More health care dollars are needed for the unwell. Unless their premiums have increased more than 75%.
“We’re utter neophytes. We’ve never been in government. If we were ever to do something illegal it would TOTALLY be up to the Secret Service to save us from ourselves. We are the Clouseau Presidency. Every move we make it filled with slapstick bumbling. We need law enforcement to warn us BEFORE we do something.”
– GOP (The party of personal responsibility), Or words to that effect.
52-48, plus one if needed
“The White House on Monday refused to say whether President Donald Trump’s business would cease manufacturing in China and other countries during the administration’s “Made In America” week.”
“The documents, released to The Seattle Times this month by Oregon’s Department of Human Services, also contradict public statements in recent months by Murray and his lawyer contending investigators had debunked Simpson’s allegations at the time as false.
“Wow, wow. Thank you, Jesus,” he said.”
It’s in the Seattle Times, used by HA DUMMOCRETINS to slime Republicans whenever possible by moronic twits like Roger dumb senile idiot wabbit!
This is what DUMMOCRETIN politicians do to their wards?
Puddy knows you will no longer purchase or buy the following from most companies that lean DUMMOCRETIN:
Apple continues to manufacture its iPad in China.
Child labor makes the iPhone and iPod batteries
So one can say iJunk is made overseas and you DUMMOCRETINS swarm to it!
Rawlings, which makes the official baseballs of the MLB, are handmade in Costa Rica. Up to 2.4 million balls are made each year.
Production of the iconic Radio Flyer red wagon was moved to China in 2004 due to unsustainable maintenance costs of its Chicago plant!
Mattel manufactures the Barbie doll in Hong Kong.
Converse was purchased by Nike back in 2003, which promptly outsourced production to China, Thailand and India.
Levi jeans, which describes itself as the “ultimate icon of American culture,” are in fact manufactured outside America except for one particular pair made in North Carolina.
Etch A Sketch outsourced manufacturing of its doodling machine to China in 2000.
Polo Ralph Lauren uniforms for the 2012 U.S. Olympic team were made in China.
Huffy Bikes, that first bike of many American kids, have been manufactured overseas since 1999.
Monopoly, produces many of its game pieces overseas, including the green and red houses which are made in Ireland.
$3.2 million worth of American flags were imported by the U.S. in 2010 from China.
Bernie Sandersspews:
Minneapolis police shoot an Australian women. She called 911 to report an assault behind her house, and somehow one of the cops shot her while she was sitting in the cop car telling th other cop what was going on. She had come to the US to marry her fiancé.
Somebody’s got some serious ‘splaining to do!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 “I suppose this qualifies her for SecDef, amirite?”
No, but it might get her a minor ambassadorship, if they can’t find anyone else.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 “We need law enforcement to warn us BEFORE we do something.”
That’s what lawyers are for. They have lawyers, don’t they?
It’s unlikely they’re getting bad legal advice. They’re probably ignoring good legal advice.
After a decade of telling us that we’re all a bunch of fascists, the trolls spent the last thread telling us that we’re all a bunch of anti-fascists. Of course, nobody expects our trolls to make a lick of sense, much less to ever admit that they’re all a bunch of dumbfuck fascist traitors, especially the loon.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 Auto lending’s problems are old news. It’s been talked about for a couple years now. It doesn’t keep central bankers awake at night because the economy’s exposure to subprime auto loans is less than a tenth of what its exposure to subprime mortgage loans was. And it’s not like there’s no collateral; an uptick in defaults doesn’t mean much more than more business for repo men.
“Read this and trimmed my Ford holdings by a quarter.”
Where else can you get a 5% yield? Verizon? An MLP or REIT? I don’t see a problem with having about 2% of my portfolio in Ford stock and reinvesting the dividends elsewhere.
@ 19
Gonna be a long three anna haff years for ya, ain’t it?
@ 20
I didn’t sell the economy. I sold Ford.
You truly are a dumbfuck aren’t you?
If Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s a Ford fan with its 5% yield, just think how glad he’ll be to own the stock in a couple of months when it suddenly has a yield of 7%.
Hey Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, check out Frontier (FTR). Yield of 33% and climbing nearly daily. You can’t go wrong, I’m tellin’ ya.
“Gonna be a long three anna haff years for ya, ain’t it?”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 About 14% here. I would expect people following the basic investment prescriptions, which are well known, to get pretty similar results. When someone like Doctor Dumbfuck comes along and compares that to an index or someone else’s results (e.g., his), for the purpose of criticizing your results, that’s totally a red herring. The fallacy of that is assuming it’s a zero sum game when it isn’t. Nor is investing a competition for a trophy. If you’re making 13% a year, and compounding it, you’re going to be rich, and you don’t give a damn whether anyone else makes more than you. Just tune out the noise (and noisemakers like Doctor Dumbfuck) and stay focused on managing your own portfolio well. Do that, and you’ll be fine.
Unlike some troll moron who well… why belabor its idiot behavior?
Not much point in commenting here on trolls or klownservatics here these days..
Just watch the news and its hilarious how freaking awful they keep sinking..
@ 26
Your nails look fabulous, YLB.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 Well, well, waddya know, the Seattle Times was right again.
The ONLY reason it would EVER be possible to use anything from the Seattle Times to slime you is because you ARE slime and you’ve done something slimy. Jackass.
No, slug. I take back jackass; you’re a slug and you leave a slime trail everywhere you go.
Politcally Incorrectspews:
@25 – This is one of those rare occassions where we agree. Personal investing is a lot like golf – you are playing against yourself to better your personal game. Nobody is perfect at the game of golf, and the same thing applies to investing. Taking the long-term view, diversifying across sectors, buying when everyone else is running for the exit, having discipline to hold to your principles when things look shitty, and remembering that delayed gratification is key to avoiding frivolous wastes of funds.
It’s not really very complicated at all.
As far as Ford is concerned, it’s about the only American car company worth a damn. Buy it on dips and hold it for a long time.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 The cop who shot her is a dark-skinned Somali immigrant, so Republicans are gonna have a field day with this one.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@27 anyone with a little polish looks better than your dog of a wife.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
Hear about the cop arrested in PA for sexually abusing a boy? Where are all the BLUE LIVES MATTER assholes?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 Proves how shallow your comprehension is. First, we don’t care if you birds foul your nests. Second, the worse Republicans behave, the more fun we have with you. Please don’t run away like so many of your troll predecessors have. We’re very much looking forward to 3.5 years of holding you responsible for the GOP’s derelictions and subversions.
@ 33
You won’t live that long. Best not to begin your day until you’re sure the bleeding has stopped after you pull your u-cath.
Seeing things again? Yawwwn.. Hearing voices, phantosmia, hallucinating..
Such is the life of a klownservatic.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@34 Can’t you read a chart? The catheter was removed months ago. Only God knows when I’m going to drop dead, and you ain’t him.
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
“Made in America Week”
Well, well, well, John McCain is at it again, trying to look great by repealing antiquated shipping laws but at the same time willing to destroy an entire American industry in the name of “free trade”:
Two great quotes from that article:
John McCain writing: “The protectionist mentality embodied by the Jones Act directly contradicts the lessons we have learned about the benefits of a free and open market. Free trade expands economic growth, creates jobs, and lowers costs for consumers. I urge my colleagues to support this bill and finally repeal the outdated and protectionist Jones Act.”
And the analysis by the shipping industry : “No mention of the destruction of American shipbuilding and merchant marine jobs that repeal of the Jones Act would mean.”
I’ve worked under the Jones Act, while it is old and arcane, it does save our very maritime industry from being completely wiped out by cheap (read: expendable) ships and crews from foreign nations. Most people don’t realize that the first Gulf War was the first time in American history that the logistics required to support the buildup and war effort could not be met completely by US shipping.
Republicans, no shame. Willing to sell out our country for a few measly bucks and barrels of oil. McCain is a war hero, but even his father would be ashamed of him pushing this BS legislation.
@ 37
Most people don’t realize that the first Gulf War was the first time in American history that the logistics required to support the buildup and war effort could not be met completely by US shipping.
Please explain. Might this mean that there wasn’t enough available US capacity at the time, and therefore easier access to foreign capacity is necessary?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
If that’s what it takes to put Hillbilly-Traitors in America’s rear view mirror.
It’s not as though you aren’t abundantly familiar with this experience. How many of your exes ground up the transmission in your MG, backed over your carbon-fiber road bikes, and dumped your Pappy into the toilet before heading off to the lawyer?
Hey, speaking @ 2 of Susan Rice, guess who’s ducking out of her planned appearance before a House panel?
Susan Rice no longer planning to testify Tuesday before House panel
The short version of “not enough capacity” means that there was not enough US flagged vessels to carry the materials needed to support the war effort. US flagged vessels require US licensed crews.
Also, to be even considered a US flagged vessel, the keel must be laid in the United States (this is a requirement of the Jones Act by the way). It is possible, and it has been done, that a keel is laid down in the US, cut up and sent over seas, and built in a foreign yard. There are a myriad of rules and regulations that cover vessel construction and manning rules. See Shipping, Title 46 CFR:
So if you are going to start a land war with a bunch of tanks, better make sure you have enough vessels that can transport your tanks and ammunition otherwise you have to rely on your allies to do it for you.
Given the propensity of Trump to grope and piss off our allies, building up our shipping industry is a road to “America First” Didn’t McCain get the memo?
Newt Hoenikkerspews:
One more shipping story for you.
Dakota Creek shipyards up in Anacortes made a whopper of a mistake concerning building a US flagged vessel and the rules and regulations regarding the Jones Act. In fact, the mistake was so big, it may sink the company (pun intended). They now must go crawling to Congress for an exemption.
While I certainly support Dakota Creek, they are a fine shipyard and do quality work, but someone there made huge mistake. Must have gone to the Donald Trump Jr. school of law. They had but one job to do and they screwed it up, now everyone else has to beg and grovel and may lose everything because of it.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
Ohhh it’s so tough – boo hoo hoo.
How the White House and Republicans underestimated Obamacare repeal
(via POLITICO for iOS)
Meanwhile, the pathological liar in chief is at it again
The guy just makes things up and his sycophantic aides are too dumb or frightened to correct him.
The Wisdom of PissCanspews:
@41 there are no memos in Repukeland. You’ll find that the Bible is used instead of Memos. What kind of Memo can you tweet in 140 characters = Fake President.
Long Live Ireland.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@37 America’s basic strategy in WW2 was to destroy Japan’s merchant fleet and build Liberty ships faster than German U-boats could sink them. It worked; we defeated both of those countries.
Now Republicans want to send America’s merchant fleet to scrapyards and its merchant sailors to unemployment lines. That doesn’t look like smart strategy to me, nor does it suggest they’ve learned anything from history.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Plan C (drum roll) is: Unable to pass a health care bill of their own, Republicans now propose to replace “Repeal and Replace” with “Repeal and GoFundMe.”
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
FOOL @26,
Got more pink lace panties while in California? Puddy saw quite a few FOOLS like you all over America last week!
Did some idiot who puts HA first on vacay just fart in here?
Sure does stink. G’night!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
CREW just won access to the visitor logs at Mar a Lago.
I’m afraid I have to defer to the special expertise of our trolls on this one: are peeing Russian hookers more humiliating than Jeff Guckert?
Dtfvlcerumespews: – #777888iiinnnmmmzzzz
@37 Kind of predictable. It’s a pretty safe bet that shipbuilding isn’t much of a thing in Arizona.
@15 My wife’s uncle retired in the 1980’s from the last operating leather tannery in Peabody, Massachusetts. Way back then the only thing that kept the lights on there was making the little leather “swoosh” thingies that Nike sewed onto the sides of their otherwise foreign-made shoes so they could call them “American made”.
Her grandmother was the head of HR at the Eastman gelatin plant in the same town. That’s still running, but the raw materials come from elsewhere and it’s now owned by a European pharmaceutical company that uses most of its output to make capsules.
@44 It seems to be getting more and more difficult to decode the man’s gibberish sufficiently to determine whether he’s lying or not.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Did some idiot who puts HA first on vacay just fart in here?
You must be talking about yourself pink panty boy.
Puddy was with the wife enjoying vacation when we found out her best girlfriend in middle and high school lost her cousin to that NYC police assassination. You know where the crazed libtard shot her in the head! Then we changed vacation plans. What was the crazed clueless cretin doing? Probably screaming black lives matter. Well the dead policewoman was a black hispanic you FOOL! Got a post?
Sux to be the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist pink lace panty gusset!
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
@13 Well, well, waddya know, the Seattle Times was right again.
Yes, Ed Murray is disgusting, just like all the DUMMOCRETINS that voted for his sick ASS!
Sux to be you!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
No wall.
$70 Abortion pills by mail
Gay marriage everywhere
Hundreds of thousands of Muslims entering the country every month
85% of Obama appointees still running things
Stuck with Obamacare Forever
No billionaire tax cuts
Strung out on Oxy
Hillary will never be President
No wonder conservatives are a grfters paradise
Roger Rabbitspews:
@58 “Yes, Ed Murray is disgusting, just like all the DUMMOCRETINS that voted for his sick ASS!”
You’re ascribing amazing clairvoyant powers to those voters. After all, how else could they have known about this when they voted for him? It wasn’t public knowledge until yesterday.
Trump, otoh, was/is a known quantity; and until you tell us differently, we’re going to assume you voted for his lying, thieving, traitorous ass knowing that’s what you were voting for. Which makes you something far worse even than Ed Murray himself, who is merely a child molester.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@59 They’re now trying to stuff the wall into the overseas military operations budget.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Republican budget negotiations resemble trying to put a 30-inch tall stuffed bear into a 12-inch by 18-inch by 6-inch Amazon box.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
They’ll need 60 votes in the Senate or they’ll have to defend it in court.
Even in light of Yertel’s failures so far, I think they can get some Dem votes on budget with enough “bipartisan” budget bribery. But not if they include the wall. Too much Fuckface signature on that.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@63 Trump’s now calling for eliminating the filibuster, apparently not realizing Trumpcare didn’t even have 50 votes, and oblivious to how that could bite his party in the ass when they’re the minority party again.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Trump is so intellectually shallow he resembles a chess player who not only doesn’t think ahead but doesn’t understand the current play or even know how the different pieces move on the chessboard.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Democrats, like our presidents with respect to North Korea, don’t have any good options. We can’t force Trump out, but he hates the job and might quit, but if he does he’ll extract a pardon from Pence, and then we’ll be stuck with Pence in the Oval Office.
But Democrats still have the satisfaction of knowing they’re not low-life Republicans. We may be imperfect, but we’re not evil. We have a chance to get into Heaven, whereas Republicans can only look forward to forty virgins, not realizing what Hell is all about is they’ll stay virgins forever.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
to kill the filibuster Yertel needs a broad consensus within his own party that Democrats are shutting down the government. The Treason Media have been pitching that bullshit without success since as far back as RyanCare. The way they sequenced this session along with the Hillbilly-Treason compulsion to run multiple victory laps after every bowel movement has prevented that notion from taking hold. They own these failures themselves. That’s partly why you have so many Senators calling for normal order with hearings, debate, and unlimited amendments. It’s interesting to contemplate how things might unfold without the filibuster. But I don’t see any reason for Traitor confidence there. As with Trumpcare, I don’t think they’ve got the votes within their own caucus. At least not in the immediate future.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Looks like as far as Obamacare is concerned the filibuster is moot. As of noon today Yertel lacks the simple majority to proceed to debate. So repeal is dead too with or without a rule change.
Makes you wonder how different things might have been for them if they’d chosen a nominee like Sandoval instead of Treason.
But then again, “Cook My Burrito Bitch!” So, what’s a Hillbilly Traitor gonna do?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Interesting and yet little mentioned fact:
Of the more than 1000 dildos and other adult sexual aids delivered to the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge offices during the Hillbilly-Traitor vandalism party, fewer than 200 remained when David Fry finally surrendered (I am required by law to shout Hallelujah here) and the FBI began the cleanup.
@42 Newt Hoenikker:
“Dakota Creek Vice President Mike Nelson said the company was unfamiliar with details such as the 1.5 percent standard. Company officials were also unaware that compliance could be checked beforehand by submitting plans to a Coast Guard office, he said.”
If he was “unaware” of those regulations he’s an incompetent Vice President and should lose his job over that. So one might be able to surmise that the man is just lying his ass off. He knows his ass is in a sling over this.
The truth is, they damn well know those regulations and they didn’t have the equipment to do the job themselves. That’s why they outsourced the plate forming. They tried to sneak that shit past the regulators, apparently thinking they could get away with it.
It didn’t much to do with costs of shaping that plate, it was because they just didn’t have the damn equipment to do the work themselves and there wasn’t anyone around who could contract to do so in the timeframe they needed the work to be done. It was a planning fuckup, pure and simple. If they would have contracted a domestic company for the work, the ship would have been a year behind schedule.
Dakota Creek was making enough money on their refitting business to get happy and attempt to build a ship from scratch for a customer that financed much of the costs from foreign sources, pretty much on speculation of the future of available fisheries. The folks I talk to about this were interested in the fact that the customer was pushing hard for the work to be completed by the beginning of the toothfish fishing season in the Central/South Atlantic in 2018. That’s mostly off the northeast coast of South America. They weren’t even going to start that ship’s career in American waters. There was some mention of the fact that the customer’s real intent was to use the ship for a season, then sell it to a Chilean company that seems to be already holding a fair amount of the paper on the financing.
Dirty deals, done dirt cheap. It’s possible that DC got hornswoggled on this, but there aren’t too many shipbuilders that would pass up an opportunity to make 20% over costs on a project like that so they probably made a point of “not” knowing.
Bah, hit save before I was ready.
The Russian company that is slated to purchase this ship is the one that holds the paper on this. I was going to add that the Chileans aren’t the folks running this scam, which I believe that this really is. The Russian fishery is rather infamous for flat out ripping people off. All they have to do is change the name on the ship and re-register it in Liberia or Panama or something and nobody can do a damn thing about it.
There is still a machine shop in South Seattle that is wondering if they’ll ever be paid for a pair of engine shafts that they made in 1993 for a big Russian trawler. The customer backed a truck into the shop, got it loaded, and drove away and nobody ever saw them again. The ship it was supposedly going to be installed on left port without so much as a how-do-you-do.
Why was he sent out on every Sunday show to lie? They knew it was a lie.
The Secret Service, masters of the ‘No Comment’ are not going to be thrown under the bus.
“You weakened a country today son, that’s all you did.”
Yeah, Susan Rice was never trotted out onto all five Sunday shows to relate a known lie.
Two months before a presidential election.
They knew it was a lie.
Except it was OK when Team Obama did it, apparently.
Oh the irony….
Hypocrisy is the natural state of politics.
(((Goldy))) Retweeted
Jon Talton @jontalton
Meet the swamp:
Kodiak Kickback: the quiet payoff for an Alaska senator in the Senate health bill … via @voxdotcom
I suppose this qualifies her for SecDef, amirite?
More health care dollars are needed for the unwell. Unless their premiums have increased more than 75%.
“We’re utter neophytes. We’ve never been in government. If we were ever to do something illegal it would TOTALLY be up to the Secret Service to save us from ourselves. We are the Clouseau Presidency. Every move we make it filled with slapstick bumbling. We need law enforcement to warn us BEFORE we do something.”
– GOP (The party of personal responsibility), Or words to that effect.
52-48, plus one if needed
“The White House on Monday refused to say whether President Donald Trump’s business would cease manufacturing in China and other countries during the administration’s “Made In America” week.”
Just in time for Made In America Week:
New U.S. Subprime Boom, Same Old Sins: Auto Defaults Are Soaring
Read this and trimmed my Ford holdings by a quarter.
Well, the market seems to be doing well this year. Overall, I’m up over 13% on an annualized basis. Not too bad.
And the DUMMOCRETIN loving libtards have nothing to say…
“The documents, released to The Seattle Times this month by Oregon’s Department of Human Services, also contradict public statements in recent months by Murray and his lawyer contending investigators had debunked Simpson’s allegations at the time as false.
“Wow, wow. Thank you, Jesus,” he said.”
It’s in the Seattle Times, used by HA DUMMOCRETINS to slime Republicans whenever possible by moronic twits like Roger dumb senile idiot wabbit!
This is what DUMMOCRETIN politicians do to their wards?
So shitstain steve @10,
Puddy knows you will no longer purchase or buy the following from most companies that lean DUMMOCRETIN:
Apple continues to manufacture its iPad in China.
Child labor makes the iPhone and iPod batteries
So one can say iJunk is made overseas and you DUMMOCRETINS swarm to it!
Rawlings, which makes the official baseballs of the MLB, are handmade in Costa Rica. Up to 2.4 million balls are made each year.
Production of the iconic Radio Flyer red wagon was moved to China in 2004 due to unsustainable maintenance costs of its Chicago plant!
Mattel manufactures the Barbie doll in Hong Kong.
Converse was purchased by Nike back in 2003, which promptly outsourced production to China, Thailand and India.
Levi jeans, which describes itself as the “ultimate icon of American culture,” are in fact manufactured outside America except for one particular pair made in North Carolina.
Etch A Sketch outsourced manufacturing of its doodling machine to China in 2000.
Polo Ralph Lauren uniforms for the 2012 U.S. Olympic team were made in China.
Huffy Bikes, that first bike of many American kids, have been manufactured overseas since 1999.
Monopoly, produces many of its game pieces overseas, including the green and red houses which are made in Ireland.
$3.2 million worth of American flags were imported by the U.S. in 2010 from China.
Minneapolis police shoot an Australian women. She called 911 to report an assault behind her house, and somehow one of the cops shot her while she was sitting in the cop car telling th other cop what was going on. She had come to the US to marry her fiancé.
Somebody’s got some serious ‘splaining to do!
@5 “I suppose this qualifies her for SecDef, amirite?”
No, but it might get her a minor ambassadorship, if they can’t find anyone else.
@6 “We need law enforcement to warn us BEFORE we do something.”
That’s what lawyers are for. They have lawyers, don’t they?
It’s unlikely they’re getting bad legal advice. They’re probably ignoring good legal advice.
After a decade of telling us that we’re all a bunch of fascists, the trolls spent the last thread telling us that we’re all a bunch of anti-fascists. Of course, nobody expects our trolls to make a lick of sense, much less to ever admit that they’re all a bunch of dumbfuck fascist traitors, especially the loon.
@11 Auto lending’s problems are old news. It’s been talked about for a couple years now. It doesn’t keep central bankers awake at night because the economy’s exposure to subprime auto loans is less than a tenth of what its exposure to subprime mortgage loans was. And it’s not like there’s no collateral; an uptick in defaults doesn’t mean much more than more business for repo men.
“Read this and trimmed my Ford holdings by a quarter.”
Where else can you get a 5% yield? Verizon? An MLP or REIT? I don’t see a problem with having about 2% of my portfolio in Ford stock and reinvesting the dividends elsewhere.
@ 19
Gonna be a long three anna haff years for ya, ain’t it?
@ 20
I didn’t sell the economy. I sold Ford.
You truly are a dumbfuck aren’t you?
If Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s a Ford fan with its 5% yield, just think how glad he’ll be to own the stock in a couple of months when it suddenly has a yield of 7%.
Hey Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, check out Frontier (FTR). Yield of 33% and climbing nearly daily. You can’t go wrong, I’m tellin’ ya.
“Gonna be a long three anna haff years for ya, ain’t it?”
@12 About 14% here. I would expect people following the basic investment prescriptions, which are well known, to get pretty similar results. When someone like Doctor Dumbfuck comes along and compares that to an index or someone else’s results (e.g., his), for the purpose of criticizing your results, that’s totally a red herring. The fallacy of that is assuming it’s a zero sum game when it isn’t. Nor is investing a competition for a trophy. If you’re making 13% a year, and compounding it, you’re going to be rich, and you don’t give a damn whether anyone else makes more than you. Just tune out the noise (and noisemakers like Doctor Dumbfuck) and stay focused on managing your own portfolio well. Do that, and you’ll be fine.
Back from vacay.. Didn’t check in once..
Unlike some troll moron who well… why belabor its idiot behavior?
Not much point in commenting here on trolls or klownservatics here these days..
Just watch the news and its hilarious how freaking awful they keep sinking..
@ 26
Your nails look fabulous, YLB.
@13 Well, well, waddya know, the Seattle Times was right again.
The ONLY reason it would EVER be possible to use anything from the Seattle Times to slime you is because you ARE slime and you’ve done something slimy. Jackass.
No, slug. I take back jackass; you’re a slug and you leave a slime trail everywhere you go.
@25 – This is one of those rare occassions where we agree. Personal investing is a lot like golf – you are playing against yourself to better your personal game. Nobody is perfect at the game of golf, and the same thing applies to investing. Taking the long-term view, diversifying across sectors, buying when everyone else is running for the exit, having discipline to hold to your principles when things look shitty, and remembering that delayed gratification is key to avoiding frivolous wastes of funds.
It’s not really very complicated at all.
As far as Ford is concerned, it’s about the only American car company worth a damn. Buy it on dips and hold it for a long time.
@16 The cop who shot her is a dark-skinned Somali immigrant, so Republicans are gonna have a field day with this one.
@27 anyone with a little polish looks better than your dog of a wife.
Hear about the cop arrested in PA for sexually abusing a boy? Where are all the BLUE LIVES MATTER assholes?
@21 Proves how shallow your comprehension is. First, we don’t care if you birds foul your nests. Second, the worse Republicans behave, the more fun we have with you. Please don’t run away like so many of your troll predecessors have. We’re very much looking forward to 3.5 years of holding you responsible for the GOP’s derelictions and subversions.
@ 33
You won’t live that long. Best not to begin your day until you’re sure the bleeding has stopped after you pull your u-cath.
Seeing things again? Yawwwn.. Hearing voices, phantosmia, hallucinating..
Such is the life of a klownservatic.
@34 Can’t you read a chart? The catheter was removed months ago. Only God knows when I’m going to drop dead, and you ain’t him.
“Made in America Week”
Well, well, well, John McCain is at it again, trying to look great by repealing antiquated shipping laws but at the same time willing to destroy an entire American industry in the name of “free trade”:
Two great quotes from that article:
John McCain writing: “The protectionist mentality embodied by the Jones Act directly contradicts the lessons we have learned about the benefits of a free and open market. Free trade expands economic growth, creates jobs, and lowers costs for consumers. I urge my colleagues to support this bill and finally repeal the outdated and protectionist Jones Act.”
And the analysis by the shipping industry : “No mention of the destruction of American shipbuilding and merchant marine jobs that repeal of the Jones Act would mean.”
I’ve worked under the Jones Act, while it is old and arcane, it does save our very maritime industry from being completely wiped out by cheap (read: expendable) ships and crews from foreign nations. Most people don’t realize that the first Gulf War was the first time in American history that the logistics required to support the buildup and war effort could not be met completely by US shipping.
Republicans, no shame. Willing to sell out our country for a few measly bucks and barrels of oil. McCain is a war hero, but even his father would be ashamed of him pushing this BS legislation.
@ 37
Most people don’t realize that the first Gulf War was the first time in American history that the logistics required to support the buildup and war effort could not be met completely by US shipping.
Please explain. Might this mean that there wasn’t enough available US capacity at the time, and therefore easier access to foreign capacity is necessary?
If that’s what it takes to put Hillbilly-Traitors in America’s rear view mirror.
It’s not as though you aren’t abundantly familiar with this experience. How many of your exes ground up the transmission in your MG, backed over your carbon-fiber road bikes, and dumped your Pappy into the toilet before heading off to the lawyer?
Hey, speaking @ 2 of Susan Rice, guess who’s ducking out of her planned appearance before a House panel?
Susan Rice no longer planning to testify Tuesday before House panel
The short version of “not enough capacity” means that there was not enough US flagged vessels to carry the materials needed to support the war effort. US flagged vessels require US licensed crews.
Also, to be even considered a US flagged vessel, the keel must be laid in the United States (this is a requirement of the Jones Act by the way). It is possible, and it has been done, that a keel is laid down in the US, cut up and sent over seas, and built in a foreign yard. There are a myriad of rules and regulations that cover vessel construction and manning rules. See Shipping, Title 46 CFR:
So if you are going to start a land war with a bunch of tanks, better make sure you have enough vessels that can transport your tanks and ammunition otherwise you have to rely on your allies to do it for you.
Given the propensity of Trump to grope and piss off our allies, building up our shipping industry is a road to “America First” Didn’t McCain get the memo?
One more shipping story for you.
Dakota Creek shipyards up in Anacortes made a whopper of a mistake concerning building a US flagged vessel and the rules and regulations regarding the Jones Act. In fact, the mistake was so big, it may sink the company (pun intended). They now must go crawling to Congress for an exemption.
While I certainly support Dakota Creek, they are a fine shipyard and do quality work, but someone there made huge mistake. Must have gone to the Donald Trump Jr. school of law. They had but one job to do and they screwed it up, now everyone else has to beg and grovel and may lose everything because of it.
Ohhh it’s so tough – boo hoo hoo.
How the White House and Republicans underestimated Obamacare repeal
(via POLITICO for iOS)
Meanwhile, the pathological liar in chief is at it again®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news
The guy just makes things up and his sycophantic aides are too dumb or frightened to correct him.
@41 there are no memos in Repukeland. You’ll find that the Bible is used instead of Memos. What kind of Memo can you tweet in 140 characters = Fake President.
Long Live Ireland.
@37 America’s basic strategy in WW2 was to destroy Japan’s merchant fleet and build Liberty ships faster than German U-boats could sink them. It worked; we defeated both of those countries.
Now Republicans want to send America’s merchant fleet to scrapyards and its merchant sailors to unemployment lines. That doesn’t look like smart strategy to me, nor does it suggest they’ve learned anything from history.
Plan C (drum roll) is: Unable to pass a health care bill of their own, Republicans now propose to replace “Repeal and Replace” with “Repeal and GoFundMe.”
FOOL @26,
Got more pink lace panties while in California? Puddy saw quite a few FOOLS like you all over America last week!
Sux to be you!
So much winning…
Trump on Manafort’s last day.
Did some idiot who puts HA first on vacay just fart in here?
Sure does stink. G’night!
CREW just won access to the visitor logs at Mar a Lago.
I’m afraid I have to defer to the special expertise of our trolls on this one: are peeing Russian hookers more humiliating than Jeff Guckert? – #777888iiinnnmmmzzzz
@37 Kind of predictable. It’s a pretty safe bet that shipbuilding isn’t much of a thing in Arizona.
@15 My wife’s uncle retired in the 1980’s from the last operating leather tannery in Peabody, Massachusetts. Way back then the only thing that kept the lights on there was making the little leather “swoosh” thingies that Nike sewed onto the sides of their otherwise foreign-made shoes so they could call them “American made”.
Her grandmother was the head of HR at the Eastman gelatin plant in the same town. That’s still running, but the raw materials come from elsewhere and it’s now owned by a European pharmaceutical company that uses most of its output to make capsules.
@44 It seems to be getting more and more difficult to decode the man’s gibberish sufficiently to determine whether he’s lying or not.
Did some idiot who puts HA first on vacay just fart in here?
You must be talking about yourself pink panty boy.
Puddy was with the wife enjoying vacation when we found out her best girlfriend in middle and high school lost her cousin to that NYC police assassination. You know where the crazed libtard shot her in the head! Then we changed vacation plans. What was the crazed clueless cretin doing? Probably screaming black lives matter. Well the dead policewoman was a black hispanic you FOOL! Got a post?
Sux to be the monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless malodorous ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch with the moist pink lace panty gusset!
@13 Well, well, waddya know, the Seattle Times was right again.
Yes, Ed Murray is disgusting, just like all the DUMMOCRETINS that voted for his sick ASS!
Sux to be you!
No wall.
$70 Abortion pills by mail
Gay marriage everywhere
Hundreds of thousands of Muslims entering the country every month
85% of Obama appointees still running things
Stuck with Obamacare Forever
No billionaire tax cuts
Strung out on Oxy
Hillary will never be President
No wonder conservatives are a grfters paradise
@58 “Yes, Ed Murray is disgusting, just like all the DUMMOCRETINS that voted for his sick ASS!”
You’re ascribing amazing clairvoyant powers to those voters. After all, how else could they have known about this when they voted for him? It wasn’t public knowledge until yesterday.
Trump, otoh, was/is a known quantity; and until you tell us differently, we’re going to assume you voted for his lying, thieving, traitorous ass knowing that’s what you were voting for. Which makes you something far worse even than Ed Murray himself, who is merely a child molester.
@59 They’re now trying to stuff the wall into the overseas military operations budget.
Republican budget negotiations resemble trying to put a 30-inch tall stuffed bear into a 12-inch by 18-inch by 6-inch Amazon box.
They’ll need 60 votes in the Senate or they’ll have to defend it in court.
Even in light of Yertel’s failures so far, I think they can get some Dem votes on budget with enough “bipartisan” budget bribery. But not if they include the wall. Too much Fuckface signature on that.
@63 Trump’s now calling for eliminating the filibuster, apparently not realizing Trumpcare didn’t even have 50 votes, and oblivious to how that could bite his party in the ass when they’re the minority party again.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Trump is so intellectually shallow he resembles a chess player who not only doesn’t think ahead but doesn’t understand the current play or even know how the different pieces move on the chessboard.
Democrats, like our presidents with respect to North Korea, don’t have any good options. We can’t force Trump out, but he hates the job and might quit, but if he does he’ll extract a pardon from Pence, and then we’ll be stuck with Pence in the Oval Office.
But Democrats still have the satisfaction of knowing they’re not low-life Republicans. We may be imperfect, but we’re not evil. We have a chance to get into Heaven, whereas Republicans can only look forward to forty virgins, not realizing what Hell is all about is they’ll stay virgins forever.
to kill the filibuster Yertel needs a broad consensus within his own party that Democrats are shutting down the government. The Treason Media have been pitching that bullshit without success since as far back as RyanCare. The way they sequenced this session along with the Hillbilly-Treason compulsion to run multiple victory laps after every bowel movement has prevented that notion from taking hold. They own these failures themselves. That’s partly why you have so many Senators calling for normal order with hearings, debate, and unlimited amendments. It’s interesting to contemplate how things might unfold without the filibuster. But I don’t see any reason for Traitor confidence there. As with Trumpcare, I don’t think they’ve got the votes within their own caucus. At least not in the immediate future.
Looks like as far as Obamacare is concerned the filibuster is moot. As of noon today Yertel lacks the simple majority to proceed to debate. So repeal is dead too with or without a rule change.
Makes you wonder how different things might have been for them if they’d chosen a nominee like Sandoval instead of Treason.
But then again, “Cook My Burrito Bitch!” So, what’s a Hillbilly Traitor gonna do?
Interesting and yet little mentioned fact:
Of the more than 1000 dildos and other adult sexual aids delivered to the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge offices during the Hillbilly-Traitor vandalism party, fewer than 200 remained when David Fry finally surrendered (I am required by law to shout Hallelujah here) and the FBI began the cleanup.
@42 Newt Hoenikker:
“Dakota Creek Vice President Mike Nelson said the company was unfamiliar with details such as the 1.5 percent standard. Company officials were also unaware that compliance could be checked beforehand by submitting plans to a Coast Guard office, he said.”
If he was “unaware” of those regulations he’s an incompetent Vice President and should lose his job over that. So one might be able to surmise that the man is just lying his ass off. He knows his ass is in a sling over this.
The truth is, they damn well know those regulations and they didn’t have the equipment to do the job themselves. That’s why they outsourced the plate forming. They tried to sneak that shit past the regulators, apparently thinking they could get away with it.
It didn’t much to do with costs of shaping that plate, it was because they just didn’t have the damn equipment to do the work themselves and there wasn’t anyone around who could contract to do so in the timeframe they needed the work to be done. It was a planning fuckup, pure and simple. If they would have contracted a domestic company for the work, the ship would have been a year behind schedule.
Dakota Creek was making enough money on their refitting business to get happy and attempt to build a ship from scratch for a customer that financed much of the costs from foreign sources, pretty much on speculation of the future of available fisheries. The folks I talk to about this were interested in the fact that the customer was pushing hard for the work to be completed by the beginning of the toothfish fishing season in the Central/South Atlantic in 2018. That’s mostly off the northeast coast of South America. They weren’t even going to start that ship’s career in American waters. There was some mention of the fact that the customer’s real intent was to use the ship for a season, then sell it to a Chilean company that seems to be already holding a fair amount of the paper on the financing.
Dirty deals, done dirt cheap. It’s possible that DC got hornswoggled on this, but there aren’t too many shipbuilders that would pass up an opportunity to make 20% over costs on a project like that so they probably made a point of “not” knowing.
Bah, hit save before I was ready.
The Russian company that is slated to purchase this ship is the one that holds the paper on this. I was going to add that the Chileans aren’t the folks running this scam, which I believe that this really is. The Russian fishery is rather infamous for flat out ripping people off. All they have to do is change the name on the ship and re-register it in Liberia or Panama or something and nobody can do a damn thing about it.
There is still a machine shop in South Seattle that is wondering if they’ll ever be paid for a pair of engine shafts that they made in 1993 for a big Russian trawler. The customer backed a truck into the shop, got it loaded, and drove away and nobody ever saw them again. The ship it was supposedly going to be installed on left port without so much as a how-do-you-do.