working man he claims to be, ask his employees what they think.
“The demise in our nation’s democracy, Steve?”
I find myself standing with George Will, Steve Schmidt and others on the right who are against what’s happening to this country. Maybe I’m wrong, but you seem to be standing with an orange moron and a bunch of dumbfuck fascists.
“Was an election not held?” You mean the one where your guy pleaded for Putin’s help and he gave it to you? Just one of the sins you should be thinking on, by the way.
“Was the US Constitution not followed last time around?” I don’t know, Doc. What does Putin think? That’s what counts.
@ 37
Not standing with anyone, Steve.
I’m just a beneficiary of our political system, which somehow chose two horrible people as its standard-bearers for the 2016 election.
Hey, if it turns out I get a one-third boost in the value of my portfolio, a tax cut, two (so far!) decent SCOTUS picks, public unions bankrupted, and fewer MS-13 dudes waltzing into the country out of the whole thing, then why can’t I be like Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit and claim ignorance while pocketing what comes my way, Steve?
Not my fault your side spent a year pushing Bernie Sanders and weakening Hillary in the process, only to find that she was already too weak to make it on her own, was it?
Think on your sins. There’s a bit of time, still, before Kavanaugh’s appointment is announced.
@ 37
I find myself standing with George Will, Steve Schmidt and others on the right who are against what’s happening to this country.
Steve, you should be standing with Ben Sasse.
At America 101, we believe that in order to prepare ourselves for the challenges of decades to come, fundamental changes are needed. It’s time to get back to basics.
Join the movement, Steve. And I don’t mean I’m With Her.
@38 ” … our political system … chose two horrible people as its standard-bearers for the 2016 election”
And naturally you voted for the worst one, because you’re a dumbfuck.
@39 “Join the movement”
This movement? You can’t stop it, so you might as well paint yourself black, brown, yellow, or red and join it. Orange doesn’t count.
Asking a Supreme Court nominee whether he or she thinks the President (who just nominated them) is a racist is a silly question. It is a meaningless question that is about as important as asking the nominee if Woodrow Wilson was a racist, Or if Franklin Roosevelt was a racist and allowing the nominee only the Japanese internment decision to frame the question.
And clearly Carl mind is already made up on the issue. Though in no way has he or anyone else presented anything saying that the President cannot be a racist. The majority of Democrats can believe there is something somewhere that is a law saying the President cannot be a racist but there is not, and the American people can elect a racist to the Presidency. We have had very racist Presidents in the past, and we will have racist Presidents in the future if only because race is one of the great schisms of these United States and as Abraham Lincoln pointed out it would take at least 10 generations before equality could be achieved.
One could argue that President Obama was a racist President, even though many black dissenting voices would call Obama a house slave. While outwardly Obama was race neutral, race highly impacted his administration. It also is impossible to be in his head, and determine if his biases were to the degree that he is a racist.
There have been white racist politicians that the black community supported, They knew the politician was a racist, but also knew despite that the politician would do well by the community, or supported policies the community and its leaders supported.
And ultimately what difference does it make if a Supreme Court justice has the bias that Trump is a racist. It should not make a whit of difference in the decisions the justice makes from the bench. Not supposed to and the robes generally mask the potential justice from those kinds of questions, or make sure the potential justice declines to answer those questions.
Odd how the court supports mandatory retirement for other judges just not for the judges on the Supreme Court, and they do have the US Constitution backing them up.
@25 “Next up: Newt asks Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit for his opinion on Dockers.”
As usual, wrong again. I could care less about Dockers, or the stock market for that much.
Since Kos has been right about so much and has always made moves that helped the Democrat party (amirite, Ned Lamont?), I present you with this article, which was front-paged at 5:19 PM PST:
Our runner-up: Why Trump won’t pick Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court
I really appreciate Kos for freeing Joe Lieberman to do what he pleased during his final Senate term.
@1 Some us don’t understand how it can be a Muslim ban if you do not include the two nations with the largest Muslim populations in the world.
It could not be a Jewish ban unless it included Israel.
Could not be a Catholic ban unless it included the Vatican and Italy.
I suspect in both cases there is another country or countries with higher numbers of members of the religion living there than the nation mentioned, in which case it again could not be called a Jewish or Catholic ban.
Is it automatically racism if you ban anyone from Japan coming into the United States or you ban Shinto members from entering the United States?
And until Congress makes an unlikely change it’s is perfectly ok for a President to shut down immigration from another nation based on religion, or race, or any other rational reason because those folks are not US citizens. Yes Jews from Germany were refused entry from NAZI Germany. Even today boat people from Haiti are picked up and returned to Haiti. Boat people from Cuba are returned to Cuba if picked up at sea, but are welcome if they make landfall, well at least Cuba is a former colony. And yes Aunt May all those brown people in Puerto Rico are United States citizens.
Heh. Nazis and white supremacists are running as Republicans.
“serious boob” and teh babbling butthole couldn’t be more thrilled.
“serious boob”
Yours truly has not laughed that hard since that troll little maxwipe once waffed:
“I don’t hate anyone.”
@14 “The demise in our nation’s democracy, Steve?
Was an election not held? Was the US Constitution not followed last time around?”
Yes, an election was held and the Constitution was followed. The proof of outside influences has yet to be presented by Mueller, it is just a matter of time.
The thing that Steve is talking about is while there was an election, the people elected are hell-bent on destroying progress made in many areas. They literally want to turn the clock back to when “white was might and right.” Dismantling of environmental regulations, pandering to racists and bigots. A POTUS openly admonishing a free press and having their press secretary constantly lie to the public? Shameful.
Trying to shift the highest court in our country to push towards a theocracy? Shameful.
Alienation our long-standing allies? Shameful.
Trade war to hurt the heartland of America? Shameful.
I really think the core problem is the lack of emphasis on education in this country for the last 30 years or so. The result? Loss of critical thinking by the electorate. Add in the constant barrage of biased news on both sides and now you have an uniformed ingnorate electing a POTUS that acts like a tyrant and plays to his base’s fears.
Why is it most of the red states are in the lower rankings of education? They are also high on the list of government handouts: https://wallethub.com/edu/states-most-least-dependent-on-the-federal-government/2700/ and https://www.quora.com/Why-are-8-out-of-10-of-the-poorest-US-states-Republican
“serious boob”… Too damn funny!
Guess 800 billion can’t buy a lot of S&P 500 companies any love…
Oh but that’s not all.. From the same link:
“All levels”… Did that include S&P 500 companies? 1.3 percent gain..
“serious boob”.. Heh. Too funny.
@3 Golf with a new Supreme Court justice?
@2 There are those who believe she is already running for 2020.
@ 48
Can we get the Fucking Moron to explain to third-tier YLB why it’s always the companies with lower-performing shares buying back their stock during a rising market?
’cause she’s clueless.
“the companies with lower-performing shares”
lions share of 800 billion?
“serious boob”… Too funny!
Gee they are getting Manfort for regular corruption. There ought to be more of these fixes ect being prosecuted by the justice department from both sides of the isle.
@5 Nah just blows apart the meme as Trump as the Godfather. Or he is the worst Godfather ever. Trump is the Captain Jack Sparrow of Godfathers?
“Mitch McConnell To Democrats: Treat Trump’s SCOTUS Pick ‘Fairly’
“This is the same guy who denied a hearing and a vote to President Barack Obama’s nominee, Merrick Garland”
On top of that, I bet Trump is going with Kavanaugh, the most partisan and thumb-in-your-eye candidate in the field. “Fair” is fucking these guys up and down and six ways to Sunday.
@53 “from both sides of the isle”
There you go with your false equivalency bullshit again. No, the Democrats aren’t as corrupt as the Republicans. Not even close.
Libtard students at NYU didn’t realize that Trump had not made the choice yet. Libtard group-think is a very scary thing!
Till Next Time!
@51 I seriously doubt you know what you’re talking about.
Stupid is as stupid does: http://www.foxnews.com/politic.....inton.html
Somebody needs to explain to this guy the difference between what he did and a member of the military versus what an elected official did. The UCMJ differs from civilian laws and none of the people he names in his suit are part of the military, not even the POTUS: https://www.quora.com/Is-a-president-as-commander-in-chief-subject-to-the-UCMJ
@7 Hey you gotta live with them. One of them may change your diapers or replace your catheter. Better hope they are professional dumbfucks, If you get a special taste in your coffee from a special secret ingredient remember they are dumbfucks they do not recognize the difference between cream and cum. 63 million hmmm shouldn’t you be feeling a bit paranoid. There were people in your neighborhood that vote for Trump. Or even Jill Stein…you are including those folks in your dumbfuck statement right?
Once upon a time in the US Senate they decided the Supreme Court nominee with no hearing with the nominee present. The Senators would meet in committee and consider the nominee and make a recommendation and send it to the floor. Only Senators really love being on TV always is good to be seen by the folks back home. This is the true reason for the whole Supreme court nomination shenanigans.
Some senile idiot wabbit FARTED –
“Yes, and your candidate got 3 million fewer votes, your party holds a Senate majority by a bare 1-vote margin, and has a nearly unbroken string of special election defeats, yet you’re governing like America is a one-party banana republic.”
Seems FAKE NEWS CNN disagrees with the senile idiot wabbit! https://www.cnn.com/2018/05/24/politics/special-elections-democrats-not-doing-well/index.html
Till Next Time!
Some senile idiot wabbit FARTED –
“Yes, and your candidate got 3 million fewer votes, your party holds a Senate majority by a bare 1-vote margin, and has a nearly unbroken string of special election defeats, yet you’re governing like America is a one-party banana republic.”
Seems FAKE NEWS CNN disagrees with the senile idiot wabbit! https://www.cnn.com/2018/05/24/politics/special-elections-democrats-not-doing-well/index.html
Till Next Time!
@57 “Libtard group-think is a very scary thing!
Oh yeah? Like conservative group-think is any better. Just look at how Yertle treated Merrick Garland.
Just think Piddles, conservatives want to bring back policies that would put your family at a disadvantage. Affirmative action, gone. Title IX. probably gone. No, conservatives won’t be happy until women are barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen and black and brown skinned people properly know their place. Oh yeah, don’t forget that they want everyone to be Christian (and that doesn’t mean any crazy-ass cults like LDS, SAD, JW and certainly nothing affiliated with the so called “rag-heads”).
It’s Kavanaugh. Told you so. Fuck him, and fuck Trump. Any Democrat who votes “yes” for this turd should be run out of the party.
@9 Have to see how that recession plays out or even happens. The economy is overdue for one with or without the tax cut the economy is due for one in the near future. It’s called the business cycle. Stock market watchers make lots of money off of fools trying to time the markets, and economists get to laugh at the many fools and feign amazement when one gets the timing right…ok they are not statisticians, who should have no amusement or the winners or losers during the future economic downturn. Statisticians suggest a dart board is your most accurate way of knowing when economists will declare we are in a recession (in complete hindsight).
3 million less votes from one state, libtard California! Take away California and Trump carried the plurality from the other 49 states. Seems that is lost on morons like the senile idiot wabbit!
Banana republic – The DUMMOCRETINS in Congress!
Till Next Time!
@17 People enjoying commissions or fees off your trades like you to think that. The only way to disprove the efficient market theory is for you to successfully make money with all your trades. That you are always right, otherwise the main hypothesis that an individual cannot time or make the right call when it comes to the market every time. That means knowing not just that the market is going to make a change but accurately knowing which direction the market would go. The consensus is the market should react to a trade war negatively (why?) and then stocks go up with some companies with large bets on China doing well.
Another senile fart – “Just look at how McConnell treated Merrick Garland.”
He was treated fairly. The Biden Rule was followed to the letter senile idiot wabbit!
Till Next Time!
@14 Think he will read the constitution and realize we are not a democracy, but a Republic. Is democracy ever used in the US Constitution?
conservatives want to bring back policies that would put your family at a disadvantage. Affirmative action, gone. Title IX. …black and brown skinned people properly know their place.
Put Puddy’s family at a disadvantage?
Puddy told his sons to not look for the Affirmative action save. Puddy told his sons to not look for the Title IX save.
DUMMOCRETTINS are the ones who ensure black and brown skinned people properly know their place. http://www.jesseleepeterson.co.....-hispanics
Till Next Time!
DUMMOCRETINS hate black people… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbP33yl_kT4
Till Next Time!
@24 If they are such dumbfucks not much to worry about. I however doubt the folks at the NSA or at SAC appreciate being called Dumbfucks and are perfectly capable of doing the mission they have been given. Or is your real concern is the system will work as designed, and we won’t know the unintended consequences until after the exchange. Perhaps it will act like a rational market after the command is given.
Well senile idiot wabbit,
Your favrit preznit called the US a democracy. https://www.cnn.com/2017/12/09/opinions/obama-hitler-germany-democracy-warning-ben-ghiat-opinion/index.html
DAYUM you really are senile!
BTW Al Franken is NOT a senator anymore!
Till Next Time!
@34 Well duh it’s one party control at the federal level. If a past President had used his more efficiently perhaps his party would have kept that majority or got to enjoy such control again before the President was out of power. Had our candidate gotten in we would still have divided power started under that President. The current guy in office is at least doing things to keep power in the Senate, and is battling to keep the house. Maybe he does not deserve an A in the effort he is making, but an effort is being made. Until that divided government occurs then the administration can continue doing business as now. Sucks if you are the party out of power.
The height of hypocrisy from Yertle: “Sen. Mitch McConnell: “Put partisanship aside” while considering Kavanaugh”
@76 Actually it is hypocrisy because he wants Democratic Senators to do the exact opposite and try to turn this into a circus, as Republican Senators tame the circus and put the Presidents nominee into office despite the Democratic antics.
It’s probably advice the Democrats in the Senate should take will not. And give the Republicans a big win even when the writing is on the wall.
@57 They weren’t wrong.
@35 So things are not much different from when the original “Smokey and the Bandit” movie came out. Hollywood should take note it’s time for a remake.
@59 Well, whaddya know, there are frivolous lawsuits after all.
How about a reminder of what Yertle thinks “putting aside bipartisanship” means: “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”
@60 I don’t have a catheter. You’ve been reading too many of Doctor Dumbfuck’s posts. Dumbfucks flock together, I guess.
@64 Conservatives won’t be happy until they’ve repealed the 13th Amendment. Trump already has — just ask his chauffeur.
Isn’t it the conservatives the group always yapping about tort and criminal reform?
See @47 for my comment about the decline of education in America. This frivolous lawsuit is a result of that because if the ex-Navy guy knew his civic he would know this is a pointless lawsuit.
I’m grateful they removed this moron from the most lethal weapon in our arsenal.
@67 “Take away California and Trump carried the plurality from the other 49 states.”
No, let’s count California. They’re 20% of the U.S. population.
The most common variation of this insipid argument is that the candidate winning the largest number of counties should win. Then they’ll display a map that’s almost solid red. The red area is vacant land. The much smaller blue areas are where all the people live.
@79 It is an investment a guy with $6000 in a pocket should not pass up. Do not want the charities to go wanting. Father Machehes orphans still need help.
As long as the Constitution is honored in its original intent, this new guy will be OK. As long as judges stick to being judges and don’t suddenly think they’ve got the right to make laws, this new guy will be OK.
The Constitution is really the only thing that matters, and if this new guy honors that, it’ll all be OK.
@36 As long as he can keep up the appearance of being more a champion than the democrats. Could be a lot of Democratic candidates and leaders need a change in attitude and need to support Unions, minimum wage increases, ect. Need to actually support and pass policies that help the working person at the federal and state level. Maybe show up with the teachers and others on the picket line when called. Wear out a little shoe leather with the workers. Piss off their corporate masters who will cut off the money when they do those things
@84 Yeah. The judge should Rule 11 this guy.
He’ll probably show up at a flag-burning protest like that gal who got tossed out of the Air Force for posing nude with the flag wrapped around her bare ass.
I’m not in favor of burning the flag as a form of protest, but I’m not in favor of using the flag as a G-string in a Penthouse centerfold, either.
Also, I’m not in favor of taking unauthorized photos of classified submarine interiors. Fucking spy. They should have shot him.
@77 “and try to turn this into a circus,”
What the hell are you talking about? It already is a circus. McConnell put his clown shoes on years ago.
@37 Be nice if we followed the constitution when it comes to RT or apply the same rules to the BBC, CBC, ect.
@87 You should read up on what he thinks of checks and balances.
A 91-year-old visitor from Mexico was set upon by a woman and a group of men, who beat him with a concrete block, and told him to “go back to your own country.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Trumpists for sure. If he dies they should all get the death penalty.
@47 Then it is obvious the bill of rights is not being followed. If Mueller is not investigating an actual crime, there should be no investigation. Watergate there was an actual crime. With Clinton there was an actual crime/lawsuit. This current Mueller investigation has turned up run of the mill corruption and that is it. If I set out a bull dog on the Democratic campaign it will uncover similar corruption. It might actually go somewhere quickly if you task it just to look at how Bernie was denied the Democratic nomination. Could start with the emails but someone knowledgeable about the duties of the classification authority would only concentrate on material from other departments.
Kavanaugh? Politician in robes it seems to me.. Always wrong wing politician.
Nice of the loon to drop by to spew some unintelligible hate at us.
Oh.. the babbling butthole will now babble about ms-13.. babble, babble, fart, fart..
Complete support for this act of white supremacist violence from the most moronic white supremacist ha troll..
No, not even boob can compare to the babbling butthole.
That is great you told your children not to count on those crutches, good for you!
The problem is not what you tell your children, but what other think and perceive about them. For many people, i.e., your typical Trump supporter from Red states, it wouldn’t matter if your son stood there in a Brooks Brother’s suit and had a perfect command of the English language, what most would see is a person of color.
Trump and his ilk are doing everything in their power to negate MLK Jr.’s quote, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/martin_luther_king_jr_115056
Trump and his conservative brand are trying to destroy that dream, yet you support him? Trying to understand your support of him is like trying to understand dividing by zero.
@97 And here we have a deputy prosecutor in California posting on social media that somebody should murder Maxine Waters.
@56 I suspect the numbers of former choir boys and girls, and Boy and girl scouts may suggest might be the more ethical bunch, At least this is testable. but does not change my basic premise of there being dirty boys and girls of the isle,
Even Jimmy Carter one of our most ethical Presidents had to deal with Billy Beer and he lusted in his heart.
Of course you are making an assumption the former sailor was only charged under the UCMJ. Most likely there were some charges under the UCMJ, but clearly he was also or only charged under the espionage act, which is Federal and applies to members of the military, but also to civilians in all branches of the government. He does have a legitimate gripe dven within just the DOD where punishment van be harsher for enlisted than officers in these manners, or having civilians not even charged for similar infractions. And the military member can face additional charges under the UCMJ his civilian counterpart does not face. We will have to see if the charges have legs. I guess score one for team Trump.
This talk of the Stock Market.
What was the Stock Market doing right up to the Great Recession?
Wall Street is not about to let go of the plug until right before they need to – they too want to make false money off the masses of idiots.
What is the world suppose to stop right before a calamity? Even a train wreck doesn’t happen until the moment of impact but is waiting in the wings just like fate.
Wall Street needs believers like Bob. Climate Change is a hoax – just like the well performing stock market.
As far as jobs….Bob are the jobs numbers any better, or a lot better, or pretty much the same, as they were from 2009 to 2016? I look at the graphs and they seem to be no different. But back then things were dismal only now things are great – not sure I get it.
From the other thread
“They vote for those whom keep them from having no responsibility or have no accountability!”
Really. They (those whom they vote for) keep them from having no responsibility or having no accountability. Do they also make them chew gum?
I get it – it is your god that keeps Puffy in line. If it weren’t for the Sky Daddy Puddy would be out hanging gay people or pushing them off buildings.
@64 I do not see how you can go with group think when you are talking about the Senate majority leader using political power. Usually when Senate leaders do this the President has the option of talking to the leader to ask who would be a good pick. The only other options is for the President to use the bully pulpit or seat the nominee when Congress goes into recess, and yes that would mean calling the Republican leadership in using tactics having the Senate in session, but members on recess. Garland did not become a member of the high court, no group think involved, just power,
@65 Well tell your party leaders to demand those Democratic Senators. Would you please post their response. As plenty of Democrats have voted for him when he became a trial judge and when he became a appeals judge, maybe write a personal letter to each remaining Democrat and demand their resignation, as in the slim chance he won’t become a Supreme court justice he will still be an appeals judge. Obviously you should demand his impeachment and removal from office,
From the Hartford Courant –
“Former Farmington Town Council member Jon Landry carried on an extramarital affair for years with a young woman he met online in 2008 as a girl of 12, and began having sex with after she turned 16 — all the while using the false name “Jason Davis” to disguise his true identity, police investigators said.
Landry, a Republican, was arraigned Monday at Superior Court of New Britain on one count each of harassment and interfering with police — misdemeanor charges outlined in a 15-page investigative affidavit written by a police detective in Newington, the alleged victim’s hometown, to obtain a warrant for his arrest.“
One step above a goat – not bad!
@106 As I like to say, never, ever leave a child or a goat alone with a Republican, Nothing good will ever come of it.
@104 “Garland did not become a member of the high court, no group think involved, just power,”
If you really think no “group-think” was involved, I have a bridge to sell you. A majority of votes is the mechanism that makes a SCOTUS justice, but the voters need to think alike to get on the same page to be part of the majority.
Gosh, I’m sure there are many votes that go like this, “I couldn’t stand the nominee, thought they were terrible, but I had to vote for them for party unity.” Why? because if they don’t go along with the group think the will lose campaign funding for the next election cycle and how will they maintain power if they don’t have a majority?
@84 It maybe a frivolous law suit, but not for the reasons you have given. If his was a liberal cause the ACLU would do the right thing and pick up his case, but they will not help because this is a conservative cause. The ACLU has backed down from its mission and become more of a Democratic water carrier.
@85 No we gotta use the 1910 maps as that is when Congress froze the number of Representatives. Clearly this urbanization is an unintended consequence.
@87 He is from Oklahoma? Or is Oklahoma his favorite musical. It is OK.
@89 Hello you need to come into the real world as it is. Cell phones are common and most of them take photos. So some service members take photos of themselves and others where they work. It happens, and if the person is caught there can be repercussions. Or none at all. I doubt that a photo of an interior of a submarine is particularly revealing even to an expert. Not like the Russians and others have sets of blueprints from our subs. It is entirely possible the interior of these spaces should not be classified in the first place. Maybe he was properly punished, but clearly others are not similarly punished for similar infractions. The rules are different for higher ranked officials for civilian employees ect. There is certainly enough there to make a Rule 11 ruling by a judge unlikely, even if the Federal attorney should bring it up. Rule 11 is rarely applied as the standard the attorney who is conducting the case is low particularly if the attorney needs to start the case in order to do some level of discovery to even find out if the case is frivolous. I think you spent too much time in the prosecutors office RR as you are thinking very much like a prosecutor here. All that prosecutor attitude, and not much respect to the guy who currently has no attorney or to his attorney should he retain a new one.
Long-time HA libbies no doubt recall the glory years of the first Obama term. Until the 2010 mid-terms, that is.
Now you understand how it felt for the other side.
Looks like Trump’s nomination is already in trouble. They’re calling him “Beltway Brett” and “Swamp Creature.” Nor does it help that Kavanaugh is a lackey for dismantling Obamacare. And then there’s this:
“I will oppose the nomination the President will make tonight because it represents a corrupt bargain with the far Right, big corporations, and Washington special interests.” — Pro-life red state Democratic senator
And, finally, it doesn’t help that Trump is attacking Democratic senators whose votes he might need, which, of course, leaves them with zero incentive to play ball with him.
DUMMOCRETINS go nutzo over the SCOTUS pick? Of course they will. That’s what DUMMOCRETINS do!
The senile idiot wabbit FARTED again “Looks like Trump’s nomination is already in trouble. ”
NOPE! Only the DOPEY class are screaming!
Till Next Time
Thank Harry Reid for implementing the nukular option!
Thank Joe Biden for the Biden Rule!
Thank Chucky Schumer for the Schumer Filibuster!
DUMMOCRETINS. What ever they do it backfires!
Till Next Time!
“Not my fault your side spent a year pushing Bernie Sanders and weakening Hillary in the process, only to find that she was already too weak to make it on her own, was it?”
So Republican love for Russia is the fault of Bernie supporters?
“Now you understand how it felt for the other side.”
Oh, really? I never felt the need to commit treason, Doctor.
The loon is in a bit of a pickle. He doesn’t know who will string him up first, his white supremacist friends or Robert Mueller. SAD!
Trump pardons arsonists.
How to get in Trump’s good graces: As long as you destroy federal property, discriminate against Muslims or Mexicans, or commit crimes against humanity you’re good to go.
Yeah senile idiot wabbit @119,
Still not as bad as these hombres and senoras! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_granted_executive_clemency_by_Barack_Obama
Once again like Obummer claiming the US IS a democracy, the senile idiot wabbit demonstrates the TOD and TDS on its femtometer sized paramecium brain with the clemency post above!
Wait for it!
Till Next Time!
Wow…..I have not really posted here for a couple of years, and I see YLShe is still obsessed with me.
Nice to see I am still fucking with your brain YLShe.
@121 I hope all is well, Max.
Life is good Steve. Some ups, some downs, but mostly ups.
Hope things are good on your end as well.
Things are going okay, Max. Like yourself, there are ups and downs, mostly ups. I’m looking forward to retiring.
Best wishes always.